Maxwell-User Manual (MTD Controller Version 561)

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Digital PID Temperature Controller User manual MTD-02-E2 @ Relay +SSR Drive output field selectable @ 3%F.S measuring accuracy @ Maximum 2 alarms @ Cor F display field selectable @ Various size available @ Universal input @ Bar graphic display @ Program run/stop function @ Parameter reset function @ Loop break alarm MTD Series Temperature Controller Instruction Manual Woe ‘Thankyou for choosing our products, Please read this manval carefuly and keep tina sae pace for further reference [General information Je 70 nas gts dal LED dapay 0.2% measuring accuracy wih bar gr traoldion or angATD sancors Jo Pease make sure ho pone supp) arte ovtpuls both correct contigresbtore using, always oferta connection stickers on a aso ho coil ens conrolor supports varus TC ene RTD analogsigrals. youcenswtenbetween Cand ATD viakay pad araiog signalsroeds bo pre-datormined beta orr. Pioase check"6 3 paramelr INP! for more ifornation OUT was contgurd as averse acton(eatng sacar detau, usercen change to Arecteeaing action, refer to°6. parameter Oud formar information Jo This contleri a PID controler ith auto-tuning function Je ONIOFF contol, change PD oactve ONOFF control mode, he hysteresis forthe ON/OFF contoiris YS Forkeaing OUT of wnan PY>SV, OUT onwhen PYSV.HYS, Foreoaing OUTan nen PV>SVsH¥S, OUT af wnan PVs "Reerto6 1 fergetale™ |e Tne proportional conto, when -0, 40 P40, cartrol mode change tine prepotonl con, est windup st conti oyce ime is Cy. output gets smaler when St gels smaller at nating moe, ouausincrease when rS decease atcoaing made Jo Piase ainays prtorm autetuningto hava a beter coir! resulta PID made, rerio "yautosuning © cuiputsoacabiobetmoon Relay SR Drive, standard SSRtrger random SSA] phase ang igar, rote to-® 5 pararotr OUT fr more deta, ie play, 1. Quick Start Guide 41.1 Setting Value Configuration{change SV trom 0 to 200) Pysvimade -_SVselingmode Charge SV Savethe changes = = Ei = Page er PressSETkeytor Prase€eytoshit Pressineeassor Presa SETKey to OSsocondstoSV tohundredsaigis_daceasotochangosaveandexito fering made. ingvalss_ PUISV mse 41.5 Configuration for RUN/STOP function Prass SET and € athe sanetine io passnordmeny, input "0202 as password andpress SET hoy Password Man “PAS Slserasoaye PAS S]resssefo 1-o] Beae| = ‘Thisisthe parameter defines the RUN/STOP function forthe cetral, whan ‘th Rur/Stopfuretin al bo disable. whor Kt, the RS tuncion wl be activated, poss ()for3 second the contra wilantrinto STOP status, tho ‘utputw tbe terminates rere) ford seconds tne contol wil aner nt normal ort status, anathe program wilrunagain 1.6 Configuration for parameter Reset function Prass SET and € atthe sametine‘opassna input "0202 as password andpress SET kay serasoang PP ATS S]eness 800i Pf Geo2| ‘This tho parameter doins tha RESET tunton, when paramaterResat uncon deablaa when you st Resat-1- the funcion atvate,press(&)Ca)ieh arto ana intease ko at he sae time ors longa takes, al he paramoers goes back tofactry setng thi uretion very uselul or first-timer users when thay ae stilling he uncon, and messing with the controllt. a” parameter goes Sack to ‘etary setingwhen hey getlost uring the 1.7 Active auto-tuning function Prass SET fora ong asitakesto goes ta paraneter ol, istpatanetr you wilsaei6 AT, thslsthe paramaterveed oath the auto-unng furetion Putin value as"Yes" you warl:oactve ne auto-tuning Pathe value "No youwenl cabot Ine avlo‘tuning inthe process Pasoworé Menu 1.8 Change the input sensor type Press SET and(@Jathe same tire pass word men, *0%01"as password and goes to paramelarlevl2 Pasonors Menu "PFS S| serasorr oon) ——>|- PAS S]mmesssey rsa ene or aes oc, eve wil rate a Garate by Tuna eache,Pra eile gous nie PV nossa cago eved argu sence freed iatlong at es soe ach irene 41.2 Alarm value configuration Press SET foras long asitakestogoos to paraneter lovl 1 and chango no alarm 1 valu 0 10. ——_ & ‘The rst parameter youwil see the "np this the parameter where you san cenigare the mp senses, th etal cod ifr ype“K" sensor. youcan change ‘oPtt00,ypeJate 9 Change the upper limit and ower limit of Seting value ross SET {atthe same tinero pass word menu, input0101 85 sswotdand goes paramolorlovl2 acewore Many 3 Switch the display trom Celsius to Fahrenheit Press SET a input ‘tne same timo password manu, Passwordand goes to parameter val2 change tom ¢10F “LT Password ena PAS Sy serasows [PA S S] pness ser “_od00)—> |_a io} >| 4 Switch output from Relay to SSR Drive Press SET and € the sre tine fo pass word men, input 0102s passwordand goostoparamate lvel2 S—os range om Relay Password era oSSADrve asoios [PFE S Sy presser] setasouy _eE_ accG Big Pvsvmate __alamtvaus Changevaueto10_Savethecarges, - SE 0" a aD FS 5] sesso) nensofl SPL = a00M) = ‘g50) = “OmD| eT 2a3 eooU FowseTiors —Pess€iotoshh Prtihguatsor_PessSEThey'o—_Lozatana paral este eerie can fohunwcegte decuaselocange Steunsite” aumyaucanchangthen ota var ar eo epeaton Mecetingrale’” Svmoce Pasowors Menu PTS S| serasow [PAF S 5] pnesssey| eoon——> > 6 ia yy Locale the patametar“USPL' his paraotor elins the higher limit he setting ‘value the dafaul upper into the sein vals is 4000, you can change nar ‘ue fyou wan 10 Change the alarm output mode ross SET and(@/at the same tine o pass word menu, input‘O10taspasewordand goes lo paramelelovel2 PASS) oi} Passwore Men "PFS S| serasoros "_ogon| ——> Locate the parametor"ALAT farm In slarm medenae various options such ae devi high alarm, band alam t,he dtaut models lara un change based onyourappleation this parameter dotinesthe alam ouput mode fo ghar, absolute jm ALDY10. youn 2, Mounting and Dimensions “anton wrose or senmratnn | ge wrowanrose || oll No alarm a ed . mtd Gy we Beal & kaa iw Ti Rsv fanaa nneenm Tao] itor tos e a sv. svat MGR a fiumon —] 3. Wiring Diagram eh RE Fo pros [roa . fu | Aomow 18. hs fig) a—<— kan a = 7 wor Tat we haw fiud Awnon Bibs Mf 4 " (eh fe ha ee -_ (rie fulayoutpt250Ve0sa | I pare —— tresaivelond) Bong ot pa hs ‘amon | yi SShame'tocama | Bate 3 pe oe 3 sweats MH [shi al (8 ay Pa nie mem ON Jat Power equeey othe ladshouldbe ki @ om ave wh Ihosams stn euengy off cele | a , Sean aera ale wenecuputiszaocressngtioge Uap gS = | sa[ mot and Phase angled trigger mode A a tons nanesean ese 3.1 Wiinginetruction ayetedwie Power soucefvcotler ‘tomo “ - > “ ul Er ; ah rn ( be Sec odes vo seas [poorer wnvoason Me nh Mirna eget > oo) wo 4, Panel Discription Teaarie eR + PV PY dary wow, splay PY jas 2 SV sv deny window, ely SV ce aos daa 5 oe cirgton LBa aa wit be raged he trperatire didnot nese frare than he Lea vlue wit he time duration defines under Lat is pps or reverseeating} contol mode when outul is cos: LBA alarm wi be tigerditte tamperature ere decrease are than he Lbab value winnhe ine duvanton dened unde La, tis ops ort ezlng) contol mode when ups 100% DODD ‘uto-tuning Incation WAI Cleo ination Fatremal idea SEY Funciontey ‘< shithey ext key Y vauedterease yaphle ip percentage indication Page! 5. Setting and Configuration 6.3 Parameter evel2 elerto°8.2"and Set PASS=010" to goto parameter level 2 15.1 Setting tow chart ine dpe —— Sera ord (se-enecking _) Notation [ Description [Range Description Y denny enrges eons mu [ Eee PIS mode : i svar | ie [Aft | Pe e| Peer ara | snus [sine or] Oe eee, + = ae Seger entrant J TEED (simi [dP [oan | Sew a si Poaneerteet}m 7 QO} |Sviowertiit) [EGP [lonertnt ov] 00| 0 [Lome itor to Reames a tow BPE RISE ogee 5.2 Compatible input sensors and Range ee TREE [roa-gane | 0 Yrsmvneaammaanwawavanus ‘This controller wil ispay lactory default sensors and range as well as display unit ———— ae diving tha ower upprstas bow inatbleyousanueetocheectthecorvier [PITH #['Bagasna’ 00-2009 [sev roc awa nate hasoeencofgueswihinecorectsenorensaepiyank omy swtentoshet [PPT p mewe pow fa fasten {etsorype and delay unt you wan ee ee Nato DTS] Rae iecens foie [efectos ame etertotabeat ign [SH TN faareas FI? | ezine to 1000 [0 [10 51 maha r compatible sensors [Range| [aco “c_[iaoo | 2000 °c Gud | cea [Hest orcoct [HEAT | HERE Rene atenpastyi Cook Suc actoaby anattoirange Scan eb | Pe GUE | enn [ruse RY [amucsiom oly — 5 Sassy 8 a od re 2 Rangel woe | ae | roe © | ee — 5.3 Parameter configuration(except SV) Use ncroase an decreas to change te parametevalue and press SETI savetnecoiguration ater lcal th parameters passes | 9 ata arose 6.1 Perameterlevel T1:Devation nigh alarm Of: Deviallon high alarm with nal action ress SET oy for 3 soconéstoparameterievel1 12. Doviaiontow alarm 02: Deviation ow alarm wih hols action 13: Deviation high Co 14: Deviation ban Below paramotr allo csplayed one by one press SET kay car shut among each 15: Process hil rm win role action 09: Deviation hig [1.1 Parameters paranstersPreseSeTkaylorSeacondetosevetheconiguationandexltoPWSVnode 16: Processlow alarm” 06: Process ow alarm withhold action 1 lacorysfaut a Name [Range | 1# Description 7. Auto-tuning FE | aawane [woorves | ¥@ [)TO¥ES Avcuwscvaes ATH Autowa?| — SpanasanwaaeunrgrpTaio oe FAL T|Aarmt_[ivosovee| 10 | Va foraarn 1 HYStor arnt =A wae) FLA | nama [ave | | vaustoraarm2, AVS oraama=ane Ye Wwe or r J reese aoc = | mnatee | saree [ 80 | nvonsnst te eorcasdby seo CERSSUS EES pester ansenngte aT ate a -OTorONIOFF ede] jgghing afer auo-uning inal, Asosing an ONOFFeo'olmoce,sgicart aperture Ceelaor expected tine ron ru att coucsexalorgnn expected cent omen wnen?vesvavs | Shaferetey AT nGetrso aig aerate tes, Slvtn mas cae? 15. cuttnenP¥<8¥ | quamatey dng he sultans proces contol gar arto UISY mace arma te manones STerMeps pHEeIanGe] _peramnerstvedwiha new va. Conese cn) he eysor manu paemeter 8. Sensor type and Range FES | seen SF [orvatvoone|owaera sed a0 [Etversanc bevel nrane da ili lroome wc] Jove Sean 20 era an SE | rea | 9a [0 [ean ne RET EC | roe Pee LEETpcnssona] ov | ° [Ses Samamatiunties . e ed nce, Onvacess io SY oe 28 oo wae 6.2 Password 2s 2) lise Press SET and ett arrow key atthe same time 1 — a pew ee Password Menu t she a stat ooo0 PAG Shun {PAD Sncsne wnnnwns FETs | beer " BeoR)—>P Biot Se mata piensa

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