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Doroni, Kyla Marie G.

BS Accountancy – 2A

1. What does the title “Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo Ngayon?” mean, and how does it relate
to the story?

The movie "Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo Ngayon?” is a Filipino phrase that translates to
“This is How We Were, How Are You Now?” is a suitable title for the contents of the film
because it generally portrayed the situation of the Philippines before and the experiences of
the Filipinos in the hands of the Spaniards during the Spanish Colonialism. The title is a phrase
to compare the life of the Filipinos before and how the Filipinos are living in the present day.

2. Describe the nineteenth century Philippines as represented in the film.

During the nineteenth century, the Philippines had not yet attained freedom and

The country was still being ruled by the cunning and cruel Spaniards were they use their power
to abuse the Filipinos who were powerless.

Also, in the film, we can see the huge gap between the people who are privileged and those
that belonged to the lower class. The people who have an abundant money used their
wealthiness as a weapon to have everything they want. While on the other hand, those that do
not have sufficient money were perceived as failure and useless. Moreover, they were not given
advantage to attain education, only those who have the power to do so are given the
opportunity to go to school.

3. Based on your reading and class discussion, what can you say about the film’s representation
of the nineteenth century?

The film's representation of the nineteenth century clearly depicts the life of the Filipinos
before where despite the cruelty that was happening and the struggles that our ancestors were
experiencing, we can still see Filipinos being united in times of challenges and the beauty of
living in the Philippines.

4. What is the main question that the film seek to answer?

The main question that the film seek to answer is the fruit of the bravery and hardships of the
Filipinos fighting for independence. It generally wants to know the changes that occurred
between the era when the Philippines was still under the rulings of the Spaniards and now that
we are already independent from them. The events that happened in the Philippines and the
explorations of the Filipinos made our country progressed and advanced to a better situation.
5. What are your overall thoughts and feelings about the film after watching it?

The film gave me a glimpse of what was happening to our country during the Spanish
Colonialism. It felt like I was brought back to that era because of the great portrayal of the
events and emotions they’ve felt before. The film made me realize that the Filipinos went
through a lot of hardships in order to have the independence that our country deserves and
the freedom that the citizens needs. The attainment of having the said goals was not an easy
fight but the Filipinos, being the brave warriors, didn’t gave up on achieving the success of
completely having independence and defeat the cunning Spaniards from owning and ruling
the country in a cruel way. I felt proud on what our ancestors did in order for us to have this
peaceful and free country. After watching the film, I appreciated them more than I did before.

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