Manipol, Harlinquin M. - addIE Model

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Item Analysis Results for Grade 9 Biology Summative Assessment

Content Topics Learning Competencies

Respiratory and 1. Respiratory and Circulatory Systems Working 1. explain how the respiratory and circulatory systems
Circulatory with the other Organ Systems work together to transport nutrients, gases, and other
Systems Working molecules to and from the different parts of the body;
with the Other
Organ Systems 2. infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the functioning of
respiratory and circulatory systems;
Heredity: 2.1 Location of genes on chromosomes 3. describe the location of genes in chromosomes;
Inheritance and 2.2 Non-Mendelian inheritance
Variation 2.2.1 Incomplete dominance 4. explain the different patterns of non-Mendelian
2.2.2 Sex-linked traits inheritance;
2.2.3 Multiple alleles
2.3 Multiple genes
Biodiversity and 3.1 Causes of Species Extinction 5. relate species extinction to the failure of populations of
Evolution 3.1.1 natural organisms to adapt to abrupt changes in the environment;
3.1.2 anthropogenic and
Ecosystems 4.1 Flow of Energy and Matter in Ecosystems 6. differentiate basic features and importance of
4.1.1 Photosynthesis photosynthesis and respiration.
4.1.2 Respiration

Unfolding Complexity: Crafting Imprint Bio-Brochures as Instructional Materials Utilizing

Merill's First Principles

Least learned competencies based from item analysis

Analysis results for Grade 9 Biology Summative Assessment

Merrill’s First Principles of Instruction Framework

1. Task/Problem-Centered
2. Activation
3. Demonstration
Design 4. Application
5. Integration
1. Development and Crafting of Bio-Brochures as
Instructional Materials in Biology
2. Validation of the Bio-Brochures using Merrill’s First D
Develop Principles of Instruction as Framework
3. Validation and Reliability of Competency Based Pre-
test & Post-test
Implementation of Imprint Crafted Bio-Brochures K
Implementation in Biology utilizing Merrill’s First Principles of

Summative Evaluation thru administration of Competency-
Based Pre-test and post-test to determine the effectiveness
of the crafted Bio-Brochures in 9th Grade Biology subjects.
Figure 2. The
Evaluation Research Paradigm
2. Post Semi showing the ADDIE
Structured Interview Model
thru Focus Group
3. Effectiveness of the imprint Crafted Bio-Brochures
Instructional Materials as manifested by enhanced
Phase 1. Analyzing Phase. The researcher will evaluate the areas in which Grade 9

Science Students at Carmen National High School have the least proficiency. This assessment

will be based on the results of Summative assessments aligned with the Most Essential Learning

Competencies (MELCS). The primary objective during this phase is to identify the weakest

learning competencies in the first quarter of the subject, which will be the focal point for creating

Bio-Brochures instructional materials following Merill’s First Principles. Additionally, this

phase will involve assessing students' academic performance, identifying the need for

interventions, pinpointing the competencies they struggle with the most, and determining their

least mastered skills in the subject during the fourth quarter. The selection of student participants

and obtaining the necessary permissions from relevant authorities will also be considered in this


Phase 2. Designing Phase. After assessing the least learned competencies to be the major

concerns in the crafting of Bio-Brochures, the researcher will integrate the Merill’s first

principles framework in designing the instructional material needed to supplement the least

learned mastered skills/competencies in Biology. Merill’s first principles is a framework that

consists of 5 phases: aligning instruction with real-world problems or tasks; activating students'

prior knowledge; demonstrates new knowledge to the students; has the students apply their new

knowledge; and encourages them to integrate that knowledge into their lives.

Phase 3. Developing Phase. In order to prove the legitimacy of the Bio-Brochures

utilizing Merill’s First Principles, the researcher, will find panel of experts to validate the crafted

Bio-Brochures based from their expertise in Biology. The first draft of the crafted instructional

material will be printed and will be presented by the researcher to his dissertation adviser and
science teachers together with the Experts’ Validation checklist which is adapted from the

Learning Resources Management and Development System of DepEd. They will look into the

instructional material based on the following parameters: (1) most essential learning

competencies; (2) instructional design and organization; (3) instructional quality of test and

visuals; (4) assessment; (5) readability; and (5) referencing and source citation. Following the

recommendations and suggestions based from the panel of experts, the researcher will do the

revisions and finalization of the crafted instructional material for Biology before the

implementation. On the other hand, these experts will also validate the teacher made

Competency Based Pre-test & Post-test and will also be subjected for its internal consistency

thru reliability testing and item analysis to be conducted at the 10 th grade Biology class in

Carmen National High School, the chosen locale for the dry run of the Competency Based Test.

Alterations will be done in order to fix the recommendations of the experts in both the content

and results of reliability testing.

Phase 4. Implementing Phase. The chosen locale to be the subject of the study in

implementing the crafted Bio-Brochures utilizing Merill’s First Principles are the Grade 9

students of Carmen National High School who have Science class specifically Biology in the

first quarter. A quasi-experimental design will be used where no randomization is needed in

selecting the control and experimental group. Both groups will be administered a teacher-made

competency-based pre-test and post-test that has been validated and demonstrated reliability. The

experimental group will utilize the validated instructional material created for this study, while

the control group will continue using the conventional instructional material provided by DepEd.

Phase 5. Evaluating Phase. The teacher made competency based pre-test and post-test

given to subject students who made use of the crafted instructional material. They now described
their learning experiences and became the subject for a focus group discussion guided by an

structured interview. Furthermore, the true essence of evaluation lies on the students’ improved

performances in Biology after the utilization of the Bio-Brochures as a determinant in appraising

its effectiveness. In totality, during the span of assessment process, validation, dry run,

evaluation of the tools, experts’ and student subjects’ roles are indispensable and essential. The

feedback given helped the researcher to make the teaching and learning materials fit for Biology


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