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Unit 5 & Unit 6 –

Termination of Contract

Termination of Contract

 “Either part to a contract of service may

at any time give to the other party
notice of his intention to terminate such
contract of service” – EA 1955 (Section
 No difficulty for employee to give notice
of intention to resign.
 Employer not given same freedom as
employee to dismiss without just cause
or excuse.

Termination of contract
 Termination maybe for any number of reasons.
 A dismissal maybe either lawful or unlawful.
 Lawful dismissal occurs where employer
terminates contract according to requirements of
contract or statute.
 Employee may challenge dismissal under the
statutory unfair dismissal provisions
 Termination simpliciter – dismissing an employee
without a proper reason not acceptable in Malaysia
 Security of employment an important social principle


Termination of contract
 Wrongful dismissal occurs where employer
terminated the contract without fulfilling contract
or statutory requirements.
 Termination that is lawful at common law maybe
found to be without just cause or excuse
(Industrial Relations Act, 1967).
 Termination may occur where:
 Contract has been performed by virtue of a
term in the contract e.g. upon completion of
specific work
 At expiry of a specified period of time
 Contract is subject to a particular contingency

Provisions for termination

 In every written contract of service a
clause shall be included setting out
the manner in which such contract
may be terminated by either party.
 A contract of service for an
unspecified period of time shall
continue in force until terminated
(EA, 1955 Sec. 11(2))

Notice of termination
 Length of notice of termination shall be the same
for both employer and employee
 Determined by provision made in writing in contract
of service
 If no provision in writing then notice shall not be
less than…………


Termination, Layoff and

Retirement Benefits
 Provided under 60J, the minister may provide
for the retirement benefit, lay off benefit,
termination benefit.
 Entitlement of lay –off and termination Benefit.
 The employer shall be liable to pay the layoff
and termination benefit if:-
 the contract of service is terminated
 the employee is laid off within the meaning of Reg. 5
 provided that the employment is not less than 12
months of continuous service.

When are benefits not payable?

 Where the employee attains the age of retirement as
stipulated in the contract of service.
 Where the employee commits misconduct inconsistent
with the fulfilment of the expression or implied condition of
his service after due enquiry.
 Voluntary termination by the employee.
 If the employee's contract of service is renewed or is re-
engaged by the same employer under a new contract of
service on terms and conditions which are not less
favourable and where the renewal or re-engagement
takes effect immediately at the ending of his employment
under the previous contract.

Payment of benefits

 Any termination or lay-off benefits

payment should be paid by the
employer to the employee not later
than 7 days after the relevant date.
 Any employer who fails to comply
shall be guilty of an offence.


Amount of benefits
 An employee is entitled to termination or lay-off benefits
payment as follows:-
 Not less than -
 10 days for every year of service (less than 2 years)
 15 days for every year of service (2-5 years)
 20 days for every year of service (more than 5 years)


Probation periods
•When employee first offered a job:-

• Common practice to place him on probation

• Requirement will be stated in offer of
• Intended to allow both employer and
employee to give each other a trial period
• Employer want to monitor employee’s work
• To see capability
• Adaptability into organization culture


• In selecting job applicants, employers make mistakes

• During trial period, services can easily be terminated
• Employees also apply for jobs without knowing
• Whether can cope with work assigned
• Whether comfortable with social environment at work
• Employees also want to be able to easily leave a job for
which they are not suited
• Norm for notice period prior to termination
• Brief
• Sometimes 24 hours is all that is required



Probationers' rights
• Probationer is also an employee.
• Should not be dismissed during probationary
period except for misconduct or on grounds of
redundancy. A proper procedures should be
• Probationer should be given suitable training,
coaching and guidance.
• Performance should be monitored and appraised
by immediate superiors
• Written, documentary evidence should be kept to prove
that appraisal has been conducted
• If performance is not satisfactory
• Should be given one or more warnings
• Preferably in writing


•If warnings have been given to employee prior to

expiry of probationary period
 Performance have not improved and satisfactory
standards of performance have not been reached
 Services may be terminated at end of probationary period
 If no prior warnings given, employer may need to extend
probationary period
Issue letter to employee stating why appointment can’t be
confirmed at that time

•If at end of probationary period employee remains in

service and receives no letter of confirmation
• Considered still a probationer
• Remain a probationer until either confirmed or services


•If probationer’s contract makes it clear that

certain benefits and privileges only given to
employee once he is confirmed.
 But employee receives these benefits during
probationary period
 Employee deemed confirmed if dispute over issue
comes before the courts



Circumstances that Cause Frustration

• Events beyond the control of both employer and employee
• Prevents one party carrying out obligations to another
• Cause frustration of contract

•Situations that may make it impossible for employee to

carry out his work
• Employee may be detained by authorities for significant
period of time e.g. sent to jail, sent to drug rehabilitation
centre and etc.


Sathiaval Maruthamuthu vs. Shell Malaysia

Trading Sdn Bhd [1998] 1 CLJ Supp 65

• Handyman working for Shell Malaysia

• Arrested by police and detained at Pulau Jerejak under
Emergency (Public Order and Prevention of Crimes)
Ordinance, 1969
• Detained for two years
• 6 months into detention, received letter from employer
terminating services on grounds of frustration of contract
• Upon release from detention applied to High Court for
wrongful termination
• High Court decision
• Not availability for 2 years led to frustration of contract
• Release employer from obligations under contract
• Contract of employment came to an end

Circumstances that Cause Frustration

• In cases where employee requires a license in
order to be able to do his work and for some
reason the issuing authority withdraws this
• If driver has license suspended or withdrawn entirely
• Not able to continue as driver
• Employer not required by law to provide him with
other work
• Contract of employment will come to an end by virtue
of it being frustrated



Circumstances that Cause Frustration

• Medical problems can lead to frustration of
• When employee has bad accident and unable to
work as a result of injuries received in accident
• Contract considered frustrated and comes to an end
•If employee develops a serious illness which
prevents him from working and illness is unlikely to
be cured
• Employment contract considered frustrated and
comes to an end
• Frustration due to illness does not operate until all
rights of employee to sick leave, annual leave and
other leave entitlements due have been exhausted


Termination of a Fixed-Term Contract

• Many employers hire workers on temporary or fixed term contracts.

• When fixed term contract expires

• Employment contract automatically comes to an end unless employer
extends contract period

• Alternatively employer ,au offer a new contract either on the same or

different terms

• Up to employee to accept or not

• If employee not offered a new contract or fixed term contract

terminated before expiry
• Employee may file claim for reinstatement


•Industrial court will examine reason why

employer chose not to offer further employment
or why contract prematurely terminated

•In many cases, Courts decided temporary

contracts are not genuine
 Employer labeled contract as temporary but in
reality work was on-going
 Employer used temporary employment as control
mechanism to ensure workers behave in
acceptable ways
 Unfair labour practice – courts awarded
compensation to employees in these cases



•When employer prematurely terminates fixed term

 Must have a good reason or Court will find for
employee. Examples
If employee commits misconduct and proper
procedure has been followed prior to dismissal
If employer faced with redundancy situation

•If Courts should find employee on fixed term contract

dismissed without just cause or excuse
 Employer usually ordered to pay employee amount
equivalent to wages he would have earned up to end
of contract period


Termination of Contract for

• Disciplinary action can be taken for:-
Breach of organizational rules
Unsatisfactory performance

•“Improper behavior, intentional wrong doing or

deliberate violation of a rule or standard of
behavior – any behavior inconsistent with faithful
discharge of duties” – Industrial Relations Act,

• Misconduct – minor or major


Procedures for Contract Termination

• The right to hire and fire
• Right of employer to hire and fire becomes increasingly
• Industrial Courts are clear on summary dismissal
• Dismissed without inquiry
• An offence
• Investigation
• Domestic inquiry – an internal trial fitting internal procedure
•Penalties – punishment appropriate with seriousness of
• Internal appeal procedures
 employee has right to appeal against any punishment



Procedures for Contract Termination

(Poor Performance)
• Issue written warning to employee
• List of weakness/problems with employee’s performance
• Statement that if employee does not improve, he may be dismissed
• Time frame given to employee to improve

•Provide employee with appropriate training, retraining, coaching

or counseling
• Monitor closely

• Reappraise employee’s performance at end of time frame

• Decide whether to give further time to improve or dismiss


• Resignation is termination by an employee.
• Employee may resign by giving requisite
termination notice as in employment contract.
• An employee may if the contract provides pay
salary in lieu of notice - Employment Act, 1955
Section 13(1).


Forced resignation
• Resignation under compulsion is not a resignation at law
Considered a dismissal

•If a claimant is induced to resign by the offer of benefits

and threat of retrenchment
• Forced resignation

•Burden of proof that resignation is not voluntary on



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