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Republic of the Philippines

President Ramon Magsaysay State University

College of Industrial Technology – Iba, Zambales Campus (2201)
Tel./Fax No. (047) 811-1683/ 0919-069-9174│ |

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education

A Detailed Lesson Plan


PCK 1 Facilitating Learning Sessions

CBT Delivery

At the end of a discussion, at least 75% of the students are expected to:
a. Discuss the CBT Delivery
b. Enumerate the roles of the trainer and the trainee
c. Identify the characteristics of CBT Delivery Approach


Topic: CBT Delivery
References: Facilitating Learning Sessions (PCK 1) pages 69-73.
Instructional Materials: Laptop, power point presentation and visual aids.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activity
1. Greetings
“Good morning class” “Good morning ma’am”

2. Prayer
Let us begin the day with a prayer, Daisy, will (Daisy will lead the player.)
you please lead the prayer.

3. Checking of Attendance
Is there any absent for today? “No one is absent for today ma’am.”

4. Daily routine
Class, kindly arrange your chairs properly and
please sit down. Before we start our lesson, let
me introduce myself first. I am Aira E.

UNIVERSITY VISION. PRMSU shall be a Premier Learner-Centered and COLLEGE GOALS. To train highly skilled workers and prepare well- QUALITY POLICY. The President Ramon
Proactive University in a Digital and Global Society. (BOR Res. No. 1231, s. 2021 - trained industrial technicians and technologies to meet the challenges Magsaysay State University is committed to
Sept. 13, 2021) in the world of work. To provide technological knowledge and skills continually strive for excellence in
UNIVERSITY MISSION. The President Ramon Magsaysay State University shall enable the individual to analyze the job problems and execute instruction, research, extension and
primarily provide advance and higher professional, technical, special instructions appropriate solutions. To provide entrepreneurial competencies to production to strengthen global
in various disciplines; undertake research, extension, and income generation develop individuals to be self-employed and self-productive. To preserve competitiveness adhering to quality
programs for sustainable development of Zambales, the region, and the country. and develop the cultural heritage and resources through technological standards for the utmost satisfaction of its
research. valued customers.
Republic of the Philippines
President Ramon Magsaysay State University
College of Industrial Technology – Iba, Zambales Campus (2201)
Tel./Fax No. (047) 811-1683/ 0919-069-9174│ |

Dayandayan from President Ramon

Magsaysay State University, and I am going to
be your teacher for today.

B. Motivation
Before we proceed to our lesson, let’s have an
activity first. Group yourselves into two (2)
groups of seven people and I will give you the
materials that you will need in this activity.

Instruction: All you have to do is hold and pull

the yarn simultaneously while writing your
answer on the paper that given to you by using
the marker.

(after the game)

Did you enjoy the game class? “Yes ma’am!”

Okay very good class and thank you for your


C. Presentation of the lesson

This morning we’ll discuss about the
competency based training delivery.

D. Lesson proper
Before we proceed to our main topic. Class,
let’s read our objectives for today. (Student’s read the objectives)

Thank you. Like I said earlier our topic today

is all about the CBT Delivery. What’s come to
your mind if you heard the CBT Delivery?

Anyone who can answer? (student’s raises their hand)

Yes, Miss Bucad? (student’s state their answer)

Very good, Miss Bucad.

Okay, so in CBT Approach the trainees are (student’s listening attentively)

given opportunities to learn in their own pace
but the trainer, like in any teaching-learning
approach, is still an integral part in the success
UNIVERSITY VISION. PRMSU shall be a Premier Learner-Centered and COLLEGE GOALS. To train highly skilled workers and prepare well- QUALITY POLICY. The President Ramon
Proactive University in a Digital and Global Society. (BOR Res. No. 1231, s. 2021 - trained industrial technicians and technologies to meet the challenges Magsaysay State University is committed to
Sept. 13, 2021) in the world of work. To provide technological knowledge and skills continually strive for excellence in
UNIVERSITY MISSION. The President Ramon Magsaysay State University shall enable the individual to analyze the job problems and execute instruction, research, extension and
primarily provide advance and higher professional, technical, special instructions appropriate solutions. To provide entrepreneurial competencies to production to strengthen global
in various disciplines; undertake research, extension, and income generation develop individuals to be self-employed and self-productive. To preserve competitiveness adhering to quality
programs for sustainable development of Zambales, the region, and the country. and develop the cultural heritage and resources through technological standards for the utmost satisfaction of its
research. valued customers.
Republic of the Philippines
President Ramon Magsaysay State University
College of Industrial Technology – Iba, Zambales Campus (2201)
Tel./Fax No. (047) 811-1683/ 0919-069-9174│ |

of the trainees.

The Competency Based Training Delivery (student’s listening attentively)

approach should be explained so that the
trainee will know exactly what activities he
needs to undergo to acquire the required
competencies. I will show you the diagram
that shows the CBT process.

(presenting the diagram)

In this diagram, it shows the process in CBT (student’s listening attentively)

Delivery, first the student enters the program
that must have an orientation first, this is the
starting point of their learning journey. When
the student enters the program they must be
orient by introducing them to the program's
goals, expectations, and structure.

Next is Role of trainer/trainee: The roles

and responsibilities of both the trainer
(instructor) and trainee (student) are defined.
This helps establish clear expectations.

Administer RPL/TNA: Recognition of Prior

Learning (RPL) and Training Needs Analysis
(TNA) are conducted to assess the student's
existing skills and identify areas where further
training is needed. RPL recognizes skills the
student may already possess.

Identify training needs: Based on the results

of RPL and TNA, the specific training needs
of the student are determined. This ensures
that the training is tailored to the individual.

Organize learning strategy: A customized (Student attentively listening)

learning strategy is developed to address the
identified training needs. This strategy
outlines what the student will learn and how
they will learn it.

The next step is the Student selects

Competency and receives instructions: The
student chooses specific competencies they
UNIVERSITY VISION. PRMSU shall be a Premier Learner-Centered and COLLEGE GOALS. To train highly skilled workers and prepare well- QUALITY POLICY. The President Ramon
Proactive University in a Digital and Global Society. (BOR Res. No. 1231, s. 2021 - trained industrial technicians and technologies to meet the challenges Magsaysay State University is committed to
Sept. 13, 2021) in the world of work. To provide technological knowledge and skills continually strive for excellence in
UNIVERSITY MISSION. The President Ramon Magsaysay State University shall enable the individual to analyze the job problems and execute instruction, research, extension and
primarily provide advance and higher professional, technical, special instructions appropriate solutions. To provide entrepreneurial competencies to production to strengthen global
in various disciplines; undertake research, extension, and income generation develop individuals to be self-employed and self-productive. To preserve competitiveness adhering to quality
programs for sustainable development of Zambales, the region, and the country. and develop the cultural heritage and resources through technological standards for the utmost satisfaction of its
research. valued customers.
Republic of the Philippines
President Ramon Magsaysay State University
College of Industrial Technology – Iba, Zambales Campus (2201)
Tel./Fax No. (047) 811-1683/ 0919-069-9174│ |

want to achieve (skills or knowledge areas)

and receives instructions on how to work
toward these competencies.

Administer Learning Agreement, Provide (student’s listening attentively)

Materials: A formal learning agreement may
be established, and the necessary learning
materials are provided to the student. The
learning agreement might outline the
expectations and goals of the training.

Introduce CBLM materials: Competency-

Based Learning Materials (CBLM) are
introduced to the student. These materials are
likely designed to help students acquire
specific competencies.

Use of Achievement/ Progress Report: The

student's progress is tracked and reported.
Achievement and progress reports provide a
way to measure how well the student is doing
and where improvements may be needed.

Also, in the Student selects Competency and (student’s listening attentively)

receive instructions contain six (6) steps, the
first one is the Review learning package: The
student begins by reviewing the educational
materials provided. These materials likely
contain information and resources related to
their training.

Second one is the View multimedia

materials: The student may access
multimedia materials, such as videos,
presentations, or interactive content to
enhance their learning experience.

Third is Use manuals: Instruction manuals or (student’s listening attentively)

guides are provided to support the student's
learning process. These manuals may contain
step-by-step instructions or reference

Fourth one is Observe demonstration: The

student has the opportunity to observe a
UNIVERSITY VISION. PRMSU shall be a Premier Learner-Centered and COLLEGE GOALS. To train highly skilled workers and prepare well- QUALITY POLICY. The President Ramon
Proactive University in a Digital and Global Society. (BOR Res. No. 1231, s. 2021 - trained industrial technicians and technologies to meet the challenges Magsaysay State University is committed to
Sept. 13, 2021) in the world of work. To provide technological knowledge and skills continually strive for excellence in
UNIVERSITY MISSION. The President Ramon Magsaysay State University shall enable the individual to analyze the job problems and execute instruction, research, extension and
primarily provide advance and higher professional, technical, special instructions appropriate solutions. To provide entrepreneurial competencies to production to strengthen global
in various disciplines; undertake research, extension, and income generation develop individuals to be self-employed and self-productive. To preserve competitiveness adhering to quality
programs for sustainable development of Zambales, the region, and the country. and develop the cultural heritage and resources through technological standards for the utmost satisfaction of its
research. valued customers.
Republic of the Philippines
President Ramon Magsaysay State University
College of Industrial Technology – Iba, Zambales Campus (2201)
Tel./Fax No. (047) 811-1683/ 0919-069-9174│ |

demonstration related to the competencies

they are working to achieve. This visual or
practical learning can be highly beneficial.

Fifth is Practice skills in the workshop: The

student actively practices the skills and
knowledge they have been learning, typically
in a controlled workshop or practical setting.

The last one is Receive assistance and

feedback: The student receives help and
feedback from instructors or peers to improve
their skills. This feedback loop is essential for

After that step we have, Instructor observes (student’s listening attentively)

performance: The instructor assesses the
student's performance, ensuring they meet the
competency standards.

And Instructor rates performance: The

instructor assigns a rating or grade to the
student's performance. This rating may
indicate the level of proficiency achieved.

Satisfactorily performed Competency: If the

student successfully performs a competency,
they move on to the next steps.

Also the Student attempts task: If the

student's performance is not satisfactory, they
are given another opportunity to attempt the
task or improve their skills.

Student rates own performance: The (student’s listening attentively)

student may also self-assess their
performance, providing insights into their own
learning progress.

Have enough competency been achieved?

If the student has successfully achieved the
required competencies, they complete the
program and exit.

This process emphasizes personalized

UNIVERSITY VISION. PRMSU shall be a Premier Learner-Centered and COLLEGE GOALS. To train highly skilled workers and prepare well- QUALITY POLICY. The President Ramon
Proactive University in a Digital and Global Society. (BOR Res. No. 1231, s. 2021 - trained industrial technicians and technologies to meet the challenges Magsaysay State University is committed to
Sept. 13, 2021) in the world of work. To provide technological knowledge and skills continually strive for excellence in
UNIVERSITY MISSION. The President Ramon Magsaysay State University shall enable the individual to analyze the job problems and execute instruction, research, extension and
primarily provide advance and higher professional, technical, special instructions appropriate solutions. To provide entrepreneurial competencies to production to strengthen global
in various disciplines; undertake research, extension, and income generation develop individuals to be self-employed and self-productive. To preserve competitiveness adhering to quality
programs for sustainable development of Zambales, the region, and the country. and develop the cultural heritage and resources through technological standards for the utmost satisfaction of its
research. valued customers.
Republic of the Philippines
President Ramon Magsaysay State University
College of Industrial Technology – Iba, Zambales Campus (2201)
Tel./Fax No. (047) 811-1683/ 0919-069-9174│ |

learning, focusing on developing specific (student’s listening attentively)

skills and competencies tailored to individual
student needs. The diagram provides a clear
framework for understanding how
Competency-Based Training is administered
and how it leads to skill acquisition and
program completion.

Do you understand the CBT process, class?

“Yes, Ma’am.”
Okay, good to know.

So, let’s proceed to our next discussion that’s (student’s listening attentively)
all about the Managing CBT versus
Traditional Programs.

The following table differentiates Traditional


(student’s raises their hands)

( The student reads the sentence)

In summary, the table highlights that the

UNIVERSITY VISION. PRMSU shall be a Premier Learner-Centered and COLLEGE GOALS. To train highly skilled workers and prepare well- QUALITY POLICY. The President Ramon
Proactive University in a Digital and Global Society. (BOR Res. No. 1231, s. 2021 - trained industrial technicians and technologies to meet the challenges Magsaysay State University is committed to
Sept. 13, 2021) in the world of work. To provide technological knowledge and skills continually strive for excellence in
UNIVERSITY MISSION. The President Ramon Magsaysay State University shall enable the individual to analyze the job problems and execute instruction, research, extension and
primarily provide advance and higher professional, technical, special instructions appropriate solutions. To provide entrepreneurial competencies to production to strengthen global
in various disciplines; undertake research, extension, and income generation develop individuals to be self-employed and self-productive. To preserve competitiveness adhering to quality
programs for sustainable development of Zambales, the region, and the country. and develop the cultural heritage and resources through technological standards for the utmost satisfaction of its
research. valued customers.
Republic of the Philippines
President Ramon Magsaysay State University
College of Industrial Technology – Iba, Zambales Campus (2201)
Tel./Fax No. (047) 811-1683/ 0919-069-9174│ |

Competency-Based Training (CBT) Approach (students attentively listening)

prioritizes personalized learning, skill mastery,
and immediate feedback, while the Traditional
Approach follows a more standardized and
time-based educational model with a focus on
uniform progress through the curriculum.

Do you understand the differences of

Traditional and CBT Approach, class? ‘Yes, Ma’am”

Okay, if you really understand it. Give some

of your idea about the differences of (Student’s raises their hands)
Traditional and CBT Approach.

Yes, Miss Cadizal

(student’s state their answer)
Excellent! Miss Cadizal.

Okay, so now let’s continue our discussion. (students attentively listening)

Which is the Role of CBT Trainer and CBT

The following functions outline the Role of

the trainer in learner-centered instructional

Can anyone please read the number one (1) (students raise their hands)

Yes, Mister Ayran.

( The student reads the sentence)

Thank you, Mister Ayran. Based on what

you’ve read, can you explain it?
(student’s state their answer)
Very good, Mister Ayran.

1. Serves as a team member to determine

what is to be learned.

2. Stimulates trainees' motivation. This

explain the trainers work to inspire and
maintain the trainees' motivation for learning
by making the content engaging and relevant.

UNIVERSITY VISION. PRMSU shall be a Premier Learner-Centered and COLLEGE GOALS. To train highly skilled workers and prepare well- QUALITY POLICY. The President Ramon
Proactive University in a Digital and Global Society. (BOR Res. No. 1231, s. 2021 - trained industrial technicians and technologies to meet the challenges Magsaysay State University is committed to
Sept. 13, 2021) in the world of work. To provide technological knowledge and skills continually strive for excellence in
UNIVERSITY MISSION. The President Ramon Magsaysay State University shall enable the individual to analyze the job problems and execute instruction, research, extension and
primarily provide advance and higher professional, technical, special instructions appropriate solutions. To provide entrepreneurial competencies to production to strengthen global
in various disciplines; undertake research, extension, and income generation develop individuals to be self-employed and self-productive. To preserve competitiveness adhering to quality
programs for sustainable development of Zambales, the region, and the country. and develop the cultural heritage and resources through technological standards for the utmost satisfaction of its
research. valued customers.
Republic of the Philippines
President Ramon Magsaysay State University
College of Industrial Technology – Iba, Zambales Campus (2201)
Tel./Fax No. (047) 811-1683/ 0919-069-9174│ |

Can you please read the number three (3) Miss

Degollado? And explain it. (student’s reading the sentence)

(student’s states their answer)

Very good, Miss Degollado.

3. Manages learning: a consultation rather

than a provider of information; a facilitator
of the of the facilitator of the learning.

4. Diagnose and solves learning problems. (students attentively listening)

This explain the trainers assess the trainees'
progress and identify any challenges or
obstacles in their learning. They then work to
address and resolve these issues.

5. Evaluates student achievement. It explain (students attentively listening)

that the trainers assess and evaluate the
trainees' performance and progress to
determine if the learning objectives are being

6. Assist learners to obtain individualized

rewards. Trainers help trainees understand the
benefits and rewards of learning and how it
applies to their individual goals and

7. Assist each trainee in designing a (students attentively listening)

personalized plan of study. Trainers work
with each trainee to develop a customized
learning plan that takes into account their prior
knowledge, learning style, and goals.

Can you please read the next number Mister “Yes, Ma’am” (student’s reading the
Arabe? sentence)

Okay, thank you. What are your understanding

about what you’ve read? (student’s stating their answer)

Very good, Mister Arabe.

8. Installs confidence in the learner by

providing experiences where learners may (students attentively listening)
UNIVERSITY VISION. PRMSU shall be a Premier Learner-Centered and COLLEGE GOALS. To train highly skilled workers and prepare well- QUALITY POLICY. The President Ramon
Proactive University in a Digital and Global Society. (BOR Res. No. 1231, s. 2021 - trained industrial technicians and technologies to meet the challenges Magsaysay State University is committed to
Sept. 13, 2021) in the world of work. To provide technological knowledge and skills continually strive for excellence in
UNIVERSITY MISSION. The President Ramon Magsaysay State University shall enable the individual to analyze the job problems and execute instruction, research, extension and
primarily provide advance and higher professional, technical, special instructions appropriate solutions. To provide entrepreneurial competencies to production to strengthen global
in various disciplines; undertake research, extension, and income generation develop individuals to be self-employed and self-productive. To preserve competitiveness adhering to quality
programs for sustainable development of Zambales, the region, and the country. and develop the cultural heritage and resources through technological standards for the utmost satisfaction of its
research. valued customers.
Republic of the Philippines
President Ramon Magsaysay State University
College of Industrial Technology – Iba, Zambales Campus (2201)
Tel./Fax No. (047) 811-1683/ 0919-069-9174│ |

succeed. Trainers create a learning

environment that encourages trainees to take
risks, learn from their mistakes, and build
confidence through successful experiences.

Can anyone please read the next sentence? (students raise their hands)

Yes, Miss Altares ( The student reads the sentence)

Thank you, Miss Altares

9. Serves as a model for desirable work (students attentively listening)

habits, attitudes and tasks performance in
the occupational field. Trainers lead by
example, demonstrating the work habits,
attitudes, and task performance expected in the
field of study.

Can you please read this Miss Basarte and (the student reads the sentence and state their
explain it base on your understanding. answer)

Okay, Very good Miss Basarte

10. Spends more time interacting with

students on a 1:1 or small group basis.
Trainers allocate a significant portion of their
time to engage with individual students or
small groups to provide personalized guidance
and support.

11. Helps those students who really need (students listening attentively)
help. Trainers identify students who require
extra assistance and provide the necessary
support to help them succeed.

Miss Diaz, please read the next sentence. (student reads the sentence)

Thank you, Miss Diaz.

12. Accepts responsibility along with the

student for the tasks learned or not learned.
Trainers share responsibility with the students
for their learning outcomes, recognizing that
the trainer's role is to facilitate and guide the
learning process.
UNIVERSITY VISION. PRMSU shall be a Premier Learner-Centered and COLLEGE GOALS. To train highly skilled workers and prepare well- QUALITY POLICY. The President Ramon
Proactive University in a Digital and Global Society. (BOR Res. No. 1231, s. 2021 - trained industrial technicians and technologies to meet the challenges Magsaysay State University is committed to
Sept. 13, 2021) in the world of work. To provide technological knowledge and skills continually strive for excellence in
UNIVERSITY MISSION. The President Ramon Magsaysay State University shall enable the individual to analyze the job problems and execute instruction, research, extension and
primarily provide advance and higher professional, technical, special instructions appropriate solutions. To provide entrepreneurial competencies to production to strengthen global
in various disciplines; undertake research, extension, and income generation develop individuals to be self-employed and self-productive. To preserve competitiveness adhering to quality
programs for sustainable development of Zambales, the region, and the country. and develop the cultural heritage and resources through technological standards for the utmost satisfaction of its
research. valued customers.
Republic of the Philippines
President Ramon Magsaysay State University
College of Industrial Technology – Iba, Zambales Campus (2201)
Tel./Fax No. (047) 811-1683/ 0919-069-9174│ |

Based on Miss Diaz have read, can you “Yes, Ma’am” (student state their answer)
explain it in your own words Miss

Excellent, Miss Canonizado.

In summary, in a learner-centered instructional (students listening attentively)

setting, trainers take on a multifaceted role as
facilitators, motivators, problem solvers, and
mentors. Their focus is on empowering and
guiding learners to take charge of their own
learning and achieve their individualized goals
while offering support and expertise as

In CBT, Trainees have the following roles:

1. Trainees may select what they want to (students listening attentively)

learn and when they want to learn it, within
reason. Trainees have the autonomy to choose
what they want to learn and when they want to
learn it, to some extent. They can align their
learning goals with their personal objectives
and preferences.

Can you please read the sentence Mister (student reads the sentence)

Okay, Thank you Mister Dizon.

2. Trainees learn at their own rate within

program guidelines. They may speed up,
slow down, stop or even repeat a task.
Within the guidelines of the program, trainees
can progress at their own rate. They have the
flexibility to speed up, slow down, pause, or
even repeat a task based on their learning
needs and progress.

3. Trainees may request to receive credit (students listening attentively)

for what they already know. This is done
either through pre-testing or through a
review or a task list completed at another
training site. Trainees can request credit for
the knowledge and skills they already possess.
UNIVERSITY VISION. PRMSU shall be a Premier Learner-Centered and COLLEGE GOALS. To train highly skilled workers and prepare well- QUALITY POLICY. The President Ramon
Proactive University in a Digital and Global Society. (BOR Res. No. 1231, s. 2021 - trained industrial technicians and technologies to meet the challenges Magsaysay State University is committed to
Sept. 13, 2021) in the world of work. To provide technological knowledge and skills continually strive for excellence in
UNIVERSITY MISSION. The President Ramon Magsaysay State University shall enable the individual to analyze the job problems and execute instruction, research, extension and
primarily provide advance and higher professional, technical, special instructions appropriate solutions. To provide entrepreneurial competencies to production to strengthen global
in various disciplines; undertake research, extension, and income generation develop individuals to be self-employed and self-productive. To preserve competitiveness adhering to quality
programs for sustainable development of Zambales, the region, and the country. and develop the cultural heritage and resources through technological standards for the utmost satisfaction of its
research. valued customers.
Republic of the Philippines
President Ramon Magsaysay State University
College of Industrial Technology – Iba, Zambales Campus (2201)
Tel./Fax No. (047) 811-1683/ 0919-069-9174│ |

This can be assessed through pre-testing or a

review of their previous training experiences.

Can you please read and explain, Miss “Yes, Ma’am” (student reads sentence and
Dolores? state their answer)

Thank you and Very good, Miss Dolores.

4. Trainees may choose how they want to

learn-individually, on a one-to-one basis, in
small group, in large groups or with audio-
visuals. Trainees can decide how they want to
learn—whether individually, in one-on-one
sessions, in small groups, with larger groups,
or through the use of audio-visual materials.
This flexibility allows them to adopt the
learning style that suits them best.

5. Trainees are responsible for what they (student listening attentively)

learn and when they learn it. Trainees are
accountable for their learning. They determine
what they learn and when they learn it. This
autonomy encourages self-directed learning.

Can anyone please read the next sentence? (students raises their hands)

Yes, Miss Angulo? (student reads the sentence)

Based on what you’ve read, what are your (student state their answer)
understanding about it?

6. Trainees decide when they are ready to

perform each task or demonstrate mastery
of learning to a job-like level of proficiency
before receiving credit for the task. Trainees
decide when they are ready to perform a task
or demonstrate mastery of a skill at a job-like
level of proficiency. They receive credit for
the task only after achieving this level of

7. Trainees help develop personalized (students listening attentively)

prescription for learning worked out
cooperatively and based upon what the
students already knows, his preference for
UNIVERSITY VISION. PRMSU shall be a Premier Learner-Centered and COLLEGE GOALS. To train highly skilled workers and prepare well- QUALITY POLICY. The President Ramon
Proactive University in a Digital and Global Society. (BOR Res. No. 1231, s. 2021 - trained industrial technicians and technologies to meet the challenges Magsaysay State University is committed to
Sept. 13, 2021) in the world of work. To provide technological knowledge and skills continually strive for excellence in
UNIVERSITY MISSION. The President Ramon Magsaysay State University shall enable the individual to analyze the job problems and execute instruction, research, extension and
primarily provide advance and higher professional, technical, special instructions appropriate solutions. To provide entrepreneurial competencies to production to strengthen global
in various disciplines; undertake research, extension, and income generation develop individuals to be self-employed and self-productive. To preserve competitiveness adhering to quality
programs for sustainable development of Zambales, the region, and the country. and develop the cultural heritage and resources through technological standards for the utmost satisfaction of its
research. valued customers.
Republic of the Philippines
President Ramon Magsaysay State University
College of Industrial Technology – Iba, Zambales Campus (2201)
Tel./Fax No. (047) 811-1683/ 0919-069-9174│ |

learning, learning style and other needs.

Trainees collaborate in developing
personalized learning plans that consider their
prior knowledge, learning preferences, and
individual needs.

Please read the next sentence Miss Bucad and “Yes, Ma’am” (student reads the sentence and
explain it as well. state their answer)

Thank you and Very good, Miss Bucad.

8. Trainees compete against pres job

standards and not against other students
and are graded on achievement of the
standards or criteria of each task. Trainees
are evaluated against pre-established job
standards or criteria for each task. Their
performance is compared to these standards,
not against other students in a competitive

9. Trainees know "up front", before (students listening attentively)

instruction begins what they are expected to
know and do to complete the program.
Trainees are informed of the learning
expectations before instruction begins. They
know what they are expected to know and do
to complete the program.

10. Trainees evaluate their own progress to

see how well they are doing. Trainees are
encouraged to evaluate their own progress to
assess how well they are doing and identify
areas where they may need improvement.

11. Trainees move freely in the workshop,

laboratory and or training center. Trainees
have the freedom to move within the
workshop, laboratory, or training center as
they engage in their learning activities.

Can you please read this sentence Miss (student reads the sentence)

UNIVERSITY VISION. PRMSU shall be a Premier Learner-Centered and COLLEGE GOALS. To train highly skilled workers and prepare well- QUALITY POLICY. The President Ramon
Proactive University in a Digital and Global Society. (BOR Res. No. 1231, s. 2021 - trained industrial technicians and technologies to meet the challenges Magsaysay State University is committed to
Sept. 13, 2021) in the world of work. To provide technological knowledge and skills continually strive for excellence in
UNIVERSITY MISSION. The President Ramon Magsaysay State University shall enable the individual to analyze the job problems and execute instruction, research, extension and
primarily provide advance and higher professional, technical, special instructions appropriate solutions. To provide entrepreneurial competencies to production to strengthen global
in various disciplines; undertake research, extension, and income generation develop individuals to be self-employed and self-productive. To preserve competitiveness adhering to quality
programs for sustainable development of Zambales, the region, and the country. and develop the cultural heritage and resources through technological standards for the utmost satisfaction of its
research. valued customers.
Republic of the Philippines
President Ramon Magsaysay State University
College of Industrial Technology – Iba, Zambales Campus (2201)
Tel./Fax No. (047) 811-1683/ 0919-069-9174│ |

Base on Miss Alegado have read, what are (student states their answer)
your understanding about it Miss Cadizal?

Excellent, Miss Cadizal.

12. Trainees know they will be rated mainly

on performance, while paper and pencil
tests will be used mainly to check their
knowledge of the task. The primary mode of
assessment is based on performance, and
paper and pencil tests are primarily used to
check the trainee's theoretical knowledge of
the task.

Can anyone please read the last sentence and (students raises their hands)
explain it?

Yes, Mister Ayran? (student reads the sentence and states their
Thank you and Very good, Mister Ayran.

13. Trainees learn according to their

interest, needs and abilities - not. Trainees
learn according to their interests, needs, and
abilities rather than following rigid teacher-
driven timelines and expediency. This learner-
centered approach ensures that the training is
customized to each trainee's unique

In summary, CBT places trainees at the center (students listening attentively)

of their learning experiences, allowing them to
make choices about what, how, and when they
learn. This learner autonomy and
individualized approach aim to enhance the
effectiveness of training and ensure that
trainees acquire the necessary skills and
knowledge to meet their goals.

E. Generalization/ Valuing
We are almost done with our lesson for today (students listening attentively)
class, however, before we go to your short
quiz. Let us know what you have learned
about the lesson that we tackled. Knowing
UNIVERSITY VISION. PRMSU shall be a Premier Learner-Centered and COLLEGE GOALS. To train highly skilled workers and prepare well- QUALITY POLICY. The President Ramon
Proactive University in a Digital and Global Society. (BOR Res. No. 1231, s. 2021 - trained industrial technicians and technologies to meet the challenges Magsaysay State University is committed to
Sept. 13, 2021) in the world of work. To provide technological knowledge and skills continually strive for excellence in
UNIVERSITY MISSION. The President Ramon Magsaysay State University shall enable the individual to analyze the job problems and execute instruction, research, extension and
primarily provide advance and higher professional, technical, special instructions appropriate solutions. To provide entrepreneurial competencies to production to strengthen global
in various disciplines; undertake research, extension, and income generation develop individuals to be self-employed and self-productive. To preserve competitiveness adhering to quality
programs for sustainable development of Zambales, the region, and the country. and develop the cultural heritage and resources through technological standards for the utmost satisfaction of its
research. valued customers.
Republic of the Philippines
President Ramon Magsaysay State University
College of Industrial Technology – Iba, Zambales Campus (2201)
Tel./Fax No. (047) 811-1683/ 0919-069-9174│ |

about the competency-based training delivery (students raises their hands)

we discussed, how is this important?

Yes, Miss Basarte? (student states their answer)

Exactly, Very good Miss Basarte!

To summarize your answer, Effective CBT

delivery helps trainers acquire the skills and
knowledge they need to succeed in their
chosen fields.

Is there any questions? Clarifications? “None, Ma’am”

Okay, Very good. Let us now proceed to your

quiz activity.

F. Evaluation

QUIZ: Identification. Identify which of the

following statement is a characteristics of a
CBT approach. On your notebook, write down
the number of the item which characterizes

1. Trainers focus on managing learning.

2. Very little continuous feedback is given.

3. As vacancies are filled, trainees’

enrollment remains at maximum capacity all
year long.

4. Retesting is discouraged or not allowed at


5. The trainer must be able to answer

questions on many different tasks each day.

6. All trainees are usually tested once.

7. Each trainee progresses at his or her own


8. Trainees enter various times throughout the

UNIVERSITY VISION. PRMSU shall be a Premier Learner-Centered and COLLEGE GOALS. To train highly skilled workers and prepare well- QUALITY POLICY. The President Ramon
Proactive University in a Digital and Global Society. (BOR Res. No. 1231, s. 2021 - trained industrial technicians and technologies to meet the challenges Magsaysay State University is committed to
Sept. 13, 2021) in the world of work. To provide technological knowledge and skills continually strive for excellence in
UNIVERSITY MISSION. The President Ramon Magsaysay State University shall enable the individual to analyze the job problems and execute instruction, research, extension and
primarily provide advance and higher professional, technical, special instructions appropriate solutions. To provide entrepreneurial competencies to production to strengthen global
in various disciplines; undertake research, extension, and income generation develop individuals to be self-employed and self-productive. To preserve competitiveness adhering to quality
programs for sustainable development of Zambales, the region, and the country. and develop the cultural heritage and resources through technological standards for the utmost satisfaction of its
research. valued customers.
Republic of the Philippines
President Ramon Magsaysay State University
College of Industrial Technology – Iba, Zambales Campus (2201)
Tel./Fax No. (047) 811-1683/ 0919-069-9174│ |


9. If possible, trainees determine the sequence

of tasks.

10. Trainees all proceed from one topic to the

next at the same time.

1. 1
2. 7
3. 11
4. 9
5. 8
6. 6
7. 5
8. 2
9. 14
10. 4

VI. Assignment/ Agreement

Research the next topic about the Feedback
Mechanism and write it on your notebook.
Submit it by next Tuesday.

UNIVERSITY VISION. PRMSU shall be a Premier Learner-Centered and COLLEGE GOALS. To train highly skilled workers and prepare well- QUALITY POLICY. The President Ramon
Proactive University in a Digital and Global Society. (BOR Res. No. 1231, s. 2021 - trained industrial technicians and technologies to meet the challenges Magsaysay State University is committed to
Sept. 13, 2021) in the world of work. To provide technological knowledge and skills continually strive for excellence in
UNIVERSITY MISSION. The President Ramon Magsaysay State University shall enable the individual to analyze the job problems and execute instruction, research, extension and
primarily provide advance and higher professional, technical, special instructions appropriate solutions. To provide entrepreneurial competencies to production to strengthen global
in various disciplines; undertake research, extension, and income generation develop individuals to be self-employed and self-productive. To preserve competitiveness adhering to quality
programs for sustainable development of Zambales, the region, and the country. and develop the cultural heritage and resources through technological standards for the utmost satisfaction of its
research. valued customers.

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