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Phenm O: Metheds of clehermination of — (art-2) e Lonfigution of Geometrical Towers ww , Chemical Methods Dr... Bing Ces Dr. stan Shuhta 2 ble can also use chumical outheds ox chamleok propertics to dederming the Configuration af geommrical tsomine!- » Ware methods ere af gollesing Aypes *- Chemie Methods c= es fF 7 4 Forwetion gro —— frymation of Chimieal — Stegpaseletive Cyclic Compounds Cyclic Gmpounels — Cowrrelechion. Action Ret. . Cexychigetion) © Foymaten trom Cyclic Compoures ' Grtain cyclic Compounds os gives only one type ag geomarical lpomsn-. (ae Rape Popeye Sh) £9. volsn we oxldiae banzene In V20¢ it gives Molatc amhydhicle volte on Hydholysis gives Maleic aviel oO y H Vr05 H,0 ~e—- COOH Gg Sedlalion (> —_> V yap. Wo Ke ORE 1 Heo ~2o0y Habstlean, | Malelc acid CCis Configure) Bangene Ady reckon shows the hoo Corvboxylic gpoup on tha Aame Alda bo CM Compeprration Io obtedvud. Aame veachen Ahown by inone- ° ” So wectan oy thar G2 V2 06 H-@ toon dhrtsomey voit U3 ii ~ Hi 1% maluic atc Cis. oO Core H- © ~CooH Auinone Maleic avid Ccis Conpigunaben)- fumaric acid hag oP S75 1k ¢ ey) 2) Methods af formation ad Gpbic Compourels Cesdigediens) * ——e br, Parjanya Shukla >Very alten foo yeometde lAnmers ave FW. lngh Oases distinguished Hmeugh crackers thet leaks to devmaton af ony’: OTIS methel 1s based om the principle that the Intermoleuley eaction oceurs easily when the veachng geuups ove eet See [a he iy Bg Malate atid readily loses water whi heated to abeut [Se'c to yield a cyelic ambhydide- vohereas qumersc aud cloes not give omhydatole at Hvis temp- oO oO evens 4 4a . Me Cook noth tee. eee I CucgoHe BaP ae Nase nigh temp fH Oo Oo COOH MaLeic aciel Malu'c onbydricle Fumarteactel Gs) . CBens) Famorie aid nasels high Teop baccuine tt dsrst bree bone! dhan aoiebon oceurs qo give onaluic aud eee > al > 4 we dssind. c Rolain SCA, aoe ra Hoc“ “H Hoe 4 5 : MH wale oy sick Famome au Di vad feod Hradec 0] el Prose rractions Auggpated that Malete aciel Uf ives Cycligehen product garity Ao the both ff » Corboxy bic Speup are neoy (Aame Aiele) 40 “~¢ Ib hos 4 Cond 'gpurahen « Malus Sychhele é ( a) Corvlabon C Comvering into we Known Conpigeadton) Br fees ‘Dr. M. P. Singh Classes » Suppose we have aleedy Kroon the Conpyuacton ga gqeomebsieal loomey of 2 Compound: > YF we Converted qs Yow Compowrd by chamteo racions under oil ConcliHors woe get a procuct 29 lf we hove Known Configuration of ovtho- ain Armamic aud be: Cis 4 trans By Yor Sula] 2 Thane jAomers treated Saperally voith vite aul Aiarokgatin) ellowedk by cyeduetion colth 3%, CHypo phosphors avicl) woe act Cin Inomer ef Cirmanle aud Grom Cis ortho-amino Cimmamc add A View versa» (Reackon cca in Batl,) - ", 4 Feet Ch HINO, + Bat), a ct XYeon ree Cl om +yreo Hy CoH OY) Hy Poy L Allo hymams ¢ a uel o- amino Crmamic , aud (cis) (Z) (Cis wf: 341K). GD 5) Method of hia, q OOH H emer eal atin ABER or CK, “el (i) Ha P0, L Toans-Cinnamic aul O- Amino Crrrrawic wp. Yas ie (IE) aciel (Toons) (€) 4) Method Of Stexrodelective adliton Reachows!- Whin we tly i fier yrachons on cis A trams with Zome Atrrrodclectve croctmt vse will get edjferk Cenbgurabin of, product Ad thug woe will clefymnelede, the GA Actas jdorasenrs.

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