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Changing Our Date Rape Drug

Testing Protocols in Massachusetts
Why Massachusetts needs to establish new testing protocols and care for
victims of date rape drugs.

Brinly Meelia Opinion Contributor

USA Today

Published 8:00 AM ET Nov. 15, 2023

(Picture: Undercover Date Rape Drug Testing Kits)

Date rape drug testing protocols in Massachusetts

The Boston Police Department has consistently spoken about the alarming increases in drink-
spiking in the city, sparking fear among university students who frequently visit entertainment
venues like bars, restaurants, and nightclubs. Currently in Massachusetts, if you visit a hospital
for date rape drug poisoning, you must exhibit physical evidence of sexual assault prior to being
tested, making date rape drug testing much less accessible to victims.
Rohypnol fast facts
One of the most commonly associated date rape drug is known as Rohypnol, a powerful sedative
medication that can be misused to take advantage of someone without their consent. Rohypnol
poisoning, commonly known as being “roofied”, can cause various symptoms, including extreme
drowsiness, memory impairment, muscle relaxation, slurred speech, confusion, nausea, vomiting,
and difficulty with balance and coordination. Rohynpnol symptoms are extremely similar to
alcohol intoxication, making it easier for perpetrators to get away with drugging their victims.

Incidents lead to action

On October 28th, 2022, I was a victim of a suspected date rape drugging in an off-campus
setting. In response, I sought medical attention at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), one of
the top hospitals in the country.

Without any evidence of sexual criminal activities, specifically rape or sexual assault, MGH
could not proceed with the testing for date rape substances. When I questioned the attending
physician about what sexual assault had to do with my experience, she retorted by asking, "If
you were not raped, why would you even want to get tested?"

I shared my experience via social media, garnering immediate support from an audience of
nearly 700,000 individuals. Many of the respondents, predominantly women from Boston and
other major U.S. cities, reached out to me, recounting experiences strikingly similar to my own
at major hospitals. As the collective voices of young women continued to surface, a pivotal
question formed: Why do individuals need to go through a sexual assault to get a date rape drug

I then advocated for a revision of MGH's testing policy, urging for better testing protocols for
anyone suspecting they had been drugged, while also emphasizing the need for new empathy
training in the emergency department.

I later received a letter from MGH's Office of Patient Advocacy, confirming that MGH
Toxicology leadership had altered their practices. The change now allows all patients to undergo
testing if they express concerns about ingesting Rohypnol in both Mass General Hospital and
Brigham and Women’s.

However, this brief change is only a small step forward in a larger issue.

Bill S.1371: An Act establishing testing protocol and care for victims of date
rape drugs

Date rape drug poisoning is a scary and unforgettable experience for victims, regardless of
whether or they are sexually assaulted. If you enter a medical facility while suspecting some
form of date rape drugs in your system, you should be entitled to equal care and resources like
any other patient.

If you go to an emergency room suspecting that you have COVID-19, you will be tested
regardless of whether or not you have a cough or a runny nose, as well as given medications and
outside resources to fight your symptoms. Date rape drug poisoning should be held to the same
standard, and dual violation of someone’s body should not be a necessity to receive testing.

On May 25th, 2023, the Massachusetts State Senate unanimously approved Bill S.1371 “An Act
establishing testing protocol and care for victims of date rape drugs” to move forward in the
legislative process, which proposes testing will be available to anyone in Massachusetts who
suspects they have ingested date rape drugs.

The Bill also includes a sexual assault task force implementation in all Massachusetts hospitals
and bulk purchases of date-rape drug tests, which will be distributed to bars, restaurants, and
nightlife venues throughout the state. Additionally, it will provide support for the Department of
Public Health (DPH) for public awareness of the national date rape drug issue.

While still awaiting a decision from the committee on Health Care Financing, Senator Paul
Feeney of Bristol County, one of the main Bill legislators, has stated that “For our constituents,
we want to make sure [that they know] is taking them seriously….and that this Senate and the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts is listening to them… This is just one step in part of a larger

The future of date rape drug victims’ prevention and care

We must push for the passing of this Bill through our voices and personal advocacy - no one
should have to be sexually violated to have them discover what was put into their body. My
experience, along with the hundreds of similar stories, has pushed many individuals away from
pursuing care, therefore leading to a large gap in date rape drug data.

Individuals deserve to feel comfortable in their environments, whether at a bar, restaurant, or any
other outside venue. The passing of Bill S.1371 will not only prevent experiences like mine from
ever happening again but also allow people to properly care for and test their drinks whenever

Boston Herald. (2023, May 25). After an alarming increase in Boston area roofie reports,
Massachusetts looks to give out drink spiking test kits.

There’s a Huge Sense of Fear: Discussion of Date Rape Substance Use Increased During
the Last Two Terms, Students Say. (2022, May [day of publication not available]). The
Drug Enforcement Administration. (n.d.). Rohypnol.

Massachusetts General Hospital. (2022). Mass General named a top hospital in America
by U.S. News & World Report 2022.

NBC Boston. (n.d.). Drugged drinks survivors push for bill to require hospital testing.

Massachusetts Legislature. (n.d.). S.1371 - An Act establishing a task force on toxicology

and date rape drug testing.

Massachusetts Drink Spiking Bill Passes. (2023, May 25). Boston Magazine.

WHDH 7News. (n.d.). Advocates support state bill to increase support for date rape drug
survivors with taskforce testing.
increase-support-for-date-rape-drug-survivors-with-taskforce-testing/ (2022, October 28). Concerns of drugged drinks are on the rise in Boston,
but data remains elusive.

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