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Martha Rogers

Unitary of Human Beings

• Principles of homeodynamics postulate a way of
perceiving unitary human beings.
• Identified the principles of change as helicy, resonancy,
and integrality.
• Helicy principle describes spiral development in
continuous, nonrepeating, and innovative patterning.
- describing the nature of change evolved from probabilistic
to unpredictable, while remaining continuous and
• According to the principle of resonancy,
patterning changes with the development from
lower to higher frequency, that is, with varying
degrees of intensity.
• Resonancy embodies wave frequency and energy
field pattern evolution.
• Integrality, the third principle of homeodynamics “ reflects
the unity or wholeness of humans and their
• The principles of homeodynamics ( nature, process, and
context of change) support and exemplify the assertion that
“ the universe is energy that is always becoming more
diverse through changing, continuous wave frequencies”(
Phillips, 2010)
Major Concepts of Rogers model( four blocks)
Energy field
• The energy field is the fundamental unit of both the living
and nonliving
• Field- is a unifying concept
• Energy- signifies the dynamic nature of the field.
• Human field- is defined as irreducible, indivisible,
pandimensional energy field identified by pattern and
manifesting characteristics that are specific to the whole
and that cannot be predicted from knowledge of the parts.
• Environmental field- is defined as an irreducible,
pandimensional energy field identified by pattern and
integral with the human filed.
- As a nonlinear domain without spatial or temporal
attributes, or as Phillips(2010)notes:” essentially as
spaceless and timeless reality.
- Provides for an infinite domain without limit.
- Best expresses the idea of a unitary whole
• Universe of Open System
- Holds that energy fields are infinite, open, and integral
with one another( Rogers, 1983).
- human and environmental fields are in continuous
process and are open system.
• Pattern
- Identifies energy fields.
- Distinguishing characteristics of an energy field and is
perceived as a single wave.
• Unitary man, a four-dimensional energy field.
• As open system in continuous process with the open system that is the environment.
• As an irreducible pandimensional energy field identified by pattern and manifesting
characteristics different from those of the parts.
• Not specifically addressed, but emerges out of interaction between human and environment,
moves forward, and maximizes human potential.
• Uses the term passive health.
• As a value term defined by the culture or the individual.
• A learned profession that is both science and art. The professional practice of nursing is creative
and imaginative and exists to serve people.
Dorothea Orem
Self Care Deficit
• Self-Care Deficit Theory
• Defined Nursing: “The act of assisting
others in the provision and management of
self-care to maintain/ improve human
functioning at home level of effectiveness.”
• Focuses on activities that adult individuals
perform on their own behalf to maintain life,
health and well-being.
• Has a strong health promotion and
maintenance focus.
Four related theories:
1. The Theory of self- care, which describes why and how people
care for themselves.
2. The theory of dependent- care, which explains how family
members and/ or friends provide dependent- care for a
person who is socially dependent.
3. The theory of self- care deficit, which describes and explains
why people can be helped through nursing.
4. The theory of nursing system, which describes and explains
relationships that must be brought about and maintained for
nursing to be produced.
- practice of activities that maturing and mature
persons initiate and perform, within time frames,
on their own behalf in the interest of maintaining
life, healthful functioning, continuing personal
development, and well- being by meeting known
requisites for functional and developmental
Refers to the care that is provided to a person who, because of
age or related factors, is unable to perform the self- care needed
to maintain life, healthful functioning, continuing personal
development, and well- being
- Are expressed insights about actions to be performed that are
known or hypothesized to be necessary in the regulation of
an aspect of human functioning and development ,
continuously or under specified conditions and
- Elements:
- 1. factor to be controlled or managed to keep an aspect of human
functioning and development within the norms compatible with life ,
health and personal well being.
2. Nature of the required action
- Formulated and expressed self care requisites constitute the
formalized purposes of self care.
- Reasons for which self care is undertaken; they express the
intended or desired result- goal of self care( Orem, 2001)
- Are to be met through self-care or dependent care, and they have their
origins in what is known and what is validated, or what is in the process
of being validated, about human structural and functional integrity at
various stages of the life cycle.
- Consists of the summation of care measures necessary at specific times
or over a duration of time to meet all of an individuals known self care
requisites, particularized for existent conditions and circumstances by
methods appropriate for the following:
• Controlling or managing factors identified in the requisites, the
values of which are regulatory of human functioning.
• Fulfilling the activity element of the requisites.
Heath deviation self care requisites
- Exist for persons who are ill or injured, who have specific forms
of pathological conditions or disorders, including defects and
disabilities, and who are under medical diagnosis and treatment.
Self care agency
- Is a complex acquired ability of mature and maturing persons to
know and meet their continuing requirements for deliberate,
purposive action to regulate their own human functioning and
Dependent care agency
- Refers to the acquired ability of a person to know and meet the
therapeutic self- care demand of the dependent person and/ or
regulate the development and exercise of the dependents self
care agency.
Self- care deficit
- Relation between an individual’s therapeutic self care demands
and his or her powers of self care agency in which the
constituent- developed self care capabilities within self care
agency are in operable or inadequate for knowing and meeting
some or all components of the existent or projected therapeutic
self care demand.
Nursing agency
- comprises developed capabilities of persons educated as nurses
that empower them to represent themselves as nurses within
the frame of a legitimate interpersonal relationships to meet
their therapeutic self care demands and to regulate the
development or exercise of their self care agency.
• Nursing System
– are series and sequences of deliberate practical actions of
nurses performed at times in coordination with the actions of
their patients to know and meet components of patients
therapeutic self-care demands and to protect and regulate the
exercise or development of patients self- care agency.
- nursing interventions needed when Individual is unable to
perform the necessary self-care activities:
• Wholly compensatory - nurse provides entire self-care for the
- Accomplishes patient’s therapeutic self care.
- Compensates for patient’s inability to engage in self care
- Supports and protects patient
Example: care of a new born, care of client recovering from surgery
in a post-anesthesia care unit
• Partial compensatory
- nurse and client perform care; client can perform selected self-care
activities, but also accepts care done by the nurse for needs the
client cannot meet independently.
• Example: Nurse can assist post operative client to ambulate, Nurse
can bring a meal tray for client who can feed himself
• Supportive-educative - nurse’s actions are to help the client
develop/learn their own self-care abilities through knowledge,
support and encouragement.
- Accomplishes self care.
- Regulates the exercise and development of self care agency.
Example: Nurse guides a mother how to breastfeed her baby,
Counselling a psychiatric client on more adaptive coping strategies.
- human beings are very much different from other living things
in terms of their capacity.
- Believes that individuals have the potential to be developed
and learned.
- supports the WHO definition of health as the “ state of physical,
mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity.”
- view of health as a phenomenon affected by inseparable entities
- shows her view of the surrounding environment as an external source of influence
in the internal interaction of a person’s different aspects.
- Nursing is helping clients to establish or identify ways to perform self- care activities.
- According to her, Nursing is a helping or assistive profession to persons who are
wholly or partly dependent or when those who are supposedly caring for them are no
longer able to give care
• Nursing actions are geared towards the independence of a
• If the client is highly dependent, there is a need for the nurse
to assist and address the needs of the client.
• Nursing as a human service
• Nursing is based on values
• Reference: Alligood, Martha. Nursing Theorist and Their Work
9th ed.

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