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Nome: Elielson Souza dos Santos

RA: 2040892323015

1- Make a phone conversation. Use the sentences and questions in the box.

Receptionist: Good mornln~. Lane Retail Group.

Ms.Perez: Good morning. Is Mr. Adams there?

Receptionist: I'm sorry, but Mr. Adams is in a meeting.

Ms. Perez: oh.

Receptionist: Can I take a message?

Ms.Perez: Yes. This is lna Perez. Please ask him to call me.

Receptionist: Does Mr. Adams have your number?

Ms.Perez: I don' t think so. it's 604-555-0662.

Receptionist: 604-555-0662. I'll give him your message.

Ms.Perez: Thank you very much.

Receptionist: You're welcome. Good-bye.

Ms.Perez: Good-bye.

2 - Scott called his friends yesterday. Where were they? Complete the conversations. Use
the words in the box.

Susan: Hello?
Scott: Hello, Susan? lt's
Scott. Susan: Oh, hi, Scott. Listen. I can't talk right now. I'm at work. Call me later?

Kurt: Hello?
Scott: Hey,'s-
Kurt: Scott. Sorry, can you call me in 20 minutes? I'm in the class.

Becky: Hello?
Scott: Hi, Becky. lt's Scott. Do you want to see a movie tonight?
Becky: I'd love to, but I can't. I'm on vacation with my
Pete: Hello?
Scott: Hi, Pete. lt's Scott. You know, you
sound terrible. Are you OK?
Pete: Not really. I'm at hospital
But it's nothing serious.

Lori: Hello?
Scott: Hello, Lori? lt's Scott. lt sounds noisy
there. Where are you?
Lori: Oh, I'm in the mall

Mark: Hello?
Scott: Hey, Mark. Do you have a minute?
Mark: Not really. I'm in the shower
Call me in ten minutes.

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