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Hi all,

My test only got 23.42 (DI+), so there are some wrong answers. Hence, you should only refer to the
questions, not the answers. For questions 18&19, please try to figure out your own answer to avoid
plagiarism. Good luck on your exam.

Ques 1

Ques 2 Researchers have found 5 attributes that effect Usability. Which factor does NOT determine a
system’s usability?

a. Illustration.
b. Efficiency of use.
c. Memorability.
d. Learnability.
e. Subject satisfaction.

Ques 3
Ques 4

Ques 5
Ques 6

Ques 7
Ques 8

Ques 9

Ques 10
Ques 11

Ques 12

Ques 13
Ques 14

Ques 15
Ques 16

Ques 17

Ques 18
Ques 19

Task 1 (3 marks): Use this ERD to explain what information is stored (tables and fields) and how the
information from different tables is related (entity relationships) so that the database can store
necessary information and facilities efficient data retrieval and updates.

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