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(1)________is the process and act of spreading farm produce in the sun to dry(a)Farm produce
presentation (b)Canning(c) Sun drying(d) Smoking

(2)All these are equipment for keeping our surroundings clean except(a)Long handle broom(b) Rake (c)
Windows (d)Dust pan

(3)Rice , maize and cocoa are stored in the _______(a)Bag(b) Bottle (c)Can (d) Frying

(4)_________id housing that is constructed in a manner that is conducive to good occupant health (a)A
good home(b)A healthy home(c)A dirty home (d)A family home

(5)Farm produce can be consumed or _______(a)Sold(b)Bought(c)Buried(d)Rent

(6)_______is necessary after sweeping the tiles(a)Dusting (b) Mobbing(c) Washing (d) Sweeping

(7)The process of keeping agricultural farm produce for future use (a)Food storage (b)Farm
drying(c)Prolong of seed life(d)Farm produce

(8)Waste disposal sites and methods include the following except (a) Scrubbing (b) By burying (c)By
burning (d)By using them as compost manure

(9)Good processed in factories are mostly stored in ________ to preserve them for a long time(a) Frying
(b)Smoke(c) Salting (d)Can

(10)Items made through simple decorative stiches include the following except (a) Apron

Theory part

(1a)State four(4)importance of preserving farm produce

(1b)What is farm produce preservation

(1c)Mention and describe the methods of farm produce preservation

(1d)Make a list of foods preserved by the members of the family

(2a)What are the reasons for cleaning our home and surroundings

(2b)In a tabular form, mention five (5)cleaning agents , their material content and their uses

(2c)Define stiches

(2d)List the items that can be used in making decorative stiches.

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