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What Do Cats Sleep Like?

It's likely that if you have a cat, they're sleeping at the moment. According to cat behaviorist
Jennifer Van de Kieft, cats can sleep up to 50% of the day, and even more as they age.
However, their sleep schedule is very different from humans, as it's a leftover from the time
before they were domesticated.

A Call to the Wild

According to PetMD, humans are awake during the day and sleep at night, while cats are
crepuscular and most active during the late evening and early morning. This is because they are
natural hunters and prey is abundant during those times. As a result, they tend to sleep during
the day and early evening, which is why they may disturb their humans when it’s time to go to
bed. While cats can sleep anywhere and anytime, there are ways to help them get the most out
of their sleep.

Comforts for Animals

According to cat behaviorist Jennifer Van de Kieft, cats prefer to sleep in private areas such as
closets, perches, and shelves to avoid disturbance. She suggests finding out where your cat
likes to sleep and making those places comfortable with soft bedding. Another important factor
in promoting healthy sleep is feeding and activity. Van de Kieft recommends feeding your cat
smaller and more frequent meals to simulate their natural hunting schedule in the wild, which
includes rest periods between hunts.

Keeping cats active through play is crucial, and toys that simulate hunting, such as wands and
fishing poles, provide the best exercise for cats, says Van de Kieft. She recommends electronic
toys for energetic kittens and cats to exhaust them.
Once cats are asleep, it's essential not to disturb them, even if they look irresistibly cute. Van
de Kieft advises that people shouldn't wake their cats up from sleep, just as they wouldn't like to
be woken up from sleep.

Harmonious Coexistence
Cats follow a routine, and any change to their routine can affect their sleep patterns. Cat
behaviorist Jennifer Van de Kieft suggests maintaining a regular feeding and playtime schedule
for your cat, especially if your schedule changes frequently.

Signs to Be Wary
If your cat is sleeping excessively, it may be an indication of a lack of boredom or physical
activity, but it could also be an indication of pain or a medical condition. Van de Kieft advises
taking your cat to the vet for a check-up.

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