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Final Reflection Rhetoric English

This is my final reflection and I decided to make it in a Word document format because is

the way in which I feel more comfortable. This class was one of the best classes that I had, but at

the same time was one of the classes that I had to put effort into. But the best thing that I learned

and that I’m very thankful to our professor is the way in which we had to revise and edit each

project that we had to do during the course. The process of revising was a process in which we

had to first submit a first draft of each project that we did. After submitting the first draft we had

to revise it with our peers select the best feedback and add the feedback into a new draft, which

was the final draft that we had to turn in at the end of the week series. I really liked the concept

that we have to share our first drafts with the class and give feedback to everyone in order to help

each other and create better projects at the end. I also liked that the professor gave feedback and

how I needed to improve my work.

The best thing that I learned and liked was definitely the process of revision and

interacting with the students of the class. At the beginning of the course, I was scared about the

first assignments, but at the end I noticed that with effort and working hard I was able to

complete the assignments also thanks to Professor Martinez. He was very flexible, and he gave

us a lot of time to do the assignments. I really liked this class, and I learned a lot of things during

the course and I feel really good that I pass this class and that I did a great job working on all the

assignments and projects in the class. I hope to get a good grade on my portfolio and to pass the

class with a good grade. The best thing that I enjoyed was the process of revision. This was like a

challenge for me, and I liked how each time we had to modify the project until we got our final
project done. The process of revision also helps you in other classes related to writing and


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