Music Worshiping

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Dear friend of Secrets Unsealed, C o n t e n t s

We have just finished our eighth annual Secrets Unsealed Summit.
The event was a signal success with over 200 participants from coast to Reflections on a Troubling 4
coast. Our theme was “Our Redemption Draweth Nigh” and the guest Worship Service
speakers included Dr. G. Edward Reid, Dr. Norman McNulty, Dr. James
Markum, and yours truly. Each speaker underlined the fact that we are
on the threshold of what Ellen White called ‘a stupendous crisis’. The White Death 26
Next year we have planned a special Summit to celebrate the 500th
anniversary of the Protestant Reformation—an event never more need-
Young & Godly: A Brand 32
ed than now!! As you probably have heard, the Pope traveled to Malmo,
Sweden on October 31, and, along with the Lutherans, praised Martin Plucked from the Fire, Part 2
Luther and the Reformation! Certainly a sign that the wound is almost
healed. Parable 21: The Householder, 34
I would also draw your attention to our next Anchor School of The-
ology. We will be studying the Hebrew Feasts focusing on three main
The Tenants, and the Son
points: 1) The detailed fulfillment of the feasts, 2) the relationship be-
tween the Jewish agricultural year and the feasts, and 3) whether it is Bible Crossword Puzzle 47
still mandatory to observe them today. Register early because we are
expecting to reach full capacity quickly.
In this newsletter you will find an article on the famous Indiana Quarterly Specials 48
Camp Meeting of 1900. In recent times various Adventist interpret-
ers have attempted to explain away Ellen White’s warning that similar
events will occur just before the close of probation. The most common
explanation of her remarks is that they were cultural and applied only
to her time. The article takes these arguments head on by considering
the historical context, the language she uses in her counsel, and the wit-
ness of the entirety of her writings.
I trust that you will enjoy this newsletter. We do appreciate your
prayers and financial support that make it possible to continue strength-
ening the faith of God’s dear people. May God continue to bless you and
keep you faithful.
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Pastor Stephen P. Bohr
President and Speaker, Secrets Unsealed
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Jennifer Arruda
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shown that what was about to occur bation. Every uncouth thing will be
at Indiana was similar to what had demonstrated. There will be shouting,
already taken place in early Adven- with drums, music and dancing. The
tist history. And, as I will show in this senses of rational beings will become so
article, she also saw that the events confused that they cannot be trusted to
that took place in make right decisions.
early Adventist his-
tory and at the Indi- “
ana camp meeting The things you Spirit.” Manuscript
And this is called the
moving of the Holy

would be repeated
have described Releases, volume 21,
once again shortly p. 128, emphasis sup-
before the close of as taking place plied
probation. in Indiana, Various attempts
The General the Lord have been made to
Conference breth- has shown soften, rationalize or
ren were very con- even explain away
me would
cerned about what Ellen White’s state-
was transpiring in take place ment. Some have
Indiana and for this just before claimed that Ellen
reason they sent the close of White was a captive
two pastors to the probation. to the culture of her
camp meeting as time and therefore
observers to bring
back a report. Elder ” what she wrote does
not apply to us. In fact,
Stephen Haskell, who was one of the sometime ago, a Seventh-day Adven-
two pastors, sent a letter to Ellen White tist supporter of Contemporary Chris-
dated September 25, 1900 just two tian Music (CCM) sent me an email
days after the conclusion of the camp where he claimed that Ellen White’s
meeting where he explained in detail remarks about the Indiana camp meet-
what had occurred. Sister White in ing applied primarily to the events that
by Pastor Stephen Bohr turn answered Haskell’s letter 15 days took place then and there, and not to
later on October 10, 1900. Here is one events that would transpire in the
key paragraph from Ellen White’s future. In all Christian charity I would
response to Elder Haskell’s letter (all like to respond to his arguments by

rom September 13-23, 1900 a memorable Seventh-day Adventist camp meet-
emphasis supplied): examining them one by one and offer-
ing was held at Muncie, Indiana. For two years before this, the conference
“It is impossible to estimate too largely ing an alternative understanding.
president and the evangelist along with several pastors had been teaching a
the work that the Lord will accomplish
heresy which is known as ‘holy flesh’. Along with the heresy, a new worship style,
Pentecostal and charismatic in nature, was introduced at the camp meeting. In
through His proposed vessels in carrying A Fundamental Law of Exegesis
out His mind and purpose. The things The e-mailer was a doctoral candidate
this study we will focus on the music and worship style that accompanied the
you have described as taking place in and as such I am sure that he knew that
‘holy flesh’ heresy.
Indiana, the Lord has shown me would one of the fundamental laws of exege-
Ellen White had already been shown in vision eight months before the camp
take place just before the close of pro- sis (the art of properly interpreting
meeting (in January 1900) the events that would transpire at Muncie. She was also
4 5
the Biblical text) is that the interpreter me that he attributed to Ellen White’s have described as having taken place …’ place … would take place’. However,
must understand words, phrases and phrases meanings that she did not indicating that the events had already she does use both expressions (‘as tak-
verb tenses as the writer originally intend. I have looked up every single taken place by the time Haskell report- ing place’ and ‘would take place’) by
understood and intended them. In one of her uses of these phrases on the ed them to EGW. Alternatively, this themselves in several places so we must
order to do this, the exegete (inter- Ellen G. White CD Rom and such uses could be worded, ‘The events you have go to those places to ascertain their
preter) must exhaustively research do not square with the e-mailer’s gram- described that were taking place …’ meaning.
how the author used these phrases, matical and syntactical interpretation. My ‘gut’ feeling is the events were most So let’s look at the few other places
words and verb tenses in other parts Let’s examine them one by one. probably over and done and not con- where Ellen White uses the identi-
of his/her writings. The same laws that tinuing into the time of our pioneers’ cal phrase ‘as taking place’ in order to
apply to Biblical exegesis apply as well correspondence.” (Emphasis mine.) ascertain if what the English teacher
to the writings of Ellen White because
The Expression “as taking place” Additional evidence that the events stated and what I researched is accu-
Here is his analysis of the expression ‘as
the same Spirit inspired both the Bible were not still occurring when Ellen rate.
taking place’:
and the writings of Ellen White. White wrote to Haskell on October Regarding the process of the inves-
“The ‘things you [Elder Haskell] have
10 can be found in the fact that Ellen tigative judgment Ellen White states:
described as taking place in Indiana’
Ellen White’s Three Phrases indicates a PRESENT tense, i.e., they
White wrote to Haskell: “the things you “In the parable of Matthew 22 the same
The e-mailer focused on three phrases have described as taking place in Indi- figure of the marriage is introduced, and
were occurring AT THE TIME of Ellen
that Ellen White used in the quota- ana.” And what were the things that the investigative judgment is clearly rep-
White's writing, i.e., Oct 1900.”
tion at the beginning of this article. He Elder Haskell had described to Ellen resented as taking place before the mar-
Actually, the expression ‘as taking
claims that his analysis of these three White in his letter? Were they events riage.” The Great Controversy, p. 428
place’ is not a present tense at all. I did
phrases proves that Ellen White’s tes- that were still transpiring when Ellen Clearly Ellen White is using the
some research online and consulted
timony applied almost exclusively to White replied to Haskell? The answer expression ‘as taking place’ to describe a
with several English teachers and all
the original recipients in 1900 and not is clearly ‘no’ because Haskell had sim- past progressive event (the investigative
the sources agree that the expression
to us who are living in the twenty-first ply reported in his letter what he had judgment) that transpired before the
‘as taking place’ is what grammarians
century. observed at the Indiana camp meeting. close of probation. When the marriage
call a past progressive tense. The defi-
He was not describing what was still takes place at the close of probation the
• The first phrase is “as taking place” nition of a past progressive is “an action
transpiring but rather the events that judgment will have already transpired
• The second phrase is “would take that was in progress at some point in
had already occurred, and he had been as a process in the past. Ellen White
place” the past.” Although Ellen White does
an eyewitness to, when he attended the could have said that the investigative
not use the specific helping verb ‘were’
• The third is “the close of probation” camp meeting on September 13-23. judgment ‘took place’ before the mar-
with the expression ‘as taking place’,
An examination of Ellen White’s riage but this would have eliminated
As I read the email I wondered the context indicates that the verb is
writings reveals that she was well the idea that the judgment was a pro-
whether the author had taken the tacit in the grammatical construction.
acquainted with expressions such as cess that occurred in the past and was
time to examine how Ellen White Thus Ellen White’s expression is to be
‘are taking place’ (present progressive) finished when the wedding took place.
uses these three phrases elsewhere in understood as saying “as were taking
and ‘will take place’ (future), but she Ellen White also described some
her writings in order to be certain that place.”
does not use these tenses in this state- meetings that took place after the Gen-
his analysis was correct. I suspect that A lifelong retired English teacher
ment. This is the only time in her writ- eral Conference Session in Minneapo-
he did not, because upon examination wrote me the following explanation
ings where I was able to find that she lis in 1888: “Scenes that were a shame
of all her writings it became clear to about this expression: “‘The events you
uses the word combination ‘as taking to Christians have been presented to

6 7
me, as taking place in the council meet- some things that have been represented future from the time that she wrote to tion might be accepted as correct if
ings held after the Minneapolis meeting. to me as taking place in assemblies of Haskell. If she was referring to what was Ellen White had only used the single
The loud voice of dispute, the hot spirit, God’s people. Some have taken offense still occurring in Indiana we would word ‘would’. But she uses the word
the harsh words, resembled a political at things entirely unworthy of notice, expect her to have written something ‘would’ in a verbal construction, so
meeting more than a place where Chris- and have dishonored God by giving like this to Elder Haskell: “The things the entire verbal construction must
tians were met for prayer and counsel. way to the feelings of the unsubdued you have described as taking place in be examined in order to ascertain the
These meetings should have been dis- heart. They have misinterpreted the Indiana, the Lord has shown me would meaning she intended.
missed as an insult to heaven. The Lord truth, and weakened its influence. They take place just before the close of pro- Well, the best way to discover the
was not revered as an honored guest by have strengthened Satan’s kingdom; for bation. Every uncouth thing would be answer what Ellen White meant by
those assembled in council, and how church-members who speak words that demonstrated. There would be shouting, the expression ‘would take place’ is to
could they expect divine light to shine stir up strife are doing Satan’s work with drums, music and dancing. The examine how Ellen White used the
upon them; how could they feel that the much more effectively than his own sub- senses of rational beings would become expression in the rest of her writings.
presence of Jesus was molding and fash- jects.” Review and Herald, July 21, 1903 so confused that they cannot be trusted In other words, let Ellen White explain
ioning their plans? The place of meeting Notice once again the number of to make right decisions.” Ellen White. I assume that the e-mailer
was not held as sacred, but was looked times that Ellen White used past tense So, in the light of all the evidence would agree that this is the proper exe-
upon as a common business place. Then verbs with the past progressive ‘as tak- from Ellen White’s writings the e-mail- getical procedure.
how could those assembled receive an ing place’. Ellen White knew the dif- er’s contention that the expression ‘as Contrary to the e-mailer’s confi-
inspiration which would lead them to ference between “as taking place” and taking place’ is a PRESENT tense has dent assertion, Ellen White uses the
enthrone truth in their hearts, to speak “are taking place”. Why did she not use been proven wrong. verbal construction ‘would take place’
words in the tender, loving spirit of the “are taking place” in her Indiana state- 59 times in her published writings (on
Master?” PH080, p. 15 ment if she meant to say that the events The Expression “would take place” the EGW CD Rom) to describe events
In this statement Ellen White once were still transpiring when she wrote to The email writer confidently states: that would unconditionally transpire
more uses the past progressive ‘as tak- Elder Haskell on October 10, 1900? “Likewise ‘would take place’ does not in the future. The following examples
ing place’ to describe several meetings But let’s suppose, for the sake of argu- accept a connotation of ‘ future’ … will show that when Ellen White uses
that had transpired in the past as a ment, that her expression does mean because ‘would’ is a ‘conditional simple’ the expression ‘would take place’ she
process but had already concluded “the things that are taking place” in Indi- verb tense and not future.” is referring to events that would occur
when she wrote this quotation. The ana (which is disproven categorically I have already provided ample evi- in the future, not conditionally but in
meetings were not ongoing when she by an examination of her use of the dence from Ellen White’s writings actuality.
wrote—they had already concluded! expression in other places of her writ- themselves that the events at the Indi- What did Jesus mean when He
You will notice that in this quotation ings). Such a meaning would make no ana camp meeting had already trans- predicted that the apostles would do
Ellen White repeatedly uses the past difference with regards to the e-mailer’s pired (as a process) in the past from the greater works than even He had done?
tense in conjunction with the expres- argument because immediately after point of time when she wrote to Elder Ellen White responds: “‘Verily, verily, I
sion ‘as taking place’ to indicate that using the expression ‘as taking place’ Haskell on October 10, 1900. say unto you, He that believeth on Me,
this was a process that took place in the she uses the future tense to describe But what about the expression the works that I do shall he do also;
past and had already concluded when events that were still in the future from ‘would take place’? Is the e-mailer cor- and greater works than these shall he
she wrote. the time that she wrote to Haskell. Four rect in his assertion that “‘would’ is a do; because I go unto My Father.’ John
A third quotation reveals the same times she uses the helping verb ‘will’ ‘conditional simple’ verb tense and not 14:12. By this, Christ did not mean that
past progressive use: “I wish to speak of to describe what would happen in the future?” The answer is that his asser- the disciples would make more exalted

8 9
exertions than He had made, but that the latter days” The Sanctified Life, p. 49 report His movements. They thought sion conditionally by using the word
their work would have greater magni- Once again I ask: Is the word ‘would’ this unknown to Christ, but He was ‘would’ twice, by adding the condition-
tude. He did not refer merely to miracle in the verbal construction ‘would take much more accurately acquainted with al word ‘if’ or by adding the phrase ‘let
working, but to all that would take place’ “a ‘conditional simple’ verb tense their movements than they were with there be’.
place under the agency of the Holy Spir- and not future”? His. He knew every step that would be Notice the following examples:
it.” Acts of the Apostles, p. 22 When Jesus told the disciples about taken and every event that would take “Let there be light and love and
Are we to understand that in this His upcoming sufferings he encour- place.” ST, February 8, 1899 cheerful song in the place of gloom,
promise of Jesus to the disciples ‘would’ aged them with thoughts of the future: Are the expressions ‘would be taken’ and what a change would take place!”
is a ‘conditional simple’ verb tense and “He [Jesus] directed their minds [the and ‘would take place’ conditional sim- 10MR, p. 165
not future? disciples] from the scenes of sorrow ply because they use the helping verb “Oh, that mothers and fathers would
Concerning the events that are before them to the mansions of heaven ‘would’? realize their responsibility and account-
described in the book of Revelation and the reunion that would take place Regarding the events that Jesus ability before God! What a change
Ellen White states: “The events that in the kingdom of God.” Review and predicted in Matthew 24 we are told: would take place in society!” Child
would take place in the closing scenes of Herald, November 13, 1913 “With prophetic eye Christ looked down Guidance, p. 141
this earth’s history were outlined before Is the reunion of the apostles with the stream of time to the very end of “If in every church the young men and
him [John]; and there he wrote out the Jesus in the kingdom of God condi- earth’s history, and marked out with the young women would solemnly con-
visions he received from God.” Acts of tional? Without intending to become prophetic pencil the very things that secrate themselves to God, if they would
the Apostles, p. 570 redundant I ask the e-mailer: Is the would take place in these last days.” YI, practice self-denial in the home life,
And again: “There [on Patmos] he word ‘would’ in the verbal construc- November 18, 1897 relieving their tired, careworn mothers,
[John] wrote out the visions and revela- tion ‘would take place’ “a ‘conditional At the risk of sounding excessively what a change would take place in our
tions he received from God, telling of the simple’ verb tense and not future”? redundant I ask once again: Were the churches!” Adventist Home, p. 486
things that would take place in the clos- When Samuel went to Jesse’s house to events that Jesus predicted conditional “If each president would feel the
ing period of this earth’s history.” Christ anoint the shepherd boy David, we are simply because Ellen White used the necessity of diligent improvement of
Triumphant, p. 312 told that the anointing was actually a word ‘would’? his talents in devising ways and means
Was the fulfillment of John’s proph- prophetic ceremony which announced Upon reading my response I am sure for arousing ministers to work as they
ecies in the book of Revelation condi- the future anointing of David as King that the e-mailer will go to the writ- should, what a change would take place
tional because Ellen White used the of Israel: “The sacred oil was put upon ings of Ellen White to attempt to find in every Conference.” PH002, p. 21
word ‘would’ in the verbal construction the brow of David by the high priest, for exceptions that will justify his exegesis “If the God-given responsibilities
‘would take place’? Would the e-mailer the anointing by Samuel was a prophet- of Ellen White’s statement about Indi- of saving souls ready to perish, were
still sustain that the word “‘would’ is a ic ceremony of what would take place ana and he is certainly welcome to do understood, old habits, traditionary
‘conditional simple’ verb tense and not at the inauguration of the king.” ST June this as I have already done. But he will sentiments that clog and hinder refor-
future”? 15, 1888 find nothing different than what I have matory action, would be cut away from
Ellen White also wrote about the Does the word ‘would’ in the verbal found. the heart and life, and a transformation
future fulfillment of Daniel’s prophe- construction ‘would take place’ indi- I did find 21 statements where Ellen would take place in character.” PH080,
cies: “No less a personage than the Son of cate that the future anointing of David White uses the expression ‘would take p. 8
God appeared to Daniel. Our Lord comes as king was conditional? place’ in a conditional sense. But when “If we dealt kindly and tenderly and
with another heavenly messenger to Regarding the Pharisees Ellen White she does, she always makes it absolute- compassionately with one another, lov-
teach Daniel what would take place in states: “They set spies on His track, to ly clear that she is using the expres- ing others as Christ has loved us, what a

10 11
change would take place in our world!” of our probation are fast closing. The are the scenes connected with the clos- But the use of the word ‘soon’ should
2SAT, p. 177 end is near.” (COL 319) Again, this was ing work of the atonement. Momentous not be taken to mean that Ellen White
Ellen White’s use of the verbal written 11 years before the events in are the interests involved therein. The believed that probation would close
construction ‘would take place’ with Indiana! Thus the logical conclusion of judgment is now passing in the sanc- shortly after the Indiana camp meet-
regards to the Indiana camp meeting the statement on the eschatology of the tuary above. For many years this work ing. By way of example, the apostle
lacks any element of conditionality. It worship in Indiana is that those events has been in progress. Soon—none know Paul warned the Thessalonians about
bears noting also that even though the were one more proof to her that the end how soon—it will pass to the cases of being overtaken by the ‘soon’ close of
verbal construction ‘would take place’ was indeed near.” the living. In the awful presence of God probation and none of them are alive
in the above examples is conditional, If I understand the e-mailer’s argu- our lives are to come up in review.” The 2,000 years later: “But concerning the
it is not present conditional but rather ment correctly, what he is saying is that Great Controversy, p. 490 times and the seasons, brethren, you
future conditional! Ellen White believed that the events at How could Ellen White have believed have no need that I should write to you.
In conclusion, the e-mailer’s con- the Indiana camp meeting served as that the events at the Indiana camp For you yourselves know perfectly that
tention that the helping verb ‘would’ evidence to her that the close of proba- meeting indicated that probation was the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in
in the verbal construction ‘would take tion was ‘even at the door’ in her day about to close when the judgment of the the night. For when they say, ‘Peace and
place’ “is a ‘conditional simple’ verb and not in the distant future. But does living had not even begun in 1911? Even safety!’ then sudden destruction comes
tense and not future” is proven incor- his assertion tell the whole story? Once a cursory look at what Ellen White upon them, as labor pains upon a preg-
rect by an examination of the entirety again we must take a look at all that wrote in The Great Controversy reveals nant woman. And they shall not escape.
of Ellen White’s writings. There is sim- Ellen White has written on the matter. that she knew that several important But you, brethren, are not in darkness,
ply no conditionality language in Ellen In the aftermath of the Indianapolis prophetic events had not yet taken so that this Day should overtake you as
White’s Indiana camp meeting use of 1888 General Conference Session Ellen place in 1900. Among other things, a thief.” 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4.
the expression ‘would take place.’ White did not seem to believe that what the papacy had not yet healed from its Did Paul speak of the close of proba-
happened at Indiana was a sign that the deadly wound, the United States had tion (the coming of the thief) as immi-
The Close of Probation close of probation was right around the not yet made an image of the beast and nent in his day? Yes, he did. Yet did Paul
Perhaps the e-mailer’s evidence will corner. She stated in 1901 (one year the national Sunday Law movement of know full well that time would linger
yield better results when we examine after the Indiana camp meeting): “We 1888 had all but fizzled out. long beyond apostolic days? Yes he did,
the expression ‘the close of probation’. may have to remain here in this world Concerning the Sunday law, she as we can see from 2 Thessalonians
Regarding Ellen White’s under- because of insubordination many more stated in 1905: “Sooner or later Sunday 2. Why, then did Paul make it sound
standing of the close of probation he years, as did the children of Israel; but laws will be passed. But there is much for like the close of probation was immi-
states: “Further, in order to understand for Christ’s sake, His people should not God’s servants to do to warn the people. nent in his day? Simply because he was
why Ellen White attached eschatologi- add sin to sin by charging God with the This work has been greatly retarded by admonishing believers to always be
cal [end time] importance to the events consequence of their own wrong course their having to wait and stand against ready in every generation. The idea of
in Indiana, we have to ask when she of action.” Letter 184, 1901 the devising’s of Satan, which have been the imminence of probation’s close in
thought the ‘close of probation’ was near There is conclusive evidence that striving to find a place in our work. We the New Testament has the function of
and whether or not this period was in a Ellen White knew that the close of pro- are years behind.” Review and Herald, keeping the church ever ready for the
distant future or was occurring on [sic] bation would linger well beyond 1900. February 16, 1905 Lord’s coming in each generation.
her day. I believe this can be answered In the 1911 (ironically 11 years after the Does Ellen White have statements Another example is found in Rev-
by reading what she wrote in 1889, Indiana camp meeting) edition of The where she describes the imminence of elation 22:10, 11. Here Gabriel speaks
eleven years before Indiana: “The days Great Controversy she stated: “Solemn the close of probation? Yes, she does. to John in the following terms: “And

12 13
he said to me, ‘Do not seal the words of be faithful. was predicting similar events to take except as we shall forget the way the
the prophecy of this book, for the time One hundred and twelve years have place in the future. As the writer sees Lord has led us and His teaching in our
is at hand. He who is unjust, let him be passed since the Indiana camp meet- it, what possible relevance would her past history.” CET, p. 204
unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be ing. If what happened in 1900 occurred statements have for those who were in History is a master teacher because
filthy still; he who is righteous, let him just before the close of probation, why Indiana if what she wrote applies to the it has a tendency to repeat itself. A wise
be righteous still; he who is holy, let him are we here 112 years later? There church in 1998, 2012 or 2054 as well. philosopher once stated: “Those who do
be holy still.’” are two possible answers to the ques- Perhaps my mind fails to grasp the log- not learn from the mistakes of history
Didn’t Gabriel know that time would tion. Either Ellen White was wrong in ic of the e-mailer’s argument or he did are bound to repeat them.” Thus Ellen
linger and probation would not close believing that what happened at Indi- not carefully think this one through. White’s description of the historical
for centuries? Of course he did! But he ana was a sign that the close of proba- I am sure that the writer knows that events surrounding the 1900 Indi-
gave this message because he wanted tion was right around the corner in it is common for Biblical writers to ana camp meeting teach the end time
God’s people always to live in expec- 1900 or the email writer is wrong in affirm that the record of past histori- church lessons that were intended to
tancy in every generation. The warning assuming that she believed this. Time cal events was written, not only for the prevent a repetition of the mistakes of
was for the original recipients as well has revealed that the e-mailer was benefit of the church of the past but the past.
as for those who live in the end time. wrong, not Ellen White! also for the benefit of the church of the Ellen White is telling Elder Haskell
At the close of the book of Revelation future. Notice just two examples from that the events he witnessed at the
we find the following words spoken by Irrelevant to the the writings of the apostle Paul: Indiana camp meeting would be
none other than Jesus Himself: “He Original Recipients “Now all these things [the events in repeated again in our camp meetings
who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely Toward the end of the e-mailer’s com- the wilderness] happened to them [the just before the close of probation. Thus
I am coming quickly.’” munication he affirms: “We must fur- Hebrews] as examples, and they were she is warning the church of the end
Didn’t Jesus know that his predic- ther ask ourselves: What would be the written for our [the recipients in Paul’s time that it should be careful not to
tion to come quickly was going to take relevance to the Adventist church in day] admonition, upon whom the ends repeat the history of the past. In this
longer than 2,000 years? Of course He 1900 if Ellen White was describing the of the ages have come.” (1 Corinthians way she is reproving what happened at
knew! events in Indiana as something that 10:11) Indiana and using it as a warning for
Notice two more examples: would happen in 1998, 2012 or 2054? “For whatever things were written the church of the future. Thus, both the
“But the end of all things is at hand, Absolutely none. That’s why the message before were written for our learning, church of the past and the church of the
therefore be serious and watchful in had a very particular audience in mind, that we through the patience and com- future would be benefited. What Ellen
your prayers.” (1 Peter 4:7) in 1900, the very same audience who fort of the Scriptures might have hope.” White said to Haskell was relevant in
“Blessed is he who reads and those needed to take a stand against the per- (Romans 15:4) her day because the church was facing
who hear the words of this prophecy, and fectionism and emotionalism of some of I am sure that the writer is well the problem but it was also relevant
keep those things which are written in it; our members in Indiana at that time.” acquainted with Ellen White’s famous to the end time because the problem
for the time is near.” (Revelation 1:3) “There’s no need to distort her state- statement: “In reviewing our past his- would surface once again.
I believe that the imminence state- ments to make them relevant today.” tory, having traveled over every step of The e-mailer’s relevance argument
ments of Ellen White have the same I am puzzled by the e-mailer’s argu- advance to our present standing, I can is weak and would make irrelevant the
purpose as these Biblical examples. ment. He seems to be suggesting that say, Praise God! As I see what God has remarks that Paul wrote to Timothy. In
She was admonishing God’s people to what Ellen White wrote about the wrought, I am filled with astonishment, 1 Timothy 3:1-5 the apostle describes
be faithful and used imminence as a Indiana camp meeting would be irrel- and with confidence in Christ as leader. the condition of the church in his day.
method to encourage God’s people to evant to the original recipients if she We have nothing to fear for the future, But Ellen White explains that these

14 15
words were applicable to the condition letter that she wrote to the brethren in events were not still occurring when link between emotionalism and music
of the church at the end of time as well Indiana. This led the conference presi- she spoke. She returned from Austra- is far from being corrected. I may have
(The Great Controversy, p. 444). dent, R. S. Donnell to publicly repent lia in January of 1900 with the express shared this before, but about four years
The same could be said about 2 and affirm his confidence in the Spirit purpose of dealing with the Indiana ago I was an eyewitness to the follow-
Timothy 4:1-4. Ellen White sees this of Prophecy. problem and thus she had at least eight ing event.
as applying to the days of Paul as well In part her letter read: “Instruction months to face the problem. The prob- I was invited to preach at a joint
as to the end time (LP, pp. 232, 324). I has been given me in regard to the late lem had already been resolved when youth congress that was organized by
am sure that the e-mailer knows that experience of brethren in Indiana and she spoke at the General Conference a mission and a conference in a cer-
prophets wrote not only for their time the teaching they have given to the session and there is no clear evidence tain Latin American country. They
but to warn future generations by mak- churches.” Letter read to the General to the contrary. had asked me to present a series on the
ing reference to events of the past. Jesus Conference ministers on April 17, 1901 prophetic message of the Seventh-day
did this with Matthew 24. Ellen White Notice that she does not say “pres- Wrongful Pneumatology Adventist Church. I prepared a special
did it with Daniel 3. ent experience” and “are giving”. In or Doxology series that I felt would engage the atten-
Says the Lord’s servant: “The experi- English, the expression ‘the late’ means The writer confidently states in his tion of the youth and made the nine-
ence of the past will be repeated. In the something that came recently to an email that the problem at the Indiana hour trip from Fresno.
future, Satan’s superstitions will assume end but no longer exists. We use it, camp meeting had little to do with The congress was held over a long
new forms. Errors will be presented in a for example of someone who was alive music and everything to do with a weekend in a sporting arena in a
pleasing and flattering manner. False and recently passed away as in ‘the late wrongful pneumatology (doctrine of delightful seaside town. On opening
theories, clothed with garments of light, president John F. Kennedy was slain in the Holy Spirit) and that the Adven- night, I arrived at the arena early with
will be presented to God’s people. Thus Dallas.’ tist church of today has corrected the high expectations. The youth began
Satan will try to deceive, if possible, the Again Ellen White said to the Gen- problem. arriving in droves and soon the build-
very elect. Most seducing influences will eral Conference brethren: “But the late In his own words: “This [correction] ing was totally maxed out with what I
be exerted; minds will be hypnotized.” experience of brethren in Indiana has the church has done because emotion- estimated to be about 1,000 youth. It
Counsels to the Church, p. 323 not been in accordance with the Lord’s alism in worship has little to do with appeared that this was going to be a
instruction.” music and everything to do with a weak wonderful spiritual weekend. But soon
Ellen White Reads a Letter Notice once again that Ellen White and distorted pneumatology.” my expectations were blasted and I
Arthur White, Ellen White’s grandson, does not say: “the present experience of I am more than puzzled by these was deeply disappointed. Perhaps dis-
offered this explanation in his monu- the brethren in Indiana is not in accor- remarks; in fact, I am perplexed. Has tressed would more properly describe
mental biography of his grandmother: dance with the Lord’s instruction.” the problem of emotionalism and my feelings.
“Ellen White was shown in Australia in And a third time: “The manner in music in the church really been cor- To begin the program a group of
January, 1900, what would take place. which the meetings in Indiana have rected? Is it accurate to state that ‘emo- young people came onto the highly
The strange work was just then develop- been carried on, with noise and con- tionalism in worship has little to do with elevated platform to lead out in CCM
ing in Indiana, and she was shown what fusion, does not commend them to music?’ praise songs. They were dressed in
would take place at the camp meeting. thoughtful, intelligent minds.” Let’s answer each of these questions blue jeans and t-shirts. On the plat-
Thus she was prepared to speak of the In these three statements Ellen in turn. form there was a keyboard and electric
matter when she came to the General White makes it clear that in her let- I regularly travel to the five conti- guitars. With a deafening volume the
Conference session in 1901.” 5BIO, p. 104 ter to elder Haskell she was referring nents preaching and teaching, and in band began to play its praise songs as
On April 17, 1901 Ellen White read a to what had occurred in the past. The my travels I have discovered that the the singers shouted out the words. The

16 17
music was syncopated and rhythmic I overdraw [exaggerate] it at all.” “Those things which have been in the
and was accompanied by different The praise service lasted for a little
colored lights that undulated across more than an hour. The young people past will be in the future.
the ceiling, the walls and the crowd. were whipped up into a frenzy that Satan will make
music a snare
On the platform was a machine that would not allow them to concentrate
spewed out a vapor that enveloped the on an in-depth study of God’s word.
platform in a mist and made it look like Finally, just before nine o’clock the pas-
a bar room. tor who was in charge of the event told by the way
in which it is conducted.”
—Selected Messages, vol. 2, p. 38

was no spirit of reverence. In fact, the future near the close of probation!
it took several minutes just to calm
them down and even then while I was Ellen White’s Letter to Haskell
preaching they talked and were dis- A careful reading of Ellen White’s letter
tracted. As this ‘worship service’ was to Elder Haskell reveals clearly that she
transpiring I couldn’t help but think,
Worship service “So Ellen White was right about what
was concerned about the music style as
well as a wrongful theology of the Holy
or she predicted in 1900!” Spirit. She leaves no doubt that the rea-
Would anyone dare say that the
Rock Concert? music had nothing to do with the irrev-
son for the excitement, shouting and
dancing was the music, not the wrong
erent attitude and conduct of those theology!
who attended? The reaction of the Elder Haskell confirmed this when
The youth in the stands clapped, me that it was my turn but that I had to
youthful Adventist crowd was not due he stated: “There is a great power that
danced, swayed, stomped, laughed, abbreviate my talk because it was late.
to a wrongful pneumatology but to the goes with the movement that is on foot
shouted whistled and shrieked. Most of At that point I asked myself, how can
music that was presented. Does a holy there. It would almost bring anybody
the young people were not even sing- I preach in an environment where the
God condone and accept this style of within its scope, if they are at all consci-
ing but were rather talking, hugging youth are in such a state of frenzy? It
worship? I leave it to the reader to hon- entious, and sit and listen with the least
each other and swaying to the music. was obvious that their hearts were not
estly answer this question. degree of favor, because of the music
If you think that I am stretching the ready to receive the word so I decided
One thing is clear, the musical styles that is brought to play in the ceremony.”
truth about what went on, I still have a to change my topic and preached a 20
that were used at this and other events Stephen Haskell, Letter to Ellen G.
video that I took at this event to prove minute sermon.
is living proof that Ellen White was White, September 25, 1900
my assertions. I would state along with It was extremely difficult to preach
right in predicting that what happened In her response to Haskell, Ellen
Elder Haskell’s testimony about the in such an environment because the
at Indiana would take place again in White concurred with his assessment:
Indiana camp meeting: “I do not think youth had little interest and there

18 19
“Better never have the worship of God movement clearly reveals that a wrong churches or by watching TBN. What is Messages, vol. 2, p. 38
blended with music than to use musical understanding of the Holy Spirit fre- it that causes the frenzied response of When Ellen White wrote this state-
instruments to do the work which last quently leads to a wrongful use of the crowd? The music! If there was no ment both the events of early Adventist
January was represented to me would music which in turn translates into a CCM there would be no frenzy! And, history and the events of the Indiana
be brought into our camp meetings.” rambunctious response in the worship as Ellen White states it, they attribute camp meeting were in the past. There
Selected Messages, vol. 2, p. 36 service. And yet it is also true that a this frenzy to the work of the Holy is no way that this statement can be
“Those things which have been in counterfeit pneumatology is not even Spirit!! Ellen White clearly affirms that construed to mean that the two uses
the past [at this point both the early needed in order for music to cause a the wrongful use of musical instru- of the verb ‘will’ means ‘would’. I have
Adventist experience and the Indiana questionable response in the hearers ments was a problem at the Indiana already provided abundant evidence
camp meeting had already passed] will as can be seen by the Adventist wor- camp meeting in 1900. And notice that from Ellen White’s writings themselves
be in the future. Satan will make music ship services that I described earlier. she foresaw not only a problem at Indi- that the events of Indiana had occurred
a snare by the way in which it is con- The response of the youth at the sports ana because she uses the plural ‘camp as a past process and had already come
coliseum was not meetings’. As far as we know, there to an end when Ellen White wrote her
due to a wrong were no other camp meetings around response to Elder Haskell.
view of the Holy 1900 that followed Indiana’s lead.
Spirit but rather to “But last January the Lord showed Importance of Present Truth
the music that was me that erroneous theories and meth- Yet there is an even deeper issue
performed. ods would be brought into our camp involved here. Time and again Ellen
On the other meetings, and that the history of the White emphasizes that the purpose of
side of the equation past would be repeated.” Selected Mes- our camp meetings is to present the
it is also correct to sages, vol. 2, p. 37 third angel’s message to the world.
say that a proper Some might assume that the future She repeatedly underlines in her let-
Satan will understanding of Ellen White was talking about in Janu-
make music a ter to Elder Haskell the importance of
the Holy Spirit will ary of 1900 was what happened eight preaching Present Truth at our camp
snare lead to a correct months later at Indiana. But in con- meetings and warns about the dangers
use of music which text this is only partially true. She was of an improper worship style eclipsing
will in turn lead undoubtedly referring to what hap- the message. She clearly states that any
to a proper rever- pened in early Adventist history as well worship style or music that detracts
ent response in the as what happened at Indiana. But she from this central purpose is unaccept-
ducted.” Selected Messages, vol. 2, p. 38 worship service. We use the expression was also clearly warning about similar able.
“Satan works amid the din and con- “where there is smoke there is fire.” events to take place in the future. Here are two examples: “… the
fusion of such music, which, properly Well, where there is dancing, shouting, Ellen White wrote to Haskell on enemy was trying to arrange matters
conducted, would be a praise and glory whistling, etc., there is a wrongful use October 10, 1900 a little over two weeks so that the camp meetings, which have
to God.” Selected Messages, vol. 2, p. 37 of music. After all, a cappella dancing after the Indiana camp meeting had been the means of bringing the truth of
Thus Ellen White links a skewed is a rare phenomenon indeed! concluded: “Those things which have the third angel’s message before multi-
understanding of the work of the Holy That the wrong kind of music cre- been in the past will be in the future. tudes, should lose their force and influ-
Spirit with a skewed view of doxology ates an improper worship response Satan will make music a snare by the ence.” 21MR, p. 130
and worship. The modern Pentecostal can be seen by visiting Pentecostal way in which it is conducted.” Selected “This is an invention of Satan to cover

20 21
up his ingenious methods for making of course and the music should be the the live historical event is the sermon sang a new song that had been com-
none effect the pure, sincere, elevating, dessert but music has supplanted the of the worship service and the music posed for the occasion which centered
ennobling, sanctifying truth for this message as the main course. is the response to the historical event. on the historical event that was trans-
time.” 21MR, p. 128 Wherever I travel I hear complaints Let’s take the heavenly worship scenes piring before their eyes:
In short, the issue in 1900 was not about how the unique Adventist mes- of the book of Revelation, one by one. “You are worthy to take the scroll and
only theological (‘holy flesh’, which sage has been eclipsed and devoured by In Revelation 4, before Jesus arrived to open its seals, because you were slain,
was really an attack on the Biblical music and musicians. In other words, in heaven at His ascension, the focus and with your blood you purchased men
doctrine of sanctification) and pneu- music, instead of being a means to an of heavenly worship was upon God for God from every tribe and language
matological (a counterfeit concept of end has become an end in itself. From the Father who was sitting on His and people and nation. You have made
the Holy Spirit) but also doxological being servant to the message, music throne. In harmony with the occasion, them to be a kingdom and priests to
(an improper worship style and music). has become its master. the music which the 24 elders and the serve our God, and they will reign on
That is, the problem was related to the four living creatures sang on this occa- the earth. Then I looked and heard the
kind of music and worship style that Hymns for the Occasion sion centered on God the Father as the voice of many angels, numbering thou-
accompanied a wrong view of the Holy A few years ago I was invited to speak architect of creation: “You are worthy, sands upon thousands, and ten thou-
Spirit. at a camp meeting on the subject of O Lord, to receive glory and honor and sand times ten thousand. They encircled
worship. I underlined how the ser- power; for You created all things, and the throne and the living creatures and
Depreciation of Present Truth mon should be central in the worship by Your will they exist and were cre- the elders. In a loud voice they sang:
The problem we face today is even service and that music should support ated.” (Revelation 4:11) Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to
more complex than the worship style the sermon. After my presentation, a When Jesus died on the cross, the receive power and wealth and wisdom
and the music. I have found that those staunch advocate of CCM brought to worship music of the heavenly throng and strength and honor and glory and
churches that use CCM styles also my attention that in the heavenly wor- centered on the victory of Jesus over praise!” (Revelation 5:9-12, NIV)
want the worship service to be com- ship scenes in the book of Revelation Satan: “Then I heard a loud voice saying When Jesus finally takes over the
posed mostly of praise music leaving there is no sermon but rather just sing- in heaven: Now salvation, and strength, kingdoms of this world at the sound-
little time for the sermon. Many of ing and praise. His point was that in and the kingdom of our God, and the ing of the seventh trumpet, the central
these churches don’t want the Spirit of heaven, praise music trumps the mes- power of His Christ have come, for the theme song of the heavenly beings will
Prophecy to be quoted from the pulpit, sage. To be honest, I did not have as accuser of our brethren, who accused focus on this great event: “Then the sev-
they do not want anything said about good answer to his argument until I sat them before our God day and night, has enth angel sounded: And there were loud
our distinctive doctrines, particularly down to study the matter. been cast down.” (Revelation 12:10; see voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms
Bible prophecy and they do not want When I studied the worship scenes also John 12:31-33) of this world have become the kingdoms
anything said about our distinctive in the book of Revelation I discovered When Jesus arrived in heaven at of our Lord and of His Christ, and He
Adventist lifestyle. that the heavenly beings don’t just sing, His ascension the theme of the choral shall reign forever and ever! And the
Thus the problem is more complex simply to sing. In other words, they music shifted from God the Father as twenty-four elders who sat before God
than just the music. Music has become don’t just put a concert together with a the Creator to Jesus the Redeemer. At on their thrones fell on their faces and
an end in itself when it should be a collection of praise songs. Each hymn this point, Jesus had returned from worshiped God, saying: We give You
means to an end. Music should be the that they sing has a central theme and earth to heaven to present Himself thanks, O Lord God Almighty, the One
support of the message rather than focus which is based on a historical before His Father with the wounds still who is and who was and who is to come,
the message being the appendix to the event which has immediately trans- fresh on His body. The four living crea- because You have taken Your great pow-
music. The sermon should be the main pired before they sing. So to speak, tures, the 24 elders and the angelic host er and reigned.” (Revelation 11:15, 16)

22 23
When God’s people finally gain the and they shall be His people. God Him-
victory over the beast and his image self will be with them and be their God.
they will sing the Song of Moses and And God will wipe away every tear from
the Lamb, the song of their deliver- their eyes; there shall be no more death,
ance. In this they will echo the song nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no
that was sung by Israel after their more pain, for the former things have
enemies had been swallowed up by the passed away.” (Revelation 21:3, 4)
angry waves of the Red Sea: The point is that our Seventh-day
“Great and marvelous are Your Adventist worship experience today
works, Lord God Almighty! Just and must reflect our unique message and
true are Your ways, O King of the saints! mission. The present truth message for
Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and today is that Jesus is in the most holy
glorify Your name? For You alone are place and He is about to begin the judg-
holy. For all nations shall come and ment of the living. Should not our wor-
worship before You, for Your judgments ship experience reflect this fact? Should
have been manifested.” (Revelation not our theology determine our doxol-
15:3, 4) ogy? Should not present truth dictate
When God finally judges the harlot what we sing in the worship service? March 13-18, 2017
who has shed the blood of His people, If we worship like the Pentecostals
the song of the heavenly choirs will and evangelicals, what reason do we
bring to memory and reflect upon this have to exist? How can we say that our
event: “After these things I heard a loud worship service is Adventist when we
voice of a great multitude in heaven, rarely sing or preach about what Jesus
saying, Alleluia! Salvation and glory is doing presently in the heavenly sanc-
and honor and power belong to the Lord tuary and what we should do in paral-
our God! For true and righteous are lel fashion on earth?
2017 Class Title
His judgments, because He has judged
The Hebrew Religious Calendar
the great harlot who corrupted the
earth with her fornication; and He has COST
avenged on her the blood of His servants $150/person, $250/married couple
shed by her.” (Revelation 19:1, 2) R E G I S T R AT I O N
Finally, when the redeemed are Opens November 1, 2016. Class limit is 57 students.
in the Holy City and the wicked are Search “ANCHOR” at
outside, the song of the righteous will
reflect that which they anticipate: “And Pastor Stephen Bohr
I heard a loud voice from heaven say-
ing, Behold, the tabernacle of God is
with men, and He will dwell with them,

24 held at Secrets Unsealed, Fresno, CA

Tuberculosis has claimed
more lives than any other
disease in human history.

gen although it can infect every organ Thus the TB germs continue to live and
of the body. grow in this now protected phagosome
Humans are the only known natural within the macrophage. And while the
source for TB. And it is only spread by bridging proteins necessary for lyso-
coughing or breathing out fine micro- some merger are blocked, it does not
scopic droplets containing the TB block the merger with little sacs con-
germs, which can float in the air and be taining nutrients necessary for bacte-
inhaled into another’s lungs. rial growth.
Once inhaled into the little air sacs There is also a gene in the TB germ
in the lungs, macrophages there imme- that prevents acidification and another
diately attack it and engulf it. For any one that blocks destruction by power-
by Milton Teske, M.D. other bacteria this would be their end ful reactive nitrogen molecules used to
— but not TB. The outside of this bacte- destroy bacteria. And yet another sub-
rium is covered with a thick waxy coat- stance (isotuberculosinal) is made that
lso know as consumption, phthi- za or typhoid or cholera or any other ing (unlike other bacteria). This way it prevents the natural aging and break-
sis, scrofula, Pott’s disease and plague kills more people. TB is still the is protected from being destroyed by down of the phagosome with the TB
the graveyard cough, tuberculo- number one killer. the macrophage. germs in it. Thus TB can grow safely in
sis (TB) is a slow lingering infectious When a bacterium is taken into the an environment that makes it impos-
disease that consumes the victim from Hard to Kill This Bacterium macrophage by a process called phago- sible to eradicate it. And there is also a
the inside, eating away the lungs and The Mycobacterium responsible for cytosis, it is contained within a small special gene that makes a special DNA
other organs, usually over a period of this disease is a very slow growing sac (called a phagosome) that quickly repair enzyme so even if there should
a number of years, before death finally bacterium. In laboratory testing, most merges with a sac containing powerful be some damage to the TB DNA it can
brings relief. common bacteria can be easily cul- oxidizing and proteolytic agents (called be quickly repaired.
TB has claimed more lives than any tured in one to two days. This Myco- a lysosome). These lysosomes normally
other disease in human history. bacterium can take eight weeks to cul- completely destroy the bacteria in the Granuloma Formation
Today this disease is preventable ture. Most bacteria use sugar or other phagosome within minutes. If you can’t kill them then at least lock
and curable with antibiotics. Yet today, carbohydrates as their food source, but But the waxy coating encasing the them up in jail so they can’t spread and
in spite of this, it still has the unenvi- this Mycobacterium uses fats and cho- TB germs blocks a special bridging continue their destructive tissue inva-
able title as the number one cause of lesterol as its food source. Its physiol- protein necessary for the lysosome sion in the lungs or other organs. More
death in the world from infectious ogy is highly aerobic requiring lots of to merge with the phagosome so the macrophages come in to attack the
disease. Not Ebola or HIV-AIDS, or oxygen to grow and probably explains lysosome cannot merge and empty its infected macrophages and they fuse
bubonic plague or malaria or influen- why it is primarily a respiratory patho- digestive agents into the phagosome. together forming giant multinucleated

26 27
macrophages. organs in the body. the more poverty stricken developing
Certain cyto- The LTBI has now nations). In the U.S. between 5% and
kines, fibroblasts become active TB. 10% are positive for TB infection.
and proteins go
to work to build Active TB Trying to get rid of TB
a protective wall As the TB myco- In much of the world a vaccine called
around these bacteria spread BCG is given to try to prevent or at
giant multinucle- through the lungs least lessen the severity of the infection.
ated macrophage the normal lung But it is only minimally effective. In
masses infected with the TB germs tissue is destroyed, and large cavities or the U.S. we do not vaccinate — instead
and this is called a granuloma. Special holes in the lungs develop. These cavi- we test and treat positive cases with
T-lymphocytes surround them making ties can be filled with necrotic tissue or antibiotics.
sure that the granuloma is maintained mucus or purulent sputum that can be We use a TB skin test where a small
and TB germs stay safely locked inside. coughed up at times. When the infec- Scrofula amount of protein from killed TB
These granulomas can be calcified and tion eats through a blood vessel there germs is injected into the skin of the
can be seen on a chest X-ray. But like can be bleeding into the lung. Cough- spread to the kidneys and other glands. forearm. If inhaling a TB germ has
a modern day prison, the inmates are ing up blood-tinged sputum has been It can become disseminated, spreading infected you and your body is fighting
kept alive and healthy. considered a death warrant throughout through the blood stream to the whole it keeping it locked up in a granuloma
As long as the immune system is much of history. If a larger artery starts body in a form called miliary TB that jail, then your lymphocytes will imme-
healthy, these T-lymphocytes can bleeding, the lungs can fill up with soon becomes fatal. diately sense this TB protein injection.
keep the TB germs locked up in these blood. Pulmonary hemorrhage was Within 48 to 72 hours the spot will
granulomas for decades. We call this often the cause of death from TB. Very Infectious become red and swollen hard with all
condition a latent TB infection or The symptoms of active TB besides The coughing of active TB is full of of the lymphocytes swarming to the
LTBI. There is no active TB spreading a bad cough often with some blood- infectious mycobacterium. Even a very area and attacking this TB protein.
through the lungs or other organs, and tinge to the sputum are fevers or night few of these mycobacterium is enough This is a positive TB skin test. We can
the infected person is not contagious or sweats, fatigue and weight loss. This to cause an infection when inhaled. A now confirm it with a blood test called
spreading the infection to others. was often a slow gradual process tak- single sneeze QuantiFERON
The problem comes someday when ing a number of years. The ongoing can release Gold if there is
the immune system becomes weak- weight loss, as the infection consumed 40,000 micro any uncertainty
ened. Maybe diabetes or cancer or one from the inside, led to its common droplets — as to the result.
HIV-AIDS or another infection or old name: consumption. each one capa-
age weakens the immune system, or While pulmonary TB is its most ble of causing Treatment
maybe a medication like steroids or common form, it can spread to the an infection. Before the age
chemotherapy or one of the newer bio- brain and spinal cord causing tubercu- Today one of antibiotics
logicals used to treat arthritis or other losis meningitis. It can infect the bones third of the doctors often
autoimmune diseases or even severe often eating away the spine and is world is infect- prescribed
stress or environmental toxins can do called Pott’s disease. In the lymphatic ed with TB various poi-
it. Whatever the mechanism when the system it can cause enlarged infected (either LTBI or sons that often
T-lymphocyte jail-keepers are weak- lymph nodes often seen in the neck active TB). In much of Asia and Africa speeded the demise of the unfortunate
ened and cannot do their job, the TB and is called scrofula. These enlarged up to 80% are positive for TB infection. victims of tuberculosis. But starting
germs can break out and start spread- infected nodes can rupture through About one and a half million people will in the middle of the 19th century it
ing through the lungs or even other the skin and drain at times. It can die this year from TB (95% of them in became popular to try to slow or stop

28 29
the spread of the disease in patients ment can continue for a long time — at 10% of MDR-TB is
infected with TB by sending them to least nine months, but sometimes over becoming XDR-TB.
sanitariums. At these sanitariums they a year is needed. In 2003 for the
received fresh air night and day, pure The local public health department first time in the
water, a healthy diet, sunlight and exer- will send out an investigator, and every world we discov-
cise in the open air. They often had family member and coworker that ered infections with
some good results. might have been exposed needs to be totally drug resis-
Now we have antibiotics that can go tested. An infected student can result in tant TB in Italy.
beyond locking the germs in jail and hundreds of students needing to be test- These are resistant
actually kill them for us. But these ed. But it is only through work of this to all of our known
mycobacteria are slow-growing and kind that we can keep TB under control anti-TB drugs. They
very hard to kill. To kill them in a LTBI and hope to someday eliminate it. have now been
it takes 9 months of Isoniazid daily. If The local health officer has the found in Iran and
one does not have liver problems we authority to isolate the infected person tive. But the full course of treatment India as well.
can kill them with only 4 months of as long as they are contagious to pre- must be completed. Not only must we
daily Rifampin. vent them from spreading it to others. be sure that every TB germ in him is
dead but also we want to prevent the
End TB Now
It is important to treat these LTBIs They also are responsible to see that a End TB Now is a plan by the United
so they do not progress to active TB at full course of treatment is finished to formation of multi-drug resistant TB Nations and the World Health Orga-
some future date. If you have a positive be sure that the infection is stopped. germs (MDR-TB). Only partially treat- nization to try to organize and inspire
skin test, getting treated can prevent They use DOT (direct observed ther- ing a patient can lead to the forma- all the nations of the world to elimi-
a future active TB infection as well as apy) where a public health nurse goes tion of MDR-TB. Already MDR-TB is nate TB. The prospect of the spread
protect those around you. By the time out to the house and actually watches spreading in many parts of the world, of totally drug
active TB is diagnosed and treatment them take the pills every day to be sure and they are now showing up here. resistant TB is
is started, they’ve often infected many they are getting all of the doses. (With These MDR-TBs cannot be killed with an apocalyp-
friends, coworkers and family mem- reliable patients some are doing Face- our usual anti-TB drugs. They are tic nightmare.
bers. Children are especially suscep- Time DOT with an iPhone.) It is a lot given four powerful drugs for 18 to 24 Hopefully the nations of the world will
tible to getting infected with TB and of pills every day for a long time and months. dedicate the resources needed toward
often have a more rapid progression of we have found that compliance can be Some MDR-TB is becoming even achieving the elimination of TB before
the disease. low without this ongoing surveillance. more resistant to some of the stronger it is too late to prevent this humanitar-
These public health nurses can be very drugs used to treat MDR-TB and these ian disaster.
Treating Active TB creative with various accommodations are now called extensively drug resis-
When one is symptomatic with cough- and bribes to ensure compliance, but if tant TB or XDR-TB. Currently, about
ing and there is a positive test, we will all efforts fail the uncooperative non-
collect sputum and look at it under the compliant patient can be arrested and
confined until the course of treatment
“You shall not be afraid …
microscope with special stains to see if
is completed for the health and safety
of the pestilence …
we can find any TB germs. We will also
of the community.
A thousand may fall at your side,
culture it for eight weeks to see if we
When three sputum tests come back
And ten thousand at your right hand;
can grow any TB germs. If either one
negative for TB the isolation can be
But it shall not come near you.
of these is positive, we know that an
lifted and the individual will be given
… Nor shall any plague
active TB infection is going on. We will
permission to return to work and shop-
come near your dwelling.”
start treatment with at least four differ-
ent antibiotics at the same time. Treat- ping because they are no longer infec-
—psalm 91 Milton Teske, MD

30 31
by Pastor Daniel Mesa
belongings stored in an old barn on an enth day was the Sabbath. One thing,
Indian reservation (my father had lost though, almost stopped me; my mother
all to gambling and alcohol). Unload- was a Seventh-day Adventist and at
ing the trailer of their stuff I found my the time I hated her, so I didn’t want to
Bible. I didn’t understand why but my become a member of that church. God
spirit leapt for joy! was merciful and we have been friends
Bringing the Bible home I put it on as mother and son ever since.
my desk and thought, “There, I got my With more than a burden in my
Bible.” Well, within a very short time heart to share the gospel with any and
the same voice was saying, “Read it.” every one, I providentially ended up
??? Really? at the Black Hills Mission
I finally grabbed the College in South Dako-
book and prayed, ta to learn the arts
“God, how do I get of soul-winning.
to Heaven?” Flipping Four years
open the Bible it fell after serving
to the back where in every missionary
Harold E. Metcalf capacity given me, I was
had his studies print- ed as ‘helps’ in hired in the Michigan Conference as
the back. The first bold print I read was a pastor and ordained in 2005. Since
something like, “Who Goes to Heav- then I’ve worked and been to school in
God was calling me. various alcohol at night (water was for en?” IL, OR, MN, and CA as a teacher, pas-
A short while after the ‘lightning fast sissies and I didn’t like juice). It was over. God had answered my tor, and multimedia creator.
vision’ referred to in the first portion Toward the end of that week I was lis- prayer and I started reading. Now, having preached the Bible in
of this testimony (2016 Q2), I decided tening to Fonzie in “Happy Days” have Cutting out a lot of details from this various parts of the world, raising two
that I would finally quit smoking for a regular conversation with another story, I started reading/studying the children with a lovely wife, and know-
good (it had been 12 years at the age actor. I thought to myself, “I can’t Bible from six to eight hours a day. It ing the truths of the Bible are a sure
of 19). I hated smoking cigarettes, but do that… I sound so foolish when I was food for my soul! I would end up foundation, I can say with the Hebrews
loved other drugs, so I figured I would curse…” I then decided to think before studying for that many hours each day of old, “truly, if [I] had been mindful of
go back to the drugs after kicking the using a curse word to replace that word the whole next year. that country from whence [I] came out,
formidable habit of the cigarettes! with a better one (even I could do that, It was only five weeks after starting [I] might have had opportunity to have
In my decision to quit, I turned away though my last high-school GPA was a to read that I was baptized in the ocean. returned. But now [I] desire a better
from everything at once. Within a 0.83). Since then, I haven’t cursed but Because my mother was a Seventh- country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore
week I recognized pure darkness in the one time, which was a shock even to day Adventist and I knew the seventh God is not ashamed to be called [my]
music I was listening to (Pantera, Slayer, myself! That’s a whole different story. day was the Sabbath, I wouldn’t con- God: for He hath
Mega-Death, Metallica, etc.) and chose After making these life changing sider a church that didn’t believe in prepared for [me]
to stop listening to music all together. decisions, at the end of around seven what I could already see from the Bible a City” (Hebrews
In the same week I realized my diet days, I started to hear my conscience (though I had last been to the Baptist 11:15-16).
was awful! I ate the likes of chorizo, repeatedly say, “Go get your Bible.” Church where to me the girls had been
bacon, and eggs for breakfast, fast food What?! That’s what the hypocrites read! more interesting than the message). The
at lunch, and a large steak and potato Being pestered so strongly by my only things I understood as truth before
for supper. All I drank was coffee in own conscience, I finally drove three starting to read the Bible were that
the morning, Pepsi during the day, and miles to where my parents had their God’s Word was true and that the sev- Pastor Daniel Mesa
32 33
chief _______________ and the _____________ of the people came unto
him. …” (Matt. 21:23)
Note: The parable was told the day after the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jeru-
salem as can be seen in Matthew 21:18. This would be on the Monday before the


Who’s temple did Jesus enter before narrating this parable?

“And Jesus went into the temple of ____________. … And said
unto them, It is written, ___________ house shall be called the house
of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.” (Matt. 21:12-13)

The Symbols of the Parable
Read the story carefully and then explain what you think is
represented by the following symbols in the parable? (The an-
swers are found throughout the chapter in Christ’s Object Lessons.
Please: Do not look at the note below this question before you fill in
the blanks. No cheating please!!)
The householder_______________ The husbandmen_______________

Lesson 21 Act of leasing_ ________________ The vineyard___________________

The tower_ ___________________ The hedge_____________________
Matthew 21:33-46; Mark 11:1-12; Luke 20:9-19; The servants__________________ The Son_______________________
Isaiah 5; Christ’s Object Lessons, pp. 284-306
The fruits_ ___________________ Other husbandmen_____________
In this lesson we will study the parable which is found in Matthew 21:33-46. This Note: The renowned theologian, Joachim Jeremias, has correctly grasped the
tragic story begins with a description of the bountiful blessings which God poured meaning of the symbols: “The vineyard is clearly Israel, the tenants are Israel’s rul-
out upon the nation of Israel. It ends, however, with the rejection of that people ers and leaders, the owner of the vineyard is God, the messengers are the proph-
and the adoption of the Gentiles as God’s chosen nation. Was this parable meant ets, the son is Christ, the punishment of the husbandmen symbolizes the ruin of
for the Jews only or is there the possibility that we could repeat their sad history Israel, the ‘other people’ (Matt. 21:43) are the Gentile Church.” (Joachim Jeremias,
today? Because of the lessons length, it will take us two sessions to study it. Let us The Parables of Jesus, p. 70)

begin our considerations with the textual setting, the historical background and
the meaning of the symbols. The Parable’s Six Historical Stages

How is the first historical stage of the parable described? “And when
The Textual Setting of the Parable the time of the fruit drew near, he sent his ______________ to the hus-

What great event took place the day before Jesus told this parable? bandmen, that they might receive the ___________ of it.” (Matt. 21:34)
(Matt. 21:1-14) The ______________________ entry into Jerusalem.
How is the second historical stage described?

This event took place on Palm Sunday.
“___________, he sent ___________ servants
Where was Jesus when he told this parable and to whom did He tell more than the _____________; and they did
it? “And when he [Jesus] was come into the ________________, the unto them likewise.” (Matt. 21:36)

34 35
3. What important event took place at the third histori- wanderings. Enshrouded in the _____________ of cloud by day and the

cal stage? “But _________ of all he sent unto them his pillar of fire by night, He ____________ and guided them.” (COL 287)

________, saying, they will __________ my son.” (Matt. 21:37)
What blessings did God pour out upon Israel when He took them
Under the fourth stage, what happened with the original out of Egypt? “He preserved them from the ____________ of the wil-
husbandmen? “He [God] will miserably _____________ derness, He brought them into the land of ____________, and in the sight

those wicked men. …” (Matt. 21:41) of all the nations that acknowledged not ___________ He established Is-
rael as His own chosen ______________, the Lord’s vineyard.” (COL 287)
In the fifth stage, what did the householder do with his vineyard? Note: The Greek word exedoto [“to let out”] in Matt. 21:33 seems to indicate that

He “will let out [lease] his vineyard unto ___________ husbandmen, Jesus began to relate the history of Israel at the point of the exodus from Egypt.
which shall render unto him the ________________ in their seasons.”

(Matt. 21:41) What do the hedge and tower represent? “The were _____________
about by the precepts of His ________________, the everlast-
What does the parable say would happen in the sixth and final ing principles of _____________, justice and purity. … And as the
stage with those who rejected the Stone? “And whosoever shall ____________ in the vineyard, God placed in the midst of the land His

fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will holy _______________.” (COL 287, 288)

_____________ him to _________________.” (Matt. 21:44)
What was God’s glorious plan for the children of Israel? “God desired
To which great prophecy does the previous question allude? The to make His people Israel a ______________ and a ______________.
stone “shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it … The glory of God, His majesty and power, were to be revealed in all their
shall stand for ever.” (Dan. 2:44) _______________. … God furnished them with every _______________

Note: This parable vividly describes the six stages of Israel’s history. 1) After for becoming the greatest ____________ on earth.” (COL 288)
their election at Mt. Sinai, God sent Israel a plethora of prophetic messengers, but
Israel mistreated them so God allowed Israel to be taken captive to Babylon (II Did God’s plan embrace Israel alone or did it include all the na-
Chronicles 35:15, 16). 2) Following the Babylonian captivity, God sent them more tions of the world? “Through the Jewish nation it was God’s purpose
messengers and Israel did likewise with them (Matt. 23:37). 3) As a last resort, to impart rich ________________ to all _____________. Through Israel
God sent His own Son, Jesus, and they cut Him off. 4) As a result, Jerusalem was the way was to be prepared for the diffusion of His ____________ to the

destroyed by the Romans in the year 70 A. D. 5) the kingdom was removed from whole _______________.” (COL 286)
literal Israel and given to the Gentiles (Matt. 21:43; Acts 13:46-47). But this is not
the end of the story for those who rejected Jesus. 6) Under the last stage the stone What two passages from the book of Deuteronomy does Ellen
which the builders rejected will pulverize those who rejected Him. Keep in mind, White quote to describe God’s plan for Israel? ______________

for the time being, that this will take place on occasion of the great post-millennial _______________ (COL 288-290; Study these texts carefully.)
judgment of Revelation 20:11-15 (more on this later)!
How does Ellen White describe God’s awesome plan for the salva-

The First Application: Literal Israel tion of the world? “But it was God’s purpose that the by revelation
To which Old Testament Prophecy did Jesus allude when he told the of His ________________ through Israel men should be _____________
unto Him. To all the world the _____________ invitation was to be giv-

parable of the vineyard? ____________________ (COL 284-285)
en. Through the teaching of the ________________ service
Who was the leader of Israel in the wilderness? “____________ was ______________ was to be uplifted before the nations.”
the leader of the children of Israel in their ___________________ (COL 290)

36 37
9. What were the nations to do as they understood the
gospel plan? “All. … were to _______________ them-
selves with His chosen people. As the ______________ of Israel
increased they were to _______________ their borders, until
15. When Israel was restored to their land after the Babylonian cap-
tivity, who helped them in the work of restoration? “And with
them were the ______________ of God ______________ them.” (Ezra 5:2)
Note: In his parable, Jesus recalled that God sent a second group of messengers

their _________________ should embrace the world.” (COL 290) to gather fruit from the vineyard (Matt. 21:36). Jesus knew Hebrew history. After
the Babylonian captivity, God did raise up a plethora of prophets and messengers.
Why did Israel fail to fulfill God’s plan? “The blessings Some of these were: Haggai, Zechariah, Joshua the high priest, Zerubbabel, Ezra,
they had ________________ brought no blessing to the Nehemiah and Malachi. Though the people started out well under these conse-
______________. All their _________________ were appropriated for crated leaders [faithful husbandmen], the book of Malachi reveals that their suc-

11. 16.
their own ________________.” (COL 291) cesors [unfaithful husbandmen] led the people into apostasy once more.

What did the husbandmen do with the vineyard and its fruit? What did God do as a last resort to try and reach the Jewish na-
“The husbandmen who had been placed in charge of th Lord’s tion? “But __________ of all he sent unto them his ____________,
vineyard were ____________ to their trust. The ___________ and saying, they will __________________ my son.” (Matt. 21:37)
_______________ were not faithful instructors of the people. … They de- Note: The gospel of Mark says that the householder sent “a beloved son” which is
sired to appropriate the ___________ of the vineyard. It was their study the very title applied to Jesus in Mark 1:9-11. The expression “last of all” indicates
to ______________ attention and homage to _____________________.” finality. The son will make the last call for the Jewish nation to produce fruit. If

(COL 292) The Greek of Mt. 21:34 says: “His fruit”. they don’t, they will be cut down and cast into the fire (see, Matt. 3:8, 10; Luke

13:1-6; Mark 11:12-14, 20)
What did the rabbi’s do which led the people astray? “The
people lived in ______________ unrest, for they could not ful- What did the husbandmen do with the beloved son? “But when the
fill the __________________ laid down by the rabbis. As they saw the husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the
___________________ of keeping man-made commandments, they be- ______________; come let us _______________ on his inheritance. And

came careless in regard to the ___________________ of God.” (COL 292) they caught him, and cast him ________________ of the vineyard and
______________ him.” (Matt. 21:38-39)
What did God do to try and bring Israel back to His original plan?
Note: Joachim Jeremias describes the customs of the day: “The arrival of the son
“Prophets and messengers were ____________ to urge God’s claim allows them to assume that the owner is dead, and that the son has come to take up
upon the husbandmen; but instead of being welcomed, they were treated his inheritance. If they kill him, the vineyard becomes ownerless property which
as ________________. The husbandmen __________________ and killed they can claim as being first on the spot.” (Joachim Jeremias, The Parables of Jesus,

them.” (COL 293) pp. 75-76). In the light of Luke 20:9, Jeremias’ remarks appear accurate. There we
are told that the householder went into a far country “for a long time.” This seems
What biblical corroboration sustains the view of Ellen White to indicate that the vinedressers believed the owner was an absentee landlord. In
in question #13? “And the Lord God of their fathers sent to them their minds, it was only the son who stood between them and the inheritance.
by his ____________, rising up bedtimes, and sending; because he had
Ironically, if the Jews had accepted Jesus, they would have become joint heirs with
__________ on his people, and on his dwelling place; but they ___________
Him of the Father’s promises (Rom. 8:17). But by rejecting Him, they forfeited any
the messengers of God, and despised his ____________, and misused his right to the inheritance. The promises were made to Abraham and his Seed (Gal.
______________, until the wrath of the LORD arose against his people, till 3:16) and only those who choose to unite with the Seed will inherit the promises
there was no remedy.” (II Chron. 36:15-16; see also, Matt. 23:29-37) (Gal. 3:29; see the conversation of Jesus with the Jewish leaders in
Note: According to II Chronicles 36:17-20 the wrath of God was poured out John 8). Thus the Jewish leaders caused that which they wished
against Israel and as a consequence they were taken captive to Babylon for 70 years. to prevent and prevented that which they wished to cause

38 39
(see, also John 11:47-52). Jesus was killed after being cast out of glory of the Son of God. With one ________________ the wicked hosts
Jerusalem (John 19:17; Heb. 13:12-13). In this sense He was cast out exclaim: ‘Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.’” (GC 662)

of the vineyard and killed.

What About Today?
What did God do when the Jews chose Barabbas instead of
Jesus and declared, “we have no king but Caesar”? “Their Does this parable apply alone to the Jewish nation? “The par-
decision was _______________ in the book which John saw in the hand able of the vineyard applies not alone to the Jewish nation. It has a
of Him that sat upon the ________________, the book which no man ______________ for ___________. The church in this generation has been
could open. In all its _________________ this decision will appear before endowed by God with great __________________ and blessings, and He

them in the day when this book is ______________ by the Lion of the tribe expects corresponding _________________.” (COL 296)
of Judah.” (COL 294; GC 666-667)
In how broad a spectrum does God expect his people to reveal right
Note: Ellen White has stated elsewhere about this book: “There in His open hand principles to the world? “These principles are to be manifest in the
lay the book, the roll of the history of God's providences, the prophetic history of
________________Christian, in the ____________, in the ____________
nations and the church. Herein was contained the divine utterances, His author-

and in every ________________ established for God’s service.” (COL 296)
ity, His commandments, His laws, the whole symbolic counsel of the Eternal, and
the history of all ruling powers in the nations. In symbolic language was contained
in that roll the influence of every nation, tongue, and people from the beginning of What dangers does the church of today face? “It is when
______________ building is neglected, when the ________________

earth’s history to its close.” (Manuscript Releases, vol. 9 [release # 667], p. 7)
of the soul is lacking, when the simplicity of __________________ is lost
According to Matthew 21:41, who pronounced the doom of the Jew- sight of, that pride and love of ____________ demand magnificent church

ish nation? “_______ say unto him, He will miserably destroy those edifices, splendid adornings and ______________ ceremonies.” (COL 298)
wicked men, and will let out his vineyard unto other _______________,
What is Jesus hungering for in His church today? “Christ

which shall render him the fruits in their ______________.” (Matt. 21: 41)
________________ to receive from his vineyard the fruit of
What did the Jews say when they spoke their own doom? “God __________________ and __________________. He looks for the prin-
ciples of ____________ and goodness. Not all the beauty of art can bear

_________________.” (Luke 20:16)
comparison with the beauty of _____________ and character to be re-

What happened to the Jewish nation for its rejection of the Messi- vealed in those who are Christ’s _____________________.” (COL 298)
ah? “Jerusalem was ______________, the temple was laid in ruins,
and its site plowed like a field. … The privileges they had _____________, Why does God impart His blessings to us? “God imparts His
_______________ to us that we also may ______________, and thus

the work they had slighted was entrusted to _____________.” (COL 296)

make known His __________________ to the world.” (COL 300)
What words did Jesus pronounce when he left the Jewish temple
for the last time? “Behold, ____________ house is left unto you Does God ever require of us that which is impossible to perform?
_______________. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till “God makes no requirement without making _________________
ye say, _____________ is he that cometh in the ____________ of the Lord.” for its fulfillment. Through the _______________ of Christ we may accom-

plish everything that God ___________________.” (COL 301)

(Matt. 23:38-39)

According to Ellen White, at what occasion will the Jew- To which church is the Laodicean message especially
ish leaders pronounce the words of Matthew 23:39? “Every applicable? “Shall Seventh-day Adventists walk in
____________________ in that vast multitude is turned to behold the the same path as did the _____________________

40 41
nation? Shall the message to the Laodicean church be appli- ________________ of the hour.” (COL 303)
cable to __________ people? Shall those who have seen great
_____________, who have had large ________________ and What did Israel fail to do when they entered the land of Canaan?

many __________________, cease to do service as witnesses for (COL 303) _____________________________________________

Christ?” (Manuscript Releases, vol. 18 [release # 1330], p. 193)
How is our very own Fresno Central church repeating the same er-
Is the Seventh-day Adventist church today in danger of follow- ror as ancient Israel? “With the whole ____________ before them
ing the same path as ancient Israel? “Because thou sayest, I am in need of the gospel, professed Christians ________________ where they
______________, and increased with _______________, and have need themselves can ____________ the gospel __________________. They

of nothing.” (Rev. 3:17) do not feel the necessity of occupying ___________ territory, carrying
the message of salvation into regions _______________. … Are they less

What does Jesus say He will do to the church today if it fails to re- _____________ than was the Jewish church?” (COL 303)
pent? “So then because thou art _________________, and neither

cold nor hot, I will ______________ thee out of my mouth.” (Rev. 3:16) What awesome statement does Ellen White make about God’s peo-
ple today? “The professed followers of Christ are on ____________
Is Jesus standing outside the door hungering for the fruit of holi- before the heavenly _________________; but the coldness of their
ness? “Behold, I stand at the door, and ______________; if any _______________ and the feebleness of their ______________ in God’s

man hear my ________________, and open the door, I will come in to him service mark them as __________________.” (COL 303)

and will ________________ with him, and he with me.” (Rev. 3:20)
What will happen with many professed followers of Jesus when their
Thought Question: Has God given the Seventh-day Ad- names come in review before the heavenly universe? “Many there are
ventist church great prophetic light in the areas of education, against whose names will be found written in the books of heaven, Not
medical work, publishing, family life, lifestyle, health, etc.? Has the ________________, but __________________. By many who bear Christ’s
church today generally obeyed the light? _________________________ name, His glory is _______________, His beauty ______________, His

___________________________________________________________ honor withheld.” (COL 304)

Who were particularly to blame for the apostasy of Israel? “For the
The Broadest Meaning of the Parable rejection of Christ, with the results that followed, they [the leaders]
Does this parable apply only to Israel and the church? “God claims were responsible. A nation’s ___________ and a nation’s ____________

2. 9.
the whole ____________ as His __________________.” (COL 301) were due to the _______________ leaders.” (COL 305)

What is the great sin of the world today? “Ingratitude to God, the Is the same error being committed today by the Christian
__________ of opportunities and __________, the selfish appropria- church? “From many of the pulpits of the churches the people are
tion of God’s gifts–these were comprised in the sin that brought __________ ______________ that the law of God is not binding upon them. Human

upon Israel. They are bringing ruin upon the world today.” (COL 302) ________________, ordinances, and ______________ are exalted. Pride
and selfsatisfaction because of the ____________ of God are fostered,

In what condition are God’s people found as the world rushes to its while the _____________ of God are ignored.” (COL 305)
ruin? “Men are in _________________. Multitudes are perishing.
But how few of the ________________ followers of Christ are burdened What can we learn from Israel’s failure? “The re-
for these souls. … There is a _________________, a _________________ sult of Israel’s __________ is before us. Will the
upon the people of God, which prevents them from understanding the church of ____________ take warning?” (COL 306)
42 43
“I recently purchased the 30 ses-
sion series The Nuts and Bolts “I’m so happy to know the eminent Lyle & Ruth McCoy from
Of Bible Prophecy. What a won- growth of Secrets Unsealed pure Farrel and Bobbi Brizendine
derful blessing these classes are ministry over the last 10 years. In Max Otto and Blanca Krausee
to my wife and I. We have been 2006 my friend gave me a DVD of from Max Krausse
Adventists for over 30 years. Pastor Stephen Bohr about the Three Don Oltman from Jeanne Oltman
Bible study and witnessing are Angels’ Messages. This was the Ron Lutman from
part of our lives. The Nuts and beginning of my life! I am so fond Farrel & Bobbi Brizendine
Bolts Of Bible Prophecy is help- of the sermons, and in searching
ing us get closer to Jesus!” here and there finally God helped
Richard & Kelly, Michigan me to get all the sermons so I can
download from web. A simple DVD
ministry has grown and expanded
to the higher level. Truly it is a great

Testimony Time
blessing to my life personally. God
continue to BLESS all the families of
Secrets Unsealed ministry.”
Sijo, India

“We feel we are receiving a seminary

“Pastor Bohr, I want to thank Watch Secrets Unsealed
education watching Pastor Bohr on in New Zealand on:
you for your book Worship at
3ABN. God has been so good to us
Satan’s Throne. I bought it from
in allowing us to receive 3ABN all
Remnant Publications. It has
these years without cable. We give
opened the eyes of my wife and
Him praise all the time for His great
myself on what is going on in
the Adventist church and the
George & Arlene, Maryland
change of worship.”
Vern, Oregon
“We are so enjoying the DVDs from
Pastor Bohr and thank you for them!
“Thanks for your amazing ministry. “Awhile back I received a copy 3ABN
I pray daily for your ministry and
Thanks also for the magazine you are send- of your Ministry Update, 2nd
for the advent message as a whole.
ing me. I look forward to doing the puzzles Quarter. I read about the 2030
We are fairly new Adventists and
and usually get 95-98% right. Your Pastor agenda and started scanning the
Pastor Bohr has been instrumental
Mesa prayed for me in the past when I was article on Vitamin B12. Then it
in our training in the truths of holy
going to have an open heart surgery or a caught my eye that those taking
Scripture as we shake off the error.
stent put in. His prayer alone with a few metformin are at risk for B12
Wylie and I both were brought up
others were answered when I walked away deficiency. So I asked my doc-
in in mainstream Protestantism. I
from the surgery room not needing either. tor to check. I am vegetarian,
look forward to the day we will all
Praise the Lord, He did a miracle for me! I age 65 and have Type 2 Diabetes
be welcomed into the kingdom of
learn very much from your teachings and and I found out that I am very
heaven and will have all the time in
pray for you often. We need ministers like deficient. My level was 148. Your
the world to fellowship together and
you in these last days.” article saved my life! Thank you
share our stories!”
Pauline, California so much.”
Wylie & Dawna, Colorado
Genevieve, Oregon
44 45
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46 47
Specials expire January 31, 2017

Specials are always posted on our

website at the beginning of each quarter.

101 Questions About Ellen God’s Last Message Christ Nature’s Healing Practices:
White and Her Writings Our Righteousness A Natural Remedies Encyclopedia
by William Fagal by Steve Wohlberg by Agatha Thrash (Hard cover)
BK101Q … $22.99 $19.99 BKGLM … $12.99 $9.99 BKNHP … $59.95 $54.99

The Greatest Of All The Certainty of the Third Vicarius Filii Dei,
The Prophets Angel’s Message An Annotated Timeline
by Russell & Colin Standish by Louis F. Were by Jerry A. Stevens (Book)
BKTGOATP … $17.99 $13.99 BKLWC … $16.95 $13.99 BKV … $9.95 $2.00
(Slightly damaged.)
Photo credit of Pope Francis: see page 2

Two Articles:
Reflections on the Pope's
UNAPKING NEW Agenda - and - Reflections

• 88

BRE • 55

on Pope Francis, The U.N.,


and the 2030 Agenda

by Stephen Bohr (Booklet)
POPEARTICLE … $0.99 each
Testimonies for the Church 1
Excellent for sharing!
by Ellen G. White (Imitation leather
with zipper. Black or brown.)
BKTFTC-BLK … $78.99 $69.99
BKTFTC-BRN … $78.99 $69.99

4848 • (888) Rev-1412 (USA Only) • (559) 264-2300 (USA & Intl.)

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