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2023-09-29 04:47:23,950 [] [] [http-nio-8280-exec-3] INFO

c.v.i.s.PropertyConfiguredInternalAsyncMessageBrokerClient : Setting broker API URL

to 'http://qa-auto-2.lab.local:86/internal-async-message-broker/api'
2023-09-29 04:47:23,953 [] [] [http-nio-8280-exec-3] INFO
c.v.i.s.PropertyConfiguredInternalAsyncMessageBrokerClient : Setting broker host to
2023-09-29 04:47:23,954 [] [] [http-nio-8280-exec-3] INFO
c.v.i.s.PropertyConfiguredInternalAsyncMessageBrokerClient : Setting connection
2023-09-29 04:47:23,954 [] [] [http-nio-8280-exec-3] INFO
c.v.i.s.PropertyConfiguredInternalAsyncMessageBrokerClient : Setting connection
username to 'client'
2023-09-29 04:47:24,042 [] [] [http-nio-8280-exec-3] ERROR
c.v.iamb.server.ServerDiscoverer : Could not connect to server to retrieve cluster
nodes: Request for list of clustered servers returned a [503] status code
2023-09-29 04:47:24,043 [] [] [http-nio-8280-exec-3] INFO
c.v.e.inbound.InboundMessageConsumer : Starting email transmission service...
2023-09-29 04:47:24,044 [] [] [http-nio-8280-exec-3] INFO
c.v.iamb.consumer.HAMessageConsumer : Consuming messages from exchange
'notification', routing keys ''
2023-09-29 04:47:24,045 [] [] [http-nio-8280-exec-3] INFO : Creating channel for virtual host : '/'
2023-09-29 04:47:24,045 [] [] [http-nio-8280-exec-3] INFO
com.verint.iamb.ConnectionManager : Creating connection for virtual host : '/'
2023-09-29 04:48:24,045 [] [] [pool-23-thread-1] ERROR
c.v.iamb.server.ServerDiscoverer : Could not connect to server to retrieve cluster
nodes: Request for list of clustered servers returned a [503] status code
2023-09-29 04:49:24,049 [] [] [pool-23-thread-1] ERROR
c.v.iamb.server.ServerDiscoverer : Could not connect to server to retrieve cluster
nodes: Request for list of clustered servers returned a [503] status code
2023-09-29 04:50:24,061 [] [] [pool-23-thread-1] INFO
c.v.iamb.server.ServerDiscoverer : Discovered new internal async message broker
address qa-auto-2:9990

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