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Faking it: social desirability response bias in self-

report research

Thea F van de Mortel Objective
RN, M.HlthSc., FRCNA, FCN (NSW) The tendency for people to present a favourable image
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences, Southern of themselves on questionnaires is called socially
Cross University, Lismore, NSW, Australia. desirable responding (SDR). SDR confounds research results by creating false relationships or obscuring
relationships between variables. Social desirability (SD)
scales can be used to detect, minimise, and correct for
SDR in order to improve the validity of questionnaire-
Key words based research. The aim of this review was to
socially desirable responding, validity, bias, determine the proportion of health-related studies that
questionnaire used questionnaires and used SD scales and estimate
the proportion that were potentially affected by SDR.

Questionnaire-based research studies listed on CINAHL
in 2004-2005 were reviewed. The proportion of studies
that used an SD scale was calculated. The influence of
SDR on study outcomes and the proportion of studies
that used statistical methods to control for social
desirability response bias are reported.

Fourteen thousand two hundred and seventy-five
eligible studies were identified. Only 0.2% (31) used
an SD scale. Of these, 43% found SDR influenced their
results. A further 10% controlled for SDR bias when
analysing the data. The outcomes in 45% of studies
that used an SD scale were not influenced by SDR.

While few studies used an SD scale to detect or control
for SD bias, almost half of those that used an SD scale
found SDR influenced their results.

Researchers using questionnaires containing socially
sensitive items should consider the impact of SDR on
the validity of their research and use an SD scale to
detect and control for SD bias.



INTRODUCTION 33-item Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale

(MCSDS) in which the participant answers true or
Researchers using questionnaires and interviews
false to a set of socially desirable but improbable
rely on truthful responses from participants to
statements (King and Brunner 2000; Crown
draw meaningful conclusions. Socially desirable
and Marlowe 1960). For example, “I have never
responding is the tendency for participants to present
deliberately said something that hurt someone’s
a favourable image of themselves (Johnson and
feelings” (Crown and Marlowe 1960 p.351). Short
Fendrich 2005). The participant may believe the
forms of the scale with acceptable reliability (r = 0.74-
information they report (self-deception), or may ‘fake
0.82) that correlate (r = 0.88-0.91) with the original
good’ to conform to socially acceptable values, avoid
scale have also been developed (Loo and Thorpe
criticism, or gain social approval (King and Brunner
2000; Fischer and Fick 1993; Ballard 1992; Zook
2000 p.81; Huang et al 1998). Socially desirable
and Sipps 1985; Silverstein 1983; Reynolds 1982;
responding is most likely to occur in responses to
Strahan and Gerbasi 1972). People who score high
socially sensitive questions (King and Brunner 2000).
on an SD scale have a high need for social approval
For example, Adams et al (2005) used labelled water
and are more likely to portray themselves positively;
measurements, self-report, and activity monitors
the converse is true of low scorers (King and Brunner
to determine physical activity levels and found
2000). According to Edens et al (2001 p.249)
participants with a high SD score were significantly
there is no “categorical standard for differentiating
more likely to over-estimate their physical activity
between socially desirable and non-socially desirable
levels. Similarly, SDR bias has been detected in
responding”, however they designated a high scorer
research on many topics including dietary intake
on the standard MCSDS as someone who scored 1.5
(Tooze et al 2004; Scagliusi et al 2003), domestic
standard deviations or more above the mean for the
violence (Babcock et al 2004), and sexual practices
sample (which in their data was a score above 24).
(DiFranceisco et al 1998).
Andrews and Meyer (2003) suggest that the mean
Social desirability response bias affects the validity of score on the 33 item MCSDS for someone ‘faking
a questionnaire (Huang et al 1998). An instrument is good’ was 24, whereas it was 15 when participants
valid if it accurately measures what it aims to measure were being honest.
(Beanland et al 1999). According to Nederhof (1985)
The aim of this review was to examine how widely
between 10% and 75% of the variance in participants’
SD scales are used in nursing or health related
responses can be explained by SDR which can
questionnaire based research and to determine the
confound relationships among the variables of
impact of SDR on research outcomes.
interest by suppressing or obscuring relationships
among variables or producing artificial relationships
between variables (King and Brunner 2000 p.81).
Health related research often covers socially The CINAHL database was searched using the search
sensitive topics, therefore researchers must “identify terms questionnaire/s, socially desirable responding,
situations in which data may be systematically social desirability scale, and Marlowe-Crowne. The
biased toward respondents’ perceptions of what is search was limited to research studies published
socially acceptable, to determine the extent to which in English during 2004 and 2005. The number
this represents contamination of the data, and to of research studies that used a questionnaire in
implement the most appropriate methods of control” 2004 and 2005 and the number and percentage
(King and Brunner 2000 p.80). of those studies that reported using an SD scale
was determined. Each of the studies that used an
Psychologists have developed and validated scales
SD scale was examined to determine what effect, if
to detect SDR. The most widely used example is the
any, SDR had on the study outcomes.



FINDINGS Yazbeck et al 2004). Three of those 13 studies (10%

of the 31 studies using an SD scale) controlled for
During 2004 and 2005, 14,275 questionnaire-based
the influence of SDR in their statistical analyses (Blair
research studies were listed on CINAHL. Of these,
and Coyle 2005; Todaro et al 2005; Straus 2004). A
31 (0.2%) used an SD scale to examine the effect
further two studies (6.5%) did not report the influence
of SDR on research outcomes (table 1).
of SDR on their data, but stated they had controlled
Of the 31 studies that used an SD scale, 14 (45%) for SDR using statistical tests during data analysis
found SDR did not significantly influence their results. (Friedman et al 2004; Tejeda 2004). One study used
Thirteen studies (43%) found that SDR influenced the MCSDS to test for defensiveness rather than
their results (Adams et al 2005; Black et al 2005; SDR (Consedine et al 2004) and one study reported
Blair and Coyle 2005; Cossette et al 2005; Henning insufficient information to draw any meaningful
et al 2005; Mahalik et al 2005; Matthews et al 2005; conclusions about SDR (Bell et al 2004a).
Todaro et al 2005; Bell et al 2004b; McGilloway
and Connelly 2004; Straus 2004; Tooze et al 2004;

Table 1: Research studies reported on CINAHL in 2004 and 2005 that used questionnaires and an SD scale

Author (year) Research Topic Method Effect of SDR on outcomes

1. Puhl et al Reducing bias against obese Participants reported attitudes SDR did not influence
(2005) people toward obese people prior to variables.
and after exposure to false
(manufactured) positive and
negative feedback on the
attitudes of others toward
obese people. Completed
2. Reynolds and Nursing attitudes and beliefs The instrument was piloted SDR did not influence
Magnan (2005) toward human sexuality with nurses working in variables.
oncology and HIV/AIDS wards.
10-item MCSDS completed.
3. Black et al Incarceration and veterans of Personnel were interviewed Authors reported SDR may
(2005) the first Gulf War by phone about their history have been an issue, but did not
of incarceration, and medical/ report scores on the SD scale.
psychiatric conditions. The
X1 short form of MCSDS
4. Cossette et al Development and testing Student nurses rated the SD scores significantly
(2005) of the Caring Nurse-Patient importance of each attitude influenced scores on the
Interactions Scale on the scale, how competent competence and application
they felt to adopt attitude and aspects of the questionnaire.
how they felt about applying
attitudes in clinical practice.
MCSDS Form C was completed.
5. Matthews et al Accuracy and certainty of self Participants were interviewed SDR was more common in
(2005) report for colorectal cancer to assess the accuracy of some ethnic groups, but overall
screening among ambulatory screening recall compared to participants’ reports were
patients medical data. 10-item MCSDS reasonably accurate.
was completed.
6. Hurley et al Psychosocial influences The dietary intake of pregnant SDR did not have a significant
(2005) on dietary patterns during women was assessed using influence on reporting of food
pregnancy self report. Participants choices.
completed MCSDS and
instruments measuring
psychosocial state.



Table 1: Research studies reported on CINAHL in 2004 and 2005 that used questionnaires and an SD scale

7. Blair and Coyle Factors influencing the Cross-sectional survey There were significant
(2005) multicultural competence of research. Instruments included correlations between MCSDS
entry level certified therapeutic the Multicultural Counselling score and participants’
recreation specialists Inventory (MCI) and MCSDS ratings of their multicultural
short form B. competency on the subscales
of the MCI. SDR was controlled
for during statistical analysis.
8. Adams et al The effect of social desirability Participants completed doubly High SD scores were
(2005) and social approval on self labelled water measurements associated with over reporting
report of physical activity (which is a physiological of physical activity.
measurement technique that
can provide an estimate of
activity) and wore an activity
monitor. They completed an
SD scale and multiple activity
recalls (self administered and
interviewer administered).
9. Henning et al Factors influencing Participants convicted of Domestic violence offenders
(2005) minimisation, blame and denial partner abuse completed when being evaluated tended
among domestic violence scales assessing attributions of to be influenced by SDR.
offenders blame, denial and minimisation
and an SD scale.
10. Todaro et al The influence of knowledge Participants were randomly SD scores significantly
(2005) about organ scarcity and assigned to two groups: influenced scores on anxiety
transplant waiting periods on mention or no mention of and depression scales.
psychological distress organ scarcity and transplant Statistical analyses used to
demand and acted out a control for SDR; subsequently
scenario. Subjects filled out some outcomes were no longer
questionnaires pre and post statistically significant.
experiment and completed
anxiety and depression scales
and the MCSDS.
11. Harrison et al Religiosity and pain in patients Subjects with sickle cell SDR did not significantly
(2005) with sickle cell disease disease completed the influence the results.
Longitudinal Exploration of
Psychosocial Factors in Sickle
Cell Disease. Pain, religiosity,
and psychological distress
were measured. MCSDS XX
form completed.
12. Taubman Effects of mortality salience on Participants completed a self- SDR did not influence the
–Ben-Ari and willingness to engage in health esteem scale, the MCSDS, and results.
Findler (2005) promoting behaviour a scale that examined their
willingness to engage in health-
promoting behaviour.
13. Mahalik et al Variables predicting controlling Men attending a batterers’ SD scores were significantly
(2005) behaviour in men who batter program completed various inversely related to self
instruments on behaviour, and reported controlling behaviour.
the MCSDS.
14. Tejeda Correlates of hate ideation Participants completed the Author controlled for
(2004) against gay men and lesbians Sex-Role Egalitarianism Scale, response bias using stepwise
the Rosenberg Self-Esteem hierarchical regression before
Scale and the MCSDS. examining relationships
between variables of interest,
so SDR scores were not



Table 1: Research studies reported on CINAHL in 2004 and 2005 that used questionnaires and an SD scale

15. Friedman et The influence of substance Participants were interviewed Scores on the SD scale were
al (2004) abuse and dependence on regarding frequency of used to control for SDR
depression, self image and alcohol and illicit drug use when carrying out statistical
suicide attempts and completed instruments analyses.
measuring depression, and a
15-item subset of the MCSDS.
16. Taylor et al Validation of the Detroit Area African American adults SDR did not have a significant
(2004) Study Discrimination Scale were surveyed using the influence on scores on
(DAS-DQ) in African Americans DAS-DQ. Daily experiences of research scales.
psychological demand were
measured using ecological
momentary assessment.
MCSDS completed.
17. Straus (2004) Prevalence of violence toward Students were surveyed on SDR had a substantial effect
dating partners by university self-reported violence against on reported violence toward
students dating partners. Completed 13- dating partners. The authors
item MCSDS. used the scale to control for
SDR when analysing data.
18.McParland et The effectiveness of problem Cohorts taught using SDR did not influence research
al (2004) based learning compared traditional and problem-based outcomes.
to traditional teaching in learning were compared.
undergraduate psychiatry Students completed the Study
Process Questionnaire and
Attitudes to Psychiatry scale,
various assessment items and
19. Ojala and The effects of group norms on Children read a story about SDR did not significantly
Nesdale (2004) attitudes toward bullying the behaviour of an in-group influence the results.
and an out-group. Variables
were manipulated in various
versions of the story.
Participants completed MCSDS
Form C and a questionnaire
on their attitudes towards the
20. Bornstein et Vocabulary competence in first Vocabulary competence was SDR did not significantly
al (2004) and second born siblings of the compared in first and second- influence outcomes.
same chronological age born children using maternal
report, child speech and
experimenter assessment.
MCSDS completed.
21. Campbell et Relationship of ethnicity, Participants underwent arterial SDR did not significantly
al (2004) gender, and ambulatory blood blood pressure monitoring. influence outcomes.
pressure to pain sensitivity Pain sensitivity was assessed
using a verbal rating scale.
Personality dimensions were
assessed via various scales.
MCSDS completed.
22. Yazbeck et al Factors that influence attitudes A questionnaire pertaining to Participants with high SD
(2004) toward people with an attitudes to mentally retarded scores had less positive
intellectual disability persons, and 10-item MCSDS attitudes toward people with
were administered to disability disabilities.
workers, university students
and the general population.
23. Knauper et al Development and testing of a Participants completed MCSDS SDR did not influence
(2004) scale to examine compensatory and Compensatory Health responses.
health beliefs Beliefs scale in order to test
the reliability and validity of the

Table 1: Research studies reported on CINAHL in 2004 and 2005 that used questionnaires and an SD scale

24. Cox et al Patterns of anger diversion in Participants completed SDR did not influence
(2004) women various instruments on anger responses.
expression and MCSDS.
25. McGilloway A police liaison scheme for Mental health status, drug and Weak statistically significant
and Connelly mentally disordered offenders alcohol abuse and risk-related negative correlations between
(2004) behaviour were assessed SD scores and scores on self
using various mental health report scales indicated under
instruments. MCSDS Form C reporting of alcohol and/
completed. or drug use and psychiatric
26. Tooze et al Psychosocial predictors of Participants completed Higher SD scores were
(2004) energy under-reporting questionnaires on diet, significantly associated with
exercise, body image, the Fear underreporting of dietary
of Negative Evaluation scale intake. Under reporting more
and MCSDS. Participants’ marked when data collected
activity levels were checked by interview compared to
using doubly labelled water. questionnaire.
27. Bell et al The effects of homeopathic Double-blinded homeopathic The authors reported SD
(2004a) and placebo treatment on versus placebo treatment scores but did not interpret the
fibromyalgia followed by crossover phase. effect on outcomes.
Participants completed a set of
scales and MCSDS Form C.
28. Lewandowski The influence of guided Participants with chronic SDR did not significantly
(2004) imagery on chronic pain pain were randomised to influence responses.
experimental and control
groups. Intervention included
guided imagery. Measures of
pain and power were obtained
at baseline and various times.
MCSDS completed.
29. Bell et al Associations between Homeopaths rated patients’ SD scores correlated weakly
(2004b) homeopaths’ ratings of vital force’; homeopaths with homeopaths’ ratings
patients’ ‘vital force’ and and medical doctors rated of vital force, but not with
patients’ self rating on severity of patient’s illness. homeopaths’ or medical
bio-psycho-social-spiritual Patients completed scales doctors’ ratings of severity of
wellbeing scales on bio-psycho-social-spiritual illness.
wellbeing and MCSDS Form C.
30. Consedine et The contribution of emotional Women were interviewed MCSDS was used to measure
al (2004) characteristics to breast cancer regarding breast cancer defensiveness rather than
screening screening and completed SDR.
various scales that measured
defensiveness, anxiety, cancer
worry and embarrassment.
31. Strike et al Measuring self awareness, Health professionals working SDR did not influence the
(2004) perceived knowledge and with clients with a disability results.
skills in relation to mental completed the Counselling
health professionals’ disability Clients with Disabilities Survey
competence and an SD scale.

DISCUSSION These data suggest that a proportion of nursing and

allied health research papers may report data that
Only a small proportion of studies using questionnaires
are influenced by SDR which in turn could influence
during 2004-2005 used a scale to detect SDR. The
the validity of their conclusions.
review demonstrates that almost half the studies that
used an SD scale found that SDR influenced their The likelihood of SDR occurring with a particular
outcomes. Only five studies (16%) used currently questionnaire depends on the social value placed
available statistical methods to correct for SDR. on the scale items. For example, scale items that

examine nursing practices such as hand washing The final option is the most rigorous method of dealing
frequency or attitudes toward patients may be quite with SDR identified during data analysis (Nederhof
susceptible to SDR because there are community 1985) and can involve using partial correlations or
and professional expectations about behaviour that hierarchical stepwise regression analysis (King and
participants may want to conform to, even when their Brunner 2000). For example, the SPSS statistical
responses are anonymous. This review demonstrated software package enables researchers to explore
that participants’ responses were more likely to be the relationship between two variables of interest
influenced by SDR when they were being asked to while statistically controlling for SDR using partial
self report on their competence (Blair and Coyle correlations (Pallant 2005).
2005; Cossette et al 2005), and when they were
being asked to self report on socially sensitive topics LIMITATIONS
such as: admissions of domestic violence (Henning This review was limited to two years of published
et al 2005); history of incarceration and psychiatric research. Using a wider time frame may have resulted
conditions (Black et al 2005); physical activity levels in different outcomes. The search terms may not have
(Adams et al 2005); levels of psychological distress been sufficiently wide to capture all relevant studies.
(Todaro et al 2005); controlling behaviour (Mahalik This review only examined the use of SD scales in
et al 2005); violence toward dating partners (Straus research using questionnaires. A wider review should
2004); levels of drug and alcohol use (McGilloway also examine the use of SD scales in interview based
and Connelly 2004); and dietary intake (Tooze et al research as there is an even stronger tendency for
2004). Studies on topics such as reporting of pain and participants to modify their responses when they are
religiosity; the effects of group norms on participants’ not anonymous (Huang et al 1998).
attitudes toward particular groups; experiences of
discrimination; the effectiveness of problem based CONCLUSION
learning; and compensatory health beliefs did not While few questionnaire based studies examined
elicit statistically significant SDR (table 1). in the current review used an SD scale to detect SD
Social desirability scales can be used when tools bias, almost half those that did found SDR influenced
are being developed to highlight problems with the the results. This finding suggests that a proportion
wording of items in the scale which would enable of conclusions reported in nursing and allied health
the items with a high social desirability value to be journals obtained using questionnaires could be
modified (King and Brunner 2000; Nederhof 1985). flawed.
Where possible, statements with a neutral SD value
should be used because they are less likely to
elicit biased responses (Nederhof 1985). However Researchers using questionnaires should consider
the scale can also be incorporated into the final the impact of SD bias on the validity of their results
questionnaire to help identify and control for SDR. and consider using an SD scale when they develop
the instrument to minimise items that encourage
The strategies used to deal with SDR identified during
SDR, or when administering questionnaires and
data analysis include:
conducting interviews to detect and control for SD
• rejecting the data of subjects with high SD bias during data analysis.
• registering the impact of SDR but not controlling
Adams, S., Matthews, C., Ebbeling, C., Moore, C., Cunningham,
for it; and J., Fulton J. and Herbert J. 2005. The effect of social desirability
and social approval on self-reports of physical activity. American
• correcting the data of subjects with high SD scale Journal of Epidemiology, 161(4):389-398.
scores (Nederhof 1985 p.268).



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