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To : Mr. Tam
Date : November 25th
Prepared by : đỗ minh quân 11.9
We would like to propose We would like to propose an ASEAN
poster making event to welcome a group of students from
ASEAN countries next week in order to increase opportunities
for domestic and international cultural exchange.
The event will take place in The event will take place in the
School Hall from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event organizes all
activities and invites all ASEAN students and representatives of
all classes.the students participate in congresses on poster
design, presentations and discussions on current issues in
troubled ASEAN and others
This event will help young people from ASEAN countries around
the world meet and build healthy communities that will also
have the opportunity to learn about each other's cultures. This
event will help students develop their ability to work with
people and grow more in the future
We really hope you will consider this proposal as we think it will
benefit in all aspects for both domestic students and visiting
ASEAN students.

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