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FALL 2023

Let’s Talk About

In Miss Madison’s Class

In This Newsletter:

What can you

expect for learning to Miss Madison’s
Kindergarten Science
Inquiry-Based I am so thankful to have your child as a part of my
Learning & the 5 class. This year we are going to dive into several
E’s topics, such as “Force, Motion, & Energy,” “Matter,”
and “Living Systems & Processes.” As we embark on
this journey of exploration and discovery, I am
thrilled to share with you the wonders that await our
Partner with us!
young scientists. In our classroom, science is not just
a subject; it's a hands-on adventure that sparks
curiosity and encourages a love for learning.

Through engaging activities and interactive

experiments, your children will not only develop a
solid foundation in scientific concepts but also
cultivate a genuine understanding of the world
around them. Together, we will foster a sense of
wonder and curiosity that lays the groundwork for a
lifelong appreciation of the incredible world of
I create lessons based on standards from the Virginia
Department of Education. We are currently learning
standard K.9, where “The student will investigate and
understand that there are patterns in nature. Key
patterns include daily weather.

In this unit, your child is learning about weather

patterns through observation and data collection.
In this unit, we are using daily weather charts to
observe the weather and understand how it
changes throughout the season.

Your child is learning that daily weather refers to the

conditions in the atmosphere that we experience on a
day-to-day basis. These conditions include factors
such as temperature, precipitation (rain, snow, etc.),
sky conditions (sunny, cloudy, etc.), and wind.

Where Art & Science Meet

In our science class, we're adding an artistic touch to learning about
weather. Students will get creative by making their own weather
posters, blending art and science. This mix helps them show complex
weather ideas in a cool and personal way. Using art in science class
isn't just about making things look good; it's a fun way for kids to
share what they know about weather. We want them to not only
understand science but also enjoy being creative and curious. So,
through art, we're making learning about weather exciting and
meaningful (Shulman, 2023).
Inquiry-based Learning
learning doesn’t In our kindergarten science class, we embrace a
hands-on learning approach known as inquiry-based
demand a right
learning. This method involves exploring real-world
answer; it asks for
concepts, such as daily weather systems and patterns,
an explanation” through asking questions and engaging in problem-
solving activities (Wolpert-Gawron, 2016).
-Laina Porter By encouraging students to actively participate in the
learning process, we aim to create a dynamic
environment where they not only observe and
describe natural world around them but also develop
essential skills through experiential learning. As we
teach about the subject of weather, my goal is to instill
a lasting curiosity for scientific exploration, laying the
foundation for a lifelong appreciation of the world
around them.

How will Inquiry-based learning look in the classroom?

1. Daily Wonder Questions: Kickstarting our day with a "Question of the Day" to
encourage critical thinking and discussion.
2. Themed Exploration Stations: Creating hands-on exploration stations, such as a
"Nature Discovery" area, to spark curiosity and observation.
3. Show and Tell Investigations: Turning traditional Show and Tell into
investigative sessions, prompting children to explore and discuss items brought
from home.
4. Collaborative Community Projects: Engaging in collaborative projects, like
creating a class garden, to encourage teamwork and address questions about our
classroom community.
What are the 5E’s of lesson planning?
Our lesson planning revolves around the Five Es - a simple and effective
framework designed to engage and empower your child.

Engage: The first step is to capture your child's attention.

We create activities that stimulate curiosity, spark interest,
and make learning exciting from the get-go (Lesly
University, 2023).

Explore: We encourage hands-on exploration. Students

dive into the subject matter, ask questions, and investigate.
This phase is all about fostering a sense of discovery and
encouraging active participation (Rodger, 2023).

Explain: Understanding is key. We provide clear

explanations, breaking down complex concepts into
manageable parts. Your child will grasp the material step by
step, ensuring a solid foundation for future learning (Duran
& Duran, 2004).

Elaborate: Building on the basics, we encourage your child

to apply their newfound knowledge. This could involve
problem-solving, discussions, or creative projects, allowing
for a deeper understanding of the subject matter (Gerges,

Evaluate: Regular assessments help us gauge your child's

progress. Through quizzes, projects, and discussions, we
ensure that learning objectives are met. Feedback is
provided to celebrate achievements and guide future

By following the Five Es, we aim to make each lesson a meaningful and enjoyable
experience for your child. We believe that this approach not only enhances
academic understanding but also cultivates a lifelong love for learning.
How can you partner with us in
supporting your child’s growth?

1. Ask Questions: Engage in discussions about specific

topics covered in class. For instance, if the lesson is
about weather, ask what weather patterns they found
most interesting or surprising.
2. Extend Learning at Home: If the class involves a
science experiment, replicate a simplified version at
home to deepen their understanding. This hands-on
approach reinforces classroom concepts.
3. Connect Learning to Daily Life: For example, if the
lesson is on community helpers, discuss the roles of
people in your neighborhood. Take a short field trip or
interview someone to make the learning more tangible.
4. Celebrate Achievements: Specifically acknowledge
their accomplishments. Whether it's mastering a new
math skill or completing a project, celebrate these
milestones to boost their confidence in specific areas.

Together, let's weave a tapestry of learning! Your active

involvement and partnership with us make the educational
journey richer and more vibrant for your child. Join hands with
our dedicated team as we nurture curiosity, celebrate
achievements, and create a supportive environment where every
child can thrive.
Bybee, Rodger. (2023). San Diego County Office of Education.

Duran, Lena Ballone & Duran, Emilio. (2004). The Science

Education Review.

Gerges, Elissar. (2022). Edutopia.

Lesly University. (2023).

Shulman, Ken. (2023). Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Wolpert-Gawron, Heather. (2016). Edutopia.

Zusy, Stacey. (2023). Gale.


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