Resolution Mexico

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Addressing the aspects of migration in Mexico

Preambulatory Clauses

1. Acknowledging the significant impact of migration on economic, armed conflicts,

climatic factors, and cultural diversity in the region, particularly in Mexico, and
recognizing the need for a comprehensive approach to address these
2. Emphasizing the importance of international cooperation and coordination in
addressing migration-related issues, including the consideration of past UN
resolutions, treaties, and conventions related to migration.
3. Noting the diverse cultural and economic backgrounds of migrants and their
importance to Mexico, and the statements made by the Secretary-General and
relevant UN bodies on the issue of migration.

Operative Clauses
1. Calls upon member states to enhance cooperation in addressing the economic
aspects of migration by:
• Promoting inclusive economic policies that create opportunities for
migrants to contribute to the host country's economy.
• Facilitating the transfer of skills and knowledge between migrants and
local communities.
• Encouraging the development of innovative solutions to address the
challenges faced by migrants in the labor market.

2. Urges member states to work towards the peaceful resolution of armed conflicts
that contribute to forced migration, and to provide support for conflict-affected
populations and refugees, including:
• Establishing safe zones and humanitarian corridors to protect civilians
from the effects of armed conflicts.
• Promoting dialogue and negotiation between conflicting parties to find
peaceful solutions to disputes.
• Supporting the reintegration of returning refugees and displaced persons
into their communities of origin or destination.

3. Recommends the development and implementation of climate adaptation and

mitigation strategies to address the impact of environmental factors on migration,
including support for climate-displaced persons, through:
• Creating sustainable livelihood opportunities that enable climate-displaced
persons to support themselves and their families.
• Establishing early warning systems to alert communities to the approach
of natural disasters and enable them to take preventive measures.
• Encouraging international cooperation in the development of climate-
resilient infrastructure to reduce the impacts of climate change on
4. Encourages the promotion of cultural diversity and the integration of migrants into
host societies through:
• Providing education and training opportunities to help migrants learn the
local language and adapt to the host country's culture.
• Implementing anti-discrimination measures to protect the rights of
migrants and ensure their equal treatment under the law.
• Supporting initiatives that foster cultural exchange and understanding
between migrants and host communities.

5. Calls for the establishment of a regional task force to facilitate information

sharing, capacity building, and joint initiatives to address the multi-dimensional
aspects of migration in the region, including:
• Developing a comprehensive regional migration strategy that addresses
the unique challenges and opportunities related to migration in Mexico.
• Coordinating search and rescue efforts to prevent the loss of life among
migrants attempting to cross international borders.
• Harmonizing asylum procedures to ensure the protection of migrants and
refugees in accordance with international standards.

This resolution aims to comprehensively address the multi-dimensional aspects of

migration in Mexico, considering economic, armed conflicts, climatic, and cultural
factors, and emphasizes the importance of international cooperation in resolving these

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