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Lesson Plan Sketch

Task Description: Evaluating literary texts

Select a Topic: Character vs character


Brief Lesson Outline:

- Objectives:

- In this lesson, the student will learn all about the character vs character conflict
dynamic when evaluating literary texts.

- The student will also be expected to reflect on the lesson and provide his/her own
insight on the topic at hand


The activities during this lesson will include:

A brief overview of the topic before anything else via a check for understanding quiz via
lms, then proceed into a quick role play activity for the students to experience to record and
to share to a media album and then afterwards, have them do a reflection paper to reflect
upon the things that they have learned during the lesson.

Theory Integration:

The theory models integrated into this lesson plan will be The Cognitivist and the
Constructivist approach. Since we will do a brief overview of the topic as well as have them
do a role-play and a reflection paper on what they have learned. With these tasks we can tap
into their analytical and problem solving abilities and build upon their previous knowledge
(schema) further than what they previously knew.

And by having them do a role-play of the character vs character conflict dynamic we can
create an experience by which they can learn from.

Short Explanation: We specifically chose this lesson outline as it poses to be an efficient

and effective mode of teaching, Utilizing both the Cognitivist and Constructivist Theory
models. We implore them to learn from what they experience themselves, then reflect upon
that experience by testing their information processing abilities via a reflection paper, and by
testing their analytical ability we can track just how much they learned during the lesson.
TPACK framework

Character vs. character

Technological Knowledge (TK)- After reading and analysing the literary story, students will
be grouped into 5 and have them collaborate on completing a Check for Understanding quiz
via LMS. There will be interactive questions that they need to answer together regarding the
necessary happenings in the story, each group should use their devices and have them
record themselves on the lesson that they have learned in the story. Finally, they will upload
their videos to a media album so that they can watch each other's videos on their own time
and leave comments.

Pedagogical Knowledge (PK)- Learners will be given a chance to show their creativity and
knowledge about the story, there will be role play where they can choose the scene that they
think is important, this way it will be seen on the depth on their understanding on the story,
there will be sharing of lessons at the latter part

Content Knowledge (CK)- For this lesson, learners will be asked if they experience having
a conflict on someone and how they deal with it, through this they will get an idea on what
was the topic all about, after that they will be given a story to read so that they will be
introduced with the character and that they can identify what was the story all about as well
as spot the the protagonist and antagonist. Discuss and explain the story together so that
each learner will be able to grasp it through sharing one another’s experiences.


Substitution (S) -at this stage, technology will be directly substituted by a simple setup such
as a stage for the students to role play as. Where they can learn through experiences that
define the lesson.

Augmentations (A)- In the following lesson they will use technology to augment their
learning such as using electronic devices to record themselves performing. As well as being
able to share the videos to a media album. This helps students to reflect on what they did
and will greatly help in their learning.

Modification (M)- At this stage, technology does not significantly change the task it does
however augment certain aspects that allows the lesson to be more effective.

Redefinition (R)- Since we will be using technological devices to record and share various
media it is still implied that technology is just a tool and can be substituted with more
primitive tools for learning. However, technology opens so many doors for more efficient and
effective workarounds when it comes to teaching and learning. That for this particular lesson
plan it may even be a necessity.

Short Reflection: The integration of technology following the TPACK and SAMR models
can enhance the effectiveness of the lesson because this kind of teaching style can help you
monitor your learners knowledge and understanding, this way you will be able to know what
needs to be improved in your students capability and what kind of activities they learn best. It
is really helpful so that you will know that they have understood the topic and you will also
identify which teaching style works in order for you to get their attention.

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