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Supervisor : Tengku Zamrizal,M.Pd

Oleh :

Rahmat inggil S

NIM 2302043

Agrotecchnology Study Program

Pelalawan Indonesia Institute of plantation Technology


The writer special thanks to the god for the blessing and grace for the writer, so he can finish
this paper on time. Thanks to sir Tengku Zamrizal,M.Pd as the English lecturer for who
always help he students and give a lot of useful knowlegde.

It is of the assignment in English subject. Paper explaining longan fruit. This is not a perfecct
model so the writer expect the critic sugestion in order to make it better.

Hopefully this paper can be used a referencee to study longan fruit extensively.

Pelalawan,November 02st,2023

(Rahmat Inggil s)

List of Contents

Preface.............................................................................................................. i

List Of Content................................................................................................. ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...................................................................... 1

1.1 Background................................................................................ 1

1.2 Problem Statement..................................................................... 2

1.3 Purpose....................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION............................................................................ 3

2.1 Meaning...................................................................................... 3

CHAPTER III CLOSING................................................................................. 7

3.1 Conclusion.................................................................................. 7

3.2 Advice........................................................................................ 7

Bibliography..................................................................................................... 8



1.1 Background

Based on its history, longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour) is a well-known subtropical plant

2000 years ago, originating from South China, its use is more about its properties as a

medicine, not as table fruit. From China South, this plant spread to Indonesia (Thailand,

Taiwan, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia), Malaysia, India and Indonesia. Even though it comes

from the area subtropical, this plant is able to grow and produce well in tropical regions of

Indonesia. Central Java and East Java are regions Longan centers in Indonesia other than

West Kalimantan. The development area is in the triangle area Central Java, namely,

Semarang (Salatiga, Ambarawa, Bandungan, Jambu, Kopeng), Temanggung (Pringsurat,

Kranggan, Parakan) and Magelang (Grabag and Secang). Meanwhile, the development of

longan in East Java is located in Tumpang, Poncokusumo (Malang) Batu and parts of Blitar.

A part from the high publick demand for longan fruit, The reason for the high import of

longan fruit is because the fruit is not many are produced in Indonesia and longan production

in Indonesia is still ongoin, minimal to meet demand for logan fruit in Indonesia. For

reducing import of fruit, especally longan fruit, Ministry of Agriculture is trying to encourage

longan production both in faming centers, as well at household scale. Director General of

Horticulture, Suwandi revealed that the longan fruit market was wide open, in 2017

production has only reached 10,100 tons with a harvest area of 638 hectares, and in 2018

production was increased to a land area of 1,500 hectares containing 300 thousand trees.

It is hoped that increasing the area of land for longan platations will be able to do this

increase the production of longan fruit produced. Apart from land area, variousother factors

must also be considered in efford to increasse the number longan fruit production. One of the

factors that greatly influences increasing longan production is seed. The quality of longan

seeds planted really determines how longan production will be in the future. More good

quality of seeds and clones used, the possibility of production targets can be achieved. On the

other hand, if the quality of the seeds is low, the productivity will remain unchanged low

even though maximun maintenance is carried out (Island Boerhendy,2014). The longan plant

nursery business is expected to be profitable quality longan seeds so that local longas from

other countries, besides that local longans are superior it is hoped that will reduce people’s

interest in consuming imported longans and tend to prefer to buy local longans.

1.2 Problem Statement

1.What are the types of longan fruits?

2.What is the development technique of longan fruit?

3.What are the benefitsbof longan fruit cultivation?

1.3 Purpose

1.Informs the origin and type of longan fruit

2.Informing longan fruit cultivation techniques.

3.Informing the benefits of longan fruit cultivation



2.1 Meaning

Based on its history, longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour) is a well-known subtropical

plant2000 years ago, originating from South China, its use is more about its properties as a
medicine, not as table fruit (Triwinata, 2006). From China South, this plant spread to
Indochina (Thailand, Taiwan, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia), Malaysia, India and Indonesia
(Usman, 2006). Even though it comes from the area subtropical, this plant is able to grow and
produce well in tropical areas of Indonesia. Central Java and East Java are regions Longan
centers in Indonesia other than West Kalimantan. The development area is in the triangle area
The development area is in the triangle area Longan centers in Indonesia other than West
Kalimantan. The development area is in the triangle area Central Java, namely, Semarang
(Salatiga, Ambarawa, Bandungan, Jambu, Kopeng), Temanggung (Pringsurat, Kranggan,
Parakan) and Magelang (Grabag and Secang) Lucky, 2006). Meanwhile, the development of
longan in East Java is located in Tumpang, Poncokusumo (Malang), Batu and parts of Blitar.

The results of Soenarso's research (1990) stated that distribution of highland longan
cultivation in Indonesia dominated on the island of Java. In central Central Java the
development is in Salatiga, Ambarawa and Bandungan. Meanwhile (Supriyanto, 2006) states
that the central area of longan in Indonesia is the region which has a subtropical rainfall
pattern (there are two peak rainfall in certain months), ie Ambarawa and Salatiga (Central
Java) and Tumpang areas and Poncokusumo (East Java). Apart from the local longan widely
grown, introduced longan such as Pingpong Diamond River and Itoh are also capable of
growing and produces well in Central Java, namely in Kendal, Semarang and Demak (P.
Heryono, personal communication). To obtain suitable longan varieties with consumer tastes,
several can be done with consumer tastes, several can be done ways include introduction
(bringing from external), conventional and non-conventional hybridization(biotechnology) or
selection. Of these three ways, This method of selection is seen as faster and more efficient to
get new varieties because of that plant selected does not need to go through adaptation or
improvement tests varieties as in the introduction method or hybridization.

Selection can be carried out in development areas longan (indigenous) such as in Central
Java and East Java. Selection is based on plant phenotype which is confirmed by genetic

characterization for differentiate plants selected for expression Morphology is often
influenced by environmental conditions (Wu et al., 2007). Genetic characterization using
markers Molecular research on longan has not been done much Indonesia. Yonemoto et al.
(2006) used RAPD to see the relationship between accessions obtained from the observation
location. As material For extraction, young leaves are used. DNA Extraction following the
method of Deng et al. (1995). DNA which obtained and then amplified by PCR programmed
following the method on apple (Sugiyatno and Agisimanto, 2007). PCR product then
electrophoresis using agarose gel1.5% contains ethidium bromide in 0.5x TBE buffer at 50 V
for 50 minutes. Agarose gel then documented in BioDocAnalyze(Biometra).Existing bands
were scored manually: 0 for no ribbon and 1 for existing ribbon. Data The resulting binary is
then inserted into database program (NTedit). The matrix formed analyzed using unweighted
pair-group cluster analysis method arithmetic averages (UPGMA) uses database program
(NTedit). The matrix formed analyzed using unweighted pair-group cluster analysis method
arithmetic averages (UPGMA) uses SAHN method which is then visualized in form a
dendogram using the NTSYS-pc program Exeter Software version 2.1.

Techniques longan fruit Cultivation at home

Longan requires loose soil, with a thick layer of soil that can hold water well. Types of soil
that are suitable for growing longan include andosol, vertisol, latosol, or laterite soil. Longan
plants require a pH of around 5.5-6.5. The desired rainfall is 2500-3000 mm per year with an
even distribution throughout the year. Apart from that, this plant requires full sunlight. The
optimum temperature for longan growth ranges from 20-330C with relative air humidity of


Plot scale of water balance was applied to determine ETa, with input components were
rainfall and irrigation, while output were ETa, water storage (�SM), and surface
runoff (SRO). Components of runoff was measured using tank and the moisture content was
measured using gravimetry method. Automatic weather station was installed in Nawungan
orchard to record rainfall, wind speed, air humidity, and intensity of solar radiation. Later, the
climatic data were used to calculate the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) using Penman-

Monteith method. Due to agroforestry and mix cropping system, longan trees were cultivated
among seasonal crops and other trees, then the dual crop coefficient (Kc) was preffered.
During February-Maret 2019, the value of rainfall and surface runoff were 640 mm during
observation period and 0,08 mm, respectively. The reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and
actual evapotranspiration (ETa) were 5,76 mm/day and 7,90 mm/day, respectively. The crop
coefficient of longan in the site study area was 0,30.


The first step that must be taken if you want to get quality longan results is to choose the best
seeds. There are various types of longan seeds to choose from, including cuttings, grafts or

Seeds: When choosing seeds in the form of seeds, choose seeds that come from old longan
fruit. Seedlings from longan seeds are easier to obtain, but the weakness is that they grow
relatively slowly.

Grafting and cuttings: Seeds that come from cuttings and grafts are usually more in demand
than seed seeds. When using grafted seeds, choose those that come from productive parents,
the same goes for choosing cuttings. Please note, good stems for cuttings are around 15-20
cm in size.

4.Plant growth

In order to produce abundant fruit, carry out routine maintenance such as loosening the soil,
pruning, weeding, and eradicating pests.

Loosening the soil: When the plant is large enough, the soil around the longan tends to
harden. So the soil must be loosened regularly in the area around the tree, so that the roots
can move more freely and can absorb nutrients easily.

Pruning: By pruning regularly, the nutrients absorbed by the roots will completely flow to
the fruit so that the fruit can bear fruit abundantly.

Weeding: When lots of weeds grow around the plant, weeding must be done immediately. If
left for too long, weeds will take up a lot of the nutrients needed by the plants. Pest
eradication: To overcome this pest attack, you must immediately prune or cut off infected
branches so that they do not spread to other parts of the plant.


To avoid damage, the harvesting process is carried out when the sun is not hot, in the
morning or evening. Apart from that, the harvesting process must also be carried out once for
one tree. Before carrying out the harvesting process, you need to know the characteristics of
longans that can be harvested, such as: Aged around 4-6 months after flowering Dark brown
fruit Has a sweet taste

Benefits of longan fruit :

- The iron content in longan fruit is useful for producing red blood cells so you can avoid
anemia. In addition, the iron content in longan fruit can stimulate the production of red blood
cells and improve circulation.
- The vitamin C content in longan fruit can also maintain heart health. The reason is, the
vitamin C content can act as an antioxidant which will help reduce stiffness in the arteries,
which is the cause of various heart diseases.


3.1 Conclusion
1. The quality of imported fruit and local fruit is very different, imported fruit has different
qualities. The qualities that buyers are interested in start from smooth shapes and colors The
qualities that buyers are interested in start from smooth shapes and colors evenness, large
size, freshness and durability for storage duration of up to 1 week.
2. Fruit Local buyers are less attractive because of the shape and color evenly distributed,
small in size, freshness and long lasting storage that lasts up to 4 or 3 days.

3.2 Advice

It would be better for fruit farmers in Indonesia to look more closely at the results in the
process fruit planting, because Indonesia's fertile nature will provide results quality fruit and
can be a means of livelihood for society with increased prices from those qualities

Alongkorn, W., W. (2021). The Effect of Potassium Chlorate on CO2 Concentration in the Root
Zone Stomata Conductance and Fruit Quality of Longan. Journal of Research and Promotion
of Agriculture, 38 (1):12-27. [Dalam Bahasa Thailand].

Ambarwati, D. T., Eka, E. S. dan Onny, C. P. P. (2020). Uji Respon Dosis Pupuk Kalium
terhadap Tiga Galur Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) di Lahan Politeknik
Negeri Lampung. Jurnal Planta Simbiosa, 2 (1): 11-21.


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