Segunda Evaluación 20 Tercer Corte

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EXAM Name: Maria José

I) Completen las siguientes oraciones con el tiempo pasado del verbo irregular entre paréntesis:
1. The drunken driver first ____________ (cut) in front of us and then ____________ (run) his car over the curb.
R= The drunken driver first cut in front of us and then ran his car over the curb.

2. We ________________ (drive) to Washington in Noel’s new car.

R= We drove to Washington in Noel’s new car.

3. He __________________ (hold) the bird in his hand for several minutes.

R= He held the bird in his hand for several minutes.

4. Our team ______________ (win) the first game but ________________ (lose) the second.
R= Our team won the first game but lost the second.

5. We ___________ (shut) all the windows and __________(lock) all the doors before we ___________ (go) out.
R= We shut all the windows and lock all the doors before we went out.

II) Completar las siguientes oraciones utilizando “going to” con el verbo entre paréntesis:
1. Henry _________________________________________________ (study) to be a doctor.
R= Henry is going to study to be a doctor.

2. You __________________________________________________ (stay) home tonight and watch television.

R= You are going to stay home tonight and watch television.

3. Mr. and Mrs. Blake _______________________________________ (build) a summer home on Merritt Island.
R= Mr. and Mrs. Blake are going to build a summer home on Merritt Island.

4. He _______________________________________________ (start) his new job next week.

R= He is going to start his new job next week.

5. It __________________________________________________ (be) another warm day.

R= It is going to be another warm day.

III) Sustituir la forma del tiempo pasado de “going to” en lugar del verbo subrayado:
1. They planned to leave for Europe last week, but Mrs. Thompson was too ill to go.
R= They were going to leave for Europe last week, but Mrs. Thompson was too ill to go.

2. At first, she intended to put the boy in the elementary class, but later she put him in an advanced section.
R= At first, she was going to put the boy in the elementary class, but later she put him in an advanced section.

3. We planned to go to a movie last night, but were too tired.

R= We were going to go to a movie last night, but were too tired.

4. I intended to write to you several times, but something always interfered.

R= I was going to write to you several times, but something always interfered.
5. We intended to go swimming, but the weather was too cold.
R= We were going to go swimming, but the weather was too cold.

IV) Cambiar las siguientes oraciones de afirmativo a negativo:

1. George can understand everything I say.
R= George can't understand everything I say.

2. You should watch television every night.

R= You shouldn't watch television every night.

3. Marianne may pass her examination.

R= Marianne can't pass her exam.

4. You can see him later.

R= You can't see him later.

5. You may fish here.

R= You can't fish here.

V) Cambiar las siguientes oraciones a preguntas:

1. They may leave now.
R= May they leave now?

2. You could go by plane.

R= Could you go by plane?

3. Allan may wait in his office.

R= May Allan wait in his office?

4. Albert can go with us to the beach.

R= Can Albert go with us to the beach?

5. June could leave immediately.

R= Could June leave immediately?

VI) Cambiar las siguientes oraciones a pregunta comenzando con la palabra entre paréntesis:
1. I should tell her the truth. (Why)
R= Why should I tell him the truth?

2. You must be here at one o’clock. (What Time)

R= What time should you be here?

3. Karen should sit near the blackboard. (Where)

R= Where should Karen sit?

4. He is a very serious person. (What kind of person)

R= What kind of person is he?
5. Both engineers are absent from work today. (Why)
R= Why are both engineers absent from work today?

VII) Contestar las siguientes preguntas en la forma Corta y afirmativa:

1. Did you go to the movies last night?
R= Yes, I went.

2. Is the weather warm today?

R= Yes, It is.

3. Was it warm yesterday?

R= Yes, It was.

4. Did your friend visit you last night?

R= Yes, He did.

5. Is today Wednesday?
R= Yes, It is.

VIII) Completar las siguientes oraciones la forma comparativa del adjetivó o adverbio entre paréntesis:
1. The weather this winter is ____________________ (bad) __________________ the weather last winter.
R= The weather this winter is worse the weather last winter.

2. This exercise is ______________________ (easy) _____________________ the last one.

R= This exercise is easier the last one.

3. This metal is __________________________ (valuable) ____________________ gold.

R= This metal is more valuable as gold.

4. Our troops fought ___________________________ (brave) ___________________ anyone expected.

R= Our troops fought braver anyone expected.

5. The time passed ______________________ (quick) _____________________ I expected.

R= The time passed quicker I expected

IX) Completar las siguientes oraciones la forma superlativa del adjetivó o adverbio entre paréntesis:
1. Robin works ____________________________ (hard) of all the ballerinas in the troupe.
R= Robin works hardest of all the ballerinas in the troupe.

2. He is ____________________________ (ambitious) man that I know.

R= He is the most ambitious man that I know.

3. Of the three brothers, Malcolm wakes up _________________________________ (early).

R= Of the three brothers, Malcolm wakes up earliest.

4. Rebecca swims _________________________________ (graceful) of all the team members.

R= Rebecca swims more gracefully of all the team members.
5. She is _______________________________ (intelligent) person that I know.
R= She is the most intelligent person that I know.

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