Chia R. A Rhizomic Model of Org Change

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British Journal of Management, Vol.

10, 209–227 (1999)

A ‘Rhizomic’ Model of Organizational

Change and Transformation:
Perspective from a
Metaphysics of Change1
Robert Chia
Essex Management Centre, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ, UK

We are not good at thinking movement. Our instinctive skills favour the fixed and the
static, the separate and the self-contained. Taxonomies, hierarchies, systems and struc-
tures represent the instinctive vocabulary of institutionalized thought in its determined
subordinating of flux, movement, change and transformation. Our dominant models of
change in general and organizational change in particular are, therefore, paradoxically
couched in the language of stasis and equilibrium. This paper seeks to offer an alter-
native model of change which, it is claimed, affords a better understanding of the inher-
ent dynamic complexities and intrinsic indeterminacy of organization transformational

Introduction and economic pressures brought about by the

increasing complexification of economic and
It has become almost a truism to assert that we social transactions, the relentless advances of
live in an age of unprecedented change and trans- technology, changing cultural attitudes, and shift-
formation, in which the rapidity and irreversibil- ing ideological and political affiliations, captains
ity of such changes are said to be fundamentally of industry and public policy-makers, amongst
affecting every aspect of modern life. It has also others, are finding themselves more and more
become a major preoccupation amongst manage- inundated with conflicting and often apparently
ment and organizational theorists alike to point out incommensurable decisional imperatives, which
that organizations are increasingly finding them- none the less demand some sort of coherent stra-
selves under constant pressure to creatively adapt tegic response.
and respond to such changes in order to remain Nowhere is this concern for the changing
profitably viable and/or morally and ethically organizational environment and its effects more
attractive to a widening spectrum of organiza- emphatically made than in the current literature
tional stakeholders (Kanter, Stein and Jick, 1992; on the management of change, renewal and trans-
Kilmann, 1989; Nadler, 1998). It is argued that, formation (Beckhard and Harris, 1987; Pettigrew
amidst this bewildering array of socio-political and Whipp, 1991; Quinn and Cameron, 1989;
Tichy, 1983). There is also a growing realization
that our current theories of change are not
An earlier version of this paper was first presented at sufficiently ‘process-based’ to adequately capture
the Annual British Academy of Management Confer- the dynamics of change. This has led the American
ence, Nottingham University, September 1998. I thank
the two anonymous referees for their constructive Academy of Management (AOM) recently to call
comments, which have helped to strengthen the argu- for papers that specifically address the issue of
ments made in this paper. change from a processual perspective. ‘Learning

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210 R. Chia

to think temporally and processually’ they main- ability to accurately represent such a reality using
tain ‘are increasingly important skills for scholars established symbols, concepts and categories pre-
and practitioners’ alike (AOM call for papers, cisely because reality is ever-changing and hence
July 1998). resistant to description in terms of fixed cat-
Yet, despite this heightened awareness, the egories. All representational attempts, according
dominant approach to the analysis of change con- to this view, are forms of human abstraction em-
tinues to view the latter as something ‘excep- anating from our will to order. Representations
tional’ rather than as a sine qua non of all living do not simply correspond to reality. Rather they
systems, including especially social systems. There are simplifying devices which enable us to deal
has been little attempt to understand the nature with what would otherwise be an intractable
of change on its own terms and to treat stability, reality indifferent to our causes. Such a meta-
order and organization as exceptional states. This physical position, therefore, accepts ontological
is because, for most of us, our deeply ingrained realism, but rejects epistemological realism in
habits of thought surreptitiously work to elevate favour of constructivism/social constructionism.2
notions of order, stability, discreteness, simple This metaphysical ‘reversal’ has radical con-
location, identity and permanence over disorder, sequences for our understanding of the funda-
flux, interpenetration, dispersal, difference and mental character of organization and change. It
change. Our understanding of the social world implies that what we experience as objective
is thereby conceptualized through the overly organizational reality is in fact aggregatively built
dominant static categories that obscure a logic of up of interlocking acts of ‘arresting’, ‘locating’,
observational ordering based on the represen- ‘regularizing’ and ‘stabilizing’ arbitrary portions
tationalist principles of division, location, isolation, of an intrinsically fluxing and transforming ‘real’
classification and the elevation of self-identity. into a coherent, liveable social world. In other
The widespread use of typologies, hierarchies, words, organization, for process metaphysicians,
systems and structures as well as other forms of is an essentially human accomplishment involving
taxonomic classification in the analysis of organ- the deliberate ‘slowing down’ and fixing of reality.
izational reality, for example, is one striking Taken in this light ‘organization’ and ‘change’
instance of this pervasive tendency in academic must be construed, not as complementary terms,
theorizing (see for instance, Kanter, Stein and but as intrinsically opposing tendencies which
Jick, 1992; Kilmann, 1983; Tushman and Romanelli, create the inevitable tensions and contradictions
1985; Van de Ven and Poole, 1995; Wilson, 1992). that are so vividly displayed in our living en-
Typologies, taxonomies and classification schemas counters with organizational reality. These oppos-
are convenient but essentially reductionistic ing tendencies provide the necessary creative
methods for abstracting, fixing and labelling what tensions for the natural process of organizational
is an intrinsically changing, fluxing and transform- evolution and transformation to take place of
ing social reality. Whilst they may serve as con- their own volition. This means that an alternative
venient handles for identifying the different types conceptualization of the organizational change
of organizational change processes observed, they process must be formulated which takes into
do not get at the heart of the phenomenon of account the inherent dynamic complexities and
change itself. intrinsic indeterminacy of organization transforma-
This paper draws on a relatively forgotten tional processes. Against the dominant evolution-
tradition of process philosophers to throw fresh ary, contextualist, and punctuated equilibrium
light on to the true nature of change, and to ex- (Kanter, Stein and Jick, 1992; Miller and Friessen,
plore genuinely alternative approaches to the 1980; Pettigrew, 1987; Tushman and Romanelli,
understanding of organizational change, renewal 1985; Van de Ven and Poole, 1995) models of
and transformation. It pits a metaphysics of change, change, we offer a rhizomic model of the change
in which primacy is accorded to movement, change
and transformation, against the still-dominant
Parmenidean-inspired metaphysics of substance This position is described in a previous paper as
‘becoming-realism’, in contrast to the dominant posi-
which elevates stability, permanence and order. A tion of ‘being-realism’ adopted by much of the liter-
metaphysics of change acknowledges the exist- ature on management and organization studies. For a
ence of an external fluxing reality, but denies our more comprehensive argument, see Chia (1995, 1996).

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A ‘Rhizomic’ Model of Organizational Change and Transformation 211

process, in which the precarious, tentative and desirable state of affairs. Change is not regarded
heterogeneous network-strengthening features of as an intrinsic and ongoing condition of all living
actor-alliances are accentuated. In place of the relational configurations, including especially what
still-dominant bounded ‘systems’ view of social we call ‘organizations’, but as something which
realities, it is argued here that, thinking in terms requires external intervention and which occupies
of the heterogeneous becoming of organizational the temporal space between otherwise stable states
transformation, the otherness of organizational of existence. In other words, change is either
outcomes and the immanent continuity of organ- paradoxically thought of in ‘state-like’ terms, or,
izational traces, will enable us to develop an as merely an epiphenomenon of primarily stable
alternative set of conceptual lenses for under- and self-identical social entities. Such a view
standing the inherently creative nature of change remains prevalent even in the more ‘process-
processes occurring in organizational renewal and conscious’ change theorists. Whilst the reality
transformation. of change is often acknowledged, organizational
Such a radical departure from the familiar change theorists remain unable to understand
modes of organizational theorizing implies that change from its own standpoint. For example,
the very strategies and priorities involved in the Kanter, Stein and Jick (1992) invoke the Hera-
‘management of change’ must be critically re- clitean dictum; ‘Nothing endures but change’ to
assessed. If we follow the logic of this alternative emphasize the reality of change in today’s world.
metaphysics of change to its logical conclusion, it They acknowledge that the modern idea of change,
would imply that the management of change must, however, ‘typically assumes that it involves move-
accordingly, entail, not the deliberate change- ment between some discrete and rather fixed
oriented form of external intervention so much “states”, so that organizational change is a matter
preferred by conventional organizational change of being in State 1 at Time 1 and State 2 at Time
theorists and practitioners, but the alternative 2.’ (Kanter, Stein, and Jick, 1992, p. 9). This view
relaxing of the artificially-imposed (that is, of change, they claim, is best exemplified by Kurt
culturally-inspired) structures of relations; the Lewin’s famous three-stage model of change:
loosening up of organization. Such a relaxing ‘unfreeze, changing, refreezing’. They then go on
strategy will allow the intrinsic change forces, to criticize this view as ‘quaintly linear and static
always kept in check by the restrictive bonds of . . . so wildly inappropriate that it is difficult to see
organization, to express themselves naturally why it has not only survived but prospered’ (ibid.,
and creatively. According to this understanding, p. 10). Yet when it came to their own formulation
therefore, change occurs naturally and of its own of the ‘Big Three’ model of change, it turns out
volition once the invisible hand of cultural inter- that this is, at bottom, not all that different from
vention is removed. Such a metaphysical orienta- Lewin’s apparently static formulation.
tion eschews the control-oriented strategies In their model Kanter, Stein and Jick identify
preferred in conventional approaches to man- three types of change: macroevolutionary change
aging change. It is this radical contrast to such involving a change in identity of the entity as it
popular theories of organizational change and its relates to its external environment; micro-
consequences for the strategies adopted, which evolutionary change in which the internal
are examined in some detail in this paper. coordinative mechanisms are adjusted to take into
account growth, ageing and progress; and finally,
political changes involving shifts in control and
Current conceptualizations of vested interests (1992, pp. 14–15). Further on in
organizational change and their book they identify five ‘events’ which bring
transformation about change in organizations: grassroot innov-
ations; crisis or galvanizing events; strategic
Organizational change, according to the dom- decisions; individual implementors and change
inant management literature, implicitly regards champions; and action vehicles (pp. 497–503). How
the process of change as that often irksome, but the last two elements can be construed as events
necessary, transitory phase which organizations, as is somewhat baffling. For now, however, I shall
concrete, circumscribed entities, somehow have concentrate on the underlying assumptions which
to endure in order to attain a supposedly more inform their ‘Big Three’ model of change.

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212 R. Chia

Whilst it is clear that Kanter, Stein and Jick, (1994), Ford and Ford (1994, 1995), Pettigrew
have much sympathy for the primacy and per- (1987), Van de Ven (1987), Weick (1998) and
vasiveness of change, it is also clear that they are Wilson (1992), have puzzled over this issue
not able to conceptualize it in ‘changeful’ terms. and attempted reformulations or offered useful
By typologizing and listing the types of change insights into the problem of understanding and
and how they are initiated, we are dealing only researching organizational change.
with their effects and sources, not the nature of For instance, Pettigrew is now well known for
change itself. Their natural ‘bias’ towards order, his insistence on the need to study change ‘in
stasis and equilibrium shows up again when they context’. As he rightly points out, any rigorous
maintain that ‘Organizationally speaking, any- study of strategic organizational change should
thing that is unique is not worth much attention emphasize the need to ‘explore content, context
because it is not organizational behaviour . . . if and process linkages’ (Pettigrew, 1987, p. 6). He
there is no underlying pattern and no evidence maintains that any robust theory of change that is
that one is developing, it is not organizationally adequate to the task ‘would simultaneously have
important’ (p. 11). But the problem with this out- to explain forces of stability and change, including
look is that what is essentially unique is change, exogenous and endogenous sources of change,
since it is change that actually works to produce link phenomena at micro and macro levels of
an emergent pattern which only becomes evident analysis and deal with issues about the rate, pace
retrospectively. So that by refusing to attend to and direction of change’ (ibid., p. 6). Pettigrew
the temporal spaces between pattern-emergence, is clearly aware of the inherent ‘slipperiness’ of
Kanter, Stein and Jick, cannot ever really think understanding and theorizing change. Thus, he
change on its own terms. All they can and do do insists that sound research on change ought to
is record the outcomes of change. This tendency involve ‘the continuous interplay among ideas
to reduce motion and change into static states has about the context, the process and the content
been roundly criticized by the French philosopher of change, together with skill in regulating the
Henri Bergson. For Bergson: relations among the three’ (Pettigrew, 1987, p. 6).
Expressed in this manner, however, change, con-
‘We argue about movement as though it were text and process take on ‘thing-like’ characteristics
made of immobilities and, when we look at it, it is rather than as dynamic flux and transformation.
with immobilities that we reconstitute it. Move-
Others such as Wilson (1992) have attempted to
ment for us is a position, then another position,
and so on indefinitely. We say, it is true, that there
provide a typology of different approaches to
must be something else, and that from one posi- change. He makes useful distinctions between
tion to another there is the passage by which the ‘planned change’, the ‘force field analysis’ of how
interval is cleared. But as soon as we fix our atten- change comes about, the ‘emergent change’
tion on this passage, we immediately make of it a perspective and the ‘contextualism’ inspired by
series of positions, even though we still admit that Pettigrew’s study of strategic change. Wilson
between two successive positions one must indeed draws our attention to the essentially temporal
assume a passage. We put this passage off indefin- nature of change and cites the research of Whipp
itely the moment we have to consider it. We admit and Clark (1986), to show that there is an
that it exists, we give it a name; that is enough for important distinction to be made between ‘clock-
us: once that point has been satisfactorily settled
time’ and ‘perceived time’ when attempting to
we turn to the positions preferring to deal with
them alone. We have an instinctive fear of those
understand the experiences of change in organ-
difficulties, which the vision of movement as move- izations. However, whilst usefully alluding to the
ment would arouse in our thought.’ (Bergson, importance of this distinction, Wilson, like many
1992, p. 145). others, does not critically examine how this dis-
tinction has come about and what it really means
Kanter, Stein and Jick are not the only ones for our understanding of organization and change.
who are fazed by this problem, however. This is As we shall see in a later section when we discuss
a widespread academic tendency traceable to the the Bergsonian critique of ‘clock-time’, this con-
intellectual roots of Western civilization as we fusion results from a total misunderstanding
shall show in the following section. Many other of movement and trajectory, conflating one with
reflective change theorists such as Dawson the other, and hence resulting in the form of

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A ‘Rhizomic’ Model of Organizational Change and Transformation 213

‘counterfeit’ time that is widely used in the change. In this model, change is deemed to occur
analysis of organizational change. most of the time incrementally and imminently.
Perhaps Van de Ven’s (1987) thoughtful piece However, this process is intermittently punctu-
provides one of the first rigorous attempts to ated by ‘discontinuous periods of externally stimu-
theorize change in processual terms, albeit inad- lated epigenesis’ (Van de Ven, 1987, pp. 338–339).
equately from the Bergsonian point of view. He Van de Ven’s attempts, together with the
begins by first attempting to define change. For attempts of the other change theorists previously
him, change is ‘an empirical observation of differ- discussed, to rigorously outline the requirements
ence in time on one or more dimensions of an of an adequate theory of change and to system-
entity’ (Van de Ven, 1987, p. 331, emphasis in the atically work towards a satisfactory model are to
original) and argues that ‘Change without refer- be commended. However, it is argued here that
ence to an object is meaningless’. As we shall see they are all too steeped in the dominant meta-
in a later section, this position is refutable for it physical tradition circumscribing Western thought
assumes a priori, the primacy of substance over to be able to recognize that an intellectual ‘leap’
process. Change does not necessarily imply nor outside of this all-pervasive Parmenidean-
require the change of an object. However, for the inspired mode of thought is required to begin to
present, Van de Ven makes another useful con- articulate a truly changeful and processual theory
tribution by distinguishing the ‘process of change’ of change. This is something which Ford and Ford
from change itself. For him, ‘the process of change (1994) begin to approach in their discussion of
is an inference of a latent pattern of differences alternative logics of change. For Ford and Ford,
noted in time’. Thus, change processes, for Van de most theories of change can be grouped under
Ven, are not empirical observations, but con- either the ‘replacement’ logic of change or a dia-
ceptual inferences about ‘the temporal ordering lectical logic of change. In the former, change is
of relationships among observed changes’ (ibid., deemed to occur when ‘one entity sequentially
p. 331, emphasis in the original). More critically takes the place of or substitutes for a second’
for our discussion here, Van de Ven maintains that (Ford and Ford, 1994, p. 773). Thus, Lewin’s
motion or movement in themselves do not con- model of change may be classifiable under this
stitute change ‘although each is in some degree category as may most of the more linear, se-
involved in change’ (ibid., p. 331). How such quential ones, including Kanter, Stein and Jicks’
movement is ‘involved’ in change, however, model of change and the idea of ‘emergent’
remains a mystery. By formulating distinctions in change. In the dialectical model of change on the
this way, Van de Ven seeks to articulate the basic other, change occurs when ‘there is a sufficient
conditions for a robust theory of change that will increase in quantity to produce a shift in quality’
simultaneously explain: (ibid., p. 775). Unlike the replacement logic
of change, dialectics assumes that ‘entities are
(a) how structure and individual purposive unities of contradictions (thesis and antithesis)
action are linked at micro and macro levels that continue to “work at each other” until one
of analysis; dominates’ (ibid., p. 775). This logic of change is
(b) how change is produced both by the internal what underpins Van de Ven’s punctuated equil-
functioning of the structure and by the ibrium model of change.
external purposive actions of individuals; Ford and Ford (1994) propose an alternative
(c) stability and instability; and trialectic logic of change based upon the belief
(d) how time can be included as a key historical that:
‘. . . there are no things in the world other than
To this end, he imaginatively borrows and ex-
change, movement or process. Things such as
amines the relevance of mathematical and bio- people, organizations, and ideas, are all names
logical concepts to throw light on the processes given to abstractions of what are identifiable and
and generative ‘motors’ of change. He finally relatively constant patterns of movement extend-
settles for a ‘Punctuated Equilibrium Model of ing over the whole universe . . . these identifiable
Change’ which, in his view, reconciles both evolu- states are termed material manifestation points.’
tionary and accumulation (epigenetic) theories of (Ford and Ford, 1994, p. 765)

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214 R. Chia

For Ford and Ford, change is driven by forces of whilst Parmenides, his successor, insisted upon
attraction which result in these material mani- the permanent and unchangeable nature of reality.
festation points (MMPs) arising as semi-stabilized The history of Western thought, ever since Plato,
states. ‘MMPs are temporary “resting points”, in has, therefore, been little more than a continuing
which an equilibrium of energy is made manifest, series of footnote attempts at synthesizing these
and it is this equilibrium that gives stability’ (Ford two great but apparently irreconcilable intellectual
and Ford, 1994, p. 766).3 In subscribing to the traditions. One emphasizes reality as inclusively
primacy of change over substance and in showing processual, the other privileging a homeostatic and
that the latter can be understood as momentary entitative conception of reality (Rescher, 1996).
manifest expressions, or temporary stabilizations After more than two thousand years of monu-
of the former, Ford and Ford begin to approach mental deliberations on these legacies, through
the kind of truly processual understanding of the seminal interventions of Aristotle, it is the
change which this paper advocates. However, the Parmenidean mindset which has decisively pre-
view taken here is that Ford and Ford’s trialectics, vailed over Heraclitean thinking in the West and
attractive though it may be, falls short of a full- has led to the kind of impressive achievements in
blown changeful theory of change which is able to the sciences that has made it the envy of the rest
remain faithful to the reality of lived experience. of the world. The predictive successes of New-
This is because it still, albeit implicitly, presup- tonian physics over three centuries ago decisively
poses linearity, homogeneity and determinacy in inspired the resurgence of Greek atomism which,
its formulation. Lived reality, however, is not just despite recent attempts to replace it as a dominant
changeful, but inextricably complex, heterogen- metaphysical template, remains deeply entrenched
eous, multiple and surprisingly novel at every in the Western psyche. The consequences of this
turn. What is needed, therefore, is a mode of for the direction which management and organ-
theorizing that is more able to account for this izational change theorizing has taken must not
heterogeneity, and the consequent issues of be underestimated. Indeed, it has instilled a set
indeterminacy and surprise that forms a common of instinctive ‘readinesses’ (Vickers, 1965, p. 67)
part of our experience of organizational life. amongst Western management academics to
construe organizational change as a ‘problem’
which needs to be ‘managed’. This predisposition
Two Western cosmologies and remains endemic in the literature on organiza-
their consequences tional change.

Western modes of thought are underpinned by

A metaphysics of substance/presence
two great and competing pre-Socratic cosmol-
ogies that provided and continue to provide the Contemporary theorizing within the natural and
most general conceptual categories for organizing social sciences is circumscribed by a metaphysical
thought and directing human effort. Heraclitus, a mindset which tacitly presupposes the necessary
native of Ephesus in ancient Greece emphasized existence of enduring spatio-temporal and phys-
the primacy of a changeable and emergent world, ical forms of order underlying the presentation of
reality. Thus, the Newtonian description of matter
uncritically assumes an entitative conception of
What Ford and Ford (1994) are effectively saying reality in which clear-cut, definite things are deemed
here is that apparently circumscribed entities such as to occupy clear-cut, definite places in space and
people, organizations and ideas are really the simplify- time. In his penetrating critical appraisal of
ing effects of our visually-defined forms of understand-
ing. The boundaries which we take to be naturally science in the modern world, Whitehead (1985,
circumscribing these apparently discrete entities, and p. 61) called this the mistaken assumption of
which thereby make them appear obvious and self- ‘simple location’ whereby matter and hence causal
identical, are a consequence of inheriting an observa- mechanisms are assumed to be simply locatable at
tional order that has been so dramatically shaped by specific coordinate points in space-time. This
the alphabetization of the Western world as Marshall
McLuhan (1967) so convincingly argues. In effect to privileging of an entitative conception of reality
talk and think in this way is to overlook the socially generates an attitude that assumes the possibility
constructed nature of systems and boundaries. and desirability of symbolically representing the

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A ‘Rhizomic’ Model of Organizational Change and Transformation 215

diverse aspects of our phenomenal experiences, of basic Newtonian entities, rather than as funda-
using an established and atemporal repository of mentally constitutive of the latter. It is this still-
conceptual categories and terms for the purposes dominant paradigm of thought which has shaped
of classification and description. For it is only the direction of research in the natural and social
when portions of reality are assumed to be fixable sciences in general, and organizational change
in space-time, and are relatively unchanging, that in particular. Thus, Schein’s unfreeze-change-
they can be adequately represented by words and refreeze formulation is clearly inspired by this
concepts. classical world-view. In fact, all change theories
A ‘correspondence theory of truth’ is thus underpinned by what Ford and Ford (1994) identi-
assumed, in which linguistic terms are taken to fied as the ‘change-through-replacement’ logic can
be accurately representing an external world of be directly attributed to this Newtonian mindset.
discrete and identifiable objects, forces and This pervasive commitment to an ontology of
generative mechanisms. This representationalist being which privileges outcomes and end-states
epistemology also implies that it is more import- rather than an ontology of becoming in which
ant to focus on the outcomes of change rather movement, process and emergence are empha-
than on the process of change itself. Change, sized, implies that it is generically unsuited to the
according to this view, is merely that transitory task of representing the true nature of processual
phase which is necessary for bridging the various change on its own terms. To be sure, change is
stages of any evolutionary process. Underlying acknowledged to occur, in this cosmological
this intellectual attitude is an unshakeable assump- schema. However, such changes are deemed to
tion that reality is essentially discrete, substantial merely signal the often-necessary transition from
and enduring. It is this fundamental ontological one relatively stable state to another. In other
assumption which provides the inspiration for the words, change is either construed paradoxically in
scientific obsession with precision, accuracy and a static sense, or as an epiphenomenon of pri-
parsimony in representing and explaining social marily stabilized entities. This oscillating stance
and material phenomena, since these are now results from an inadequate working through of
regarded as relatively stable entities. the logical tensions resulting from an unques-
For Whitehead (1985), this apparently unprob- tioned commitment to the ontology of being. One
lematic assumption of the simple location of example of the kind of logical puzzles created by
matter, was what enabled Newtonian science to this substance metaphysics is illustrated by what is
achieve the level of success it did. By postulating commonly referred to as Zeno’s paradoxes.
the prior existence of discrete and isolatable The problem of how fixed and enduring sub-
entities in space-time, it allowed Newton to for- stances can act to destabilize their world so as to
mulate his now-famous Laws of Motion. It also bring new states of affairs into being has be-
enabled the associated concept of causality, to devilled substance metaphysicians from the very
become, therefore, an invaluable conceptual in- outset. For Parmenides, all such change is illusory.
strument for relinking these (initially assumed) True reality is permanent, fixed and unchanging.
isolated entities so that their observed behaviours This position was strongly supported by Zeno of
could be adequately accounted for in a coherent Elea, a follower of Parmenides, who was perhaps
system of explanation.4 Moreover, according to the first to draw attention to the logical absurdity
this Newtonian view, the state of ‘rest’ is con- of movement and change, and to thereby cause
sidered normal, whilst movement is regarded Plato and others who followed in his footsteps to
as an essentially transitory phase from one stable seek a true and coherent reality in that which did
state to another. In this way, change, flux and not change. Zeno is said to have formulated some
transformation are construed as epiphenomena forty logical paradoxes, of which only four seem
to have survived. These four, the Dichotomy, the
Achilles, the Arrow and the Stadium, all point to
Pre-Newtonian knowledge of phenomena, as the patent absurdity of movement and change.
Foucault (1970) so convincingly demonstrated, was For instance, in the Arrow, the problem is formu-
based upon the notions of resemblance, resonance, re-
cursion and proximity rather than on causal realations. lated thus: ‘At each moment of an arrow’s flight
For a more detailed discussion of this point see Chia it is at a certain place, exactly equal to its own
(1996, pp. 39–43). length so that at no moment can it occupy a place

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216 R. Chia

greater than its own length. Therefore, logically, increasingly clear that some of his assumptions
there are no moments left when it could move were questionable. Bergson (1991), for instance,
from one place to another, so that it, in fact, never in Matter and Memory, maintained that Zeno’s
moves at all.’ paradoxes were nothing but ‘false problems’. For
Likewise, in the case of Achilles and the him, Zeno confused movement with trajectory.
tortoise, Achilles races against the tortoise whom One is the actual event of movement, the other is
he generously but fatally, so it seems, allowed a the computed distance travelled. For Bergson, the
head start. For, according to Zeno, Achilles must trajectory is indeed infinitely divisible but real
first reach the tortoise’s starting point in order movement is not. Movement is the only thing that
to catch up with the tortoise. However, while happens in time. It occurs as a single unity. Thus
he does so the tortoise has moved on to a new the arrow simply flies through the air and never is
position so that Achilles must now reach this new at any one point at an instant, because there are
position. Again when he does this the tortoise has, no instants in real processual time (which Bergson
yet again, moved on to a third position so that calls dureé). Zeno, thus, is guilty of mistaking
Achilles is never able, according to this logic, to movement and duration for the infinite number
catch up with the tortoise. In effect Achilles has to of possible points on a line of trajectory: an error
do infinitely many things before overtaking the we all too commonly make when we mistake
tortoise. Like the previous example, Zeno again clock-time for our experience of time. Or, to put it
concludes that movement and change are impos- in more familiar terms, Zeno is guilty of mistaking
sible and therefore false. the ‘map for the territory’.
Both these examples appear to vindicate the Likewise, Achilles simply moves until he catches
Parmenidean view of reality. However, this up with his tortoise, no matter what we say about
view was subsequently modified by Democritus, the ground over which he moves. It, therefore,
amongst others, to accommodate the possibility becomes more evident through these two ex-
of change. Thus, we end up today with a modified amples that what process theorists like Bergson
entitative world-view, in which it is acknowledged are attacking about the metaphysics of substance/
that reality is actually made up of discrete, atomic presence is the uncritical adoption of a view which
entities which are capable of entering into a dogmatically analyses movement into a set of
variety of combinations forming and reforming rests; a kind of ‘counterfeit movement’. This aca-
into different configurational structures. As Harré demic practice underpins not just neo-Darwinian
(1981) puts it: evolutionary theory, but virtually every modern
conceptualization of time and movement. First
‘Then the atoms would be Parmenidean, but the time, and then movement are conveniently con-
changing organization of the Parmenidean atom strued in spatial terms and thereby rendered
into temporary structures would lead to the appear-
infinitely divisible. From this, time and movement
ance of change. The ordinary things in the world,
which are certainly perishable and come into ex-
are then reformulated as discrete, digitalized
istence, would, on this view, have to be temporary quantities amenable to mathematical formulation
conglomerations of permanent atoms.’ (Harré, and logical manipulation. The result is an abstract
1981, p. 105, emphasis in the original) version of time which bears no resemblance to
our lived experience. For Bergson, all real move-
The upshot is that a Parmenidean-inspired meta- ment and change is indivisible and cannot be
physics of substance is retained, in which change treated as a series of distinct states that form, as
is absorbed and incorporated as a secondary it were, a line in time. Bergson’s main claim is that
feature or epiphenomenon of reality. It is this the temporal structure of our experience does not
modified mindset which underpins contemporary consist in putting together given discrete items.
theories of organizational change. On the contrary, so-called discrete elements are
only apparent when we have a need to pluck them
from our continuing experience in order to rep-
The critique of the metaphysics of
resent them in spatial terms. This overpowering
tendency to spatialize time provides the dominant
Whilst Zeno seemingly ‘proved’ logically that mode of thought governing our comprehension of
movement and change were impossible, it became reality. One of Bergson’s crucial contributions,

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A ‘Rhizomic’ Model of Organizational Change and Transformation 217

therefore, is to alert us to the important dis- radically alternative view for understanding move-
tinction between the time of consciousness, temps ment and change in general, and organizational
vécu, and the time of the physicist or the clock change and the emergence of novelty in par-
time of everyday use. Whereas the latter consists ticular. According to this revised perspective, our
of discrete points juxtaposed in a homogeneous experience of the world around us, particularly of
medium, which has all the characteristics of space, what we call ‘living systems’ is one of inherent
the former is duration, a fusion of heterogeneous becoming and perishing.
instants, an indivisible flux and becoming. Time, Rescher (1996) points out that ‘becoming and
as the physicist understand it, is not, it turns out, change – the origination, flourishing and passing
an absolute dimension of the real, but a figment of the old and the innovating emergence of ever-
of our imagination, as Eoyang (1989, p. 280) per- new existence – constitutes the central themes
ceptively argues. What is real is lived time. And, of process metaphysics’ (Rescher, 1996, p. 28).
this sense of time is only made possible because of For him, process metaphysics privileges change
the changeful character of reality. What organ- over persistence, activity over substance, process
izational change theorists have singularly failed to over product and novelty over continuity. It rejects
appreciate is that ‘clock time’ and the concept of what Rescher calls the process reducibility thesis,
movement associated with it (trajectory), cannot whereby processes are often assumed to be pro-
deliver a truly empirically grounded model of cesses of primary substances. Instead, it insists
change. It is tantamount to attempting to recon- that ‘things’ are no more than ‘stability waves in a
stitute reality from a series of frozen snapshots. sea of process’ (Rescher, 1996, p. 53). This is
What is created is a ‘counterfeit’ version of change reminescent of Ford and Ford’s (1994) idea of
in general and organizational change in particular. ‘material manifestation points’ which we have
previously discussed. Rescher points out that
adopting a process ontology greatly simplifies
A metaphysics of process
matter for our understanding of the material and
The belief that ‘all things flow’ and are in a con- social worlds because, instead of a two-tier reality
tinuous process of becoming and perishing of ‘things’ and their ‘processes’, it settles for pro-
remains one of the most enduring, albeit vague, cesses alone, and considers things to be essentially
generalisations which the unsystematized and manifest moments of these primary processes. It is
barely analysed intuition of mankind has pro- this revised cosmology which is able to cast new
duced. In the West, it appeared as one of the first light on the fundamental nature of organization
propositions of pre-Socratic Greek philosophy in and change. Against the metaphysics of substance/
the form of the writings of Heraclitus. Since then, presence, we pit a metaphysics of change/process
it has resurfaced in the work of Leibniz, and more where primacy is accorded to ceaseless movement,
recently in the philosophical explorations of change and transformation. Such a metaphysical
Henri Bergson (1913a, 1913b, 1992) and in the ‘reversal’ has radical consequences for our under-
process philosophical expositions of Alfred North standing of organization, change and the creative
Whitehead (1929, 1938, 1985). Whitehead, for one, nature of evolution.
insists that if we are to go back to that ultimate
pristine experience unwarped by the sophistica-
tion of theory, the ‘flux of things is one ultimate Axioms of process metaphysics
generalisation around which we must weave our
philosophical system’ (Whitehead, 1929, p. 240). Three enduring axioms are traceable in a process-
Likewise, Bergson maintained that ‘It is move- metaphysical approach to understanding our
ment (i.e., change) that we must accustom our- phenomenal experiences of change. They are
selves to look upon as simplest and clearest, variously accentuated in each of the work of
immobility being only the extreme limit of the process theorists such as Bergson and Whitehead
slowing down of movement, a limit reached only, and more recently in the work of Deleuze (1988),
perhaps, in thought and never realised in nature’ Deleuze and Guattari (1988) and Serres (1982), in
(Bergson, 1913a, p. 44). It is this resurrecting of the particular. First, there is an unequivocal commit-
primacy of movement and change over that of ment to a process epistemology and to thinking
stabilised entities and end-states which provides a the heterogeneous becoming of things. Second,

Copyright ©2001. All Rights Reserved.

218 R. Chia

phenomena are to be interrogated through the 1976, p. 999). Thus, the form of process derives its
logic of otherness and third, a principle of im- character from the structure of the individual-
manence underpins the presentation of everyday ities involved, and the character of the individu-
objects of knowledge. These three metaphysical alities can only be understood in terms of the
axioms will be discussed in some detail below. processes in which they are implicated. The actual
world is fundamentally in a continuous process
of becoming so that every phenomenon of which
Process epistemology and the heterogeneous
we are aware – from galaxies to electrons, from
becoming of things
human beings to amoebae, from human societies
Process epistemology begins with the funda- and families of crystals to nursery rhymes and
mental assertion that the actual world is a creational myths – each exists as a stabilized
‘process, and that that process is the becoming of moment in a process of continual becoming. Thus,
actual entities’ (Whitehead, 1929, p. 26). Primacy, there are no primary, fixed entities, no ultimate
in this instance, is accorded to the changeable and terms or essences. In short transition is the ultim-
processual nature of reality. In Process and ate fact.5
Reality Whitehead makes this point succinctly: Moreover, existence or structure cannot be
simply abstracted from this process. The fallacy
‘. . . how an entity becomes constitutes what that of a ‘point’ in process is rejected because it presup-
actual entity is; so that the two descriptions of an
poses that process can be analysed into ‘com-
actual entity are not independent. Its “being” is
constituted by its ‘becoming’. This is the principle
positions of finite realities, themselves devoid of
of process.’ (Whitehead, 1929, p. 28, emphasis in process’ (Whitehead, 1938, p. 131).6 Thus, contrary
the original) to Van de Ven’s (1987) assertion that change neces-
sarily implicates an ‘object’ of change, the view of
Whitehead points out that this philosophy of change suggested here does not necessarily imply
process, ‘seems to approximate more to some ‘something changing’. Instead ‘there are under-
strains of Indian, or Chinese, thought, than to neath the change no things which change: change
western Asiatic or European thought. One side has no need of a support. There are movements, but
makes process ultimate, the other side makes fact there is no inert or invariable object which moves:
ultimate’ (Whitehead, 1929, p. 6, emphasis added). movement does not imply a mobile’ (Bergson, 1992,
On this view, relationships, process, transformation emphasis in the original). This way of thinking
and the heterogeneous becoming of things are con- about movement, change and transformation is
strued as fundamental aspects of reality. Through entirely foreign to our common-sense understand-
their interactions and self-transformations, these, ing. Yet, it is entirely consistent with the revolu-
in turn, generate the stabilized features of reality tionary ideas which precipitated the Einsteinian
that we find so immediately necessary and fam- principles of relativity and prepared the ground
iliar. For Whitehead each ‘entity’ is not a discrete for the new physics of our time.
thing but an atomic unit of experience and it is this Moreover, the process of change and becoming
aggregative experiencing of the heterogeneous is by no means a homogeneous, linear unfolding.
coalescing of events into a unitary entity which is Rather, becoming is essentially heterogeneous in
our ultimate fact. character. It is infinitely varied and unique in each
In a significant polemical contribution pub- of its expressions. As Bergson puts it:
lished in the journal Human Relations, Cooper
‘That which goes from yellow to green is not like
(1976) explored the implications of adopting a that which goes from green to blue: they are
process epistemology to understand the changing
structure of expressive and creative action. 5
It is important not to confuse the assertion of an
Cooper points out that though they appear to be ‘ultimate fact’ with the notion of ultimate, discrete units
often irreconcilable, structure and process are in of reality called ‘things’. Here, I am using the term in
fact complementary to each other, both conceptu- the exact sense used by process theorists such as White-
ally and in the real world. This is because ‘struc- head (1929) in Process and Reality, where he insists
upon a reality perpetually fluxing and in transition.
ture can be snatched only out of process; and the 6
This is, yet again, a reminder of the tendency to
novelty that emerges from process can realise capitulate to what Rescher (1996) called the ‘process
itself only by submitting to structure’ (Cooper, reducibility thesis’.

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A ‘Rhizomic’ Model of Organizational Change and Transformation 219

different qualitative movements. That which goes interactional . . . And such identification is always
from flower to fruit is not like that which goes from and unavoidably processual’ (Rescher, 1996,
larva to nymph and from nymph to perfect insect: p. 56). This means that individual identity has a
they are different evolutionary movements. The necessary reciprocal other to which it owes its
action of eating or drinking is not like the action
location and definition. The logic of otherness is
of fight: they are different extensive movements.
therefore an insistence that terms do not and can-
And these three kinds of movement themselves –
qualitative, evolutionary, extensive – differ pro- not stand alone in and of their own right. Instead,
foundly.’ (Bergson, 1911, p. 321, emphasis in the the very platform on which things, identities and
original) situations emerge is predicated upon the suppres-
sion and backgrounding of the other that has given
Bergson points out that our intelligence and our rise to it.
language both conspire to conflate these pro- Within the social sciences, for example, terms
foundly different becomings in terms of a ‘becom- like the ‘individual’, ‘society’, ‘organization’ and
ing in general’ (ibid., p. 321). Thus, we invariably so on are unreflexively reified and made to
substitute this complex composition of hetero- appear as immediately and naturally self-evident
geneous becomings that we inevitably experience representations of concrete social entities existing
for a concept of change that is general and ‘out there’. Such apparent ‘obviousness’, how-
undefined. ‘An infinite multiplicity of becomings ever, puts these conceptual categories beyond
variously coloured, so to speak passes before our critical analysis. However, as Cooper (1989)
eyes.’ Yet we only manage to conceptualize a points out, these perceptions of ‘presences’ can be
‘becoming always and everywhere the same, shown to be the constructed effects of deferrals
invariably colourless’ (ibid., p. 321). and differences in language rather than the result
The insistence on the reality of heterogeneous of independent social entities triggering our
becomings, rather than a linear, progressive and perceptions. Yet, for the most part, it is this latter
homogeneous unfolding is an attempt to recover uncritical tendency which persists and which
the uniqueness of each expression of change, precipitates a widespread ‘logocentric’ attitude
renewal and transformation. As we have tried to towards social analysis.
argue, this flies in the face of writers like Kanter, Logocentrism is a term first introduced by
Stein and Jick, who are only concerned to attend the French writer Jacques Derrida to describe the
to the organized ‘end-states’ and who, therefore, overarching conceptual order by which lived ex-
consider the uniqueness of this multiplicity of perience is translated into coherent explanation.
becomings unimportant for our understanding of It privileges observational presence, simple
organizational change. location, and self-identity as intrinsic character-
istics of reality. Observational presence implies
that things are as they appear to us. What is not
Logic of otherness
immediately perceived cannot be deemed to exist
A second process-metaphysical axiom is the unless it can be rendered present to us. Simple
commitment to the logic of otherness. One of the location emphasizes the inherent locatability of
most dominant and relatively unexamined sets of all experienced phenomena in space-time. For
philosophical assumptions underpinning much of causal analysis to succeed, it must first be possible
the natural and social sciences is the belief that to locate and isolate both causal factors and their
things and events are unproblematically given to effects. Finally, self-identity implies that they can
us as fully present and self-identical through the be straightforwardly named and represented
immediacy of our experiences. What is often using linguistic terms and conceptual categories.
overlooked in this commonsensical attitude is the Perceived phenomena, according to this logo-
pre-structured field of possibilities out of which centric attitude are deemed to be ‘simple, intact,
objects of experience are allowed to emerge and normal, pure, standard, self-identical’ (Derrida,
to display themselves. Without this logical pre- 1977, p. 236). Logocentric ‘presence’ is thus a
structuring it would not be possible for us to form of covertly willed prior knowledge which
establish the identity of an object of analysis. As installs itself as a kind of ‘perfect’ foundation
Rescher (1996) points out, ‘Identity rests on or origin from which authoritative statements
identifiability, and identification is something can then be made about the status of reality.

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220 R. Chia

Logocentric thinking, motivated by an origin- much of academic theorizing and which unprob-
seeking impulse, thus generates a form of linear lematically assumes the possibility of attaining
and hierarchical thinking which goes from reality full and immediate meaning and presence
to representation, and from effect to cause, estab- through the concepts and terms used in academic
lishing these as the necessary relationships through discourse.
which the world must be understood. For Cooper, Derrida and other thinkers of this
It is against this dominant logocentric tendency logic of otherness or supplementarity, the supple-
that post-structuralist concerns with the logic of ment or the ‘other’ results from a kind of ‘self-
otherness or logic of supplements can be better folding’ which creates a ‘silent’ oppositional concept
understood. This reaction against logocentrism that functions to constitute the differences that, in
draws much inspiration from a contemporary turn, enables a text to stabilize its meaning. This
post-structuralist reading of language and the self-folding is thus a way of creating an illusory
way meaning is constituted. Thus, drawing from origin necessary for the text to work. In this way
the work of the structural linguist Ferdinand de the logic of ‘supplementarity’, of ‘difference’ and
Saussure (1974) – who argued that language is of the ‘fold’ or ‘doubling’, are all different but at
a system in which terms are not defined by a the same time similar ways of thinking about the
straightforward relationship to an external refer- logic of otherness.
ent but by the presence of other terms from which
it is seen to differ – Cooper makes the important
Principle of immanence
point that: ‘Far from the positivity and fixity of
sign as meaning, (language) is essentially incom- A lasting preoccupation of process metaphysicians
plete and without solid foundation, with neither has been the task of making more transparent the
beginning nor end, based on the negative, on what ways in which each organizational outcome or
is not’ (Cooper, 1986, p. 309). Meaning is never ‘effect’ always already incorporates and hence
fully and immediately present in a term. Rather implicates the ‘weight’ or ‘traces’ of its genea-
each term contains the traces of its ‘other’ which logical past, which, in turn, creates potentialities
as other serves to supplement and complement it, for the future as well as constrains it. According
thereby giving meaning to the term itself. Thus, to this principle of immanence, the past is imma-
the logic of otherness is immanent in all social nent in the present and this fact implies that each
structures. It is the insistence on the ineluctable outcome, each situation or state, always neces-
necessity of the other in the constitution of the sarily incorporates and absorbs the events of its
one. past. Thus, the present is not merely the linear
Cooper (1983, p. 203) uses this understanding successor of the past but a novel outcome of it.
of reciprocal otherness to illustrate how an Each moment of duration absorbs the preceding
everyday example of the relationship between the one, transforming it and with it the whole, con-
humble screw and nut works. Inasmuch as a screw stituting at each stage of the process a novel and
is a nut without a hole and a nut a screw with a never-to-be-repeated occasion necessarily grounded
hole, we can say that the screw and the nut in its past, but always projected towards a not-yet-
complete each other by filling up what is lacking knowable future. Each happening or ‘event’
in the other, for a screw is the fill of a nut that represents the actual realizing of one of the many
lacks and, conversely, a nut is the fill of a screw possibilities presented by the past configuration
that lacks. Thus, the screw and nut is one instance of events. This constitution of the present by the
of the ‘in-one-anotherness’ that exemplifies the past is a particular case of the necessary imma-
Heideggerian (1962) construal of the other in nence of one thing in others. More importantly,
Being and Time. It is this insistence on thinking this objectivity of the past in the subjective present
the logic of otherness which allows Cooper to means that contemporary fact is always loaded
realize that writers like Whitehead, Heidegger, with possibilities and can be continually enriched
Saussure, Bateson, Derrida, and Lyotard, though with newer and novel meanings, understandings
in very different ways, have been working to and application. Thus, apparently simple and every-
undermine the still-dominant logic of presence day objects we find around us contain residual
(what Whitehead calls ‘simple location’ and traces of organizational processes that are always
Derrida calls ‘logocentrism’) which underpins already implicated in their day-to-day presentation.

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A ‘Rhizomic’ Model of Organizational Change and Transformation 221

These products are effects of human ordering for the fatally continuous infiltration of otherness
impulses and must be understood to carry within warps things out of every original rut’ (p. 350).
themselves the traces of their heterogeneous Whitehead (1929), on his part calls this process
becomings; with all the ‘accidents, the minute ‘concrescence’: that self-creative activity in which,
deviations – or conversely, the complete reversals through the spontaneous aggregation and subord-
– the errors, the false appraisals, and the faulty ination of antecedent events into an integrative
calculations that gave birth to those things that unifying act, a novel entity is created. This is
continue to exist and have value’ (Foucault, in because change and transformation, above all, is
Rabinow, 1984, p. 81). Each unique situation that which ‘prolongs the before into the after and
encountered must be appreciated to be carrying prevents them from being pure instantaneous
the weight of its past with it. Here, Jasper Johns presents’ (Bergson in Alexander, 1958, p. 22).
painting 0 through 9, provides the leitmotif for Thus, each moment of duration absorbs the pre-
this style of thought. This painting created in the ceding one, transforming it and in that very pro-
1960s shows the whole sequence of primary cess transforming itself. Likewise, for Whitehead
numbers from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 presented in (1948):
skeletal form, superimposed one on top of the
other so that traces of the previous numbers ‘The future is there in the present, as a general
remain in the background of each number added fact belonging to the nature of things. It is also
on. The overall effect is a kind of ‘telescoping’ of there with such general determinations as it lies
the numbers so that ‘0 through 9’ are discernible in the nature of the particular present to impose
figures with the others always forming the back- on the particular future which must succeed it.
ground for the number. All this belongs to the essence of the present,
The painting 0 through 9 directs our attention and constitutes the future, as thus determined, an
object for prehension in the subjective immediacy
to the necessary embeddedness of the numbers
of the present. In this way each present occasion
0 through to 8 in the figure 9. Without the figures prehends the general metaphysical character of the
0, 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . 8, the number 9, on its own, would Universe.’ (Whitehead, 1948, p. 226, emphasis
have no significance. Nine implicates all the other added)
previous numbers. Or to put it another way, 0, 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are immanent in 9. This
Thus, the future has an objective existence in
way of thinking directs us to view each observed
the present. But the objective existence of the
event, each phenomena or situation as never
future in the present differs from the objective
being ‘just that visible or immediately present’
existence of the past in the present. In the latter
which is fully accessible and understandable to
case, the various actual occasions of the past are
us. Instead, phenomena, things, situations, events
severally functioning as objects for absorption
often betray the rich and sometimes dark histories
into the present. ‘This individual objective exist-
and accidental turns that have brought them into
ence of the actual occasions of the past, each func-
being. They are always already the cumulative
tioning in each present occasion, constitutes the
blending of a complex multiplicity of genealogical
causal relationship which is efficient causation’
(Whitehead, 1948, p. 227). On the other hand,
Such an intellectual sensitivity to the immanent
there cannot be any actual occasions in the future,
pattern of relationships in things and phenomena
so that what is ‘objective’ about the future in the
draws its inspiration from a revised understanding
present is:
of change and transformation from that of discrete,
linear, progressive transition to the ‘ballooning’
imagery conjured by Bergson (1934) when he ‘. . . the necessity of a future of actual occasions,
and the necessity that these future occasions
wrote: ‘Reality is global and undivided growth,
conform to the conditions inherent in the essence
progressive invention, duration: it resembles a of the present occasion. The future belongs to the
gradually expanding rubber balloon assuming at essence of present fact, and has no actuality other
each moment unexpected forms’ (pp. 95–96). than the actuality of present fact. But its particular
James (1910) also made the same point when he relationship to present fact is already realised in the
observed that creative change does not occur in nature of present fact.’ (Whitehead, 1948, p. 227,
‘jumps or jolts’. Instead ‘it leaks in insensibly . . . emphasis added)

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222 R. Chia

Immanence is implicated in the constant building pure heterogeneous becoming which would, with
up and breaking down of actual entities; the an alternative vocabulary, be capable of resisting
ceaseless process of assembly, disassembly and all ‘identitarian pressures’ (Boundas, 1993, p. 5).
reassembly which enables us to differentiate the It is precisely for this reason that Deleuze offers a
past from the present and the present from the lifeline for the alternative conceptualizing of organ-
future. In the course of this gestative formation it izational change in a way that cannot be hijacked
gives rise to the emergence of novel possibilities by the systematic reductionism of modernist
but always necessarily circumscribed by its forma- thought.
tive influences. The ‘rhizomic’ model of change encapsulates
Each organizational effect, such as is illustrated principles that are consistent with and derived
by these examples, bears the inevitable impress of from the three key axioms of process meta-
preceding organizational assemblages of material physics: heterogeneous becoming, otherness and
and social elements, from which the present con- immanence. Rhizomes usefully depict the essen-
figuration has evolved, which, thereby both limits tially heterogeneous and indeterminate character
and enables the possibilities for future potential of reality. One of its central operating principles is
configurations to emerge. This way of viewing that unlike the root-tree which plots a point and
socio-technical processes, sensitizes us to how fixes an order, spreading outwards predictably
individual organizational acts create ripple effects according to a binary logic that breaks out from
which reach out far beyond their spatial and one to two, then from two to four, and so on, the
temporal scene of initiation. rhizome connects any point to any other in an
essentially heterogeneous collective assemblage
of occurrences which we call ‘bulbs’ and ‘tubers’.
Thus, even some animals in their pack form, like
A ‘rhizomic’ model of organizational
rats swarming over each other are rhizomic in
change character. The basic principle is, therefore: ‘any
point of a rhizome can be connected to anything
‘A rhizome as subterranean stem is absolutely
different from roots and radicles . . . The rhizome other, and must be’ (Deleuze, in Boundas, 1993,
. . . assumes very diverse forms, from ramified p. 29). A rhizome, ceaselessly establishes connec-
surface extension in all directions to concretion tions between ‘semiotic chains, organizations of
into bulbs and tubers. The rhizome includes the power, and circumstances relative to the arts,
best and the worst.’ G. Deleuze (in Boundas, 1993, sciences and social struggles’ (ibid., p. 30). Each of
p. 29) these, in turn, must be understood as a tuber
comprising agglomerations of very diverse acts
The French philosopher and social critic Michel that are not merely ‘linguistic, but also perceptive,
Foucault once made the prediction that one day mimetic, gestural and cognitive’ (ibid., p. 30). Thus
this century will be known as Deleuzian. This may language, social practices and idealisms, stabilise
seem astonishing to some considering that, out- around ‘a parish, a bishopric, a capital. It forms a
side of French post-structural interests, many bulb’ (Deleuze, in Boundas, 1993, p. 30). Change
might not have even heard of Deleuze, let alone is subtle, agglomerative, often subterranean and
read and understood his works. However, it would heterogeneous. It spreads like a patch of oil.
be more helpful to think of Deleuze as continuing Change takes place by variations, restless expan-
(and thereby discontinuing) in the tradition of the sion, opportunistic conquests, sudden captures and
process philosophers whose work we have previ- offshoots. Rhizomic change is anti-genealogical in
ously discussed at some length. That Deleuze has the sense that it resists the linear retracing of a
been substantially influenced by these thinkers is definite locatable originary point of initiation.
clearly reflected in his extensive and sympathetic Change according to this Deleuzian formula-
commentaries on the works of Leibniz and tion is also multiple, unending and unexpectedly
Bergson in particular. other. There is no unitary point to serve as a
Deleuze’s main preoccupation and theoretical natural pivot for constructing subject and object,
intervention into the world of ideas is his endur- for drawing boundaries that define inside and
ing concern with the articulation of an adequate outside and that distinguish ‘macro’ from ‘micro’.
theory of change and transformation. A theory of These are the linguistic conventions that derive

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A ‘Rhizomic’ Model of Organizational Change and Transformation 223

from a logocentric orientation. Instead, multi- require a . . . probabilistic description’ (Prigogine,

plicities have only densities, determinations and 1996, p. 42, emphasis in the original). Outcomes
lines of connections which ripple outwards. The of change can, in principle, be always ‘other than’
idea of net-workings better encapsulates the trans- that which is expected. The element of surprise,
formative capacity of this Deleuzian conception and hence creativity and novelty, is necessarily built
of change. ‘There are no points or position in a into the very core of change and transformation.
rhizome, such as those found in a structure, tree, In his recent discussion of complexification as
or root. There are only lines’ (Deleuze, in Boundas, the way towards a ‘science of surprise’, the scien-
1993, p. 31). These lines of development are never tist and popular writer John Casti (1995), makes
simply predetermined in any strict causal sense. the useful point that it is the limits of language
They merely express the fields of possibilities for which serves as the deep reason for the emerg-
becoming to take place. Change, renewal and ence of surprise (p. 8) in our comprehension of
transformation develop along locally identified the workings of nature. Because we insist on
lines of least resistance rather than according to encoding our experiences of the real world into
any pre-designed template. our artificially constructed symbols and rules in
In many senses, this probabilistic attitude to order to produce a model of nature, we inevitably
how change does occur is reminiscent of Prigogine’s create distortions. Surprise, therefore, arises only
(1996) powerful explanation of irreversibility and because our models are unfaithful to the dynamic
indeterminacy in modern theoretical physics. For and evolving character of nature. It is this surprise
Prigogine, the classical laws of physics describe an of otherness, of unexpected and unanticipated out-
idealized, stable and hence predictable world that comes which is intrinsic to our comprehension of
is quite different from the unstable evolving world change. In other words, a definitive quality of
that characterizes particularly living systems. It is real change is its unexpected and surprising, and
only through open-ended irreversible processes hence unpredictable nature. In his marvellous
that nature has been able to achieve ‘its most Foreword to Prigogine and Stenger’s (1984) Order
delicate and complex structure. Life is possible out of Chaos, the futurist Alvin Toffler succinctly
only in a nonequilibrium universe’ (Prigogine, captures this new-found appreciation of the para-
1996, p. 27). If we accept these radical claims, it doxical nature, and the inherent tensions between
means that the laws of nature can no longer be chance and necessity in change and transform-
formulated in terms of certitude, but rather in ation. He writes:
terms of possibilities. Because of the inherent
‘For if Prigogine and Stengers are right and chance
instability of change and transformation, we can plays its role at or near the point of bifurcation,
no longer chart out a single trajectory along which after which deterministic processes take over once
change will occur. Instead we need now to think more until the next bifurcation, are they not
in terms of the multiple trajectories of ‘prob- embedding chance, itself, within a deterministic
ability clusters’. framework? By assigning a particular role to
chance, don’t they de-chance it? This question,
‘The initial condition is no longer a point in the however, I had the pleasure of discussing with
phase space but some region described by ρ at Prigogine, who smiled . . . and replied, “Yes, That
the initial time t = zero. We thus have a nonlocal would be true. But, of course, we can never
(i.e., non-simply locatable – RC) description. determine when the next bifurcation will arise”.
There are still trajectories, but they are the Chance rises phoenix-like once more.’ (Toffler, in
outcome of a stochastic, probabilistic process.’ Prigogine and Stengers, 1984, p. xxvi)
(Prigogine, 1996, p. 37, emphasis in the original)
Chance and necessity are not polar opposites.
Likewise, instead of thinking in terms of classical Rather they implicate and structure the possi-
causality, we now need to invoke the notion of bilities for one another. Chance and necessity
resonance as a way of explaining how phenomena, are other to each other and express themselves
events and entities are ‘coupled’ together. Reson- through the operation of change. In the language
ance produces a ‘coupling of events loosely analog- of process metaphysics, we can say that chance
ous to the coupling of sounds by resonance. This leans towards otherness, necessity leans towards
leads to new, non-Newtonian terms that are incom- immanence. Thus, the change in continuity (other-
patible with a trajectory description and instead ness) and the continuity in change (immanence).

Copyright ©2001. All Rights Reserved.

224 R. Chia

Rethinking organization/change and familiar, and to which we often attribute an

independent existence, is real only to the extent
It is clear from our reformulation of change and that it comprises the collective aggregation of
transformation in terms of a metaphysics of habituated social norms and behavioural codes,
change/process that change, surprise and unex- which sustains a regular coincidence between a
pected novel outcomes are the sine qua non of representation and that which a particular society
living systems, including especially social reality. takes to be its reality. Such a coincidence must be
Yet such notions must not be simplistically under- understood as analogous to the situation of two
stood in conventional dualistic terms. Change trains travelling at the same speed along parallel
implicates its other. That other is organization. tracks. To passengers in either of the trains, the
Organization, therefore, is not a ‘thing’ or ‘entity’ other train is, to all intents and purposes, station-
with established patterns, but the repetitive activity ary. Thus, we are able to reach out to one another,
of ordering and patterning itself. It is the active communicate through language and act on things
intervention into the flux and flow of the ‘real’ in only because our relative speeds of change have
order to abstract pattern and coherence out of been artificially arrested through organizational
an essentially undifferentiated and indifferent acts of stabilization and simple location. Each
whole. This is what Kanter, Stein and Jick (1992) organizational act facilitates simple location and
did not quite appreciate when they insisted on produces a representation which locates it outside
only attending to the already-patterned. By so the durational experience. Through such pro-
doing, they betray their metaphysical preference liferation of representations and their storing up
for construing organization as a ‘thing’ with pre- in a collective repository, an increasingly larger
defined patterned relations. For process thinkers, number of coincidences are established thereby
however, organization is stabilizing and simple creating a sufficient density of interactional events
locating. The ontological act of organization is an which, in turn, precipitates the social habits that,
act of arresting, stabilizing and simplifying what collectively, makes society possible. Thus a socially
would otherwise be the irreducibly dynamic and constructed reality, alienated from our raw ex-
complex character of lived-experience. Organ- periences, is achieved in which all those practical
ization is an inherently simplifying mechanism, norms that govern the stance of human beings
and the idea of ‘complex’ organization(s) is in towards one another and towards their particular
effect an oxymoron. It is none other than a historical environment become more and more
‘counterfeit’ version of real dynamic complexity established. The slow and complex evolutionary
rendered static by applying the pre-cast symbols formation of modes of thought, codes of behav-
of representation in order to produce the kind iour, social manners, dress, gestures, postures, the
of taxonomic complexity7 characterizing late rules of law, ethical codes, disciplines of know-
modernity. Likewise, the idea of ‘organizational ledge and so on, serve to orient us towards our
change’ as conventionally understood is an oxy- environment and towards others in our social
moron as well. For, organization acts to arrest and interactions. These are all effects of modern,
convert the otherwise wild and infrangible forces social organizing. Organization exists as islands of
of nature into a more predictable and, hence, order in a sea of chaos and change.
liveable world. Acts of organizing, much like the It is this ‘meta’ approach to the understanding
ceaseless building of sand-dykes to keep the sea of organization as a complexity-reducing and
at bay, reflect the ongoing struggle to tame the in- reality-constituting activity which marks process
trinsically nomadic forces of reality. This creative thinking from the preoccupation of the traditional
tension between natural change forces and the organizational sciences. Organization, in this
cultural forces of organization is what accounts sense, is about ‘world-making’. It acts against the
for civilizational progress and novelty-creation. forces of change, not with them. It is precisely this
We are, thus, led to realize that all of the social unnatural stabilizing of the immanent forces of
reality that we find so immediately necessary change which has precipitated the conditions for
modernity and its achievements and consequences.
Organization is what makes possible the
For a more detailed treatment of the idea of ‘taxo- dominant world-view in which entities appear as
nomic complexity’, see Chia (1998). self-evidently separate and isolatable and hence

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A ‘Rhizomic’ Model of Organizational Change and Transformation 225

manipulatable in unproblematic terms. It is, how- immanently and richly circumscribed. This
ever, important to remember that: ‘The concept recognition, in turn, promotes the idea of change
of the entity can be preserved only by an optic initiations from peripheral and marginal or
that casts around each entity a perceptual frame decentred locations, so that the heterogeneity of
that makes a cut from the field and immobilises change initiatives is maintained. It also acknow-
the cut within the static framework’ (Bryson, 1988, ledges the necessarily creative nature of organ-
p. 97). As soon as the frame is weakened or izational evolution, not in the linear, predictable
withdrawn, the object becomes temporally en- manner often associated with the evolutionary
twined with its past and future as part of a mobile process, but in the unexpected and surprising way
continuum that refuses logical differentiation in in which evolutionary change actually does occur.
any simple manner. Take for instance, a flower, As the socio-biologist Brian Goodwin (1994) so
its existence is only a phase of the evolving trans- nicely captures it in his recent book, How the
formation between seed and dust ‘in a continuous Leopard Changed its Spots, evolutionary pro-
exfoliation or perturbation of matter’ (ibid., p. 97). cesses are marked not so much by predictable
It cannot be said to occupy a single location since patterns, but by surprising and unexpected
it is always implicated in the universal field of developments. Thus:
transformation of which it forms a part. The form
of the seed is always already turning itself into a ‘As organisms change, evolving into different
flower and the flower becoming dust so much so varieties and species with adaptation to particular
that ‘The present state of the object appearing habitats, the evolutionary scenario changes: the
as the flower is inhabited by its past as seed and fitness landscape itself undergoes modification as
species evolve and create new opportunities for
its future as dust, in a continuous motion of post-
survival. Trees modify and enrich the soil by drop-
ponement, whose effect is that the flower is never ping their leaves and producing organic compost
presently there, any more than seed or dust are that retains water, so forest systems such as the
there’ (Bryson, 1988, p. 99). The forces of change Amazon develop on originally extremely poor
are immanent in each phase of an entity’s becom- soil, creating conditions for the stunning variety of
ing and perishing. species that has emerged in this vast ecosystem.’
Organization, therefore, is an ongoing change- (Goodwin, 1994, p. 156)
resisting and, hence, reality-maintaining activity
which stabilizes the ‘real’ sufficiently for us to act Goodwin’s vivid description provides an exemp-
purposefully in response to a deluge of competing lary case of the surprising and unexpected nature
and attention-seeking external stimuli. Simplifica- of organizational change and transformation.
tion of the dynamically complex and the conse- Had we not the sophisticated science of today at
quent economizing of effort in action are thus the our disposal, we would never have been able to
ultimate aims of the impulse to organize. Through conceive of the originally poor conditions which
organization, the various facets of our experiences, gave rise to the magnificence of the Amazonian
including our experience of self, acquire immedi- rain forests. This dramatic metaphor of creative
ate and unproblematical self-identity and hence evolution should provide us with an alternative
avail themselves to instrumental manipulation. appreciation of how organizational change does
What this means is that ‘organizational change’ actually occur, in contrast to the linear, static
is not something that needs deliberate inter- models currently on offer.
vention or orchestration. Instead, merely relaxing
the deeply entrenched organizational and institu-
tionalized habits, which keep ‘organizations’ Conclusion
together and which enable them to be thought of
as ‘thing-like’, is itself sufficient to allow change We are not good at thinking movement and
to occur of its own volition. It is this ‘hands-off’ change. Despite recent attempts to conceptualize
attitude towards organizational change which is organizational change in processual terms, contem-
the implicit advocacy of this process metaphysical porary models of organizational change remain, for
mindset. It recognizes that change is always the most part, trapped in a Parmenidean intel-
characterized by restless, heterogeneous move- lectual legacy which implicitly elevates perman-
ment, unexpected otherness and novelty, yet ence over change, discreteness over immanent

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