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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Defining Shapes

 Students will be able to tell the difference between each shape.
 Students will be able to draw each shape and put a name to it.

State Standards:
 K.G.2: Identify and describe a given shape and shapes of objects in everyday situations to include
two-dimensional shapes (i.e., triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon, and circle) and three-
dimensional shapes (i.e., cone, cube, cylinder, and sphere

 K.G.5: Draw two-dimensional shapes (i.e., square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, and circle) and
create models of three-dimensional shapes (i.e., cone, cube, cylinder, and sphere

This lesson is a Kindergarten Geometry lesson about shapes. I am teaching this lesson because it
is highly important that one of the first things all young students should be learning is their
shapes. Not only is learning how to read such an important concept in the early childhood
education environment, learning math concepts such as shapes are just as important as well. A
young student should be able to tell the difference between a circle, rectangle, etc. Even though
this is completely fresh content for the students, I think that when they first begin this lesson,
they will be most familiar with a circle since it is easiest to remember, and they see it everywhere
in the outside world. After this lesson in the larger unit come more shapes. Instead of your basic
“circle, square, rectangle, triangle” shapes, more complicated ones such as rhombuses,
trapezoids, cylinders, will be involved. So, the children will be prepared for the next lesson topic,
I will be touching very highly on the number of sides each shape has. It is extremely important to
know that when furthering their knowledge about shapes, to also know the similarities and
differences of each shape and how some of them connect to one another.
The students will be divided into 3 groups. The 3 groups will be based on how well the student
knew the material from the practice worksheet the day before. If they were top notch and knew
everything, they will be placed in the 1st group. If they somewhat knew the content but still
seemed a little iffy about it, they will be placed in the 2nd group. Lastly, if they didn’t seem to
have picked up on the content as quickly and are having a harder time understanding it, they will
be placed in the 3rd group. This data will be based on how well the students know their shapes by
the end of class. At the very end, they will practice drawing their shapes as well as naming
them/how many sides they have on their personal dry erase board as an exit slip. This data will
be collected for future groupings and teaching because it will help me place the students into
their groups easier. From whom knows it the best, to the middle, to who is struggling and needs a
little more help on it.
 iPads
 Websites
 Worksheets
 Block shapes
 Pencils
 Paper
 Dry erase boards/markers/erasers
 Smart board

Part of Lesson Materials Needed

Introduction  Head to carpet as a class to watch the Singing

Walrus Shape Video on the smart board to get a feel
of what they’ll be learning

Teacher Directed  Will be working with the teacher to discuss shapes,

their names, and how many sides they have using
the shape blocks. They will be writing the name of
the shapes and drawing them using a pencil and

 Will work with a partner on the 2D Shapes

Collaborative Station Worksheet using a pencil.
Independent Digital  Will work by themselves on their iPads and go to the
Splash Learn app to play the shape game.

Closure  Will all gather back as a class as the teacher calls out
the shapes they learned that day using their personal
dry erase board and marker. They will write their
answers down on the board using their marker.

Introduction (15 minutes):
In this portion of the lesson, the students will get a feel of what they will be doing in class
for the day. As soon as they walk in, they will be asked to put their book bags in their cubbies
and go straight to eating their breakfast. This will be the first lesson they will learn of the day.
After they are done with their breakfast, they will be asked to go to the middle carpet as a class.
Once the entire class has gathered at the middle carpet, I will go over the objectives and the 4
different shapes they will be learning. I will share the name of each shape, but that is it. After
discussing the plan, I will be showing them a short 4-minute video on Youtube called “Shape
Songs for Kids” by the singing walrus (
This video is very informative as it uses music and allows the kids to sing to get the material
stuck in their head. In this video, the shapes rectangle, square, triangle, and circle will be
portrayed. These are the 4 shapes we will be learning about in class today. This video shares the
name of the shape, and what is does. I think this video will be a great start to the lesson because
it is an upbeat song which for most of the time, the children will start singing it and remembering
the lyrics which is also the shape content. This is the part where we now break up into our 3
groups and begin our rotations for each 15 minutes.

Teacher Directed (15 minutes):

In this rotation, the students will be in a small group with the teacher at the back
desk for 15 minutes. This rotation will be conducted 3 times. The first thing the teacher
will do is ask the students how well they know their shapes and will see what they can
tell her about them at first before they move on any further. This is a great way to start
the lesson because it will let the teacher know what she is working with and how she
needs to teach it to meet the students’ needs. After asking the students this and answering
any types of questions they may have, she will then pull out the shape blocks. Although
there are many different shapes, the only ones she will be using are the 4 we are learning
about in class which are squares, rectangles, circles, and triangles. She will teach the
name, number of sides, and will separate the 4 of them. For practice, she will tell the
students to get their paper and pencil out to practice drawing them, writing down the
name and number of sides there are. She will use one block per question, and they will do
the activity. For example, “what shape is this? How many sides? Can you practice
drawing this shape?” Then the students will write down their answer on their paper. The
teacher will ask the same question 4 times since there are 4 different shapes. This sheet of
paper is almost like a study guide/practice worksheet for when the students have a quiz or
any other activity. Once these 15 minutes are up, it is time to move on to the next rotation
and repeat the same thing. The picture of the blocks the teacher will be using are in the
link below.

Collaborative (15 minutes):

In this collaborative assignment, students will be working with a partner
practicing these 4 shapes on a worksheet for 15 minutes. The first thing they will do is grab a
pencil and put their name on the worksheet. Then they will begin working together as a pair on
it. On this worksheet, they will be practicing each of the 4 shapes (square, rectangle, circle,
triangle) and writing the corners and sides that shape may have. The answer 0 is an option. The
worksheet already has given the name of the shape and what it looks like, so all the students have
to do is figure out how many sides/corners that specific shape has. This worksheet will be
collected at the end of class and the teacher will grade it as a group collaborative activity and the
students will have it handed back to them the next day in class. They will be able to take it home
with them also as a practice worksheet/study guide for the future. The worksheet is below. Since
we are only learning 4 shapes this time, the oval shape will be crossed out and the students will
not have to worry about learning a 5th shape at that time.
Independent Digital (15 minutes):
In this independent digital rotation, the students will be working on their iPads
alone for 15 minutes to practice more on the 4 shapes. Once they start this rotation, they will
immediately go to the Splash Learn app. This app helps the students get a better understanding of
what shapes they are learning. There are 5 different games for them to play, whether it is a
matching game or an informative game. Since this app will already be downloaded onto the
students’ iPad, all they will have to do is click on it, go to the geometry section, and it will take
them to the screen that is titled “introduction to shapes.” Although they are only in this rotation
for 15 minutes, they need to try to complete all of the sections listed because it will give the,
more practice on their shapes. The link to the Splash Learn app is down below.

Closure (20 minutes):

Once all three of the rotations are over with and each child has been through them, it is
time for an exit slip. All of the students will go back to their desks and the teacher will go over a
circle, triangle, square, and rectangle. This will help the teacher figure out what level each of the
kids are on, and if she needs to develop more practicing techniques for them so it will stick with
them better. The students will get out their dry erase boards and markers and the teacher will call
out each of the 4 shapes they learned and one by one and they will draw the shape, spell it out,
and write how many sides and corners the shape has. For example, the teacher will hold up a
picture of the shape and ask the class “what shape is this?” And they will write the answer down
on their dry erase boards. Once the teacher has practiced each of the 4 shapes and the 20 minutes
are up and she feels the class has developed more knowledge about those shapes, the class will
be dismissed.
Multimedia 1:
The Singing Walrus- The Shape Song: I chose this piece of multimedia because I thought it was
very informative and was also a great way to introduce the topic of classifying shapes. The video
had every shape we were learning about, and it described it well. I also feel that whenever
children hear songs in school, it normally sticks with them and they are able to remember the
material easier. If they memorize the entire song, they will be able to classify each of the 4
shapes. I remember being in Elementary school learning math and my teachers taught me songs
so I could remember the content better, and I truly feel like that helped me. I want these students
to be able to find different ways to remember math content because not only does it make it
easier, but it also makes it more fun. This supports student learning along with the standards and
objectives because it is singing about the difference of each shape and is showing how the
students can identify them. I know this song is of high quality because when I did a field
experience at an Elementary school two years ago in a Pre-K class, the teacher was playing this
song for her class, so it is definitely reliable and seems to stick with the students. This
multimedia choice of mine differentiates instruction for the students because it is very engaging
and is a different way to learn something instead of watching it be taught to you on the board,
computer, etc, but it still gets to the point and allows the students to enjoy themselves while

Multimedia 2:
Splash Learn App- The Shape Game: I chose this piece of multimedia because I felt that it was a
fun way for students to learn. When students know they are about to play a game, they get
excited, and I think that they should feel excited when it comes to learning about shapes. I also
feel like when they play this shape game, it will help them develop a better understanding on it
because they will have understood the instructions of the game and will know what shape does
what by the end of the game. This media app supports student learning as well as my standards
and objectives because it is differentiating all of the shapes by making it a game. It is of high
quality because I have witnessed many early childhood students using this app and getting a lot
out of it. This multimedia choice differentiates instruction for all learners because instead of
feeling bored and just sitting there listening to the teacher, they are able to work independently at
their own pace and level without having to worry about what their classmate is doing, while
playing a game and having fun. I feel that games like the ones on Splash Learn should be
incorporated into all lesson plans in the early childhood environment to change it up and to show
students that learning can be fun if they make it.

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