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Deep learning

Problem statement;
Experiment with the CNN layers and tunable parameters like filter size, number of
filters, stride of convolution and maxpool layers and comment on the learnings. Data
set - MNIST.

The code provides the implementation of a simple CNN model using the Keras library
on the MNIST dataset. Here are some key learnings from the code:

1. Convolutional Layers: The use of convolutional layers helps capture local

patterns and features in the input images. By applying filters of different sizes (in this
case, 3x3), the model learns to detect specific features at different scales. Increasing the
number of filters (e.g., 32 and 64) allows the model to learn a wider range of features,
potentially improving its ability to classify the digits accurately.

2. Max Pooling Layers: The inclusion of max pooling layers helps reduce the
spatial dimensions and extract the most relevant information from the feature maps. In
this code, max pooling with a 2x2 window is applied after each convolutional layer.
This downsampling helps to make the model more robust to variations in the input and
reduce the number of parameters, leading to faster training and improved generalization.

3. Activation Function: The ReLU activation function is used in the convolutional

layers to introduce non-linearity and enable the model to learn more complex
representations. ReLU is a popular choice for CNNs as it helps prevent the vanishing
gradient problem and speeds up convergence.

4. Model Evaluation: The model is trained and evaluated on the MNIST dataset,
which consists of 60,000 training images and 10,000 test images. The training is
performed for 10 epochs using the Adam optimizer and categorical cross-entropy loss.
The final evaluation provides insights into the model's performance, with metrics such
as test loss and test accuracy.

By experimenting with different parameters, such as filter size, number of filters, and
stride of convolution and max pooling layers, you can gain a deeper understanding of
how these choices impact the model's performance. This code serves as a starting point
for exploring different configurations and helps in identifying the best combination of
parameters for achieving higher accuracy on the MNIST dataset.

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