Sustainable Development Goals

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Águeda Cáceres Dilone 23-0771

Jenderson D. Antigua Ortiz 23-0929

Nixiz Beltre Uceta 23-0776
Luis A. Pascual 23-0238


Sección 01

Sustainable Development Goals- Goal 1 – No poverty

1-Choose The SDG

Goal 1 – No poverty

2- State the Goals facts

If current trends continue, 575 million people will still be living in extreme poverty and only
one-third of countries will have halved their national poverty levels by 2030.

Despite the expansion of social protection during the COVID-19 crisis, over 4 billion people
remain entirely unprotected. Many of the world’s vulnerable population groups, including the
young and the elderly, remain uncovered by statutory social protection programmes.

The share of government spending on essential services, such as education, health and social
protection, is significantly higher in advanced economies than in emerging and developing

A surge in action and investment to enhance economic opportunities, improve education and
extend social protection to all, particularly the most excluded, is crucial to delivering on the
central commitment to end poverty and leave no one behind.

The global poverty headcount ratio at $2.15 is revised slightly up by 0.1 percentage points to
8.5 percent, resulting in a revision in the number of poor people from 648 to 659 million.
(World Bank)

3- State the goals objective

By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere, currently measured as people
living on less than $1.25 a day

1.2 By 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages
living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions

1.3 Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all,
including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable
1.4 By 2030, ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have
equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and control
over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new
technology and financial services, including microfinance

1.5 By 2030, build the resilience of the poor and those in vulnerable situations and reduce
their exposure and vulnerability to climate-related extreme events and other economic, social
and environmental shocks and disasters

1.A Ensure significant mobilization of resources from a variety of sources, including through
enhanced development cooperation, in order to provide adequate and predictable means for
developing countries, in particular least developed countries, to implement programmes and
policies to end poverty in all its dimensions

1.B Create sound policy frameworks at the national, regional and international levels, based
on pro-poor and gender-sensitive development strategies, to support accelerated investment
in poverty eradication actions

4-Why is it important to contribute to the development of the goal

It is important to contribute to non-poverty, so that all families can have a better quality of
life, and in the same way can have a feasible education, both for parents and children. it is
important to note that when you contribute to the cause of poverty, the country where you are
improves, because you are contributing a grain of sand, of good deeds, which can continue to
grow so that poverty continues to decrease.

5-List 10 facts (Dominican Republic) that should encourage us as a society in working

towards developing the goal.

 Economic Growth: The Dominican Republic has experienced consistent economic

growth in recent years, which can be harnessed to lift people out of poverty through
job creation and income generation.
 Tourism Industry: Tourism is a significant contributor to the country's economy,
and expanding this industry can create employment opportunities for many, helping to
reduce poverty.
 Remittances: The Dominican Republic receives substantial remittances from its
diaspora, which can provide financial stability to many families and help alleviate
 Microfinance Initiatives: The government and NGOs have been working to promote
microfinance and small business development, enabling entrepreneurship and income
growth among the poor.
 Social Programs: The Dominican government has implemented social programs
aimed at providing assistance to vulnerable populations, including cash transfer
programs and subsidies for essential goods.
 Education and Skills Training: Investing in education and skills training programs
can empower individuals to escape the cycle of poverty by improving their
employability and income-earning potential.
 Healthcare Access: Improving access to healthcare services can reduce the financial
burden of medical expenses on low-income families, preventing them from falling
deeper into poverty.
 Agricultural Potential: The country's agricultural sector has room for growth,
offering opportunities for small-scale farmers to increase their income and improve
their livelihoods.
 Financial Inclusion: Promoting financial inclusion through access to banking and
financial services can help individuals save and invest, contributing to poverty
 Regional Collaboration: Collaborating with neighboring countries and international
organizations can lead to regional initiatives that address poverty collectively and
6-Create an action plan set 3 goals to be developed within a year.
 Financial Literacy and Budgeting: Educate oneself on financial literacy and create a
budgeting plan to manage income and expenses effectively. Learning about personal
finance, saving strategies, and reducing unnecessary spending can lead to better
financial stability.
 Skills Enhancement: Identify and acquire a new skill or improve existing ones that are
in demand in the job market. This could involve taking online courses, attending
workshops, or seeking mentorship to increase employability and income potential.
 Community Involvement: Get involved in community projects or initiatives aimed at
poverty alleviation. This could include volunteering at local charities, participating in
community development programs, or supporting grassroots efforts to uplift
disadvantaged individuals or families.
These objectives, when pursued diligently, can make a significant difference in combating
poverty at a personal and community level within a year.
7-Create profiles for the team members and describe their role.
Agueda - Community Outreach Coordinator:
 Function: Agueda will serve as the link between the community and available
resources. She will identify the specific needs of the community and connect them
with relevant social services, NGOs, and government programs. Agueda will organize
community meetings and workshops to raise awareness about available opportunities
and support networks.
Luis - Financial Literacy Instructor:
 Function: Luis will take on the role of a financial literacy instructor. He will provide
educational workshops and one-on-one coaching to community members, teaching
them essential financial skills such as budgeting, saving, and debt management. Luis
will help empower individuals to make informed financial decisions.
Nixiz - Vocational Training Facilitator:
 Function: Nixiz will focus on providing vocational training opportunities to
community members. He will identify skills in demand within the local job market
and organize training sessions or apprenticeships. Nixiz's role is to enhance the
employability of individuals in the community, making them more self-sufficient.
Jenderson - Microenterprise Development Advisor:
 Function: Jenderson will work with aspiring entrepreneurs in the community. He will
assist them in developing business plans, accessing microloans or grants, and starting
small enterprises. Jenderson's role is to foster entrepreneurship as a means of income
generation and poverty reduction.
By assigning these roles, Agueda, Luis, Nixiz, and Jenderson can collaborate effectively to
combat poverty by addressing various aspects, from community outreach to financial
education, vocational training, and microenterprise development.


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