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(1)Paul father was a Jew living in a town called_______(a) Hebrew (b) Tarsus (c)Jewish
territory (d)Greek. (2)The meaning to MON (a)Member of national (b)Member of the order of Nigeria
(c)Member of the order of Nigeria(d)Member of the federation (3)Factors that make living together
peaceful include all except? (A) Security of lives and property (b)Tolerating. individual
differences(c)Taking instructions from appropriate authority. (4) Paul's father brought him up to
obey the law of the ________(a)Roman(b) Jews(c) Christian (d)Gamaliel. (5)Goods are those
things wé need for our survival and to make life more _________(a)better(b) Promoting (c) Value (d)
Comfortable. (6) Foreign countries have influenced Nigerian family life in the following ways
except (a)Music and dance(b) Language (c) Traditional ways(d) Family system. (7)________is a crime
of stealing something that belongs to someone else . (A)Rape(b)Food fraud (c)Forgery(d)Theft.
(8)After the death of Stephen ,Paul (then called Saul)became the leader of the _________(a)general
persecution (b) dragging (c)Armed robbers (d)Destroyer. (9)The nutritional values ,which can
be derived from Nigeria food items including all these except(a)no additive(b)Freshness(c)No
preservation (d) Industrial development. (10)________means behaving in an appropriate
manner or as the situation at a particular time demands. (A) acting appropriately (b)Good management
(c) Precautions (d)Boosting. (11)The leaders of the church in Damascus were called
(a)Rabbis(b) Christian (c)Ananias(d) Gentiles. (12)All these are need to value Nigerian goods
except (a)Better life(b) Employment (c) Freshness (d)Hardwork. (13) To act appropriately,
the following precautions are necessary except (a)It promotes understanding (b)We m must avoid risk
areas(c)We must report suspicious person to security agencies or to other people that matters (d)We
must not pick up object in the street. (14)For how many days was Paul in Damascus
without eating, but praying all the time (a)five days(b)Two days (c)Three days(d)Thirty days.
(15)National honours awards are given to promote selfless service?(a)True(b)False (c) I don't
know.Answer three 3 questions from this part

Theory part

(1a)Narrate the events of Paul's early life :parentage, education and anti christian activities.

(1b) Explain the baptism and mission of Paul

(1c) Describe what happened to Paul on his way to Damascus

(1d)Mention at least three importance of Paul conversion.

(2a)What do you understand by the term , National honours awards?

(2b)Which of the national honours is the most prestige of the award?

(2c)What are Nigerian goods?

(2d)Mention any three reasons why we should value Nigerian --made goods .
(3a) Explain the meaning of Living together

(3b) Explain the factors that can make our living together peaceful.

(3c)State two influence of working parents on the Nigeria Family life

(3d)Mention five(5) benefits of inter---ethnic marriage.

(4a) Explain the meaning of inter---ethnic marriage.

(4b)What is CFR?

(4c)Mention five 5 of the towns that Paul visited in his missionary Journey s

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