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Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 5 No.

1, May 2017


Helda Pebriyana
MTs. NW Tanak Maik, Lombok Timur, NTB

This study was aims to find out whether or not any correlation between students’ anxiety
and self-confidence toward speaking ability. This study used quantitative method. The
study was conducted at the second grade students of MTs NW Tanak Maik in academic
year 2017. The total of population was 28 students in one class. The total of sample was 28
students. The technique of data analysis was Pearson Product Moment formula and
Multiple Linear Regressions to know the correlation between students’ anxiety, self-
confidence and speaking ability. The result of computation between speaking and anxiety
was 0,683, speaking ability and self-confidence was 0,557, anxiety and self-confidence was
0,437. The result of anxiety, self-confidence and speaking ability was 0,549. It means that
those variables were there a correlation, because t-test was higher than t-table. The
alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. The result
also showed that the value of significant correlation was very high.

Key Words: Anxiety, Self-Confidence and Speaking Ability

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan ada atau tidak hubungan antara
kecemasan siswa dan kepercayaan diri terhadap kemampuan berbicara. Penelitian ini
menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Penelitian telah dilakukan pada siswa kelas dua MTs NW
Tanak Maik tahun pelajaran 2017. Jumlah keseluruhan populasi adalah 28 siswa didalam
satu kelas. Jadi total sampel yaitu 28 siswa. Tekhnik untuk menganalisa data menggunakan
rumus Pearson Product Moment dan Multiple Linear Regresion untuk mengetahui
hubungan antara kecemasan siswa, kepercayaan diri dan kemampuan berbicara. Hasil
perhitungan antara kemampuan berbicara dan kecemasan yaitu 0,683, kemampuan
berbicara dan kepercayaan diri yaitu 0,557, kecemasan dan kepercayaan diri yaitu 0,437.
Hasil dari kecemasan, kepercayan diri dan kemampuan berbicara yaitu 0,549. Artinya, dari
semua variable dinyatakan memiliki hubungan, karena t-tes lebih tinggi dari pada t-tabel.
Alternatip hipotesa telah diterima dan hipotesa nihil telah ditolak. Hasil juga menyatakan
bahwa nilai dari signifikan korelasinya sangat tinggi.

Kata Kunci: Kecemasan ,Kepercayaan Diri dan Kemampuan Berbicara

INTRODUCTION English Language. In this

Speaking is one of skills that have communications, ability in speaking is
content in English language subject. much needed. How someone can to tell
This speaking skill in classifying as owned idea or give information which
productive skill because speaking relate have got of precisely language structure
to the way of someone produce or goodness or grammar, election of
discuss an idea or telling an information diction or quip, or properties of owned
in the oral form. Besides, speaking vocabulary it will partake to assist and
commonly used by someone to form, to form ability of someone in speaking.
developing, or conducting a There were many problems that
communications interaction between occurred when the researcher taught
one people with other especially in have during conducting practical teaching

Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 5 No.1, May 2017

(PPL) at the second grade students of between students’ anxiety and self-
MTs. NW Tanak Maik, the researcher confidence toward speaking ability at
found that they still have difficulties in MTs NW Tanak Maik in academic year
speaking. Most of them were still 2016/2017.
difficult how to pronunciation some
Review of Related Literature
letters or words in English. Their Speaking is a productive skill that
pronunciation still influenced by the can be directly and empirically
first language. Next in grammatical, observed, those observation are
they were still difficult to make correct invariably colored by the accuracy and
sentences. They have a lot of effectiveness of a test taker’s listening
vocabulary but the problem is they skill, necessarily compromises the
could not distinguish which are noun, reliability and validity of an oral
adjective, adverb, and verb. That’s production teas. Brown (2003: 140).
make them feels Anxiety when they try Anxiety is a psychological construct,
to speak English in front of class. commonly described by psychologists
Anxiety is a feeling where the as a state of apprehension, a vague fear
people uncertain or hesitant with their that is only indirectly associated with an
ability or what they want to do. This object (Hilgard, Atkinson, & Atkinson,
anxiety can be describe that someone 1971 cited in Scovel, (1991: 18). Based
having low self- confidence, so they on the understanding of anxiety can be
cannot get the maximal of their life. concluded that the speaking anxiety is
Students with high anxiety can create a an emotional state effects the
negative effect in their speaking ability psychological conditions such as
especially in foreign language class. feelings of fear, tension, worry, anxiety,
Self-confidence is a feeling of and unpleasant circumstances when
trust in someone or something, and they speaking in language class.
believes in their own abilities without Self-confidence is broadly defined
being cocky, arrogant, or as a feeling of trust in one’s ability,
overconfidence. But most of them are quality, and judgment. (Bandura, 1986).
very, there is no confidence self, and As like Sean Mc Pheat (2010: 10) said
afraid to take a part in the conversation.
that the confidence people are more
When they did a conversation with their successful at work because they have a
friends in front of class, they were long belief in their own abilities to the point
pause, and when the researcher asked that they comfortable handling whatever
them why they stopped, they answered comes at them.
they were anxiety to made mistakes and
usually their friends would judges them. RESEARCH METHOD
In the other words, they were having This research was belongs to
problem with their confidence. quantitative research with non-
From description above, the experimental study. Quantitative
researcher was interested to find out research was a presentation collecting
whether or not the correlation of of the data in form of numeric with
students’ anxiety and self-confidence statistical. According to Kothari (2004:
toward their speaking ability at MTs. 3) quantitative research is based on the
NW Tanak Maik in academic year measurement of quantity or amount.
2017/2018. Therefore, the researcher used
The purpose of this study was to correlation research especially
find out whether or not the correlation explanatory design. It was conducted

Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 5 No.1, May 2017

when researcher want to explore “the and 5-strong agreement with a

extents to which two or more variables, statement. 1=strongly disagree,
that was where changes in one variable 2=disagree, 3=neither agree nor
were reflected in changes in the other” disagree, 4=agree and 5=strongly agree
(Creswell, 2008: 358) as research which indicated the degree frequency of
method. According to John Creswell respondents. The researcher provided a
(2008: 356) correlation research that the questionnaire for self-confidence that
researcher used a correlation statistical consisted of 4 statements in the form of
technique to described and measure the liker’s scale. For positive and negative
degree of association (or relationship) items the SA (Strongly Agree) given
between two or more variables or sets score 4, the A (Agree) given score 3, the
of scores. DS (Disagree) given score 2 and the
In this case, The population in this SDS (Strongly Disagree) given score 1.
study involved the whole of second In the assessment of speaking, the data
grade of MTs. NW Tanak Maik that obtained by the test. For speaking test,
consisted of 28 students in one class. the researcher gave oral test to the
The total sample of the second grade at students, the researcher asked them to
MTs NW Tanak Maik were 28 students introduce themselves in front of the
of population. class with the time minimum 2 minutes
The research instrument was a and maximum 5 minutes, and then the
tool or a research facility used by researcher recorded it. The researcher
researcher in collected the data. The recorded the students during their
instrument that used in this research to speaking in the test, and then the
collecting the data was questionnaire researcher was grades them based on
and test. Questionnaire was applied by the recording. In the testing of oral test,
the researcher to get the data on the the researcher gave them score based on
particular technique. The purpose of the five criteria, such as; pronunciation,
test was to measure the comprehension grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and
and production the words used in comprehension.
speaking. The test of speaking that used Techniques of data analysis was
by the researcher was oral test. the way that used by the researcher in
In technique of data collection, analyzing the data that have been
there were two steps to collecting the collected. The data gained from
data, first step was questionnaire from speaking test, questionnaire of anxiety
students’ anxiety and self-confidence, and self-confidence, the analysis that
the second steps was oral test for used was pearson product moment,
speaking. The way that researcher used multiple linear regression and
in collecting the data for the inferential analysis (interpretation and
researcher’s purpose was by the hypothesis testing).
questionnaire taken from Foreign
Language Classroom Anxiety Scale
(FLCAS), which was designed by Anxiety is a feeling where some
Harwitz (1986). The participants peoples uncertain with their ability or
were asking to respond to the 33 what they want to do. Feeling anxiety
FLCAS items referring to their feeling can be describing that someone having
of anxiety experienced during the low self-confidence. Students with high
classes. The responses were got on a 5 anxiety can create a negative effect in
point liker scale, where 1 disagreement,

Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 5 No.1, May 2017

their speaking ability especially in the data the researcher gave the
foreign language class. questionnaire to students that consisted
Self-confidence is a feeling of of 33 statements. The score of self-
students believes in their own abilities confidence test as variable was 1755,
without being cocky, arrogant or where to collect the data the researcher
overconfidence. As like Sean Mc Pheat also gave the questionnaire to students
(2010: 10) said that the confidence that consisted of 30 statements.
people are more successful at work Based on the result of
because they have a believer in their computation from Pearson Product
own abilities to the point that they Moment formula and Multiple Linear
comfortable handling whatever comes Regression, it can be stated that, there is
at them. a correlation between speaking ability
The reason why the researcher and anxiety, because the higher level of
want to research about the correlation students’ anxiety, students more afraid
between students’ anxiety and self- when tried to speak with their friends
confidence toward speaking ability, and students with high anxiety cannot
because anxiety and self-confidence get a maximal score in speaking. Next,
was very important in speaking. If there were correlation between speaking
students’ anxiety level is so high, so, ability and self-confidence, because of
they cannot speak well. Then, students low self-confidence can make students
with low self-confidence, of course, more feel shy, because most of students
they usually afraid to take a part of with low self-confidence not courage
conversations when they try to speak. enough to involve in the speaking
They were felt anxiety to make some learning process.
There were two actions that the
researcher has done during the research. Conclussion
First day the researcher gave students There is a correlation between
speaking test. The researcher gave the speaking ability and students’ anxiety at
instructions for the students and asked second grade of MTs NW Tanak Maik
them to introduce themselves one by in academic year 2016/2017 r-test
one in front of class. The second day, 0,683> r-table 0,374. It means that
the researcher gave students students’ anxiety will follow the
questionnaire of anxiety and self- increase or the decrease of learning
confidence to give a check in the motivation. There is a correlation
coulombs. between speaking ability and self-
The result of data presented confidence at the second grade students
intends to answered the problems in of MTs NW Tanak Maik in academic
chapter one. To find out the solution of year 2016/2017r-test 0,557> r-table
those problems, the researcher defined 0,374. It means that self-confidence will
the result of speaking test score as follow the increase or the decrease of
variable Y was 2032, where to collect speaking ability. There is a correlation
the data, the researcher asked the between students’ anxiety and self-
students to introduce themselves one by confidence at the second grade students
one in front of the class, then the of MTs NW Tanak Maik in academic
researcher recorded it during their year 2016/2017r-test 0,437 > r-table
speaking. The score of anxiety test as 0,374. It means that self-confidence
variable was 2292, where to collect will follow the increase or the decrease

Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 5 No.1, May 2017

of students’ anxiety. There is a find the new solution in mastery the

correlation between students’ anxiety language skill.
and self-confidence and speaking ability
at the second grade students of MTs Douglas. Brown. (2004). Language
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2016/2017. The researcher gained Classroom
correlation score r=0.549. It means that Practices. San Fransisco state
the correlation between both of University.
variables and strong enough ______________(2003). Language
because “r” score close to +1. It means Assessment Principle and
that students’ anxiety and self- Classroom Practice
confidence will follow the increase and Logmen. California.
decrease of speaking ability. From the Douglas. Brown (2000). Teaching by
result of computation in significant Principle an interactive approach
correlation formula, there was 3,997. It to language pedagogy. Logmen.
means that correlation between variable California
y, variable and was high Pierce erince. 2001. metodologhy in
significant correlation. language teaching. USA:
Suggestion cambridge university press
The students should be more Bunker,B.B., Major,B., & Instone,D.,
active in teaching learning process 1983, Gender, Self Confidence,
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own ability, although the students Organizational, Journal of
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The students should be more doing Psychology, Volume 44, No
practice the dialogue or talking any 2,322-333, USA: APA Inc.
things with their friends, it can improve Dalkiliç, Nilüfer.The Role ofForeign
the students’ self-confidence without Language Classroom Anxiety. In
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