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Bele Awassa strategic plan /2015E.C -20224E.C.

Chapter Five

The Historical Development of the Bele Awassa Town

5.1. Pre-foundation
The project town was covered with agricultural lands and forest like other towns in the region
more over, there were various sort of animals and plants.
5.2. Foundation of the Town
As the oral sources indicated, the area currently urbanized was previously remained forest and
graze land until it was inhabited. Latter, new people come and occupied the area. The new
settlers of the area were agrarians and used the field as a grazing ground. After a time, with the
growth of inhabitants in the area the existing forest cover had been removed. The study town is
geographically situated between two important permanent river valleys named Demaye River
’and’ Balaeya River. These rivers are originated from the surrounding higher grounds and
following the periphery of the town, flow in the south western part of the town. As some sources
indicated, these rivers had a significant contribution for the foundation of earlier settlement in the
area. The first settler of the town was totally Wolita nationality.And the languge spoken by these
settler was Wolayitegna. And few people from Woliata ethnic background occupied the area.
Then it has become more important center and attracted many people from the surrounding parts
of the study region. This has in turn brought new order in the life style of the community seeking
the appearance of different cultural, social, economic and political dynamism and resulted in the
flourishing of new mode of settlement. Latter, the development of civilization coupled with the
growing need of the community, contributed the growing of a village. When more and more
people began to leave villages and farms to live in towns, urban growth continues.
In about1957 the reason behind its foundation was to creat adminstrative center by Fitawrari
W/Semayat G/Wold. Gradually various government institutions like court, police station, health
center, schools, etc were setup. In fact all these establishments were made of thatched roofs
having rural type of settlement. Because many government offices were transferred and more

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and more settlers were attracted.The first settlement area of the town was around high school and
Medehanialem. Gradually settlement was expanded to all direction during the period of
Dejazmach Woldesemayat.
5.3. Naming of the Town

The essence to the origin and naming of a given point or feature has its own historical trace. As
stated in the pre foundation history. The name Bele is derived from Wolayitigna language word
"Beliya mishuwa” meaning mouring. This name was given to explain the area before the
resettlement project has been launched was attacked by malaria disease and wild animals raids
which kills a lot of people daily and burial ceremony .Later on the naming of the town was
named by Degazmach Woldesemayat to be " Bele Aawassa" by anticipating when Omo river in
the future is dam the lake that will be created from the dam will make town lake side town like
City Hawssa Hence, the study town was named in this manner and still using this name.
Besides different safars are also created in the town namely.

1. Mdihanealm sefer: - It was the place where Orthodox Chirch located.

2. Geberena Sefer: - .It was the plce where geberena office located
3. Milike Sefer :- It was the place where Milike river located
4. Kalihiwot sefer :- It was the plce where kalihiwot church located
5. Moliticho Sefer. :-
6. Tsion sefer.-
5.4. Development trend of the town

Trend of development and role of the town under study is analyzed because it will give us a
vivid picture of the stages of development of the given town. Here the Historical development of
the town should be studied phase by phase on the basis of historical epochs that could be
considered as turning points in its development.
5.4.1. During the reign of Haile Selasie (from 1943-1967).

In 1957 EC Dejzimach W/Semayat G/Wold separeted Bale Awassa from Damote sore and
Kindo Didaye administrative center. At this time, modern education was introduced in the town
with the opening of Bele Hawssa primary school in 1961EC.

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Transport and communication

As the matter of chance the town is located on the way that runs from Wolita Soddo to
Dawro. So from the establishment of the town i.e 1957. There was a road net work that
communicates the town both to the administrative center of wolita soddo and Dawro .The
town plan and road structure were designed in 1957 EC. As stated earlier, the town had
evolved along Wolayta soddo- Dawuro. Before the opening of this road, there had been a
number of merchant caravan routes, which used to pass through the locality.

Other services
Catering service has existed in the town since the early period of its foundation. These
services were available around the market area resturant and ‘Tejbet’ (honey mead houses).

5.4.2. During DERG regime(from 1967-1983)

During this moment, in 1978 clean water service was started. This tap water for the town was
constructed by government.The telephone service was introduced to the town around 1994 E.C.
Bale Awassa has got postal service since 1970

5.4.3. After the seizure of political power by EPDRP (1983-2010)

At this moment, Soddo Cheda road was constracted. Sectorial offices were opend. Primary
school was establshed in 1989. Bele Awssa secondary school (in 1961) and upgraded to
preparatory level in 2003 and technical and vocational school were established.In 2012. The
health center was establshed in 1984. The health center was upgrade to primary hospital level in
2007 and shifted to the present building. Besides, a number of private pharmacies and clinics
were opened in the town to provide service.The town becomes a beneficiary of 24 hours
hydroelectric power beginning from 1995. It has passed for about more than 22 years to get
electric light by generater. Electric service in the town was started 1972 E.C by diesel generator
which served as customer pay cos

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Chapter Six

Demographic Analysis and assessment of social

services of the town
In any urban development, be it long or short term, the existing demographic and social
infrastructure data is quite essential. At first and foremost, we plan for people and it is
only when we have adequate data at hand that we can plan for people. Therefore, in any
urban plan preparation, the first aspect that should be given due attention is the study of
the existing population characteristics and urban social infrastructure. This is due to the
fact that it is vital to find out the principal balance between population size and the
mentioned services both at present time and in future planning years (2024.)

6.1. The Characteristics of Demography

Different schools of thoughts agree that demographic and population characteristics can
be interchangeably used. In this case, we have to focus on characteristics associated with
population or demography. These characteristics are: population size and growth, age and
sex structure of the population ethnic and religion composition, population distribution,
population projection and the like.
6.1.1. Population size and growth of Bele Awssa town.

Year in Male Female Total

2015 18,653(49%) 19,400(51%) 38,053

Source; CSA projection 2013 E.C.

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Bele Awassa is one of the towns in wolita Zone. It is also known that the plan town
is commercial and it is also an administrative center or the capital of Kido Koyesha
6.1.2. Population size of Bale Hwssa by sex composition
The table above reveals us that the sex ratio is 104 females for every 100 males
showing that female’s size is greater than male’s counterparts.
6.1.3. Age and sex distribution
Population size, growth rate, population projection and other demographic features of the town is
calculated based on CSA result .accordingly, the total population size of the town is 38,054 of
which 18,653 are males and 19,400 are females. Hence, the sex ratio seems nearly to be 1.04
i.e females are greater than males.

Population by Age interval, 2015 EC.

Age interval Male female Total
Less than a year 533 331 864
1–4 940 632 1572
5–9 1013 1512 2525
10 – 14 2221 2631 4852
15 – 19 2873 2269 5142
20 – 24 3033 2973 6006
25 – 29 2377 2850 5227
30 – 34 1974 1945 3919
35 – 39 950 2156 3106
40 – 44 586 564 1150
45 – 49 784 340 1124
50 – 54 488 453 941
55 – 59 342 327 669
60 – 64 311 194 505
65 – 69 100 119 219
70 – 74 88 74 162
Above 75 40 30 70
18,653 19,400 38,054
Source: based on CSA result

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6.1.4. Age dependency ratio of the town

Age group Population Percent Dependency ratio
0-14 9813 25 35
15-64 27789 73 -

65+ 451 2 2
Total 38053 100 37

Source: based on CSA result.

The Demographic analysis above reveals how the dependent and independent structure of the
project town is categorized in terms of age. It also shows the dependent and independent ratio or
it states productive and non productive people in the town. This means, it agrees with the general
discussion that the younger age population of the town is lesser than the population at later ages.
Young age is an age group that are found between 0- 14years (young dependent) is calculated to
be 9813 (25 %) of the total population. The productive age group (15-64) is calculated to be
27789 (73%) of the total population and the old aged population is 65 + or old aged dependents
is calculated to be 451(2%) of the total population. So young dependent ratio is calculated to be
35 such kinds of dependent and independent ratio is categories are supported by productive age
groups. Therefore the total dependency ratio is 37%.
Dependent ratio is the age composition rather than economic dependency since the ratio simply
depends on age. The reason for this is that the so called young dependent population (0-14) and
old age dependent population (65 and above years) who actually do not participate on economic
activities are said to be (dependent). Likewise working population (15-64) who actually
participate on economic activities is generalized as (active population).

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6.1.5. The projected population size of the town

Year in E.C Projected
population size

2015 38053
2016 39924
2017 41880
2018 43932
2019 46085
2020 48343
2021 50712
2022 53196
2023 55803
2024 61493

6.2. Population projection

Demographers usually make projection by using available projection methodology. In other
words, the population size of study town for ten planning years can be identified by applying
mathematical or exponential method. Generally speaking, there are 2 broadly classified methods
of population projection. Namely, Cohort component Method that considers fertility, mortality
and migration along with their age and sex composition and mathematical function more
specifically exponential method. The former is used for relatively longer period of time under
different variants i.e. low, medium and high variant. It requires almost all data of population
dynamics. In this specific study, a simple mathematical function (exponential) is used to project
the population size of Bele Awssa town for the next ten planning years (2015-2024) EC

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6.2.1. Population growth rate

The annual population growth rate should be calculated first in order to project the population
size of given town in the past. Hence, in our case, CSA result of 2015 EC is the base for
projection in the case of bele Awssa town.The growth rate is calculated by taking the population
size of bele Awssa town. Accordingly, 4.8% growth rate per annum is used to project the
population size of the project town for the next ten planning years.The population size of bele
Awssa town is 38053 currently (18653Males and 19400 Females). It will also reach 61493
(30143 Males and 31350 Females).
6.2.2 Ethnic Composition
There are different ethnic groups living in wolaiyta zone. In the study town the dominant ethnic
type is Wolayita ethnic group (37961) which is a native people in the area. However, there are
very few people other than the wolaiyta people. The number of other nationalities is insignificant
except few Amhara (62), Silte (-), Gurage (-) Dawuro (17), Oromo (11) and kambata (2) origins.
The ethnic composition of the town is expected to increase in the future as its socio economic
development undergoes change.
6.2.3 Religion Composition
Urban centers are places where different types of beliefs, customs, and norms prevail since there
are profound peoples with different socio economic background. The analysis of religious
composition of the town is important to know the potential need of worshipping places.
Accordingly, different types of religions found in the study town are stated as follows.

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Religious Compositions in Bele Awssa town, 2015 EC

Their own
worshiping place cemetery

Do not Do not


No of
No of Have have Have have

No Religion Adherents Remark
1 Protestants √ 28442  
2 Orthodox √ 8442  
3 Muslim - 125  
4 Catholic - 1044  
5 Others - -
Total 38053
Source: Bele Awassa town maniucipality, 2015EC
As it can be shown on the table above, religious sectors have their own worshiping place in the
town. Thus, during the coming ten planning year’s appropriate site should be reserved with in the
planning boundaries of the town for those religions that worshipping site at present.

10.1. Educational institutions in the town
10.1. Educational institutions in the town
Education is one of social services which requires special attention before making decision
about any development plan. According to the data collected from Bele Awassa town education
office, there are 13 educational institutions. These are 3 kindergarten school private owned and 2
government owned,2 primary school of government owned and 3 private owned; 1 high schools
9-12 and 1 private ownedcollege.and 1TEVT

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Schools by level of education and ownership


School level Government Private Total

Kindergarten 2 3 5

Primary(1-8) 2 3 5

Secondary school(9-12) 1 - 1

TEVT 1 - 1

Collge - 1 1

Total 6 7 13

Source: - Bele Awassa schools 2015E

Source; survy photo of bele Awassa icon kindergarten Acadamy, 2015

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10.1.1. Trend of student's enrolment in Bele Awssa town.

The enrolment condition of the student from 2010-2014 is stated by comparing the enrolment
trend of one year with another below.
Number of school in each academic year (E.C)
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Kindergarten school 191 197 203 250 320
Primary school 4462 4503 4571 4513 4644

High school 3453 2064 2383 2952 3099

Total 8106 6764 7157 7715 8063

Source: - Bele Awassa schools 2015E

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Source: Survy photo of Bele Awassa primary School, 2015

The Student enrolment condition in all schools is observed to increase from year to year. So
good opportunities have to be created to attract private investors to participate in the investment
activity of educational services.This in turn creates favourable condition to fill the gap in the
educational institutions.

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10.1.2. School by Student Class room and classroom to student ratio

Class room to Teacher to School to class

No School Number of students ratio students ratio room ratio








1 Kindergarten 5 668 8 10 1;83 1:40 1;66.8 1:40 1;6 1:6

2 Primary 5 2498 21 95 1;118 1:50 1;26 1:50 1;42 1:32

3 Secondary 1 2714 23 98 1;118 1:40 1;27 1:50 1;23 1:32
Source: - Survey data 2015 EC
1.1 Schools per Class Rooms

As it was shown on the above table that was five Kindergarten, five Primary School from Grade
(1-8) and one secondary School they have 8 class rooms, 21 class rooms and 23 class rooms
respectively. This indicated shortage of classrooms in the school when compared to the standard
set by the MOE i.e. 1:6, and 1; 32. There were also kindergarten students’ sharing classes rooms
in the town this shows a shortage of class rooms that compared to the MOE standard. This
showed the need for having additional classroom building for both school .This indicates the
number of class room below the standard set by the MOE.
.8.1.2 Student per Class room ratio

As it is shown on the above table the student to class room ratio stated by the Ministry of
Education for kindergarten is 1:40, for primary 1:50 and 1;40 for secondary school . However, in
the case of the study town MOE the student - class room ratio for kindergarten was 1:83, for
primery 1; 118 and for secondary school 1:118. This means the average number of students
learning in one classroom for kindergarten, primary school and secondary school level is beyond
the standard set by the ministry of education. Thus, the classroom situation for all level seems

8.1.3 Teachers to student ratio

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As illustrated on the above table teachers to students’ ratio is obtained by dividing the total
number of students to the total number of teachers. The lower the ratio of teachers to students
indicates the higher opportunity of contact between teachers and students. This in turn enables
teachers to check homework and class works as well as provides support for students

The teachers to students ratio of Bele Awassa town for kindergarten is 1:66 ;for primary school
is 1:26 and 1;27 for secondry school, which is higher to the national standard 1:40, and beiow the
national standard 1:50 respectively. Therefore, additional more teachers are required for
kindergarten during the next ten planning years. ; For primary and high school is 1:26 and1; 27
respectively; which is below to the national standard 1:50. Therefore additional student are

10.1.7. School Age population (SAP) and enrolment projection

The school age population size and En size of town is calculated by applying available formula
on the age structure of population of the town
Similarly, student enrolment projection is calculated using available formula based on three to
five consecutive academic years enrolments of 5 School age population (SAP) and student
enrolment (EN) in the Planning years (2010-2014)
No School 2015 Existing In E.C Planning Year required 2015-24 E.C
level Sap EN Class Pr % Sap EN Class Pr % reqiured
1 Kindergart 1702 668 8 39 2750 1079 13 39 3
2 Primary 3487 2498 21 71 5635 4036 34 71 3
3 High 4163 2714 23 65 6727 4385 37 65 2

Source: - survey data

SAP school age population is not equals enrolment as it can be seen from the table above; there
is lower student participation than school age population for both schools. The main reason for
lower participation of enrolment is that school age population (SAP) is not coming to the
existing schools or they are going to other informal school. Accordingly, attendants of specified
school level students whose age boundary is out of the subscribed age boundary. Source Survey
dataAugust 2015 EC.
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Source: Survy photo of Bele Awassa Secondary School Main Gate, 2015

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Source: Survy photo of Bele Awassa Secondary School, 2015

10.2. Health services

The current population size of the town based on CSA result is 38053 and it is projected to be
61493 at the end of planning year (2024 EC). As long as one health center is recommended for
25 thousand people but there is no health center is available, Health services are one of social
infrastructure that should be assessed in socio-economic study of given study town. The study
team attempted to collect data from concerned organs about health related issues. In this case,
both private and government health institutions were taken in to consideration. Although both
government and private institutions render health services to the community, the study team
restricted it self to collect relevant health related data from government health institutions

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because of the fact that the main objectives of government health center is directly attached to
provisions of health services at minimum cost to general community.
Health is the wealth of given society and only healthy people can contribute to socio/economic
development of that society. The major way through which community health protection can be
facilitated was directly to the related availability of health institutions and health professionals
giving services in each of them in order to reach at certain conclusions about the quality and
efficiency of health services at minimum cost in the town.The fact that the main objective of
governmental health institutions is directly attached to provision of health services for
economically marginalized segment of society who are incapable of getting services from the
private health institutions, the study team limited itself to assess capability of governmental
health institutions and finally draw some conclusions and forward recommendations for future
10.2.1. Health Institutions
According to the information obtined from town health office, there are totally about eleven
health institutions of all sorts owned by both private and government including Pharmacies and
rural drug venders are considered as health institutions in this particular study.
10.2.1. Existing and future requirement of health institution
Health Institution
Year in EC population finding Hospital Health
2015 34571 existing 1 -- --
Gap - 2 -
2025 55867 required 1 2 -

Total 2 2 -
Source: Bele Awssa town health station 2015 E.C.
The survey indicates that private entrepreneurs own all pharmacies and rural drug venders. The
government health institution it self is constrained facilities including shortage of senior health

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10.2.2. Health Professionals

The availability of health professionals on sufficient base is another quality of efficiency
indicator of health provisions. Health professionals with their qualification are shown in the
following table indicates health professionals along with their qualification.
3.4.2 Health Professional by Qualification in Bele Awssa town
No Health professionals Doctor(Specialist) Total Remark
Male Female
1 Doctor(ISEO) 4 - 4
1 Doctor(General) 6 2 8
2 Health Officer 12 1 13
3 Nurse 34 14 48
4 Laboratory technician 5 5 10
5 Health assistant - -- -
6 Pharmacist 11 4 15
7 Others(Anstisha,Rdiology, 8 31 39
midwifer and so on)
Total 80 57 137
Source: - Survey data 2015 E.C
As it is shown in the table above, there will be shortage of professionals. If the problem is not
solved in the future, there will be also a negative impact on health services to be delivered to the
community. The problem of health services is not limited to shortage of health professionals but
also absence of essential medical equipment or facilities.
10.2.3 Ten Top Disease
During the field surveys conducted in the study town, it is attempted to obtain information
concerning current ten top diseases in the town. According to the data obtained from health
station, the ten top diseases during this time are assessed.
Accordingly, the diseases are shown based on the degree of their seriousness below.
The data obtained from health station implies that the above ten top disease are indicated based
on the degree of seriousness.

1. Malaria
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2. Pneumonia
3 Typhoid fever
4. Dyspesia
5. Disorder of urinary system
6. Functional intestinal disorder
7. Acute upper respiratory infection 8
8. Conjuctivites
9. Helminthisis
10. Pediculosis, accarias and other infection

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Source; Bele Awassa primary hospital photo, 2015

10.3 Housing
Assessing the existing housing unit especially residential housing units are found to be one of the
basic issues that only urban development planners should take in to account before they make
decisions. This is because the residents of urban need it. So the residents of Bele Awassa town

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are not exceptional. In Bele Awassa town, it is assessed that the availability of housing deficits.
According to the data obtained from Bele Awassa town municipality, 6588 residential housing
size. Hence, the total housing backlog during this year is 7522 which means; about 7522
households do not have their own residential housing units.Existing housing gap and housing
requirement in short future.
Year in EC Population HHS AHHS HU HH: HU Back log
2015 E.C 38053 6588 6 3367 1:9 3367

2020E.C 48365 8060 6 1472 5:4 1472

2025 E.C 61493 10248 6 2188 4:6 2188
3367+1472+2188+1405=8432 Contingency 1405
Existing gap and housing requirement:

No_ and Types of houses

Types of houses

Residential 3221

commercial 1484

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NGO owned 16

Under Religious institution 45

Under Government 86

10.4 Worshiping center

The information obtained about worshiping centers in the project town reveals that
allmost all religious institutions have owned worshiping centers.
10.5 Cemetery service
The information obtined from group discussion reveals the presence of three major problems.
These are scarcity of cemetery site, 2 distance of cemetery cite from residence of beneficiaries.
3. The presence of cemeter in the investement site /on the main road side and absence of
cemetery site for the people those who have no denomination and permanent address.
Thus, the concerned body is required to observe and render planning solution.

Cemetery problems in expansion areas

The religious institutions found in the expansion areas are applying the cemetery service on
traditional basis.Therefore cemetery site should be allocated according to plan principles.
The project town has municipal cemetery. Therefore, the concerned body is expected to propose
the site for municipal cemetery.
All the religious organizations (mosque & Churches) have requested the site for celebrating
holidays or ceremonies. Therefore it is vital to reserve the site for Public Square in appropriate
direction. This mechanism is also very important and advisable to budget the land. Thus, the
assigned planner is expected to solve the problem stated above by reserving the site through land
arrangement for public squre.

10.6 Play ground

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The plan town has no play/grounds in the project town. Thus, so it is important to reserve the
site for play/grounds in all kebeles based on transformation plan.
10.7 Public library
The project town has one public library but not functional to develop the reading habit of the
residents. And it is recommendable to propose the site for additional one public library.
10.8 Public toilet
There is no public toilet in the town.So it is required to reserve the site for public toilets around
the market and bus station.
10.9 Youth center
The information obtined from concerned office reveals that the project town has no youth center.
Therefore, it is recommendable to propose the site for youth center in all kebeles.
10.10 Police Station
The existing police station is not adequate since the plan town has included vast integrated areas
into plan boundary. Therefore, it is vital to propose the site for additional one police station.
10.11 Center for elders without family support
There are about 48 elders without family support. So it is recommendable to propose the site for
socially disadvantaged groups.
10.12 10.9 Public Hall;-The existing public hall is not adequate since the plan town has
included vast integrated areas into plan boundary. Therefore, it is vital to propose the site for
additional one public hall.
10.12 10.9 Public Park; - The information obtined from concerned office reveals that the project
town has no public park but they have plan to built near future(eco –tourim).

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