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Francis Xavier Convent School

Creative Writing
Final Exam Reviewer

Name: _____________________________________________ P4/______ No.: ______



1. 5. 9.
2. 6. 10.
3. escape 7. 11.
4. 8. 12.

*Item no.3 is not in the wordsearch.

II. Directions: Write the mixed-up words in the right order to make a proper sentence.
1. Candles or incense never leave burning.


2. run. not caught When clothes get do your fire, on


3. Over-plug devices or outlets don't.


4. Always use during emergency. elevators stairs of instead a fire


5. drop, catch stop, on if roll fire. must and your ground the You clothes


6. or Know during building to fire exits out get escape of the the emergency. a


7. emergency fire number sure to fire know the to for Make station help. call the


8. flammable stove. objects Keep away the from

III. Fire Safety Tips Crossword Puzzle
Directions: Complete the crossword by filling in a word that fits each clue.

bonus item

Fire Safety Tips During a Fire Emergency

In case of fire, never leave 1) ___________ or incense burning. When

your 2) ________ get caught in fire, do not run. Don’t 3) ___________
devices or outlets too. Always use 4) _________ instead of elevators during
a fire emergency. 5) You must stop, drop, and 5) __________ on the
ground if your clothes catch fire.

Fire Safety Tips Before a Fire Emergency

It is important to know the exits to 6) _____________ or get out of the

building during a fire emergency. Make sure to know the fire
7) _________________ to call the fire station for help. Lastly, always keep
8) _______________items
_____________ objects
fromfrom the stove.
the stove.
My Family’s Fire Safety Plan
On an A4 paper, draw a floor plan or a map of your home showing all the doors and
window. Copy and complete the sentences below with some details about your home.
1. I live in _____________________________________.
2. My house has _____ floors and _____ rooms.
3. We have ____ door s and ____ windows.
4. The door(s) in my house are __________________________________.
5. Our meeting place is at _____________________________________

Long Quiz Answer Sheet

Name: _________________
P4/_________No.: ________
Score: _________________

Please shade the
bubble that corresponds
to the most correct

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