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Bele Awassa town strategic plan /2015E.C -2025E.C.

Chapter Thirteen
12. Existing Land Use Analyses
12.1 Brief Review of 2012 Basic Plan
Before rushing to the analysis of land use plan it is important to review the whole basic plan. In
this regard the plan provided as graphics and explanatory document. The graphics contains land
use plan and road network plan prepared by using AutoCAD software. The explanatory
document consists two parts. The first one regional and urban study of the town and the second
one is plan proposal part of the town. The first one regional and urban study of the town contains
fourteen chapters: Introduction, Sphere of influencing and physical characteristics, Regional
geology, Regional urban system and physical infrastructure, rural ecology, Historical
development of Bele Awassa town, Physical characteristics of the town, Geology and hydrology
of the town, Environmental assessment of the town, Demographic feature of the town, Urban
infrastructure, Urban economy of the town, Existing spatial structure and urban land use, and
planning for future land use and road network. The second part contains three chapters:
Introduction, Implementation strategies of basic plan from social and economic perspectives, and
implementation strategy of basic plan. The document contains bulky of data and information
collected from sphere of influencing, rural and urban areas that envisage them to come up with
successful plan proposal. The report includes adequate data from socioeconomic, physical and
spatial dimensions. In the analysis part the planning team has gone thoroughly by comparison,
projection and discussion. In each socioeconomic analysis the team has identified the issues
either as a problem or recommendation. This is the strong side since it is the input for land use
planning. Regarding to the land use plan the planning team discussed about the constraint area in
relation to slope, rivers, gorges and quarry site. On the other hand the team discussed adequately
the existing situation of land use of the town. In proposal part the planning team listed planning
issues wisely and planning principles they have been tending to follow clearly. There are visions
and objectives stated. The team selected strategic intervening areas on existing land use for better
future land use plan.
In spite of the fact that a lot of data and facts are collected and analyzed, there are also
limitations. Some of them are: the document is not submitted by hard copy with it approval page;
even if soft copy is not well organized; do not have table of content; the experts participated in

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the planning process are listed by their name without educational background. On the part of
existing land use analysis the very limitation in the document is lack of illustrative map for each
discussion. For instance: constraint map, existing land use map, existing road network map,
slope analysis map, expansion direction(potential) map, selected intervention area map are some
of the expected maps should been incorporated in the text document as per the discussion.
12.1.1Assessment of 2012 Basic Plan Proportion of Different Land Uses Vs Standard

According to the revised standards for structure plan preparation and implementation, the
standard for land use classification incorporates 7 major land uses. This is illustrated in the
following table.
Table:-12.1 Proposed percentage of Respective Land Use
No Structure plan component Proposed Percentage
Small & Medium Towns Large Towns Cities Metropolitan
1 Housing 55-60 50-60 40-50 40-45
2 Business and commerce/ centers 3-10 3-10 7-20 7-20
and market places
3 Services (public facilities, 5-10 5-10 10-20 10-20
cultural, archeological sites and
special functions)
4 Green, recreation sports and 15-20 15-20 15-20 15-20
environmental sensitive areas
5 Administration 2-5 2-7 3-7 3-10
6 Manufacturing and storage 5-10 10-15 10-15 10-20
7 Infrastructure, utilities and 15-25 15-25 15-25 15-25
Source: (Construction (standard), 2012)
Based on (RUPI, 2012) basic plan land use classification there are ten major land uses type and
detail classification under each category is revealed. But in this study ten land use classification
is reclassified in to seven major land use to conform (Construction (Manual), 2012) structure
plan manual to obey it and analyze accordingly. To facilitate the analysis land use map is in
Auto-Cad format illustrated in the following map.

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Fig:-12.1 Bele Awassa town previous Basic Plan (2012 – 2022GC)

Source: Team Mapping (2016)

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Land use classification plan of the town is analyzed and its proportion is compared with that of
the standard. Since, as discussed above because of the population of the town reaches city level
at the end of the planning period it needs to compare the proposed land use proportion with that
of proportion of standard. The following table summarizes the proposed land use plan,
proportion of the standard and mismatches.
Even though, the proportion can vary depending on the socio-economic situation of the urban
center, the planning team should state the specifying condition that tending to violate the
standard. Otherwise, it is violation.
Table:-12.2 Land Use Plan Vs Proportion of the Standard
Proposed in Proportion of
R.No Major Land Use Planned Area (ha) the plan % the Standard
1 Administration 32.84 2.20 3-7 %
2 Business and commerce 116.17 7.80 7-20 %
3 Green, recreation 307.38 20.63 15-20 %
4 Housing 536.39 36.00 40-50%
5 Manufacturing and storage 1885.97 5.77 10-15 %
6 Social service 213.10 14.30 10-20 %
7 Transportation 198.15 13.30 15-25 %
Total 1490 100
Source: Team Mapping Result (2016) Location of Proposed Land Use Vs Slope

Location of proposed function is to mean that site of various land use categories appropriateness
evaluation by using criteria of factors to be considered in the selection of the site. Here in this
discussion seven major land use locations are evaluated based on criteria set by urban land use
planning manual (Construction(Manual), 2012). In each category of land use allocation slope is
determinant factor for all and hence it is classified according to the manual ranging from 0-1 %,
1-5 %,5-10%, 10- 15 %, 15-20 % and >20 % which is illustrated in the following figure. Slope
<1 % is subjected to flooding and water stagnation, whereas >20 % is excessive slope for urban
development activities. This means specific land uses appropriate slope is further refined within
the common range of > 1% and 20 %.

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Bele Awassa town strategic plan /2015E.C -2025E.C./ Centrality and Distribution of Proposed Function

i. Sites for Residential Housing
One good way of planning observed distribution of housing on every corner of the town. But
the plan consist less proportion of area 536.39 ha (36 %) for housing which is below the
standard and even from this 11.7 ha of land is proposed on inappropriate slope of land. No
justification is revealed in the document for this limitation of housing ratio. Regarding to the
density based on the standard the following table illustrates inhabitants per hectare by urban
Table:-12.3 Density of Population per Hectare by Urban Level
Towns Small Towns Medium Towns Large Towns Cities Metropolitans
Average density 100 in/ha 200 in/ha 300 in/ha 400 in/ha 500 in/ha
Source: (Construction (standard), 2012, p. 10)
From this table Bele Awassa town should conform 100 in/ha, but the plan shows 34 in/ha. The
limitation for this comes from two sides. One is the accommodation of unnecessary
exaggerated plan area, and the other is lowering of residential land use proportion.
ii. Sites for Commerce and Trade Activities
Based criteria in the manual the proposed commerce and trade activity are evaluated and the
following are picked as they are inappropriate. There is one primary market which is adequate
that covers all the town based on the standard (7-10 km catchment area) and area allocated for
it is 2.8 ha below in the range of standard. But one local markets (gulits) are not adequate.
Their catchment area coverage by 1 km that falls within the town boundary is only 291 ha and
the remaining 1199 ha (72.7 %) of the town is not served by local market (guilt). The allocated
area of local markets (gulits) 3.4 ha and while the standard is 0.25 ha.

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iii. Site for Service

A. Education
There are 26 educational institutions in the following figure, out of which 3 are primary
schools including governmental and non-governmental schools and are evenly distributed
throughout the town without problem of coverage by 2 km catchment area analysis. But land
allocation for each is beyond standard except two. The minimum allocation is 1.3 ha and the
maximum is 9 ha. From these 1 is below the standard, 1 obeys the standard but the others are
beyond the standard while the standard is 1.5 – 2.5 ha. There are 1 secondary governmental
school. There is no distribution problem when checked but by 5 km catchment area analysis
but regarding to land allocation there is one secondary school with in the standard and 4.8 ha
while the standard is 3-6 ha. The following maps are illustrations.

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B. Health
Regarding to health institutions there are 1 in the town which are rendering health service which
is hospital. Unlike education health service is compared with served population according to the
standard. In the following figure based on the standard maximum number of population served
by 1 health center are 25,000. This means 34000 population needs at least 2 health centers. In
this regard 2 health center is lacking. There is No Health center in the town. Concerning hospital
there is 1 in the town which is governmental. Since maximum number of served population by 1
hospital is 100,000, two hospitals are adequate for the town. But land allocation is beyond the
standard 5,000-10,000 m2. The following is illustrative figure.
Fig:-12.6 Hospital Site Analysis of the town

Source: Team Mapping (2016)

C. Abattoir
According to the manual abattoir should be located at the periphery of the town and should not
be closed to residential houses. Again its location should be against prevailing wind direction; 2
km away from any ranch boundary, 2km away from source of water. In this regard it is not
located at the periphery; it is adjacent to residential site, it is adjacent to river. The prevailing
wind direction of the town according to (RUPI, 2007), is from SE to NW during October-
December, N to S during January-May and SW to NE during June-September. For these reason
the proposed location of abattoir is not on appropriate site. Beyond these its area is 1.9 ha which
obeys the standard.

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D. Cemetery
Based on the standard cemetery should be proposed being accessible to collector road; outside of
central part; not on future expansion direction; not on swampy, rocky and flood prone area;
should be uniformly distributed; should not be proposed slope > 10 %. In the town there are four
sites proposed as shown in the following figure. But when compared to the criteria, let alone the
other criteria two are at the central part sites and also not uniformly distributed.

E. Waste Disposal Site

Concerning to waste disposal site the planning team supposed it to be on the outskirt of the town
in their document, but they did not shown on the spatial plan. There are at least two
impossibilities regarding to this. Service that need spatial location can’t be planned out of the
planning boundary. The other is spatial plan can’t be planned on arbitrary imaginary location.
Because of this no one can say about the location of waste disposal site of the town. So this could
be taken as a great limitation of planning of the town.
A. Green, Recreation, Sports and Informal Green
Based on the manual in this major classification of urban land use there are four categories
revealed. These are: Recreation (play lot, playground, small green); Agriculture (horticulture,
grazing, farming activities); Forest and informal green (mountainous, gullies, river banks);
special functions (constraint, flood porn, rocky, mudslide, military camp, high tension).
On recreational part according to the standard play lots should be proposed at 120m radius; play
ground at 400m radius but the planning team planned nothing in this regard. Foot ball field
should be proposed at kebele level by 1 km radius but in the plan there are one foot ball field for
four kebeles. The standard for football field is 8064 m 2, but football field is beyond the standard
in the same wise standard for stadium 1 is adequate but its area is 13120 m 2 for regional level but
the proposed is still exaggerated (205742 m2) but it is not implemented.
Regarding to agriculture as shown on the map above, at Northern part there are agricultural lands
proposed which is not appropriate place because of exposure to erosion. Concerning to forest
which is proposed at Northern part of the town has a good location but at the Southern part at the
site of expansion potential and shown as a ring is not realistic to practical. On the part of special
function; constraint area, flood porn area, rocky land should be included but there are limitation
in the plan regarding to this. For instance all constraints of the town and all flood porn sites did
not included and quarry site that is located in the town did not included in this category rather
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categorized as manufacturing. In addition to this reserved area for unforeseen activities 1.8 % of
the total plan area should be included in this category but in the plan there is only 10% reserved,
which is inadequate.
B. Administration
Notwithstanding, the other administrative centers are existing in the town, the planning team
should have been given emphasis to kebele level administrative centers. In this regard based on
the standard each kebele should have one administrative center each by having 0.1-0.5 ha. From
this point of view 4 kebele of the town need the same number of plot of land for their
administrative building, but in the plan there are no places proposed and which is inadequate. Manufacturing and Storage

According to the standard manufacturing and storage should be planned for the town in the range
10-15 %, but in the plan there is only 5.77 % share for this land use shown in section above. This
shows inadequacy in general.

A. Industry
As indicated on in the following figure industry is proposed at South East Part of the town. The
main problem with its location is wind direction. The prevailing wind direction of the town
according to (RUPI, 2007) is from SE to NW during October-December, N to S during January-
May and SW to NE during June-September. So, in this regard the proposed industry can pollute
the town in one of three blowing wind direction. On the other hand slope is additional
determinant factor to select industry site. Infrastructure, Utilities and Transpiration

A. Road Network
According to the standard the share of land use to this function should be 15-25 % or in average
it should cover 20 % of the planned land of the town. But as shown in land use classification
section above the land covered by road network is only 13.3 % or 425.8 ha. This is one limitation
of road network plan in this land use. The other case is road classification: Road is classified in
to seven by the planning team and here under the following.

Table 12.4 Road Network Hierarchy Proposed by RUPI

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No Labeled Road Width (m2)

1 A Two way triple lane principal 40
2 B Two way triple lane Arterial 30
3 C Two way double lane Arterial 26
4 D One way double lane Collector 20
5 E One way double lane Collector 16
6 F One way double lane Collector 12
7 G One way local road 10
Source: (RUPI) Pan Document of the town
These seven urban road classifications are not available in the urban land use planning standard.
Instead the following classification is adopted based on the standard.
Table 12.5 Road Hierarchy
No Street Right-off-way width (m)
Core areas Intermediate zone Expansion area
1 Principal arterial-PAS 25,30 25,30 30,40,50,60,100,120
2 Sub arterial-SAS 20,25 20,25,30 20,25
3 Collector Street-CS 11-20 11-20 11-20
4 Local Street 4-10 8-10 10-12
Source: (Construction (standard), 2012)
So, this mismatching tables indicates disobey of the plan standard. The other discomfort of the
plan is unclear and inadequate labeling of the road network plan; hence, the label didn’t show on
the map except label “A” and label “B”. The proposed road is inadequate compared to the

B. Road Junction
As far as road junction is concerned this is not soundly planned. According to the plan there are
principal and arterial roads adopted. But except one /made to be roundabout/ leaving the others
either T-Junction or Cross Junction. It is not clear why roundabout is ignored at all principals and
arterial road cross junction. The other issue is halfhearted planning of junctions. Some of the
junctions are not clearly planned whether it is round about or cross junction.
C. Transport Facilities (Terminals)

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i. Bus Terminal: Bus terminal is proposed at the center of the town and has no accessibility
problem with respect to the standard. It also in the same way checked by slope analysis to
compare with the restriction of below 5% standard again no problem. Area allocated is 2. 5 ha
almost obey the standard 1.86-2.67 ha for level 4 bus terminal.
ii. Freight Terminal: Based on the standard freight terminal should be proposed near the area
where industrial activities, ware house and ports are located. In view of this there is no proposed
freight terminal near industrial site.
iii. Parking Lot: Land use feature is the very determinant factor for the location of parking lots.
However some land uses which highly require parking lots are not addressed by providing
parking lots.
D. Utilities
Utility facilities are to be accommodated on right-of-ways (underground, surface, and overhead)
and should satisfy the required institutional standard and should not adversely affect road safety,
construction, maintenance, or operation. “The horizontal and vertical location of utility lines
within the right-of-way limits should conform to the standard of road section”, (Construction
(standard), 2012, p. 50). The following tables show the horizontal and vertical utility line
arrangements standard, applicable at any road types.
Table;-12.6 Minimum Horizontal Distance between Utility Lines
Utilities Water Sewer Power line Telephone Gas line line

Water _ 1.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 1

power line 1.5 _ 1 1 1 1
Telephone 0.7 1 _ 0.5 0.5 1
Gas line 0.7 1 0.5 0.5 _ 1
Fuel line 1 1 1 1 1 _
Source: (Construction(standard), 2012, p. 51)

Table;-12.7 Minimum Vertical Coverage above Utility Line

Utility Vertical covering

Water 1.5

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power line 1.5

Telephone 0.5 (above conduits)
Gas line 1
Fuel line 1
Source: (Construction(standard), 2012, p. 51)
Fig:-12.15 Utility Line Arrangement

Source: (Construction (standard), 2012, p. 51)

The following road section of the plan is compared with that of the standard illustrated above.

Fig:-12.16 Proposed Road Section

Source: RUIP Road Network Plan of the Town

This figure is a two way triple lane principal arterial road typical section for 40m width. All road
sections are illustrated in such a way. This section tells the width of walk way, drainage and
median. Except these it tells nothing about the utility line horizontal and vertical arrangement. Land Use Compatibility
This is the issue of proposing taking in to account commutability of adjacent land uses or
compatibility of different land uses which would be proposed close to each other. The following

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table taken from the (Construction (standard), 2012, p. 9), standard that shows compatibility
Table;-12.8 Land Use Compatibility matrixes (standard)

Resid Comm Large Scale Small Scale Social Cultural Administ

Land Use ence erce Industry Industry Service Center ration

    
Mixed X

    
Center X
  
and Storage X X X X
 
Green Frame X X X X X
 
Service ? X X X X
 
Transport Center X X X X ?
NB: “Thick” denotes compatible, “X” denotes incompatible;”?” denotes partially compatible but to
be decided depending on the specific situation.
Source: (Construction (standard), 2012, p. 9)

The illustrates incompatible land uses: some are residence incompatible with manufacturing,
storage and transport; some are large scale industry incompatible with social service; some are
small scale industry incompatible with service; some are social service incompatible with
transport and manufacturing and storage; some are administration incompatible with service and
manufacturing and storage. Quality of Produced Maps

The produced proposal maps of (RUPI, 2012) for the town are two. They proposed land use and
proposed road network plans. Both are in softcopy of Auto-Cad software with only land use plan
having hardcopy with the scale of 1:5,000. Both maps have no good quality looks halfhearted
drawing. Road network lots are having layout with inconsistency and lacking hierarchy; majority
of them are unlabeled and hence their width are unknown. Land use plan legend should be
accompanied with prohibited land uses but not revealed. Building height regulation should be

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incorporated in the land use maps but not identified. Both maps are having no coordinate system
and false grid with lacking control points on the ground to facilitate implementation. .1 Existing Land Use Composition
To analyze the existing land use of the town data were collected from the ground by using
different surveying instruments such as total station, differential GPS, remote sensing (aerial
photograph, satellite image), visiting each blocks and developments on the ground. Eventually
the following existing land use map is produced. In this regard land use classification and its
present share are tabulated following the map. The table shows existing land use classification in
comparison with that of standard.
Fig:-12.18 Existing Land Use Composition

Table;-12.9 Proportion of Existing Land Use in Comparison of Standard

R.N Major Land Use Planned Area (ha) Proposed in Proportion of
o the plan % the Standard
1 Administration 32.84 2.20 3-7 %

2 Business and commerce 116.17 7.80 7-20 %

3 Green, recreation 307.38 20.63 15-20 %

4 Housing 536.39 36.00 40-50%

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5 Manufacturing and 1885.97 5.77 10-15 %

6 Social service 213.10 14.30 10-20 %

7 Transportation 198.15 13.30 15-25 %

Total 1490 100

The existing land use of the town and its percent share is compared with the standard taken from
the Strategic Plan Standard 2012. However in order to adopt the current urban planning strategy;
30, 30, 40, i.e. 30% for road network, 30% for green, 40% for construction the following
arithmetic is applied to identify the gap of existing land use. Since in the new approach of urban
development 60% need to be devoted to road network and green the remaining 40% is for
construction. So we need to identify the share of administration, commerce, Residence, Industry
and service from 40%.
1. Residential Land Use Analysis

According to the table above land occupied by residential purpose is 536.39ha. This is 36% of the
total previous plan area. But according to new urban planning strategy the share of residential
land ranges between 23-29% out of 40% building. This indicates the gap need to be increased its
% in the next land use planning.
2. Commerce and Trade Activities.

The commerce and trade activities are 7.8% ( 116.17ha). Based on the standard 161 ha of the
town is required to be commercialized additionally. The distribution of the commerce area is
indicated on the map as indicate here under. According to catchment of the market places as
indicated in the map taking the maximum standard; 10 km catchment areas for general market it
tending to influence the area beyond the town. Even though, the catchment is beyond the town its
area on the ground is not adequate i.e. 2.8 ha while the standard ranges between 7-11ha. But for
that of gulit they are 1 in the town and their influence area is only 628 ha. This means about 862
ha of the town needs additional gulit.
3. Administration

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Administrative center of the town is concentrated on same area. But one issue should be
considered in the next land use plan kebele rearrangement and their administration center. The
share of administration is 32.84ha. This share of land is adequate if its distribution is adjusted
regarding kebele administration.
4. Analysis of the Social Service
A. Education

According to structure plan preparation manual Educational analysis is bases on the catchment
area of individual educational center. Before going to this first when we take the number of
educational centers there are 2, 1, 1 Primary, Secondary and TVET respectively. In this regard
KG is not enumerated and it is not necessarily incorporated spatially in SP preparation and it is
part of local development plan.
According to SP manual the catchment of Secondary school is 3-5 km radius. Based on this the
analysis is carried out taking 4km average radius. The following map shows the existing and 1
anticipated secondary school catchment analysis. The analysis shows there is no need of
additional secondary school backlog.

B. Religious Distribution
In so far urban planning experience there is no evidence that shows the presence of
proclamations, Norms or Directives in order to regulate the distribution and land provision for
different religious institutions in Ethiopian context. However, In July 2008 E.C. there is one
directive declared by SNNPR Urban Development Bureau numbered as 17/ 2008. So, based on
this directive any different religious in the town must have not less than 600m distance between
them. If the religious are the same the distance between them is 1.5 km for this town. From the
directive each different religious organization need to have 300m radius catchment and the other
also need to have 300m radius in minimum.
C. Green Recreation Sports and Environmental Sensitive Areas
This major land use activity includes all sport field, playground, river banks, urban agriculture,
and expansion area green field. So, based on this the following map shows these land use
activities. The existing land use covers these are 307.38 hectares. The share of this from out of
the total existing area is 22%. This shows the availability of infill area.

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Regarding to recreation especially Stadium there is one stadium which can represent kebele level. But the
town is competing now the national level investments the town is in need of the national level stadium in
the next plan. Beyond this there is no kebele level football field. Kebele level football fields should cover
1km radius of the catchment. In this regard there are at least six football fields are requiring as a backlog.
D. Road Network Analysis 15-25 %
The existing road network in the town covers 198.15ha which is 13.3%. When this figure is
compared to the new standard of 30% coverage out of the total land use it is below the standard.
The following map shows the road coverage and its network. The network lacks hierarchy.
12.2 Sustainable Urban Planning Principles
Five sustainable urban planning principles:
1. Adequate space for streets and an efficient street network

UN-Habitat considers the street as the most important public space where people interact on a
daily basis. The street is a structural element that shapes urban form and determines the pattern
of development of blocks, streets, buildings, open spaces and landscape. Sufficient space
allocated to streets contributes to improved connectivity, which fosters economic development.
As an indicator, in developing countries land allocated to streets is low, varying between 6-12%,
compared to cities in developed countries where it averages 29%. Additional 15-20% land
should be allocated for other open/green public spaces. Specifically, street connectivity refers to
the density of connections and nodes in a street network and the directness of the links between
settlements and correlates positively with increased efficiency (and multi-modality) of flows and
access to jobs and services. As connectivity increases, travel distances decrease and route
options and travel modes increase, allowing more direct travel between destinations, creating a
more accessible and resilient system. This principle proposes a grid and a hierarchy of streets
with arterial and secondary roads that are well connected through intersections
2. Mixed land use and limited land-use specialization

Mixed-use development is aimed at developing a range of compatible land uses and functions
and provides a cross section of residential, commercial and community infrastructure in a
building, block or neighborhood while reducing the demand for commuter travel by reducing the
distances between the vertices of the so-called ‘home-work-services’ triangle, and facilitating
agglomeration economies. Translated in guidelines, it proposes that at least 40% of total floor

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space should be allocated for economic use both on the city and neighborhood level plans and
designs. It also recommends minimizing single function blocks to not more than 10% of total
land use.
3. Social mix: This principle aims at promoting cohesion and interaction between different social
classes in the same community and to ensure accessibility to equitable urban opportunities by
providing different types of housing. Social mix provides the basis for healthy social networks,
which are the driving force of city life. The objectives of the social mix areas are to promote
more social interaction, avoid exclusion, to attract a diverse array of services, and to foster multi-
level employment within the community. The principle suggests that 20-50% residential space
should be reserved for affordable housing.
4. Adequate and well-designed density: By creating high-density areas, cities can
accommodate population growth and ensure land is used in accordance with demand.
Furthermore, a planned densification strategy significantly minimizes the cost of providing key
urban services such as urban infrastructure. For example, the cost for providing water supply and
disposal facilities, sewerage network in high-density area is lower than in a sprawling area
because of proximity and integration. UN-Habitat’s density principle proposes at least 15,000
people /km².
5. Connectivity: Strengthens the physical, social and virtual relationship between people, places
and goods. At regional level, connectivity links centers of production and consumption with the
view of strengthening systems of cities and urban-rural linkages. At city level, connectivity is
closely related to mobility and the permeability of an area. . The design of the street section is
crucial to be able to foster walking and the use of multiple modes of transport. An adequate street
network as mentioned earlier is essential but it needs proper street design and public transport.
Furthermore there should be a clear connection between the building and the street. This avoids
dark and unsafe streets, makes streets attractive and encourages economic usage of the plinth of
buildings. The principle promotes a focus on public transport. It also promotes walking distances
to public transport centers and local services. This reduces the reliance on cars, increases street
activity, and allows vulnerable groups to make a livelihood by making jobs more accessible.
Opportunities of the town
1. The Federal government development and growth and transformation plan /GTP/ has due
attention on urban development programs

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2. The city’s economic development can be vibrant by using only domestic resources

3. Sustainable revenue collection system of the city

Presence of potential growth direction of the city in all direction except Northern part/ bounded
by Damota mountain/. For instance; North-western, western, south-western, southern, north-
eastern, eastern, south-eastern area areas preferable expansion area for the coming planning
period. The other is the seven gates of the town. It has potential role to make the economic
development more vibrant.
Higher and undulated topographic nature of the northern part of the town for instance slope more
than 20 percent. Additionally; presence of flood prone areas in more areas.

Table;-12.11 The potential growth direction of the town is in all direction except partly the southern part

SN. Direction Potential growth areas

Between Gununo, Wolaita Sodo and Hawassa
1 Eastern new Asphalt road direction
2 South _Eastern Gale Hamus road direction

3 Southern Hanaze gamo Exit direction

4 South –western Kindo didaye, Dawro, Jimma exit direction

5 Western part The town center to Omo Lake direction including

Fajena Mata Kebele
6 Northern part Boloso Bombe and Oyddu Chama Exit including
Dada Kare Kebele.
which includes the newly constructed irrigation project of the Molticho Kebele.

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12.2.1 Land requirement of Bele Awassa Town

Knowing Land requirement of Bele Awassa Town for the next planning period is the basic pillar
for the strategic plan preparation processes. Land requirement for the next planning period is
considering basic issues. Some of these issues include
1. Population at the end of planning period /2025EC./

2. Current and existing housing demand and back log

3. Housing demand at the end of planning period/2025EC./

4. Time frame/ duration of the plan ; the year for which the plan is prepared

5. Land requirement that can be faced within planning period/2015 -2025EC/

The land required at the end of planning period is estimated as follows

o Current population of the city/2015E.C./= 38,054

o Population at the end of planning period /2024E.C/=61,493
o Average House Hold Size /AHHS/ of the town =5
o Total population increase at the end of planning period/2025E.C/ =61,493-38,054
= 23,439

o Household increment at the end of planning period/2025EC/

= 4688 HHS

o Number of households in the waiting list as current housing demand back log = 3369
o Total housing demand at the end of planning period/2025E.C./ =4688+3339+1641
= 9668HU

o Land provision status of Bele Awassa Town. It is to formulate average land to be provided for
residents to fulfill current housing demands. The plot size provided by Bele Awassa Town is
indicated as follows.
Table;-12.12 Land provision status of Bele Awassa Town

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SN. Description Area in remark

1 Cooperative/low cost housing/ 180

2 Plots of land to be leased for 200

residential use


3 Land for existing land owners mostly 500

in expansion areas
Average plot size 286 = 300 to make whole

o Number of housing units needed at the end of planning period

= 9668HU

o Average plot size provide in the project city = 300 sq.m

o Land required for residential use
= 9668X300 sqm
= 2,900,400 sqm
= 2900400/10000
= 290.04ha

o 35% contingency for those who are displaced during opening of new roads,
widening of existing roads, and implementation of proposed deferent urban
land use functions became
= 290.04ha X35/100
= 101.51ha

o Total land required for residential use will be

= 290.04ha+101.51
= 391.55ha

o According to the urban plan preparation manual at least 40 percent of the built
up area must be occupied by residential use.
Therefore 40 percent of the total built up area will be residential land use.
Residential land use
= (buildup area) X40%
Built up area = Residential use/40%
= 391.55ha /40%
= 978.885ha

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o According to the new urban development strategy 40:30:30

40% of the total urban area will be built up area
Total area of expansion will be calculated as follows
40% of the total expansion area = 978.885ha

Total expansion area = 978.885ha /40%

= 2447.21ha

o The existing urban area also has its own area. as calculated on existing land use
analysis its total area is = 1490.40ha

o Total new urban planning boundary must have the area of

= 2447.21ha +1490.40ha+332ha (Eco project)
= 4269.61ha

o But the town has some other opportunities which must be treated in this
planning boundary. They are the federal agro processing projects. Due to this
the area of the planning boundary is raised to the area of 5670ha. Therefore the
total area of the Bele Awassa Town strategic plan covers the area of 5670ha.

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12.3 Spatial Development Framework (SDF)

12.3.1 Concept Map

As mentioned earlier, the town has developed linearly in the direction along the road from east to
west. There is one important business center in the older section of the town. Other constraints
include the steep slope in the eastern part of the town.
Since linear settlement makes service provision and infrastructure construction very expensive,
the concept plan attempts to promote compact development by utilizing the sloppy topography
and the agricultural sites of the surrounding area of the town. The advantage of compact
settlement over the linear type could be seen as follows:

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 An economical distribution of infrastructure with an efficient grid system;

 Developing the existing center with related activities for balanced center radiant growth of
the town;
 Creating a scheme to allocate pollution oriented industries on the very sloppy and forest
sites of the town;
 Relocation of some of the services to a more suitable (compatible) site; and
 Proposing services which are not yet in existent and thereby balance their distribution in a
compact-oriented land use structure.
Taking in to account the physical feature, socio-economic aspects, population projection,
potential resources of the town as well as existing land use patterns, the spatial development
framework of the town is prepared with the objective of:
 Properly organizing the town by consolidating and reducing its scattered settlement
pattern and by so doing it helps avoid lop-sided development of the town;
 Promoting equitable growth and balanced service provision;
 Promoting investments and thereby strengthen the urban character of the town;
 Addressing socio-economic problems of the town; and
 Creating legal framework that enables proper implementation of the spatial development
What is an Eco City?
An eco-city or ecocity is "a human settlement modeled on the self-sustaining resilient structure
and function of natural ecosystems".
Ecological cities enhance the well being of citizens and society through integrated urban
planning and management that fully harnesses the benefits of ecological systems, and protects
and nurtures these assets for future generations. An eco city definition, picture cities with parks
and green spaces, solar-powered buildings, rooftop gardens and more pedestrians and cyclists
than cars.
The role of Eco city
It seeks to provide a healthy and livable human environment without consuming more renewable
resources than it replaces.

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The characteristics of Eco city

 City-Wide Access to Public Transportation.
 Pedestrian- and Bike-Friendly Sidewalks.
 Electric Car Charging Stations.
 Renewable Energy.
 Sustainable Architecture. ...building facades and Green roofs.
 Urban Agriculture and Food Production.
The major driving forces that push the town to plan for Eco city concept are:
 The existing achievements of the environmental protection works of the town.
 Carbon project surrounding the town.
 The existing developed parks.
 The areas hot weather condition that push to work on the environment (the city in the
 Irrigation development that enhances Urban Agriculture
 The Added Values (Eco tourism project, Omo lake, Fisheries, investments on the
By 2025E.C, Bele Awassa Town will be livable, sustainable, prosperous and the most
welcoming touristic town in the region.

Adequate, Safe and Affordable housing.

Livable Bele Awassa Resilient and integrated infrastructure and management.
Efficient, safe, affordable and sustainable services.
Compact, smart and environmentally friendly town.
Sustainable Bele Awassa Protect, conserve and develop Bele Awassa’s Natural
resources, ecosystem and biodiversity.
Synergetic Rural Urban and Urban Urban Linkages.
Enhance Tourism Industry.
Prosperious Bele Awassa Transparent, accountable, inclusive and participatory
Financial Resource mobilization and management.

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Improved living standards and quality of life of residents.


Chapter Fourteen

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13. Land Use Proposals

The spatial planning of a town fixes the uses of urban spaces which is function arrangement and
allocation of land. In view of having proper land budget, economical and sustainable use of land,
use of available resource being based on the served population with norms, standards and set
regulations. Accordingly, the land use of Bele Awassa Town is prepared based on the population
size of the town after 10 years which is forecasted to be about 61,493. This figure is indicative
for the commercial and social services developments, requirements of employment and
economic activities, etc. Details of these proposals will be presented in the following topics.
13.1 Development of the Land Uses
Towns like Bele Awassa are the service centers of the surrounding rural hinterland. This typical
character of the town is the strong development force in terms of served population size, services
and economic activities. The development of the new land use proposal, as it stated above, is
based on the demands of the user population. The user population does not only include the
residents of the town but also encompasses the population living on the surrounding of the town
and other areas with better access to Bele Awassa Town. In this case, the services like market,
health and education create strong linkage with the towns and rural areas in the vicinity.
Land use planning is one of the means of shaping the visions and or ideas of the community.
Resident communities have their own vision on the developments of the town. This idea is
developed though discussions preliminary presentation, concept development, and the final
presentations of the team on the plan preparation. These public participation results are given
shape as framing idea or vision of the plan. The other types of ideas are incorporated in the land
use plan as technical inputs of the plan.
The land use planning has basic attempts of bringing sustainable development in the future growths of the
town. The expansion and inner redevelopments of the town need to be the types which should not have
adverse effect on each other and the rest urban elements. The sustainability includes human settlements
on the surrounding rural areas and regions, especially the waste management and preservation of the
green frames within the urbanization boundary.
Fig:-13.1 Bele Awassa Town Strategic Plan

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13.2 Integration of New Areas and the Periphery with Existing Areas
Land use planning is one of the basic strategies for integration of developments on the periphery
and central parts of the town. This is by decentralizing the services according to the applied
norms, standards and regulations. The services are distributed according to the required
hierarchical levels to reach the resident communities. The smallest hierarchies elements are
distributed at every locality where higher order ones are located at certain centers.
On the other hand, the accessibility of each periphery area is integrated to the rest part by using
hierarchical networking of the roads. The local roads are the decisive ones to provide each plot
being supplemented by the collector and arterial street networks. The arterial and some collector
roads are the means of integrating different parts and the town with the rural and other urban
The other integration is that of the town and the surrounding as the service development within
the town can serve these areas. The higher order services and markets are for the users of the
town and surrounding areas. The rural resources are also the important elements of integration.

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Thus, the elements of integration are properly considered in the land planning of Bele Awassa

13.3 Public Spaces/ Recreational areas/ Development

The analysis of the town’s existing situation depicts that public meeting and playground places
or spaces are lacking within the built up areas. The absence of such spaces has negative effects
on the livability and values of the urban areas. Thus, there is higher demand for new proposal of
public open spaces using standards for the neighborhoods’ playgrounds and open areas. In this
case, the spaces identified as public ones do not include those found under single institutions.
The communal spaces like sport fields and stadiums, communal green and meeting areas, parks
and public squares, etc. are among the public spaces and can serve the society in various
communal activities.
The public spaces in the proposed strategic plan of Bele Awassa Town are positioned at different
localities of the town. Distances to get the service, public concentrations, accessibility and land
suitability are the major ones to distribute the public spaces. Accordingly, the existing sport field
is kept at its original area by increasing its accessibility from different directions. There is no
open space in the central part of the town is kept as public open area for multi-purpose uses. The
other green strips on the eastern part of the town (in front of the gelesho Mountain) are also kept
as existing public spaces.
In the expansion areas by considering the above stated factors, four new public playgrounds and
open spaces are proposed in Dada kare road, Fajena mata, farawocha and around the gale exit
areas. Four recreational parks are also proposed at the two area found on farawocha mountains
and the other two are at the environmentally fragile areas (back of medihnealem church and back
of the primary school). These are the public areas shown at strategic plan level; and smaller scale
open spaces and meeting places will be developed in the detailed local areas sub-divisions and

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13.4 Land Use Categories and Their Developments

Land use classification is one of the key elements of land use planning. It is the means of
developing healthy and sustainable land uses. It also makes sure the proportion of the land uses
to be included in the future growth of the town. Urban centers need system of land use
management that can help to preserve spaces for balanced growths. Thus, the land use categories
of Bele Awassa Town are developed in view of these points and to make the plan user friendly.
The public/ social/ services land is the most vulnerable one where it is not properly located and
protected. Such development elements are required for the society with their necessary hierarchy
and spatial distribution. In the proposals for Bele Awassa Town, the balance of growths and
development organization like services hierarchy and centrality of the town are properly
considered in the land use of the town. The sensitive natural areas like high slope land and river
buffer areas need proper preservation and up-keeping works. Thus, such spaces demand removal
of incompatible activities and developments from the catchments of these natural areas.

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i. Residence
Residential land use is the most important area of city and consumes the highest proportion of
land in urban development. In principle, all the other urban services in one way or another are
meant for the resident population. The distribution the services is based on the proximity and
accessibility from the residential areas. The residential land use is developed by considering the
suitability of land (slopes less than 20 %), efficiency of the town and existing setting of the town.
One of the most difficult factors is availability of suitable land with slopes less than 20%. As the
town is located on a plateau between two rivers, the general development and distribution of
residential areas are in a compact form.
The challenging factor of residential development is to consider eastern area as part of Bele
Awassa Town near Gelesho Mountain that is more than 20% slop from all of Bele Awassa
Town. The services for all areas have to be developed separately except for higher order
services. The total population of the town after 10 years is about 61,493 that imply the required
total housing units with a given household size. As it is shown in the housing studies of this
strategic plan, the newly required housing unit’s quantity is based on the existing housing stock,
the backlog, replacing the housing stocks to be converted through redevelopment of inner areas.
Accordingly, with an average of 300m 2 per household an area of more than 1426.28ha is
required for new housing developments. These developments are considered in two areas of land
category: pure residential area and residential share of mixed use development areas with areas.

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i. Commerce
Commerce is one of the centrality services of the urban centers. It also comprises activities those
can form central and nodal functions that attract public concentrations and transport
convergences within urban centers. Such character of commercial developments demands
locations of good accessibility and central for the user community. In addition, the proximity to
the user society is one of the basic requirements of commercial services. In the proposals of the
service hierarchical development is proposed with the main centre to be at the current central
part of Bele Awassa Town. The other sub-centers are located within the expansion areas in dada
kare, zero_zero, TVET, fajena mata, medihanealem road areas. The other smaller scale
commercial services are proposed as mixed use developments along sides of the major roads in
all the localities. The pure commercial service proportion in the built-up area is 6.68% where the
physical size is about 378.76ha.
The general market areas are relocated and proposed at the back of current High school area site
in central part of Bele Awassa Town with enhanced accessibility and well defined market area.
The physical area of this market is 7 ha that has capacity of accommodating more than 20,000

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people at a time when it is well paved and managed. As the general slope is about 6 – 8% it
needs careful surface treatment to avoid erosion and mud formation of the surface. The other
smaller scale markets are proposed at TVET, Enat Kalehot road, dada kare, fajena, farawocha,
and sodo exit road with areas different spatial coverage. These community level markets will
serve the surrounding rural areas and urban localities.
The cattle market is proposed to continue at the current site for cattle, goats and sheep marketing
service only. It is proposed to contain cattle on the two-third of the area while the rest is for
loading and unloading. This new size is expected to accommodate about 5000 cattle and
15000cattle at a time. The accessibility of the market is enhanced by widening the existing track
that is separate from inner city public roads by the alternate ring road from Didaye to Boloso

ii. Administration
Bele Awassa Town is the capital of kindo koysha woreda and thus all the sectoral offices are
found in the town. Analysis of existing situation of administrative spaces shows that sufficient

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areas are occupied by different offices except few such services. The other factors to be observed
are incompatibility and cases of centrality of the services where all the office spaces are found
without incompatible development and at accessible or central locations. Thus, most of the
administration office spaces are kept within the existing sites.
In the newly included expansion areas like Dada kare, Fajena Mata, Didaye road and Oydu
chama road , additional spaces are reserved for administrative purposes. In the main centre of
Bele Awassa Town, new administrative developments of business and government central
services are proposed within the mixed land use categories. Accordingly, the land use proposed
for pure administrative purposes consumed an area of 48.29 hectares or about 0.85% of the total
area of the town.
iii. Mixed Use Developments
Inner city parts and areas along sides of arterial and some important collector streets tend to be
more public areas. Thus, these areas possess character of mixed type than pure residential
functions. As these areas are important public concentration, there is a need for development of
activities to make the area more responsive. The mix of activities in this areas are required to be
compatible to each other, especially, the residential mix with other activities need fulfillment of
better living environment while the office functions also need good working environment.
In the proposals for Bele Awassa Town development, the existing commercial mixed residential
area with arterial street access and central areas of main part and peripheral communities are
provided with mixed uses except those changed to pure commerce. Expansion areas with other
public service access areas and arterial streets are proposed with mixed use development. In
general, the mixed use development is one of the means of allowing flexibility in land
development with necessary regulation for compatibilities. The proposed mixed use development
of Bele Awassa Town is about 739.48 hectares or 13.04% of the total areas of the town.
iv. Manufacturing and Storage

Bele Awassa Town is known agricultural and farm products and others processing plants located
within the town and on its surrounding areas. These processing plants are about (41 in the
boundary of Bele Awassa Town) are mostly found on the side of the road and within residential
area. In this case, pollution mitigation measures should be taken for those processing plants. The

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rest processing plants will be maintained at their current locations except those which are found
within residential areas. .
The newly proposed manufacturing and storage areas are located on the eastern and north eastern
sides of both Bele Awassa Town with less urbanized areas. This is by considering the wind
direction to avoid wind driven pollutions. On the other hand, location of the manufacturing
plants is kept away from the water bodies to avoid any direct pollution options. In general, the
area allocated for this land use is 283.03ha which constitute 5% of the total area reserved for
urban land uses.

v. Services
Social services are among the most important public elements of urban development. It is the
core element as it is distributed from smaller local areas to higher order levels of urban
developments. This land use category includes education, health, religious, utility, municipal,
etc. services and has different norms and standards of organization and distribution within the
built-up areas.
Educational services are developed / proposed / in Bele Awassa Town with hierarchy of
kindergarten to preparatory and TVET schools. The numbers of students per classroom and
school are determined by using UNICEF standards. The physical size of the school compound is
also proposed by considering the topographical characters, students and building densities on the
site. Accordingly, KGs are considered in NDP preparation, 8 primaries, 3 secondary and
preparatory and 1 TVET College for the planning period.
The existing health services distribution in Bele Awassa Town is at 1 district Hospital, Medium
level 1 hospital, 3 health center and 6 health posts for the entire urban population and the
surrounding rural people. In this proposal, using the federal health standards the hierarchical
service developments are proposed for the town. Accordingly, 1 district hospital, 6 health posts,
3 health centers and one medium level hospital are required for the next 10 years planning
period. The distribution and on site location is by considering the existing ones and their
catchments where the number of the health posts is reduced where there are overlaps.
Municipal services are the other areas of concern for this strategic plan. The location and
existence of the services are considered and proposed for the town. One of the services is the
slaughter house that is found besides the inner city and besides the river buffer and the proposal
is to relocate the main slaughter house to north western part of the town area where the wind

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direction does not affect the built-up area of the town. Land fill sites do not exist in the town and
individuals dump wastes at street corners and to the gorges and rivers found on their vicinity.
Thus, it is the key issue as the town grows further, and two sites are proposed at south eastern
part at Gale hamus exit for open dumping. Some of the criteria considered during proposing this
sanitary land fill site selection includes: (MFPISPST; page83)
1. should located at economic travel distance for vehicles(30minutes travel distance)
2. should be located less than 2 kms from suitable main road
3. should be accessible by paved road
4. should be located opposite to the main prevailing wind direction
5. should not be located on high or seasonally high water table lands (i.e swampy and
marshy areas)
6. should not be located flood plain or areas exposed to flooding
7. should not be located on ground water recharge and surface water catchments areas for
water supply schemes
8. should be located at least 5kms away from an airport/runway in the direction of
approach and take off
The total proposed area for the service land uses is 157.06ha or 2.77% of the total area of the

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vi. Recreation
The town has a single playground known as stadium where some schools have play grounds.
Community level open spaces and play grounds do not exist in the town. The proposal considers
the catchment areas and served community with standards of such services. The stadium will
remain at its current location where other play grounds (ten community level open spaces) are
proposed considering the new localities to be formed in the expansion areas. In the built-up areas
of the town, smaller green strips or open areas are proposed as urban beautification element and
public meeting areas, parking etc. Four recreational parks are proposed around the water falls on
Farawocha Mountains 2 and the other two are environmentally fragile areas. The total proposed
area for the recreational land uses is 425.94ha or 7.5% of the total area of the town.

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13.5 Proposed road hierarchy

Bele Awassa Town is a town being located in a rural hinterland connected resourceful areas that
demand strong connections as they are development potentials. This is considered in the
determination of the outlet roads right of ways and directions. The most important or major
outlets of the town are the roads those are leading to Dawro Jimma and Wolaita Sodo, Gale
Hamus Beklo Segno, Bolosso Bombe, Oydu Chama, Hanaze Gamo and Loma Woreda of the
Dawro Zone by proposed suspension bridge that connects all the towns. These roads can connect
Bele Awassa Town to important economical and longer distant areas of communication. The
right of ways of these roads is determined to be 60 meters and their hierarchical status is
Principal arterial for Bele Awassa Town and its surrounding. This is by widening the existing
road of narrow cross-section especially, within the central part of the town. Thus, it needs
reservation of the spaces by regulating at the issuances of building permits redevelopments.
The other hierarchical size of roads is the 30 meter width of roads. This width is proposed for the
road that connects Bele Awassa inner City to created sub centers and has importance of serving
wider rural area and some urban centers. The service includes areas newly proposed to be the
built up area on the sides of roads towards neighboring kebeles.. This road width is categorized
as minor arterial road with significant level of traffic accommodation.
The outlets towards the immediate rural areas and connections within the important economic
and service areas of the town are provided with the next hierarchy of roads. The hierarchy of
such level is with the width of 30m that can accommodate certain level of urban traffic mobility.
This hierarchy includes: all parts of arterial grids except those which are upgraded to 30meter
The 24, 20 and 16meter wide roads are the collector roads those collect traffic from certain
locality and the local roads of the urbanized areas. Hierarchically, they serve as mediators
between the arterial streets and the local streets. This hierarchical group includes larger number
of streets and includes: - road on the southern side of the new road, road that runs north-east in
front of the Dada kare through primary school Boloso Bombe Exit, the connector between Eco
tourism and the inner city 60m wide road, link between Didaye to Boloso Bombe road.
The lowest levels of hierarchy which are the most important to access individual plots or parcels
are the local roads. These roads are the most dominant one as to length and density. The widths
of such roads proposed for Bele Awassa Town are 12m and 10m; where the 12m width is the

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most widely used one for the expansion areas, built up areas with possibilities to widen the
existing narrower roads and redevelopment areas. The 10m (ten meter) wide roads are only used
for the built up areas where widening is highly destructive or for the roads having limited
services as to the number of users.

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13.6 Proposed road cross-sections

The general right of way of a road does not indicate the traffic accommodation capacity of roads
unless the proper allocation of spaces for different modes and other related purposes are clearly
identified and developed. Each road needs hierarchical number of lanes with corresponding
widths, drainage lines and pedestrian way sizes. In the road network of Bele Awassa Town,
different factors are considered to determine the arrangement of road uses as to its cross-section.
It is a town found with altitudinal variation of about 200m and surrounded by rivers of deep
gorges which does not encourage uses traffic modes like bicycle.
On the other hand, development of road infrastructure on areas with more sloppy areas like Bele
Awassa Town becomes more costly as it demands retaining on one side to fix level of road
shoulders. Such leveling of roads is critical in the cases of wider ones and careful attention is
given both to the development of network and cross-sectional arrangement of space uses.
vii. Agriculture
Bele Awassa Town area and it’s environ are known for the potential farm products and ‘frafire’
production. The surrounding of Bele Awassa Town is also endowed with such agricultural

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developments where some of these areas are included within the urban expansion boundaries of
the town. The areas between Bele Awassa Town and Hanaze Exit, and the gorges of the two
rivers are the densely planted localities around the town areas. The dominant use of the rivers on
the surrounding of the town is for perennial crops plantation purposes. Thus, there is horticulture
or other irrigated farming.

The strategic plan of the town is developed with a principle of integrating the green frames with
the built-up areas. The existing significant agro-forestry areas are reserved except for the areas
lying beside the main road infrastructure and found on suitable land for built-up purposes. In the
specific areas included in urbanized areas there are options to use irrigation for urban agriculture.
On the other hand, some are found within the areas categorized as agriculture and these
developments will work without affecting the agro-forestry nature of the areas. In general, the
agriculture land use including the rural farmers’ settlements covers an area of 525.24 hectares
that constitutes 9.26% of the total area delineated as urbanization area.
13.7. Forest and informal Green Area
Many of the sites that are allotted for forestry in this proposal are in areas where natural cliffs
and hilltops are dominating as well as in places which are inconvenient to construct either
buildings or roads.

The advantage of a forestation on higher grounds is to avoid the erosion as well as maintain the
environment. Moreover, certain plots have also been designated to serve as gardens and hence
recreation areas. The total area proposed for forest function is 195.5ha is about 3.45% of the total
area of the town.
13.8. Special Function (Reserved Plots)
Certain plots at different locations in the town are reserved to accommodate un-foreseen
functions as well as a reserve for services that may demand additional land for some of the
existing services. The other land use functions included under this function is river buffer, high
tension buffer, highly degraded lands and needs rehabilitation. The total area of land allocated
for this land use function is 1539.08ha. It is about 27.14% of the total area of the town.

No Major Land use Categories Area (ha) %Share

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1 Housing 1426.28 25.15

2 Administration 48.29 0.85

3 Commerce 378.76 6.68

4 Manufacturing and Storage 283.03 4.99

5 Service 157.06 2.77

6 Road and Transport 672.51 11.86

7 Recreation and Environment 1967.65 34.69

8 Special Function (SF4 only) 192.87 3.4

9 Urban Agri 525.24 9.26

Total 5670 100



15.1 Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy

The Strategic plan (SP) of Bele Awassa Town is expected to guide the overall developmental
activities of the town for the next ten years. The implementation strategy is an important
component and stage in the planning activity, taking the concept of planning as a continuous
process. The planning process is incomplete, if it is not accompanied by the implementation
process which requires clearly defined means and ways for effective and smooth management of
the implementation process. The implementation strategy is designed to serve as a guideline to
implement the Structure Plan of Bele Awassa Town. It shows the step- by- step implementation

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procedures and logical sequence of activities to be undertaken in the course of implementing the
proposals of the SP.

The implementation strategy designed by the planning team includes general

considerations/requirements which need to be followed, monitoring mechanisms that would help
control over/follow up of the implementation process and evaluation system that helps to check
whether implementation process is taking place as planned.

Implementation, monitoring and evaluation are not mutually exclusive in their nature as they are
interrelated courses of actions to be taken at each phase of any project cycle. Monitoring is one
important mechanism to be followed for making sure that the implementation process is going on
as planned and also evaluation has direct connection with monitoring as all the observations,
feedbacks and correction measures taken during project monitoring can serve as important inputs
for evaluation. Therefore, disaggregation of the broad implementation strategy in to
implementation, monitoring and evaluation is made for convenience purpose.

15.1.1 Implementation Strategy

The implementation strategy is designed with the ultimate objective of ensuring the effective
implementation of the structure plan prepared for the town of Bele Awassa. The elements of the
implementation strategy are identified and defined in line with the local context and the general
principles of urban development plan implementation. The following strategic actions and
procedures are proposed for effective and smooth implementation of the plan:
 Establishment of appropriate urban local governance: A well organized and strong
urban local government should be in place for managing and guiding the overall
development of the town in general and for effective implementation of the proposed
structure plan in particular.
Clear division of responsibilities should be defined among the different organs of the
municipality. Moreover, the specified number and mix of manpower should be placed
with at least the minimum logistics required for the execution of the assignments at the
municipality level. Here, one urban planner and one urban engineer seem to be critical
professionals to be assigned for the municipality so as to effectively implement the
proposed plan

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 Building the capacity of the urban local government: There should be on job and off-
job tailor-made training on how to implement the proposed plan in particular and manage
the overall socioeconomic development process of the town in general. Most important
of all is the need to introduce the new urban land administration guideline to all staff
members whose assignment is directly or indirectly related to land. It is also important to
equip the municipality with the necessary equipment and facilities for the task of plan
 Understanding the proposed plan: Both the staff of the municipality and other Woreda
level sector offices should have a clear understanding of the contents, objectives and
implementation procedures of the proposed strategic plan of the town. It is of paramount
importance to create public awareness about the plan to make sure that the general public
will accept the proposals and support the implementation process through series of
consultative meetings.
 Forming an inclusive Council of Stakeholders: It seems plausible to form a council
composed of municipality, sector office representatives, newly included rural kebele
representatives, NGOs and other relevant actors to facilitate smooth implementation of
the plan. This council should have a regular meeting at least once in every three months
to deliberate on what has been going on in the process of plan implementation and other
important issues. This council will serve as a common denominator to harmonize the
various conflicting interests that may arise from different groups of the community while
implementing the plan and even on other development issues of the town. It also helps to
ensure transparency and accountability within the local government in the overall
development management and service delivery system in the town.

 Integration of sectoral plans and efforts: It has become a common practice that all
government sector offices prepare and are guided by five-year strategic plan. Since the
strategic plan of the town is comprehensive in scope and covers all sectoral issues, every
sector office is required to align and stick to the strategic plan of the town when the
office prepare and implement its five year strategic plan which will help ensure sectoral
integration in the overall development process of the town.

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 Improving the financial capacity of the municipality. The annual revenue of the
municipality is found inadequate to address all development needs of the town. It is,
therefore, a prerequisite to expand the existing tax base and improve the tax rates on
selected area along with improved tax collection efficiency. It is also important to
increase the share of capital budget through rational budget allocation, increasing
municipal revenue and obtaining grants as well as mobilization resources from the
community and the NGOs operating in the area.
 Phasing of Plan Implementation:-This is the most important and common strategic
mechanism of plan implementation as all proposals of any plan cannot be implemented at
once or overnight and even in a year. In this particular plan all proposals are to be
implemented over the coming ten years. So, these proposals should be implemented
through a rationale phasing where most critical, capacity based and those that are
prerequisite for other proposals should come first and then others follow in order of their
importance and criticality. In this manner, implementation of all proposals is scheduled
across the whole planning period showing the main task, objective, actor with respective
role and the time table for the accomplishment of the task. For the purpose of
convenience and to align with the government development planning schedule, the
consulting team has divided the plan implementation process in to two broad phases
which can be termed as medium ( five year) term implementation plans. This will help
the local government to link the implementation plan with the commonly practiced five
year strategic plans to be followed by all organs of the local government. Specific
projects to be accomplished in the whole course of plan implementation are scheduled
over the ten years period. Some of the projects/activities will be implemented in the first,
second or third year or may be implemented at the end (ninth or tenth year) or may
continue throughout the ten years period. However, changes may occur in the
implementation process depending on local capacity, change in priority setting and other
circumstantial factors that may force the local government to make adjustment in the
implementation schedule.

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Table 14.1 Major issues for implementation


Time frame/Phases
issues for Main Actors
Tasks to be done Objectives/purposes
tion First 5 years Second 5 years
Urban Establish an - Guide overall development of the Municipality Zonal
governance inclusive council town by implementing SP; UDHD,
that can support the - provide municipal services for WeredaAdmin. Zone
municipality in the the residents; administration,
implementation - Promote accountability and community
process and transparency in the
equipping the implementation processy;
municipality with
manpower and

Community Continuous - create awareness among all Municipality Zonal

mobilization discussion and stakeholders about the content UDHD,
and Consultative and benefits of the SP; WeredaAdmin. Zone
integration meetings with all - Obtain public acceptance and administration,
of sectors stakeholders support to implement the SP and community
- Manage and harmonize
conflicting interests;
- Integrate sectoral efforts for
efficient management of the
town’s development process;
- Ensure transparency

Road - Open all roads - Frame spatial development Municipality Zonal

network and within the built pattern, keep the road from UDHD,
Transport environment encroachment and informal WeredaAdmin. Zone
- Open major occupation; administration,
roads in the - Create local access and avoid community
expansion areas congestion;

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Table 14.1 Major issues for implementation


Time frame/Phases
issues for Main Actors
Tasks to be done Objectives/purposes
tion First 5 years Second 5 years
- Open diches - Guide/control drainage problem
along the road
- Open and widen - Help to implement the LDP
roads at the proposals ;
center as per the
Housing - Landuse - Form acceptable block and plot Municipality Zonal
readjustment in size; UDHD,
the existing built WeredaAdmin. Zone
up areas administration,
- Land - Allocate land for appropriate community
development and uses;
supply for new
- Designing - Supply land for housing
standard housing according to the demand;

Commercial - Develop the - Making the market suitable

and business cattle markets, Wereda Admin.
- Relocate and -Increase comfort and safety for Municipality
Develop old operators community
general market
- Regularize Enhance commercial function of
existing shopping the town
Infrastructur - Install - Bring coordinated infrastructure EELPA, ETC, Water
e and infrastructure and provision; Bureau,
utilities Municipality Zonal

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Table 14.1 Major issues for implementation


Time frame/Phases
issues for Main Actors
Tasks to be done Objectives/purposes
tion First 5 years Second 5 years
utilities following - Increase livability UDCD,
the road network - Promote investment WeredaAdmin. Zone
proposal of the administration,
SP community
Social - Provide and - Improve the quality of education Municipality Zonal
Services Improve facilities; UDCD,
educational - WeredaAdmin. Zone
facilities; - Improve the quality of health administration,
- Provided and services; community
improve health - Promote beauty and
facilities; attractiveness of the town
- Provide land for -
recreation, sport
field and parking;

Environment - Rehabilitate - Keep the area green and stable; City Admin.
: green deforested areas; - Keep the rivers cleans; Municipality
frame and - Restricting Community
waste coffee processors
management from operating
along river banks
- Participate the residents in the
- Create awareness waste management program;
about urban
wastes; - Common disposal site;
- Develop and use
proposed waste
disposal site;

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NB: In the implementation process, the following tasks should come first in order for the
other project activities can be implemented smoothly.
 Opening of new roads in the expansion areas to keep the spatial development
pattern planned
 Widening of roads in the built up area as per the proposals
 Expansion of infrastructure ( power, water, telecommunication , drainage etc..) in
the expansion areas
 Compensation, replacement and other rehabilitation schemes of the region should
be made before starting implementation process in the NDP area, in cases where
some households are to be displaced
 Continuous effort should be made in creation public awareness through regular and
occasional public forums

15.1.2 Monitoring

Monitoring of plan implementation process is an activity which is undertaken in a

continuous manner to check and measure the performance of plan implementation. It is
naturally part and parcel of the implementation process and a means to collect time series
data on how the implementation is going on. It involves the day-to-day inventory and audit
of the implementation practice which enables to take the timely corrective measures for an
effective and efficient performance. In some cases, monitoring is given a special attention
and a specific body of an organization is assigned to be responsible for this task. But there
are also cases where the task of monitoring can be carried out without having an
independent organ within an institute/organization.

In the case of Bele Awassa Town monitoring can be undertaken by one department or unit
in an organization given that the monitoring mechanism is designed in a way that unit can
easily handle the task.
With regard to monitoring system on the implementation of Bele Awassa Town strategic
plan (SP), the planning team does not advise the local government to establish an
independent unit within the municipality responsible only for monitoring activity, since the

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municipality does not have the capacity to hire large number of staff and the volume of
work is not huge enough to form a separate unit. Thus, monitoring of plan implementation
activities can be checked and followed up by the municipal administration through vertical
and horizontal reporting, regular performance report hearing and even through on site visit.
This requires that every staff member and organ of the municipality should
report/communicate to the top management vertically and inform the other units
horizontally about what has been planned and performed.
This should also be communicated to the regional bureau of works and urban development
via the municipality in case there is a need for technical and regulatory support from the
bureau which does not mean that the bureau will intervene in the day-to-day activity of the
It is also advisable to develop different monitoring formats to facilitate data acquisition on
the plan implementation process taking place in different units of the municipality. The
format should, at least, contains name of the municipal organ/unit, annual plan subdivided
into months, performance/accomplishments, gaps between planned and accomplished,
reason for the gap. The form should be filled and submitted to the next higher organ every
month which should also be followed by consultative meeting for discussion to make a
timely corrective measure.
The monthly performance report should be summarized and reported to the regional
Bureau of Urban Development and housing every three months with a focus on
issues/problems that require support from and intervention by the bureau. It is also
recommended that the bureau should assign one urban planner and one surveyor to support
and facilitate the plan implementation process in Bele Awassa Town, which is also the case
for other towns.

15.1.3 Evaluation:

Evaluation is an integral part and last phase of the whole planning process that comprises
plan making, implementation, monitoring and evaluation wherein feedback is embodied.
The purpose of evaluation is to measure plan implementation performance, identify gaps
and critical problems facing in the implementation process. The ultimate objective of
evaluation is to draw lesson from practice and make timely corrective measures based on

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the feedbacks obtained from the monitoring process. Effective evaluation can also help to
design proactive measures that would help guide subsequent actions in a more refined and
efficient way.
Evaluation can be made by the performers themselves, top management of the municipal
administration, the council of stakeholders and the Bureau of Urban Development and
housing together and separately as the case may be.
Performers and their respective unit in the municipality can evaluate their performance on
monthly bases and/or once in every three months (cumulative performance evaluation)
through detail discussion on what has been or has not been done against plans, along with
the reasons behind. The evaluation process should also focus on lessons drawn from the
practices and ways of overcoming the challenges encountered during implementation.
Top management of the municipality is responsible to coordinate and lead the evaluation
process across the different units and individuals engaged in the implementation process. It
should also facilitate the dissemination of best practices and experience sharing among
different units within the municipality and other urban local government in the region as
well as in the country. It should also be able to identify and articulate lessons and
challenges so as to design a workable strategy for better performance in the future.
The council of stakeholders will be an important body for performance evaluation as it
represents the interest and action of different segments of the community. This body can
show not only the gaps and public dissatisfaction areas, but also has the capacity to indicate
the way out of these problems. So, it is advisable for the municipal administration to
effectively exploit the potential contribution that the council can make towards bridging the
gap between the government and the community, and to effective implementation of the
structure plan. The planning team suggests that the council can hold its regular meeting
once every three months to hear and evaluate performance reports.
The other important body with significant role in the evaluation process is the Bureau of
Urban Development and housing which will have direct and decisive contribution the
evaluation of plan implementation practices particularly on the technical and regulatory
aspects. The bureau, after conducting the evaluation together with relevant bodies in the
municipality, shall design set of support mechanism for the municipality and it will
accordingly assist the municipality to effectively implement the plan. Every evaluation

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session is expected to have clear feedback that would help inform the implementation
process as to how the remaining tasks can be accomplished or challenges can be addressed.

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