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(As per the CBSE syllabus 2023-2024)

Examines the significance of role of G20 and its significance in the light of
India's present role.
The G20, or Group of Twenty, is an international forum comprised of the world's 20 major
economies, including India. It plays a significant role in global governance and decision-making
processes, particularly in addressing economic and financial issues. India's role in the G20 is of
great significance, especially considering its increasing economic and geopolitical importance
in recent years. The G20 comprises 19 countries and EU. Australia, Brazil, Canada, China,
Japan, Saudi Arabia, UK, USA etc. are other members.

1. Economic Influence: India’s presence in the G20 ensures that its economic
interests and perspectives are represented in global discussions and policy
2. Global Leadership: As a member of the G20, India gains a platform for
demonstrating its global leadership aspirations. It provides India with an
opportunity to engage with other major powers and showcase its diplomatic
3. Development Priorities: India's participation in the G20 enables it to
address key development challenges within the country.

4. Trade and Investment: The G20 facilitates discussions on international trade and
investment policies .It can negotiate market access for its products and address
trade barriers through multilateral discussions within the G20 framework.

5. Climate Change and Energy: The G20 provides a platform for addressing global
challenges related to climate change and energy transition.
Overall, India's role in the G20 is significant for its economic interests, global
leadership aspirations, developmental priorities, trade and investment, and
addressing climate change challenges. Effective engagement within this forum can
help India shape global policies and promote its interests while contributing to the
collective efforts of the G20 towards global economic stability and sustainable


Sample Questions on G20

1. Examines the significance of role of G20 and its significance in the light of India's
present role.
2. What do you mean by G20? When it was held in India? What is its main aim?
3. What is G20? Write any two member countries other than India.
4. What is the significance of G20 in the light of India's present role?
5. Write any two aims and significance of G20.
6. What are the three major goals of G20?
7. Write a brief note on G20.
8. “India plays a significant role in global governance and decision-making
processes of G20” Explain
9. “India's participation in the G20 enables it to address key development
challenges within the country” Explain
10. What is the major role of India in G20? Explain.

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