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Age should not be a consideration in various organizations when deciding upon promotion or

employments, instead organizations should focus on factors such as capability, efficiency and honesty of
that worker. If a worker is old but yet he or she is efficient.

There has been a debate among employees whether age can be taken in to consideration while giving
promotion or qualities of a person have to be taken care. In my opinion, promotion is to be given on the
basis of capability, efficiency and honesty irrespective of age.

Certainly a person’s caliber shows whether he is eligible for a position in a company. If an employee gets
a promotion then he will work for the benefit of the company. Organization should focus on nature of
individual. Manager has to see whether a person is able to complete the task on time with limited
resources. At the same time one need to be punctual in what he or she performs. Some employees took
the task as challenge in showing solution to critical problems while some are good in communication.

Age should not be considered while giving promotion. For example, Abdul kalam became India’s
president at the age of sixty. At that age he worked hard for the development of our country in various
sectors like educational, industrial, research sectors etc. If a constitution considers age at the time of
elections surely he would not be our President. Efficiency comes from thinking rather than on age.

With the above information we can conclude that age should not be the factor while giving promotions.
Efficiency matters rather than age.
Environmental problems are too great to be managed by individuals so real change can only be achieved
at Government level---

There is a debate among people whether environmental problems are caused by individuals or through
government activities. I believe, both are responsible for climate change. Environment was negatively
impacted due to human activity.

Certainly, individuals play a significant role on environment. The main pollutants are various harmful
gases that are released by vehicles. These gases mix with environment thereby changing the climatic
conditions. This causes Pollution. The solution for this problem is to reduce the usage of vehicles like 3-
tier or 5-tier vehicles. Instead of using our own transport use public transport. Thereby we can reduce
toxic gases. We can also plant trees for oxygen which is used by human beings.

At the same time Government has to impose strict rules on people. Laws have to be imposed in such a
way so that every individual has to follow rules without any failure. One can not do everything but we
can do everything if we join our hands. Individuals have to cooperate with government inorder to
achieve success. If government adds in school curriculum about environmental problems and necessary
steps to control those problems then student knows the impact.

With the above information, we can conclude that individuals plays a crucial role. It can be identified
that change can happen through individuals and government.

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