Developing Your Potential

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A. Introduction
We are all endowed greatly by God, God created us in his own image.
Our potential is that inert ability God has given to us. In this study we
will be looking at steps in discovering and developing our full
B. Discovering your potentials: Matthew 31:1-6
1. From the passage who is the source of all potentials?
2. How do we discover our potentials?

C. Developing your potentials: Matthew 25:14-18

1. How do we develop our potentials?
2. What should be the aim of developing your potential?
3. What should we not do with the opportunities that God has
given us?

D. Harnessing your potentials: proverbs 3:5-6

1. How can we adequately harness our potentials?
2. How do we guard against the corruption of our potentials?
E. Memory Verse: proverbs 22:29- “do you see a man skilled in his
work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure
men.” NIV
F. Point of reflection: To care for one another is an expensive venture; it
costs time and treasures. Make a note of how you can help member of
your cell group within the next one week.

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