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Time : 2: 30 hrs M. Marks : 45 + 5 = 50
Name: ____________________________________ Class/Sec: ____ Roll No. : __________ Date: _________
● All the questions are compulsory to be attempted.
● Marks for each question are indicated against it.
● Read the question carefully before attempting the answer.
● The question paper consists of 14 questions.
● Do not write anything on the question paper.
● Handwriting should be legible.
● All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper.
● The questions paper contains 4 pages.
NOTE : 5 bonus marks will be awarded for using outstanding vocabulary.

Q1. Read the poem carefully.

“SISTER , sister, go to bed!
Go and rest your weary head.”
Thus the prudent brother said.
“Do you want a battered hide,
Or scratches to your face applied?”
Thus his sister calm replied.
“Sister, do not raise my wrath.
I’d make you into mutton broth
As easily as kill a moth.”
The sister raised her beaming eye
And looked on him indignantly
And sternly answered, “Only try!”
Off to the cook he quickly ran.
“Dear Cook, please lend a frying pan,
To me as quickly as you can.”
“And wherefore should I lend it you?”

“The reason, Cook, is plain to view.
I wish to make an Irish stew.”
What meat is in that stew to go?”
“My sister be the contents!”
“You’ll lend the pan to me, Cook?”
Moral : Never stew your sister.
A. Based on your reading, answer the following questions.
i. What does the brother want his sister to do? 1
ii. How does the sister react to the brother’s demand? 1
iii. What does the boy threaten to do to make his sister go to bed? 1
iv. What does the brother want from the cook? 1
v. How does the cook react? 1
B. Why do you think the poet has included a moral at the end of this poem? 2
C. Using context clues find words from the passage that mean the same as- 3
i. very tired
ii. easy to see, hear or understand
iii. an insect with large wings

Q2. Imagine electricity runs out for a day. No fans, lights and other necessities! What would it be like? Write a
paragraph in about 70-80 words on the topic ‘A Day Without Electricity.’ Include interesting details and select
the best possible words to describe your ideas. 8

Q3. Underline the error and rewrite the sentences correctly. 3

a) Your scissors is not sharp.
b) Those leggings is mine.
c) He has mislocated his shoulder.

Q4. Change the tense of the following sentences into future tense. 2
a) She went to the city.
b) I had pulao for dinner.

Q5. Match the nouns in column A with their collective counterparts in column B. 2
Column A Column B

bears litter

puppies army

tourists parliament

owls sloth

- crew

- flock

Q6. Complete these sentences by choosing the most appropriate phrasal verb. 2
a) Be careful! A fire might _____________ if you leave the stove on.
i. break off ii. break out iii. break down
b) I lost my book. I must ____________ it.
i. look for ii. look out iii. look up
c) Please __________ the volume of the television. The baby is sleeping.
i. turn up ii. turn down iii. turn out
d) My mother went to the grocery store. She _______ of sugar while baking a cake.
i. ran out ii. ran into iii. ran away

Q7. Read each situation given below. Write a simile that best describes each person or object. 3

a) My sister never fights with me. She is very cool.

My sister is as __________________________________ .

b) The grapes in my uncle’s vine are very sour.

The grapes are as _______________________________ .

c) Mr. Brown’s daughter has become a doctor. He is very proud of her.

Mr. Brown is __________________________________ .

Q8. Convert the phrases given in the bracket to form possessive nouns and rewrite the sentences. 2

a) The (scooters of girls) are parked there.

b) (cats of Gayatri) are always fighting with each other.
Q9. Identify the meaning of the underlined homographs using contextual clues. 2
a) She was content with her job.
i. the information contained in a book ii. satisfied
b) I went fishing and caught a bass.
i. a deep voice or tone ii. a kind of fish
Q10. Write whether True or False. 1
a) Mr. Madan came running out of the room looking agitated because he saw a snake.
b) Billy Fisher bought a dead rat with a string to swing it.
Q11. Answer the following questions briefly. 2
a) Discuss the characteristics of Tom Sawyer – the protagonist of this chapter.
b) Whom did Mr. Madan meet in class 6 and why?
Q12. Answer the following question in detail.
‘Quick wit and presence of mind’ is one of the survival skills. Justify this statement with reference to the text ‘Lost
and Found’. 3
Q13. Dictation - Spellings 2.5
Q14. Dictation - Paragraph 2.5


I wrote complete sentences.

I started each sentence with a capital letter.

All proper nouns are capitalised.

I used punctuation marks at the end of each sentence.

I fixed all my spelling errors.

I avoided repetition of words.

I used word substitutes to enhance my writing skills.

I checked the subject-verb agreement.

My piece has a beginning, middle and end. (wherever applicable)

I supported my answer/passage with relevant details.

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