Project II Final Draft Enc

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Research question: what are the effects of social media on politics in the United States?

The text-based artifact in this analysis is a scholarly article titled “Social Media and Fake

News in the 2016 Election”, which was written by Hunt Allcott and Matthew Gentzkow. Since

the 2016 election, there has been a growing concern about the impact of false information,

commonly known as “Fake news”, spread on social media. This article looks to offer theoretical

and empirical background to frame this debate.

The primary objective of this article is to shed light on the impact that social media

platforms had during the 2016 Presidential election. This article seeks to demonstrate how the

ever-increasing presence and influence of social media in people's lives can affect various

aspects, including political outcomes, as discussed in this piece.

In this case, the exigence comes from the fact that social media has become an

increasingly pervasive force in our society today. Its widespread usage holds the power to shape

public opinion and behavior, making it critical for researchers like Allcott and Gentzkow to

investigate its effects on events such as elections. By recognizing this exigence, readers can

better understand why this research was conducted and appreciate its implications.

The audience of this article is a diverse population, as many different people could relate

to or be a part of social media's impact on politics. Individuals who use social media regularly

and are interested in understanding its impact on society can become more informed social media

users. Another group that is a part of the audience are marketers, advertisers, and business

professionals. These professionals seek an understanding of how to use social media platforms

for marketing and advertising purposes regarding elections and campaigns. Policymakers and
government officials are also concerned with the regulation of social media platforms and issues

relating to privacy, security, and misinformation.

Furthermore, the genre of this article falls under a research article. The choice of genre

holds significance when considering credibility or trustworthiness. Academic articles published

in reputable journals are seen as more reliable and credible sources of information compared to

less formal mediums like blog posts or social media updates. By selecting this genre, Allcott and

Gentzkow enhance the credibility of their research.

The subgenre of this article is political communication. This subgenre focuses

specifically on analyzing the impact and implications of false or misleading information within

the context of elections and political campaigns. This article examines the relationship between

media, politics, and public opinion, shedding light on how the spread of fake news can influence

voter behavior and shape election outcomes. Writing under this subgenre gives Allcott and

Gentzkow a platform for encouraging a deeper understanding of the complexities of political


The medium of this article is a digital article published in a reputable journal. Digital

articles offer a convenient and accessible avenue for researchers and scholars to share their work

with a global audience. This medium allows for an easy exchange of ideas and knowledge across

diverse fields.

This article was written in a formal style. The formality of a research article is essential

for maintaining professionalism and ensuring clear and effective communication of research

findings. This article follows a specific structure that includes an introduction, an explanation of
the study, results, a discussion, and a conclusion. This structure helps readers navigate the

content and understand the flow of the research.

The modality in this article is the individual choices made by the authors. The choice

made by the authors to include different types of charts and tables to present their information

enhances the impact of the article. By including these charts and tables, the authors can improve

reader engagement and make the article more visually appealing. Charts and tables can also be

used to summarize data into easily digestible forms, making the information easier to understand.

Ethos in this article is demonstrated through different elements that establish the

credibility, authority, and trustworthiness of the authors and the research presented. This research

article was published in a reputable academic journal, The Journal of Economic Perspectives,

published by the American Economic Association. Publication in a respected and credible

journal enhances the credibility of the research and authors in the academic community.

Logos are important to have in an academic article. Logos is demonstrated through

reasoning and evidence-based arguments. The authors use evidence, data, and scholarly sources

to support their claims. Their use of bar graphs, pie charts, and tables supports the logical basis

of the research. They ensure their findings are based on the evidence provided in the charts and

throughout the article. By incorporating these elements, the authors can effectively show logos in

this article.

While this article mostly relies on logos and ethos, pathos is included to engage readers.

Discussing the real-world significance of the research findings can evoke a sense of urgency,

appealing to readers' emotions. Explaining the importance of the spread of misinformation on the
political process in the United States can appeal to readers' emotions, making them feel like this

is an urgent issue.

The syntax used in this article is important to ensure that the author’s ideas are

communicated in a coherent and easily understandable manner. In this article, the authors use

precise and concise language to convey their arguments more effectively, ensuring that the

content is easy to understand. The sentences are also clear and coherent, reducing the chance of

misinterpretation or confusion.

In this article, diction establishes the tone and to ensure clarity and accuracy. The authors

use specialized and specific vocabulary to communicate their ideas accurately. For example, the

vocabulary is specific to politics, elections, and social media use. The diction would be very

different if this was an article about the impact of GMOs on farms. By using terms that are

commonly used and understood in the field of politics, the authors can effectively communicate

their research to an audience that understands the vocabulary.

This research article uses specific and specialized language specific to the field of study.

The use of technical terms in the article is used to communicate the concepts accurately. The

tone is objective, impartial, and professional. The authors aim to present their research in a

manner that is free from personal biases or subjective opinions.

The constraint of this article is the fact that this article is not available to everyone. This

article, published on JSTOR, which is only available to those who have access to the website.

This means that not everyone can read this article, limiting the audience of the article.
Now, shifting the focus towards the non-text-based artifact, a YouTube video titled

“Social media and political polarization in America,” produced by the renowned news program

60 Minutes. This 60 Minutes video explains how social media companies are profiting off

American's online political anger.

The medium employed here is that of a video, and this choice carries notable significance

for several reasons. Younger audiences tend to engage more actively with content shared on

social media platforms such as YouTube, exemplifying its appeal to this demographic. On the

other hand, older individuals may lean towards more traditional forms of media consumption,

like newspapers. Understanding the medium chosen for this artifact provides insights into its

intended target audience and potential impact across various age groups.

The genre of this artifact is a news clip. News clips are typically found in broadcast

media or online platforms and are audio-visual presentations of current events or breaking news

stories. They often include information in a brief, engaging format, catering to audiences seeking

quick updates or overviews of recent developments. This genre uses visual elements such as

images, videos, graphics, and textual overlays to enhance the delivery and capture the audience’s

attention. Also, the video uses compelling headlines, introductory hooks, and impactful imagery.

This is crucial for drawing in viewers and showing the significance of the report.

The subgenre of this YouTube video is social media and political polarization. This

subgenre primarily focuses on analyzing the worsening of political polarization in society. This

subgenre focuses on the dissemination of misinformation, fake news, and politically biased

content, leading to increased polarization and a growing sense of distrust in traditional media,

like newspapers and TV news.

The exigence of this YouTube video is the growing concern of the increasing polarization

within political discourse. The video is driven by a desire to raise awareness of the spread of

misinformation on social media platforms and how these platforms may benefit from it.

The purpose of this video is to raise awareness of the impact of social media on political

narratives and how social media platforms may be profiting off the increase in online anger. By

providing an analysis of the consequences of polarized online communities, the video

encourages viewers to reflect on the impact of social media on political discourse.

There is a wide range in the audience of this YouTube video, but it includes people

interested in understanding the political process in the United States. The audience of this video

includes members of the public who are interested in staying informed on political developments

and how social media is impacting that, researchers who are researching how social media is

impacting political polarization in America, and policymakers who are looking to address these


There are several constraints of a YouTube video. YouTube videos need to convey their

message in a limited time frame to maintain viewer interest and make sure the audience is

engaged. Another constraint is that not everyone has access to YouTube and the internet, limiting

their audience. Not all creators have access to or the funds for high-end filming and editing

equipment, impacting the quality of the video.

In the news clip, the images shown are a form of modality. The images shown provide

viewers with evidence and examples of the information discussed in the clip. By showing these

images, the creators, are strengthening the credibility of the information. The images provide
context and additional details on the verbal information provided by the reporter. This helps the

viewers further understand the topics being discussed.

This YouTube video is formal since it’s a news clip produced by a reputable and

established news organization. This news clip maintains a formal tone, and credible reporting,

and upholds professional journalism standards.

This video shows ethos in several different ways. The video is from 60 Minutes, a well-

known and credible new organization. This automatically carries a level of credibility. Also, this

video provides accurate and verifiable information backed up by evidence. Including data and

quotes from credible individuals can enhance credibility, establishing ethos.

This video establishes logos through various approaches. The video provides verifiable

facts and data, presenting information backed up by data helps to establish the logical appeal of

the video. By doing this, the video helps viewers understand the issues in the video and why it’s


Although the news clip focuses more on logos and ethos, pathos is used in the video to

foster a deeper connection with the audience. The incorporation of empathetic messages that

address universal themes can evoke emotions in the viewers. Viewers may feel angry or upset

that social media platforms are having such a profound effect on the political process in the

United States.

In this video, the diction used is formal, concise, and informative. The reporter uses clear

and precise language to convey the information in a way that the audience would understand.

The vocabulary used is professional, using words understood by the public. Also, this clip uses

to-the-point language to deliver the information efficiently within the limited time frame.
In the video, the syntax is straightforward and designed to facilitate clear and effective

communication to a diverse audience. The most important information is presented at the

beginning, followed by the supporting details. This allows viewers to grasp the key points


The tone of this video is professional and formal. This formality helps to establish

credibility in the information provided. The clip aims to present the information in a neutral and

unbiased manner without including personal opinions. The tone helps in providing viewers with

credible information in a professional manner.

In conclusion, both artifacts provided unique insights into the relationship between social

media and the perception of politics through different lenses. The scholarly artifact provided a

well-researched study with data, charts, and tables. The non-scholarly artifact conveyed the issue

with engaging visuals and research that was concise and easy to understand.

Word count: 2067

Works Cited

Allcott, Hunt, and Matthew Gentzkow. “Social Media and Fake News in the 2016

Election.” The Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 31, no. 2, 2017, pp. 211–35. JSTOR, Accessed 19 Sept. 2023.

YouTube, 60 Minutes, 7 Nov. 2022,

Accessed 3 Nov. 2023.

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