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IEDA3130 Fall 2023

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management

IEDA 3130 Ergonomics and Safety Management

Laboratory #2 (Part I and II)

This lab is based on a real case study

with PCCW (formerly Cable & Wireless HKTC)
to redesign the 999 emergency consoles for the
Fire Service Department in HKSAR

Instructor: Dr. Chin, Jing Wei (Nick)

Room 5584

Reminder: Write your own discussion. Do NOT copy.

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IEDA3130 Fall 2023

To practice how to measure and use anthropometric data to determine the dimensions of a computer

What is anthropometry?
Anthropometry is the collection of numerical data concerning the physical characteristics of human beings
(e.g., size, shape) and the applications of these data to the design of a workplace or a product. We all
acknowledge the necessity of manufacturing garments in a range of sizes, but would it also be true to say
that chairs and tables, for example, should be supplied in a range of sizes as well? The answer is “only to
a limited extent”. We do not expect adults and children to use the same sized writing desks in their offices
and schools; although they seem to cope perfectly well with the same dining table at home. We
commonly supply office workers with adjustable chairs; but their desks are usually of fixed height.
Obviously, we are prepared to accept a less accurate fit from a table and chair than a shirt and trousers.
What is rather less obvious is how we should choose the best compromise dimensions for the equipment
to be employed by a range of users and at what point we should conclude that adjustability is essential.
In order to optimize such decisions, we require three types of information:

1. Anthropometric data (human dimensions) of the user population.

2. The ways in which the anthropometric data might impose constraints upon the design.
3. The criteria which define an effective match between the product and the user.

During this laboratory, we will be focusing on the measurement of some anthropometric data and the use
of them in relation to computer workstation design.

Anthropometric data dimensions

Below is a list of anthropometric dimensions taken from one of the most well-known book on
anthropometry: ‘Bodyspace: anthropometry, ergonomics, and designed by Stephen Pheasant. Each
dimension is numbered and this number is corresponding to the illustration as shown in Figure 1.

1. Stature - the vertical distance from the floor to the vertex (i.e. the crown of the head). [for vertical
2. Eye height - vertical distance from the floor to the inner canthus (corner) of the eye. [center of
the visual field]
3. Shoulder height - vertical distance from the floor to the acromion (i.e. the bony tip of the
shoulder). [center of rotation of the upper limb]
4. Elbow height [determination of work-surface heights]
5. Hip height [center of rotation of hip joint]
6. Knuckle height [reference level for handrails and handgrips]
7. Fingertip height [lowest acceptable level for finger-operated controls]
8. Sitting height - vertical distance from the sitting surface to the vertex [for clearance]

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9. Sitting eye height - vertical distance from the sitting surface to the inner canthus (i.e. the corner
of the eyes). [center of visual field]
10. Sitting shoulder height - vertical distance from the seat surface to the acromion (i.e., the bony
point of the shoulder). [center of rotation of the upper limb]
11. Sitting elbow height - vertical distance from the seat surface to the underside of the elbow.
[heights of armrest, desk tops, keyboards]
12. Thigh thickness - Vertical distance from the seat surface to the top of the uncompressed soft
tissue of the thigh at its thickest point, generally where it meets the abdomen. [for clearance
between seats and tables]
13. Buttock-knee length - horizontal distance from the back of the uncompressed buttock to the front
of the kneecap. [clearance between rows of seats]
14. Buttock-popliteal length - horizontal distance from the back of the uncompressed buttocks to the
popliteal angle, at the back of the knee, where the back of the lower legs meets the underside of
the thigh. [seat depth]
15. Knee height [clearance beneath tables]
16. Popliteal height - vertical distance from the floor to the popliteal angle at the underside of the
knee. [maximum acceptable height of a seat]
17. Shoulder breadth (bideltoid) - maximum horizontal breadth across the shoulders, measured to
the protrusions of the deltoid muscles. [clearance at shoulder level]
18. Shoulder breadth (biacromial) - horizontal distance across the shoulders measured between the
acromion (bony points). [lateral separation of the centers of rotation of the upper limb]
19. Hip breadth [clearance for the width of a seat]
20. Chest depth - maximum horizontal distance from the vertical reference plane to the front of the
chest in men or breast in women. [clearance between seat backs and obstructions]
21. Abdominal depth - maximum horizontal distance from the vertical reference plane to the front
of the abdomen in the standard sitting position. [clearance between seat back and obstructions]
22. Shoulder-elbow length - distance from the acromion to the underside of the elbow in a standard
sitting position.
23. Elbow-fingertip length - distance from the back of the elbow to the tip of the middle finger in a
standard sitting position. [forearm reach; used in defining normal working area]
24. Upper limb length - distance from the acromion to the fingertip with the elbow and wrist straight
25. Shoulder-grip length - distance from the acromion to the center of an object gripped in the hand,
with the elbow and wrist straight. [functional length of upper limb; used in defining zone of
convenient reach]
26. Head length - distance between the glabella (the most anterior point on the forehead between
the brow ridges) and the occiput (back of the head) in the midline. [reference datum for location
of eyes, approximately 20 mm behind glabella]
27. Head breadth - maximum breadth of the head above the level of the ears. [clearance]
28. Hand length - distance from the crease of the wrist to the tip of the middle finger with the hand
held straight and stiff.

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29. Hand breadth - maximum breadth across the palm of the hand (at the distal ends of the
metacarpal bones. [clearance required for hand access, e.g., grips, handles, etc.]
30. Foot length - distance, parallel to the long axis of the foot, from the back of the heel to the tip of
the longest toe. [clearance for foot, design of pedals]
31. Foot breadth - maximum horizontal breadth, wherever found, across the foot perpendicular to
the long axis. [clearance for foot, spacing of pedals, etc.]
32. Span - the maximum horizontal distance between the fingertips when both arms are stretched
out sideways. [lateral reach]
33. Elbow span - distance between the tips of the elbows when both upper limbs are stretched out
sideways and the elbows are fully flexed so that the fingertips touch the chest. [a useful guideline
when considering “elbow room” in the workspace.]
34. Grip reaches - in each case the measurement is made to the center of a cylindrical rod fully
grasped in the palm of the hand. In dimensions 34 and 35 the arm is raised vertically above the
head and the measurement is made from the floor or seat surface, respectively. In dimension 36
the arm is raised horizontally forward at shoulder level and the measurement is taken from the
back of the shoulder blades. In each case these are “easy” reaches made without excessive
Corrections: some surveys measure reach to the tip of the outstretched middle finger or to the tip
of the thumb when it forms a “pinch” with the index finger. Approximately,

Fingertip reach = grip reach + 60% hand length

Thumbtip reach = grip reach + 20% hand length

Criteria for a good computer workstation

Personal computer workstations are commonly used in Hong Kong offices, the stock-exchange, banks, 999
emergency call centers, air-traffic control rooms, MTR control rooms, KCRC control rooms, nuclear power
station, schools, universities, homes and so forth.

In designing a PC workstation, the two reference points to be considered would be the Eye-reference-
point (ERP) and the Hand-reference-point (HARP). The obvious reason is that most tasks related to
operating a PC involve (i) watching the monitor, (ii) using the keyboard, and (iii) using the mouse.
According to the Eastman Kodak (1983), viewing a monitor at an angle below the horizontal level of the
eyes results in much less stress to the neck muscle than an angle above the eye level (also in Sander and
McCormick, 1992). These research findings imply that the top of the monitor should be around or below
the horizontal eye level.

According to the British Standard (1990: BS 7310), a computer keyboard should be placed at the same
height as the elbow so that the lower arm and the wrist can form a near-horizontal line (i.e., the wrist
joint is at its neutral position). Of course, the normal criteria for designing a chair also apply (see Section
3 of the notes on anthropometry).

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Steps to determine the dimensions of a PC workstation (see p.3-5 of the note on

Workstation Design)
1. Conduct a task analysis to determine the functional requirement related to the job (with an
emphasis to identify potential risk for “Cumulative Trauma Disorders”) [Part 1 of a risk assessment
required by Ch509B section 4 – see top of p.5 of the notes on Workstation Design]
2. Conduct a questionnaire survey to find out potential ergonomics problem related to the existing
workstation. [Part 2 of a Risk Assessment required by Ch509B section 4 – see top of p.5 of the
notes on Workstation Design]
3. Determine the user population and the appropriate data set(s): Male? Female? Both? Chinese?
Adults? Children? Should any particular selection criteria be used due with regards to the nature
of the user population?
4. Decide the percentage of fit: i.e. what is the percentage of the user-population that the
workstation has to accommodate. (Provide justification if it is not practical to fit all existing users
– i.e., justify for acceptable risk) [Part 3 of a Risk Assessment required by Ch509B section 4].
[Please note: this lab will introduce a “worst case analysis” to design a workstation that will fit all
existing users].
5. Using the results of Parts 1, 2, 3 of the risk assessment to determine the primary and
anthropometric criteria. [This step is part of the fulfillment of Section 5, Ch509B – see p.4 of the
notes on Workstation Design].
6. Identify the criteria-related workstation dimensions. [This step is also part of the fulfillment of
Section 5, Ch509B – see p.4 of the notes on Workstation Design].
7. Identify the anthropometric constraints. [This step is also part of the fulfillment of Section 5,
8. Calculate the dimensions of the workstation using the appropriate anthropometric data set. [This
step is also part of the fulfillment of Section 5, Ch509B].
9. Compare that with the dimensions of the existing workstation and make corrections to the
existing designs. [This step is also part of the fulfillment of Section 5, Ch509B].
10. Implement a monitoring system to receive continuous feedback concerning ergonomics problems
(e.g., recordings of absentee and their reasons; open channels for feedbacks) [This step is also
part of the fulfillment of Section 5, Ch509B].
11. Keep records and documents of steps 1 to 10 and make them available for inspection by the
Occupation Safety Officers [This step is part of the fulfillment of Section 4, Ch509B – see p.5 of the
notes on Workstation Design].
12. Inform all users of the works performed under Steps 1 to 11 so that they are all aware of the
potential risk and their reductions. [This step is a fulfillment of Section 8, Ch509B – see p.4 of the
notes on Workstation Design].

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Figure 1: Static anthropometric dimensions (Source: Bodyspace: anthropometry, ergonomics, and design
by Pheasant, 1986).

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 To determine the dimensions of two workstations for an ambulance dispatch center
 To learn how to apply the knowledge of anthropometry in a practical way

44% [22% for participating Part1 and
Answers to and participation of Steps 1 to 8d.1 =
22% for participating Part2]
Answers to Steps 8d.2 = 36% [only if you have participated Parts1&2]
Answers to Step 8e = 10% [only if you have participated Parts1&2]
Answers to Step 8f = 10% [only if you have participated Parts1&2]

Operator population
It is assumed that the operators at the ambulance dispatch center have the same distribution of body
dimensions and gender ratio as the class of IEDA3130.

An operator is required to wear a uniform shirt or blouse and a pair of black trousers. Furthermore, the
shoes should have flat heels with thickness no more than 20mm (assume a shoe allowance of 2cm for
both genders).


A set of standard anthropometer and measuring tapes will be provided.

Step 1 – Conduct a task analysis
Questions for class discussion: Imagine yourselves being ergonomics consultants.
 How will you conduct a task analysis?
 What type of information will you be looking for?
 Who should you talk to?

[Group discussion followed by a 5-min presentation from each group]

Step 2 – Conduct a questionnaire survey

 What questions will you ask?
 Who will you ask?
 Why do you think in most cases, your clients (the one who pay you) will oppose a survey?

[Group discussion followed by a 5-min presentation from selected group]

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Step 3 – Who are the users?


Step 4 – What is the percentage of fit?

 Should you ask your client for the percentage of fit? If yes, why yes? If no, why not?
 How will you determine the percentage of fit?

[Group discussion followed by a 5-min presentation from selected group]

Step 5 – List the primary and anthropometric criteria

[Group discussion followed by a 3-min presentation from each group]
Finally, the anthropometric criteria are:

Step 6 – List the criteria-related workstation dimensions

[Group discussion followed by a 5-min presentation from selected groups]

Hint: use a simple diagram to illustrate the dimensions.

Step 7 – List the anthropometric constraints

[Group discussion followed by a 5-min presentation from selected groups]

Finally, we have agreed that the following dimensions will be measured:

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Step 8 – Calculated the dimensions of the workstation

 What do you need before you can start your calculations?

Step 8a - measure the required anthropometric dimensions (answers to Step 7) among the
members of your group and tabulate the data as follows (NB: Please obtain prior consent from your
subjects before measuring anyone, since you need to explain the purpose of taking the measurement to
the participants and obtain their consents prior to commencing the experiment. Therefore, ask each
participant to read and sign the subject consent form on p.14. The data should be measured with shoes
[You can fill in the record in the excel data sheet]

Body Dimensions labeled by no. in Figure 1

Last 4 digits Gender Age No. X … No. Y
of student ID Reading 1 Reading 2 … Reading 1 Reading 2
4567 M 20 76.0cm 76.3cm … 41.5cm 42cm
1234 F 20 74.5cm 74.2cm … 48cm 48.3cm

[After you have finished the measurements, please send the data sheet to the TA].

Since the workstation has to fit BOTH the male and female operators, we will combine the data set of
male and female participants.

Step 8b - using the existing workstation design (i.e., table height is fixed and the chair has
adjustable height ranging from 42cm to 50cm) and assuming a NORMAL DISTRIBUTION for
all the anthropometric data (i.e., can use Mean and SD):

8b1. Calculate the percentile of operators who can sit down in the chair with their feet firmly touching the

8b2. Can you suggest two methods which can enable operators to sit more comfortably with their feet
firmly touching the ground?

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Step 8c - let’s start with the HARP, applying the recommendation from BS 7310, you would like
to set the height of the elbow (with upper arm dropping vertically and forming a right angle
with the lower arm) equal to the height of the keyboard.

8c1. Now, the existing height of the keyboard is fixed at 72 cm. From the data set, please extract the
participant with the shortest sum of Sitting Elbow Height (No.11 in Figure 1) and Popliteal Height (No.16
in Figure 1).

The sum = __________ cm. Now, using this person as an example, consider the two answers for Question
8b.2: which method is the better way of enabling the person to use the keyboard as well as keeping his
or her feet on the ground?

If your client insists on using the Not-so-good answer for Question 8b.2, can you still use a constant
keyboard height? Please explain the reason.

Step 8d - after the calculations and considerations in step 8c, you have decided to propose two
types of designs to your clients: (i) a workstation with a constant keyboard height, a chair with
adjustable height, and a foot rest with adjustable height, and (ii) a workstation with an
adjustable work surface height and a chair with an adjustable height.

8d.1 Considering the first design – a station with constant keyboard height, a chair with adjustable height,
and a foot rest with adjustable height: [NB: the keyboard is attached to the table and 𝑯𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 is equal to
𝑯𝒌𝒆𝒚𝒃𝒐𝒂𝒓𝒅. The LCD monitor is placed on the table – if really needed, the LCD monitor itself can have a
limited adjustable height].

[Handouts on the suggested answers to Q8d.1 will be posted on the canvas.]

This approach is referred to as “Extreme Case Approach (ECA)”

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Answers to Steps 8d.2, 8e and 8f will be this lab’s home assignment to be handed
in GROUP with your lab partners ON or BEFORE Thu. 25 Oct 11:59pm to Canvas.
8d.2 Considering the second design – a station with adjustable keyboard (or table) height and a chair with
adjustable height: [NB: the keyboard is attached to the table and 𝑯𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 is equal to 𝑯𝒌𝒆𝒚𝒃𝒐𝒂𝒓𝒅 . As
keyboard height is moved, so will the height of the table. Since the LCD monitor is placed on the table,
the 𝑯𝒕𝒐𝒑−𝒐𝒇−𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒐𝒓 will increase as 𝑯𝒌𝒆𝒚𝒃𝒐𝒂𝒓𝒅 increases. If really needed, the LCD monitor itself can
have limited adjustable height].

Step 8e - Based on the anthropometric data of the class as well as the data from Pheasant (i.e.,
the data table on p.11), please recommend the following clearance and give appropriate
explanation and calculation (if needed):
8e1. the minimum vertical leg room clearance (i.e., the vertical space between the underneath of the
keyboard and the top of the seat-surface) [i.e., 𝑪𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒕−𝒍𝒆𝒈 as marked in the figure]

8e2. the forward leg room clearance (i.e., the forward horizontal clearance underneath the keyboard) [i.e.,
𝑪𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒛−𝒍𝒆𝒈 as marked in the figure – distance from the edge of the keyboard to the back of the table]

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Step 8f - This question tests your ability to apply the Extreme Case Approach (ECA) to the
problem currently found at a food service counter located at LG1 restaurant (see figure below).
[NB: it is assumed that the height of the work surface is about elbow height]


L12 < or = ShGripL2 – ShElbL2

 L1 is the design parameter and is the radial distance from the edge of the food storage to the
mid-line of the work surface.
 ShGripL is the Shoulder Grip Length (Dimension 25 in your record sheet)
 ShElbL is the Shoulder Elbow Length (Dimension 22 in your record sheet)]

The objective is to determine the maximum length for L1, please find out the extreme case(s) that will
impose an upper limit on the maximum length of L1.

The extreme case is the person with ___________________________________________

The maximum value of L1 (if your classmates are the workers working at the food service counter)

= ____________

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Table 1:Anthropometric estimates for Hong Kong Chinese adults (Table 4.36, Bodyspace: anthropometry,
ergonomics, and design by Pheasant, 1986) (all dimensions in mm)

Men Women

5th 50th 95th 5th 50th 95th

Dimension %ile %ile %ile SD %ile %ile %ile SD

1. Stature 1585 1680 1775 58 1455 1555 1655 60

2. Eye height 1470 1555 1640 52 1330 1425 1520 57
3 Shoulder height 1300 1380 1460 50 1180 1265 1350 51
4 Elbow height 950 1015 1080 39 870 935 1000 41
5 Hip height 790 855 920 41 715 785 855 42
6 Knuckle height 685 750 815 40 650 715 780 41
7 Fingertip height 575 640 705 38 540 610 680 44
8 Sitting height 845 900 955 34 780 840 900 37
9 Sitting eye height 720 780 840 35 660 720 780 35
10 Sitting shoulder height 555 605 655 31 510 560 610 29
11 Sitting elbow height 190 240 290 31 165 230 295 38
12 Thigh thickness 110 135 160 14 105 130 155 14
13 Buttock-knee length 505 550 595 26 470 520 570 30
14 Buttock-popliteal length 405 450 495 26 385 435 485 29
15 Knee height 450 495 540 26 410 455 500 27
16 Popliteal height 365 405 445 25 325 375 425 29
17 Shoulder breadth (bideltoid) 380 425 470 26 335 385 435 29
18 Shoulder breadth (biacromial) 335 365 395 19 315 350 385 22
19 Hip breadth 300 335 370 22 295 330 365 21
20 Chest (bust) depth 155 195 235 25 160 215 270 34
21 Abdominal depth 150 210 270 36 150 215 280 39
22 Should-elbow length 310 340 370 19 290 315 340 16
23 Elbow-fingertip length 410 445 480 22 360 400 440 24
24 Upper limb length 680 730 780 30 615 660 705 26
25 Shoulder-grip length 580 620 660 25 525 560 595 22
26 Head length 175 190 205 8 160 175 190 9
27 Head breadth 150 160 170 7 135 150 165 8
28 Hand length 165 180 195 9 150 165 180 9
29 Hand breadth 70 80 90 5 60 70 80 5
30 Foot length 235 250 265 10 205 225 245 11
31 Foot breadth 85 95 105 5 80 85 90 4
32 Span 1480 1635 1790 95 1350 1480 1610 80
33 Elbow span 805 885 965 48 690 775 860 51
34 Vertical grip reach (standing) 1835 1970 2105 83 1685 1825 1965 86
35 Vertical grip reach (sitting) 1110 1205 1300 58 855 940 1025 51
36 Forward grip reach 640 705 770 38 580 635 690 32

See Figure 1.

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1. Are you feeling ill in any way? Yes / No

2. Have you suffered any serious illness? Yes / No
3. Are you under medical treatment or suffering disability affecting your daily life? Yes / No

If you answer is ‘Yes’ to question (1), (2), or (3), please tell the experimenter and ask the
experimenter to find another classmate to be the subject.


I consent to take part in an experiment. My replies to the above questions are correct to the best
of my belief, and I understand that they will be treated as confidential by the experimenter.

I understand that I may at any time withdraw from the experiment and that I am under no
obligation to give reasons for withdrawal or to attend again for experimentation.

I undertake to obey the regulations of the laboratory and instructions of the experimenter
regarding safety only to my right to withdraw declared above.

The purpose and methods of the research have been explained to me and I have had the
opportunity to ask questions.

Signature of Subject __________________________ Date ____________________

This experiment conforms to the requirement of the University Research Ethic Committee. (Lab
experiments for IEDA3130 have been approved by the Human Subject Experimentation

Signature of Experimenter ______________________ Date ____________________

(When completed, this form should be handed in with your group lab report).

(All information in this form will be confidential and will only be used in relation to the
checking of the fulfillment of Lab’s requirement. They will be kept by the TAs and once the
grades of the labs are finalized, they will be destroyed).

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Record sheet (Please fill in the given excel sheet)

Last four digits of the Student ID: ______________ Gender: Female / Male Age: ____________________

Anthropometric dimensions Readings (cm)

1st 2nd Mean
9 Sitting eye height - vertical distance from the sitting surface to the inner canthus (i.e. the corner of the eyes).
[center of visual field]

10 Sitting shoulder height - vertical distance from the seat surface to the acromion (i.e., the bony point of the
shoulder). [center of rotation of the upper limb]

11 Sitting elbow height - vertical distance from the seat surface to the underside of the elbow [heights of
armrest, desk tops, keyboards]

12 Thigh thickness - vertical distance from the seat surface to the top of the uncompressed soft tissue of the
thigh at its thickest point, generally where it meets the abdomen. [for clearance between seats and tables]

13 Buttock-knee length - horizontal distance from the back of the uncompressed buttock to the front of the
kneecap. [clearance between rows of seats]

14 Buttock-popliteal length - horizontal distance from the back of the uncompressed buttocks to the popliteal
angle, at the back of the knee, where the back of the lower legs meets the underside of the thigh. [seat depth]

16 Popliteal height - vertical distance from the floor to the popliteal angle at the underside of the knee where
the tendon of the biceps femoris muscle inserts into the lower leg. [maximum acceptable height of a seat]

22 Shoulder-elbow length - distance from the acromion to the underside of the elbow in a standard sitting

23 Elbow-fingertip length - distance from the back of the elbow to the tip of the middle finger in a standard
sitting position. [forearm reach; used in defining normal working area].

25 Shoulder-grip length -distance from the acromion to the center of an object gripped in the hand, with the
elbow and wrist straight. [functional length of upper limb; used in defining zone of convenient reach]

Each Group should submit one excel to canvas with 3 members’ measurements data on the given excel file in canvas/files/Lab2/Lab2_Data_2023

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