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I, Pankaj Kumar Chaurasia, hereby declare that the work presented herein is
genuinework done originally by me and has not been published or submitted
elsewhere for therequirement of a degree program. Any literature, data or works
done by others and citedwithin this dissertation has been given due
acknowledgement and listed in the referencesection.

Rupesh Rawtiya

Reg. No.: - 11914569

Date: - 26 August 2023


A few typewriting words of thanks cannot really express the sincerity of my

gratitude. ButI am still writing to put into words my gratefulness towards all who
have helped me andencouraged me in carrying out this internship report. First, of all
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ananta Resource Managementfor
giving me an opportunity to do an internship and LOVELY
PROFESSIONALUNIVERSITY for having summer training as a part of the MBA degree.
Theaccomplishment of this summer internship report otherwise would have been
painstakingendeavor, for lack of staunch and sincere support of the Mittal School of
Business, LPU.The incessant and undeterred succors extended by the members of
the departmentfacilitated the job to a great extent. If this goes unnoticed and
unacknowledged it would beselfishness.Many people have influenced the shape and
content of this Report, and many supported methroughout. I express my sincere
gratitude to Sudiksha Sahul (HR), who was available forhelp whenever I required. Her
guidance, gentle persuasion and active support made it possible to complete this
report.I also owe my thanks to my respondents who gave their great contributions
in getting my questionnaires fulfilled. I have immensely benefited from my
interactions with my friends, and I acknowledge their contributions to my learning. In
the end, I can say only this much that “ALL ARE NOT MENTIONED, BUT NONE IS
FORGOTTEN”Last but not the least I would like to thank GOD, who continues to look
after us despite all my flaws.


During my internship I gained practical knowledge on how the human resource

divisionof an organization operates and coordinates its activities to ensure smooth
functioning ofthe organization at all levels by ensuring right numbers of people are
available at theright time to do the right job. Not only that, but I have also gained
insight into theworking culture of the organization and observed how Ananta
Resource Managementhandles its employees with value and empowerment to
ensure they are motivated to givetheir best to the organization. The report
encompasses introduction to the company,recruitment, selection, training, and
development.Each chapter contains detailed discussion of the HR functions
followed byOrganization Practice at Ananta Resource Management which basically
conveys howthings are done in the HR Department. And finally, conclusion and

1.2- Scope of the ReportThis report has been prepared through extensive discussion
with company employees.Information provided by the management of company
helped in preparing the report. At the time of preparing the report, I had a great
opportunity to have an in-depth knowledge of all the coding activities and other
activities practiced by the Epitome TRC.Each and every member of the all the
department helped me in making this report on “Human resource management in
Epitome TRC”

1.3-Objective of the ReportThere have been some objectives set forward in doing
this report so that it canbe determined what tasks must be done.The objectives of
the report are:- To familiarize with the Epitome TRC, its operation and activities,
management style and endeavor to realize the gap between the theoretical
knowledge with the real business world. Analyze the current performance appraisal
format &compensation. Identifying inherent problems associated with the
format. Propose changes mainly in the guidelines, format and management
philosophy by keeping relevance with other processes. Employee Personnel
practice. Developing Employees practices


All the information incorporated in this report has been collected from primary
sources as well as secondary sources.

Primary sources:-

• Interview with assistant manager of administration & HR-InCharge

• Founder of Epitome TRC and some other employees

• Discussion sessions with seniors as well

Secondary Sources:-

• Epitome TRC SOP.

• Job description for each employee of Epitome TRC, HR Division.

• Performance appraisal format

• Performance appraisal guideline provided by the Human Resources division.

1.5-Limitations Limitation of employment personal. Lack of practices in human

resource management. Human resources department was hesitant to provide
information, because of difficulty in accessing sensitive data and information. Non-
availability of some data. The term of the internship period is brief time whereas
Human Resources Division is a vast area, after doing the regular office works from
11:00 AM to 6:00 PM it is difficult to go through in depth within this short duration of
time. The secondary source of information was not enough to complete the
report. Confidentiality


provide various Training Work-Shops, Placement for various sectors from entry level
to senior level, technical services like Web Development & Web Design, Mobile App
Developments to help you lead the market.Our primary activity is Permanent Staff
Recruitment and Temporary Staffing for either single, large volume or ongoing
staffing requirements. We recruit at all employment levels from Junior to Senior and
across a broad range of employee categories and sectors. We fulfill the manpower
requirements of our valued employers covering almost every sector of the industry
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Besides, we predominantly source the requisite
manpower from the prominent print and electronic media. We also have the
database of distinguished and eminent personalities that are invaluable and highly
reliablethrough our own strong social networking. So finding the right person for the
right position isa cake walk for us and we are always at the doorsteps the moment
employers knock us


firm:- Epitome TRCAddress:- Indore, Madhya PradeshPhone No.:-
8602570007Email-id:- Website:- Headquarters:- Indore, Madhya PradeshCompany Size:-
51-200 EmployeesIndustry:- Human Resources ServicesType:- Self
OwnedFounded:- 2015

2.3-Organisation Vision/ Mission/ ValuesVision:-Vision of organisation is to

empower individuals and organizations with the skills, resources, and talents they
need to thrive in a dynamic and competitive market. We are committed to offering
comprehensive training, effective placements, and technical solutions that enable
our clients to lead their industries.Mission:-To be the premier partner for workforce
development and talent acquisition, recognized for our unwavering commitment to
excellence, innovation, and fostering lasting connections between exceptional
candidates and visionary employers.Values:-1.Excellence: We are dedicated to
delivering services of the highest quality, consistently exceeding expectations and
setting new industry standards.2.Integrity: We operate with honesty, transparency,
and a strong moral compass, building trust through ethical practices in all
interactions.3.Collaboration: We believe in the power of partnerships and teamwork.
By collaborating closely with clients and candidates, we achieve collective
success.4.Innovation: Embracing innovation is at the core of what we do. We
continuously seek new waysto enhance our services and stay at the forefront of
industry trends.5.Respect: We value the unique strengths and contributions of
every individual, treating all with respect, fairness, and dignity.6.Empowerment: We
empower individuals by providing them with the tools they need to succeed,
enabling them to reach their full potential

2.4-Duties and Function of Organisation1. Training Workshops and Programs2.

Placement Services3. Technical Services (Web Development, Web Design, Mobile
App Development)4. Permanent Staff Recruitment and Temporary Staffing5.
Manpower Sourcing and Networking6. Client Relationship Management7. Market
Research and Trends Analysis8. Ethical Practices and Integrity

Chapter-3.HRM of Epitome TRC3.1- IntroductionDuring my internship I was mainly

assign in HR department. Epitome TRC always determine what jobs need to be done
and how many and types of workers will be required. So, Establishing the structure
of the asset management company assists in determining the skills, knowledge and
abilities of job holders. To ensure appropriate personnel are available to meet the
requirements set during the strategic planning process. It believes that the quality
work comes from quality workers who are well motivated and ready to take
challenge to provide better service

There are three units in Human Resource Division of Epitome TRCHR Staffing HR
OperationTraining & Development1.The staffing process putting the right people in
the right positions at the right times is one of the most critical tasks any
organization faces. The quality of the work performed can be only as high as the
capabilities of the people performing it. Three officers are working in HR staffing
unit.They perform the following activitiesi.Recruitmentii.Selectioniii.Leave
Managementiv.Personal Profile Management2.HR operations unit mainly work in the
area of short term and long-term benefits of Epitome TRC
HR operation in Epitome TRC mainly includes:-i.Hiring internsii.Managing groups of
each and every domain.iii.Team leadiv.Making offer lettersv. Making letter of Scheduling interviewsvii. Training new internsviii. Maintaining
records3.Training and development unit mainly works with the training of new
internsand development of skills in them to perform well in organisation.Each new
intern in trained with the necessary skills of their domain. Proper meetings are held
and even free coding and language classes are also provided to them

Chapter-4.Preparation of HR Policies and Working in Epitome TRC4.1-Introduction to

HR PoliciesHR policies can also be very effective at supporting and building the
desired Organizational Culture For example, recruitment and retention policies
might outline the way the organization values a flexible workforce, compensation
policies might support this by offering a 48/52 pay option where employees can
take an extra four-week holidays per year and receive less pay across the year.In
actuality, policies and procedures serve a number of purposes:-They provide clear
communication between the organization and their employees regarding their
condition of employment.They form a basis for treating all employees fairly and
equally.They are a set of guidelines for supervisors and managers.They create a
basis for developing the employee handbook.They establish a basis for regularly
reviewing possible changes affecting employees.They form a context for supervisor
training programs and employee orientation programs.In developing HR policies,
there should be clear and consistent statement of the organization's policies
regarding all conditions of employment and procedures for their equal and fair
implementation. In order to fulfil this objective, policies and procedures should be:-
Clear and specific, but provide enough flexibility to meet changing conditions.
Comply with all appropriate law and regulation.Consistent amongst one another and
reflect an overall true and fair view approach to all employees.

HR policies are developed by making decisions and taking actions on the day-to-
day problems of the organization. The process of developing HR policies involves
the assessment of the following factors:-Identify the purpose and Objectives which
the organization wishes to attain regarding its Human Resource
Department.Analysis of all the factors under which the organization’s HR policy will
be operating.Examining the possible alternatives in each area which the HR policy
statement is necessary.Implementation of the policy through the development of a
procedure to support the policy.Communication of the policy and procedures
adapted to the entire organization. Auditing the policy so as to reveal the necessary
areas requiring change.Continuous revaluation and revision of policy to meet the
current needs of theOrganization.

4.2-Organisation Policies Work Log BookThe work log book is located at all centers
and must be filled out after every session. Volunteers and Interns should update
teachers and staff at the centers about your daily work. In addition, providing
feedback is key for the development of our beneficiaries. Issues and SupportPlease
make your manager aware of any suggestions, comments, and feedback you
mayhave. We are here to help and support you as a
volunteer. ConfidentialityVolunteers and Interns must maintain confidentiality
during their time with Epitome TRC. Confidential information about our beneficiaries
stays at Epitome TRC. Dress CodeIn order to respect the communities, we work
with the dress code is modest. Use your judgment to dress appropriately for the
activities you carry out. RespectDiversity We do not allow discrimination against
anyone. Internal CommunicationAll Epitome TRC team members are encouraged to
communicate and share information between each other whenever necessary in
order to continuously ensure Epitome TRC’s success. PunctualityAll Epitome TRC
team members must arrive on time each day they are scheduled. If a Volunteer or
Intern is running late, they are asked to notify management as early as possible.

4.3-Volunteer/Intern ProgrammedThis section outlines why Epitome TRC needs

Volunteers and gives a brief description of the available Volunteer positions.Why
volunteers/interns?Volunteers are important for Epitome TRC in order to help us
achieve our programmed and organizational goals. Volunteers fill the gap where we
need increased support.By recruiting and maintaining high quality Volunteers,
Epitome TRC can:-Fill gaps in skill sets of current staff.Free up time and energy for
staff to focus on teaching, therapy, programmed development, and leadership by
managing essential but time-consuming processes that support programmed
functioning.Provide extra support for occasions outside of day-to-day work.Lend
expertise in special areas (such as technology).We want our Volunteers and Interns
to leave a legacy behind. With their commitmentand hard work Epitome TRC can
improve special educational outcomes and increase disabled children’s
opportunities. The success of Epitome TRC programmers can be traced to the
passion and energy of its Volunteers and Interns.We want our Volunteers and
Interns to have:-The chance to play an active role in Epitome TRC’s continuous
development as an organization.The satisfaction of knowing they are making a
valuable contribution to Epitome TRC by working with staff and beneficiaries to
improve educational and personal development.The enjoyment of meeting new
people and being part of a supportive team. A valuable personal and professional

4.4-Volunteer/Internship PositionsThis section offers job descriptions for the

Volunteer/Interns positions that Epitome TRC currently offers. Depending on the
number of beneficiaries and potential growth, the number of Volunteers/Interns
may be modified in the future.Each quarter Epitome TRC leadership will discuss the
state of the Volunteer/Intern programmed. Changes to quantity, job titles, and job
descriptions may be slightly modified. It is essential to monitor the successes and
failures of the programmed and make necessary modifications in order for Epitome
TRC to fully capitalize on the resources offered by potential
Volunteers/Interns.There are six available Volunteer positions with Epitome Social
Media Marketing – 1/2/3/6/9/12 Months Sales and Marketing – 1/2/3/6/9/12 Months
n Human Resource – 2/3/6/9/12 Months Graphic Design – 1/2/3/6/9/12
Months Digital Marketing - 1/2/3/6/9/12 Months Machine Learning- 1/2/3/6/9/12
Months Public Relation- 1/2/3/6/9/12 Months Website Development- 1/2/3/6/9/12
Months Content Writer- 1/2/3/6/9/12 Months Language Tutor- 2/3/6/9/12
Months Operation Management – 1/2/3/6/9/12 Month


Minimum duration: 1/2/3/6/9/12 MonthsEligibility:- They should own a account on

Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and WhatsAppWork:- They need to use these all
SMM platforms to create awareness about Epitome TRC, make its voice reach to
masses using social media.SALES AND MARKETING:-Minimum duration: 1/2/3/6/9/12
MonthsWork:- Establishing communication with brands and individuals, brand
awareness, branding, lead generation, client relationship management etc.HUMAN
RESOURCES:-Minimum duration – 2/3/6/9/12 MonthsWork:- Recruitment,
interviewing, handling candidates, Data handling, and maintaining coordination
between departments.GRAPHIC DESIGN:-Minimum Duration – 1/2/3/6/9/12
MonthsWork:- Making posters, templates, infographic post, social media posts,
video editing, etc.DIGITAL MARKETING:-Minimum Duration- 1/2/3/6/9/12
MonthsWork:- Expertise in SEO, SMO, strong keyword research analysis, maintain or
hold the SEO and SMO itself

MACHINE LEARNING:-Minimum Duration- 1/2/3/6/9/12 MonthsWork:- On allotted

live projects given by guide, give the brief demonstration of that project for our
YouTube channel playlist to aware people with the goodies.PUBLIC REALATION:-
Minimum Duration- 1/2/3/6/9/12 MonthsWork:- They have to build affairs between
school and organization and explain them what organization do and how, lead
generation,B2B.WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT:-Duration – 1/2/3/6/9/12 MONTHSWork:-
On live project, day to day task of organization website, make playlist or live
demonstration on YouTube of the live project you did or task given by
guide.CONTENT WRITER:-Duration- 1/2/3/6/9/12 MONTHSWork:- Proficient in English
content writing, Blog writing, Captions for social media, Content
reviewing.LANGUAGE TUTOR:-Duration – 2/3/6/9/12 MONTHS

Work:- To teach kids different languages like French, Spanish, Chinese, etc., take
workshop on online mode or YouTube live or Facebook live to make playlist of
languages for our YouTube channel.OPERATION MANAGEMENT:-Duration-
1/2/3/6/9/12 MonthWork:- Manage all the data, files, scheduling class, workshops,
and live of YouTube.ABOUT THE STIPEND:-We should keep in mind that Epitome
TRC. They award us with certificates and letters of recommendation based off of
our performance, which adds immense value toour Curriculum Vitae (CV). All the
departments have an UNPAID STIPEND. Given the pandemic, as of now all the work
is on a work-from-home basis.THE PERKS:-Certificate of CompletionLetter of
Recommendation, which makes your CV more credibleOffer letterFlexible working
hours, 6 days a week, as long as you complete the task, you're good to go
4.5-Dress CodeIdeas behind dress and appearance have developed into more than
just unwritten policies and practices made and used by managers and supervisors.
Dress and appearance policies now require organizations to develop strategies that
align with employer goals and culture while protecting the employer from
discrimination claims and protecting employees' rights. HR, which is frequently
responsible for policy development, must work with other parts of the organization
to ensure that dress codes are managed consistently and fairly.The business of
dress and appearance requires HR or managers to do the following:- Set and
manage policies by working directly with internal managers, business partners and
executives. Identify and mitigate legal issues, such as protected class
considerations, by working with the legal department. Manage employee requests
for dress code accommodations.Types of Dress Codes:-Dress codes used in many
organizations range from those that require formal business dressor "business
casual" to those that allow more casual wear in summer or those that include
grooming and hygiene standards. Employers must consider which type of dress
code will not only provide the image they want to portray but will also support
company cultures and values. Those cultures and values might embrace a more
serious and formal image in a law firm a uniform in a delivery company or colorful,
informal dress (that still acts as a kind of uniform) at a casual restaurant. Employers
also need to consider relevant industry standards or safety regulations that affect
employee dress and appearance.Formal business attire:-To present a professional,
businesslike image to clients, visitors, customers and the public, some employers
implement dress and appearance policies requiring formal business attire.
Environments likely to enforce formal business attire are law, finance, banking
andaccounting firms. No casual clothing or shoes are usually allowable.

Business casual:-Some employers create business casual policies that are a little
less formal. Industries that tendto be more creative or artistic, like technology
environments, are more likely to have a business casual dress code. The attire
usually includes most apparel except shirts with graphics, shorts, torn jeans, tank
tops or sandals, though policies will differ
4.6- Leaves1. HolidaysThese are the leaves that are always paid for and no
deductions are made from the salary of the employees.There are the following
types of holidays in Epitome TRC:- National Holidays:- These are the fixed holidays
that we have in India on the 26th of January, 15th of August, and 2nd of October
every year. Weekly Holidays:- There are either one or two weekly holidays at the
end of the week for all the employees depending upon the organizational
policy. Festivals:- Various religious and regional festivals also account for holidays
in India. There are very few festivals like Christmas, which fall on the same date
every year. However, the exact dates of some festivals depend on the lunar
calendar and are subject to change on the sighting of the moon. Each company can
devise its own policy regarding how many festivals it will give a paid leave for, every
year. Earned Leave or Privilege LeaveThe type of leave which the employees earn as
they work for an organization for a specified number of days. The privilege leave is
sanctioned to the employees without any salary deductions. This type of leave
requires prior approval from the employer except in cases of emergency. The
employees are usually allowed to accumulate their privilege leaves and even Ancash
them in case they are not availed. The number of privileges leaves admissible may
vary on the basis of industry and region.2. Casual LeaveThe type of leave that is
granted for short durations and can ordinarily be taken with prior information to the
employer except in cases when informing the employer is not possible. Across
industries and organizations, there are different rules for the number of days that
casual leaves can be taken at a stretch varying between three to five to seven days.
As a rule, official holidays are not counted when calculating the number of casual
leaves if they fall during the period of casual leave.3. Sick Leave or Medical LeaveAn
employee can call in sick if he is not in a state to come to office for work. Usually, an
employee is entitled to sick leave only after a stipulated period of employment in an
organization. The number of sick leaves permissible may vary from organization to
organization and as a matter of fact, no prior intimation is required for availing this
type of leave. A medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner may be
required to testify the sickness if the sick leave is being extended for a long period
of time.4. Maternity LeaveThis provision is especially available for those women
employees who plan to have a baby. The duration of paid maternity leave is 12-26
weeks and this can be further extended with 16 months of unpaid leave. No
deductions can be made from the leave account of the female employee. This type
of leave can also be taken in case of miscarriage or abortion but the leave limit in
such cases is shorter.5. Half Pay LeaveGenerally available to government servants
only, this type of leave is credited to the leave account only after the completion of
one year of service in the organization. As the name suggests, the employee is
entitled to half of a day’s salary during such a leave.You will enjoy all the above
benefits when you move to online payroll. Focus and spend time on running your
payroll not on what runs your payroll.6. Quarantine LeaveThis type of leave is
granted to an employee only if there is an infectious disease in the family or
household of the employee that can be hazardous to the health of other people in
the organization.7. Study Leave or Sabbatical LeaveAn employee may be granted a
study or sabbatical leave to enable him to update his knowledge and experience in
a way that he will be of greater use to the Institute after re- joining.Apart from the
various leaves mentioned above, certain sectors and industries also have provisions
for commuted leave, leave not due, paternity leave, extraordinary leave, childcare
leave, hospital leave, special disability leave, and child adoption leave. The duration
of all these types of leaves and the circumstances under which they become due
are subject to specific company policies.

4.7 Leave application validation rulesIn order to ensure that leave policies are
applied on a consistent basis, and to ensure compliance with Federal and State
Family and Medical Leave regulations, the UCSC campus has developed the
following guidelines and associated forms for administration of Leaves of Absence.
These guidelines are to be used in conjunction with the appropriate policy or
collective bargaining articles.As stated within the regulations, the purpose of the
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is to allow employees to balance their work
and family life by taking reasonable unpaid leave for an eligible employee’s serious
health condition, the serious health condition of the employee’s child, spouse,
same- or opposite-sex domestic partner, or parent, or to bond with the employee’s
new-born, adopted or foster care child in accordance with State and Federal law in
effect at the time the leave is granted. Leave granted for bonding purposes shall be
concluded within 12 months following the child’s birth or placement for adoption or
foster care.Procedure:-1. Leave of Absence RequestAn employee must submit a
Leave of Absence (LOA) Request for any absences, paid or unpaid (other than
regularly scheduled vacation), which total in excess of one work week.2. Designation
of Family and Medical LeaveThe Leave of Absence Coordinator shall designate
Family and Medical Leave (FML), whether paid (e.g., vacation, sick leave) or unpaid,
leaves of eligible employees whose reason for leave is a FML qualifying reason.
Medical Certification is required in all cases for leaves of more than 5 consecutive
work days, which are due to an employee’s illness, an eligible family leave or a family
member's illness. Also, ELR Analysts and supervisors should be aware that Worker’s
Compensation laws require medical documentation of all absences of 3 days or
more due to a work-related illness or injury. If additional leave is requested upon the
expiration of the leave granted, supervisors may, at their discretion, require that the
employee obtain recertification

3. Return to Work CertificationReturn to Work Certification is required for leaves of

more than 5 consecutive work days due to an employee’s own illness. ELR Analysts
and supervisors should also be aware that Worker’s Compensation laws require a
medical release to return to work for absences of three (3) days or more due to a
work-related illness or injury

CHAPTER 5.RECRUITMENT5.1-Recruitment PipelinesIn order to secure high quality

Volunteers and Interns for Epitome TRC it is essential to recruit from appropriate
sources, provide a thorough application to assess skills, andconduct interviews to
ensure consistency in potential candidates.Below are some of the main pipelines
that Epitome TRC will use to recruit Volunteers and Interns. This list is by no means
restrictive. Other potential recruitment pipelines are encouraged. Colleges and
Universities:– Students who require Volunteer hours for academic credit likely have
the drive to volunteer, particularly if they are ableto gain professional skills. This will
be the main recruitment pipeline for Epitome TRC Interns. Expat Communities:–
Many expatriates join family in Mumbai and, due to visa regulations, are unable to
gain employment. Many of these individuals are skilled workers and can greatly
contribute to Epitome TRC by Volunteering. Women’s Clubs:– Volunteer
opportunities are popular among women’s groups. Many skilled women do not have
full time employment but are willing and able to volunteer. Volunteer Websites:–
Potential Volunteers use sites such as Idealist and Indeedto search for Volunteer
opportunities. Relevant Foundations:– Many foundations either do not accept
volunteers or have filled their capacity. Making connections with these foundations
and alerting them that Epitome TRC is accepting. dedicated Volunteers will channel
candidates to Epitome TRC. This can also be a recruitment source for Interns.
5.2- AdvertisementVolunteer and Intern positions will be advertised in a variety of
ways including:- The Epitome TRC website. The Epitome TRC Facebook
page. College advertisement boards. Online boards for expats such as Inter
Nations and the Bombay Expats Facebook Group. Online websites such as Indeed
and Idealist. Materials advertising openings distributed to relevant.The application
for Volunteers and Interns is found on the Epitome TRC website. The application is a
Google survey that allows candidates responses to be pooled in a concise fashion,
thus streamlining the candidate reviewing process for management. Every channel
that advertises openings should include the link to the Epitome TRC
website.Advertising Volunteer ships and Internships will take place online, by
distributing hard materials, and through word of mouth. The goal is to spread
awareness that Epitome TRC has a high-quality Volunteer programmed and recruit
individuals who genuinely want to work with Epitome TRC.

5.3-ApplicationThere will be two applications on the Epitome TRC website, one for
Volunteers and one for Interns. The Volunteer application asks for general
background information, availability, language proficiency, references, and a series
of questions meant to gauge interest and experience. The Intern application asks for
similar background information and questions regarding experience and interest. In
addition, the application asks for the candidate to discuss the potential Internship
case study they wish to complete at EpitomeTRC. The application will be submitted
through a Google survey.Once per week the Volunteer and Intern manager should
examine and respond to submitted applications. Three potential responses will be
provided for the candidate via email:-1.If the candidate is desirable, they will be
invited to participate in a phone interview.2.If the candidate is desirable but there
are no available positions, we will let them know that we will keep their application
on file for the next time a position becomes available.3.If the candidate is not the
right match, they will be sent a message to let them know we are moving in a
different direction.

5.4- Interview processAfter scheduling a time via email, the Epitome TRC Volunteer
and Intern coordinator will call the candidate for a brief phone interview. Interview
questions are tailored for the specific role that the candidate is applying for. Unlike
the online application, interview questions are unique to each Volunteer position. It
also includes qualities to look out for during the interview that may help decide
whether the candidate is a good fit or not.After the interview the Volunteer and
Intern coordinator will decide whether to hire the individual or not. An email will be
sent to the candidate within 1-2 days either offering the position or informing them
that Epitome TRC has decided to hire a different candidate. It is important to let
candidate know Epitome TRC decision swiftly.After interviewing candidates, the
Volunteer and Intern coordinator should call the candidates references to ensure
they have a reliable record with past employers. This is the final stage before
offering the candidate the position. Provided the references are acceptable, the
coordinator should contact the Candidate to inform them that they have been
approved. At this time a specific Job Description should be provided, as well as a
brief description of what a typical working day at Epitome TRC will belike for them.
As part of this description the coordinator should mention potential variabilities and
limitations that are common to Epitome TRC and many such as limited space or
infrastructural challenges. The coordinator will also stress the positives of working
with Epitome TRC. This is an opportunity to address any remaining concerns the
coordinator may have about the Volunteer (for example if she/he has not worked in
an before, has never been around people with disabilities, etc.) The coordinator
should give the Volunteer time to consider the offer before accepting.

5.5- Interview QuestionsBasic questions to ask the candidates:-Have you applied

for internship for (Domain name) in Epitome TRC ? Do you have any prior
experience?Are you okay to work for free internship with us?Do you own a laptop
and have a good internet connection ? Are you available for 2-3 hours a day?Can I
take your 20-30 minutes within which I will schedule your interviewquestions? (If it
is okay then continue to take the interview or else…….)G. Ask them for their preferred
timeSome of the questions for web designer interview follow below:- Q1. What is a
pseudo-class?Q2. What is Name spacing in JavaScript?Q3. How can you reduce
page loading time?Q4. Why is CORS important?Q5 What’s the best way to integrate
5 different style sheets into a website?Some of the questions for machine learning
interview follow below: -1. What are Different Types of Machine Learning
algorithms?2.What is Supervised Learning?3.What is Unsupervised Learning?4. What
is Cross-Validation?
5.What is Bias in Machine Learning?Some of the questions for marketing interview
follow below: -1.How would you describe our target audience?2. How would you
prioritize your work?3. Describe the difference between marketing and sales?4.
What are the 8 Ps of marketing?5.Name 5 essential elements of a marketing
campaign? Some of the questions for BDA interview follow below:- 1.What do you
know about BDA?2.How it is going to help you in future? 3.How will you target
clients?4.How will you handle the changes in the market?

5.6- Reporting on work activitiesHR intern’s on-boarding:-On Friday, HR team had

their regular team meetings so that everyone informed others of their current work
and updates. This meeting was held by the founder of Epitome TRC itself. The main
purpose of this meeting was to:-1.Manage interns’ daily activities2.To guide
them3.To provide proper training to them.4.To tell them about upcoming
programmers.5.To assist them in further process.6.To help them if they find any

5.7- Exit PolicyThe Volunteer or Intern is requested to give two weeks advance
notice if they plan to terminate their volunteer ship or Internship. Before leaving the
Volunteer or Intern will be provided with an Exit Form as seen in the Appendix that
includes reflection questionsmeant to help Epitome TRC management improve the
Volunteer and Intern programmed. In addition, management will sit down with the
Volunteer or Intern and aska few basic questions about their time at Epitome TRC
including but not limited to:1. Would you be willing to recommend our Volunteer and
Internship Programmed to your friends, family, or peers?2.Are there any issues you
would like to discuss before leaving the programmed? Exit forms for intern:-Name:-
Position:- StartDate:-End Date:-1.Were you able to fulfil your Intern requirements at
Epitome TRC? If not, why?2.At Epitome TRC did you feel comfortable asking for
help?3.What could your supervisor do to improve his or her management style and
skills?4.As an Intern what was your favorite part of working with Epitome
TRC?5.Based on your experience, how do you think Epitome TRC could improve the
Intern programmed?6.During your internship were there any outstanding issues you
would like to address?
Chapter-6. Events And Programmed6.1- WorkshopEvery student deserves the
chance to explore, advance, and succeed in the world of coding. Our objective is
very clear towards kids’ development by teaching them programming languages,
block coding, python coding, etc., and opening a new world of opportunities with fun
and creativity for them. We provide free coding workshops for Grade 1 - 12 students,
and we help teachers get to grip on programming too. We teach the fundamentals
of coding and real-world programming skills with practical to kids. In our workshop,
we teach all the basic concepts of app, game, and website development to kid.A
Coding workshop was organized by Epitome TRC in online mode, from June 9
toJune 11, to spread awareness about coding and the need of vocational education
at ayoung age. The activities of the workshop were carried out on Zoom, the online
platform, by the volunteers.They are always inspiring little coders for learning to
code in different coding languages like HTML, Java python for kids.Further more,
they also arrange Coding Winter and Summer Camps and coding quizzes,
competitions, online quizzes, and programs for kids from time to time. They not only
teach coding for kids but it includes logical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity
for children between 5 and 15 years of age. Students attended the workshop. They
were divided into different groups in accordance with their classes, and each group
of students attended the workshop on different days.The students of grade 1-4
were a part of the first day of thework shop. They were taught the basics of scratch

Chapter-7.Company Analysis7.1- Finding and Suggestions Findings:-1. Concerned

with promotion:- They basically are concerned for the promotion of company. All
their works are related to that company only.2. Performance Evaluation:- The
evaluation of employee’s performance of Epitome TRC isnot properly done by the
HR division. Officers of the organization are competent even though many of them
simply know the working procedure of what they are doing but don’t know the
philosophy behind doing those.3.Friendly:- All the members are friendly and work
with coordination.S4. Poor Record Maintenance:- Data Recording is very poor
8.1- SuggestionsThe organization should practice proper Epitome TRC guideline. The
purpose of Human Resource Management is to improve the productive contribution
of people.To get effective and efficient employee, the organization should arrange
proper training and development programs.The entire HR department should be
well informed regarding the hiring of new interns.To evaluate employee’s
performance; the management should follow policy properly.Periodical performance
appraisal to the well performed employees to keep motivating them.Proper training
needed for ensuring efficient performance of the employees. The management
should create intern’s database and continuously.

8.2- ConclusionFrom the above discussion it can conclude such a way that since
human resource management is a continuously practicing issue so it plays a
significant role on organizations overall performance. If an organization wants to gain
full benefit from human resource management it should follow all the sections of
HRM. As a small AMC few persons are recruited for its operations and
performances. But it will expand soon or later and then the number of HR employee
may not be enough to run the company. Committed and trust worthy employees
are the most significant factors to becoming an employer of choice it is no surprise
that companies and organizations face significant challenges in developing
energized and engaged workforces. However, there is abundance of research to
demonstrate that increased employee commitment and trust in leadership can
positively impact the company’s bottom line. In fact, the true potential of an
organization can only be realized when the productivity level of all individuals and
teams are fully aligned, committed and energized to successfully accomplish the
goals of the organization. Thus, the objective of every company should be to
improve the desire of employees to stay in the relationship they have with the

8.3- Bibliography management


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