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Unit 5 Short Test 2B

1 Choose the correct modal verbs to complete the dialogue.
Max Something 1must have / should have happened to my computer. I can’t find some of my icons.
Ellie Hmm. I wonder if you’ve got a virus.
Max Yes, maybe. But how? It 2can’t have / must have come in an email because I haven’t checked my
emails today.
Ellie Well, you 3should have / may have downloaded something from the internet.
Max Hmm. I downloaded a film from a website earlier. Maybe I 4shouldn’t have / might have done that.
Ellie Yes, you 5should have / could have got a virus from there. But switch off your computer and see if the
problem goes away. Maybe it isn’t a virus after all.
Max Good idea. Why didn’t I think of that?

Mark: ___ / 5

2 Complete the sentences with the correct affirmative or negative form of the cues in the box.
can / win may / hit might / miss must / be should / bring

1 It’s freezing cold. We _______________________ warmer coats.

2 Our basketball team _______________________ the match yesterday − they’re terrible!
3 Zara’s not here yet. She _______________________ the bus.
4 We don’t know why the boat sank, but it _______________________ a rock under the water.
5 That film _______________________ very scary. When everyone came out of the cinema, their faces were white!

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 1 Unit 5 Short Test 2B

3 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct prepositions.
Melanie Guess what! I won second prize in the art competition. I’m really pleased 1_______ myself.
Stewart Well done! I know you’re very keen 2_______ drawing.

Max The man next door is really angry 3_______ me. That boy from number 16 broke his window, and he thinks
I’m responsible 4_______ it because I always play football in the street outside his house.
Claire Are your parents aware 5_______ who really broke the window?

Mark: ___ / 5

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
break enter exchange have not pass

1 We didn’t expect to win the competition when we ________________ it.

2 In the film, Jack Crow has to ________________ a code written in an ancient language.
3 I’m really sorry that you ________________ your driving test. Better luck next time!
4 I ________________ emails with my e-friend in Japan a few times a week.
5 I’ve ________________ a conversation with Mandy, and she’s very angry with you. You should go and apologise.

Mark: ___ / 5

Total: ___ / 20

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 2 Unit 5 Short Test 2B

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