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Abdul: Hi Reza, where will you pray Maghrib later?

(Hai Reza, nanti sholat Maghrib di

Reza: Hi Abdul, Looks like I'll just pray Maghrib at home? (Hai Abdul, Sepertinya saya
akan sholat Maghrib saja di rumah?)
Abdul: Why? (Kenapa?)
Reza: Because after Isya, my brother from Surabaya will come to my house, so I have to
prepare everything to welcome him. (Karena setelah Isya, kakak saya dari Surabaya akan
datang ke rumah saya, jadi saya harus mempersiapkan segalanya untuk menyambutnya.)
Abdul: But your brother just arrived after Isha and it's still a long time. You still have
time to pray Maghrib at the mosque. Prayer in the mosque is more important and has a
greater reward than praying at home. (Tapi kakakmu baru datang setelah Isya dan itu
masih lama. Kamu masih punya waktu untuk sholat Maghrib di masjid. Sholat di masjid
lebih utama dan pahalanya lebih besar dari sholat di rumah.)
Reza: Is that so? (Begitukah?)
Abdul: That's right. After the Maghrib call to prayer, I will pick you up at your house. We
went to the mosque together. (Benar. Setelah adzan Maghrib, aku akan menjemputmu di
rumahmu. Kita pergi ke masjid bersama.)
Reza: Okay thank you Abdul. (Oke terima kasih Abdul.)
Abdul: You're welcome, see you later. (Sama-sama, sampai jumpa lagi.)
Itu tadi contoh dialog bahasa Inggris 'mengajak teman sholat Maghrib di masjid'.

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