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India produces approximately more than 110 million tonnes of Coal
ash annually. Coal-based thermal power plants all over the world facing
serious problems of handling and disposal of the ash produced. The
utilization of fly ash is about 30% as various engineering properties
requirements that is for low technical applications such as in construction of
fills and embankments, backfills, pavement base and sub base course.
Sintered Fly ash based artificial lightweight aggregate offer potential for
large-scale utilisation in the construction work. Apart from using it in
concrete industry as cement replacement, fly ash usages by other related
industries have been for cube (Bricks) manufacture, cellular concrete,
prefabricated items and road construction. Yet about 75% of fly ash remains
The management of coal fly ash produced by coal thermal power
station is a major problem in many parts of the word. However, its
generation tends to increase every year. Although some coal fly ash is used
in a range of applications, particularly as a substitute for cement in concrete.
Large amount remain unused and thus required disposal. At present, coal fly
ash is used in civil engineering for production of cement, concrete, cube and
artificial aggregate. Safe disposal of the ash without adversely affecting the
environment and the large storage area required are major concerns
Sintagg is made from the sintering process of fly ash. Sintagg is
formed into small round pellets, which are then processed to create a very
hard aggregate with a honeycombed internal spongy structure. These hard

pellets can then be used as a superior, consistent, lightweight aggregate
which is up to 50% lighter than natural aggregate.


Traditional Indian structures exist beyond all ages and can be utilized
by the people of every generation. Based on this premise, traditional
construction methods and this will pave a flexible run way extraction the
essence from ancient texts and interprets it to suit modern constructions.
Traditional structures in India are contemporary of all ages and their
synergic aspects can be adopted by the people of all generation since the
fundamental nature of construction is always flexible and in tune with the
rhythmic spatial forms to suit the taste of every generation. Indian traditional
structures, which are more than 5,000 years old like Mohanjedero is still a
heritage monument of Indian civilization. Its is more appropriate to blend
the traditional concept with modern structures.
The simplest, and possibly the earliest, binding material used was wet
mud, and there are records for its use in ancient Egypt. Another example of
binder from the distant past is the use of naturally occurring bitumen by the
Babylonians and Assriyans in their brick constructions. Vernacular
architecture is the most widespread form of building in India, constructed
through traditional building methods by local builders without using the
services of a professional architect. Vernacular architecture has been built by
different civilization in their own styles based on the local conditions. In
India they comprise different categories from mud-plastered to red-thatched
T timber-framed in accordance with the availability of local material.

The natural building materials available for construction in Kerala are
stones, timber, clay and palm leaves. Laterite blocks may be bonded in
mortars of shell lime, which have been the classic binding material used in
traditional buildings. Lime mortar can be improved in strength and
performance by admixtures of vegetable juices. Such enriched mortars were
used for plastering or for serving as the base for mural painting and low
relief work; timber is the prime structural material abundantly available in
many varieties in Kerala – from bamboo to teak. Clay was used in many
forms – for walling, in filling the timber floors and making bricks and tiles
after pugging and tempering with admixtures. Palm leaves were used
effectively for thatching the roofs.
The roof structure in timber was covered with palm leaf thatching for
most buildings and rarely with tiles for palaces or temples. The exterior of
the laterite walls were either left as such or plastered with lime mortar to
serve as the base for mural painting.
Concrete, which has been used for millennia in some form for
structures and roadways, is developing in ways that make its use easier, less
expensive, safer, more varied and even more environmentally friendly. Let
us discuss few important developments in the construction materials.
One of the disadvantages of conventional concrete is the high self
weight of concrete. This heavy self weight of concrete will make it to some
extent an uneconomical structural material. Attempts have been made in the
past to reduce self weight of concrete to increase the efficiency of concrete
as a structural material. Thus light weight concrete was developed which has
reduced density of about 8 times than the conventional concrete. There are
many advantages in low density concrete. It helps reduction of dead load,

increases the progress of the building, and lowers haulage and handling
Plain concrete possesses a very low tensile strength, limited ductility
and little resistance to cracking. Internal micro cracks are inherently present
in the concrete and its poor tensile strength is due to the propagation of such
micro cracks, eventually leading to brittle fracture of the concrete. In the
past, attempts have been made to impart improvement in tensile properties
of concrete members by way of using conventional reinforced steel bars and
also applying restraining techniques. Although both these methods provide
tensile strength to the concrete members, the however, do not increase the
inherent tensile strength of the concrete itself
Reducing and recycling waste and by products have become the major
issue in 21st century. Development of new techniques for managing wastes
is one of the major areas of interest of researchers in recent days. This is due
to the need for reusing the materials to avoid exhausting natural resources
that are depleted abundantly with growing population. Due to the impact of
earth quake ores all over the world, the need for light weight structural
design is increasing presently, as it reduces mass of the structure. Light
weight concrete also brings down the overall cost of the building. Light
weight aggregates (LWA) are generally manufactured from pumice or
volcanic cinders or clays or siliceous rocks.
Natural aggregates are those that are taken from naturally occurring
rocks by breaking and sieving them in to desired size. The usage of natural
aggregates has become serious issue, due to the over use of these materials
in this developing infrastructure era. Natural aggregates have density higher
than that of light weight aggregates. Due to the low density of LWA, it

provides better insulation property and can be used to produce light weight
concrete. Light weight aggregate can also be produced using industrial by-
products like heavy metal sludge, mining residues, palm shell, paper sludge,
pet bottles, sewage sludge, steel slag, bottom ash, fly ash, marine clay etc.,
Various methods used for producing artificial aggregates from these
products and the properties of the aggregates manufactured are also
discussed below. Here in this paper, some of the techniques that are used by
the researchers to produce light weight aggregates from waste and by-
products have been discussed briefly. There are numerous light weight
aggregates available commercially which are obtained through expensive
methods of manufacturing. Also, it depletes the natural resources for its raw
The best way to avoid this problem is to use the lightweight waste
materials as raw material for aggregates in concrete. Beyond reducing the
overall cost, this also finds a way to utilize this waste material that produce
environmental problems. Many studies are carried out in this area from early
1980’s (Van der Wegen and Bijen, 1985). Most of the preparation methods
of artificial aggregates involve sintering process that in turn creates the
problem of large energy usage. Some of the waste materials used as a source
material for artificial aggregates are mining residues, heavy Several works
are done in fly ash aggregates compared to other artificial aggregates, may
be due to its availability in large volumes and high quantity of disposal.
Artificial Aggregates:
Chemical Composition: The chemical compositions of some of the
waste materials that can be used as a raw material for artificial aggregates
are given in Table 1. In most of the materials, silica is the major component

that imparts strength to concrete and activates pozzolanic reaction by
helping in the formation of calcium-silicate-hydrate gel.
Methods of Manufacturing:
Various methods are adopted for producing different artificial
aggregates of varied sources are shown in Table 2. For any method, the main
aim is to agglomerate the powdered raw waste material into some specific
desired size that can be used as aggregate in required application. Various
agglomeration techniques have been well explained by Bijen, 1986. But this
technique is not needed in case of waste products, if they occur in the size of
an aggregate like palm shell (Payam Shafigh et al., 2011). After the process
of agglomeration through pelletization (Bijen, 1986; Gokhan Baykal and Ata
Gurhan Doven, 2000; Geetha and Ramamurthy, 2010, 2011; Cheeseman and
Virdi, 2005; Mun, 2007; Chin-Tson Liaw et al., 1998; Su-
Chen Huang et al., 2007), the fresh pellets need to undergo post-
processing to attain strength, so as to be used as aggregate in concrete. There
are different post processing techniques for fly ash aggregates which
includes, sintering, autoclaving and cold bonding.
Sintering causes many drawbacks like higher manufacturing cost, as it
involves the usage of expensive energy (Gokhan Baykal and Ata Gurhan
Doven, 2000). As a result, cold bonded fly ash aggregates are manufactured,
to avoid the sintering process and it gave comparable results (Bijen, 1986;
Niyazi Ugur Kockal and Turan Ozturan, 2010, 2011a, 2011b).
It is the process by which the green pellets are allowed fuse together
at high temperatures normally more than 12000C (Su-Chen Huang et al.,
2007; Cheeseman and Virdi, 2005; Mun, 2007; Geetha and Ramamurthy,
2010, 2011; Bijen, 1986, Peter Neumann et al., 1991, Gokhan Baykal et al.,

2000, Niyazi et al., 2010,Manikandan et al., 2008). In sintering process, high
coal content is acceptable as it helps the process of sintering (Bijen, 1986).
But the high energy requirement makes the process undesirable (Peter
Neumann et al., 1991; Gokhan Baykal and Ata Gurhan Doven, 2000). But,
the properties of aggregates produced by sintering process, shows better
durability properties like corrosion resistance, permeability (Niyazi Ugur
Kockal and Turan Ozturan, 2010, 2011a, 2011b).
This process involves addition of some chemical like cement, lime or
gypsum in agglomeration stage. This induces bonding property in the
material. The green pellets are then cured in pressurized saturated steam at a
temperature of 1400C. This process helps in reducing bonding material in
pellet formation and curing time (Bijen, 1986). But the strength and
durability properties does not show much difference compared to normal
curing (Manikandan and Ramamurthy, 2008).
Cold Bonding:
It is the process of normal water curing at ordinary room temperature
(Bijen, 1986). This process helps avoiding energy utilization as in case of
other two methods.
Niyazi Ugur Kockal et al. says that cold bonded aggregate shows poor
properties compared to sintered aggregates (Niyazi Ugur Kockal and Turan
Ozturan,(2010, 2011a, 2011b). But in contrary, Manikandan et al.
says when curing time is increased, the aggregate properties are comparable
with autoclaving and steam curing (Manikandan and Ramamurthy, 2008).

The project is completed with the reference of standards and
specifications. Specific journals and books written by eminent authors has
been followed to carry out the PROJECT
Obada Kayali (2005) presented a paper on “flashag – New light
weight aggregate for high strength and durable concrete” This type is given
the name Flashag. The only solid raw material used to manufacture these
aggregates is fly ash. The aggregates are sintered but not pelletized and the
process is easy and inexpensive. This paper describes these patented
aggregates and compares them with other lightweight and normal-weight
aggregates that are used for concrete. The paper presents the results of
testing the aggregates for properties important in the concrete industry. The
paper further presents the results of testing structural high-strength grade
concrete made from the new aggregates.
The results show that the concrete made from the new aggregates is
lightweight, possesses low porosity, high strength and high durability
potential. The results of the new aggregates are far more superior to
previously known lightweight aggregates.
High strength characteristics using Flashag are easily achievable with
only moderate cement content. Even more significant, this new aggregate
gave results that are superior to those of normal weight concrete that had the
same cement content and comparable workability. The lightweight concrete
made using this type of aggregates is more than 21% lighter than normal
weight Granite and Dacite aggregate concretes. At the same time, Flashag
concrete is about 15% to 21% stronger than high-strength normal weight
aggregate concretes. Moreover, Flashag concrete possesses at least 30 %

lower drying shrinkage value than normal weight high strength concrete and
thus is much better in resisting shrinkage crack formation.
DILIP KUMAR et al.,(2014) Presented a paper on “ Use of Sintered
Fly ash as coarse aggregate in concrete”. In this paper The maximum
compressive strength of 36.25 N/mm2 is attained at 12% replacement of
Sintered fly ash aggregate in concrete while the minimum strength of 26.68
N/mm2 is attained at 20% replacement, At 16% replacement, increased the
value 28.67/mm2, and 12% increased the value 36.25N/mm the highest
increased the value. The maximum flexural strength of 4.95 N/mm2 was
attained at 8% replacement, while the minimum strength of 2.75 N/mm2 was
attained at 20% replacement. To increase the speed of construction, enhance
green construction environment we can use lightweight concrete. The
possibility exists for the partial replacement of coarse aggregate with
Sintered fly ash aggregate to produce in thermal power plants west material.
Sintered fly ash is compatible with the cement. Use of sintered fly ash as
coarse aggregate can reduce the cost of construction and it is useful in
environmental point of view. At the same water cement ratio, by increasing
cement content, the drying shrinkage increased and sorptivity decreased.
Gao Li-xiong et al.,(2008) presented a paper on “RESEARCH ON
ABSORPTION OF WATER”. Lightweight aggregate concrete made with
this aggregate may have compressive strength more than CL60, slump
higher than 20 cm, 60 minutes slump loss less than 2 cm, and expansibility
higher than 50 cm. Such properties meet the modern concrete requirements
for high strength and pump-ability.

This chapter deals with the methods and materials adopted during
entire experimental work. It outlines the testing procedure for determining
the strength properties of traditional and modern binders.
The experimental investigation was carried out in seven different
phases. The various phase involved have been explained as follow.

 The first phase involves the collection of materials required for the
experimental work. Materials like cement, fine aggregates, coarse
aggregates, fly ash Coarse Aggregate were collected. 

 The second phase involves the preliminary investigating which was
carried on the constituents of the mix. Various tests were carried out for
assessing the properties of the material constituents as per Indian standards. 

 The third phase involves the preparation of mix design for concrete based
on the properties tested previously in the second phase as there is no
standard mix design for self compacting concrete. The following were the
mix design prepared 

1. Nominal concrete mix
2. Coarse aggregate + 10% sintagg aggregate.
3. Coarse aggregate + 20% sintagg aggregate
4. Coarse aggregate + 30% sintagg aggregate
5. Coarse aggregate + 40% sintagg aggregate
6. Coarse aggregate + 50% sintagg aggregate

 The fourth phase involves the preparation of the above mentioned

concrete mixture. 

Phases of the experimental work

Materials collection
(Cement, sand, coarse aggregate, Sintagg aggregate )

Initial material testing

Preparation of mix design

Coarse 10% of fly 20% of fly 30% of fly 40% of fly 50% of fly
aggregate ash coarse ash coarse ash coarse ash coarse ash coarse
aggregate aggregate aggregate aggregate aggregate

Study of Rheological Properties of the mixes

Casting of RCC Beams

Testing of specimens for flexural strength and deflection

Analysis of results


Fig 3.1 Flow chart for experimental procedure

 The fifth phase includes the casting of singly reinforced beam. 

 The sixth phase involves the testing of flexural strength for 28 days. 

 The seventh phase includes the analysis of the test results. 

 Finally the conclusions of the results obtained were made. 
The materials used for this experimental study were deeply
unanalysed and quality measures were taken in proper execution .The
project consumes materials which are inert and available easily in abundance
thus making it cost efficient with the calibre to withstand the constructional
challenges faced in flyash concrete art.
3.3.2 Materials Used
Cement: Ordinary Portland Cement of grade 53 is used.
Flyash aggregate: The flyash used in this project is “GRADE 1”
flyash sourced from the coal fired from North Chennai thermal power
River Sand: River sand passing through 2.36mm sieve is used and
conforms to IS383 (zone II)
Water: Water conforming to table 5 of IS456 was used.
Reinforcement Bars: Steel of grade 415 was used.
a. Cement
 Fineness of cement 
The fineness of cement has an important bearing on the rate of
hydration and hence on the rate of gain of strength and also on the rate of
evolution of heat.

Figure 3.2 90 micron sieve
100g of OPC of grade 53 is taken and it is sieved on 90 micron sieve for 15
minutes by giving circular and vertical motion. And the residue on sieve is
weighed and checked so that it is not more than 10% of the original weight
taken (i.e. 10g).
 Normal consistency
The standard consistency (Normal consistency) of cement paste is
defined as that consistency which will permit a vicat plunger having 10mm
diameter and 50mm length to penetrate to a depth of 33-35mm from the top
of the mould. This apparatus is called Vicat Apparatus.

Figure 3.3 Vicat apparatus

This Apparatus is used to find out the percentage of water required
to produce a cement paste of standard consistency.500g of cement is taken
and it is made into paste with a weighed quantity of water (say 24% by
weight of cement) for first trial.
Then this paste is filled into the vicat mould within 3-5minutes.
And the mould is shaked to expel the air. The standard plunger is brought
down to touch the surface of the paste and then it is quickly released
allowing it to sink into the paste by its own weight. Reading is noted by
observing the depth of penetration of the plunger. The above process is
repeated for 25, 26, and 27%., of water content such that the depth of
penetration is 33-35mm from the top of the mould.
 Initial setting time
The time elapsed between the moment water is added to the cement,
to the time that the paste starts losing its plasticity.500g of cement is taken
and made into a paste by adding 0.85 times the water required to produce
cement paste of standard consistency (i.e.0.85P).This paste is filled into the
Vicat mould within 3-5minutes. Stop watch is started at the moment when
the water is added. Needle is brought in contact with the surface of the
sample then it is released quickly. Initially the needle is completely pierced
through the test block. But due to lose of plasticity, the needle starts
penetrating only to a depth of 33-35mm from the top. The period elapsing
between the time when water is added to the cement and the time at which
the needle penetrates the test block to a depth equal to 33-35mm from the
top is taken as initial setting time

 Particle size distribution (Sieve analysis)
Particle size distribution is the fundamental property to consider as
for as sand is concerned. The percentage of various sizes of particles in a
given dry soil sample is found by particle analysis (i.e.,) the separation of a
soil into its different size fractions.
1kg of fine grained soil passing through 2.36mm sieve was taken.
And a set of sieves ranging from 1.18, 0.6, 0.3, 0.15, 0.075mm, pan were
arranged. The Soil sample was placed in top sieve, then the entire set up was
placed in a sieve shaking machine and it was allowed to shake for
10minutes.The portion of soil retained on each sieve was weighed. The
percentage of soil retained on each sieve was calculated on the basis of the
total mass of the soil sample taken.

Figure 3.4 Sieve shaker

From these results, percentage passing through each sieve is
calculated (cumulative % finer). Then the curve was plotted in semi log

graph for the sieve size and cumulative % finer. The curve was found to be
in “S” shape which shows the distribution of particles as per standards of
soil codes. The graph is shown as follows.
 Specific gravity test (Pycnometer)
Specific gravity G is defined as the ratio of the weight of a given
volume of soil solids at a given temperature to the weight of an equal
volume of distilled water at that temperature, both weights being taken in air.

Figure 3.5 Pycnometer

Pycnometer of 900ml capacity, with a conical brass cap screwed at

its top was taken. It was cleaned and weighed with the brass cap (M1). 200
to 400g of oven-dried soil was taken and it was placed in the pycnometer.
Then the weight of pycnometer plus soil was taken (M2). After that
pycnometer was filled with distilled water to its half of the height. It is
mixed thoroughly with glass rod. Then more water is added and it is stirred.
Screw top is replaced and pycnometer flush is filled with hole in conical cap.
Then it is weighed (M3). After that the pycnometer is emptied and it is
cleaned thoroughly. Then the distilled water is filled to the hole of the
conical cap and it is weighed (M4).

Specific gravity G is determined by
( M2 – M1 )
G =

( M2 – M1) – ( M3 – M4 )

M1 = mass of empty pycnometer
M2 = mass of the pycnometer with dry soil
M3 = mass of the pycnometer and soil and water
M4 = mass of pycnometer filled with water only


This test is done to determine the aggregate impact value of coarse
aggregates as per IS: 2386 (Part IV) – 1963. The apparatus used for
determining aggregate impact value of coarse aggregates is Impact testing
machine conforming to IS: 2386 (Part IV)- 1963,IS Sieves of sizes –
12.5mm, 10mm and 2.36mm, A cylindrical metal measure of 75mm dia. and
50mm depth, A tamping rod of 10mm circular cross section and 230mm
length, rounded at one end and Oven.
Preparation of Sample
i) The test sample should conform to the following grading:
– Passing through 12.5mm IS Sieve – 100%
– Retention on 10mm IS Sieve – 100%
ii) The sample should be oven-dried for 4hrs. at a temperature of
100 to 110 C and cooled.
iii) The measure should be about one-third full with the prepared
aggregates and tamped with 25 strokes of the tamping rod.
A further similar quantity of aggregates should be added and a
further tamping of 25 strokes given. The measure should finally be filled to
overflow, tamped 25 times and the surplus aggregates struck off, using a

tamping rod as a straight edge. The net weight of the aggregates in the
measure should be determined to the nearest gram (Weight ‘A’).

Fig 3.6 Impact value

Procedure to determine Aggregate Impact Value

i) The cup of the impact testing machine should be fixed firmly in position
on the base of the machine and the whole of the test sample placed in it and
compacted by 25 strokes of the tamping rod.
ii) The hammer should be raised to 380mm above the upper surface of the
aggregates in the cup and allowed to fall freely onto the aggregates. The test
sample should be subjected to a total of 15 such blows, each being
delivered at an interval of not less than one second.
Bulk density
The bulk density or unit weight of an aggregate gives valuable
information regarding the shape and grading of the aggregate. For a give
specific gravity the angular aggregates show a lower bulk density of
aggregate is measured by filling a container of known volume side in a
standard manner and weighing it. Bulk density shows how densely the
aggregate is packed when filled in a standard manner. The bulk density

depends on the particle size distribution and shape of the particles. One of
the early methods of mix design makes use of this parameter bulk density in
proportioning of concrete mix. The higher the bulk density. The lower is the
void content to be filled by sand and cement. The sample which gives the
minimum voids or the one which gives maximum bulk density is taken as
the right sample of aggregate for making economical mix. The method of
determining bulk density also gives the method for finding out void content
in the sample of aggregate. For determination of bulk density the aggregates
are filled in the container and then they are compacted in a standard manner.
The weight of the aggregate gives th bulk density calculated in kg/ litre or

Fig 3.7 Bulk density

The detailed study on the requirements of materials used for the
project as per IS codes was done. Various tests were conducted on each and
every material. Materials adhered to the requirements specified were chosen
for the trials .The summary of the test results are as follows:

To find the specific gravity of the fine aggregate (River sand).
Material: River Sand Testing Date: 01/03/2016
Test Reference: IS2386 (part 3) Material Reference: IS383
Weight of Sample: 1000grams
Table 3.1 specific gravity of river sand Description Trial 1 Trial 2
1 Weight of empty pycnometer(W1) 626 626
2 Weight of pycnometer + dry sample(W2) 1446 1422
3 Weight of pycnometer + sample + water(W3) 2160 2152
4 Weight of pycnometer + water(W4) 1650 1650
Specific gravity = (W2-W1) 2.65 2.55

Average specific gravity = 2.6


To determine the specific gravity of coarse aggregates of 20mm size.
Material: 20mm
Material Reference: IS2386 (part 3) Testing Date: 01/03/2016
Weight of Sample: 5000grams Material Reference: IS383
Table 3.2 specific gravity of aggregates (20 mm) Description Trial 1 Trial 2
1 Weight of empty pycnometer(W1) 626 626

2 Weight of pycnometer + dry sample(W2) 1502 1440
3 Weight of pycnometer + sample + water(W3) 2218 2160
4 Weight of pycnometer + water(W4) 1650 1650
Specific gravity = (W2-W1) 2.84 2.68

Average specific gravity = 2.76


To determine the specific gravity of coarse aggregates of 12mmsize.
Material size: 12 mm
Material Reference: IS383 Test Reference : Is 2386
Weight of Sample: 5000grams Testing Date: 01/03/2016
Table 3.3 specific gravity of aggregate 12 mm Description Trial 1 Trial 2
1 Weight of empty pycnometer(W1) 626 626
2 Weight of pycnometer + dry sample(W2) 1293 1289
3 Weight of pycnometer + sample + water(W3) 2073 2084
4 Weight of pycnometer + water(W4) 1650 1650
Specific gravity = (W2-W1) x 100 2.73 2.71

Average specific gravity = 2.72

To find the specific gravity of the SINTAGG aggregate.
Material: 12 mm Testing Date: 01/03/2016
Test Reference: IS2386 (part 3) Material Reference: IS383
Weight of Sample: 1000grams
Table 3.4 specific gravity of sintagg aggregate Description Trial 1 Trial 2
1 Weight of empty pycnometer(W1) 626 626
2 Weight of pycnometer + dry sample(W2) 1242 1227
3 Weight of pycnometer + sample + water(W3) 1917 1897
4 Weight of pycnometer + water(W4) 1650 1650
Specific gravity = (W2-W1) 1.76 1.82

Average specific gravity = 1.79


To determine various properties of cement and to check whether it satisfies the
Cement Brand: Dalmia Cement Week No: 3
Type: OPC Test Reference: IS 4031
Grade: 53 Testing Date: 25/02/2016

Table 3.5 cement properties Test Conducted Results IS Requirements
OPC 53G(IS12269)
1 Normal consistency 30%
2 Initial Setting Time 200min Not < 30min
3 Final Setting Time 260min Not > 600min
4 Fineness 2% Not > 10%
5 3 days age Compressive Strength 30.21Mpa Not < 27Mpa
6 7 days age Compressive Strength 51.40Mpa Not < 37Mpa
7 28 days age Compressive Strength 60.36Mpa Not < 53Mpa


To determine the water absorption percentage of the fine aggregates.
Material: River Sand Date Of Testing: 27/02/2016
Weight of Sample: 1000grams Test Reference: IS 2386 (part 3)
Table 3.6 water absorption of river sand Description Trial 1 Trial 2
1 Weight of aggregate in SSD condition W1 500 500
2 Weight of oven dried sample W2 494 493
3 Water absorption = [(W1-W2)/W2] x 100 1.22 1.42

Average water absorption value: 1.32%

To determine the water absorption percentage of the coarse aggregates (20mm

Material: 20mm
Test Reference: IS2386 (Part 3) Material Reference: IS383
Weight of Sample: 1000GRAMS Date Of Testing: 27/02/2016
Table 3.7 water absorption of 20 mm aggregates Description Trial 1 Trial 2
1 Weight of aggregate in SSD condition W1 1000 1000
2 Weight of oven dried sample W2 995 995
3 Water absorption = [(W1-W2)/W2] x 100 0.5 0.5

Average water absorption value: 0.5%


To determine the water absorption percentage of the coarse aggregates
(12.5 mm size).
Material: 12.5mm
Reference: IS2386 (part 3) Material Reference: 383
Weight of Sample: 5000grams Test Date: 27/02/2016
Table 3.8 water absorption of 12 mm aggregate Description Trial 1 Trial 2
1 Weight of aggregate in SSD condition W1 1000 1000
2 Weight of oven dried sample W2 995 995
3 Water absorption = [(W1-W2)/W2] x 100 0.5 0.5

Average water absorption value: 0.5%

To determine the water absorption percentage of the Sintagg aggregates (12.5
mm size).
Material: 12.5mm
Reference: IS2386 (part 3) Material Reference: 383
Weight Of Sample: 5000grams Test Date: 02/03/2016
Table 3.9 water absorption of sintagg aggregate Description Trial 1 Trial 2
1 Weight of aggregate in SSD condition W1 500 500
2 Weight of oven dried sample W2 474 474
3 Water absorption = [(W1-W2)/W2] x 100 5.48 5.48

Average water absorption value: 5.48%


Material: River Sand Test Reference: IS 383:1970

Wt of Sample: 1000gm Date Of Testing:01/03/2016
Table 3.10 sieve analysis of river sand

Result: Material satisfies IS Recommendation and under by zone-II.


Material: 20mm coarse aggregate

Test Reference: IS 383:1970
Wt of Sample: 5000gm Date Of Testing: 01/03/2016
Table 3.11 sieve analysis of 20 mm aggregate


Material: 20mm coarse aggregate
Test Reference: IS 383:1970
Wt of Sample: 3000gm Date Of Testing: 01/03/2016
Table 3.12 sieve analysis of sintagg aggregate

Empty weight of cylindrical measure = 12.3 kg
Total weight of cylindrical measure = 25.81 kg
Height of cylindrical measure = 30 cm
Diameter of cylindrical measure = 25 cm
Volume of cylindrical measure = 0.0174 m
Bulk density = (25.81-12.3)/ 0.0174 = 917 kg/ m


Empty weight of cylindrical measure = 840 g
Total weight of cylindrical measure = 1032.5 g
Sample weight = 192.5g
Weight of sample retained on 2.36 mm Sieve = 83 g
Impact value = 83/192.5 x 100 = 43 %
Reinforcement calculation:-
Load calculation
Dead load = 0.2x0.1x1.2x25 = 0.6 KN/m
Live load = 3 KN/m
Total load = 3.6 KN/m
Factored load = 1.5x1.6 = 5.4 KN/m
2 2
Moment = wl /8= (2.4x1.2 )/8 = 0.972 KNm
Mu = 972000 Nmm
Mu = 0.87fyAstd(1-Astfy/bd fck)
Adopt 25 mm as effective cover
972000 = 0.87x415xAstx175 (1- (Astx415/100x175x20))

Ast = 15mm
Minimum Ast= .2%bD
=.2 x 100 x 200/100 = 40 mm
Provide 4 no of 10 mm bars (1258 mm )
Provide 8 mm bar at 120 mm c/c as shear reinforcement
Characteristics strength of concrete = 20 N/mm
Target grade for M 20 grade concrete = 20+1.65x4 =26.6
Water cement ratio for mild exposure condition = 0.55
Free water to be used in 1 cum of concrete = 185 lit
Quantity of cement = 185/0.55 =336 kg
Check with the minimum cement content for mild exposure as per table 30.
Minimum cement to be used is 300 kg/cum. Calculate quantity 336 kg/cum satisfy
the requirement of exposure
Absolute volume of cement in 1 cum of concrete = = 0.1067 m
3.15* 1000

Absolute volume of water in 1 cum of concrete = = 0.1850 m
1 * 1000

Tota = 0.1067 + 01850 = 0.2917 m
Absolute volume of aggregate (fine and coarse ) in 1 cum of concrete
= 1 – 0.2917
= 0.708 m
Weighted average specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.76
Weighted average specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.72
Weight of coarse aggregate in m concrete (20 mm) =0 .708 x 2.76 x 1000
= 1954 kg/m
Weight of coarse aggregate in m concrete (12 mm) =0.708 x 2.72 x 1000
= 1926 kg/m
Weight of fine aggregate in 1 cum concrete = 0 .708 x 2.6 x 1000 = 1840 kg/m

Quantities of Dry coarse and fine aggregates
Coarse aggregate (20 mm) =0 .5 x0.55 x 1954
= 538 kg/m
Coarse aggregate (12 mm) =0 .5 x0.55 x 1926 = 530 kg/m
Fine aggregate = 45% x 1840 = 828 kg/m
Free water to be used in 1 cum of concrete = 185 lit
Water to be absorbed by dry coarse aggregate (20 mm) =0 .5/100 x 538 = 2.69 lit
Water to be absorbed by dry coarse aggregate (12 mm) = 0.5/100 x 530 = 2.65 lit
Water to be absorbed by dry fine aggregate =1.32/100x 829=10.94 lit
Hence net water to be added to 1 cum of concrete = 185+2.65+2.69+10.94
=202 lit
Weight of coarse aggregate containing 0 .5% moisture (20 mm) = 538-2.69
=535.3 kg
Weight of coarse aggregate containing 0.5% moisture (12 mm) =530-2.65
=527.35 kg
Weight of fine aggregate containing 1.32% moisture = 829-10.94 =818.1kg
For laboratory trail mix, scale down the weights conveniently to produce 0.03 cum
of concrete. Hence batch weight for material calculated in above steps is
Table 3.13 control mix
Material Weight for 1 cum Weight for 0.03 cum
concrete (kg) concrete trial mix (kg)
Cement 336 10.08
Coarse aggregate 20mm 535.3 16
Coarse aggregate 12mm 527.35 15.82
River sand 818.1 24.54
Water 202 6.06

Characteristics strength of concrete = 20 N/mm
Target grade for M 20 grade concrete = 20+1.65x4 =26.6
Water cement ratio for mild exposure condition = 0.55
Free water to be used in 1 cum of concrete = 185 lit
Quantity of cement = 185/0.55 =336 kg
Check with the minimum cement content for mild exposure as per table 30.
Minimum cement to be used is 300 kg/cum. Calculate quantity 336 kg/cum satisfy
the requirement of exposure
Absolute volume of cement in 1 cum of concrete = = 0.1067 m

Absolute volume of water in 1 cum of concrete = = 0.1850 m
1 * 1000

Total = 0.1067 + 0.1850 = 0.2917 m
Absolute volume of aggregate (fine and coarse) in 1 cum of concrete
= 1 – 0.2917 = 0.708 m
Weighted average specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.76
Weighted average specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.6
Weight of coarse aggregate in m concrete (20 mm) =0 .708 x 2.76 x 1000
=1954 kg/m
Weight of sintagg aggregate in m concrete (12 mm) = 0.708 x 1.79 x 1000
= 1267.3 kg/m
Weight of fine aggregate in 1 cum concrete =0.7 08 x 2.6 x 1000 =1840 kg/m
Quantities of Dry coarse and fine aggregates
Coarse aggregate (20 mm) = 0.9 x0.55 x 1954 = 967 kg/m
Sintagg aggregate (12 mm) = 0.1 x0.55 x 1267.3=69.8 kg/m
Fine aggregate = 45% x 1840 = 828 kg/m
Free water to be used in 1 cum of concrete = 185 lit

Water to be absorbed by dry coarse aggregate(20 mm) = 0.5/100 x 967 = 4.84 lit
Water to be absorbed by sintagg aggregate (12 mm) =5.48/100x69.8 = 3.83 lit
Water to be absorbed by dry fine aggregate =1.32/100x 829=10.94 lit
Hence net water to be added to 1 cum of concret =185+4.84+3.83+10.94
=204.6 lit
Weight of coarse aggregate containing 0.5% moisture (20 mm) = 967-4.84
=962.2 kg
Weight of sintagg aggregate containing 5.48% moisture(12 mm) = 69.8-3.83
= 66 kg
Weight of fine aggregate containing 1.32% moisture = 829-10.94
For laboratory trail mix, scale down the weights conveniently to produce 0.03 cum
of concrete. Hence batch weight for material calculated in above steps is
Table 3.14 Mix proportion of 10% replacement

Material Weight for 1 cum Weight for 0.03 cum

concrete (kg) concrete trial mix (kg)
Cement 336 10.08
Coarse aggregate 20mm 962.2 28.9
Sintagg aggregate 12mm 66 1.98
River sand 818.1 24.54
Water 204.6 6.14

Characteristics strength of concrete = 20 N/mm
Target grade for M 20 grade concrete = 20+1.65x4 =26.6
Water cement ratio for mild exposure condition = 0.55
Free water to be used in 1 cum of concrete = 185 lit

Quantity of cement = 185/0.55 = 336 kg
Check with the minimum cement content for mild exposure as per table 30.
Minimum cement to be used is 300 kg/cum. Calculate quantity 336 kg/cum
satisfies the requirement of exposure
Absolute volume of cement in 1 cum of concrete = = 0.1067 m

Absolute volume of water in 1 cum of concrete = = 0.1850 m
1 * 1000

Total = 0.1067 + 01850 = 0.2917 m
Absolute volume of aggregate (fine and coarse) in 1 cum of concrete
= 1 – 0.2917 = 0.708 m
Weighted average specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.76
Weighted average specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.6
Weight of coarse aggregate in m concrete (20 mm) = 0.708 x 2.76 x 1000
= 1954 kg/m
Weight of sintagg aggregate in m concrete (12 mm) = 0.708 x 1.79 x 1000
= 1267.3 kg/m
Weight of fine aggregate in 1 cum concrete = 0.708 x 2.6 x 1000 = 1840 kg/m
Quantities of Dry coarse and fine aggregates
Coarse aggregate (20 mm) = 0.8 x0.55 x 1954 = 860 kg/m
Sintagg aggregate (12 mm) =0.2 x0.55 x 1267.3 =139.4 kg/m
Fine aggregate = 0.45 x 1840 = 829 kg/m
Free water to be used in 1 cum of concrete = 185 lit
Water to be absorbed by dry coarse aggregate (20 mm) = 0.5/100 x 967 = 4.84 lit
Water to be absorbed by sintagg aggregate (12 mm) =5.48/100x139.4=7.64 lit
Water to be absorbed by dry fine aggregate =1.32/100x829=10.94 lit
Hence net water to be added to 1 cum of concrete = 185+4.84+7.64+10.9= 208.4lit
Weight of coarse aggregate containing 0.5% moisture (20 mm) = 967-4.84
=962.2 kg

Weight of sintagg aggregate containing 5.48% moisture (12 mm) =139.4-7.64
= 131.4 kg
Weight of fine aggregate containing 1.32% moisture = 829-10.94 =818.1kg
For laboratory trail mix, scale down the weights conveniently to produce 0.03 cum
of concrete. Hence batch weight for material calculated in above steps is
Table 3.15 Mix proportion of 20% replacement

Material Weight for 1 cum Weight for 0.03 cum

concrete (kg) concrete trial mix (kg)
Cement 336 10.08
Coarse aggregate 20mm 962.2 25.7
Sintagg aggregate 12mm 131.4 3.96
River sand 818.1 24.54
Water 208.4 6.23

Characteristics strength of concrete = 20 N/mm
Target grade for M 20 grade concrete = 20+1.65x4 =26.6
Water cement ratio for mild exposure condition = 0.55
Free water to be used in 1 cum of concrete = 185 lit
Quantity of cement = 185/0.55 =336 kg
Check with the minimum cement content for mild exposure as per table 30.
Minimum cement to be used is 300 kg/cum. Calculate quantity 336 kg/cum
satisfies the requirement of exposure
Absolute volume of cement in 1 cum of concrete = 3.15*1000 = 0.1067 m

Absolute volume of water in 1 cum of concrete = = 0.1850 m
1 * 1000

Total = 0.1067 + 01850 = 0.2917 m

Absolute volume of aggregate (fine and coarse) in 1 cum of concrete
= 1 – 0.2917
= 0.708 m
Weighted average specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.76
Weighted average specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.6
Weight of coarse aggregate in m concrete (20 mm) =0.708 x 2.76 x 1000
= 1954 kg/m
Weight of sintagg aggregate in m concrete (12 mm) = 0.708 x 1.79 x 1000
= 1267.3 kg/m
Weight of fine aggregate in 1 cum concrete = 0.708 x 2.6 x 1000= 1840 kg/m
Quantities of Dry coarse and fine aggregates
Coarse aggregate (20 mm) = 0.7 x0.55 x 1954 = 752.3 kg/m
Sintagg aggregate (12 mm) = 0.3 x0.55 x 1267.3 =209.1 kg/m
Fine aggregate = 0.45 x 1840 = 829 kg/m
Free water to be used in 1 cum of concrete = 185 lit
Water to be absorbed by dry coarse aggregate (20 mm) = 0.5/100x752.3= 3.76 lit
Water to be absorbed by sintagg aggregate (12 mm) =5.48/100x209 =11.47 lit
Water to be absorbed by dry fine aggregate = 1.32/100x829=10.94 lit
Hence net water to be added to 1 cum of concrete =185+3.76+11.47+10.94
= 211.2lit
Weight of coarse aggregate containing 0.5% moisture (20 mm) =752.3-3.76
=748.54 kg
Weight of sintagg aggregate containing 5.48% moisture (12 mm) =209.1-11.47
= 197.63 kg
Weight of fine aggregate containing 1.32% moisture = 829-10.94 =818.1kg
For laboratory trail mix, scale down the weights conveniently to produce 0.03 cum
of concrete. Hence batch weight for material calculated in above steps is

Table 3.16 Mix proportion of 30% replacement

Material Weight for 1 cum Weight for 0.03 cum

concrete (kg) concrete trial mix (kg)
Cement 336 10.08
Coarse aggregate 20mm 748.54 22.46
Sintagg aggregate 12mm 197.63 5.93
River sand 818.1 24.54
Water 211.2 6.34

Characteristics strength of concrete = 20 N/mm
Target grade for M 20 grade concrete = 20+1.65x4 =26.6
Water cement ratio for mild exposure condition = 0.55
Free water to be used in 1 cum of concrete = 185 lit
Quantity of cement = 185/.55 =336 kg
Check with the minimum cement content for mild exposure as per table 30.
Minimum cement to be used is 300 kg/cum. Calculate quantity 336 kg/cum
satisfies the requirement of exposure
Absolute volume of cement in 1 cum of concrete = = 0.1067 m

Absolute volume of water in 1 cum of concrete = = 0.1850 m
1 * 1000

Total = 0.1067 + 01850 = 0.2917 m
Absolute volume of aggregate (fine and coarse) in 1 cum of concrete
= 1 – 0.2917
= 0.708 m
Weighted average specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.76
Weighted average specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.6

Weight of coarse aggregate in m concrete (20 mm) = 0.708 x 2.76 x 1000
= 1954 kg/m
Weight of sintagg aggregate in m concrete (12 mm) = 0.708 x 1.79 x 1000
= 1267.3 kg/m
Weight of fine aggregate in 1 cum concrete = 0.708 x 2.6 x 1000 = 1840 kg/m
Quantities of Dry coarse and fine aggregates
Coarse aggregate (20 mm) = 0.6 x0.55 x 1954 = 644.82 kg/m
Coarse aggregate (12 mm) = 0.4 x0.55 x 1267.3 = 278.80 kg/m
Fine aggregate = 0.45 x 1840 = 828 kg/m
Free water to be used in 1 cum of concrete = 185 lit
Water to be absorbed by dry coarse aggregate (20 mm) = 0.5/100 x 537.2 = 3.22 lit
Water to be absorbed by sintagg aggregate (12 mm) = 5.48/100 x 278.8 =15.3 lit
Water to be absorbed by dry fine aggregate = 1.32/100 x 829=10.94 lit
Hence net water to be added to 1 cum of concrete = 185+3.22+15.3+10.94
= 214.46lit
Weight of coarse aggregate containing 0.5% moisture 20mm = 644.82-3.22
=641.6 kg
Weight of sintagg aggregate containing 5.48% moisture 12mm = 278.4-15.3
= 263.1 kg
Weight of fine aggregate containing 1.32% moisture = 829-10.94 =818.1kg
For laboratory trail mix, scale down the weights conveniently to produce 0.03 cum
of concrete. Hence batch weight for material calculated in above steps is
Table 3.17 Mix proportion of 40% replacement

Material Weight for 1 cum Weight for 0.03 cum

concrete (kg) concrete trial mix (kg)
Cement 336 10.08

Coarse aggregate 20mm 641.6 25.7
Sintagg aggregate 12mm 263.1 3.96
River sand 818.1 24.54
Water 208.4 6.23

Characteristics strength of concrete = 20 N/mm
Target grade for M 20 grade concrete = 20+1.65x4 =26.6
Water cement ratio for mild exposure condition = 0.55
Free water to be used in 1 cum of concrete = 185 lit
Quantity of cement = 185/0.5 =336 kg
Check with the minimum cement content for mild exposure as per table 30.
Minimum cement to be used is 300 kg/cum. Calculate quantity 336 kg/cum
satisfies the requirement of exposure
Absolute volume of cement in 1 cum of concrete = 3.15*1000 = 0.1067 m

Absolute volume of water in 1 cum of concrete = = 0.1850 m
1 * 1000

Total = 0.1067 + 01850 = 0.2917 m
Absolute volume of aggregate (fine and coarse) in 1 cum of concrete
= 1 – 0.2917= 0.708 m
Weighted average specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.76
Weighted average specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.6
Weight of coarse aggregate in m concrete (20 mm) = 0.708 x 2.76 x 1000
= 1954 kg/m
Weight of sintagg aggregate in m concrete (12 mm) = 0.708 x 1.79 x 1000
= 1267.3 kg/m
Weight of fine aggregate in 1 cum concrete = 0.708 x 2.6 x 1000 = 1840 kg/m
Quantities of Dry coarse and fine aggregates

Coarse aggregate (20 mm) = 0.5 x.55 x 1954 = 537.35 kg/m
Sintagg aggregate (12 mm) = 0.5 x.55 x 1267.3 = 348.5 kg/m
Fine aggregate = 0.45 x 1840 = 828 kg/m
Free water to be used in 1 cum of concrete = 185 lit
Water to be absorbed by dry coarse aggregate (20 mm) = 0.5/100 x 967 = 4.84 lit
Water to be absorbed by sintagg aggregate (12 mm) =5.48/100x139.4=7.64 lit
Water to be absorbed by dry fine aggregate =1.32/100x829=10.94 lit
Hence net water to be added to 1 cum of concrete = 185+4.84+7.64+10.94
= 208.4lit
Weight of coarse aggregate containing 0.5% moisture (20 mm) = 537.35-2.68
=534.67 kg
Weight of sintagg aggregate containing 5.48% moisture (12 mm)= 348.5-18.54 =
Weight of fine aggregate containing 1.32% moisture = 829-10.94=818.1kg
For laboratory trail mix, scale down the weights conveniently to produce 0.03 cum
of concrete. Hence batch weight for material calculated in above steps is
Table 3.18 Mix proportion of 50% replacement

Material Weight for 1 cum Weight for 0.03 cum

concrete (kg) concrete trial mix (kg)
Cement 336 10.08
Coarse aggregate 20mm 534.67 25.7
Sintagg aggregate 12mm 329.9 3.96
River sand 818.1 24.54
Water 208.4 6.23


Fig 3.8 Preparation of reinforcement

Fig 3.9 Batching and mixing

Fig 3.10 Casting Of beam

Fig 3.11 Finishing Of beam

Table 4.1 Weight reduction
Nominal cube 8.3 -
10% replacement 7.65 7.83
20% replacement 7.45 10.24
30% replacement 7.35 11.4
40% replacement 7.15 13.85
50% replacement 6.95 16.26

Table 4.2 Beam of nominal mix

01 72.35
02 71.35
03 72.65

Table 4.3 Beam with 10% replacement

01 69.45
02 69.15
03 67.85

Table 4.4 Beam with 20% replacement

01 67.35

02 66.95
03 66.35

Table 4.5 Beam with 30% replacement

01 64.25
02 65.85
03 65.75

Table 4.6 Beam with 40% replacement

01 61.35
02 61.15
03 60.35

Table 4.7 Beam with 50% replacement

01 51.35
02 49.75
03 50.25

a.Beam with nominal mix
Sample 01

Sample 02

Sample 03

Fig 4.1 Beam deflection graph

a. Beam with 10% replacement

sample 01

sample 02

Sample 03

Fig 4.2 Beam with 10% replacement

a. Beam with 20% replacement
Sample 01

Sample 02

Sample 03

Fig 4.3 Beam with 20% replacement


 Beams are tested for flexural strength and deflection studies were carried
out for use in precast construction. 

 Optimum strength was obtained till 30 % replacement after which the
desired strength could not be achieved. This could lead to reduction in
weight and could lead to large scale utilization of fly ash 

 Weight reduction for 30% is found to be 12% which could lead to sufficient
reduction in weight .This could lead to reduction of weight of foundation
and easy transportation and handling of precast elements. 

 These aggregate were sustainable and eco friendly aggregate which could be
used for replacement of coarse aggregate in the upcoming years. 


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