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"don't be a normie, i guess"

Units & Dimension
1.Error Analysis

1.1 Combination of Errors in the Sum of Quantities

1.2 Combination of Errors in the Difference of Quantities
1.3 Combination of Errors in the Product of Quantities
1.4 Combination of Errors in the Division of Quantities
1.5 Combination of Errors in Quantities Raised Power

2.Dimensional Analysis

2.1 Dimensional Formulas and Dimensional Equations

2.2 Principle of Homogeneity

2.3 Deducing Relations Among Physical Quantities

Units & Dimension
3.Vernier Calipers

3.1 Reading A Vernier Caliper

3.2 Zero Error and Zero Correction
3.3 Positive and Negative Zero Error
3.4 Calculation of Positive Zero Error
3.5 Calculation of Negative Zero Error

4.Screw Gauge

4.1 Constants of Screw Gauge

4.2 Zero Error And Zero Correction

5. Significant Figures and Rounding Off

5.1 Significant Figures

5.2 Rounding Off
5.3 Significant Figures in Calculation


1. Average Variables
1.1 Average Velocity and Average Speed
1.2 Average Acceleration

2.Differential Forms
2.1 Instantaneous Speed
2.2 Instantaneous velocity
2.3 Instantaneous Acceleration

3. Equations
3.1 Formula for uniformly accelerated motion in a straight line


4.1 How to Analyze and Draw the Graph

4.2 Position-time graph
4.3 Velocity-time graph
4.4 Acceleration-time graph
4.5 Velocity displacement graph

5. Projectile
5.1 Principles of Physical Independence of Motions in a Project Time Cases
5.2 Horizontal Range
5.3 Maximum Height
5.4 Time of flight
5.6 Horizontal projectile

6.Relative motion
6.1 Relative Velocity in Two Dimensions

6.2 Graphical Methods to Find Relative Velocity

6.3 Relative Motion in River Flow

River Problem in Two Dimensions (Crossing River)
Crossing the river in shortest time
Crossing the river in shortest path, minimum drift

6.4 Rain-Man Problem

6.5 Wind-Airplane Problem

Newton’s Laws of Motion
1.Newton's Law of Motion
1.1 Newton's First Law of Motion
1.2 Newton's Second Law of Motion

1.3 Newton's Third Law of Motion

2.1 Definition (Impulse)
2.2 Force Exerted by Liquid Jet on Wall
2.3 Liquid Jet Striking the Wall at the Same Angle

3.Free Body Diagrams

3.1 Weight
3.2 Normal Force
3.3 Tension
3.4 Friction
3.5 Elastic Spring Forces
3.6 Pseudo (Fictitious) Force

4.Equilibrium of a Particle
4.1 Constraint Relation
4.2 Writing Down Constraint-Pulley
4.3 Wedge Constraint

Newton’s Laws of Motion
5. Analysis of Friction Force
5.1 Laws of Limiting Friction
5.2 Angle of Friction

6.Circular Motion
6.1 Particle in Uniform Circular Motion
6.2 Particle in Non-Uniform Circular Motion
6.3 Circular Turnings & Banking Of Roads
6.4 Centrifugal Force

7.Combination of Springs
7.1 Spring in Parallel
7.2 Spring in Series
7.3 Spring in Series with a Mass between them

Work, Power & Energy

1.1 Work
1.2 Calculation of Work for Uniform Force

1.3 Work Done by the Gravitational Force

1.4 Work Done by a Spring Force

1.5 Work Done by a General Variable (Non Uniform) Force


2.1 Work–Kinetic Energy Theorem

2.2 Work–Mechanical Energy Theorem

2.3 Kinetic Energy

2.4 Potential Energy

2.5 Work and Potential Energy

2.6 Conservative and Nonconservative Forces

2.7 Relation Between Conservative Force and Potential Energy

2.8 Power


Center of Mass & Momentum

1.Center of Mass
1.1 Center of Mass of a System of 'N' Discrete Particles
1.2 Center of Mass of a Continuous Mass Distribution
1.3 Center of Mass of a Uniform Rod
1.4 Center of Mass of Continuous Geometric Figures

2.Motion of Center of Mass

2.1 Motion of Center of Mass and Conservation of Momentum: Velocity
of Center of Mass of System
2.2 Acceleration of Center of Mass of System
2.3 Center of Mass at Rest

3.1 Line of Impact
3.2 Classification of Collisions
3.3 Coefficient of Restitution
3.4 Impulse of Deformation
3.5 Impulse of Reformation
3.6 General Equation of Direct Impact
3.8 Collisions In Two Dimensions (Oblique)

Center of Mass & Momentum

4.Linear Momentum

4.1 Linear Momentum

4.2 Linear Momentum of a System of Particles
4.3 Conservation of Linear Momentum
4.4 Momentum and Kinetic Energy in Collisions

1. Rotational Variables
1.1 Angular Position
1.2 Angular Displacement
1.3 Angular Velocity
1.4 Angular Acceleration
1.5 Rotation with Constant Angular Acceleration
1.6 Relating the Linear and Angular Variables

2. Torque
2.1 Torque Of a Force About The Axis Of Rotation
2.2 Γ = Iα
2.3 Bodies In Equilibrium

3.Angular Momentum

3.1 Definition (Angular Momentum)

3.2 L = Iω
3.3 Conversation Of Angular Momentum
3.4 Angular Impulse
3.5 Kinetic Energy Of a Rigid Body Rotating About a Given Axis
3.6 Power Delivered And Work Done By a Torque

4. Moment of Inertia
4.1 Definition
4.2 Moment of Inertia of Uniform rod about a perpendicular bisector
4.3 Theorem of Parallel Axes
4.4 Theorem of Perpendicular Axes
4.5 Radius of Gyration
4.6 Moment of Inertia of Other Geometrical Figures

5. Rolling Motion
5.1 Rolling
5.2 Rolling Bodies in Moving Platform
5.3 Velocity of Point on the Rolling Body
5.4 Kinetic Energy of Rolling Wheel
5.6 Angular Momentum of Rolling Wheel
5.7 Rolling of a Body on an Inclined Plane


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