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Refund Rules


Nat ure of Ticket Time Limit for cancellat ion Cancellat ion Charge per
of t icket Passenger
(A) Unt ravelled Unreserved Wit hin 3 hrs. of t he issue of Rs. 30/-
Ticket s t icket
(B) Unreserved Ticket s The t icket is present ed Rs. 30/-
issued in advance upt o 24 hrs. of t he day
preceding t he day of
(C) Unt ravelled Confirm More t han 48 hrs. in Rs. 240/- AC 1 Class Plus
Reserved Ticket s advance of schedule GST
depart ure of t he t rain
Rs. 200/- AC2 ,1st class
Plus GST
Rs.180/- AC3 t ier, CC Plus
Rs. 120/- Sleeper class
Rs. 60/- Second class.
(D) Unt ravelled Reserved Wit hin 48 hrs in advance 25% of t he fare paid
Ticket s and upt o 12 hrs. before subject t o minimum of
schedule dep, cancellat ion charge in
clause (C)
(i)Unt ravelled Reserved Wit hin 12 hrs in advance 50% of t he fare paid.
Ticket s and upt o 04 hrs. before
schedule depart ure of t he (subject t o t he minimum
t rain cancellat ion charges
ment ioned in condit ion (C)
No refund aft er t he above No refund shall be grant ed
prescribed t ime limit . on confirmed t icket aft er
four hours before
t hescheduled depart ure of
t he t rain.
(ii) Unt ravelled wait list ed / Up to 30 minutes before Rs. 60-- AC 1 Class Plus
RAC Ticket s the scheduleddepar ture GST
of the train irrespective
of the distance. Rs. 60/- AC2 ,1st class Plus
No refund of fare shall be
grant ed on RAC t icket or Rs. 60/- AC3 t ier,CC Plus
WL t icket aft er 30 minut es GST
before t he scheduled
Rs. 60/- Sleeper class
depart ure of t he t rain.
Rs. 60/- Second class –
(E) Part ially-used Reserved No refund, since break of
Ticket s for Rajdhani / journey is not allowed on
Shat abdi t rains. t hese t rains.

(1)Refund On Tickets Arising Out Of Other Circumstances

Reason for claiming Procedure for Time limit for Amount payable
refund refund claiming refund
Failure of AC Produce a print ed Wit hin 20 hrs. of t he AC 1 Class -
cert ificat e from t he t rain’s arrival at t he Difference
Travelling Ticket dest inat ion st at ion. bet ween AC 1
Examiner, along wit h Class and First
your journey t icket . Class fare
(Mail/Exp) for t he
dist ance AC was
not working.
AC 2 Tier/3tier
sleeper -
bet ween t hese
classes and sleeper
class fare
(Mail/Exp) for t he
dist ance AC was
not working.
AC Chair Car -
bet ween t his and
Second class fare
(Mail/Exp) for t he
dist ance AC was
not working.
Travelling in lower Produce a print ed Wit hin t wo days of Difference of fare
class for want of Cert ificat e from t he dat e of issue bet ween t he fare
accommodat ion t he Travelling t he paid and fare for
Ticket Examiner, cert ificat e(excluding t he class t ravelled.
along wit h your t he day of issue of
journey t icket . t he cert ificare).
Lat e running of Surrender your The t icket is Full fare wit hout
t rains by more t han t icket at journey surrendered upt o any deduct ion.
3 hrs. commencing act ual depart ure of
st at ion. t he t rain.
Inabilit y of Railways Surrender your The t icket is Full fare wit hout
to provide t icket at journey surrendered wit hin any deduct ion.
accommodat ion t o commencing 03 hours from t he
reserved st at ion. act ual depart ure of
passengers t he t rain. Full fare
wit hout any
decuct ion at journey
commencing st at ion.
In case of e-t icket ,
TDR is filed wit hin
03 hours from t he
act ual depart ure of
t he t rain.
Change in t rain Surrender your Aft er t he act ual Full fare less
t imings t o earlier t icket at t he depart ure of t he clerkage charge of
hours ot her t han as journey t rain and wit hin 3 hrs. Rs. 60/- per
specified in t he commencing of t he old depart ure passenger.
t ime-t able. st at ion. t ime.(Available for 7
days only from t he
dat e of change of
t rain t imings,
including t he day of
Missing t he Surrender your Wit hin 3 hrs. of t he Full fare for
connect ion t rain for t icket at t he act ual arrival of t he unt ravelled port ion
onward journey due st at ion refund t rain which has been aft er ret aining fare
t o lat e running of count er. delayed. for t he t ravelled
t rain. port ion.
Cancellat ion of t rain Submission of Wit hin 3 days of t he Full fare paid for
due t o accident s, t icket by passenger scheduled depart ure t he ent ire booked
breaches or floods or relat ives. of t he t rain. journey.
Deat h/injury t o a Submission of Wit hin 3 days of t he Full fare paid for
passenger in a t icket by scheduled depart ure t he ent ire booked
Railway Accident . passenger’s of t he t rain. journey.
relat ives.

(2)Cancellation of e- tickets.-

(i) The e- t icket may be booked and cancelled t hrough int ernet and t he refund of fare
shall be credit ed t o t he cust omer.s account aft er deduct ing t he charges applicable.

(ii) In case of a confirmed e-t icket , refund of fare shall be grant ed in accordance wit h
rule for unused t icket s on which reservat ion has been made. In case of RAC e-t icket ,
refund of fare shall be grant ed in accordance wit h rule for unused wait list ed and RAC
t icket s.

(iii) In case of t he wait list ed e-t icket on which st at us of all t he passengers is on

wait ing list even aft er preparat ion of reservat ion chart s, names of all such passengers
booked on t hat Passenger Name Record (PNR) shall be dropped from t he reservat ion
chart and refund of fare shall be credit ed t o t he cust omer.s account aft er deduct ing
t he clerkage.
(iv) In case on a part y e-t icket or a family e-t icket issued for t ravel of more t han one
person, some persons have confirmed reservat ion and ot hers are on t he list of RAC and
wait ing list , t hen in case of passengers on RAC or wait list ed not t ravelling, a cert ificat e
has t o be obt ained from t he t icket checking st aff t o t hat effect and refund of fare
shall be processed online t hrough TDR, indicat ing t he det ails of t he cert ificat e issued
by t icket checking st aff.

(v)The online TDR shall be filed upt o sevent y t wo hours of act ual arrival of t he t rain at
passenger.s dest inat ion and t he original cert ificat e issued by t he t icket checking st aff
is t o be sent t hrough post t o Indian Railway Cat ering and Tourism Corporat ion (IRCTC).
The fare shall be refunded by Indian Railway Cat ering and Tourism Corporat ion (IRCTC)
t o t he cust omer.s account aft er due verificat ion.

(vi) In case of e-t icket s (confirmed or RAC), if t he reservat ion chart s have been
prepared, online TDR is required t o be filed for obt aining refund. No refund of fare shall
be admissible on e- t icket having confirmed reservat ion in case t he request for refund
is filed online aft er four hours beforet he scheduled depart ure of t he t rain.

(vii) No refund of fare shall be admissible on RAC e-t icket s in case t he request for
refund is filed online up t o t hirt y minut es beforet he scheduled depart ure of t he t rain.

(3)Refund on Tatkal tickets:

i. No refund of fare shall be admissible on confirmed Tat kal t icket .

ii. In case of Tat kal t icket on wait list , refund of fare shall be grant ed in accordance
wit h rule for unused wait list ed or RAC t icket s.
ii.In case on a part y Tat kal t icket or a family Tat kal t icket issued for t ravel for more t han one
person, some persons have confirmed reservat ion and ot hers are on wait ing list , full refund
of fare, less clerkage, shall be admissible for confirmed passengers also provided t hat t he
ent ire Tat kal t icket is surrendered for cancellat ion upt o t hirt y minut es before t he
scheduled depart ure of t he t rain.

(4) Postponement or preponement of journey on a reserved, RAC or

waitlisted ticket.The post ponement or preponement of journey on confirmed or
RAC or wait list ed t icket shall be allowed in t he same class and for t he same
destination instead of any longer distance or any higher class by t he same t rain or
by any ot her t rain for any subsequent days, subject t o condit ion t hat t he t icket is
surrendered during t he working hours of reservat ion office and at least for ty eight
hours before t he scheduled depart ure of t he t rain in which originally booked.

(5) Non-commencement or missing of journey due to late running of trains. -

i. Nocancellat ion charge or clerkage shall be levied and full fare shall be refunded t o
all passengers holding reserved, RAC and wait list ed t icket s, if t he journey is not
undert aken due t o lat e running of t he t rain by more t han t hree hours of t he
scheduled depart ure of t he t rain from t he st at ion commencing t he journey subject
t o condit ion t hat t he t icket is surrendered upto the actual depar ture of the train.
ii. in case of e-t icket s, t he TDR is filed online before t he act ual depart ure of t he t rain
for availing full refund.
iii. In case t he t icket is cancelled or surrendered or if t he request for refund of fare is
filed online aft er t he act ual depart ure of t he t rain, no refund of fare shall be

(6)Lost, misplaced, torn or mutilated tickets:

i. No refund of fare in respect of a lost or misplaced t icket shall be grant ed.
ii. Refund of fare shall be grant ed in respect of a t orn or mut ilat ed t icket if
it s genuineness and authenticity are verifiable on t he basis of t he part iculars visible
on t he face t he t icket .
iii. If t he reservat ion st at us of a lost , misplaced, t orn or mut ilat ed t icket , at t he
t ime of receipt of t he applicat ion for issuance of a duplicat e t icket for t he
purpose of undert aking journey, is confirmed or RAC and t hat t he duplicat e t icket is
sought before preparat ion of reservat ion chart of t he concerned t rain, t he st at ion
mast er shall issue a duplicat e t icket in lieu of t he original t icket on payment
of rupees fifty per passenger in case of second and sleeper class and rupees
one hundred per passenger for other classes.

(7) Application for refund of Passenger Reservation System (PRS) tickets in

other circumstances:-For refund of fare under circumst ances ot her t han t hose
specified in t hese rules or under circumst ances like .bandh. or agit at ions or floods,
et c., t he passengers could not reach t he reservat ion count er or st at ion or current
count ers for cancellat ion of t icket s, in t hose cases, a TDR shall be issued t o t he
passenger and t he passenger may apply for refund of fare wit hin ten days from
t he day of commencement of journey t o t he Chief Commercial Manager (Refunds)
of t he railway administ rat ion under whose jurisdict ion t he TDR issuing st at ion
comes, enclosing t he original TDR. The TDR shall be issued only upt o three
days aft er t he scheduled depart ure of t he t rain.

Guidelines for Passengers for refund of fare.

1.Passenger is required t o send an applicat ion for refund (in t he applicat ion form as
shown below along wit h original TDR t o t he Chief Commercial Manager
(Refunds)/N.C.Rly., 2nd Floor, ‘E’ Block, “Chambal Parisar” Subedarganj, Prayagraj.The
applicat ion must reach t he concerned refund office at t he earliest but not lat er
t han 10 days from t he dat e of journey.
2.The cert ificat es, issued by TTE/Conduct or for lower class t ravel AC failure, less
number of persons t raveling, et c. are also required t o be enclosed in original wit h
t he applicat ion.
3.It will be in t he int erest of passenger t o send t he applicat ion eit her by hand or by
regist ered post and keep a copy of t his receipt and ot her document s.
4.Refund is grant ed t hrough St at ion Pay Order(t o be encashed at St at ion) or Crossed
Cheques. St at ion pay Orders are issued t o persons who reside only wit hin t he
jurisdict ion of refund grant ing railway.However, Crossed Chequesis issue t o persons
who are residing wit hin as well as out side t he jurisdict ion of refund grant ing
railway.On receipt of Pay Order passenger should approach t he count er of
nominat ed st at ion for encashment wit hin t he st ipulat ed period along wit h proof of
his/her ident it y like some ident it y card/driving licence/passport / rat ion card, et c.In
case t he applicant want s t o collect money t hrough his/her represent at ive,
appropriat e aut horizat ion should be made and t he aut horized persons should like-
wise carry proof of ident it y at t he t ime of encashment .


The Chief Commercial Manager(Refund)

NC Railway, E – Block,ChambalParisar,
Subedarganj, Prayagraj, Ut t ar Pradesh-211015.
Sub: Claim for refund of fare-Ticket /PNR No. …………………….
The TDR on prepage was issued on cancellat ion of t he above ment ioned t icket (s) at
Railway St at ion.
2.Reasons for cancellat ion of journey:
3.Names of Passengers for whom t he t icket was issued:
4.Out of t he above persons, t he persons at S. Nos. ………………. t o
………………………………………. Did not t ravel from…………………
St at ion t o……………………………St at ion.
5.Addit ional informat ion, if any ……………………………………………
6.I request t hat t he refund due under t he rules, may please be sent t o me at my follow
address, Name of t he Railway St at ion serving my place of residence is
7.Preferable mode of payment
St at ion Pay Order/Cheque/Money Order.
(Tick mark any one).
Signat ure of Claimant ……………………..
Name in Block let t ers ………………………
Full Post al Address …………………………
(in clear block let t ers)
PIN …………………
Dat e: ……………….

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