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Unit-1 THE CALENDAR (Short Questions Notes) U Khun Zaw Minn Htwe

1. Who made the first calendar? Scientists in Egypt (Egyptian scientists)

2. What is the Egyptians’ way of counting weeks and months? that there were ten days in a week, three weeks in a month and twelve months in a year.
3. How long does it take the earth ^ to turn around one time? a day
4. How long does the earth take ^ to travel around the sun one time? 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds
5. How long was the Egyptian year? 360 days long
6. What was the Egyptians’ yearly calendar like? using a watch that runs slow
7. How did the Egyptians solve this problem? by making a five-day holiday at the end of each year
8. How did Julius Caesar make the Egyptian calendar right? by adding an extra day every four years
9. What was the main problem for the scientists in Pope Gregory’s how to keep the calendar right in the future, year after year
10. How did scientists solve the problem of Julius Caesar’s calendar by making a plan to take out three days every 400 years
going too fast?
1. How long did Julius Caesar think a year should be ^? 365 days and 6 hours long
2. Why did Pope Gregory XIII try to make a better calendar? because by the year 1582 scientists showed that Julius Caesar’s calendar was
about 10 days faster than the sun
3. How long exactly does it take the earth ^ to travel around the sun 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds
4. How long does the earth take ^ to revolve around the sun one 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds
5. How did the scientists discover about Julius Caesar’s calendar in that Julius Caesar’s calendar was about 10 days faster than the sun----
the year 1582?
6. When and where was the first calendar made? in Egypt more than two thousand years ago
7. How did Julius Caesar make the Egyptian calendar right? by adding an extra day every four years
8. Who made the first calendar and when was it made? Scientists in Egypt---- more than two thousand years ago
9. What is the calendar we are using today called and why is it the Gregorian Calendar---- because it is named for Pope Gregory XIII
called so?
10. How many days were there in a week and how many weeks ten days---- three weeks
were there in a month in the Egyptian calendar?
11. What was using the Egyptian calendar like? using a watch that runs slow
12. What is the calendar we use today called and why is it named the Gregorian Calendar---- because it is named for Pope Gregory XIII
13. Was 1800 a leap year? Why? No, 1800 was not a leap year because it could not be divided evenly by 400
14. How did scientists solve the problem of Julius Caesar’s calendar by making a plan to take out three days every 400 years
going too fast?
15. What was the main problem of the scientists in Pope Gregory’s how to keep the calendar right in the future, year after year
16. What was a leap year? a year with an extra day
17. How long is a year really? 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds--
18.When and by whom was the first calendar made? by Egyptian scientists more than 2,000 years ago
19. What do they mean?“It was like using a watch that runs slow.” that as the Egyptian calendar was slower than the exact sun year, it was like
using a watch that runs low

Unit-2 TOO MUCH KNOWLEDGE MAKETH FOOLS (Short Questions Notes) U Khun Zaw Minn Htwe
1. When did the four youths return to their respective parents? after studying for three years as they were considered proficient in their
respective subjects
2. What advice did the professor give his students? was to have the sense to act suitably to the time and circumstance of a situation
3. Why did they feel that their great teacher was thoughtful? because after travelling for a number of days, their dry rations ran out and the
pot and the grain which he had given to them came in very useful
4. Why did the medico come back without buying any fish or meat? because his medical knowledge warned him that nothing suited him
5. Why did the philosopher come back empty-handed? because the ghee packed in the green leaf in his hand had melted gradually and
6. What was the astrologer waiting for ^ to climb down from the the moment when he would be under the influence of a descending
tree? constellation--
7. What happened to the pot of rice? was caught by one backward kick of the right heel of the man of music and
dancing, and it broke
8. Why did the four youths fail to carry out the di;erent tasks? because they did not have the sense to act suitably to the time and
circumstance of a situation, and they had applied too much knowledge of the
subjects they had studied to their tasks
1. Under whom did the four youths come to study? under the famous professor Disaparmauk of Taxila
2. Why did the astrologer wait instead of climbing down from the because he was not under the influence of a descending constellation
3. Why did the four youths fail to accomplish the di;erent tasks? because they did not have the sense to act suitably to the time and
circumstance of a situation and they had applied too much knowledge of the
subjects they had studied to their tasks
4. Why was the climbing up the bael tree easy for the astrologer? because at that moment he was under the influence of an ascending
5. What advice did the professor give the four youths? was to have the sense to act suitably to the time and circumstance of a situation
6. Who climbed the tall bael tree and why was it easy for him to ?e astrologer---- because at that moment he was under the influence of an
climb the tree? ascending constellation
7. Why didn’t the astrologer come down from the bael tree? because he was waiting for the moment when he would be under the influence
of a descending constellation
8. What did the professor give the four youths as a parting gift and a cooking pot and some grain in order that they would have something to cook
why? and eat should their dry rations run out before they reached home
9. Why did the four youths fail to carry out the di;erent tasks? because they did not have the sense to act suitably to the time and
circumstance of a situation and they had applied too much knowledge of the
subjects they had studied to their tasks
10. Where did the three friends of the astrologer look for him and in the forest ---- at the top of a tall bael tree
where did they find him?
11. Why was it easy for the astrologer to climb up the bael tree? because at that moment he was under the influence of an ascending
12. In order to get a decent meal, what was the medico to do and to buy meat and fish ---- to gather vegetables
what was the astrologer to do?
13. When did the four youths return to their respective parents? after studying for three years as they wereconsidered proficient in their
respective subjects
14. Why did the man of music and dancing start dancing when he because to his ears, it sounded so much like the rhythmic beats of music
heard the bubbling noise of the boiling rice? coming from a drum
15. Why did each of the four youths come to the famous professor to study the subject following his natural bent under the professor
Disaparmauk of Taxila?
16. When the medico and the philosopher found the man of music as disconsolate as ever, and he was moping beside a broken pot with the rice
and dancing, how did he look and what was he doing? strewn all over the fire place
17. When did the four youths return to their respective parents? after studying for three years as they were considered proficient in their
respective subjects
18. Why did the medico come back without buying any fish or because his medical knowledge warned him that nothing suited him
19. What did the professor give the four youths as a parting gift and a cooking pot and some grain in order that they would have something to cook
why? and eat should their dry rations run out before they reached home
20. After travelling for a number of days, how did the four youths as their dry rations ran out and the pot and the grain given to them by their
realize that their professor was very thoughtful? professor came in very useful
21. Why didn’t the medico buy anything from the bazaar? because his medical knowledge warned him that nothing suited him

Unit-3 THE MOON: A NICE PLACE TO VISIT? (Short Questions Notes) U Khun Zaw Minn Htwe
1. Why is there no water on the moon? because the force of gravity on the moon is much less than on the earth
2. Why is there no vegetation on the moon? because there is no water on it
3. Why is there no air on the moon? because its gravity is insuBcient to retain an atmosphere
4. When do we have a solar eclipse? when the earth passes directly between the sun and the moon, temporarily
blotting out the sun’s light
5. What is the e;ect of the sudden change in temperature? that rocks can shatter due to the alternate expanding and contracting
6. How long does it take the moon ^ to revolve around the earth twenty-nine and a half days
7. Why do we always see the same side of the moon? because it itself rotates very slowly
8. How far is the moon ^ from the earth? is 240,000 miles away
9. Would it be easy for a visitor to survive on the moon? Why? No, it would not---- because of its adverse conditions
10. What is the main idea of the passage? that the moon is not a nice place to visit due to its adverse conditions
1. What is the colour of the lunar sky? black
2. What can be seen on the moon in the daytime? Stars
3. Why is there no sound on the moon? because there is no air to transmit sound
4. Why is there no air on the moon? because its gravity is insuBcient to retain an atmosphere
5. How long does it take the moon ^ to revolve around the earth twenty-nine and a half days
6. How long has the moon existed in space? over (the) 4.6 billion years
7. How does sound travel? on waves of air molecules
8. When and how can stars be seen on the moon? in the daytime by shielding our eyes from the unfiltered sunlight
9. How far is the moon from the earth? --240,000 miles away--
10. Why is the moon completely devoid of water? because the force of gravity on the moon is much less than on the earth
11. Why can’t sound be transmitted on the moon? because sound travels on waves of air molecules but there is no air on the
12. What are the colours of the lunar sky and the sky on the earth? --is black-- is blue
13. How long has the moon existed in space and how far is it from over the 4.6 billion years----240,000 miles away
the earth?
14. When are stars visible on the moon and what would we have to in the daytime---- shield our eyes from the unfiltered sunlight---
do to view them?
15. What do travellers to the moon require? not only oxygen and water but also protection against cosmic rays that are
unfiltered by an atmosphere
16. What is the e;ect of the sudden change in temperature on the that rocks can shatter due to the alternate expanding and contracting
17. Why do we always see the same side of the moon? because it itself rotates very slowly
18. When are stars on the moon visible and what would you have to in the daytime---- shield our eyes from the unfiltered sunlight
do to view them?
19. How have songwriters and poets described the moon? as a place for a romantic escape
20. Why are temperatures on the moon quite extreme? because there is no atmosphere to filter the sun’s rays when it is shining and
then to blanket in warm air when the sun goes down
21. Why is the moon completely devoid of water and why is there because the force of gravity on the moon is much less than on the earth ----
no air on the moon? because its gravity is insuBcient to retain an atmosphere
22. How old is the moon and how long does it take ^ to revolve over 4.6 billion years---- twenty-nine and a half days----
around the earth once?
23. Why are a compass and a transistor not useful on the moon? because the moon is not a magnet the way the earth is ---- because there is no
air on the moon to transmit sound

UNIT- 4 CLOCKS THROUGH TIME (Short Questions Notes) U Khun Zaw Minn Htwe
1. At what time of day did a sundial work? in the daytime of sunny days
2. Why did people become more interested in knowing the correct because they began to go to more places and do more things
3. What are digital clocks? the most modern electric clocks for home use that do not have faces or hands
(and they tell the time with a set of numerals which appear in a little window)
4. When do electric clocks stop working? when they are unplugged or the electricity goes o;
5. When did hourglass come into use? after glass blowing was invented
6. What is another name for the pendulum clock? the grandfather clock
7. When did watches come into use? as soon as/when clocks were made small enough to be carried
8. Why could pendulum clocks show the time more correctly than because the weight on the pendulum could be moved up or down to make the
earlier clocks? clock go faster or slower
9. What are electric clocks without faces or hands called? digital clocks
10. What are digital clocks? the most modern clocks for home use that do not have faces or hands (and they
tell the time with a set of numerals which appear in a little window)
11. When do electric clocks stop giving the right time? when they are unplugged or the electricity goes o;
12. When do electric clocks stop working? when they are unplugged or the electricity goes o;
13. Why did people keep inventing to keep track of time after because they did not work at night or on cloudy days
inventing sundials?
14. Why did people become more interested in knowing the correct because they began to go to more places and do more things
15. How do digital clocks tell the time? with a set of numerals which appear in a little window
16. Why did pendulum clocks show the hours more exactly than the because the weight on the pendulum could be moved up or down to make the
earlier clocks? clock go faster or slower
17. What is another name for pendulum clocks and what are electric digital clocks
clocks without faces or hands called?
18. What is the weakness of the sundials? that they do not work at night or on cloudy days
19. What are the weakness of using striped candles and water that candles had to be remade and water clocks had to be refilled
20. Why were candles and water clocks not convenient to us? because candles had to be remade and water clocks had to be refilled
21. When did the hourglass come into use and how were glass bulbs after glass blowing was invented ---- by a narrow tunnel of glass ---
joined ^ in an hourglass?
22. At what time did a sundial work? in the daytime of sunny days
23. For whom was the first clock with a face and an hour hand made for a king of France ---- in a tower of the royal palace
and where was it placed?
24. When do electric clocks keep giving the right time and how do until they are unplugged or the electricity goes o; ---- to a split second
they tell the correct time?
25. What is another name for the pendulum clocks and why did they the grandfather clock ---- because the weight on the pendulum could be moved
show the hours more exactly than earlier clocks? up or down to make the clock go faster or slower
26.How were the pendulum clocks called and where were they the grandfather clocks ---- in tall wooden boxes
(What do they mean?) 1. “Grandfather clocks are very much in that grandfather clocks are very much wanted again nowadays. Today, a lot of
demand again today.” people like and want grandfather clocks very much

UNIT-5 SELF-SERVICE AND THE SUPERMARKET (Short Questions Notes) U Khun Zaw Minn Htwe
1. During the last few years what has increased? the number of shops, stores and supermarkets ---
2. How are the goods provided in supermarkets? attractively, hygienically and in perfect condition
3. What are some of the diBculties of such a store? that the organizers must display a great number of goods in a minimum space
without covering up anything; they must deal with perishable foodstu;s
requiring di;erent ranges of temperature and they must arrange a speedy flow
of customers past the cash registers without overtaxing the operators
4. What devices are used in supermarkets for the purposes of ?e devices that are used--- are long lengths of adjustable shelves, rotating
display? circular shelves, islands of display stands, racks and multi-tiered mobile stalls
5. At what temperature are frozen fruits kept? at zero degree Fahrenheit
6. How is quick payment done? by the use of modern cash registers
7. What is one of the modern cash registers used in supermarkets? the Automatic Itemizing and Change Computing Cash Register
8. Which do you prefer a self-service store or a traditional shop? because at a self-service store, there is no waiting to be served; there is a wide
variety of choice; and prepacked meat and vegetables are hygienic and
shopping is said to be more streamlined and more economical. (or)
because I like to be served by a small shop keeper who knows me personally
and will deliver goods to my home
1. What devices are used to display goods in supermarkets? ?e devices which are used ---- are long lengths of adjustable shelves,rotating
circular shelves, islands of display stands, racks and multi-tiered mobile stalls
2. What has solved the problem of quick payment? ?e use of modern cash register such as the Automatic Itemizing and Change
Computing Cash Register ----
3. Where are perishable foodstu;s kept ^ in the supermarkets? in refrigerated self-service cabinets
4. At what temperature are frozen fruits kept? at zero degree Fahrenheit
5. How are the goods provided ^ in supermarkets? attractively, hygienically and in perfect condition
6. How has the problem of quick payment been solved ^ at by the use of modern cash register
7. How do the organizers of supermarkets display a great number of in a minimum space without covering up anything
8. How have people solved the problem of quick payment in by the use of modern cash registers
9. Where are perishable foods kept ^ in self-service stores? in refrigerated self-service cabinets
10. Why are perishable foodstu;s kept in refrigerated self-service because they need di;erent ranges of temperature
11. How are the goods displayed ^ in self-service stores? in a minimum space without covering up anything
12. What is the advantage of self-service? that there is no waiting to be served, there is a wide variety of choice and
prepacked meat and vegetables are hygienic
13. What is the general purpose of a self-service store? to provide goods of every description attractively and hygienically and in
perfect condition
14. In which places are meat and vegetables kept in supermarket in supermarket to keep them at the required temperatures
and why?
15. At what temperature are meat and fish kept ^ in refrigerated at 28-32 degrees Fahrenheit
self-service cabinets?
16. How are the goods of every description provided ^ in attractively and hygienically and in perfect condition
17. After totalling the bill, what does the Automatic Itemizing and registers the sum given in payment and shoots out the right change into a cup
Change Computing Cash Register do? near the customers
18. How do the organizers of self-service supermarkets display a in a minimum space without covering up anything
great number of goods?
19. Why do many people still prefer to be served by a small because he knows them personally and will deliver goods to their homes
20. How are the goods of every description provided ^ in attractively and hygienically and in perfect condition
21. What are the two advantages of self-service? that there is no waiting to be served and there is a wide variety of choice
22. How is quick payment done? by the use of modern cash registers such as the Automatic Itemizing and
Change Computing Cash Register
23. In self-service supermarkets, where are perishable foodstu;s in refrigerated self-service cabinet because they can keep goods at the required
and quick frozen fruit, vegetables and meat kept and why? temperatures/ to keep them at the required temperatures

UNIT-6 ROBOTS (Short Questions Notes) U Khun Zaw Minn Htwe

1. Give two examples of less “intelligent” machines. cranes and mechanical diggers
2. Why are the two machines di;erent from robots? because robots can work under the control of a programme but the two
machines can’t work
3. Describe two advantages of working with computers. that they are very reliable and they can work for a long time without breaking
4. Why is it more expensive to use a robot than a computer? because the robots have lots of moving parts which move and can wear out,
and they need people to maintain them
5. Why is it economical to replace manpower with robots? because robots can work happily for 24 hours a day and they can also bring
savings in materials and energy as they don’t have “o;” days
6. How do robots get help ^ if they encounter problems at work? by ringing up the supervisor and asking for help
7. In which type of industry do we find the use of large and complex in mass production industries
8. Name two dangerous tasks the robots are made to do. bomb disposal and cleaning of toxic waste
9. What can domestic robots do? simple tasks such as the vacuum cleaning and grass cutting
10. What then are domestic robots? robots used in houses
1. Why can computers work for a long time? because they have no moving parts
2. What can computers do ^ if they were given arms and hands? do more varied physical work
3. Why do robots need people to maintain them? because they have motors and gearboxes which move and can wear out
4. How does the law protect human workers? from working in dangerous conditions
5. What distinguishes robots from “less intelligent” machine? ?e ability to work under the control of a programme --
6. What could modern robots for factories do if there were any ring up their supervisors and ask for help
7. What are two advantages of working with computers? that they are very reliable and they can work for a long time without breaking
8. What are the advantages of using computers? that they are very reliable and they can work for a long time without breaking
9. For what purpose are large and complex robots employed in car for the purposes of painting, welding and assembly of the cars
10. What simple tasks can domestic roots perform? perform such simple tasks as vacuum cleaning and grass cutting
11. Why do cranes and mechanical diggers need men? to drive and control them
12. In what environments are robots particularly useful? in environments which are unpleasant or dangerous for humans to work in
13. What kind of tasks can domestic robots perform ^ and give an simple tasks ---- is grass cutting / vaccum cleaning
example of the task?
14. In which type of industry do we find the use of large and in mass production industries such as car production
complex robots?
15. What can cranes and mechanical diggers do? pick up things and move them around
16. As computers have no moving parts, how can they work? for a long time without breaking down
17. What does law do for human workers? limits the number of hours human workers work each day and protects them
from working in dangerous conditions
18. With what aims are domestic robots produced? with the aims of using them to perform simple tasks such as vacuum cleaning
and grass cutting and providing companionship or play partners to people
19. What could robots used in special factories do if there were any ring up the supervisor and ask for help
20. In addition to some domestic robots that perform simple tasks, for the purposes of providing companionship or play partners to people
for what purposes are other ones produced?
21. What will robots probably be able to do? service and mend each other
22. Why is it more expensive to use a robot than a computer? because a computer has no moving parts and a robot needs lots of moving parts
23. What are the two simple tasks that domestic robots can vaccum cleaning and grass cutting
24. Why is it economical to replace manpower with robots? because robots can work happily for 24 hours a day and they can also bring
savings in materials and energy as they don’t have “o;” days
25. What can domestic robots do? perform simple tasks such as vacuum cleaning and grass cutting
(What do they mean?) 1. What do they mean? that computers can be trusted because they can work for a long time without
breaking down
“Computer are very reliable.”

UNIT- 7 DREAMS DO COME TRUE (Short Questions Notes) U Khun Zaw Minn Htwe
1. What did the mother dream about? about wearing the diamond earrings which her husband would buy for her
when he had a lot of money
2. Why did she laugh at the young boy’s dream? because he dreamed that his house would have servants who would have
nothing to do but carry silver trays loaded with sweets and chocolate bars, and
so his dream was childish
3. How did the young boy’s dream come true? as a book he wrote became a best-seller in 16 countries and he bought a house
on the beach
4. What did the author give his mother? the diamond earrings
5. Was Jenny able to tell whether her present was beautiful? Why? No, Jenny was not able ---- because she had been blind for years
1. Why was Jim Bishop able to make his dream and his mother’s because a book he wrote became a best-seller in 16 countries
come true?
2. Why was the writer in “Dreams Do Come True”, able to buy his because a book he wrote became a best-seller in 16 countries
mother’s diamond earrings?
3. When did the young boy’s dream come true? when a book he wrote became a best-seller in 16 countries
4. How did great good luck touch Jim Bishop? as a book he wrote became a best-seller in 16 countries
5. How did Jenny Bishop earn some money for the family? by sewing rosettes on silk garters for a penny a piece at night
6. What had happened to Jenny Bishop when her son bought her ---- been blind ----
beautiful diamond earrings?
7. How did Jim Bishop’s mother make extra money? by sewing rosettes on silk garters for a penny a piece at night
8. When did Jim Bishop’s dream come true for the first time? when a book he wrote became a best-seller in 16 countries
9. What did Jim Bishop and his mother do when the days were soft --- sat on the beach, digging their toes into the hot sand sat on the beach,
and tender? digging their toes into the hot sand ----
10. What did young Jim Bishop think his servants would do when carry silver trays loaded with sweets and chocolate bars when he became rich
he became rich?
11. How did Jim Bishop’s dream come true? as a book he wrote became a best-seller in 16 countries and he bought a house
on the beach
12. Why was Jim Bishop able to make his dream and his mother’s because a book he wrote became a best-seller in 16 countries
come true?
13. Why did John Bishop have to pawn the diamond earrings of his because times became hard and he was poorly paid in those days
14. What did John Bishop give his wife and in what form was it? diamond earrings ---- in the form of tiny icebergs in big gold prongs
15. Why did the author of “Dreams do come true” say great good because a book he wrote became a best seller in 16 countries
luck had touched him?
16. How did Jim Bishop’s dream come true? as a book he wrote became a best-seller in 16 countries and he bought a house
on the beach
17. Why was Jim Bishop able to make his dream and his mother’s because a book he wrote became a best-seller in 16 countries
come true?
18. Why did John Bishop have to pawn the diamond earrings of his because times became hard and he was poorly paid in those days
19. What did John Bishop give his wife and in what form was it? diamond earrings ---- in the form of tiny icebergs in big gold prongs
20. Why did the author of “Dreams do come true” say great good because a book he wrote became a best seller in 16 countries
luck had touched him?
UNIT- 8 ADVERTISEMENTS: THE PROS AND CONS (Short Questions Notes) U Khun Zaw Minn Htwe
1. Is it a good idea to spend money on advertising? Why? Yes, it is --- because it assists a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable prices
2. Without advertisements, what would happen to the daily cost a dollar or more and ---- the price of-- need to be doubled
newspapers and television licences?
3. Why don’t advertisers dare to o;er a product that fails to live up because they cannot fool people for long
the promise of their advertisements?
4. Why can’t advertisers fool people for long through misleading because they have the good sense not to buy the poor quality article more than
advertising? once
5. How will people feel ^ if advertisements give information only? ---- bored ----
6. Why can’t we say all advertisements are good? because some advertisements are silly and some are pointless
7. What should advertisers know? that everyone tends to dream of having a better life
8. What do advertisers try to make us believe? that our dreams will come true if we buy their products
9. Why do advertisements aimed at men often include the picture of to suggest that a man will be more attractive to women if he owns a certain
a pretty girl? type of car, or watch, or if he dresses in a certain style
10. What kind of products are teenagers usually interested in? in the products that will make young people more attractive, more up to date,
more socially successful, and more able to enjoy themselves and more
successful in their education and job prospects
1. What is the problem with advertisements? that they imply that money can make our dreams come true
2. Why couldn’t the advertiser fool the public with misleading because the public has the good sense not to buy the poor quality article more
advertisements for long? than once
3. What cannot be bought with money? Personal good looks, intelligence, good friendships or a happy family ---
4. Who are usually hurt more by advertisements? People who have only a small amount of money to spend on luxuries ---
5. Why can’t we say all advertisements are good? because some advertisements are silly and some are pointless
6. Why is money spent on advertising money well spent? because it assists a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable prices (and it also
draws attention to new ideas and so helps enormously to raise standard of
7. Why can’t advertisers fool the public with misleading advertising because the public has the good sense not to buy the poor quality article more
for long? than once
8. Why do advertisements aimed at men include the picture of a to suggest that a man will be more attractive to women if he owns a certain
pretty girl? type of car, or watch, or if he dresses in a certain style
9. What is the problem with advertisements? that they imply that money can make our dreams come true
10. Apart from being a form of lying, what can a lot of depressed and discontented with their ordinary lives
advertisements make people feel?
11. What is meant by having a better life? (Passive => Active) Having a better life means being better educated, more successful, wealthier,
better looking, and more adventurous
12. What do advertisers try to make us believe? that our dreams will come true if we buy their products
13. If advertising only gave information, what would happen to it? it would be so boring that no one would pay any attention
14. Why can’t advertisers fool people for long through misleading because they have the good sense not to buy the poor quality article more than
advertising? once
15. Who can feel depressed and discontented with their ordinary People who have only a small amount of money to spend on luxuries ---
lives because of advertising?
16. Why might the advertiser not fool some people for long through because they have the good sense not to buy the poor quality article more than
misleading advertising? once
17. What things can we not buy? personal good looks, intelligence, good friendships or a happy family
18. As advertising helps to increase the demand for goods, what the advantage of increasing the number of workers needed to supply the goods
advantage can we have?
19. How will people feel ^ if advertisements give information only? bored
20. What would happen to the daily newspaper and television ?e daily newspaper would cost a lot and the price of television licence would
licenses if there were no advertisements? need to be doubled ---

UNIT- 9 SLEEP AND DREAMS (Short Questions Notes) U Khun Zaw Minn Htwe
1. How have researchers learned about sleep? by studying people as they sleep
2. What happens while people are asleep? the body characteristics such as body temperature, brain waves, blood pressure,
breathing and heartbeat change
3. What do some people believe about dreams? that dreams have magical powers or that they can tell the future
4. According to the passage, how do dreams a;ect our lives? dreams have positive e;ects on our lives
5. How do dreams change as the sleep period continues? dreams become more intense
6. How do some people get relief from unpleasant dreams? by writing them down and then changing the negative stories or thoughts into
positive ones on the written paper
7. Do you think sleep is important for you? Why? Yes, I think ---- because we spend a third of our lives sleeping
1. What is sleepwalking and among whom is it most common? walking in one’s sleep and --- among children
2. What are terrifying dreams called? nightmares
3. When do nightmares occur? towards dawn
4. Why do some people snore while they are asleep? because they have trouble breathing
5. What happen when you have a bad dream? we wake up exhausted, sweating and with a rapid heartbeat
6. When do children grow out of the habit of sleepwalking? when they become adolescents
7. How many hours of sleep do babies need ^? eighteen hours
8. Why can we say that sleep is important to human beings? because the average person spends 220,000 hours of a lifetime sleeping
9. Why do some snorers have a condition called sleep apnea? because the throat muscles relax too much and block the air way
10. How do some people get relief from unpleasant/bad dreams? by writing them down and changing the negative stories or thoughts into
positive ones on the written paper
11. What do some people believe about dreams? that dreams have magical powers or that they can tell the future
12. How do people get relief from bad dreams? by writing them down and changing the negative stories or thoughts into
positive ones on the written paper
13. What did some people believe about dreams at times? that dreams had magical powers or that they could tell the future
14. What feeling do we have ^ in the first stage of NREM? a pleasant floating feeling
15. Among which age group is sleepwalking common and when do among children and ---- when they become adolescents
they usually grow out of it?
16. How do some people get relief from unpleasant dreams? by writing them down and changing the negative stories or thoughts into
positive ones on the written paper
17. How much time of their lives do people spend sleeping? a third of their lives ---
18. What are terrifying dreams? a collection of scattered, confused thoughts
19. What are body characteristics that change during sleep? body temperature, brain waves, blood pressure, breathing and heartbeat
20. How do some people get relief from bad dreams? by writing them down and changing the negative stories or thoughts into
positive ones on the written paper
21. Where and why did doctors and scientists begin doing research because there is still much that they don’t understand
on sleep about thirty years ago?
22. What is sleep apnea? a condition in which some snorers stop breathing up to thirty or forty times an
hour because the throat muscles relax too much and block the airway
23. Why do people snore? because they have trouble breathing while they are asleep
24. If you dream about something that is worrying you, how may exhausted, sweating and with a rapid heartbeat
you wake up?
25. When do dreams become more intense and when do nightmares when the night continues and --- towards dawn
usually occur?
26. What is likely to happen to you if you dream about something we are likely to wake up exhausted, sweating and with a rapid heartbeat
that is worrying you?
27. When do dreams become intense and when do nightmares when the night continues --- towards dawn
28. Why do people with sleep apnea stop breathing many times because the throat muscles relax too much and block the airway
while they are sleeping?
29. Why do people feel embarrassed when they learn that they were because they think that they have told some secrets
talking in their sleep?
30. How often does the average person move ^ during sleep each about thirty times --- just before the REM stage
night and at what stage does body movement occur?
31. How have researchers learned about sleep? by studying people as they sleep
32. If someone continually sleeps longer than normal for no there may be something physically or psychologically wrong with him
apparent reason, what may be wrong with him?
33. What are terrifying dreams called and when do they usually nightmare and --- towards dawn
34. What appears as dreams at night? ?e things that were in our mind during the day
35. How often do snorers with sleep apnea stop breathing? up to thirty or forty times an hour
36. In what stage of NREM do you start to go to sleep and what in stage one of NREM and --- a pleasant floating feeling
kind of feeling do you have ^ at that time?

UNIT- 10 LOOKING GOOD (Short Questions Notes) U Khun Zaw Minn Htwe
1. What happens to boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 14? most boys and girls begin to notice changes taking place to their bodies
2. When do changes in a girl’s body occur? between the ages of 10 and 14
3. What changes do boys undergo at the age of about 10? undergo the changes such as their voice gets deeper, their muscles develop and
their chests get broader as well as hair starts to grow under their arms and on
their legs and faces
4. What do tall girls wish to be? dainty and small
5. What do plump girls with rosy round faces long to be ^? pale and delicate
6. What would tall and gangling boys like to be ^? shorter
7. Why are girls worried about their appearance? because a lot of pressures such as women’s magazines, advertisements and the
media are encouraging them to be so
8. What do women’s magazines, advertisements and the media about bad breath, perspiration, being too fat or too thin
warn girls ^?
9. What do women’s magazines, advertisements and the media try that if they use a certain shampoo or cosmetic, they will become attractive to
to impress on girls? boys
10. What can worry young boys? Height, weight and how they smell ---
11. Why do people with all kinds of ‘beauty handicaps’ still have because they have a warm, kind heart and, most important, self-acceptance
easy, loving relationships?
12. According to the writer, what does looking good mean? making the best of us, ourselves
13. What can you do to become thinner or fatter? diet
14. How can you improve the way you look? with clothes, hair style, skin care and make-up
15.How can you prevent from having bad smell? by washing our faces more often with mild unperfumed or antiseptic soap and
warm water and not eating certain foods such as chips and chocolate
1. What can a person do to become fatter or thinner? diet
2. How can you improve the way you look? with clothes, hairstyle, skin care and make-up
3. Why do some people with “beauty handicaps” still enjoy easy, because they have a warm, kind heart and, most important, self-acceptance
loving relationships?
4. Why are girls worried about their appearance? because a lot of pressures such as women’s magazines, advertisements and the
media are encouraging them to be so
5. What happens to your body from the age of about eleven? Our body alters in shape and size, and our face changes, too, ---
6. What happens when you become about eleven years of age? our body alters in shape and size, and our face changes too
7. What can a person do to improve his or her looks? do with clothes, hairstyle, skin care, and make-up to improve his or her looks
8. Why do people with all kinds of “beauty handicaps” still have because they have a warm, kind heart and, most important, self-acceptance
easy, loving relationships?
9. What are the things that particularly worry young boys? are height, weight and how they smell
10. According to the writer, what does “looking good” mean? making the best of you, yourself
11. What do women’s magazines, advertisements and the media about bad breath, perspiration, and being too fat or too thin
warn girls?
12. With what should you wash your face to prevent you from with mild unperfumed or antiseptic soap and warm water to prevent us from
having bad smell? having bad smell
13. What can prevent you from having bad smell? Washing our face more often with mild unperfumed or antiseptic soap and
warm water and not eating certain foods such as chips and chocolate ---
14. What can you do to become thinner or fatter? diet
15. What do plump girls with rosy round faces long to be ^? pale and delicate
16. What is the key to the success for people with ‘beauty (having) a warm kind heart and (the most important) self-acceptance
17. What do tall girls wish to be? dainty and small
18. How can a person improve the way he or she looks? with clothes, hairstyle, skin care, and make-up
19. What are things that can make young boys worried? are height, weight and how they smell
20. How can you prevent from having bad smell? by washing our face more often with mild unperfumed or antiseptic soap and
warm water and not eating certain foods such as chips and chocolate
21. What can worry young boys? Height, weight and how they smell ---
22. At the age of about 10, what changes do boys undergo ^? the changes such as their voice gets deeper, their muscles develop and their
chests get broader as well as hair starts to grow under their arms, and on their
legs and faces
23. What do women’s magazines, advertisements and media warn about bad breath, perspiration, being too fat or too thin --- that if they use a
girls ^ and try to impress on them? certain shampoo or cosmetic, they will become attractive to boys
24. What happens to your body between the ages of 10 and 14? changes take place to our bodies
25. How can people improve the way they look? with clothes, hairstyle, skin care, and make-up
26. What can we use ^ when we wash our face to prevent ourselves mild unperfumed or antiseptic soap and warm water
from having bad smell?
27. What changes do boys undergo ^ at the age of about 10? the changes such as their voice gets deeper, their muscles develop and their
chests get broader as well as hair starts to grow under their arms and on their
legs and faces
(What do they mean?) It means that people are attracted by di;erent physical types and thus they have
1.“Di;erent people have di;erent ideas of beauty.” di;erent ideas of beauty

2. “What matter most is the kind of person you are.” ?ey mean that the important thing is that you should be a kind of person who
has a warm, kind heart and self-acceptance
UNIT- 11 MOSQUITOES: GETTING TO KNOW THE ENEMY (Short Questions Notes) U Khun Zaw Minn Htwe
1. Where can insects be found? in many habitats throughout the world
2. Why are insects very important? because they pollinate flowers and are food for birds and other animals
3. How are mosquitoes di;erent from other insects? in that mosquitoes suck the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals
and spread diseases while other insects pollinate flowers and are food for birds
and other animals
4. Where do the larvae of mosquitoes live? in water
5. What do the larvae of mosquitoes feed on ^? plants, algae and microscopic animal life
6. Why does a female mosquito inject saliva into the skin? because this saliva helps her to penetrate the skin and prevents blood clots
from developing in her food canal
7. What is viral encephalitics? is a disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes from infected small animals,
usually birds and rodents, to humans and that causes inflammation of the brain
8. Which mosquitoes carry dengue fever? ?e Aedes mosquitoes ---
9. What causes malaria? Protozoal parasites ---
*10. What must we do to protect ourselves from these diseases? wear protective clothing, sleep under bed nets, have screens on all windows
and door and use repellents
1. What are the larvae of mosquitoes called? wigglers
2. What distinguishes the mosquito from other insects? ?e fact that the mosquitoes suck the blood of humans and other warm-
blooded animals or spread diseases while other insects pollinate flowers and
are food for birds and other animals ---
3. What do wigglers feed on? plants, algae and microscopic animal life
4. Why does a female mosquito inject saliva into the skin? because this saliva helps her to penetrate the skin and prevents blood clots
from developing in her food canal
5. How can we reduce exposure to mosquito bites? by using netting and screens, mosquito repellent and protective clothing
6. What are wigglers and where do they live? the larvae of mosquitoes and ---- in water
7. What should people wear ^ during the mosquito season? protective clothing
8. Where and when does dengue fever occur? in tropical and subtropical regions during the rainy season
9. Why are insects considered to be very important? because they pollinate flowers and are food for birds and other animals
10. Why does a female mosquito inject saliva into the skin before because this saliva helps her to penetrate the skin and prevents blood clots
drawing blood? from developing in her food canal
11. How does the female mosquito locate her human targets? by following the carbon dioxide that we exhale
12. Why do few people like mosquitoes? because they inflict itchy bites and buzz around our ears and they can also pose
serious health hazards
13. What do the larvae of mosquitoes feed on ^? plants, algae and microscopic animal life
14. What are the diseases caused by mosquitoes? are yellow fever, viral encephalitis, dengue fever and malaria
15. Where and when does dengue fever mainly occur? in tropical and subtropical regions during the rainy season
16. What kind of disease is Dengue Fever and which mosquitoes a viral disease and the Aedes mosquitoes ---
carry it?
17. How are di;erent species of mosquitoes distinguished? by their antennae of 14 or 15 segments and by the presence of scales on the
veins of their wings
18. Why are insects important? because they pollinate flowers and are food for birds and other animals
19. What is essential in curing malaria and preventing death? Early diagnosis and prompt adequate treatment ---
20. What are symptoms of malaria? are regularly occurring fever with chills, nausea, and muscle pain
21. Why do female mosquitoes suck the blood of humans and other because they need blood to develop each batch of fertile eggs
warm-blooded animals?
22. From which animals do mosquitoes transmit viral encephalitis ^ from infected small animals, usually birds and rodents, and --- inflammation of
and what does it cause? the brain
23. Where does Dengue fever mainly occur and during which in tropical and subtropical regions and --- during the rainy season
season is it most common?
24. How many species of mosquitoes are there ^ and how are they about 3,000 species of mosquitoes and --- by their antennae of 14 or 15
distinguished? segments and by the presence of scales on the veins of their wings
25. How can we prevent malaria? by wearing protective clothing, using repellents and sleeping under bed nets
treated with insecticides
26. What are the larvae of mosquitoes called ^ and what do they wigglers and --- plants, algae and microscopic animal life
feed on ^?
27. When are Aedes mosquitoes usually most active? during early morning hours just after daybreak and late afternoon hours
28. How does the saliva of a female mosquito help her ^? to penetrate the skin and prevent blood clots from developing in her food canal
29. What is the recommended treatment for dengue fever? --- is bed rest and common drugstore pain and fever medication

UNIT- 12 TRAVEL IN SOUTHEAST ASIA (I) (Short Questions Notes) U Khun Zaw Minn Htwe
1. Where is Brunei Darussalam situated? on the northwest coast of the island of Borneo
2. What is the capital of Brunei Darussalam? Bandar Seri Begawan
3. What is Kampong Ayer? a water village in Brunei Darussalam
4. Where is Temburong Zoo? in the eastern part of the country, Brunei Darussalam
5. How many tourist attractions are mentioned in the passage? Five tourist attractions ---
1. Where is the Silver Pagoda located? within the Royal Palace Compound of Combodia
2. Where can one find the finest of Phnom Penh’s architecture? at the National Museum in Cambodia
3. What are the five tourist attractions mentioned in the passage? are the Silver Pagoda, the National Museum, Independence Monument, Wat
Phnom and the market areas
4. Why is the Silver Pagoda so called? because of its floor, which is made up of 5,000 silver tiles
5. What is painted on the wall surrounding the palace compound? Frescos depicting episodes from the Khmar version of the Ramayana, the
Reamker, are painted ---
6. What is unusual about the Angkor Wat temple? ?e Angkor Wat temple is unusual in that it faces west and it is inspired by 12th
Century Hinduism
1. What kind of country is Indonesia? a land of surprises, featuring the rich culture and arts of its people amidst the
sandy beaches and cool mountains
2. How active are the volcanoes in Indonesia? are among the most active in the world
3. What is one of the world’s wonders in Indonesia and when was it ?e biggest Buddhist temple in the world --- and --- during the ninth century
4. How can one get to Madura? by taking a short ferry ride from the city of Surabaya
5. What will one find ^ in Madura? a heart-stopping bull race
6. Why is Yogyakarta said to be a special cultural centre of Java? because it o;ers festivals, royal ceremonies, batik and silver work, and the
sultan’s palaces are proof of its heritage
1. What kind of plants can be found in the forests in Laos? Medicinal herbs can ---
2. Why can Laos be said to be rich in tradition and culture? because it comprises many ethnic groups and each minority group has its own
tradition and beautiful culture
3. With what is the wall of the Hotai library decorated? with sapphires
4. Why should tourists visit Wat Sisaket Temple? because if they do not visit this temple, they will not have seen the heart of
5. What shows the high skills of the artists of the 19th Century? ?e finest designs of some Buddha images and artifacts show ---
1. Why is Kuala Lumpur worth visiting? because it has many sights to keep the tourist occupied and excellent shopping
2. What can one find ^ in Melaka and Penang? building dating back hundreds of years and wonderful unspoilt districts
3. What can one enjoy ^ in the unspoilt districts of Melaka and the romance of the past
4. What are the famous beach resorts mentioned in the passage? are Langkawi, Pangkor, Tioman Island, Damai Beach in Sarawak and Penang
5. What do Malaysia’s beach resorts o;er apart from di;erent kinds snorkelling and scuba diving
of water-sports?
1. With what is the wall of the Hotai Library decorated? with sapphires
2. What can one find ^ along Malaysia’s shores? the numerous coral reefs
3. Where can one find the Silver Pagoda and the Wat Sisaket in Cambodia and --- in Laos
4. Why is the Angkor Wat di;erent from the other Khmer temples? because it faces west and it is inspired by 12th Century Hinduism
5. What is unique about the old Hotai library in Laos? ?e old Hotai library in Laos is unique in that its walls are covered with
sapphires and paintings
6. What is the capital of Malaysia? Kuala Lumpur or KL
7. Where can you buy traditional Brunei handicrafts? at the Brunei Arts and Handicraft Training Centre
8. What is the capital of Brunei? Bandar Seri Begawan
9. What show the high skills of the artists of the 19th Century in Some of the Buddha images and artifacts show ---
10. What is the capital of Cambodia? Phnom Penh
11. What is Malaysia famous for? for it pleasant beach resorts such as Langkawi, Pangkor, Tioman Island, Damai
Beach in Sarawak, and Penang
12. What is the Hotai library in Laos famous for? for its walls which are covered with sapphires and wall paintings
13. What is the capital of Malaysia and why is it worth visiting? Kuala Lumpur or KL and ---- because of its many sights to keep the tourists
occupied and its excellent shopping facilities
14. Where is the biggest Buddhist temple in the world located and at Candi Borobudur in Java and ---- during the 9th Century
when was it built?
15. What kind of plants and animals can be found in the forest in Medicinal herbs and many species of wild animals ---
16. What kind of country is Brunei Darussalam and what is the a country which comprises two enclaves on the northwest coast of the island of
capital of it? Borneo and Bandar Seri Begawan is ----
17. Where is the Silver Pagoda located and why is it so named? within the Royal Palace compound in Cambodia and ---- because of its floor
which is made up of 5,000 silver tiles
18. Why can travelling in Southeast Asia be very exciting? because each country has something unique to o;er
19. Where is Angkor Wat Temple located and why is it unlike the in northwest Cambodia and --- because it faces west and it is inspired by 12th
other Khmer temples? Century Hinduism
20. What is the capital of Brunei and where is it situated? Bandar Seri Begawan and ---- on the northwest coast of the island of Borneo
21. Why can Laos be said to be rich in tradition and culture? because it comprises many ethnic groups, each minority group having its own
tradition and beautiful culture
22. What is the population of Indonesia and how many languages over 170 million and 250 languages ----
are spoken in Indonesia?
23. Why is Kuala Lumpur worth visiting? because of its many sights to keep the tourists occupied and excellent shopping
24. What are sold at the Brunei Arts and Handicraft Training Traditional Brunei handicrafts such as silverware, brocade and ceremonial
Centre? daggers ----
25. What kind of country is Indonesia? a country of surprises, featuring the rich culture and arts of its people amidst
the sandy beaches and cool mountains
26. What is the capital of Cambodia and where is the Silver pagoda Phnom Penh and ---- within the Royal Palace compound
27. What do some of the Buddha images and artifacts in Laos the finest designs which indicate the high skills of the artists of the 19th
show? Century
28. What represents the finest of Phnom Penh’s architecture and ?e National Museum ---
where is it?
29. What are the forests in Laos rich in? in medicinal herbs and many species of wild animals
30. What is one of the world’s wonders in Indonesia and when was the biggest Buddhist temple in the world at Candi Borobudur in Java and ----
it built? during the 9th/ninth Century
31. What is unusual about the Angkor Wat temple? ?e Angkor Wat temple is unusual in that it faces west and it is inspired by
12th Century Hinduism
32. Why is the pagoda located within the Royal Palace in Phnom because of its floor which is made up of 5000 silver tiles
Penh called the Silver Pagoda?
33. Why is Indonesia regarded as a land of surprises? because it features the rich culture and arts of its people amidst the sandy
beaches and cool mountains
34. Why is Yogyakarta said to be special cultural centre of Java? because it o;ers festivals, royal ceremonies, batik and silver work and the
sultan’s palaces are proof of its heritage
35. Where can one find the finest of Phnom Penh’s architecture? at the National Museum, located just north of the Royal Palace
36. What is the largest Khmer temple in the world and where is it Angkor Wat and ---- in northwest Cambodia
37. Where is the Angkor Wat temple situated and what is unusual in the northwest Cambodia and it is unusual in that it faces west and (it is
about it? inspired by 12th Century Hinduism
38. What are historic trading cities of Malaysia and what can Melaka and Penang and --- breathe in the romance of the past ---
visitors do ^ in wonderful unspoilt districts there?
39. What can visitors buy ^ at the market areas of Phnom Penh? hand-woven silks, silver, gems and antiques
40. What is one of the world’s wonders in Indonesia? is the biggest Buddhist temple in the world at Candi Borobudur in Java
41. What can visitors buy ^ at the Brunei Arts and Handicraft traditional Brunei handicraft such as silverware, brocade and ceremonial
Training Centre? daggers
42. What kind of cities are Melaka and Penang and what can are the historic trading cites and ---- breathe in the romance of the past ---
visitors do ^ there?

UNIT- 13 TRAVEL IN SOUTHEAST ASIA (II) (Short Questions Notes) U Khun Zaw Minn Htwe
1. What can you find ^ in Yangon? many historic pagodas such as the Shwedagon, museums, parks and
manyplaces of recreation
2. Where are many ancient capitals of Myanmar kings situated? along the banks of the Ayeyarwady river
3. How many ancient pagodas are there ^ in Bagan? over 2,000 ancient pagodas
4. Why is Bagan recognized as one of the world’s wonders? because it has thousands of old pagodas
5. What kind of volcano is Mount Popa? an extinct volcano
6. What is one of the attractions of Inlay lake? the famous leg-rowers
7. What else can one do on the beaches of Myanmar, other than study marine life and view nature at its best on the beaches of Myanmar,
enjoying peace and tranquility?
1. What is the capital of the Philippines? Manila
2. What kinds of entertainment can one find ^ in the Philippines? a wealth of entertainment from classical plays to cultural shows and show
3. What are the Filipinos well-known for? for their festive spirit
4. How does Manila come alive ^ at night? with discos and the rhythms of Filipino bands and pop groups
5. Where do the Bayanihan Dancers perform? at the Manila Restaurant of the Manila Hotel
6. When was San Sebastian Church built? in 1981 (Text error)(should be in 1891)
7. What are the fascinating churches found around Metro Manila? are the Malate Church, the Las Pinas Church and the San Sebastian Church
8. Why do you think the 165-year-old organ in the Las Pinas because it is entirely made of bamboo
Church is unusual?
1. Among the several o;shore islands in Singapore, which island is --- Sentosa --- because it o;ers a collection of the country’s finest attractions
the most famous? Why?
2. What is strange about the Merlion? ?e Merlion is strange in that it is a statue with a lion’s head and the body of a
3. From where can you enjoy the view of Sentosa and the from two viewing decks_ on the 9th and 12th levels
surrounding islands?
4. On what levels are these places? on the 9th level at the Merlion’s mouth and on the 12th, its topmost level
5. How many kinds of birds are there ^ in the Jurong Bird Park? 600 species of birds
6. What makes the Jurong Bird Park di;erent from other bird parks ?e world’s tallest man-made waterfall ---
in the world?
1. Where is ?ailand situated? on the gulf of Siam, bounded on the east by Laos and Cambodia, on the south
by Malaysia and on the west by Myanmar
2. Which country is located to the north of ?ailand? Myanmar ---
3. What are the two kinds of pleasure one can enjoy at some of are ?ai cuisine and classical dance
Bangkok’s restaurants?
4. How do the dancers interpret the stories of the Ramakien? by using their movements
5. Where can culture lovers enjoy classical dance or drama? at ?ailand’s National ?eatre, the ?ailand Cultural Centre and the
Monthienthong ?eatre
6. What can visitors do at the Pattaya and Phuket beach resorts? enjoy a wide range of activities from scuba diving and windsurfing to golf
7. What particular sport has become very popular in the world in ?ai boxing ---
recent years?
8. What adjectives are used to described this particular sport? ?e adjectives “noisy and exciting” ---
9. According to the description in the passage, is ?ai boxing --- is not di;erent --- because Myanmar boxing is also noisy and exciting
di;erent from Myanmar boxing? If so/ if not, why?
1. What geographical features are very attractive to tourists? High mountains with a temperate climate ---
2. What makes the country beautiful? A great number of lakes, rivers, streams, waterfalls and grottoes ---
3. Where can one find Vietnam’s age-old culture? in Hanoi
4. Why should those who visit Vietnam go to Hanoi first? because of its “age-old culture”
1. What kind of traditional costumes do the ethnic groups in Shan colourful traditional costumes
State wear?
2. Which ancient capitals of Myanmar were situated along the bank Tagaung, Mandalay, Amarapura, Sagaing, Inwa, Bagan and Pyay ---
of the Ayeyarwady?
3. What is Merlion and where is it to be seen? a statue with a lion’s head and the body of a fish and --- in Singapore
4. What is the Mount Popa? an extinct volcano in Myanmar
5. Why is the 165 year old organ in the Las Pinas Church unusual? because it is made entirely of bamboo
6. Where were many ancient capitals of Myanmar situated? along the banks of Ayeyarwady river
7. What is a major tourist attraction in Singapore? ?e Merlion ---
8. What can visitors see ^ from the two viewing decks of the a breathtaking view of Sentosa, the city skyline and the surrounding islands
9. What is the capital of Vietnam? Hanoi
10. Why is the Jurong Bird Park said to be unique? because it has the world’s tallest man-made waterfall
11. What kind of volcano is Mount Popa and where is it situated? an extinct volcano and ---- just 50 kilometers southeast of Bagan
12. Where is Mount Popa and what kind of volcano is it? just 50 kilometer southeast of Bagan and --- an extinct volcano
13. What is Myanmar famous for? for its glittering pagodas, vast tracts of timber forests, huge mineral resources
and the hospitality of its people
14. What kind of church is San Sebastain and when was it built? the Gothic steel church and ---- in 1981 (Text error)(should be in 1891)
15. Why is the organ in the Las Pinas Church unique? because it is 165 years old and is made entirely of bamboo
16. What are the things that Vietnam boasts? are primitive forests with precious flora and fauna and high mountains with a
temperate climate which are very attractive to tourists
17. What is Sentosa and what does it o;er? an island resort of Singapore and ---- a collection of the country’s finest
18. How big is the Jurong Bird Park and what is the distinctive 20 hectraes big and ---- is the world’s tallest man-made waterfall
feature of it?
19. Where are many ancient capitals of Myanmar kings situated? along the banks of the Ayeyarwady river
20. What can one do on the beaches of Myanmar besides enjoying study marine life and view nature at its best
peace and tranquility?
21. What kind of beaches are Ngapali, Maungmakan, Chaungtha, long, white, sandy and unspoilt beaches
Kanthaya, and Ngwesaung?
22. How does Manila come alive ^ at night? with discos and the rhythms of Filipino bands and pop groups
23. How old is Bagan and how many ancient pagodas are there in 1,200 years old and ---- over 2,000 ancient pagodas in Bagan
24. What kind of beaches does Myanmar have? long, white, sandy and unspoilt beaches
25. What form of entertainment does Philippines o;er? a wealth of entertainment, from classical plays to cultural shows and show
26. What can one enjoy ^ at some restaurants in Bangkok? the twin pleasures of ?ai cuisine and classical dance
27. What can one do on the beaches of Myanmar besides viewing study marine life and enjoy peace and tranquility
nature at its best?
28. What is Bangkok regarded as and what are the two kinds of as a shopper’s paradise and --- are ?ai cuisine and classical dance
pleasure one can enjoy at some of its restaurants?
29. What do visitors find ^ in the ancient capitals of Myanmar kings many existing old monuments and buildings ---- the greatness of their time of
along the banks of Ayeyarwady river and what do they reveal? glory
30. What is strange about the Merlion? ?e Merlion is strange in that it is a statue with a lion’s head and the body of a
31. Why should those who visit Vietnam go to Hanoi first? because of its “age-old culture”
32. What kind of volcano is Mt.Popa and where does it lie? an extinct volcano and --- just 50 kilometres southeast of Bagan
33. What are the two kinds of pleasure one can enjoy at some of are ?ai cuisine and classical dance
Bangkok’s restaurants?
34. For whom is Mount Popa unique place? a unique place for those who would like to enjoy half a day or a day hiking or
trekking in the mountain
35. What are wonderful beauty spots of Vietnam? a great number of lakes, rivers, streams, waterfalls and grottoes
36. What can you find ^ in Yangon? many famous historic pagoda such as the Shwedagon, museums, parks and
many places of recreation
37. What makes the city centre of Manila come alive at night? Discos and the rhythms of Filipino bands and pop groups ---
38. What do the beach resorts at Pattaya and Phuket o;er visitors ^? a wide range of activities from scuba diving and windsurfing to goft
39. What can visitors enjoy ^ from the two viewing decks of the a breathtaking view of Sentosa, the city skyline and the surrounding islands

UNIT- 14 HELEN KELLER (Short Questions Notes) U Khun Zaw Minn Htwe
1. When and where was Helen Keller born? in Tuscumbia, Alabama on 27th June, 1880
2. What happened to Helen after her illness? Helen became blind and deaf
3. What did Helen sometimes do to other children? hurt other children
4. What did the director of the Perkins Institute for the Blind ask to become Helen’s teacher
Annie Sullivan?
5. What did the director of the Institute think Annie could do? open the treasure inside Helen
1. What excited Annie? ?e idea of helping a deaf-blind child
2. What did Helen do to Annie’s suitcase? grabbed Annie’s suitcase and pulled everything out of it
3. How did Annie teach Helen language? by using a special alphabet and spelling it into her hand
4. According to the author, what does “language” mean ^ for the door to the world
5. Why did Annie want the Kellers to leave her alone with Helen? because she could not teach Helen anything if they let her do whatever she
1. Where did Annie want to live with Helen? Why? in the guesthouse in the Keller’s garden because she wanted Helen to depend
on her for everything she needed
2. What does Helen’s first word ‘Wah-Wah’ mean? water
3. Why does the author say “?e world was hers”? because Helen finally had a key to language
4. What was Helen able to do later? speak, read and write
5. When did Helen die? in 1968
6. Why do you think Helen could speak, read and write later? because she had a very good and patient teacher
7. Do you think it would be easy to teach language to a blind and I don’t think it would be easy ------ because he or she could not see and hear
deaf person? Why? and could not communicate with other people
1. What happened to Helen after she almost died of a strange Helen became blind and deaf
2. What did Helen do with the doll which Annie Sullivan handed to grabbed the doll which ---- and threw it violently onto the floor
3. When did Helen become deaf and blind? after she almost died of a mysterious illness in January, 1882
4. Where did Captain Keller go ^ to get help for Helen? to Boston
5. What did Helen Keller do besides writing books? appeared in films, toured foreign countries ---
6. What did Helen do when Annie Sullivan gave a doll to her? Helen grabbed it and threw it violently onto the floor
7. What happened to Helen Keller in January, 1882? Helen Keller almost died of a mysterious illness ---
8. What did Helen Keller do to Annie when they first met? kicked Annie in the face and knocked out a tooth ---
9. What kind of baby had Helen been ^ before she was seriously ill? a happy, and (very) intelligent baby
11. Why did Annie want the Kellers to leave her alone with Helen? because she could not teach Helen anything if they just let her do whatever she
12. When and where did Helen Keller graduate from? from Radcli;e College, one of the best colleges in the United States in 1904
13. What did Annie find out ^ when she had dinner with Helen and that Helen was allowed to eat with her hands and take food from other people’s
her parents for the first time? plates and Helen was spoilt
14. When Annie asked Helen to sit in a chair and eat from her own kept knocking over her chair and throwing things onto the floor
plate with a spoon what did Helen do?
15. What did the director of the Institute for the Blind in Boston ask if she would like to become Helen’s teacher and ---- open the treasure inside
Annie and what did he think she could do? Helen
16. From which college did Helen graduate and how did she from Radcli;e College, one of the best colleges in the United States ---- by
become famous all over the world? writing books, appearing in films and touring foreign countries
17. Where and for how long did Mr. Keller allow Annie and Helen in the guesthouse in the Keller’s garden only for two weeks
to live together?
18. What did Annie Sullivan find ^ on arriving at the Keller’s a very messy, spoilt little girl
19. When and where was Helen Keller born? in Tuscumbia, Alabama on 27th June, 1880
20. When and which institute did Captain Keller contact ^ to get the Perkins Institute for the Blind in Boston in February 1887
help for Hellen Keller?

I. WHEN  BY THE TIME (Time Word Replacement)

  When S V ––––– , S V ––––– . When = Subordinating Conjunction

 By the time S V ––––– , S V ––––– . By the time = Adverb Phrase of Time

  By the time When  When By the time

e.g (1) By the time I woke up , it was twelve noon.

By the time When
When I woke up , it was twelve noon. When By the time

e.g (2) When the firemen arrived , the fire had been put out.
By the time the firemen arrived , the fire had been put out.

  By the time  ()

 Noun/ Pronoun

e.g (3) It was evening by the time I found my bicycle .

When I found my bicycle , it was evening.

e.g (4) The girl ran away when she saw the hooligans . the girl she

By the time the girl saw the hooligans , she ran away.
N Pron


(1) By the time Mee Mee started studying, her friends had done the revision.
When ................................................................................................................................
(2) Ko Aung Kyaw was already married when he gained his M.A degree.
By the time ........................................................................................................................
(3) Mya Lay washed the clothes by the time she finished cooking.
When ................................................................................................................................
(4) She came running to me as she saw me.
By the time ........................................................................................................................
(5) As soon as he saw the girl, he hurried towards the gate.
By the time ........................................................................................................................
(6) Ma Ma rushed into the classroom as soon as she heard the bell.
By the time ........................................................................................................................
ENGLISH GRAMMAR (Stylistic Transforms) 2


 V i ng ............... , S V ............... .
 Not + Ving ............... , S V ............... .
 Being + V3 ............... , S V ............... .
 Having + V3 ............... , S V ............... .
  Ving Verb
when, and, so, and so,
 Verb then, and then, because,
Conjun  Comma ( , ) - as, since, ...

e.g (1) She had very good children and does not need to worry about anything.
Having very good children , she does not need to worry about anything.

e.g (2) As she did not know the answer to the question , she kept quiet.
Not knowing the answer to the question , she kept quiet.

e.g (3) When she was offered a good salary , she accepted the job.
Being offered a good salary , she accepted the job.

e.g (4) When she had read the letter , she tore it into pieces.
Having read the letter , she tore it into pieces.

e.g (5) Nanda did his homework and then watched TV. Having
did done
Having done his homework , Nanda watched TV.


(1) When Owen had scored two goals, he was chosen “Man of the Match”.
Having .............................................................................................................................
(2) When she had been chosen Miss University, she became famous.
Having .............................................................................................................................
(3) When the girls saw me sitting here alone, they teased me.
Seeing ..................................................................................................................................
(4) When the teacher saw her handwriting, she told her to be more careful about it.
Seeing ..............................................................................................................................
(5) When Snow White took a bite of the poisoned apple, she fell down dead.
Taking ..............................................................................................................................
(6) When she was awarded the first prize, she burst out crying.
Being ...............................................................................................................................

(7) The labourers went home when they had finished digging the well.
Having .............................................................................................................................
(8) My cousin joined the language class when she had completed the computer course.
Having .............................................................................................................................
(9) Street hawkers disappeared among the crowd when they caught sight of police.
Catching ...........................................................................................................................
(10) The medico found that nothing suited him when he looked at the fish and meat.
Looking ............................................................................................................................
(11) The brook chatters when it passes over the stony way.
Passing .............................................................................................................................
(12) Lampark scored a winning goal when he received the ball from Terry.
Receiving .........................................................................................................................
(13) Beckham felt very sad when he was expelled from the team.
Being ...............................................................................................................................
(14) I knew that he would be late so I was not worried.
Knowing ..........................................................................................................................
(15) I had finished the work so I went back home.
Having .............................................................................................................................
(16) I did not understand the question and so I stood up and asked the teacher.
Not understanding ............................................................................................................
(17) He works hard and so never gets excited to sit for the examination.
Working ............................................................................................................................
(18) Tonny finished his exercise and put away his books.
Finishing ...........................................................................................................................
(19) I looked at my mother and noticed how old she grew.
Looking ............................................................................................................................
(20) Lucy cried because she lost her purse.
Losing ..............................................................................................................................
(21) The old woman felt very sad because she saw her son and daughter.
Seeing ..............................................................................................................................
(22) People rushed out of the hall as they heard the alarm bell.
Hearing ............................................................................................................................
(23) Since I believed his word, I did not ask for proof.
Believing ..........................................................................................................................
(24) By the time the king understood the problem, he thanked the wise man.
Understanding ..................................................................................................................
(25) The hunter raised his gun and took aim and he shot the tiger.
Raising .............................................................................................................................
ENGLISH GRAMMAR (Stylistic Transforms) 4

III. NO SOONER ..... THAN ..... (Immediate Events and Time)

‘As soon as’ ‘When Clause’

  No sooner H.V S M.V ––––––– than S V ––––––– .

 No sooner did S VInf ––––––– than S V2 ––––––– .
 No sooner had S V3 ––––––– than S V2 ––––––– .

Type (I) ..... just ..... when .....  No sooner ..... than .....

 S had just V3 –––––– when S V2 –––––– .

 No sooner had
 S V3 –––––– than S V2 –––––– .

  No sooner  had just

just when when than

e.g (1) We had just finished dinner when the lights went out.
No sooner had we finished dinner than the lights went out.

e.g (2) She had just taken the medicine when she felt better.
No sooner had she taken the medicine than she felt better.

Type (II) As soon as/ When S had V3 .....  No sooner ..... than .....

 As soon as S had V3 ––––– , S V2 ––––– .

 No sooner had S V 3 ––––– than S V2 ––––– .

  As soon as had V3  As soon as

 Comma (,) than  ()

e.g (3) As soon as I had taken the medicine , I felt better.

No sooner had I taken the medicine than I felt better.

e.g (4) Ni Ni got married as soon as she had graduated .

No sooner had Ni Ni graduated than she got married.

e.g (5) When the teacher had left the room , everyone began to talk at once.
No sooner had the teacher left the room than everyone began to talk at once.

Type (III) As soon as/ Just as S V2 .....  No sooner ..... than .....

 As soon as S V2 –––––– , S V2 –––––– .

 No sooner did S VInf –––––– than S V2 –––––– .

  As soon as V2   V2 VInf

No sooner did Comma than

e.g (6) As soon as he stopped smoking , his health got better.

No sooner did he stop smoking than his health got better.

e.g (7) Just as I sat down to study , the lights went out.
No sooner did I sit down to study than the lights went out.


(1) She had just started to bathe when the phone rang.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(2) They had just picked the mangoes when a strong wind blew.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(3) She had just finished the matric exam when she took a computer course.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(4) The thief had just broken into the house when he was caught.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(5) The painting had just been put on exhibition when it was stolen.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(6) The factory had just produced these goods when it was shut down.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(7) When they scored the first goal, the match had just started.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(8) As soon as Kyaw Kyaw had written the letter, he put it into the envelope.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(9) As soon as her husband had left for work, she sent her children to school.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(10) As soon as the building had been completed, it was opened by the Mayor.
No sooner ............................................................................................................................
ENGLISH GRAMMAR (Stylistic Transforms) 6

(11) As soon as the English journals had been put on sale, they were all sold out.
No sooner ......................................................................................................................
(12) The thief was arrested by the police as soon as he had got off the ship.
No sooner .......................................................................................................................
(13) As soon as the new coach was chosen, they began the training.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(14) As soon as the book was published, it was sold out.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(15) The scratching noise started as soon as the light was switched off.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(16) As soon as he set a new world record, it was broken by his rival.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(17) As soon as the teacher corrected his mistakes, he made the same mistakes again.
No sooner ..........................................................................................................................
(18) As soon as he arrived home, he was asked to wash the dishes.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(19) As soon as the police cried “Stop!”, the burglars ran away.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(20) As soon as Ma Moe smelt the smoke, she started to sneeze.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(21) He was taken to the hospital as soon as the ambulance came.
No sooner ............................................................................................................................
(22) He found that his wife was very lazy as soon as he married her.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(23) My uncle began to snore as soon as he fell asleep.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(24) Soon after the bell had rung, we all went home.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(25) Soon after the boxer won the championship, he had to be hospitalized.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(26) Shortly after I heard the news, I rushed to see him.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(27) Just as I sat down to study, the lights went out.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(28) When I had had my dinner, I went out.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(29) We all were silent when the teacher came in.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................
(30) May Thu came to see me when she heard the news.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................

IV. AFTER (Sequence of Tense and Events)

  After + Ving ––––––––– , S V ––––––––– .

 After S had V3 ––––––––– , S(Pron) V ––––––––– . } Active Voice

S V ............... (and/ then) (S) V ............. .
[ Subject
 After Ving ............... , S V ............. . &
 After S had V3 ............... , S (Pron) V ............. . Active Voice ]

  After Ving  and then Comma ( , )

and then
 After Subj had V3 ‘first’

e.g (1) Jack selected some oranges and then he put them in a bag.
After selecting some oranges , Jack put them in a bag.
After Jack had selected some oranges , he put them in a bag.

e.g (2) Nyi Lay said his prayers and then went to bed.
After saying his prayers , Nyi Lay went to bed.
After Nyi Lay had said his prayers , he went to bed.

Passive Voice Subject 

  After being V3 ––– (by Agent) , S V ––––– .
 After S had been V3 ––– (by Agent) , S(Pron) V ––––– . } Passive Voice
e.g (3) The clothes were washed first; then they were hung on the lines.
After being washed , the clothes were hung on the lines.
After the clothes had been washed , they were hung on the lines.

e.g (4) The grapes were washed and then put into the refrigerator.
After being washed , the grapes were put into the refrigerator.
After the grapes had been washed , they were put into the refrigerator.
[ and then Subject were Subject ]

e.g (5) Father punished Nyi Lay . He never made silly mistakes.
After being punished by father , Nyi Lay never made silly mistakes.
After Nyi Lay had been punished by father , he never made silly mistakes.
ENGLISH GRAMMAR (Stylistic Transforms) 8

  After  Ing  by Subject (Agent)

Subject Comma (,)
 Subject  being + V3


(1) My cousin sold all his belongings. He donated the money to the hospitals.
After ................................................................................................................................
After my cousin ................................................................................................................
(2) I was asked to leave school. Then I was introduced to business by my father.
After ................................................................................................................................
After I ..............................................................................................................................
(3) The workers were sent for urgently. Then they were made to start building the bridge.
After ................................................................................................................................
After the workers ..............................................................................................................
(4) The children swam in the lake, then played games under the trees.
After ................................................................................................................................
After the children ..............................................................................................................
(5) The space shuttle was launched, then started orbitting the earth.
After ................................................................................................................................
After the space shuttle .......................................................................................................
(6) The dishes were washed first; then they were dried.
After ................................................................................................................................
After the dishes ................................................................................................................
(7) The meat was minced first and then it was cooked.
After ................................................................................................................................
After the meat ...................................................................................................................
(8) The child was bathed first and then he was fed.
After ................................................................................................................................
After the child ...................................................................................................................
(9) The flowers were picked and then arranged in a vase.
After ................................................................................................................................
After the flowers ...............................................................................................................
(10) Nyo Maung went home when he had felled the tree.
After ................................................................................................................................
After Nyo Maung .............................................................................................................

V. WITHOUT (Preposition)

  Subj Without Ving ––––––––– , S V ––––––––– .

 Subj Without being V3 ––––––––– , S V ––––––––– .

  Without Ving  Subject Object

Negative being V3
Subject  by Subject (Agent)

 am, is, are, was, were + not ...  being + ... Negative
 has, have, had + studied  having studied no, not,
 do not study  studying
 does not study  studying un-,
 did not study  studying im-, ...

e.g (1) Nilar cooked the vegetable but she did not wash it . [ Subject
Nilar cooked the vegetable without washing it . Active Voice ]
Without washing the vegetable , Nilar cooked it .

e.g (2) They listened to the lecture but wrote nothing down . [nothing anything
They listened to the lecture without writing anything down . ]
Without writing anything down , they listened to the lecture.

e.g (3) Helen came to the party although she was not invited . [Subject & Passive Voice]
Helen came to the party without being invited .
Without being invited , Helen came to the party.

e.g (4) The boy went out of the class . Nobody saw him . [Subject & Passive Voice]
The boy went out of the class without being seen .
Without being seen , the boy went out of the class.

e.g (5) The boy went out . The teacher didn't see him . [ Subject
The boy went out without being seen by the teacher . Passive Voice ]
Without being seen by the teacher , the boy went out.
ENGLISH GRAMMAR (Stylistic Transforms) 10


(1) The boy ran all the way home. He did not look back.
Without ............................................................................................................................
The boy ran all the way home without ...............................................................................
(2) Most students sit for the test. They do not study their lessons thoroughly.
Without ............................................................................................................................
Most students sit for the test without .................................................................................
(3) He worked for them for many years but they did not reward him.
Without ............................................................................................................................
He worked for them for many years without ......................................................................
(4) Su Su wore her school uniform; she did not iron it.
Without ............................................................................................................................
Su Su wore her school uniform without .............................................................................
(5) When he went out, he didn’t take his umbrella.
Without ............................................................................................................................
He went out without .........................................................................................................
(6) Not quite comprehending what the great teacher meant, the four youths set off.
Without ............................................................................................................................
The four youths set off without ..........................................................................................
(7) You will get a cold if you don’t wear a sweater.
Without ............................................................................................................................
You will get a cold without ................................................................................................
(8) You will gain weight if you don’t take exercise.
Without ............................................................................................................................
You will gain weight without ..............................................................................................
(9) You won’t pass the examination if you don’t work hard.
Without ............................................................................................................................
You won’t pass the examination without ............................................................................
(10) He could not send his son to college if he did not earn much.
Without ............................................................................................................................
He could not send his son to college without ......................................................................
(11) You will not achieve success unless you are hardworking.
Without ............................................................................................................................
You will not achieve success without .................................................................................
(12) As I was not given enough time, I could not finish it.
Without ............................................................................................................................
I could not finish it without ................................................................................................

(13) Although nobody welcomed him, he entered the hall.

Without ............................................................................................................................
He entered the hall ...........................................................................................................
(14) He cut the hedge although nobody asked him.
Without ............................................................................................................................
He cut the hedge without ..................................................................................................
(15) I will do it myself though no one helps me.
Without ............................................................................................................................
I will do it myself without ..................................................................................................
(16) Some birds know how to weave a nest out of grass. Nobody teaches them.
Without ............................................................................................................................
Some birds know how to weave a nest out of grass without ................................................
(17) This dog could do some tricks. Nobody trained him.
Without ............................................................................................................................
This dog could do some tricks without ...............................................................................
(18) The clever boy cleaned the blackboard. Nobody asked him to do so.
Without ............................................................................................................................
The clever boy cleaned the blackboard without ..................................................................
(19) She gave me the book although I never asked for it.
Without ............................................................................................................................
She gave me the book without ..........................................................................................
(20) One cannot start this machine. One must be taught.
Without ...........................................................................................................................
One cannot start this machine without ...........................................................................
ENGLISH GRAMMAR (Stylistic Transforms) 12


  S1 V –––––– but / yet (S2) V –––––– .

  Although S1 V –––––– , S2 V –––––– .
  S2 V –––––– although S1 V –––––– .

  But Although  but .

 Although , . N Pron
But Comma(,)
 although .

e.g (1) U Chan Tha is extremely rich , yet he is not contented.

Although U Chan Tha is extremely rich , he is not contented.
U Chan Tha is not contented although he is extremely rich.

e.g (2) The car was expensive but my father bought it . N Pron
Although the car was expensive , my father bought it .
My father bought the car although it was expensive.

e.g (3) Although he worked hard , he failed.

He worked hard but he failed.

e.g (4) Thar Nge is honest although he is poor.

N Pron
Thar Nge is poor but he is honest.

(1) He was honest but nobody trusted him.
Although ..........................................................................................................................
Nobody trusted him ..........................................................................................................
(2) The manager is very busy, yet he comes to the meeting.
Although ..........................................................................................................................
The manager is very busy ..................................................................................................
(3) Though he got up early, he was late for school.
He got up .........................................................................................................................
(4) Although he ran fast, he did not win the race.
He did not win ..................................................................................................................
He ran fast .......................................................................................................................
(5) I don’t like the curry although it tastes good.
The curry tastes ................................................................................................................
(6) Kyi Nuu Khin is not proud although she is beautiful.
Kyi Nuu Khin is beautiful ..................................................................................................


  However ADJ S Be ––––––--– , S V –––––––– .

  Although S Be/V ADJ/ ADV , S V –––––––– .

  However Although
 Adjective  Be
Adverb  Verb

e.g (1) However lazy he was , he passed the examination.

Although he was lazy , he passed the examination.

e.g (2) However hard she tried , she never stood first in the class.
Although she tried hard , she never stood first in the class.


(1) However hard he tried, he did not pass the examination.

Although ..........................................................................................................................
(2) However easy the questions were, nobody got them correct.
Although ..........................................................................................................................
(3) However carefully he listened, he could not hear anything.
Although ..........................................................................................................................
(4) However rich she is, she is very stingy.
Although ..........................................................................................................................
(5) However loudly I shouted, she did not hear me.
Although ..........................................................................................................................
(6) Although he was lazy, he passed the examination.
However ..........................................................................................................................
(7) Though the boy was ill, he went to school.
However ..........................................................................................................................
(8) We could not see clearly although the moon shone brightly.
However ..........................................................................................................................
(9) Mg Mg is very strong though he is thin.
However ..........................................................................................................................
(10) She worked very hard but she did not succeed.
However ..........................................................................................................................
ENGLISH GRAMMAR (Stylistic Transforms) 14


(Condition and Unexpected Result)

‘Although’ ‘In spite of’

(i) Although / though / but / yet  In spite of

 Subj In spite of Ving––––- , S1 V ––––- .
 Subj In spite of S1 Ving––––- , S2 V ––––- .
 In spite of the + , S V ––––- .

  Although S1 V ––––– , S2 V ––––– .
  In spite of Ving ––––– , S1 V ––––– .

e.g (1) Although Kyi Pyar finds Physics interesting , she is good at it.
In spite of finding Physics interesting , Kyi Pyar is good at it.

e.g (2) She went on working although she felt unwell .

She went on working in spite of feeling unwell .
In spite of feeling unwell , she went on working.

  S1 V –––––––– but/ yet S2 V ––––––––– .
 In spite of Ving –––––––– , S1 V ––––––––– .

e.g (3) Jack ran to the station , but he missed the train.
In spite of running to the station , Jack missed the train.

e.g (4) U Chan Tha is extremely rich , yet he is not contented.

In spite of being extremely rich , U Chan Tha is not contented.

  Although S1 V ––––– , S2 V ––––– .
  In spite of S1 Ving ––––– , S2 V ––––– .

e.g (5) Although roses have thorns , people still like them.
In spite of roses having thorns , people still like them.

  In spite of  Subject
Subject Ving
 the + Noun

  Although it is/was hot/ cold/ raining , S V ––––––– .

  In spite of it being hot/ cold/ raining , S V ––––––– .
  In spite of the heat/ the cold/ the rain , S V ––––––– .

e.g (6) Although it is very hot , he went out without a hat.

In spite of it being very hot , he went out without a hat.
In spite of the heat , he went out without a hat.
In spite of the hot weather , he went out without a hat.

  Although S1 Be ADJ , S2 V –––––––– .

  In spite of being ADJ , S1 V –––––––– .
  In spite of their/ his/her + N , S1 V –––––––– .

  In spite of their/ his/ her  Be Adj  Noun

e.g (7) Although it is very hot , he went out without a hat.

In spite of it being very hot , he went out without a hat.
In spite of the heat , he went out without a hat.
In spite of the hot weather , he went out without a hat.

PRACTICE 8A (Although/ Though/ But/ Yet .....  In spite of .....)

(1) Although the girl speaks English fluently, she cannot write well.
In spite of .........................................................................................................................
(2) Although he had all the necessary qualifications, he didn’t get the job.
In spite of .........................................................................................................................
(3) Although she has a very important job, she isn’t well-paid.
In spite of .........................................................................................................................
(4) Although he is wealthy, he does not have peace of mind.
In spite of .........................................................................................................................
In spite of his ..................................................................................................................
(5) Although I was ill, I had to go to work.
In spite of .........................................................................................................................
In spite of his ....................................................................................................................
(6) Mother prepared dinner for us though she was very ill.
In spite of .........................................................................................................................
In spite of her ...................................................................................................................
ENGLISH GRAMMAR (Stylistic Transforms) 16

(7) The lady tried to be hospitable to us though she was very sad.
In spite of ........................................................................................................................
In spite of her ...................................................................................................................
(8) The students won’t be able to answer this question although they are clever.
In spite of .........................................................................................................................
In spite of their .................................................................................................................
(9) Although her health was poor, she did not see the doctor regularly.
In spite of .........................................................................................................................
In spite of her ...................................................................................................................
(10) Although he is naughty, his parents love him.
In spite of .........................................................................................................................
In spite of his ....................................................................................................................
(11) Although Mg Mg told the truth, they did not believe him.
In spite of .........................................................................................................................
(12) Although my foot was injured, I managed to walk to the nearest village.
In spite of .........................................................................................................................
(13) Although the baby was crying, the mother went on working.
In spite of .........................................................................................................................
(14) Although Mg Mg always did his best, his father was not pleased.
In spite of .........................................................................................................................
(15) Although it was very hot, the trainees marched on.
In spite of .........................................................................................................................
In spite of the ...................................................................................................................
(16) Although it is raining, we will start the match soon.
In spite of .........................................................................................................................
In spite of the ...................................................................................................................
(17) Although it was raining heavily, the footballers went on playing.
In spite of .........................................................................................................................
In spite of the heavy ..........................................................................................................
(18) Although it was stormy, the ship left the harbour.
In spite of .........................................................................................................................
In spite of the ....................................................................................................................
(19) Although it was very misty, we went out.
In spite of .........................................................................................................................
In spite of the ...................................................................................................................
(20) They keep working outside although the weather is bad.
In spite of .........................................................................................................................
In spite of the bad .............................................................................................................

(ii) In spite of  Although

  In spite of Ving ––––– , S (N) V ––––– . (Subj )
  Although S (N) V ––––– , S(Pron) V ––––– .

 In spite of Ving  Subject


e.g (8) In spite of studying very hard , Sandar failed last year.
Although Sandar studied very hard , she failed last year.
Past Simple (V2)

  In spite of S1 Ving ––––– , S2 V ––––– . (Subj )

  Although S1 V ––––– , S2 V ––––– .

 In spite of Ving  Subject - Although


e.g (9) In spite of diamonds being very expensive , people love them.
Although diamonds are very expensive , people love them.
Present Simple (V1)

  In spite of their/ his/her + N , S V –––––––.

  Although they/ he/ she + BE + ADJ , S V –––––––.

e.g (10) In spite of his shyness , he proposed to her boldly.

Although he was shy , he proposed to her boldly.

  In spite of Poss+N  Noun Adjective

his  he / her  she Be

PRACTICE 8B (In spite of .....  Although .....)

(1) In spite of running quickly, Kaung Myat did not get the prize.
Although ..........................................................................................................................
(2) In spite of having read the book many times, he did not remember the story.
Although ..........................................................................................................................
(3) In spite of having tried hard, he did not succeed.
Although ..........................................................................................................................
ENGLISH GRAMMAR (Stylistic Transforms) 18

(4) In spite of getting up early, he was late for school.

Although ..........................................................................................................................
(5) In spite of the dry zone getting little rain, we can grow rice there.
Although ..........................................................................................................................
(6) In spite of the moon shining brightly, we could not see clearly.
Although ..........................................................................................................................
(7) In spite of his going to school regularly, he doesn’t learn anything.
Although ..........................................................................................................................
(8) In spite of his poverty, he is happy.
Although ..........................................................................................................................
(9) In spite of her beauty, nobody loved her.
Although ..........................................................................................................................
(10) In spite of the rain, he did not take his umbrella.
Although ..........................................................................................................................

 Adjective Noun


clever cleverness angry anger difficult difficulty
dark darkness hungry hunger popular popularity
ill illness easy ease generous generosity
kind kindness young youth hot heat
old oldness strong strength rainy rain
rich richness wealthy wealth cold cold
sick sickness healthy health stormy storm
shy shyness absent absence windy wind
weak weakness present presence misty mist
happy happiness different difference foggy fog
heavy heaviness poor poverty snowy snow
lazy laziness beautiful beauty cloudy cloud
naughty naughtiness breezy breeze



‘If’ ‘Unless’

(A) Using ‘IF’ Patterns

 Type If Clause Main Clause Condition

I. If … V1(s,es) … , … will+V Inf … Future Possible (jzpfEdkif)
II. If … V 2 … , … would+V Inf … Present Unreal (rjzpfEdkif)
III. If … had+V3 … , … would+have+V3 … Past Unreal (rjzpfcJh)

     had V3
  Conjun  Conjun -

e.g (1) I don't have enough wool so I won't knit another sweater. (Present)
If I have enough wool , I will knit another sweater. (Type I)
If I had enough wool , I would knit another sweater. (Type II)

e.g (2) As I don't have enough money , I can't buy a new car. (Present)
If I have enough money , I will buy a new car. (Type I)
If I had enough money , I would buy a new car. (Type II)

e.g(3) We don't grow roses because we don't have a big garden. (Present)
If we have a big garden , we will grow roses. (Type I)
If we had a big garden , we would grow roses. (Type II)

e.g(4) There are wars because people do not love one another. (Present)
If people love one another , there will be no wars. (Type I)
If people loved one another , there would be no wars. (Type II)

e.g (5) I didn't pass the exam so my parents scolded me. (Past)
If I had passed the exam , my parents wouldn't have scolded me. (Type III)

e.g (6) As she was not successful , she was not happy. (Past)
If she had been successful , she would have been happy. (Type III)

e.g (7) She didn't come because she was not invited. (Past)
If she had been invited , she would have come. (Type III)
ENGLISH GRAMMAR (Stylistic Transforms) 20

(1) He loves his mother so he will not leave this country.
If he doesn’t .....................................................................................................................
If he didn’t .......................................................................................................................
(2) As I don’t know myself, I can’t show you how to do it.
If I know ..........................................................................................................................
If I knew ..........................................................................................................................
(3) We have no wings so we cannot fly away.
If we had .........................................................................................................................
(4) We cannot die because there is air.
If there were ....................................................................................................................
(5) Nga Pyin was not successful so he was unhappy.
If Nga Pyin had ...............................................................................................................
(6) Richard asked because he didn’t understand.
If Richard had ..................................................................................................................
(7) My teacher didn’t stop teaching because she didn’t hear the bell.
If my teacher had .............................................................................................................

(B) If  Unless (REPLACEMENT)

  If .................... , ................... .   If .................... , ...... not ...... .

 Unless ........... , ...... not ...... .  Unless ............ , ................... .

  If ....... not ...... , ................... .   If ....... not ...... , ...... not ...... .
 Unless ........... , ................... .  Unless ........... , ...... not ...... .

  If not  If not 
not not

e.g (1) If I like the necklace , I will buy it.  If =  Unless =

Unless I like the necklace , I will not buy it. Unless = If + not

e.g (2) If you behave well , you will not be punished.

Unless you behave well , you will be punished.

e.g (3) If you do not work hard , you will fail.

Unless you work hard , she will fail.

e.g (4) If she does not eat nutritious food , she will not be strong.
Unless she eats nutritious food , she will not be strong.

(C) Unless  If (REPLACEMENT)

  Unless ............, ................... .   Unless ........... , ...... not ...... .

 If .................... , ...... not ...... .  If .................... , ................... .

  Unless If  Unless
do not/ does not

e.g (1) Unless you go , she will be angry. do not go go

If you go , she will not be angry. does not go goes
did not go went
If you do not go , she will be angry. cannot go can go
won’t go will go
e.g (2) Unless she helps me , I won't finish it. shan’t go shall go
is not going is going
If she helps me , I will finish it.
If she does not help me , I won't finish it.

PRACTICE 9B+C (If  Unless)

(1) Unless you sing a lullaby, the baby will not sleep.
If .............................................................................
(2) Unless you pay him regularly, he does not work for you at all.
If .................................................................................................
(3) Unless he stands first in his class, his father won’t be pleased.
If .................................................................................................
(4) Unless he studies harder, he will fail again.
If .....................................................................................................................
(5) Unless I have time, I won’t go to the movie.
If .....................................................................................................................
(6) Unless she gets what she wants, she will cry out.
If .....................................................................................................................
(7) Unless you have saved a lot of money, you shouldn’t think of worrying.
If .....................................................................................................................
(8) Unless she helps me, I won’t finish it.
If .....................................................................................................................
(9) The teacher can’t see unless she wears glasses.
If ........................................................................
(10) I won’t ride a motorcycle unless I have a helmet on.
If ..........................................................................
(11) If your father is sleeping, I will tell the children to keep quiet.
Unless .........................................................................................
ENGLISH GRAMMAR (Stylistic Transforms) 22

(12) If he is admitted to the Institute of Medicine, his parents will be pleased.

Unless ..........................................................................................................
(13) If it rains heavily, we will postpone the match.
Unless ...............................................................
(14) If he closes the windows, he will not get fresh air.
Unless .....................................................................
(15) If he gets a work permit, he will stay for another six months.
Unless .......................................................................................
(16) If he paid his workers better, he would become a popular employer.
Unless ..................................................................................................
(17) If the weather is not fine, the flight will be cancelled.
Unless ..........................................................................
(18) If cigarette advertisements are not banned, people will go on smoking.
Unless ......................................................................................................
(19) If little children are not “cry-babies”, they will see the old man and the rabbit in the moon.
Unless ........................................................................................................
(20) If you don’t look up the word in the dictionary, you won’t get the exact meaning.
Unless ......................................................................................................
(21) If you don’t pay attention, you will not be able to follow the lecture.
Unless ...................................................................................................
(22) If you do not know how to use computer, you will not get a job easily.
Unless ......................................................................................................
(23) If he does not understand the question, tell him to read it again.
Unless ...........................................................................................
(24) If Nyein Nyein does not become an actress, she will go mad.
Unless .......................................................................................
(25) I will introduce you two if you do not know each other.
Unless ..............................................................................
(26) Farmers can’t grow paddy if there is not enough rain.
Unless ..........................................................................
(27) I won’t wake if the alarm clock does not go off.
Unless .................................................................
(28) You can’t go into the exam hall if you haven’t got your identity card with you.
Unless ............................................................................................................
(29) She will not get a seat if she doesn’t come early.
Unless ..............................................................................................................
(30) You will not be punished if you finish your homework.
Unless ..............................................................................................................

(D) If (Compulsion)  Unless (Conditional) (SPECIAL CASE-1)

want to want to will not

 If S want to Vinf _____ , S must VInf _____ .

 Unless S V 1 _____ , S will not Vinf _____ .

  If Unless  want to
want to, must want to will not
 want to must  not want to will

e.g (1) If you want to get well , you must tak e this medicine .
Unless you tak e this medicine , you will not get well.

e.g (2) You must search his pockets if you want to find the watch.
Unless you search his pockets , you will not find the watch.

e.g (3) If you don't want to be punished , you must be quiet .

Unless you are quiet , you will be punished.

e.g (4) Unless you want to be ill , don't play in the rain .
If you play in the rain , you will be ill.


(1) If you want to succeed in your life, you must try hard.
Unless ..............................................................................................................................
(2) If you want to be early for school, you must get up earlier.
Unless ..............................................................................................................................
(3) If you want to get more knowledge, we have to read more books.
Unless ..............................................................................................................................
(4) If she wants to become a model, she must lose her weight.
Unless ..............................................................................................................................
(5) If your sister wants to get a better job, she must be polite.
Unless ..............................................................................................................................
(6) You must think hard if you want to get the answer.
Unless ..............................................................................................................................
(7) You must do physical exercise if you want to be fit.
Unless ..............................................................................................................................
(9) You must practise every day if you want to win the match.
Unless ..............................................................................................................................
ENGLISH GRAMMAR (Stylistic Transforms) 24

(10) If you don’t want to catch cold, you must be warmly dressed.
Unless ..............................................................................................................................
(11) If she doesn’t want to be a failure in life, she must work hard.
Unless ..............................................................................................................................
(12) Unless you want to lose your good name, don’t cheat in the examination.
If ......................................................................................................................................
(13) Unless you want to get into trouble, don’t be careless.
If ......................................................................................................................................
(14) Unless you wish to die, don’t drink and smoke too much.
If ......................................................................................................................................
(15) Unless you wish to see this film, don’t buy the ticket.
If ......................................................................................................................................

(E) Unless  If (SPECIAL CASE-2)

 Unless N stops _____ , S will Vinf _____ . Determiner
N Ving
 If S (Pron) does not stop Ving _____ , S will VInf _____ .

e.g (1) Unless the snow stops , all the flowers will die.
If it does not stop snowing , all the flowers will die.

e.g (2) Unless his work stops , his health will break down.
If he does not stop working , his health will break down.


(1) Unless the rain stops, you are not to leave the house.
If ......................................................................................................................................
(2) Unless the smoke stops, it will be difficult to breathe.
If ......................................................................................................................................
(3) Unless the flow stops, the water will overflow.
If ......................................................................................................................................
(4) Unless the blood stops, he will die.
If .....................................................................................................................................
(5) Unless her work stops, her health will become worse.
If .....................................................................................................................................

(F) From Imperatives to Conditionals

  VInf ____ or/ otherwise S V ____ .

  Unless + you + V1 ____ , S V ____ .

  V1 or  If
Unless you or not

e.g (1) Do as you are told or you will get no dinner.

Unless you do as you are told , you will get no dinner.
If you do as you are told , you will get dinner.

  VInf ____ and S V ____ .

  If + you + V1 ____ , S V ____ .

  V1 and  Unless
If you and not

e.g (2) Work hard and you will pass the examination.
If you work hard , you will pass the examination.
Unless you work hard , you will not pass the examination.


(1) Practise regularly or you will lose the match.

Unless ..............................................................................................................................
If ......................................................................................................................................
(2) Give up smoking or your lungs will be damaged.
Unless ..............................................................................................................................
If ......................................................................................................................................
(3) Go and see a doctor or you will suffer a lot.
Unless ..............................................................................................................................
If ......................................................................................................................................
(4) Be careful when you make a decision or you will get into trouble.
Unless ..............................................................................................................................
If ......................................................................................................................................
(5) You must behave yourself in the class or our teacher will be angry.
Unless ..............................................................................................................................
If ......................................................................................................................................
ENGLISH GRAMMAR (Stylistic Transforms) 26

(6) He must take this medicine, or he will not get well.

Unless ..............................................................................................................................
If ......................................................................................................................................
(7) You mustn’t eat too much, or you will get indigestion.
Unless ..............................................................................................................................
If ......................................................................................................................................
(8) You must be back before seven, otherwise you will be locked out.
Unless ..............................................................................................................................
If .....................................................................................................................................
(9) Unless you do as you are told, you will be dismissed.
Do as ...............................................................................................................................
(10) Rest for a while and you will get relaxed.
If ......................................................................................................................................
Unless ..............................................................................................................................

(G) Inversion V + Subj Subj + V [ Beginning with “IF” ]

e.g (1) Had I received your telegram , I would have met you at the station.
If I had received your telegram , I would have met you at the station.

e.g (2) Were I a bird , I would fly to you.

If I were a bird , I would fly to you.

e.g (3) Should the weather be bad , I will not go out.

If the weather should be bad , I will not go out.
If the weather is bad , I will not go out.

e.g (4) If he tries hard , he will pass the examination.

Should he try hard , he will pass the examination.

e.g (5) If he is beaten , he will run away.

Should he be beaten , he will run away.


(1) Had you come to the party last night, you would have enjoyed yourself.
If ......................................................................................................................
(2) Hadn’t she told me, I would not have believed the story.
If .....................................................................................................................................
(3) Were I a rich man, I would help you.
If ......................................................................................................................................
(4) Were I the mayor of this city, I would change certain things.
If .....................................................................................................................................
(5) Should he know the answer to this question, he will not hesitate to give it.
If .....................................................................................................................................
(6) Should they run out of their dry ration, they could buy food on the way.
If .....................................................................................................................................
(7) In case the teacher is absent, the students will have to go to PE class.
Should .............................................................................................................................
(8) If he is hungry, give him something to eat.
Should .............................................................................................................................
(9) If there had been no terrorism, there would have been no wars.
Had .................................................................................................................................
(10) I would show more confidence if I were you.
Were ...............................................................................................................................
ENGLISH GRAMMAR (Stylistic Transforms) 28

(H) Replacement (If = Supposing (that) = Provided (that) = In case = On condition that)

{ }+ Sentence
Supposing (that)  SUP, PRO, IN CASE, ON CONDI

Provided (that) If
  IF = In case 
On condition that

e.g (1) If you allow me , I shall speak to him.

Supposing that you allow me , I shall speak to him.
Provided that you allow me , I shall speak to him.
In case you allow me , I shall speak to him.
On condition that you allow me , I shall speak to him.


(1) Supposing there is no air, there is no weather.

In case .............................................................................................................................
(2) Provided you want to improve your standard of living, see the advertisements.
On condition that ..............................................................................................................
(3) Provided the robot needs help, he can call the supervisor at home.
In case .............................................................................................................................
(4) On condition that there is support from ourside, it cannot be a biosphere.
Provided that ...................................................................................................................
(5) In case you lost three hours’ sleep, you could not sleep three more hours the next day.
On condition that ..............................................................................................................
(6) Provided that you promise to return the book, I will lend it to you.
If ......................................................................................................................................
(7) We will have a very pleasant picnic in case there is no rain.
Supposing ........................................................................................................................
(8) No disease will easily enter our body if we are hygienic.
On condition that ..............................................................................................................
(9) They would understand your talk provided that they paid more attention.
If ......................................................................................................................................
(10) If you think you know everything you won’t be able to learn any more.
Supposing ........................................................................................................................
English Grammar 1

Name ………………………………………….

 English Grammar မျ ျားကို ပြန်လည်လလေ့ကျငေ့်ရန်

 လများခွန်ျားလ င်ျားမျ ျား ကို သ ပြန်လည်စိုဆည်ျားလြျားထ ျားသည်
 တစ်ရက်ကို ( 10 ) ြိုဒ် လလေ့ကျငေ့်ရန်

Mg Arkar Yan
English Grammar 2

English Granmmar မျ ျား အ ျားပြန်လည်လလေ့ကျငေ့ပ် ခင်ျား

Day 1
1. Nyo Nyo said, “Tin Tin saw your sister near the post.”
Nyo Nyo told Tin Tin ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. All the houses in our street have large compounds.
There is no ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. As soon as the dean left the room, all the students started to argue loudly.
No sooner ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Many areas of paddy fields have been destroyed by the flood.
The flood ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. She tore up the letter and then put it in the waste paper basket.
After ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
6. He was not well.But he came to school.
Although ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
7. Anine Sullivan gave Helen a key to language.
It was …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. Myanmar is a beautiful country. It is rich in natural resources.
Myanmar is not only ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. ko Ko does not study hard and neither does Nyi Nyi.
Both ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
10. A mother’s love is the warnest in the world.
No other love ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Day 2
1. She is so young that she can’t stand on her own.
She is too ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. He drives so skillfully that the passenger feel safe and secure.
He is such ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. If you speak more English, you’ll become more fluent.
The more English ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. When she had taken some medicine, she felt better.
Having …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
5. All the tourists visit Mandalay. It is most well know place in Myanmar.
All the tourists …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. Identity cards must be brought by all the candidates to the examination hall.
All the candidates ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. Kyaw Kyaw studied his lessons and then he went out.
After Kyaw Kyaw ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. More fuel is used by old cars than new cars.
English Grammar 3

Old cars ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

9. Although the questions were easy, few candidates did well in the exam.
In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Day 3
1. The elders should teach children how to behave well.
Childrens ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Don’t expect to get high marks if you don’t study your lessons regularly.
Without ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. As soon as I shut the door, I realized that I had left my keys inside.
No sooner ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Watching television at home is not as interesting as going to the cinema.
Going to cinema ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. The door said to Ko Ko, “Give up smoking or you will not get well”.
The doctor warned Ko Ko ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...
6. Pyin-Oo-Lwin is famous for flowers. It is a pleasant town.
Pyin-Oo-Lwin, …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. Unless we have passports, we can’t go adroad.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. Moe Moe did not feel well enough to go to the School Family Day Celebration.
Moe Moe felt too ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. We donated foods and clothes to the storm victims.
Foods and clothes ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
10. As her wedding day draw near, she became more nervous.
The nearer ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Day 4
1. The principle is too busy to listen to you.
The principle is so ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Ko Lay suggested that we should go to Bagan first.
It was …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Whales are the biggest mammals on the earth.
There is no ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. If you don’t know much about him, it is better.
The less ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. Computer and internet cafes replace type-writers and libraries.
Type-writers …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. Unless you study it thoroughly, you won’t understand it well.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. She want out in the rain. She did not wear the raincoat.
English Grammar 4

Without ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. Both the two girls are not attractive.
Neither …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
9. All teachers in this department have their own abilities.
There is no ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. If you work hard, you will be successful.
The harder ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Day 5
1. The steam roller is making a lot of noise.
A lot of noise …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. She took Decolgen for her cold and then she felt better.
After ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
3. Singapore is one of the most developed countries in South East Asia. Most people like to work in Singapore.
Most people ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. “Who has been using my computer?” said my brother.
My brother asked ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. Physics is a science subject. Chemistry is a science subject.
Both ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
6. I am not interesting in painting and my sister isn’t either.
Neither …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. All the students in our school have laptops.
There is no ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. The announcer spoke too fast for us to understand what she said.
The announcer spoke so ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. If the alarm clock does not go off, I won’t wake up.
Unless ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. As soon as the teacher left the classroom, students started talking each other.
No sooner ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Day 6
1. Every teacher in this school has a mobile phone.
There is no ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Father said to me, “Why didn’t you go to school yesterday?”
Father asked …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Mother went shopping. She did not take her shopping list.
Without ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. As soon as I got back home, I watered the plants in the garden.
No sooner ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. My notebook is more expensive than yours.
English Grammar 5

Your notebook is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. Neither human beings nor animals can live on the moon.
Not only …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. In spite of being very rich, he never looks after his relatives.
Although ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
8. Not only U Ba Chit but also his daughter is a vocalist.
Both …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ..
9. Don’t drink strong coffee; it will keep you awake the whole night.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
10. Aye Thidar will go abroad next month .Aye Thidar is a famous designer.
Aye Thidar ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Day 7
1. Just as the boys started playing football, their mother asked them to help her.
No sooner ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. The storm was so destructive that many people became homeless.
It was such ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Was the windowpane broken by the children.
Did the children ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
4. Both my brother and her sister are doctors.
Not only …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. She left. She did not say goodbye.
Without ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. Mandalay is one of the biggest towns in Myanmar.
Very few …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. We visited Bagan last year. It is one of the tourists attractions in Myanmar.
We visited Bagan, ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. My father gave up smoking when the realized that it was harmful to his heath.
Realizing ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...............
9. Try your best for your future or you will regert.
Unless ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. “Can you tell me where ‘May Shopping Center” is, Ko Ko?”said Mee Mee.
Mee Mee asked ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Day 8
1. Our teacher divided us into small groups to discuss the question.
We ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. The suitcase was very small to get all her clothes in.
The suitcase was not …………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
3. When the weather is hotter, the demand of ice-cream is greater.
English Grammar 6

The hotter ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. When we arrived at the party, we saw Kyaw Kyaw standing alone.
Arriving …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. Although Ko Ko ate an emormous breakfast, he managed to eat a big lunch.
In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. Caged birds live longer than birds in the wild.
Birds in the wild ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. The study of human white blood cells led to discoveries of treatments in fighting AIDS.
It ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. Latin is still taught in many schools .It is a dead language.
Latin, ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. The day was so foggy that we could not see the road.
It was such ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. The motor can be fed by an electric current. he motor can be fed by a battery.
The motor can be fed either …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Day 9
1. He did his homework, and then watched TV.
Having …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
2. An essay type test is more difficunt than an objective test.
An objective test is not …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. When you talk more, you make more mistake.
The more ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. The tourists said to the boy, ”Can you show me the way to the railway station?”
The tourists asked ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
5. No one locked the door yesterday.
The door …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. All mothers want their children to be successful in life.
There is no ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. Grandfather is too old to take care of himself.
Grandfather ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. As soon as I boarded the train,it left.
No sooner ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. You can sit here or you can wait outside.
You can neither …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. Ko KO enjoys horseback riding. Ko Lay enjoys horseback riding.
Both ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

Day 10
1. Mount Popa lies 50 kilometres southeast of Bagan. Mount Popa is an extinct volcano.
English Grammar 7

Mount Popa, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Mee Mee said to me, ”What do you get up in the morning?”
Mee Mee asked ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. If you don’t come in time, we will leave without you.
Unless ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Autumn is the most pleasant season of the year.
No other …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. Although there were danger signs, the children were swimming in the lake.
In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. Why didn’t you wash the clothes thoroughly?
Why weren’t …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. As soon as she sat down at the table to study, the light went out.
No sooner ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. His parents do not allow him to smoke.
He ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
9. The speech was so boring that everybody fell asleep.
It was such …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
10. My dog could do some tricks. Nobody trained him.
Without ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Day 11
1. Ko Gyi said “Ko Nge, why didn’t you get up early this morning?”
Ko Gyi asked …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Aung Aung was not intelligent enough to be able to solve this proble.
Aung Aung was too ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. Our teacher was correcting the essays when we entered the room.
The essays ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Stop arguing with your sister or you’ll be beaten by our mother.
Unless ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. Su Su did homework. Then, said her prayers and went to bed.
Having …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
6. Tun Tun has computer knowledge. Mg Mg has computer knowledge.
Both ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
7. Yesterday, as soon as the school bell rang, I hurried home to see my father off at the airport.
No sooner ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. Mona Lisa is one of the most valuable paintings in the world.
There are very few ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. He was such a clever student that every on in the class envied him.
He was so ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. Mya Mya cooks better than her sisters.
English Grammar 8

Mya Mya …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Day 12
1. The film was so exciting that they liked it very much.
It was such ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. As soon as she stepped out of the car, it began to rain.
No sooner ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. He does not know what happened. He does not care what happened.
He neither ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Japan makes good motor cars.
Good ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. All the teachers in our school are kind and patient.
Having …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
6. “Open your mouth wider so that I can see your teeth,” said the dentist to the patient.
The dentist told …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. Bagan is visitd by almost all the tourists who come to our country. Bagan is the most famous ancient city in
Bagan ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. No one can work as fast as computer.
Computer ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
9. If the hotel is expensive, the service is good.
The more ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
10. She out on make-up and then she went into the studio.
After ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

Day 13
1. Asians eat more rice than Europeans.
Europeans ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. His parents do not allow him to go out at night.
He ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….........................
3. The boys could swim. Nobody taught them.
Without ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. “Why were you absent yesterday, Wunna?” said the teacher.
The teacher asked ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. We had just arrived home when it began to rain.
No sooner ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. Both my sister and I were not hungry.
Neither of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. I have read all the books on his book-shelf.
There is no ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
English Grammar 9

8. The sum is so easy than even a child can do it.

It is such …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. Although the wind was strong, our plane landed safely.
In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. Ngapali is an attractive beach resort. We will visit there next summer.
We will visit ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

Day 14
1. I have read all the books on my bookshelf.
There is no ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Mar Mar said to me, “When will you go abroad?”
Mar Mar asked …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. The weather was too hot for the children to go for a swim.
The weather was so …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. He did his homework, and then watched TV.
Having …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
5. Unless you study hard, you will fail in the examination.
If ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................
6. As soon as he heard the news, he shouted with joy.
No sooner ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. Hla Maung took my book but he didn’t ask for my permission.
Without …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. Have you ever been to Pyin Oo Lwin? It is a famous summer resort.
Have you ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
9. When the fire brigade arrived, the builing had almost burnt down.
By the tine ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. Many beautiful old buildings in cities are being replaced by modern buildings.
Modern buildings ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Day 15
1. She spoke very softly.I could hardly hear her.
She spoke so ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. The manager of the hotel said to me, “My staff will do their best to make sure you enjoy your stay.”
The manager of the hotel told me that ………………………………………………………………………………………
3. The drowing man was shouting. He waved him airs around frightfully.
Waving …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. The money is kept in reserve for their retirement.
They ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. Although they have different views, they get on well with each other.
In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
English Grammar 10

6. Unless you finish your homework, you cannot go out with your friends.
If …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. He worked long hours in the cold and his hands were sore and cracked.
After ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
8. If you work harder, you will get better results.
The harder ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. Harvey learnt and taught anatomy not from books but from dissections.
It ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
10. As soon as WHO adopted a new policy of using traditional medicine, it became popular especially in-
developing countries.
No sooner ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Day 16
1. When we teached the village it was already dark.
By the time ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. I said to my brother, “what happened to your computer?”
I asked …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
3. Diamond is the most precious stone in the world.
There is no ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. When the boys had done their homework they went to bed.
Having …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
5. The maid swept the floor and then polished it.
After ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
6. Myanmar is an agricultural country. Thailand is an agricultural country.
Both ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
7. The meeting was so important that all officials had to attend it.
It was such ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. Unless you behave well, you’ll not be allowed to attend the party.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. Myanmar is a beautiful country. It is rich in natural resources.
Myanmar is not only ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. The book is not interesting enough for me to continue to read it.
The book is ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Day 17
1. Although he worked the whole night, he couldn’t finish the task.
In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. I was taught by experience that life is meaningful.
Experience ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. As soon as Mya Mya realized that the house was on fire, she rang the fire station.
English Grammar 11

No sooner ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Every students in our school obeys the rules and regulations.
There is no ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. U Hla Maung is a very strict person. He is the managing director of our company.
U Hla Maung, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. Robots can work more precisely than human workers.
Human workers ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. Mother said Ko Ko, “Did you go to the cinema with your friends yesterday?”
Mother …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
8. The students left the classroom. They did not shut all the windows.
Without ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. The day was so wet and cold that we stayed indoor.
It was such a …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
10. My sister and I cannot answer this question.
Neither …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Day 18
1. You can find lots of good restaurants around here.
Lots of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. I told my mother about my problem. Then I left as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
After ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Nyi Nyi’s mother said to him, “What did you do at school today?”
Nyi Nyi’smother asked him ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Crowds lined the road. They cheered the victorious footballers.
Lining ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. Although I had had a big lunch. I was very hungry.
In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. If the football team does not train hard, it will not qualify for the World Cup.
Unless ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. I had become very bored with running on my own. I decided to join a running club.
I had become so ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. Walking cuts out pollution. It also has the advantage of slowing down your lifestyle.
Walking not only ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
9. A number of important vitamins are found naturally in dark green vegetables like spinach.
It …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. My headache was so bad that I could not think straight.
I had such ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Day 19
1. Although he worked the whole night, he couldn’t finish the task.
English Grammar 12

In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. I was taught by experience that life is meaningful.
Experience ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. As soon as Mya Mya realized that the house was on fire, she rang the fire station.
No sooner ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Every student in our school obeys the rules and regulations.
There is no ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. U Hla Maung is a very strict person. He is the managing director of our company.
U Hla Maung , …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. Robots can work more precisely than human workers.
Human workers ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
7. Mother said to Ko Ko, “Did you go to the cinema with your friends yesterdays?”
Mother …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. The students left the classroom. They did not shut all the windows.
Without …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. The day was so wet and cold that we stayed indoor.
It was such a …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
10. My sister and I cannot answer this question.
Neither ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..........

Day 20
1. Min Min suggested that we should go to Bagan.
Is was Min Min ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………......
2. If Tun Tun does not practice everyday, he will not be selected.
Unless ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Although he is intelligent, he is lazy.
In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. The boys watered all the plants and then had their bath.
After ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. You will not get high marks unless you study hard.
Without …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. Last night, as soon as I lay down, I fell asleep.
No sooner ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. All tigers eat flesh.
There is no ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. Father said to me, “Why didn’t you study last night?”
Father asked …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. The rope was not long enough to reach the ground.
The rope are not ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
10. Very few girls I know are as beautiful as Wai Wai.
English Grammar 13

Wai Wai is more …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Day 21
1. We all like Daw Mu Mu. She is a good teacher.
We all ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. When I saw the smoke, I tried to sound the alarm.
Seeing ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….......
3. As she grew old, she became more patient.
The older ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
4. Kay Thwe is more intelligent than Nay New.
Nay New …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. She spoke very softly. I could hardly hear her.
She spoke so ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. My sister and I cannot answer this question.
Neither …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. If you don’t come on time, we will leave without you.
Unless ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. He ran to the station, but he missed the train.
In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. “Don’t forget to give me a ring tomorrow, Peter,” said Michael.
Michael told ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
10. Who invented the airplane?
By whom ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

Day 22
1. I had a cup of tea before I left for work this morning.
After I ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Every students in this class has a dictionary.
There is no ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Nilar said, “Ko Ko, where I can get some stationery?”
Nilar asked ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. As soon as she heard the music, she started dancing.
No sooner …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....
5. Somebody left the lights on all night?
The lights ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. Nyi Nyi came to the wedding. Nobody invited him.
Without ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. Finish your homework or I’ll not left you go out.
Unless ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. Soe Soe likes Korean films and so does Toe Toe.
English Grammar 14

Both ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. The bag of rice is too heavy for the boy to carry.
The bag of rice is so ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. Arkar is the most industrious student in my class.
No other …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Day 23
1. Why didn’t you wash the clothes thoroughly?
Why weren’t ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Every youth boy loves to watch football matches.
There is no ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. “What is your name, boy?” said the man.
The man asked ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Your are too young to understand what I mean.
You are not ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
5. The old man is too weak to walk unaided.
The old man is so ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. Neither Nyein Nyein nor Ni Ni knows how to use a computer.
Both ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
7. Sai Sai is a good singer as well as a clever song composer.
Sai Sai is not …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. Although she was successful, she felt dissatisfied.
In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. She wrote an article on education and sent it to the press.
After ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
10. Was the windowpane broken by the children?
Did the children ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Day 24
1. Mother said to her, “Don’t make the same mistake again.”
Mother told ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
2. All the workers in this factory wear masks.
There is no ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. As soon as he matriculated, Mg Mg joined the army.
No sooner ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Will the work be completed in time?
Will you ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. The boy enter the house. Nobody saw him.
Without ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. She read the E-mail from her friend and then wrote a reply.
English Grammar 15

After she …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

7. If I like the necklace, I will buy it.
Unless ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. The movie wasn’t very good. We watched it last night.
The movie which ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. Helen was blind and deaf after a mysterious illness.
Helen become not ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
10. The road is too narrow for this trucks.
The road is not ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Day 25
1. Shwe Wah loves fried fish. Shwe Wah is my cat.
Shwe Wah, ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. If you work hard, you will succeed more.
The harder ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Greenland is the biggest island in the world.
There is no ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Mandalay is one of the biggest towns in Myanmar.
Very few ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....
5. Daylight is better than electric light.
Electric light …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. The box is quite heavy. I cannot carry it.
The box is too …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
7. The gold ring is so small that I cannot wear it.
It is such …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. Eat less or you will put on weight.
Unless ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. The headmaster awarded prizes to the winners.
Prizes …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
10. “How long does it take to get to the city center?” I asked her.
I asked her ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The End
SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre

Matriculation English

Work Book

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လ - ၀၉၄၂၁၇၄၇၃၉၆ ၀၉၉၅၆၁၉၂၁၉၄
SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

Unit 1
The Calendar
I. Read the passage.
It is easy to understand the calendar we use today. It was not always so easy. People had to try
for thousands of years before they knew how to put together days, weeks, months, and years.
More than 2,000 years ago, scientists in Egypt made a calendar. There were ten days in a week,
three weeks in a month, and twelve months in a year. This calendar showed a way to count weeks
and months, but it was not scientific.
It does not matter how many days are in a week, or in a month; any number can be used. No
one, however, can decide how long a day or a year should be. A day is the exact lengths of time it
takes the earth to turn around one time. A year is the length of time the earth takes to travel around
the sun one time. The Egyptians did not think about these scientific facts. For them, 12 of their 30-
day months made a year, but 360 days do not make a full year.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) ---------- in Egypt made the first calendar.
(2) Egyptian ---------- made the first calendar thousands of years ago.
(3) There were 360 days in a year in the ----------.
(4) There were 10 days in a ---------- in the Egyptian calendar.
(5) The Egyptian calendar showed how to ---------- weeks and months.
(6) The Egyptian calendar showed a way of ---------- weeks and months.
(7) The Egyptian calendar was not ---------- at all.
(8) It takes the earth ---------- to turn around one time.
(9) The Egyptian had no knowledge of certain ---------- facts.
(10) The Egyptian did not consider ---------- facts.
(11) There were 12 months in a year but only ---------- in each month in the Egyptian calendar.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) After trying for thousands of years, what did people become to know?
(2) When and by whom was the first calendar made?
(3) How many days were there in a year in the Egyptian calendar?
(4) How many weeks were there in a year according to the Egyptian calendar?
(5) When and where did the first calendar originate?
(6) Who made the first calendar and where and when it was made?
(7) What did the Egyptian calendar show?
(8) Why was it possible to use any number in a week or in a month of the first calendar?
(9) How long does the earth take to turn around itself one time?
(10) What is a day?
(11) How long does it take the earth to travel around the sun once?
(12) How long is a year?
(13) What was the problem with the Egyptian calendar?
(14) How many days are there in each month of the Egyptian calendar?

II. Read the passage.

What did they do about this problem? They made a five-day holiday at the end of each year.
But even adding five holidays did not make the Egyptians’ yearly calendar right. It takes the earth a

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လ - ၀၉၄၂၁၇၄၇၃၉၆ ၀၉၉၅၆၁၉၂၁၉၄
SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

little more than 365 days to travel around the sun. To be exact, it takes 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes
and 46 seconds. For a long time people did not add these extra hours and minutes and seconds.
It was like using a watch that runs slow. The Egyptian calendar was slower than the exact sun
year. In four years it was about a day behind; in forty years the calendar was 10 days (a full Egyptian
week) behind the sun.
Many years later in Rome, Julius Caesar tried to fix the calendar. He thought that a year should
be 365 days and 6 hours long. He added an extra day every four years. The year with an extra day is
called leap year. The year is really, 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds long. Julius
Caesar’s calendar was almost twelve minutes too fast. Twelve minutes is not much, but by the year
1582 scientists showed that the calendar was about 10 days faster than the sun.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) The Egyptian ---------- five holidays to make the Egyptian’s yearly calendar right.
(2) They did not realize their calendar was not ----------.
(3) Using the Egyptian calendar was like using a ---------- running watch.
(4) ---------- tried to make the Egyptian calendar right.
(5) Julius Caesar thought that the ---------- of a year should be 365 days and 6 hours.
(6) There is an ---------- in a leap year.
(7) To make the calendar correct, ---------- was added to the ordinary year.
(8) Julius ---------- an extra day to the calendar every four year.
(9) A leap year has an ----------.
(10) A year is more than ---------- long.
(11) Julius Caesar’s calendar was ---------- by about twelve minutes.
(12) Julius Caesar’s calendar was ahead of the ----------.
(13) Julius Caesar’s calendar was not correct because it was ---------- faster than the sun.
(14) It was ---------- who fixed the Egyptian calendar.
(15) It was ---------- who showed that the calendar would be accurate by about 10 days.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) How did the Egyptians solve the problem?
(2) What did the Egyptians do to solve the problem?
(3) Why did the Egyptians make a five-day holiday at the end of each year?
(4) Why didn’t solving the problem make the Egyptians’ yearly calendar right?
(5) What is the exact length of time that the earth takes to travel around the sun?
(6) Why didn’t adding five holidays make the Egyptians’ yearly calendar right?
(7) How long does it exactly take the earth to revolve around the sun once?
(8) What was the Egyptian calendar similar to?
(9) What was using the Egyptian calendar like?
(10) Who tried to fix the calendar in Rome?
(11) How long did Julius Caesar think a year should be?
(12) According to Julius Caesar, how long a year should be?
(13) Why did Julius Caesar add an extra day every four years?
(14) What did Julius Caesar do to make the first calendar right?
(15) How did Julius Caesar make the Egyptian calendar right?
(16) What is a leap year?
(17) How many days are there in a leap year?
(18) What is the actual length of a year?
(19) How long is a year really?
(20) What did scientists pointed out in 1582?
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(21) When would the calendar be faster by 10 days?

(22) Why was Julius Caesar’s calendar not correct?
(23) What would be the difference between Julius Caesar’s calendar and the sun in the year
(24) Why did Pope Gregory XIII want to make a better plan?
(25) How did the scientists discover about Julius Caesar’s calendar in 1582?

III. Read the passage.

Pope Gregory XIII wanted to make a better plan. It was easy to take 10 days away from the
calendar. This made it right with the sun again. There was still a problem: how to keep the calendar
right in the future, year after year.
Scientists tried one way, and then they tried another. Finally, they decided to continue to have
every fourth year as a leap year. Then they solved the problem of the calendar going too fast. They
made a plan to take out three days every 400 years. A year ending in 00 is not a leap year unless it
can be divided evenly by 400 .The year 1600 was a leap year, but 1700, 1800 and 1900 were not.
The year 2000 was a leap year.
This is the plan we use now. Our calendar, named for Pope Gregory, is called the Gregorian
calendar. It is not quite exact. It is 26 seconds fast each year by sun time. Our calendar will not be
fast by a whole day for at least 3,000 years.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Pope Gregory thought his ---------- would be better.
(2) ---------- 10 days away from the calendar was easy.
(3) How the calendar should be ---------- right in the future was a problem for scientists at
that time.
(4) Scientists finally decided to continue to have every ---------- as a leap year.
(5) A year 2000 can be ---------- by 400.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) How was the second calendar made the right with the sun again?
(2) What was the problem that still remained to be solved?
(3) Who wanted to make a better plan about the calendar?
(4) What could make the calendar with the sun again?
(5) After making the calendar right, what problem did Pope Gregory XIII still have?
(6) What was the problem scientists had to solve?
(7) What made Julius Caesar’s calendar with the sun again?
(8) How did scientists solve the problem of Julius Caesar’s calendar going too fast?
(9) What was the decision that scientists made when they solve the problem?
(10) What did the scientists finally decide to do?
(11) Why wasn’t the year 1700 a leap year?
(12) When is a year ending in 00 a leap year?
(13) Was the year 2000 a leap year and why?
(14) What is the calendar we use now called and why is it called by this name?
(15) Why is the Gregorian calendar not accurate?

IV. Say something about these lines (from your prescribed text).
(1) What is the title of the unit from which this sentence is taken? What does the underlined
word refer to?

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

“This calendar show a way to count weeks and months, but it was not scientific”.
(2) What does the underlined word refer to?
“It was easy to take 10 days away from the calendar. This made it right with the sun
(3) What does the underlined word refer to?
“Scientists tried one way, and then they tried another.”
(4) What do they mean?
“It was like using a watch that runs slow.”

V. Using the prompts given, write a very short paragraph.

Calendars - first calendar – called – Egyptian calendar – made – scientists – Egypt
through 2,000 years ago
time - ten days – a week – three weeks – a month – twelve months – a year –
Egyptian calendar
- as – 360 days – that calendar – five holidays – added – end – each year –
make – full year
- but – Egyptian calendar – not scientific – it – slower – exact sun year
- many years – Rome – Julius Caesar – an extra day – four years – leap
- Julius Caesar’s calendar – almost twelve minutes – the sun – 1582 – it –
about 10 days – the sun
- Pope Gregory XIII – to make – better plan – keep the calendar – future –
after year
- scientists – one way – another – solve – problem – the calendar – too fast
- finally – make – plan – take – three days – 400 years
- our calendar – called – Gregorian Calendar – 26 seconds – each year –
sun time – but it – best calendar up to now.
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

Unit 2
Too Much Knowledge Maketh Fools
I. Read the passage.
Once upon a time, there were four youths studying under the famous professor Disaparmauk of
Taxila. They all came of rich families from different lands. Each followed his natural bent and
specialized in different branches of study. One studied music and dancing; another studied medicine;
another studied astrology; and the fourth, philosophy.
After studying for three years they were considered proficient in their respective subjects, and
the time came to say good-bye to their professor and return to their respective parents. As a parting
gift the professor gave them a cooking pot, as well as some grain, in order that they would have
something to cook and eat should their dry rations run out before they reached home.
Then, as his final gift to his students, the professor gave them a piece of advice. “Remember,”
he said to them, “the four of you may be proficient, each in your own subject, but if you don’t have
the sense to act suitably to the time and circumstance of a situation, you may have to go hungry”.
Not quite comprehending what the great teacher meant, they looked at one another, but said
nothing, and after paying their respects to their professor, set forth on their journey home.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) There were ------------ who studied under the famous professor.
(2) Each of the four youths came from ------------ from a different land.
(3) They followed their natural bent so their ------------ are different.
(4) Each youth specialized in a branch of study according to his ------------.
(5) After they had ------------ for three years, they became proficient in their respective
(6) The four youths studied for three years to be ------------ in their respective subjects.
(7) The four youths returned to ------------ after studying for three years.
(8) The four youths were considered to ------------ in their respective subjects after studying
for three years.
(9) The professor gave the four youths a cooking pot and some grain as a ------------.
(10) A cooking pot and some grain were ------------ to the four youths as a parting gift of the
(11) The professor’s final gift was a ------------.
(12) If the four youths don’t have the ------------ to act suitably to the time and circumstance,
they may have to go hungry.
(13) Since the four youths did not ------------ what their professor meant, they looked at each
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) Where did the four youths study?
(2) Where did the four youths come from?
(3) What were the different branches of study of the four youths?
(4) What did the four youths study?
(5) Why did the four youths return home?
(6) When did the four youths return home?

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(7) What are given by the professor as a parting gift?

(8) Why did the professor give them a parting gift?
(9) What was the final gift given by the professor to the four youths?
(10) What is the professor’s advice?
(11) What might happen to the four youths if they don’t act suitably to the time and
circumstance of a situation?
(12) What did the four youths do when they did not understand what their teacher meant?
(13) What did the four youths do before they set forth on their journey home?
(14) What did they do before they left?
(15) When did they begin their journey home?
(16) Why did they look at each other?

II. Read the passage.

After travelling for a number of days their dry rations ran out and the pot and the grain given to
them by their professor came in very useful indeed. “How thoughtful our great teacher is!” they felt
and got down to the business of cooking themselves a meal. There was rice enough for all four of
them all right, but they would have to do something about the curry. So they drew lots for the
different tasks to be carried out in order to get a decent meal.
Thus, the man of music and dancing was to cook the rice. The medico was to buy meat and
fish; the astrologer was to gather vegetables; and the philosopher was to get some ghee (which is
clarified butter) to cook the curry in. And thus each set out to do his task.
The medico went to the nearest village and there in the bazaar he found various kinds of meat
and fish. He looked around for some time and found that nothing suited him. His medical knowledge
now seemed to warn him which meat or fish was indigestible, which not nutritious, which
unseasonable, which would cause what disease, which would upset the stomach and which the bile,
till finally he left without buying any meat or fish!
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) The four youths had travelled ------------ when their dry rations ran out.
(2) The pot and the grain became very ------------ when their dry ration ran out.
(3) The youths could use the pot and the grain ------------ by their professor.
(4) Each of the youths thought that their professor was very ------------.
(5) The four youths had enough ------------ but no curry to eat.
(6) The youths needed ------------ themselves a meal.
(7) For a ------------, they had to do different tasks.
(8) The medico’s job was to buy ------------ for the curry.
(9) After drawing lots, the four youths set out to do ------------.
(10) Ghee is used ------------ the curry in.
(11) They needed ------------ for cooking the curry in.
(12) Various kinds of meat and fish in the bazaar ------------ the medico.
(13) His medical knowledge caused him ------------ the bazaar without buying any meat of
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(17) Why did they each have to carry out different task?
(18) What happened to the four youths after travelling for a number of days?
(19) Why did the pot and the grain become useful?

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(20) What did the four youths do to get a decent meal?

(21) Why did they draw lots for the different tasks?
(22) What is ghee and why did they need it?
(23) What was the medico’s task?
(24) What did each youth do after drawing lots?
(25) Where did the medico find various kinds of meat and fish?
(26) Where did the medico go to buy meat and fish and what did he find here?
(27) How long did the medico look around the bazaar and what did he find?
(28) What did the medico buy from the bazaar?
(29) Why did the medico leave the bazaar without buying any meat or fish?
(30) What warned him not to buy any meat or fish and so what did he do finally?

III. Read the passage.

The philosopher, however, got the required ghee, which he packed in a green leaf and retraced
his steps. On the way he soon became lost in philosophical speculations. “Ghee”, he said to himself,
“comes from cow’s milk. Cows eat grass, and yes, leaves, too. Ah then, in a way, ghee comes from
cow’s milk, and cow’s milk comes from leaves, and so the ghee and the leaf are related!” On and on
he philosophized, quite happily unaware of the ghee in the leaf in his hand melting gradually and
By the time he met the medico, who was coming back empty-handed from the village market,
there was nothing left of the ghee he had bought! He, too, was now empty-handed. The two of them
looked at each other, not knowing whether to smile or weep and each recounted to the other what
had happened to him, as they walked back to where the man of music and dancing was supposed to
be cooking the rice. But there, to their horror, they found their friend looking as disconsolate as ever,
moping beside a broken pot with the rice strewn all over the fire-place.
“Soon after the three of you left,” wailed the cook, “I built a fire, rinsed the rice, put it in the
pot, added the required amount of water, and placed the pot on the fire. Afire some time, the pot
began to simmer, and then it started to boil. I watched and could not help but hear the bubbling noise
of the boiling rice. To my ears it sounded so much like the rhythmic beats of music coming from a
drum that I started dancing to it. And… and...”
“And what happened?” asked his two friends. “And,” continued the cook, “one backward kick
of my right heel caught the pot. And there, as you can see, is the end of our rice!”
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) The philosopher got ------------ which was required.
(2) The philosopher ------------ the ghee in a green leaf.
(3) He ------------ how the ghee and the leaf were related.
(4) He philosophized ------------ of the ghee and the leaf.
(5) He was ------------ of the ghee in his hand melting gradually and dripping.
(6) Both the philosopher and the medico ------------ when they met each other.
(7) They supposed that the man of music and dancing ------------ the rice.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) What did the philosopher do when he got the required ghee?

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(2) What did the philosopher get and how did he bring it?
(3) What happened to him on the way?
(4) What happened to the ghee the philosopher had bought? Why?
(5) What did the philosopher do on his way back and what happened to the ghee he bought?
(6) Where did the medico go and how he come back?
(7) What did the philosopher have in his hand when he came back from the market?
(8) To whom did the two empty-handed friends walk back and how?
(9) What did the two friends tell each other?
(10) How did the two friends find the man of music and dancing?
(11) What was the man of music and dancing doing when they found him?
(12) According to the cook, what happened when the pot began to boil?
(13) Why was the rice strewn all over the fire-place?

IV. Read the passage.

The other two, who had come back empty-handed, now found it quite easy to admit to the cook
that they, too, had failed to accomplish what they had set out to do. Suddenly, they remembered their
astrologer friend, who was to get some vegetables. Off they went to look for him in the forest, and
there atop a tall bael tree was their friend, sitting tight.
Before they could say anything, the astrologer called out to them. “Hey, I’ve got all the tender
bael leaves that should go well with our meal. See!” he said, holding up the leaves he had plucked.
“Then why are you still there astride that branch? What are you staying on there for?”
“Ah,” replied the astrologer, “the climbing up was easy because at that moment. I was under
the influence of an ascending constellation. But now, the climbing down is quite a different matter.
You see, the stars are not just right as yet and I am waiting for the moment when I’ll be under the
influence of a descending constellation.”
“Oh, to hell with your stars and constellations!” the three on the ground yelled, almost in
unison. “Just come you down!”
The poor astrologer was frightened out of his wits. He started to climb down-slowly, shakily.
But he was trembling so much that he half-slipped and half-fell, and lay in a stunned heap on the
ground. His three friends lifted him up and all he had were bruises and cuts. No tender bael leaves!
Now with no meal in sight, each began to realize how and why he had failed in carrying out his
lot. Then, slowly, the wisdom of the parting advice given to them by their great teacher dawned upon
“Remember, the four of you may be proficient, each in your own subject, but if you don’t have
the sense to act suitably to the time and circumstance of a situation, you may have to go hungry.”
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) The ------------ of the other two youths were empty.
(2) They now found it fairly ------------ to tell the cook what had happened.
(3) It was fairly ------------ for the two friends to tell the cook what had happened.
(4) The task of the astrologer was to get ------------.
(5) The ------------ had not yet returned.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(6) The astrologer was found at ------------ of a tall bale tree.

(7) He had some ------------ in his hand.
(8) He ------------ them up to show his friends.
(9) Their friend was sitting ------------ a branch of the bale tree.
(10) It was easy for the astrologer to ------------ the bale tree.
(11) For the astrologer the climbing down a tree was quite ------------ than climbing up.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) What did the other two admit to the cook?
(2) Whom did they remember and what was his task?
(3) Who had not yet returned and what was his task?
(4) Where did the youths go to look for the astrologer?
(5) What was he holding in his hand?
(6) Why did the astrologer say he could climb up the tree easily?
(7) Why was he still up on the tree?
(8) Why was the astrologer waiting to climb down the tree?
(9) When would the astrologer be able to climb down the tree?
(10) What did his three friends tell him to do?
(11) Why was the poor astrologer very frightened?
(12) What happened when he tried to climb down?
(13) What did he receive as a result?
(14) When did each of them realize the wisdom of their professor’s parting advice?
(15) Explain very briefly what this advice was?

V. Say something about these lines (from your prescribed text).

(1) Who said these words and to whom were they said? What is the title of the unit from
which this sentence is taken?
“… the stars are not just right as yet…”
(2) Who said these words and to whom were they said?
“After some time, the pot began to simmer, and then it started to boil.”
(3) Who said these words and to whom were they said?
“But now, the climbing down is a quite different matter”.
(4) Who said these words and to whom were they said?
“Oh, to hell with your stars and constellations”.
(5) Who said these words and to whom were they said?
“… but if you don’t have the sense to act suitably to the time and circumstances of a
situation, you may have to go hungry.”
(6) What do they mean?
“… And there as you can see is the end of our rice.”
(7) What do they mean?
“What are you staying there for?’
(8) What do they mean?
“How thoughtful our great teacher is!’
(9) What is the title of the unit from which this sentence is taken? What does the underlined
word refer to?
Then, as his final gift to his students, the professor gave them a piece of advice.
(10) What is the title of the unit from which this sentence is taken? What does the underlined
word refer to?
Off they went to look for him in the forest, and there atop a tall bale tree was their
friend, sitting tight.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

IV. Using the prompts given, write a very short paragraph.

Why the - four youths had – cook – meal – way home – Taxila
four youths - medico who went – buy meat – fish found nothing – bazaar – suited him
went hungry - medical knowledge warned – meat – fish – indigestible – not nutritious –
unseasonable – left – without buying anything
- philosopher – had – get some ghee – got it – packed – green leaf
- lost – philosophical speculation – ghee – leaf – hand melted – came back
- philosopher – medico returned to – man – music – dancing – supposed to
cook rice
- found – broken pot – rice – strewn – fire-place – kicked it – while dancing
- three – went – look for – astrologer friend – found him – had plucked –
tender bale leaves
- climbing down – tree – half-slipped – half-fell – lost all – leaves
- went hungry – did not have – sense – act suitably – time – circumstance –
########## S. M. S ##########

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

Unit 3
The Moon: A Nice Place to Visit?
I. Read the passage.
The moon has been described by songwriters and poets as a place for a romantic escape. We
know of course that the moon is actually a very hostile environment for human beings.
The moon is completely devoid of water because the force of gravity on the moon is much less
than on the earth. (The moon is much smaller; its surface is about as large as Africa.) The lack of a
strong gravitational pull has caused any water the moon may have had to leak out into space over the
4.6 billion years that it has been in existence. Of course, since there is no water, there is also no
vegetation. So if you go, bring your lunch.
There is no air on the moon because its gravity is insufficient to retain an atmosphere.
Accordingly, travellers to the moon require not only oxygen and water but also protection against
cosmic rays that are unfiltered by an atmosphere. No atmosphere also means no weather – no wind,
no rain, no clouds.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) The moon is a very ------------ for people.
(2) Song writers and poets ------------ the moon as a place for a romantic escape.
(3) Poets and composers think that the moon is a very ------------ place.
(4) The ------------ on the moon is hostile to human beings.
(5) ------------ on the earth is greater than that of on the moon.
(6) The moon is not as ------------ as the earth.
(7) The lifespan of the moon is over ------------ years.
(8) The moon has existed for over ------------
(9) ------------ force can retain the water on earth.
(10) The moon ------------ a strong gravitational pull.
(11) There is ------------ on the moon as there is no water on it.
(12) There cannot be any vegetation without ------------.
(13) The writer suggests that we bring our own ------------ when we travel to the moon.
(14) The gravity on the moon is not ------------ enough to retain an atmosphere.
(15) Unlike the earth, the moon has little ------------.
(16) Visitors to the moon need to ------------ themselves.
(17) On the moon, there is no atmosphere to ------------ cosmic rays.
(18) On the moon, ------------ are unfiltered by the atmosphere.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) How have songwriters and poets described the moon?
(2) Why is the moon completely devoid of water?
(3) Which continent is equal in size to the moon?
(4) How big is the moon?
(5) What is the result of the lack of a strong gravitational pull on the moon?
(6) What has taken place on the moon due to the lack of a strong gravitational pull?
(7) How long has the moon existed?
(8) What has caused the water on the moon may have had to leak out into space?
(9) Why is there no water on the moon?

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(10) Why isn’t there any vegetation on the moon?

(11) Why does the author suggest travellers to the moon to bring their lunch?
(12) Why is there no air on the moon?
(13) What do travellers to the moon need?
(14) Why do travellers to the moon need protection against cosmic rays?
(15) As there is no weather on the moon, what does the moon lack?
(16) What is the result of there being no atmosphere on the moon?
(17) Why is there no weather on the moon?

II. Read the passage.

Temperatures on the moon are quite extreme, ranging from 110’C to – 173’C.This occurs
because there is no atmosphere to filter the sun’s rays when it is shining and then to blanket in warm
air when the sun goes down. These extremes of temperature are particularly striking during a solar
eclipse, when the earth passes directly between the sun and the moon, temporarily blotting out the
sun’s light. At such times the temperature on the moon dips very rapidly and then rises immediately
as the sun emerges from the earth’s shadow. The change in temperature may be as much as 200’C in
one hour! This sudden change can cause rocks to shatter due to the alternate expanding and
contracting. Thus if you visit the moon, deciding what to wear could be a problem.
There is no twilight or dawn on the moon. Like the earth, the moon does not shine by its own
light; it reflects the light of the sun. Unlike the earth, however, there is no atmosphere to diffuse the
light as day becomes night and night turns into day. Changes from light to dark and dark to light
occur suddenly. The lunar sky is black. (Blue sky on the earth is produced by the scattering of blue
light in the spectrum by particles of air.)
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Temperatures on the moon can ------------ from 110 to – 173 .
(2) Extremes of temperature ------------ because there is no atmosphere on the moon.
(3) During a solar eclipse, the ------------ is blotted out for a short while.
(4) The temperature on the moon can change very ------------
(5) ------------ on the moon can shatter because of the sudden change in temperature.
(6) The moon has neither ------------.
(7) The moon’s own light cannot make itself ------------.
(8) Both the earth and the moon reflect the ------------ of the sun.
(9) On the moon, there are ------------ changes from light to dark.
(10) Unlike the earth, the sky on the moon is ------------.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) Why are temperatures on the moon extreme?
(2) When does a solar eclipse occur?
(3) When does the temperature on the moon dip very rapidly?
(4) What could be a problem for a traveller to the moon?
(5) What can happen when there is a sudden change in temperature?
(6) Why does the writer say that the moon is like the earth?
(7) In what way is the moon different from the earth?
(8) Why do changes from light to dark and dark to light occur suddenly?
(9) What makes the sky on the earth blue?
(10) Why is the colour of the sky on the earth blue?

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(11) What are the colour of the sky on the moon and that on the earth?

III. Read the passage.

On the moon stars are visible in the daytime, but you would have to shield your eyes from the
unfiltered sunlight to view them.
There is no sound on the moon. Sound travels on waves of air molecules. |Since there is no air,
there is nothing to transmit sound. Leave your transistor home. Also, the moon is not a magnet the
way the earth is. You can leave your compass home too.
The moon is a satellite of the earth, revolving around the earth one every twenty-nine and a
half days. The moon itself rotates, but it does so very slowly. Therefor the same side of the moon is
always visible to us. To get to the moon, you would have to travel 240,000 miles, a distance that is
about the same as circling the earth at the equator ten times.
It is clear that if you were making a trip to the moon, you would need to pack more than a
toothbrush and a change of underwear. Its adverse conditions would make it very difficult for a
visitor from the earth.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Waves of air molecules enable ------------ to travel.
(2) There must be waves of air molecules for sound ------------
(3) There must be waves of air molecules to transmit ------------
(4) Sound cannot ------------ on the moon.
(5) Unlike the moon, the earth as a ------------.
(6) Unlike the earth, the moon doesn’t have ------------ force that attracts objects of iron
towards it.
(7) The moon is only of the ------------ of the earth.
(8) The moon revolves around the earth and it ------------ very slowly.
(9) The moon ------------ itself very slowly.
(10) We can always see ------------ side of the moon.
(11) The ------------ between the earth and the moon is 240,000 miles.
(12) The ------------ on the moon could make a visitor from the earth very uncomfortable.
(13) Taking just ------------ and a change of underwear is not enough for a visitor to the moon.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) How would we be able to see the stars on the moon?
(2) What would you have to do to view the stars on the moon?
(3) When can stars be seen on the moon and how would you protect your eyes to view them?
(4) What can be heard on the moon?
(5) Is there anything to transmit sound on the moon?
(6) Why did the author say to leave your transistor home if you go to the moon?
(7) Why is there no sound on the moon?
(8) Why would a compass not work on the moon?
(9) What are the two things you should not take along if you visit the moon?
(10) How long does the moon take to revolve around the earth once?
(11) What is a satellite of the earth?
(12) Why is the moon a satellite of the earth?
(13) Why is the same side of the moon always visible to us?
(14) How far is the moon from the earth and what is the distance almost the same as?
(15) Why would it not be easy for a visitor to survive on the moon?
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IV. Say something about these lines (from your prescribed text).
(1) What is the title of the unit from which this sentence is taken?
What does the underlined word refer to?
The moon is much smaller, its surface is about as large as Africa.
(2) What does the underlined word refer to?
Like the earth, the moon does not shine by its own light.
(3) What does the underlined word refer to?
The moon itself rotates, but it does so very slowly.
(4) What does the underlined word refer to?
Travellers to the moon require not only oxygen and water but also protection against
cosmic rays that are unfiltered by an atmosphere.

V. Using the prompts given, write a very short paragraph.

The moon, - moon – satellite – earth – actually – hostile – environment – human
a satellite beings
of the earth - completely devoid – water – force of gravity – moon – much less – earth
- no air – moon – gravity – insufficient – retain – atmosphere
- there – extreme temperature – moon – ranging 110 – - 173
- deciding – wear – a problem – us – visit – the moon
- no twilight – dawn – the moon – changes – light to dark – dark to light –
occur suddenly
- stars – visible – daytime – have to shield – our eyes – unfiltered –
sunlight – view
- no sound – moon – no air – transmit – sound
- 240,000 miles – away – the earth – travel – moon
- difficult – visit – moon – satellite – the earth – adverse conditions
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

Unit 4
Clocks Through Time
I. Read the passage.
It was probably around 3,000 years ago that people first began making things to help them
measure the passage of time. Having observed that shadows move around tress as the sun moves
across the sky, someone drew a circle and put a stick in the centre. As the sun passed overhead, he
marked even divisions on the circle as the shadow of the stick crossed it. Then people could tell
which part of the day it was by noticing which mark on the circle the shadow fell across. These
circles were called “sundials”. Later, they were made of stone and metal to last longer.
Of course, a sundial did not work at night or on cloudy days, so men kept inventing other ways
to keep track of time. One invention was a striped candle. Each stripe took the same amount of time
to melt. If each stripe melted in about an hour, about three hours would have passed when three
stripes melted.
A water clock was another way to tell time. A container had a line with a number beside it for
every hour. It also had a tiny hole in the bottom. The container was filled with water that dripped
through the hole. When the water level reached the first line, people knew that an hour had passed.
Each time the water level fell to another line, one more hour had passed.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Before using striped candles, people used ------------ to keep track of time.
(2) The water clock came to used later than the ------------
(3) The amount of time it took each stripe of a stripe candle to melt was ------------
(4) Before using water clocks, people used ------------ to measure the passage of time.
(5) The container had a hole for water ------------ through.
(6) There was a tiny hole in the bottom of the container of ------------.
(7) In a water clock, the water in the container ------------ through a hole.
(8) People looked at the ------------ in the container to know the time.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) What are the differences between a clock and a wheel?
(2) What kinds of clocks or watches do you know?
(3) Nowadays, apart from ordinary watches worn on one’s wrist, in what forms are they
(4) What was observed long ago as the sun moves the sky?
(5) How did people know what time it was?
(6) What was observed long ago as the sun moves across the sky?
(7) How did people know what time it was?
(8) What were sundials made of?
(9) For what purpose was the striped candle invented?

II. Read the passage.

Candles and water clocks helped people know how much time had gone by. But, candles had
to be remade, and water clocks had to be refilled. So, after glass blowing was invented, the hourglass

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

came into use. Glass bulbs were joined by a narrow tunnel of glass, and fine, dry sand was placed in
the top bulb. The hourglass was easy to use, but it had to be turned over every hour so the sand could
flow again.
It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made. One of
the first such clocks was built for a king of France and placed in a tower of the royal palace. The
clock did not show minutes or seconds. Usually it did not even show the correct hour! Since there
were no planes or trains to catch, however, people were not concerned about knowing the exact time.
Gradually, clocks began to be popular. They still did not keep correct time, but they were
unusual, and they could be beautifully decorated. One clock was in the shape of a cart with a horse
and driver. One of the wheels was the face of the clock.
Watches came into use as soon as clocks were made small enough to be carried. These did not
always tell the correct time, either. They were often put into beautiful watchcases, which were made
to look like anything the owner wanted.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) A narrow tunnel of glass ------------ the glass bulbs.
(2) A narrow tunnel of glass was used ------------ glass bulbs.
(3) The hourglass was easy to use, but it had to be ------------ every hour.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) What were the disadvantages of the striped candle and the water clock?
(2) What were the disadvantages of using candles to know much time clock?
(3) How did water clocks help people?
(4) What was the weakness of using to know much time had gone?
(5) What were the weakness of candles and water clocks?
(6) What did the hourglass come into use?
(7) When did the hourglass come into use and what was advantage of using it?
(8) How many glass bulbs did the hour glass have and what did the top bulb contain?
(9) What was put into the top bulb of the hourglass?
(10) How many glass bulbs did the hourglass have and what did the top bulb contain?
(11) How was the hourglass made?
(12) What were used to tell the time in the early days?
(13) Which things were invented to tell time in early days?
(14) Why did the hourglass have to be turned ever?
(15) What were the advantage and disadvantage of using hourglass?
(16) When was the first clock with a face and an hour hand-made and did it show the correct
(17) When did people begin to use watches and what was the weakness of the watches?
(18) In what kind of watchcases were often kept and what did the watchcases look like?

III. Read the passage.

The pendulum clock was invented in, 1657. This was the beginning of the style of clocks we
call “grandfather clocks”, which were enclosed in tall wooden boxes.
Pendulum clocks showed the hours more exactly than earlier clocks, since the weight on the
pendulum could be moved up or down to make the clock go faster or slower. About forty years later,

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

minute and second hands were put on some clocks. Grandfather clocks are very much in demand
again today. They are usually very expensive, however, and require more space than other styles of
As people began to go to more places and do more things, they were more interested in
knowing the correct time. By 1900, almost every house had a clock, and nearly every well-dressed
gentleman wore a watch on a chain tucked in his vest pocket.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Pendulum clocks were also known as ------------.
(2) Tall wooden boxes are used to ------------ pendulum clocks.
(3) The hour ------------ more exactly by pendulum clocks than earlier clocks.
(4) Minutes and ------------ were put on some clocks about forty years later the invention of
pendulum clocks.
(5) Nowadays pendulum clocks are much in ------------.
(6) ------------ require more space than other styles of clocks.
(7) It was the fashion to ------------ a watch on a chain.
(8) By 1900 there was ------------ in almost every house.
(9) Long ago, a gentleman who was ------------ would carry a watch.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) When did the pendulum clock come into use?
(2) When did people invent the pendulum clocks and what did they use to keep grandfather
(3) Why were they able to show more exact time?
(4) Why did pendulum clock show the hours more exactly than earlier clocks?
(5) How could the pendulum clock show the hours more exactly than earlier clocks?
(6) When were some clocks designed with the minute and second hands?
(7) When were minute and second hands put on some clocks?
(8) In what way is the pendulum clock different from other style of clocks?
(9) How are grandfather clocks different from other style of clocks?
(10) Why did it become necessary for people to know the correct time?
(11) Why did people begin to realize that knowing the correct time was important?
(12) Why were people more interested in knowing the correct time?
(13) How did gentlemen of long ago wear their watches?
(14) What did nearly every well-dressed gentleman wear by 1900?

IV. Read the passage.

Today, of course, we have electric clocks that keep giving the right time until they are
unplugged or the electricity goes off. Scientists have invented clocks that look like large machines
and tell the correct time to a split second. The most modern electric clocks for home use do not have
faces or hands. These clocks are called digital clocks, and they tell the time with a set of numerals
which appear in a little widow. The seconds are counted off like the tenths of a mile on the odometer
of a car.
Many electric clocks are combined with radios, which can sometimes be set to turn on
automatically. Thus, instead of an alarm ringing in your ear in the morning, you can hear soft music
playing when it is time to get up. Some clocks will even start the coffee maker! Although clocks and

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

watches play an important part in people’s lives in industrialized countries, time is still regarded in
very different ways in different parts of the world.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Electric clocks keep giving the right time until we ------------ them or the electricity goes
(2) Large machine like clocks which tell the time exactly ------------ by scientists.
(3) ------------ are very modern electric clocks for home use.
(4) Modern electric clocks or home use have no ------------.
(5) Digital clocks are the modern electric clocks that ------------ faces or hands.
(6) ------------ to wake one up is better than an alarm ringing in one’s ear.
(7) We can ------------ some electric clocks to turn on automatically.
(8) Clocks and watches play an important part in the life of ------------ industrialized.
(9) People still ------------ time in many different ways in different parts of the world.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) When do electric clocks stop keeping the correct time?
(2) When do electric clocks keep giving the right time?
(3) When didn’t electric clocks keep giving the right time and how do they tell the correct
(4) When will electric clocks stop giving the right time?
(5) What will happen to electric clocks if they were unplugged?
(6) How accurate can clocks that look like large machines tell us the correct time?
(7) Who invented clocks that look like large machines and how do they tell the correct time?
(8) What have scientists invented and how do these things tell the time?
(9) Who invented electric clocks and what do they look like?
(10) How do clocks without faces or hands tell the time?
(11) How do the digital clocks show the time?
(12) With what do digital clocks tell the time?
(13) What are digital clocks?
(14) What are digital clocks and with what do they tell the time?
(15) What kind of clock is called digital clock?
(16) What is the counting of seconds in digital clocks compared to?
(17) In what ways are seconds counted off on digital clocks?
(18) What can the counting off the second be like in the digital clocks?
(19) What is the system of counting seconds on digital clocks like?
(20) What can sometimes be set to turn on automatically?
(21) In some electric clocks, instead of an alarm ringing, what can be heard when it is time to
get up?
(22) Instead of an alarm ringing in your ear in the morning, what can you hear when it is time
to get up?
(23) When can you hear soft music from electric clocks?
(24) Why do we hear the soft music playing from many electric clocks instead of alarm
(25) Where do clocks and watches play an important part in people’s live?
(26) How are clocks and watches regarded by people in industrialized countries?
(27) Which are essential in people’s lives in industrialized countries?

V. Say something about these lines (from your prescribed text).

(1) What is the title of the unit from which this sentence is taken? What does the underlined
word refer to?
“…we have electric clocks that keep giving the right time until they are unplugged…”

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(2) What does it mean?

“Grandfather clocks are very much in demand again today.”
(3) What does the underlined word refer to?
“Clocks began to be popular. They still did not keep correct time.
(4) What does the underlined word refer to?
“As people began to go to more places and do more things, they were more interested in
knowing the correct time.
(5) What does the underlined word refer to?
“The container had a line with a number beside it for every hour.”
(6) What does the underline word refer to?
“By 1900, almost every house had a clock, and nearly every well-dressed gentleman
wore a watch on a chain tucked in his vest pocket.
(7) What does the underline word refer to?
“…nearly every well-dressed gentleman wore a watch on a chain tucked in his vest
(8) What does the underlined word refer to?
“Many electric clocks are combined with radio, which can sometimes be set to turn on

VI. Using the prompts given, write a very short paragraph.

The pendulum - people began making things –help – measure – passage – time – 3,000
clocks years ago
- gradually clocks began – popular – pendulum clock – invented – 1657
- this – beginning –style – clocks – “grandfather” clocks
- grandfather clock – enclosed – tall wooden boxes began – popular
- they showed – hours more exactly – earlier clocks
- weight – pendulum clock could – moved up – down – make – clock go
faster – slower
- minute – second hands – put on some clocks about forty years later
- grandfather clocks – very much – demand again today
- they – usually – expensive than any other clocks
- they require more space – other style – clocks
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

UNIT – 5
I. Read the passage.
During the last few years, there has been an enormous increase in the number of shops, stores
and supermarkets which provide facilities for self-service. Their general purpose is to provide goods
of every description attractively and hygienically and in perfect condition, so that the customer can
serve herself, and then pay for the goods with the minimum of delay.
The organizers of a self-service store have their difficulties. They must display a great number
of goods in a minimum space without covering up anything. They must deal with perishable
foodstuffs requiring different ranges of temperature; and they must arrange a speedy flow of
customers past the cash registers without overtaxing the operators.
For the purposes of display, many devices are used such as long lengths of adjustable shelves
to take various sizes of packs, rotating circular shelves, islands of display stands, racks for tubed
foods, and multi-tiered mobile stalls.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Many supermarkets, stores and shop now have ------------ facilities.
(2) The number of shops, stores and supermarkets that provide ------------ facilities has
(3) Goods have to be ------------ and hygienic to draw the customers attention.
(4) Customers can pay for the goods with as little ------------ as possible.
(5) The organizers must not ------------ anything.
(6) A lot of things must be ------------ in a small place.
(7) It is ------------ to display a great number of goods in minimum space.
(8) There are always ------------ to be faced by the organizers of a self-service store.
(9) Goods must be displayed in a ------------ without covering up anything.
(10) The ------------ must not be overtaxed.
(12) Perishable goods ------------ the different ranges of temperature.
(13) Not to ------------ the operators, organizers of a self-service store must arrange a speedy
flow of customers past the cash registers.
(14) Arrangements must be made for the customers to go ------------ the cash registers
(15) A speedy flow of customers past the cash registers must ------------ in a self-service
(16) Many devices are used in self-service supermarkets to ------------ a verity of goods.
(17) Some shelves in a self-service store are ------------ to take various sizes of packs.
(18) Tube foods are displayed on ------------.
(19) Various sizes of packs are on ------------.
(20) In order ------------ goods, many devices are used.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) What has happened during the last few years?
(2) What are provided by the present day shops, stores, and supermarkets?
(3) What do supermarkets serve customers?

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(4) When has there been an enormous increase in the number of self-service shops, stores
and supermarkets?
(5) What do they provide the customers with?
(6) Apart from providing goods attractively and hygienically in supermarkets how should we
provide them?
(7) What is their general purpose?
(8) What do organizers avoid doing displaying their goods?
(9) How are goods displayed at supermarkets?
(10) What is one of the difficulties faced by the organizers of a self-service store?
(11) How are perishable foodstuffs kept?
(12) What do foodstuffs that go bad quickly required?
(13) What must the organizers do for the customers who are paying for their goods?
(14) Where do the customers pay for the goods?
(15) Describes two difficulties that the organizers of a self-service store have?
(16) What is necessary for maintaining foodstuffs that go bad quickly?
(17) What kinds of devices are used to display the goods in a self-service store?
(18) For what purpose are racks used in self-service supermarkets?
(19) What are long lengths of adjustable shelves used for?
(20) What are the tube foods placed in self-service stores?
(21) What device is used to take various sizes of packs?
(22) What kinds of stalls are used in supermarkets?

II. Read the passage.

Perishable foodstuffs and quick frozen fruit, vegetables and meat are kept in refrigerated self-
service cabinets, which keep good at the required temperatures. These are at zero degree Fahrenheit
for frozen food, 28-32 degrees for meat and fish, and 40-50 degrees for dairy produce and
The problem of quick payment has been solved by the use of modern cash registers. One such
machine called the Automatic Itemizing and Change Computing Cash Register, first records the cost
of each item and totals the bill. Then it also registers the sum given in payment, and shoots out the
right change into a cup near the customer.
Some of the advantages of self-service seem to be that there is no waiting to be served; there is
a wide variety of choice, and it is claimed that preplaced meat and vegetables are hygienic. Shopping
is said to be more “streamlined” and more economical. Nevertheless many people still prefer to be
served by a small shopkeeper who knows them personally and will deliver goods to their home.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Meat, fish and egg are ------------ foodstuffs.
(2) Goods ------------ at the required temperatures in refrigerated self-service cabinets.
(3) ------------ are kept at 28-32 degree Fahrenheit.
(4) Quick payment is a big ------------.
(5) The modern cash register helps the customers to ------------ quickly for the things she
(6) A modern cash register has ------------ the problem of quick payment.
(7) A ------------ enables the customer to total the bill quickly.
(8) An example of modern cash register is the ------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(9) Automatic Itemizing and Change Computing Cash Register can ------------ the right
(10) In a supermarket, there is no to wait to be ------------.
(11) The customers can ------------ from a wide variety of goods in a supermarket.
(12) Shopping at the supermarket is said to be ------------ because it is reasonably priced.
(13) ------------ will deliver goods to the customers’ home.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) Why are perishable foodstuffs and quick frozen foods kept in refrigerated self-service
(2) Where are goods kept at the required temperature?
(3) What kinds of foods are kept in refrigerated self-service cabinets?
(4) For what purpose are refrigerated self-service cabinets used?
(5) Why are refrigerated cabinets in self-service stores used?
(6) At what temperature is frozen food kept?
(7) At what temperature are different kinds of food kept?
(8) At what temperature are dairy produce and provision kept?
(9) At what temperature are frozen food and dairy produce kept in refrigerated self-service
(10) What can help you pay quickly for the goods you buy in a supermarket?
(11) What can solve the problem of quick payment?
(12) What problem has the use of modern cash register solved?
(13) What does the Automatic Itemizing and Change Computing Cash Register do before
totaling the bill?
(14) What does the Automatic Itemizing and Change Computing Cash Register do after
totaling the bill?
(15) Name the example of the modern cash register mentioned by the writer?
(16) What are the advantages of shopping at the supermarkets?
(17) Why do people think vegetables sold in supermarkets are hygienic?
(18) Why do people like pre-packed meat and vegetables?
(19) Why are meat and vegetables prepacked before they are sold?
(20) What quality are prepacked meat and vegetables thought to have?
(21) Why is shopping at the self-service supermarkets better than shopping at traditional
(22) Why do many people prefer traditional small shops to supermarkets?
(23) Why do some people still prefer to be served by small shopkeepers?

III. Say something about these lines (from your prescribed text).
(1) What is the title of the unit from which this sentence is taken? What does the underlined
word refer to?
“…cabinets, which keep goods at the required temperatures. These are at zero degree
(2) What does the underlined word refer to?
“Many people still prefer to be served by a small shopkeeper who knows them
(3) What does the underlined word refer to?
“Many people still prefer to be served by a small shopkeeper who knows them
(4) What does the underlined word refer to?
“The organizers of a self-service store have their difficulties.”

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

IV. Using the prompts given, write a very short paragraph.

Shops with - there – facilities – self-service – supermarkets –facilities other shops
Self-service - this means customers – serve themselves – pay – goods
- because – self-service – no waiting – served
- there – quick payment – because – modern cash registers use
- all kinds – goods – displayed beautifully – attract customers
- customers – buy – clothes – food – cosmetics – lot – other things all – one
- customers – happy – vegetables – fruit – always fresh
- there – no bargaining – prices – fixed
- this – good – customers – not have time – in a hurry
- shopping – therefore – streamlined – economical
- this – advantage – shops – supermarkets – self-service – facilities
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

UNIT – 6
I. Read the passage.
We have seen how computers can do useful work by controlling special machines. Given arms
and hands, a computer can do more varied physical work. With a robot “body”, a computer “brain”
may be programmed to pick up tools and parts and move them around.
The ability to work under the control of a programme is what distinguishes robots from less
“intelligent” machines. Cranes and mechanical diggers can pick up things and move them around but
they are not robots. These machines need men to drive and control them; they cannot be controlled
by a programme like a true robot.
Computers are very reliable; they can work for a long time without breaking down. This is
because they have no moving parts. Robots need lots of moving parts. They have motors and
gearboxes which move and can wear out, and they need people to maintain them like any other
machine. Eventually, robots will probably be able to service and mend each other. However, robots
are generally predictable, precise and untiring in their work. Used correctly, they can improve the
quality of products; as they do not have “off” days, they can also bring savings in materials and
Human workers now have the number of hours they work each day limited by law. The law
also protects them from working in dangerous conditions. In special factories, robots can work
happily for 24 hours a day. They work on through the night while their human supervisors are at
home in bed. If there were any problems, the robots could ring up the supervisor and ask for help!
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) A ------------ can work for a long time without breaking down.
(2) Computers have no ------------ thought robots need lots of them.
(3) ------------ do not have moving parts.
(4) Robots have moving parts such as ------------.
(5) In future, robots may not need people to ------------ them.
(6) Robots also need ------------ for maintenance.
(7) Motors and ------------ in robots can move and wear out.
(8) Robots will probably be able to ------------ each other in future.
(9) The work that robots do is generally ------------
(10) We can ------------ the quality of products with the correct use of robots.
(11) The quality of products can ------------ by using robots correctly.
(12) By using robots, we can ------------ materials and energy.
(13) ------------ do not have “off day”.
(14) The number of hours human workers work each day ------------ by law.
(15) ------------ are also protected from working in dangerous conditions by law.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) Why can computers work for a long time without breaking down?
(2) Why can we say that computers are reliable?

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(3) How long can computers work?

(4) Why do we need people to maintain machines?
(5) Why do robots need people to maintain them?
(6) What is the difference between computers and robots?
(7) What can happen to the motors and gearboxes in robots after being used for some time?
(8) What do robots need for maintenance?
(9) How do robots work?
(10) What are the good qualities of robots?
(11) What can we save by using robots?
(12) What are the advantages of using robots correctly?
(13) What does the law limit for human workers and how does it protect them?
(14) Where can robots work happily 24 hours a day?
(15) While do robots work on through the night, what do their human supervisor do?
(16) What could robots do if there were any problem?
(17) How long can robots work in special factories and if there were any problem, what could
they do?

II. Read the passage.

Robots are growing in complexity and their use in industry is becoming more widespread.
Robots are mainly used in working with automatic machines and equipment in mass production
industries, where the same tasks must be repeated. Car production is the primary example of the
employment of large and complex robots. They are used in the process for the painting, welding and
assembly of the cars.
Robots are also useful in environments which are unpleasant or dangerous for humans to work
in, for example, bomb disposal, work in space or underwater, in mining and for the cleaning of toxic
waste. Robots are also used for patrolling these toxic areas.
Nowadays domestic robots that perform simple tasks such as vacuum cleaning and grass
cutting are now available. Other domestic robots are being produced with the aim of providing
companionship or play partners to people.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Robots are growing more ------------ and their use in industry is becoming more
(2) Robots are becoming more ------------.
(3) In producing cars, large and complex robots are ------------.
(4) Robots are mainly used in mass production industries where people must ------------ the
same task.
(5) Large and complex robots ------------ in car production.
(6) Robots are also used to ------------ toxic waste.
(7) Robots are also used in unpleasant and dangerous ------------ for human to work in.
(8) Robots are also used for the cleaning of ------------.
(9) The aim of ------------ domestic robots is to produce companionship or play partners to
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) Where are robots mainly used and with what are they used in working?
(2) In what tasks are large and complex robots used in car production?
(3) For what purpose are robots used in car production?

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(4) What kinds of robots are employed in car production and in what process are they used?
(5) Give some examples of unpleasant or dangerous works for humans?
(6) In what kind of environments are robots useful? Give some examples of such
(7) How are robots used in toxic areas?
(8) Where are robots used for patrolling?
(9) What simple tasks can domestic robots perform?
(10) Besides doing simples tasks, with what aim are domestic robots being produced?

III. Say something about these lines (from your prescribed text).
(1) What is the title of the unit from which this sentence is taken?
What does the underlined word refer to?
“Cranes and mechanical diggers can pick up things and move them around.”
(2) What does the underlined word refer to?
“Computers can work for a long time without breaking down. This is because they have
no moving parts.”
(3) What do they mean?
“Computers are very reliable.”

IV. Using the prompts given, write a very short paragraph.

The usefulness - computers – do useful work – controlling – special machines
of computers - given arms – hands – do more varied physical work
- robots body – computer brain – pick up tools – parts – move around
- computers – very reliable – work – a long time – breaking down
- robots – also useful – work – control – programme
- robots – moving parts – can wear out – predictable – precise – untiring –
their work – not need close supervision
- improve – quality – products – used correctly – bring savings – materials –
- special factories – work happily – 24 hours – day
- used – process – painting – welding – assembly of cars
- also useful – environments – unpleasant – dangerous – humans – work in
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

UNIT – 7
Dreams Do Come True
I. Read the passage.
My mother and I were dreamers. When the days were soft and tender, we sat on the beach,
digging our toes into the hot sand. The big breakers came in slowly; their shoulders growing tall and
green. They crashed in thunderous white, and we would sit in silence, the breeze scrubbing the hot
sun from our faces.
She was 34; I was 10. She was short, plump, a woman of fair skin and brownish hair. She was
feminine and prim.
I asked what she dreamed. Jenny Tier Bishop laughed and ruffled my wet hair. “You,” she
said, “are an inquisitive little boy”.
“Yes, ma’ am,” I said.
She told me her dream. Someday, when my father had a lot of money, he would buy diamond
earrings for her. Not big ones, of course. “See,” she said, pulling her ears, “these were pierced when
I was 15. Wouldn’t I look pretty with little diamonds?”
“Yes, ma’am,” I said. “You sure would”.
She asked me my dream. I said that when I grew up, I would own a house right here at the
beach. I would be able to look at the ocean every day, in all of its moods. My house would have
servants who would have nothing to do but carry silver trays loaded with sweets and chocolate bars.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Both the boy and his mother enjoyed ------------ on the beach.
(2) The boy and his mother would ------------ their toes into the hot sand on which they sat.
(3) The boy and his mother sat without ------------ as they watched the breakers.
(4) The boy’s mother had fair skin and ------------ hair.
(5) The mother’s ears were ------------ when she was fifteen.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) When did the boy and his mother usually go and sit on the beach?
(2) How did the big breakers come towards the beach?
(3) Why did the mother say that her son was an inquisitive little boy?
(4) What was Jenny’s dream?
(5) What kind of earrings did Jenny expect from her husband?
(6) Why did the boy want a house on the beach?
(7) What did the boy dream about?
(8) Why did the boy want servants in his house?
(9) What would his servants have to do?

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

II. Read the passage.

She looked down at me, the bun of hair loose on her neck. My mother laughed at my dream.
“Little boy,” she said-and I knew that I had lost her admiration. My feet came up out of the sand and
I ran at top speed to meet the big curling wave.
Her dream came true. My father gave her the diamond earrings. They were tiny icebergs in big
gold prongs. She sat before the mirror, turning her head from side to side. My father paid a little a
month for those earrings for a long time. I was glad her dream came true. When they dressed to go
out, I told her how beautiful she looked. She wasn’t really beautiful but she lifted her head like a
queen when those earrings were on.
Times became what my father called “hard”. The earrings were gone a long time before I
noticed. When I asked about them, she smiled and cried at the same time, “Your father had to pawn
them, “she said. “He’ll get them back”.
Policemen were poorly paid in those days and then the city cut their salaries further. My
mother made our clothes on a sewing machine. At night, she sewed rosettes on silk garters for a
penny a piece. Every year she paid the interest on the pawn ticket.
Then, one summer, she surrendered. The payment was due but she ignored it. “Earrings”, she
said, “are a form of vanity we can’t afford”.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) The earrings had been in ------------ long before the boy noticed.
(2) His mother told him that his father ------------ the earrings back.
(3) The ------------ of policemen were cut when the story took place.
(4) The clothes of the writer ------------ by his mother.
(5) ------------ of the pawn ticket had to be paid every year.
(6) She ignored ------------ although it was due.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) What did the boy do when his mother laughed at his dream?
(2) How did the mother’s dream come true?
(3) What did the boy’s father give to his wife and what was it in the form of?
(4) When the boy’s mother got the diamond earrings from her husband, how did she sit
before the mirror?
(5) What did the author’s mother do when she sat before the mirror?
(6) What were the diamond earrings in the form of and what did the author’s mother do after
wearing them?
(7) How did the writer’s father pay for his wife’s present?
(8) How did his father buy those earrings?
(9) How did the author feel as his mother’s dream come true?
(10) What did the author say to his mother when she dressed up to go out?
(11) What did the boy’s father do when times became hard?
(12) Why did his mother smile and cry at the same time?
(13) Why did his father pawn the earrings?
(14) When were the earrings gone?
(15) What is the boy’s father do to the earrings? Why?
(16) What was the boy’s father and how did he buy the diamond earrings?
(17) Whose salaries did the city cut?
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(18) Why did the boy’s father call times “hard”?

(19) What did the writer’s mother do at night to earn some money?
(20) How did the author’s mother make extra money? Why?
(21) How often did the boy’s mother pay the interest on the pawn ticket?
(22) Why did she surrender the payment for the earrings?
(23) When did the mother stop paying the interest on the pawn ticket?

III. Read the passage.

Great good luck sometimes touches a person at least once. It touched me. A book I wrote
became a best-seller in 16 countries. I bought a house on the beach. My dream had come true.
When the house was right, I invited my mother and father to it. There were no servants
carrying trays of candy. But the house was on the same beach. My hair was grey, but the surf still
thundered with youth.
I handed the plushy box to my mother, “Your time to dream”, I said. Her hand began to shake.
“John,” she said to my father, “help me with this. I’m so clumsy.”
Dad opened the box and murmured, “Jenny, they’re beautiful.” The earrings were screwed into
place. “How do I look?” she asked. We said, “Beautiful.” She couldn’t tell. She had been blind for
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) The writer got a lot of money from a book ------------.
(2) The author was ------------ by great good luck.
(3) Every person is ------------ at least once in his lifetime.
(4) The author got a lot of money from his ------------
(5) A book ------------ by the writer became a best-seller in 16 countries.
(6) The writer became rich because of his ------------ book in 16 countries.
(7) The writer owned a house on ------------.
(8) The writer’s hair had turned grey when his dream ------------.
(9) The house of the author was on the same beach he had ------------ of having it.
(10) There were no servants who ------------ trays of candy in the writer’s house.
(11) When he handed the box to her, her hand was ------------.
(12) The writer’s mother asked her husband to help her because she was very ------------.
(13) He bought ------------ for his mother.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) Why could the writer afford to buy a house only at that time?
(2) How did the writer’s dream come true?
(3) Whom did the writer invite to his new house?
(4) What did the writer dream of buying?
(5) What had not changed although the writer had grown older?
(6) What did the writer give to his mother? Why?
(7) When the writer handed his mother a plushy box, what did he say?
(8) Why did the writher’s mother ask her husband and son how she looked after wearing the

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

IV. Say something about these lines (from your prescribed text).
(1) What is the title of the unit from which this sentence is taken? What does the underlined
word refer to?
“When the house was right, I invited my mother and father to it.”
(2) What does the underlined word refer to?
“I would be able to look at the ocean every day in all of its moods.”
(3) What does the underlined word refer to?
“Great good luck sometimes touches a person at least once. It touched me.”
(4) What does the underlined word refer to?
“The big breakers came in slowly; their shoulders growing tall and green. They crashed
in thunderous white, and …..”
(5) What does the underlined word refer to?
“When I asked about them, she smiled and cried at the same time.”
(6) Who said these words and to whom were they said? What do they mean?
“Earrings … are a form of vanity we can’t afford.”
(7) Who said these words and to whom were they said? What do they mean?
“….. help me with this. I’m so clumsy.”
(8) Who said these words and to whom were they said? What do they mean?
“Jenny, they’re beautiful.”
(9) Who said these words and to whom were they said? What do they mean?
“We said, “Beautiful.””
(10) Who said these words and to whom were they said? What do they mean?
“Yes, ma’am. You sure would.”

V. Using the prompts given, write a very short paragraph.

Dreams do - Jenny Tier Bishop’s dream – that when – husband had – lot – money
come true would buy diamond earrings – her
- son – Jim Bishop’s dream – own – house – beach – his mother – he
- great good luck touches – person – least once – life
- touched Jim Bishop – book – wrote – best-seller – 16 countries
- bought – house – same beach – dreamed – having – house
- his dream – having – house – beach – came true
- when – house – right – invited – mother – father – house
- as – became rich – bought – mother – pair – diamond earrings
- when – handed – mother – pulshy box – contains – pair – diamond
earrings – mother had – ask – husband – open – box – screw – diamond
earrings – place – she – very clumsy
- both Jim Bishop’s dream – mother’s dream – came true
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

UNIT – 8
Advertisements: The Pros and The Cons
I. Read the passage.
Money spent on advertising is money well spent. It assists a rapid distribution of goods at
reasonable prices. It draws attention to new ideas and so helps enormously to raise standards of
living. By helping to increase the demand for goods, it increases the number of workers needed to
supply the goods and, therefore, provides employment. It helps to pay for many services. Without
advertisements, you daily newspaper would cost a dollar or more, the price of your television license
would need to be doubled, and travel by bus would cost more.
Perhaps most important of all, advertising helps to keep up the quality of the products and
services you buy. No regular advertiser dare offer a product that fails to live up to the promise of his
advertisements. He might fool some people for a little while through misleading advertising. He will
not do so for long; for the public has the good sense not to buy the poor quality article more than
once. If I see an article advertised, it is the surest proof I know that the article does what is claimed
for it, and that it is good value.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) ------------ daren’t offer a product of poor quality.
(2) A ------------ doesn’t dare offer a product that does not live up to its promise.
(3) Some people ------------ for a while through misleading advertising.
(4) A regular advertiser will not ------------ some people for long.
(5) The public has the good sense to refuse to buy articles of ------------.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) Without advertisements, what would happen to the price of your newspaper and your
television licence?
(2) In what way can advertising help us?
(3) Why does the writer think that advertising is good?
(4) Why is advertising important?
(5) What kind of product will not be offered by a regular advertiser?
(6) How long might an advertiser fool some people and through what?
(7) Why won’t people buy a poor quality article more than once?
(8) How can an advertiser fool people?
(9) Why can’t advertiser fool people for long through misleading advertising?
(10) Why can an advertiser fool the customers only for a short while?
(11) Why don’t advertisers dare to offer a product that fails to live up to the promise of their
(12) How long will misleading advertising last?
(13) What will the public do to a poor quality article?
(14) When would an article be of good value?
(15) What is the surest proof when an article is seen advertised?
(16) According to the writer, how does he know that something is good value?

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

II. Read the passage.

There is one more point I feel I ought to touch on. Recently, I heard a well-known television
personality declare that he was against advertising because it persuades rather than informs. This is
hair-splitting. Of course advertising seeks to persuade. If it only gave information, advertising would
be so boring that no one would pay any attention. But perhaps that is what the well-known television
personality wants.
I am prepared to make just one admission to the opponents of advertising. Not every
advertisement is a good one. Some advertisements are silly. Some are pointless - though not very
many. Pick up the nearest magazine or newspaper and count the advertisements that rally offend
you. And then count the advertisements that, in some degree, interest you, or give you pleasure. And
be honest!
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) ------------ was against advertising.
(2) A ------------ declared that he was against advertising.
(3) Attention would not be paid to ------------.
(4) No one would pay any attention to ------------.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) Why was a well-known television personality against advertising?
(2) Why can’t we say all advertisements are good?
(3) What does advertising do?
(4) When would advertising be very boring?
(5) What kind of advertising does the well-known television personality want?
(6) If advertising only give information, what would happen to it?
(7) How will people feel and what may happen if advertisements give information only?
(8) How are advertisements useful to most people?
(9) Why are advertisements useful for people?
(10) How can we learn what products are available on the market?
(11) Besides giving us information, what else do advertisements do?
(12) What can advertisements do to people?
(13) What does everyone tend to dream of?
(14) What do most of us dream of?
(15) What is meant by having a better life?
(16) What do advertisers try to make us believe?
(17) According to the advertisements, how can women become perfect wives and mothers?
(18) For who are home cleaning products meant?
(19) According to the writer, what do most ladies want to become?
(20) What products are advertised for women?
(21) What is it that advertisements for home cleaning products try to make ladies believe?

III. Read the passage.

Most people say that they find advertisements useful for giving them information about the
products which are available on the market. But advertisements do not only give information, they
also try to influence our emotions. The advertisers know that everyone tends to dream of having a
better life. We dream of being better educated, more successful, wealthier, better looking, more
adventurous, and so on. The advertisers try to make us believe that our dreams will come true if we
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

buy their products. This is why advertisements for home cleaning products often try to convince
ladies that they can become perfect wives and mothers only if they use those products.
Advertisements aimed at men often include the picture of a pretty girl. Such advertisements are
suggesting that a man will be more attractive to women if he owns a certain type of car, or watch, or
if he dresses in a certain style.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Advertisements ------------ people about the products on the market.
(2) Advertisements ------------ people information about the product available on the market.
(3) We do not always know what products are there ------------.
(4) Because of advertisements, it is possible for people to know what things are ------------
on the market.
(5) It is said by ------------ that advertisements are useful.
(6) Advertisements can ------------ people’s emotions.
(7) Everyone wishes for a ------------.
(8) Advertisers know that to have a better life is the ------------ of everyone.
(9) Advertisers know that the dream of everyone, that is, to have ------------.
(10) Advertisers advertise to sell ------------.
(11) We are made to believe that if we buy what advertisers ------------ our dreams will come
(12) Some people think that their ------------ will come true if they buy things advertised.
(13) Certain products for home-use are aimed at ------------.
(14) Advertisements for home cleaning products are aimed at ------------.
(15) The picture of a pretty girl is usually ------------ in advertisements aimed at men.
(16) Some advertisements suggest that a man who owns a certain type of car or watch will ---
(17) Advertisements ------------ men often use the picture of a pretty girl.
(18) A man will be more ------------ to women if he owns a certain type of car or watch and so
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) What kinds of advertisements are meant for ladies and what do they suggest?
(2) What do advertisements for men often include?
(3) Why does an advertisement for men include a picture of pretty girl?
(4) What is included in the advertisements which are aimed at men?
(5) What do advertisements aimed at men often include and what do they suggest?
(6) In which conditions, a man will be more attractive to women?

IV. Read the passage.

The feelings which advertisements try to play on will differ according to the age groups for
which the advertisements are intended. Advertisements for teenagers will emphasize that those
products will make young people more attractive, more up to date, more socially successful, and
more able to enjoy themselves, as well as more successful in their education and job prospects.
The problem with advertisements is that they imply that money can make our dreams come
true. But this is obviously not so. We cannot buy personal; good looks, intelligence, good friendships
or a happy family. A lot of advertisements are, therefore, a form of lying. They can also make people

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

feel depressed and discontented with their ordinary lives, especially those people who have only a
small amount of money to spend on luxuries.
Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) How are the feelings which advertisements try to play on different?
(2) In what kind of products are teenagers usually interested?
(3) What do advertisements try to make us believe?
(4) What is the implication given by advertisements?
(5) What is the problem with advertisements?
(6) What can’t be bought with money?
(7) What is it that money cannot buy?
(8) How are a lot of advertisements regarded?
(9) What can a lot of advertisements do to people?
(10) Who are usually hurt more by advertisements?
(11) How do a lot of advertisements make people feel?

V. Say something about these lines (from your prescribed text).

(1) What is the title of the unit from which this sentence is taken? What does the underlined
word refer to?
“Most people say that they find advertisements useful…”
(2) What does the underlined word refer to?
“They can also make people feel depressed and discontented with their ordinary lives.”
(3) What does the underlined word refer to?
“The problem with advertisements is that they imply that money can make our dreams
come true.”
(4) What does the underlined word refer to?
“If it only gave information, advertising would be so boring.”
(5) What does the underlined word refer to?
“No regular advertiser dare offer a product that fails to live up to the promise of his
(6) What does the underlined word refer to?
“The advertisers try to make us believe that our dream will come true if we buy their
(7) What does the underlined word refer to?
“Some advertisements are silly. Some are pointless – though not very many.”
(8) What does the underlined word refer to?
“Money spent on advertising is money well spent. It assists a rapid distribution of goods
at reasonable prices.”

VI. Using the prompts given, write a very short paragraph.

(1) The pros and - some think – money spent – advertising – money spent well
cons of - assists – rapid distribution – goods – reasonable prices – draws
advertisements attention – new ideas
- increases – number – workers needed – supply – goods – provides
employment – helping – increase – demand – goods
- helps – pay – many services – helps – keep – quality – products –
services – buy
- seeks – persuade – but if – only gave information – so boring – no one
– pay – attention – it
- others think – advertisements – not only give information – also try –
influence – emotions

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

- advertisers try – make – believe – dreams – come true if – buy –

- problem – advertisements – that – imply – money – make – dreams –
- this – not so – we – not buy personal good looks – intelligence – good
friendship – happy family
- advertisements – make people – depressed – discontented – ordinary
########## S. M. S ##########

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

UNIT – 9
Sleep And Dreams
I. Read the passage.
“Oh sleep! It is a gentle thing,
Beloved from pole to pole.”
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, a famous British poet, wrote these words over 100 years ago. Most
people would agree with him. Sleep is very important to humans; the average person spends 220,000
hours of a lifetime sleeping. Until about thirty years ago, no one knew much about sleep. Then
doctors and scientists began doing research in sleep laboratories. They have learned a great deal by
studying people as they sleep, but there is still much that they don’t understand.
Scientists study the body characteristics that change during sleep, such as body temperature,
brain waves, blood pressure, breathing, and heartbeat. They also study rapid eye movement (REM).
These scientists have learned that there is a kind of sleep with REM and another kind with no rapid
eye movement (NREM).
NREM is divided into three stages. In stage one, when you start to go to sleep, you have a
pleasant floating feeling. A sudden noise can wake you up. In stage two, you sleep more deeply, and
a noise will probably not wake you. In stage three, which you reach in less than thirty minutes, the
brain waves are less active and stretched out. Then, within another half hour, you reach REM sleep.
This stage might last an hour and a half and is the time when you dream. For the rest of the night,
REM and NREM alternate.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Not ------------ was known about sleep until about thirty years ago.
(2) Not much about sleep ------------ unit about thirty years ago.
(3) Research on sleep is done in ------------.
(4) Scientists do research on sleep in ------------.
(5) We can easily be awakened in stage ------------ of NREM.
(6) ------------ can wake you up in stage one of NREM.
(7) When we are ------------ asleep, we aren’t easily awakened.
(8) A noise will probably not wake you when you are ------------ asleep.
(9) The brain waves are relaxed and not so ------------ in stage three.
(10) In stage three, the brain waves are not as ------------ as they are when you are awake.
(11) We reach stage three of sleep in less than ------------ after stage two.
(12) We dream during ------------.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) What did Samuel Taylor Coleridge write about sleep?
(2) How much does an average person sleep in his lifetime?
(3) Why is sleep important to human?
(4) How did doctors and scientists learn a great deal about sleep?
(5) Where and why did doctors and scientists begin doing research on sleep?
(6) Where do changes take place when a person sleeps?
(7) What are some body characteristics that change during sleep?

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(8) What kind of body characteristics do scientists study and what are they?
(9) What have the scientists learned about sleep?
(10) What do REM and NREM stand for?
(11) How many kinds of sleep are there and what are they?
(12) What do you feel when you start to go to sleep?
(13) In what kind and stage of sleep do we start to go to sleep?
(14) Why will a noise probably not awaken you in stage two of sleep?
(15) How long does it take us to reach stage three of NREM and what happen to our brain at
the stage?
(16) At which stage do you dream?
(17) How long does it takes us to reach REM sleep and how long might this stage last?

II. Read the passage.

Body movement during sleep occurs just before the REM stage. The average person moves
about thirty times during sleep each night.
Sleep is a biological need, but your brain never really sleeps. It is never actually blank. The
things that were on your mind during the day are still there at night. They appear as dreams, which
people have been discussing for centuries. At times people believed that dreams had magical powers
or that they could tell the future.
Sometimes dreams are terrifying, but they are usually a collection of scattered, confused
thoughts. If you dream about something that is worrying you, you may wake up exhausted, sweating,
and with a rapid heartbeat. Dreams have positive effects on our lives. During a dream, the brain may
concentrate on a problem and look for different solutions. Also, people who dream during a good
night’s sleep are more likely to remember newly learned skills. In other words you learn better if you
Researchers say that normal people may have four or five REM periods of dreaming a night.
The first one may begin only a half hour after falling asleep. Each period of dreaming is a little
longer, the last one lasting up to an hour. Dreams also become more intense as the night continues.
Nightmares usually occur towards dawn.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(13) Every night, an average person moves about ------------ in his sleep.
(14) The average person moves about thirty times when ------------ each night.
(15) According to scientists, sleep is a ------------.
(16) Your brain is never actually blank and it ------------ really sleep.
(17) Though we sleep, our brain is never blank and never ------------.
(18) Some experiences we have during the day generally occur as ------------ at night.
(19) People have been discussing about dreams for ------------ years.
(20) People say that the things that were on our mind during the day appear in our ------------.
(21) People believed that ------------ could tell the future.
(22) ------------ are usually a collection of scattered, confused thoughts.
(23) If you dream about something that is worrying you, you may weak up with your heart
beating ------------.
(24) When we dream, the brain may look for different solutions to ------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(25) Four or five REM periods of dreaming take place during a ------------ sleep.
(26) The last period of dreaming ------------ up to an hour.
(27) The second period of REM period takes ------------ than the first one.
(28) As the night continues, dreams become more ------------.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(18) When does body movement during sleep take place?
(19) How often does the average person move during sleep each night?
(20) What is “sleep” and what doesn’t really rest?
(21) What appears as dreams at night?
(22) What did people use to believe about dreams at times?
(23) What are the things that people believe about dreams?
(24) According to the passage, what belief did people have about dreams?
(25) What actually are terrifying dreams?
(26) What happens when a person has a bad dream?
(27) How do we wake up after a bad dream?
(28) How does a person wake up after a terrifying dream?
(29) If we dream about something that is worrying us, how may we wake up?
(30) How do we feel when we wake up from a bad dream?
(31) Why can we say that dreams have positive effects on our lives?
(32) What may the brain do during a dream?
(33) Who can learn better?
(34) What may we remember when we dream during a good night’s sleep?
(35) What kind of people may remember newly learned skills?
(36) How can dreams during a good night’s sleep help us with our learning?
(37) How many times REM dreaming may normal people have during one night?
(38) How many REM periods of dreaming do normal people have a night and how long does
the last REM period?
(39) When do dreams become more intense and when do nightmares usually occur?

III. Read the passage.

People dream in colour, but many don’t remember the colours. Certain people can control
some of their dreams. They make sure they have a happy ending. Some people get relief from bad
dreams by writing them down and then changing the negative stories or thoughts into positive ones
on the written paper. Then they study the paper before they go to sleep again.
Many people talk in their sleep, but it is usually just confused half sentences. They might feel
embarrassed when someone tells them they were talking in their sleep, but they probably didn’t tell
any secrets.
Sleepwalking is most common among children. They usually grow out of it by the time they
become adolescents. Children don’t remember that they were walking in their sleep, and they don’t
usually wake up if the parent leads them back to bed.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(29) It is said our ------------ are coloured.
(30) It is said that there are ------------ in our dreams.
(31) However, most people forget ------------.
(32) You may not ------------ the colours in your dreams.
(33) According to the writer, some people have ------------ over their dreams.
(34) Such people make sure their dreams end ------------.
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(35)Some dreams of certain people can ------------.

(36)Some people try to control their dreams to have ------------.
(37)Some people change the negative stories of their dreams into ------------.
(38)Although many people talk in their sleep, it is just ------------ half sentences.
(39)Only ------------ half sentences are produced when people talk in their sleep.
(40)Probably any secrets ------------ when many people talk in their sleep.
(41)------------ were kept when people were talking in their sleep.
(1) Although many people talk in their sleep, it is just ------------ half sentences.
(2) Only ------------ half sentences are produced when people talk in their sleep.
(3) Probably any secrets ------------ when many people talk in their sleep.
(4) ------------ were kept when people were talking in their sleep.
(5) It is quite ------------ for children to walk in their sleep.
(6) A ------------ child doesn’t remember what he is doing in his sleep.
(7) When children become adolescents, they stop ------------.
(8) According to the passage, ------------ do not usually sleepwalk.
(9) Children don’t ------------ what they do in their sleep.
(10)Even when sleepwalking children in their sleep ------------ by parents back to bed, they
don’t usually wake up.
(11) ------------ doesn’t remember that he was sleepwalking in his sleep.
(12) If ------------ are led back to bed, they don’t really wake up.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(40) What do people who can control their dreams do?
(41) What can certain people do with their dreams?
(42) What do some people make sure about their dreams? Why can they do so?
(43) How do some people get relief from unpleasant dreams?
(44) What do they do after getting relief from bad dreams?
(45) Why do some people write down bad dreams and change them into positive ones?
(46) What do some people do to get relief from unpleasant dreams?
(1) What kind of sentences do many people talk in their sleep?
(2) How would people feel when someone tells them that they were talking in their sleep?
(3) How do many people feel when they are told that they were talking in their sleep? Why
do they feel so?
(4) What do children do in their sleep and when do they grow out of it?
(5) When do children usually stop sleepwalking?
(6) Who sleepwalks the most?
(7) Who usually sleepwalk and when do they usually stop doing so?
(8) What should parents do if their children walk in their sleep?
(9) What should be done when the children sleepwalk?

IV. Read the passage.

There are lots of jokes about snoring, but it isn’t really funny. People snore because they have trouble
breathing while they are asleep. Some snorers have a condition called sleep apnea. They stop breathing up to
thirty or forty times an hour because the throat muscles relax too much and block the airway.
Most people need from 7⅟2 to 8⅟2 hours of sleep a night, but this varies with individuals. Babies sleep
eighteen hours, and old people need less sleep than younger people. If someone continually sleeps longer than
normal for no apparent reason, there may be something physically or psychologically wrong.
You cannot save hours of sleep the way you save money in the bank. If you have only 5 hours of
sleep for three nights, you don’t need to sleep an extra 9 hours on the weekend. And it doesn’t do any good to

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

sleep extra hours ahead of time when you know you will have to stay up late. Sleep is important to humans.
We spend a third of our lives sleeping, so we need to understand everything we can about sleep.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(13) Although snoring is not really funny, there are lots of ------------ about it.
(14) People who snore are called ------------ in his sleep.
(15) When the throat muscles relax too much, the air way is ------------.
(16) ------------ have trouble breathing while they are asleep.
(17) Young people need ------------ than old people.
(18) Most of the old people sleep less than the ------------ people.
(19) Something is wrong physically or psychologically if someone sleeps ------------ for a
long time.
(20) Hours of sleep cannot ------------.
(21) Money can be saved in the bank but ------------ cannot be done so.
(22) It will do you no ------------ to sleep extra hours ahead of time.
(23) ------------ of our lives is spent on sleep.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(10) Why do people snore?
(11) Why does the writer say that snoring is not funny?
(12) When do people snore and why do they snore?
(13) What is sleep apnea?
(14) What happens to snorers when they have sleep apnea?
(15) How many times do the snorers stop breathing an hour?
(16) Why do people with sleep apnea stop breathing many times while they are sleeping?
(17) Why do some snorers have a condition called sleep apnea?
(18) How long do most people need to sleep a night and who need to sleep more, younger
people or older people?
(19) How many hours do babies and old people need to sleep?
(20) If a person continually sleeps longer than normal for no apparent reason, what may be
wrong with him?
(21) When will something be wrong with a person?
(22) Can you save both money and hours of sleep?
(23) Why can’t we save hours of sleep the way you save money in the bank?
(24) When you know you will have to stay up late, do you need to sleep ahead of time?
Why or why not?
(25) To whom is sleep important?
(26) Why should we need to understand about sleep?

V. Say something about these lines (from your prescribed text).

(1) What is the title of the unit from which this sentence is taken? What does the underlined
word refer to?
“There are lots of jokes about snoring, but it isn’t really funny.”
(2) What does the underlined word refer to?
“The things that were on your mind during the day are still there at night.”
(3) What does the underlined word refer to?
“Each period of dreaming is a little longer, the last one lasting up to an hour.”
(4) What does the underlined word refer to?
“Some snorers have a condition called sleep apnea. They stop breathing….”
(5) What does the underlined word refer to?
“Certain people can control some of their dreams.”
(6) What does the underlined word refer to?
“People dream in colour, but many don’t remember the colours.”

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

VI. Using the prompts given, write a very short paragraph.

Research on - sleep – a biological need – it – very important – human beings
sleep - until – thirty years ago – knew – about it – doctors – scientists began
– research – sleep laboratories
- scientists study – body characteristics – change – sleep – body
temperature – brain waves – blood pressure – breathings – heartbeat
- learned – kind – sleep – REM – another kind – no rapid eye
movement (NREM)
- learned – our brain never sleep – it – never – blank we – asleep
- things – were – our mind – the day are still there – night – appear –
- people talk – their sleep – it – not understood because it – just
confused – sentences
- sleepwalking – common – children – they usually grow – it – they –
- people snore – they – trouble breathing – they – asleep
- we – spend third – our lives sleeping – we need – understand we can
– sleep
########## S. M. S ##########

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

UNIT – 10
Looking Good
I. Read the passage.
It is natural if your appearance concerns you a great deal. After all, the way you look now
may still be very new to you. Between the ages of 10 and 14 most boys and girls begin to notice
changes taking place to their bodies. Your body alters in shape and size, and your face changes too.
Slight little girls are transformed into tall young women with well-developed figures. The girl who
used to be tallest in her class may stop growing at fifteen and find herself less than average in height.
Snub noses lengthen; eyes that previously looked large may appear smaller because they have
remained the same size while the other features have grown. Not only that, but the texture of your
skin probably is different, and you are likely to suffer from spots. Generally the changes start later
for boys than for girls. In some people they start before the age of 10. A boy’s voice gets deeper, his
muscles develop and his chest gets broader. Hair starts to grow under his arms, and on his legs and
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) It is natural for us to be ------------ about your looks.
(2) According to the passage, you may be ------------ about your appearance a great deal.
(3) Our appearances ------------ concerns us a great deal.
(4) Between the ages of 10 and 14, the ------------ of your body alters.
(5) From the age of about eleven, your body alters in shape and size, and there are ---------
changes too.
(6) Slight little girls have become ------------ tall young women when changes take place.
(7) The ------------ girls in class stop growing at fifteen.
(8) The size of our ------------ remained the same while others features have grown.
(9) ------------ do not grow larger whiles other features do.
(10) When the textures of our skin changes, we may ------------ from spots.
(11) Some adolescents may ------------ from spots.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) What happens to most boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 14?
(2) At what age range do most boys and girls become aware of changes in their bodies?
(3) What other parts of our body also changes when our body alters in shape and size?
(4) How are slight little girls transformed into tall young women?
(5) What may happen to the girl who used to be tallest in her class at fifteen?
(6) Why may your eyes appear smaller?
(7) What can happen to your skin when the texture of it changes?
(8) For whom do changes start earlier for boy or for girl?

II. Read the passage.

Different people have different ideas of beauty or handsomeness. You only have to look at
those around you to realize that people are attracted by every possible physical type. Some people
find plumpness attractive. Some go for black hair; others, brown. At different times in history,
writers and artists have admired pure, high foreheads or low, broad ones; large, round, lustrous eyes

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

or slanting, inscrutable ones; sloping shoulders or broad, square ones; wide, humorous mouths or
neat, small ones; sloping shoulders or broad, square ones; wide, humorous mouths or neat, small
ones; tuned-up noses or straight ones. Some think that men who are tall, dark and muscular are
handsome but for some, those who are fair and slightly built are cute.
If you are worried about how you look, you’re certainly not the only one. Most of your
friends probably feel equally insecure, though they may not admit or show it. Girls who are tall
usually long to be dainty and small, and vice versa; plump girls with rosy round faces would love to
be pale and delicate; slender girls with very white skin hate their pale and colorless look. Thin boys
would like to put on more weight and tall and gangling boys would like to be shorter.
You are being conditioned into feeling as you do. A lot of pressures are encouraging you to
worry about your appearance. Women’s magazines, men’s magazines, advertisements and the media
all concentrate on the subject, and they bombard you with warnings about bad breath, perspiration,
being too fat or too thin. They even give the impression that if you use a certain shampoo or
cosmetic, you will become attractive to boys. And if boys drive a certain car, or use certain
aftershave, they will be attracted to girls. Your parents may become involved in this process too, by
encouraging you to think about your appearance, and your friends may create an atmosphere of
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(12) People think of beauty of ------------ ways.
(13) People ------------ have the same ideas of beauty and handsomeness.
(14) Different people find different physical types ------------.
(15) If we look at those around us, we will realize that every possible physical type ----------
(16) Some people ------------ black to brown hair.
(17) Two types of ------------ mentioned in the passage are pure high ones and low broad
(18) Most girls feel ------------ about their looks.
(19) No one would ------------ that they were anxious about their looks.
(20) You are not the only one who is ------------ about how you look.
(21) If you are worried about your look, it is ------------ that you are not the only one.
(22) Your friends may not admit or show that they feel ------------ about how they look.
(23) A plump girl with a rosy round face wishes to look ------------.
(24) Dainty and small girls want to be ------------.
(25) We can look attractive by using ------------.
(26) Parents may ------------ their children to think about their appearance.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(9) How can you know that people are attracted by all physical types?
(10) When you look at people around you, what will you realize and why?
(11) What types of eyes have been admired by writers and artists at different times in
(12) At different times in history, who have admired different types of physical features?
(13) How many kinds of foreheads are mentioned in the passage? What are they?
(14) What kind of men is handsome for some people?

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(15) According to the passage, how is the appearance of men who are handsome different
from that of men who are cute?
(16) What is it that your friends may not admit or show?
(17) What does a dainty and small girl long to be?
(18) What does a slender girl with a very fair complexion dislike?
(19) What do plump girls with rosy, round faces want to be?
(20) What is not liked by slender girls with very white skin?
(21) What kind of girls would like to be pale and delicate?
(22) Which physical features do slender girls with very white skin hate?
(23) What kinds of boys would like to put on more weight and what kinds of boys would
like to be shorter?
(24) According to the passage, why are we so worried about our appearance?
(25) Why are people worried about their appearance?
(26) Where can warnings often about appearance, bad breath, etc., be found?
(27) What do women’s magazines, advertisements and the media concentrate on?
(28) What warnings are being given about your appearance?
(29) What impression do women’s magazines, men’s magazines, advertisements and the
media give us regarding the use of certain shampoo or cosmetics?
(30) Who are often involved in making girls take an interest in how they look?
(31) How may your parents become involved in making you look attractive?
(32) Who may compete with you in appearance?

III. Read the passage.

The way you see yourself in your mind’s eye may not even be accurate. For instance, girls who have
once been fat often think of themselves like this long after they have become slim. Girls with a feature they
do not like, such as a long nose or thick ankles, become so unhappy about it that even when they look in the
mirror, they are quite unable to judge their total appearance. Height, weight and how they smell are the things
that can particularly worry young boys. But try and think about things you like about yourself and the way
you look. Also remember that your body is changing and will keep changing. If you could only relax and see
yourself clearly, you might see how unimportant these so-called defects actually are.
What matters most is the kind of person you are. It would be foolish to suggest that looks do not
matter at all, but everyone knows people with all kinds of ‘beauty handicaps’ who nonetheless have easy,
loving relationships. The key to their success is often a warm, kind heart and, most important, self-
acceptance. Looking gook does not mean making yourself into a carbon copy of a famous pop star, your
popular older sister or brother, or your best friend. It means making the best of you, yourself. Of course,
dieting can make you thinner, or even fatter. Of course, you can improve the way you look with clothes,
hairstyle, skin care and, if you wish, make-up. Washing your face more often with mild unperfumed or
antiseptic soap and warm water and not eating certain foods such as chips and chocolate can prevent you from
having bad smell. Of course, good health will give you grace and glow. But when it comes right down to it,
you’re still left with your own face and figure, and you cannot trade those in for different ones. And they will
be with you for a very, very long time.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) You may not see yourself ------------- in your mind’s eye.
(2) Once girls were fat, they think that they are still ------------- although they have
become slim.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(3) Girls are not ------------- when they have features they don’t like.
(4) ------------- are quite unable to judge their total appearance.
(5) ------------- are worried about their height, weight and how they smell.
(6) According to the writer, the defects of a person are not ------------- at all.
(7) You might see that the so-called defects are not actually ------------- if you relax and
see yourself clearly.
(8) Your ------------- are less important than the kind of person you are.
(9) A person can still have easy, loving relationships despite his or her -------------.
(10) A ------------- is more important than being good looking.
(11) ------------- is the most important key to success for a person with a ‘beauty handicaps’.
(12) People with all kind of ‘beauty handicaps’ ------------- easy, loving relationships.
(13) If you want to succeed in life, you should have a -------------.
(14) A warm, kind heart and self-acceptance can make people -------------.
(15) We need a warm, kind heart as it is ------------- to our success.
(16) ------------- means making the best of you, yourself.
(17) You will be a ------------- of your brother if you make yourself look exactly like him.
(18) We can make ourselves thinner or fatter by -------------.
(19) If you want to be thinner, you should -------------.
(20) Using ------------- can improve the way you look.
(21) If you wish, you can use ------------- to improve the way you look.
(22) The way we look can ------------- with clothes.
(23) You should ------------- your face with mild unperfumed or antiseptic soap to prevent
you from having bad smell.
(24) You can use mild unperfumed soap and warm water when you wash -------------.
(25) Your ------------- will be with you for a very, very long time.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) What are the examples of the features that girls do not like?
(2) Why are girls with a feature they do not like not able to judge their total appearance?
(3) How do girls with the features they do not like feel and what is the result of it?
(4) What should you remember about your look?
(5) If girls with features they do not like relax and see themselves clearly, what might
they realize?
(6) What matters most to you and what is a foolish thing to suggest?
(7) What can people with ‘beauty handicaps’ still enjoy?
(8) What would be a foolish thing to do?
(9) Why do you need a warm, kind heart and self-acceptance?
(10) On what quality does the success of people with all kinds of ‘beauty handicaps’
(11) Why do people with ‘beauty handicaps’ often have easy, loving relationships?
(12) What is really more important than your looks?
(13) What is the most important key to success for a person with a ‘beauty handicaps’?
(14) What does ‘looking good’ really mean and what doesn’t it mean?
(15) What can you do if you want to lose or gain weight?
(16) What can help you to lose weight?
(17) What can happen to you if you are on diet and how can you improve your looks?
(18) What else besides clothes, hairstyle, skin care, and make-up improves your looks?
(19) How can you improve your looks?
(20) What can help you improve your looks?
(21) What should we avoid to prevent us from having bad smell?
(22) What can be used to wash your face to prevent you from having bad smell?
(23) How will good health help you?
(24) What can good health do for you?
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(25) Why is good health important?

(26) What kind of food should you avoid to prevent you having bad smell and what can
give you grace and glow?
(27) What can’t you change at all?
(28) According to the passage, what can you never change?

IV. Say something about these lines (from your prescribed text).
(1) What is the title of the unit from which this sentence is taken? What does it mean?
“Different people have different ideas of beauty.”
(2) What does the underlined word refer to?
“…You’re still left with your own face and figure, and you cannot trade those in for
different ones.”
(3) What does the underlined word refer to?
“…advertisements and the media all concentrate on the subject and they bombard you
with warnings…”
(4) What does the underlined word refer to?
“Most of your friends probably fell equally insecure, though they may not admit or
show it.”
(5) What does the underlined word refer to?
“A boy’s voice gets deeper, his muscles develop and his chest gets broader.”
(6) What does the underlined word refer to?
“Some people find plumpness attractive. Some go for black hair; others, brown.”

V. Using the prompts given, write a very short paragraph.

Ways to improve - everybody – worried about – how – he – she looks
your looks - different people – the world – different ideas – beauty –
- different times – history – writers – artists – admired – different
physical types
- way – you see yourself – your mind’s eye - may not – accurate
- what matters most – kind – person – you are
- having – warm – kind heart – most important – self-acceptance –
key – success
- looking good – means making – best – you – yourself
- you – improve your looks – clothes – hairstyle – skin care – make-
- use mild unperfumed – antiseptic soap – warm water – wash your
- improve – way you look – with – help – good health – as – will
give you – grace – glow
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

UNIT – 11
Mosquito: Getting To Know The Enemy
I. Read the passage.
Nearly two million species of insects, grouped into about 30 orders, live in many different
habitats throughout the world. They are very important because they pollinate flowers and are food
for birds and other animals. However, many insects are pests that feed on crops or spread diseases.
One such insect is the mosquito.
There are about 3,000 species of mosquitoes, which are distinguished by their antennae of 14
or 15 segments and by the presence of scales on the veins of their wings. The larvae are called
wigglers and are aquatic, feeding on plants, algae, and microscopic animal life. Some mosquitoes
feed on the juices of plants, and some do not feed at all in their adult stage. Only female mosquitoes
suck the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals, because they need blood to develop
each batch of fertile eggs. But like the male mosquito, females feed only on nectar for their food
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Mosquitoes can be ------------ by their antennae of 14 or 15 segments.
(2) The species of mosquitoes are ------------- by their antennae of 14 or 15 segments.
(3) Wigglers ------------- plants, algae, and microscopic animal life.
(4) The larvae are called ------------ which are aquatic, feeding on plants, algae, and
microscopic animal life.
(5) Some ------------- do not feed at all when they reach their adult stage.
(6) Some mosquitoes do not feed at all when they reach their -------------.
(7) Female mosquitoes suck blood so that they can ------------- their fertile eggs.
(8) The blood of humans and warm-blooded animals ------------- by female mosquitoes.
(9) The flood of humans and warm-blooded animals helps female mosquitoes develop
their -------------.
(10) Both male and female mosquitoes feed on ------------- normally.
(11) The ------------- of both male and female mosquitoes is nectar.
(12) Both the male mosquitoes and ------------- feed only on nectar for their food source.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) Where can insects be found?
(2) Why are they very important?
(3) What do mosquitoes have on the veins of their wings?
(4) How many species of mosquitoes are there?
(5) How are different species of mosquitoes distinguished?
(6) How many species of mosquitoes are there and how is one species of mosquitoes
distinguished from another?
(7) What are the larvae known as?
(8) What do the larvae feed on?
(9) What are foods for the larvae of mosquitoes?
(10) Where can wigglers be found and what do they feed on?
(11) What do mosquitoes feed on?

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(12) Why do female mosquitoes suck the blood of humans and other warm-blooded
(13) Whose blood do female mosquitoes suck and why?
(14) What is the food source of both male and female mosquitoes?
(15) What do both male and female mosquitoes feed on?

II. Read the passage.

The female mosquito locates her human targets by following the carbon dioxide that we
exhale. When the mosquito bites a human, she injects saliva into our skin before drawing blood. This
saliva helps her to penetrate the skin and prevents blood clots from developing in her food canal. The
welts and itching that we experience after being bitten are an allergic reaction to the saliva.
Few people like mosquitoes. They inflict itchy bites and buzz around our ears. But
mosquitoes are much more than a nuisance, they can pose serious health hazards. Insects that feed on
blood have the potential to transmit diseases between humans and between animals and humans.
Mosquitoes are the most highly developed insect bloodsuckers and are carriers of several very
serious diseases namely yellow fever, encephalitis, dengue fever, and malaria.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Human beings exhale -------------.
(2) After being bitten by a mosquito, we experience ------------- and itching that are all
allergic reaction to the saliva.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) How does the female mosquito locate her human target?
(2) Why does the female mosquito inject the saliva into our skin?
(3) What does the female mosquito do before drawing blood when she bites a human?
(4) How does this saliva help her?
(5) What do we experience after being bitten by mosquitoes?
(6) What is an allergic reaction to the saliva?
(7) What do female mosquitoes do when they bite us and what do we experience after
being bitten by them?
(8) What kind of insects can transmit diseases between humans and between humans and
(9) What kinds of insects are mosquitoes?
(10) What are very serious diseases caused by mosquitoes?

III. Read the passage.

Viral encephalitis is a disease transmitted by mosquitoes from infected small animals, usually
birds and rodents, to humans. It is a disease that cause inflammation of the brain, and the risk of
getting the disease is highest during warm months when birds and mosquitoes reproduce. There are
several types of mosquito-borne encephalitis that infect people. Although most people infected with
viral encephalitis have only mild or no symptoms, serious cases can cause headaches, high fevers,
lethargy, convulsions, delirium, coma, and even death. Symptoms appear 4 to 15 days after being
bitten. There is no special treatment available for this disease. Medical care is aimed at managing the
symptoms and complications that the disease causes. During the mosquito season, people should

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

take the following precautions: wear protective clothing between dusk and dawn; apply mosquito
repellent to skin and clothing; have screens on all windows and doors; drain or cover all standing
water; use mosquito netting to cover sleeping infants.
Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) From which animals is viral encephalitis usually transmitted to mosquitoes?
(2) When is the risk of getting viral encephalitis highest?
(4 What symptoms do serious cases of viral encephalitis cause?
(5) In serious cases of viral encephalitis, what illness can they cause?
(6) What is medical care for viral encephalitis aimed at?
(7) What is the purpose of providing medical care to patients suffering from viral
(8) Describe two precautions that should be taken to prevent viral encephalitis?
(9) When should people wear protective clothing to prevent mosquitos’ bites?

IV. Read the passage.

Dengue fever is a viral disease carried by the Aedes mosquitoes. The disease occurs mainly
in tropical and subtropical regions and is most common during the rainy season in areas infested
with the infected mosquitoes. According to the WHO, 2.5 billion people are at risk from the four
major types of dengue virus, which is transmitted to people from infected mosquitoes. Each year
there are tens of millions of cases.
Symptoms of dengue fever generally start 5 to 6 days after being bitten by the infected
mosquito and include fever, painful headaches, eye, joint, and muscle pain, and rash. The rash
usually begins on the arms or legs about 3 to 4 days after the fever starts. These symptoms resolve
completely within 1 to 2 weeks. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a severe, potentially fatal infection
that occurs when someone with immunity to one type of dengue virus is infected by a different type.
Its symptoms include loss of appetite, vomiting, intense abdominal pain, shock and bleeding from
the nose or under the skin. The occurrence of dengue hemorrhagic fever may be associated with
those either experiencing their second infection, being immune-suppressed, or being under the age of
There is no vaccine against dengue fever. Recommended treatment for the disease is bed rest
and common drugstore pain and fever medication. Since there are four types of dengue viruses,
having one type of virus will only give protection against that type, not the others. Dengue
hemorrhagic can be fatal. Early medical intervention for dengue hemorrhagic fever may prevent
serious illness. Because Aedes mosquitoes are usually most active during early morning hours just
after daybreak and late afternoon hours, it is wise to avoid exposure during these times. Also, using
netting and screens, mosquito repellent, and protective clothing will reduce exposure to mosquito
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Aedes mosquitoes ------------ dengue fever, a viral disease.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(2) There are ------------ types of dengue virus.

(3) There are four ------------ of dengue virus which is harmful to many people.
(4) Infected mosquitoes ------------ dengue virus to people.
(5) After being bitten by the infected mosquito, ------------ of dengue fever usually start
within 5 or 6 days.
(6) Symptoms of dengue fever generally start 5 or 6 days after the infected mosquito ------
------ a person.
(7) One of the symptoms of ------------ is the loss of appetite.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) What carry dengue fever and what kind of disease is it?
(2) What kind of disease is dengue fever and what are the carriers of the disease?
(3) Where does dengue fever mainly occur?
(4) Where and when is dengue fever most common?
(5) How many types of dengue virus and are there how many people suffer from this
disease each year?
(6) What are the symptoms of dengue fever and when do they usually start?
(7) When does the rash usually begin?
(8) What usually happens about 3 to 4 days after the fever starts?
(9) What is dengue haemorrhagic fever and when does it occur?
(10) What are the symptoms of dengue haemorrhagic fever?
(11) Who is likely to be associated with the occurrence of dengue haemorrhagic fever?
(12) When is recommended for patients who suffer from dengue fever?
(13) Why cannot vaccine for one type of virus protect against the other?
(14) How many types of dengue viruses are there and how can serious illness be prevented?
(15) According to the passage, how can we reduce exposure to mosquito bite?
(16) When are Aedes mosquitoes most active and what should we do to reduce exposure to
mosquito bite?

V. Read the passage.

Malaria is a tropical disease caused by protozoal parasites. It is spread by only 60 of the 380
species of the Anopheline mosquito, especially during rainy seasons. Malaria annually affects from
300 to 500 million people worldwide, and causes more than one million deaths. Symptoms may
occur in 6-8 days or several months after being bitten and include regularly occurring fevers with
chills, nausea, and muscle pain. Infection results in the enlargement of the spleen and liver, and in
fatal cases, capillaries in the brain are blocked. The majority of malaria deaths occur among young
children and pregnant women.
Early diagnosis and prompt adequate treatment is essential in cutting malaria and preventing
death. A limited number of drugs for treating malaria are available. However, in some regions the
parasites are resistant to certain antimalarial drugs, particularly chloroquine. People continuously
infected gradually develop immunity to the disease.
Prevention malaria includes a variety of measures: wearing protective clothing, using
repellents, and sleeping under bed nets treated with insecticides. Community protection measures,
like using insecticides, are directed against the mosquito to control transmitting the disease. But,
Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) - naturally occurring bacterium that is lethal to mosquitoes

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

and black flies - may be a solution because mosquitoes are becoming more resistant to chemical
insecticides, which have been used for decades to control malaria. The importance of Bti is that it is
an environmentally safe biological pesticide found in nature.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Protozoal parasites ------------ malaria, a tropical disease.
(2) From 300 to 500 million people all over the world ------------ by malaria yearly.
(3) Because of infection the spleen and liver will ------------.
(4) It is essential to have ------------ and prompt adequate treatment to cure malaria and
prevent death.
(5) Bti is important because it is an environmentally safe ------------ which is found in
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) What causes malaria?
(2) What kind of disease is malaria and how is it caused?
(3) Which species of mosquitoes spread malaria and when does it especially occur?
(4) How many people are affected by malaria and how many people die of malaria every
(5) What are the symptoms of malaria and when do they occur?
(6) In fatal cases, what happen to the capillaries in the brain?
(7) What are the results of the infection of malaria?
(8) Who suffer more from malaria deaths?
(9) What is necessary for curing malaria and preventing deaths?
(10) What is needed to cure malaria and prevent death?
(11) What kind of drug is chloroquine and who gradually develop immunity to malaria?
(12) What can we get for treating malaria and what is given as an example of an
antimalarial drug?
(13) What happens if people are continuously infected with malaria?
(14) What are preventive measures mentioned in the passage?
(15) What is chloroquine and what kind of nets should we use to prevent malaria?
(16) What are community protection measures, like using insecticides, aimed?
(17) What does the world Bti stand and what is lethal to mosquitoes and black flies?
(18) Why and for how long have chemical insecticides been used?
(19) What and how long have people used to control malaria?
(20) Why is Bti important and where is it found?

VI. Say something about these lines (from your prescribed text).
(1) What is the title of the unit from which this sentence is taken? What does it mean?
“But mosquitoes are much more than a nuisance, they can pose serious health hazards.”
(2) What does the underlined word refer to?
“Dengue fever is a viral disease carried by the Aedes mosquitoes. The disease occurs
mainly in the tropical and subtropical regions… ”
(3) What does the underlined word refer to?
“Many insects are pests that feed on crops or spread diseases.”
(4) What does the underlined word refer to?
“When the mosquito bites a human, she injects saliva into our skin, before drawing
(5) What does the underlined word refer to?
“But like the male mosquito, females feed only on nectar for their food source.”

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(6) What does the underlined word refer to?

“The female mosquito locates her human targets by the following the carbon dioxide
that we exhale.”

VII. Using the prompts given, write a very short paragraph.

A mosquito-borne - malaria – a mosquito-borne disease – caused by protozaol parasites
disease - malaria – spread by – type of mosquito – rainy season
- people worldwide suffer – malaria – more than one million deaths
– caused – malaria – every year
- people suffer – malaria have fever – chills, nausea – muscle pain
- serious cases, – spleen – liver – enlarged – capillaries – brain –
- serious cases – death occur – children – pregnant women
- essential – diagnose malaria early – give immediate – adequate
treatment – prevent death
- community protection measures – also very important – control
transmitting – disease
- although chemical insecticides – used – control malaria,
mosquitoes – becoming – resistant – such insecticides
- Bti – environmentally safe biological pesticide – a solution – kill
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

UNIT – 12
Travel in Southeast Asia – I
I. Read the passage.
Brunei Darussalam
Brunei is a country which comprises two enclaves on the northwest coast of the island of
Borneo. Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei Darussalam, has many sights to offer. The
Hassanal Bolkiah Aquarium, for instance, features a colourful display of tropical fish. At the Brunei
Arts and Handicraft Training Centre, you can buy traditional Brunei handicraft such as silverware,
brocade and ceremonial daggers.
Even finer examples of bronze and brassware, along with fascinating displays of Chinese
ceramics and jade, can be seen at the Brunei Museum. In the centre of Bandar Seri Begawan, and
overlooking an impressive view of the water village, Kampong Ayer, is the Omar Ali Saifuddin
Mosque, which is ranked as one of the most attractive mosques in Asia. Temburong Zoo in the
eastern part of the country has a good variety of tropical wildlife.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) The Hassanal Bolkiah Aquarium is one of the ------------ that the capital can offer to
(2) The draggers sold at the Brunei Arts and Handicraft Training Centre are for ------------
(3) Visitors will be ------------ by displays of Chinese ceramics and jade at the Brunei
(4) The Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque ------------ in the impressive view of Kampong Ayer.
(5) A very attractive ------------ is located in the centre of the capital.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) Where is Brunei situated and what does it consist of?
(2) What is the capital of the Brunei Darussalam?
(3) Where can visitors see a colourful display of tropical fish?
(4) What are the examples of Brunei handicraft and where can we buy them?
(5) What can you buy at the Brunei Arts and Handicraft Training Centre?
(6) Where can bronze and brassware be seen and what else are displayed along with them?
(7) Where is the Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque?
(8) What is Kampong Ayer and where is it situated?
(9) What can we see from Omar Ali Saifuddin mosque and how do people regard this
mosque as?
(10) What does the Temburong Zoo have?

II. Read the passage.

The kingdom of Cambodia occupies part of the Indochina peninsula in Southeast Asia. There
is plenty to see in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, starting with a tour of the Silver Pagoda,
the National Museum, Independence Monument, Wat Phnom and the market areas where hand -
woven silks, silver, gems and antiques will compete for your attention.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

Located within the Royal Palace compound, the Silver Pagoda is so named because of its
floor, which is made up of 5,000 silver tiles. The walls surrounding the compound are covered with
frescos depicting episodes from the Khmer version of the Ramayana, the Reamker.
The National Museum, located just north of the Royal Palace, represents the finest of Phnom
Penh’s architecture. On display inside are more than 5,000 works of art, ranging from the 6th to the
13th Century. Visitors can rest by the peaceful, palm-shaded central courtyard and lotus ponds and
think about one of Asia’s richest cultures. Angkor Wat, which is situated in northwest Cambodia, is
the largest temple in the world. It is unlike all the other Khmer temples in that it faces west, and it is
inspired by 12th Century Hinduism.
Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) Where is the Cambodia located?
(2) What is the capital city of Cambodia?
(3) What are the tourists’ attractions of Cambodia?
(4) What can we buy at the market areas of the Phnom Penh?
(5) Why did the Silver Pagoda get its name?
(6) Where is Silver Pagoda situated and what are used to make its floor?
(7) Why is the pagoda in the Royal Palace named the Silver Pagoda?
(8) What was painted on the wall surrounding the palace compound?
(9) Where can frescos be seen and what do these frescos depict?
(10) Where is the National Museum situated and what are displayed inside it?
(11) What does the National Museum represent?
(12) What can visitors do at the National Museum?
(13) What kind of temple is Angkor Wat, and where is it located?
(14) Why did Angkor Wat temple different from all the other Khmer temples?
(15) What is special about the Angkor Wat?
(16) What is the name of the largest temple in the world and in which part of Cambodia is it

III. Read the passage.

Indonesia is a land of surprises, featuring the rich culture and arts of its people amidst the
sandy beaches and cool mountains. The volcanoes in Indonesia are among the most active in the
world. It has a population of over 170 million with many different ethnic groups and some 250
spoken languages.
Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia on the northwest coast of Java, is a place where industries
like textiles, chemicals, plastics, etc. are concentrated. Not to be missed is one of the world’s
wonders-the biggest Buddhist temple in the world - at Candi Borobudur in Java, built during the 9th
Century. In east Java, one can find the most exciting mountain scenery. One can visit mountain
resorts such as Tretes and Selecta; take a short ferry ride from the city of Surabaya to Madura for a
heart-stopping bull race, filled with excitement. Yogyakarta is regarded as a special cultural centre of
Java. It offers festivals; royal ceremonies, batik and silver work, and the sultan’s palaces are proof of

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

its heritage. In western Sumatra, one can find Indonesia’s largest national park, in the region of
Kerinci-Seblat with its rich variety of animal species and plants.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Indonesia has ------------ volcanoes.
(2) Volcanoes in Indonesia are also ------------ in the world.
(3) Numerous ------------ groups live in Indonesia.
(4) These groups are ------------ from each other.
(5) They speak their own ------------.
(6) As there are many ------------ in Indonesia, spoken languages are also different.
(7) Jakarta is located ------------.
(8) Industries are ------------ in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia.
(9) The biggest Buddhist temple in the world can be found ------------.
(10) The Buddhist temple at Candi Borobudur is ------------ in the world.
(11) The mountain scenery in east Jakarta is ------------.
(12) Tretes and Selecta mountain resorts are in ------------.
(13) Tretes and Selecta are the ------------ in east Jakarta.
(14) In Madura, you can watch a heart-stopping and ------------ bull race.
(15) One will find a ------------ race in Madura.
(16) One can find a variety of ------------ and plants in Indonesia’s largest national park.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) Why is Indonesia referred to as a land of surprise?
(2) What kind of country is Indonesia?
(3) Which features make Indonesia a land of surprises?
(4) What do people of Indonesia possess?
(5) Are the volcanoes in Indonesia extinct?
(6) What is the population of Indonesia?
(7) What is the capital of Indonesia and what kind of place is it?
(8) Where can we find most of the industries in Indonesia?
(9) Where is Jakarta situated and what kind of industries are found in there?
(10) What is considered one of the world’s wonder in Indonesia?
(11) What should you not miss when you visit Indonesia?
(12) When and where was the biggest Buddhist temple in the world built?
(13) Why shouldn’t one miss to visit the biggest Buddhist temple in Java?
(15) What are Tretes and Selecta?
(16) What can visitors do in east Java?
(17) How can a person get to Madura and what will he find there?
(18) What is Madura famous for?
(19) Why is Yogyakarta regarded as a special cultural center of Java?
(20) Where is Yogyakarta located and what does it offer?

IV. Read the passage.

Laos is situated in the Souvan-naphoum peninsula. It comprises many ethnic groups, each
minority group having its own tradition and beautiful culture. So Laos is a country rich in tradition
and culture.
Laos, which has a population of 5 million, covers about 236,800 square kilometres. It has a
wealth of natural resources which are still unexplored. The forests are rich in medicinal herbs and
there are many species of wild animals there. In addition to pagodas and historical sites, the famous

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

Wat Sisaket Temple with its big Buddha image, the old Hotai library whose walls are covered with
sapphires and wall paintings are well worth seeing. It is said that if one does not visit this temple,
one will not have seen the heart of Vientiane. Some of the Buddha images and artifacts show the
finest designs which indicate the high skills of the artists of the 19th Century.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) There are many ------------ in Laos having their own tradition and culture.
(2) Laos is rich in ------------ which are still unexplored.
(3) Wat Sisaket Temple is ------------ its big Buddha image.
(4) The ------------ of the old Hotai library are covered with sapphires.
(5) Visitors should visit ------------, the heart of Vientiane.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) Why can Laos be said to be as a country rich in tradition and culture?
(2) Where is Laos located and what is the area of Laos?
(3) What can be found in the forests of Laos?
(4) What kind of natural resources does Laos have and what are its forests rich in?
(5) Why is the old Hotai library well worth seeing?
(6) Which places are well worth seeing in Laos?
(7) In Laos, where can you visit in addition to pagodas and historical sites?
(8) What indicates the high skills of the artists of the 19th century in Laos?
(9) Why should tourists visit Wat Sisaket Temple?
(10) Which is the heart of Vientiane and what is said about it?
(11) What can you see at some of the Buddha images and what do they show?

V. Read the passage.

Malaysia is separated into two sections by the South China Sea; Peninsula Malaysia links
with Thailand on the mainland of Asia, while East Malaysia comprises the states of Sabah and
Visitors must not miss Kuala Lumpur or KL, the capital, with its many sights to keep the
tourist occupied, as well as its excellent shopping facilities. Second to KL in size are the historic
trading cities of Melaka and Penang, with buildings dating back hundreds of years and wonderful
unspoilt districts where visitors can breathe in the romance of the past.
Malaysia is famous for its pleasant beach resorts, Langkawi, Pangkor, Tioman Island, Damai
Beach in Sarawak, and, again, Penang. Each of these offers water-sports of all kinds as well as
snorkelling and scuba diving around the numerous coral reefs that line Malaysia’s shore.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Thailand is ------------ with Peninsula Malaysia.
(2) Sabah and Sarawak are ------------ in East Malaysia.
(3) The South China Sea divides Malaysia into ------------.
(4) There are many sights in KL to ------------ tourists.
(5) Visitors must not miss Kuala Lumpur as it has ------------ to keep the tourists occupied.
(6) There are many ------------ which can keep the tourists occupied in Kuala Lumpur.
(7) Buildings in Melaka and Penang are ------------ old.
(8) Melaka and Penang are the ------------ biggest cities to Kuala Lumpur.
(9) Wonderful unspoilt ------------ are found in Melaka and Penang.
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(10) Malaysia’s shores are lined with numerous ------------.

(11) Malaysia’s shores ------------ with numerous coral reefs.
(12) Langkawi is one of the famous pleasant ------------ in Malaysia.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) Where does Peninsula Malaysia link with Thailand?
(2) What states are included in East Malaysia?
(3) Which separates Malaysia into two sections and what are the two sections?
(4) How many states are there in East Malaysia and name them?
(5) Why is Kuala Lumpur worth visiting?
(6) Why should visitors go to Kuala Lumpur?
(7) What is the capital of Malaysia?
(8) Why must visitors not miss Kuala Lumpur?
(9) What are the second largest cities in size in Malaysia and what kind of cities are they?
(10) Why does the writer say that visitors can breathe in the romance of the past in Melaka
and Penang?
(11) What kinds of buildings can be found in Melaka and Penang?
(12) Where can visitors breathe in the romance of the past?
(13) How big are Melaka and Penang and how can visitors find in there?
(14) What is Malaysia famous for?
(15) Why is Malaysia famous for?
(16) What are the famous beach resorts in Malaysia?
(17) Which country is famous for its pleasant beach resorts?
(18) Where can we go snorkelling and scuba diving in Malaysia?
(19) Where can visitors enjoy snorkelling and scuba diving?
(20) What can enjoy at the beach resort?

VI. Say something about these lines (from your prescribed text).
(1) What is the title of the unit from which this sentence is taken? What does the underlined
word refer to?
“The forests are rich in medicinal herbs and there are many species of wild animals
(2) What does it mean?
‘It is said that if one does not visit this temple, one will not have seen the heart of
(3) What does the underlined word refer to?
“The Silva Pagoda is so named because of its floor, which is made up of 5,000 silver
(4) What does the underlined word refer to?
“Some of the Buddha images and artifacts show the finest designs which indicate the
high skills of the artists of the 9th century.”
(5) What does the underlined word refer to?
“Visitors must not miss Kuala Lumpur with its many sights to keep the tourist

VII. Using the prompts given, write a very short paragraph.

Some of - there – many countries – Southeast Asia – rich cultural heritage
Southeast Asia’s - some – them – Cambodia , Indonesia , Laos , Myanmar
cultural heritage - Phnom Penh – capital of Cambodia
- Silver Pagoda – situated – Royal Palace compound – floor covered –
5,000 silver tiles
- walls – palace compound – covered – frescos

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

- biggest Buddhist temple – world – built – ninth century – seen – Java

– Indonesia
- famous Wat Sisaket temple – big Buddha image – old Hotai library –
walls – covered – sapphires – cultural heritage – Laos
- over 2,000 ancient pagodas – Bagan – 1,200 years old – prof –
Myanmar’s rich – cultural heritage
- these – Southeast Asia’s cultural heritage – worth visiting – seeing
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

UNIT – 13
Travel in Southeast Asia – II
I. Read the passage.
Myanmar, known as “The Golden Land”, is famous for its glittering pagodas, vast tracts of
timber forests and huge mineral resources, as well as for the hospitality of its people. Nay Pyi Taw is
the capital city of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. The commercial city is Yangon. One can
find many famous historic pagodas such as the Shwedagon, museums, parks and many places of
The Ayeyarwady River is the life-blood of the Myanmar people. \Along its banks stand many
ancient capitals of Myanmar kings - Tagaung, Mandalay, Amarapura, Sagaing, Inwa, Bagan and
Pyay, where many existing old monuments and buildings reveal the greatness of their time of glory.
Among others, Bagan with its thousands of old pagodas is recognized by the world’s travellers as
one of the world’s wonders. This 1,200-year-old city, with over 2,000ancient pagodas is proof of the
rich cultural heritage of Myanmar and is one of the archaeological treasure houses in Asia.
Just 50 kilometres southeast of Bagan lies Mount Popa, an extinct volcano. It is a unique
place for those who would like to enjoy half a day or a day hiking and trekking in the mountain. If
one has a taste for mountains and hills, one can take a trip to the Shan hills where the weather is
cooler, and the smiles of the various ethnic groups in their colourful traditional costumes create an
atmosphere of warmth and friendliness. Besides, it is here that one will see the famous leg-rowers of
Inlay Lake.
Other major tourist attractions in Myanmar are long, white, sandy and unspoilt beaches such
as Ngapali, Maungmakan, Chaungtha, Kanthayar, and Ngwesaung where one can study marine life,
and enjoy peace and tranquility, as well as view nature at its best.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Myanmar with its glittering pagodas, is known as ------------.
(2) Myanmar possesses very big ------------ as well as vest tract of timber forest.
(3) The life-blood of the Myanmar people is ------------.
(4) The ancient capitals of Myanmar kings reveal the greatness of ------------.
(5) Many ancient capitals of Myanmar kings are situated along ------------ of the
Ayeyarwady river.
(6) Bagan is considered as one of the ------------ in Asia.
(7) Bagan is considered as an archaeological ------------ in Asia.
(8) The world’s traveller ------------ Bagan as one of the world’s wonder.
(9) Mount Popa is a ------------, but it is no longest active.
(10) ------------ is a good place for those who love biking and trekking.
(11) Mount Popa is a unique place for those who would like to ------------ for a half day or a
day in the mountain.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(12) Various ethnic groups in the Shan hills wear ------------.

(13) The smiles of the various ethnic groups create a ------------ atmosphere.
(14) ------------ of the Shan hills is cool.
(15) Shan state is a ------------ place than Bagan.
(16) Inlay lake is famous for its ------------.
(17) A person who rows a boat with his own feet is called a ------------.
(18) Ngapali, Maungmakan, Chaungtha, Kanthayar, and Ngwesaung beaches ------------
tourists to Myanmar.
(19) Interesting and enjoyable beaches in Myanmar attract thousands of ------------.
(20) We can appreciate the natural beauty at the beaches which are ------------.
(21) Beaches in Myanmar are not only long and white but also ------------.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) What is Myanmar famous for?
(2) How is Yangon regarded?
(3) What are the capital city and the commercial city of the Republic of the Union of
(4) What can you find in the commercial city of Myanmar?
(5) Where are many ancient capitals of Myanmar kings situated?
(6) What can you see in the ancient capitals of Myanmar kings?
(7) Mention four ancient capitals of Myanmar kings which stand along the banks of the
(8) What are still existing in ancient capitals of Myanmar kings?
(9) How is the Ayeyarwady river regarded?
(10) How do the world’s travellers consider Bagan?
(11) What do the pagodas of Bagan stand as a proof of?
(12) How many ancient pagodas are there in Bagan?
(13) What can we prove about Bagan?
(14) Why is Bagan regarded as one of the archaeological treasure house in Asia?
(15) How old is Bagan and how is it recognized by the world’s travellers?
(16) What kind of place is Mount Popa?
(17) What can one do at Mount Popa?
(18) How far is Mount Popa from Bagan?
(19) What is Mount Popa a unique place for?
(20) Where is Mount Popa situated and what kind of volcano is this?
(21) Who should visit the Shan hills?
(22) What kinds of clothes do the ethnic groups wear?
(23) Where should one go to enjoy some mountain climbing?
(24) What gives us the atmosphere of warmth and friendliness when we visit Shan hills?
(25) Where can we find the smiles of the various ethnic groups in their colourful traditional
(26) What can we see in Inlay Lake and what creates a warm and friendly atmosphere?
(27) What kind of beaches does Myanmar have?
(28) What can we do if we visit Ngapali, Maungmakan, Chaungtha, Kanthayar and
Ngwesaung beaches?
(29) What else can one study on the beaches of Myanmar, other than enjoying peace and
(30) What can we do at the unspoilt beaches of Myanmar?

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II. Read the passage.

The Philippines
The Phi9lippines offers a wealth of entertainment, from classical plays to cultural show and
show and show bands. The people like to celebrate life and their festive spirit is renowned. Manila,
the capital, is a particularly lively entertainment Centre and at night the city Centre comes alive with
discos and the rhythms of Filipino bands and pop groups.
For a taste of Filipino festivity, one can check out the performances of the many cultural
dance troupes. The most famous are the Bayanihan Dancers, whose performance can be enjoyed at
the Manila Restaurant of the Manila Hotel. The Philippines is a predominantly Catholic nation and
no country in ASEAN can rival its centuries-old churches, with their antique religious objects.
Fascinating churches to be found around Metro Manila are: the Malate Church with its images of
entirely of bamboo; and San Sebastian Church built in 1981, the only Gothic steel church in the
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) There is a ------------ entertainment in the Philippines.
(2) The ------------ of the people in the Philippines is renowned.
(3) The capital of the Philippines is ------------.
(4) Discos, bands and pop groups offer ------------ entertainment to the people.
(5) The ------------ of Manila comes alive with discos and the rhythms of Filipino bands
and pop groups at night.
(6) Many cultural dance group troupes give ------------ in the city.
(7) The Bayanihan Dancers are the ------------ cultural dancers in the Philippines.
(8) Visitors ------------ the performance of the Bayanihan Dancers at the Manila
(9) The Philippines is an ------------ country.
(10) The origin in the Las Pinas Church ------------ entirely of bamboo.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) What kind of entertainment does the Philippines offer?
(2) Why can we say that the Philippines offer a wealth of entertainment?
(3) What kind if the people are the Filipinos?
(4) What are the people in the Philippines fond of?
(5) Why does the city centre come alive at night?
(6) How does the Manila come alive at night?
(7) What kind of place is Manila?
(8) What forms of entertainment make Manila become alive at night?
(9) Who performs at the Manila Restaurant of the Manila Hotel?
(10) Who are the most famous cultural dance groups and where can we enjoy their
(11) What can be seen in the centuries-old churches in the Philippines?
(12) What kind of nation is the Philippines and why can’t others countries in ASEAN rival
its centuries-old churches?
(13) What kind of church is San Sebastian Church and when was it built?
(14) What churches are found around Metro Manila?

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III. Read the passage.

Singapore comprises one main island and several offshore islands. Sentosa, an island resort
of Singapore, offers a collection of the country’s finest attractions. These include the 37-metre tall
Merlion, Images of Singapore, Fort Siloso, the renowned Musical Fountain, Underwater World,
Fantasy Island, Volcanoland, Butterfly Park/Insect Kingdom Museum, Sentosa Orchid Gardens and
Asian Village.
While fun seekers can delight in its many theme attractions, nature lovers can discover the
charm of Sentosa’s Nature Walk or Dragon Trail. History enthusiasts can bask in historical enclaves
scattered throughout the island while beach lovers can relax and enjoy sea sports along the 3.2
kilometres stretch of Siloso, Central and Tanjong Beaches. The Merlion, a statue with a lion’s head
and the body of a fish, is a major tourist attraction. Here, visitors get a breath-taking view of Sentosa,
the city skyline and the surrounding islands from two viewing decks - on the 9th level at its mouth
and on the 12th, its topmost level. Visitors should not miss the beautiful 20-hectare Jurong Bird Park
which is the largest bird park in all of Southeast Asia. Home to over 8,000 birds from 60 species, the
Jurong Bird Park holds the distinction of having the world’s tallest man-made waterfall.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Santosa, an ------------ of Singapore, offers a collection of the country’s finest
(2) Historical enclaves ------------ throughout the island.
(3) Sea sports can ------------ at Siloso, Central and Tanjong Beaches.
(4) ------------ will be interested in historical enclaves on the island.
(5) The Merlion is ------------ with a lion’s head and the body of a fish.
(6) The Merlion is unsual because it has the head of the ------------ and the body of a fish.
(7) The ------------ of Merlion is the twelfth one.
(8) The 9th level of the Merlion at ------------ of the Merlion.
(9) Not only the breathing view of Sentosa and the city skyline but also ------------ can be
seen from the viewing decks of the Merlion.
(10) In ------------, the Jurong Bird Park is the largest park.
(11) The waterfall in the Jurong Bird Park is not natural as it is ------------.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) Among the several offshore islands in Singapore, which land is the most famous?
(2) What can natural lovers and history enthusiasts do in Singapore?
(3) Who will be interested in the historical enclaves on the island?
(4) What can visitors so along the beaches of Singapore?
(5) Where are the historical enclaves of Singapore?
(6) What can beach lovers do along the beaches?
(7) According to the passage, what is one of the major tourist attractions and what is
unusual about it?
(8) What is the distinctive feature of Singapore?
(9) What is strange about the Merlion?
(10) What can be seen from the viewing decks?
(11) From where can visitors enjoy the breathtaking view of Santosa?
(12) From where can you enjoy the view of the Santosa and the surrounding islands?
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(13) How big is the compound of the beautiful Jurong Bird Park?
(14) Why is the Jurong Bird Park unique?
(15) What is the distinctive feature of the Jurong Bird Park?
(16) What can be seen in the Jurong Bird Park?
(17) How many birds are there in the Jurong Bird Park?
(18) How many kinds of birds are there in the Jurong Bird Park?
(19) Why is the Jurong Bird Park regarded as the largest bird park in all of Southeast Asia?
(20) What makes the Jurong Bird Park different from other bird parks in the world?

IV. Read the passage.

Thailand is situated on the gulf of Siam, bounded on the east by Laos and Cambodia, on the
south by Malaysia and on the west by Myanmar. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand and is regarded
as a shopper’s paradise. Some of its restaurants stage cultural shows where one can enjoy the twin
pleasures of Thai cuisine and classical dance. The dancers use their movements to interpret the
stories of the “Ramakien”, the Thai version of the Ramayana. While in Bangkok, culture lovers can
watch dance or drama at such venues as Thailand’s National Theatre, the Thailand Cultural Centre
and the Monthienthong Theatre.
There are many opportunities for sports too. The beach resorts at Pattaya and Phuket offer a
wide range of activities from scuba diving and windsurfing to golf. Thai boxing has gained
increasing worldwide popularity in recent years. A Thai boxing match is noisy and exciting,
accompanied by orchestral music and is well worth experiencing.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Thailand is situated to ------------ of Myanmar.
(2) Thailand is situated to ------------ of Malaysia.
(3) People regard Bangkok as a ------------.
(4) Bangkok is regarded as a paradise for ------------.
(5) In some restaurants in Bangkok, people can watch ------------.
(6) The twin pleasures of Thai cuisine as classical dance can ------------ at some
restaurants in Bangkok.
(7) The Thai version of the Ramayana is ------------.
(8) Ramakien is the ------------ of the Ramayana.
(9) Such activities as scuba diving, wind surfing and golf ------------ at Pattaya and Phuket.
(10) There are ------------ at Pattaya and Phuket which offer a wide range of activities.
(11) Thai boxing has become increasingly ------------ in recent years.
(12) Thai boxing has become very ------------ throughout the world.
(13) Orchestral music ------------ the Thai Boxing match.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) Which countries are situated to east and to west of Thailand?
(2) Where is Thailand situated and what are the neighbuoring countries of Thailand?
(3) By which countries is Thailand bounded on the east, south and west?
(4) What is the capital of Thailand and what is it regarded as?
(5) What can be enjoyed at some of Bangkok restaurants?
(6) What do the word “twin pleasures” refer to?
(7) Where can we see cultural shows and what else can we do there?

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(8) What do some restaurants in Bangkok stage and what kind of dance can we enjoy
while trying Thai cuisine?
(9) How do Thai dancers interpret the stories of the “Remakien”?
(10) For what purpose do the dancers use their movements in performing the stories of the
(11) What is “Remakien” and what do the dancers use to interpret the stories of the
(12) Where can cultural lovers watch dance or drama?
(13) What are popular live entertainment venues in Thailand?
(14) Where can dance or drama be enjoyed and where can sports activities be done?
(15) What can one enjoy at Pattaya and Phuket?
(16) What can one do at the beach resorts at Pattaya and Phuket?
(17) What are examples of water sports given in the passage?
(18) Which beach resorts can we visit for relaxation as well as for sports in Thailand and
what sports activities do the beach resorts offer?
(19) Where can visitors to Thailand enjoy wind surfing?
(20) What match has become popular in the world in recent year?
(21) What kind of match is Thai Boxing?
(22) What are Thai Boxing Matches accompanied?
(23) Why is Thai boxing well worth experiencing?
(24) What particular sport has become very popular in the world in recent year and what
adjectives are used to describe this particular sport according to the passage?

V. Read the passage.

Vietnam is long and narrow, and it widens in the North and South. Along the Vietnamese
coastline from North to South, there are many beautiful beaches. Vietnam boasts primitive forests
with precious flora and fauna, and high mountains with a temperate climate which are very attractive
to tourists. A great number of lakes, rivers, streams, waterfalls and grottoes make up wonderful
beauty spots of the country.
Those who visit Vietnam with its “age-old culture” should go to Hanoi first. Although the
citadel, temples and palaces constructed by various royal dynasties have been seriously destroyed,
there are many cultural monuments still existing in Hanoi. The city is also the place where many
museums, theatres, exhibition halls, national libraries, and scientific libraries are concentrated.
Other outstanding places of historical-cultural significance are the old citadel, the
Presidential Palace, the Mausoleum of President Ho Chi Min, the Ba Dinh Square and the Memorial
Monument of Combatants.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) The beaches along the ------------ are beautiful.
(2) The forests in Vietnam are still ------------.
(3) The high mountains with a temperate climate ------------ tourists.
(4) There are a lot of ------------ still left in Hanoi.
(5) Hanoi is ------------ that tourists should visit in Vietnam.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) How shape is Vietnam?
(2) Where are many beautiful beaches situated in Vietnam?
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(3) What can one find in the forests of Vietnam?

(4) What does Vietnam boast?
(5) What are the wonderful spots of Vietnam?
(6) What kind of cultural does Vietnam possess?
(7) Why should visitors who visit Vietnam go to Hanoi first?
(8) What has happened to the citadel, temples and palaces built by various dynasties?
(9) Who constructed the citadel, temples and palaces in Hanoi?
(10) Mention the outstanding places of historical-cultural significance in Vietnam?

VI. Say something about these lines (from your prescribed text).
(1) What is the title of the unit from which this sentence is taken? What does the underlined
word refer to?
“The smiles of the various ethnic groups in their colourful customs create an
atmosphere of warmth and friendliness.”
(2) What does the underlined word refer to?
“… one can take a trip to the Shan Hills, where the weather is cooler.”
(3) What does the underlined word refer to?
“Among others, Bagan with its thousands of old pagodas is recognized by the world’s
travellers as one of the world’s wonders.”

VII. Using the prompts given, write a very short paragraph.

Myanmar - Myanmar – known as – Golden Land – famous – its glittering
The Golden Land - pagodas – vast tracts – timber forests – huge mineral resources
- capital city – Myanmar – Nay Pyi Taw
- Ayeyarwady river – life-blood – Myanmar people
- ancient capitals – situated – its banks
- among them – Bagan – one of – archaeological treasure houses – Asia
- Mount Popa – unique place – those – love hiking – trekking
- Shan Hills – famous for – leg-rowers – Inlay Lake
- long – white – sandy – unspoilt beaches which – major tourists
attractions – Myanmar
- Myanmar – Golden Land – wonderful land – the world

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

UNIT – 14
Helen Keller
I. Read the passage.
On 27th June, 1880, a baby girl was born to Captain Arthur Keller and Kate Keller in
Tuscumbia, Alabama. The proud parents named their daughter Helen. She was a happy baby. She
was also very intelligent. At six months she could even say “Wah-Wah” for water.
In January, 1882, Helen almost died of a mysterious illness. Her parents were relieved when
the doctor finally told them, “You are very lucky parents. She’s going to live.” But shortly after the
doctor left, Mrs. Keller saw a strange look in her baby’s eyes. She called to her, “Helen, Helen.” She
then screamed for her husband, “Captain, come quickly. Look at Helen.” Before he arrived he heard
her cry, “She can’t see or hear! My baby is blind and deaf!”
Helen’s world was a dark and silent place. She became a very difficult child to live with. She
ran about the house doing whatever she wanted. She became angry and violent very easily and threw
things onto the floor or at other people. She fought with other children and sometimes hurt them.
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) The Kellers were very ------------ that they had a daughter.
(2) Helen was an ------------ baby before her illness.
(3) When Helen was six months ------------, she could say “Wah-Wah” for water.
(4) Not very ------------ after the doctor left, Mrs. Keller saw the strange look in her baby’s
(5) The ------------ Helen was dark and silent place.
(6) Helen ran about the house and ------------ whatever she wanted.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) When and where was Helen Keller born?
(2) What kind of baby was Helen when she was six months?
(3) When did suffer from a mysterious illness?
(4) How old was Helen when she was attacked by a mysterious illness?
(5) Why were Helen’s parents relieved?
(6) What did Mrs. Keller notice after the doctor’s departure?
(7) When Mrs. Keller saw a strange look in her baby’s eyes, why did she scream for her
(8) What had happened to Helen after her mysterious illness?
(9) Why did Helen become a difficult child?
(10) Why was Helen’s world dark and silent?
(11) What kind of child did Helen become?
(12) What happened when Helen became angry?
(13) What did Helen do when she became angry and violent?
(14) What did she do to other children?
(15) What sometimes happened to other children, when Helen fought with them?
(16) When did Helen sometimes hurt other children?
(17) When running about the house, what did Helen do?

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

II. Read the passage.

Helen was almost a wild child. No one could control her. The Kellers didn’t know what to
do. They needed help. In February, 1887, Captain Keller contacted the Perkins Institute for the Blind
in Boston. He asked the director of the Institute for help with Helen.
The director of the Institute spoke to a young woman called Annie Sullivan. He told Annie
about Helen and asked her if she would like to become Helen’s teacher. The director explained,
“Helen is a very intelligent child, but she has no language. There’s a treasure inside her that needs to
be opened. And I think you can open it for her.”
Annie Sullivan was excited by the idea of helping a deaf-blind child. She agreed to travel to
Tuscumbia and become Helen’s teacher. When she arrived at the Kellers’ house, she found a very
messy, spoilt little girl. Helen grabbed Annie’s suitcase and immediately began pulling everything
out of it.
Annie took a present for Helen from her suitcase. It was a doll. Then, using a special
alphabet, she spelt into Helens hand, “D – O – L – L, Doll. I’m going to teach you language, the
door to the world for you,” she told Helen. Helen grabbed the doll and threw it violently onto the
floor. Annie tried to make her pick it up. But, instead, Helen kicked Annie in the face and knocked
out a tooth!
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Helen could not ------------ by anyone because she was almost a wild child.
(2) The director of the institute asked Annie if she would like to ------------ Helen.
(3) Helen is very ------------, but she has no language.
(4) Somebody needed ------------ the treasure inside Helen.
(5) The idea of helping a deaf-blind child ------------ Annie Sullivan.
(6) Helen took everything out of ------------.
(7) Annie had brought ------------ for Helen.
(8) She ------------ the name of the present into Helen’s hands.
(9) She used a ------------ to do this.
(10) The ------------ that Annie gave Helen was a doll.
(11) Annie said that she ------------ teach Helen language.
(12) Annie said that she was going to teach Helen ------------.
(13) Annie lost ------------ when Helen kicked her in the face.
(14) Instead of ------------ the doll, Helen kicked Annie in the face.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) Why did Mr. Keller contact the Perkins Institute for the Blind in Boston?
(2) Who did Captain Keller contact to ask for help with Helen?
(3) Who was asked to teach Helen?
(4) Who did the director think could open the treasure inside Helen?
(5) Why did Annie agree to travel to Tuscumbia?
(6) What excited Annie?
(7) On arrival to the Keller house, what did Annie find?
(8) When Annie Sullivan arrived at the Keller House, what did Helen do?
(9) What did Annie tell Helen that she was going to teach her?
(10) What did Annie use to spell the word “doll” into Helen’s hand?
(11) What was the present for Helen and what did Annie say to Helen?
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(12) What did Annie do when she gave the doll to Helen?
(13) How did Annie teach Helen language?
(14) What did Helen do when Annie gave her a doll?
(15) What happened to Annie when she was kicked in the face by Helen?
(16) When Annie asked Helen to pick it up, what did Helen do?

III. Read the passage.

At the dining table that evening, Annie found that Helen was allowed to eat with her hands
and take food from other people’s plates. Captain Keller explained, “We can’t have any peace and
quiet unless we give her what she wants.” Annie said, “That’s exactly the point. This child is spilt.”
Annie believed that Helen should learn good manners. She tried to stop Helen from getting out of
her dining chair. But Helen fought back. Then Annie said to the family, “Please leave me alone with
her. I can’t teach her anything if you just let her do whatever she wants.”
I stayed with Helen and asked the family to leave the dining room. Captain Keller was angry
with me, but he agreed to go. I forced Helen to sit in a chair and eat from her own plate with a spoon.
She was very strong. She kept knocking over her chair and throwing things onto the floor. But
finally she sat and ate her food. On that first evening, Mrs. Keller wasn’t very happy with me. “Miss
Sullivan,” she said, “I’m not sure about your method of teaching Helen.” “She ate with a spoon and
folded her napkin,” I told her. “My Helen folded her napkin!” said Mrs. Keller. She couldn’t believe
her ears!
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Mrs. Keller was surprised to hear that her daughter ------------ after using it.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) What did Annie discover at dinner that evening?
(2) What did Annie find at the dining table that evening?
(3) Why did Captain Keller allow Helen to do what she wants?
(4) Why was Captain Keller angry with Annie Sullivan?
(5) What was Helen forced to do?
(6) What did Annie make Helen do?
(7) How did Helen behave when forced to do this?
(8) Why wasn’t Mrs. Keller pleased with Miss Sullivan?
(9) What was Mrs. Keller feeling on hearing that Helen had folded her own napkin?
(10) Why did Mrs. Keller say that she couldn’t believe her ears?

IV. Read the passage.

The next day, I told Helen’s father, “I can’t do anything with Helen unless I have her all to
myself. I want her to depend on me for her food, her clothes, everything.” Then I asked him if Helen
and I could live alone in the guesthouse in the Kellers’ garden. He wasn’t happy with the idea, but he
agreed. He said that Helen and I could live in the guesthouse but only for two weeks. “Two weeks!”
I thought. “That’s a very short time to perform a miracle!”
In the guesthouse, I had complete control over Helen. One day, I remember she wanted a
piece of cake. I said, “OK, Helen, if this is what you want, there’s a word for it.” I spelt into her

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

hand, “C – A – K – E, Cake.” Then I said, “When you understand that there’s a word for everything,
the world will be yours.
The two weeks passed. On the last morning Mrs. Keller spoke to me. “Miss Sullivan, your
eyes look very tired,” she said. “Why don’t you rest? We’re very happy with all that you’ve done for
Helen. She’s a different child.” “She is different,” I said. “She has manners, but she doesn’t have
language. She can spell thirteen nouns and five verbs, but she doesn’t know what they mean.”
(A) Write down the correct word or words to complete each sentences.
(1) Annie requested Captain Keller to allow her and Annie to stay in ------------.
(2) Captain Keller did not like ------------ of his daughter Helen and Annie living alone.
(3) An act or event that is believed to be made by God is a ------------.
(4) Annie used to ------------ words into Helen’s hand to teach her language.
(5) Helen could spell thirteen minutes nouns and five verbs but she didn’t know the -------
of them.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) Why did Annie want to have Helen all to herself?
(2) Why did Annie want to live alone with Helen in the guesthouse?
(3) Where did Miss Keller ask to be allowed to live alone with Helen?
(4) Where did Mr. Keller allow Annie to with live with Helen and how long could they
live there?
(5) What could Annie have in the guesthouse?
(6) When would the world become Helen’s?
(7) How did Annie teach Helen there was a word for everything?

V. Read the passage.

Later that day, Helen and I were in the garden. I was thinking. It was my last day. I needed
more time. We walked over to the water pump. As usual, I spelt the word for her, “W – A – T – E –
R, Water.”
Then something happened. In a very strange voice, as if she remembered something from
when she was a baby, I heard Helen say, “Wah-Wah.” Then she grabbed my hand and spelt, “W–A–
T–E–R.” I called for her parents. Captain and Mrs. Keller came running out of the house. Helen
reached for her mother and spelt, “M–O–T–H–E–R” into her hand, then,” T–E–A–C–H–E–R.”
Next, Helen put her arms around me. She was so happy. She now understood what words were. At
last she had a key to language. The world was hers. I held her hand and spelt the words “I, L–O–V–
E, H–E–L–E–N.”
Helen went on to learn to speak, read and write. In 1904, she graduated from Radcliffe
College, one of the best colleges in the United States. She later wrote books, appeared in films,
toured foreign countries and became famous all over the world. Helen and Annie stayed together for
fifty years, until Annie’s death in 1936, Helen died in 1968.
Answer each question in one sentence.
(1) When did Helen make a strange voice?
(2) Why did Helen put her arms around Annie with happiness?
(3) When did Helen graduate from which colleges?
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(4) How did Helen become famous all over the world?
(5) How long did Annie and Helen stay with together?
(6) When did Annie and Helen die?

VI. Say something about these lines (from your prescribed text).
(1) What is the title of the unit from which this sentence is taken? What do they mean?
“There’s a treasure inside her that need to be opened.”
(2) Who said these words and to whom were they said and what do they mean?
“When you understand that there’s a word for everything, the world will be yours.”
(3) Who said these words and to whom were they said?
“That’s exactly the point. This child is spoilt.”
(4) Who said these words and to whom were they said and what do they mean?
“That’s a very short time to perform a miracle.”
(5) Who said these words and to whom were they said and what do they mean?
“I’m going to teach you language, the door to the world for you.”
(6) Who said these words and to whom were they said?
“……. but she has no language.”
(7) What is the title of the unit from which this sentence is taken? What do they mean?
“She had a key to language. The world was hers.”
(8) Who said these words and to whom were they said?
“….. if it is what you want, there’s a word for it.”
(9) Who said these words and to whom were they said and what do they mean?
“She has manners, but she doesn’t have language.”
(10) Who said these words and to whom were they said and what do they mean?
“I’m not sure about your method of teaching Helen.”
(11) Who said these words and to whom were they said?
“Helen is a very intelligent child but she has no language.”
(12) Who said these words and to whom were they said and what do they mean?
“She can’t see or hear! My baby is blind and deaf.”
(13) Who said these words and to whom were they said and what do they mean?
“We are very happy with all that you’ve done for Helen.”
(14) Who said these words and to whom were they said and what do they mean?
“My Helen folded her napkin!”
(15) Who said these words and to whom were they said and what do they mean?
“Please leave me alone with her.”
(16) Who said these words and to whom were they said and what do they mean?
“We can’t have any peace and quiet unless we give her what she wants.”
(17) Who said these words and to whom were they said and what do they mean?
“You are very lucky parents. She’s going to liv.”
(18) Who said these words and to whom were they said and what do they mean?
“I want her to depend on me for her food, her clothes, everything.”
(19) Who said these words and to whom were they said and what do they mean?
“Captain, come quickly.”
(20) Who said these words and to whom were they said and what do they mean?
“She’s a different child.”
(21) Who said these words and to whom were they said and what do they mean?
“Why don’t you rest?”
(22) What does the underlined word refer to?
“There is a treasure inside her that needs to be opened.”
(23) What does the underlined word refer to?
“She tried to stop Helen from getting out of her dining chair.”

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(24) What does the underlined word refer to?

“She can spell thirteen nouns and five verbs, but she doesn’t know what they mean.”

VII. Using the prompts given, write a very short paragraph.

Helen Keller - Helen Keller – born – Captain Arthur Keller – Kate Keller –
Tuscumbia – Alabama – 1880
- 1882 – Helen Keller almost died – mysterious illness – became blind –
- Helen became wild – violent – Captain Keller – asked – director –
Perkins Institute for the Blind – Boston – help – Helen
- director asked Annie Sullivan – become Helen’s teacher – Annie
- Annie first met Helen – very messy spoilt little girl – kicked Annie –
face – knocked – tooth
- Annie asked – Kellers – leave – alone – dining room – Helen – tried –
teach Helen good manners
- later – succeeded – getting Helen – sit – eat – food properly
- next day – asked – Mr. Keller – let – live alone – Helen – guesthouse –
- lived there – Helen – two weeks – tried – teach – language
- Helen finally graduated – Radcliffe College – wrote books – became
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

Q. No. IV (5) What do these lines mean?


1. I like a bridge__
Any kind of bridge at all.
These lines mean that the poet says that he likes all kinds of bridges.

2. A great steel bridge

With towers stiff and tall;
These lines mean that a steel bridge has high and firm towers.

3. An old covered bridge

That spans a waterfall;
These lines mean that an old bridge with curved structure supporting the weight of the
bridge above it that spans a waterfall.

4. A hewn-stone bridge
With its rugged floor and wall;
These lines mean that a bridge built of hewn stones, has a rough floor and a wall.

5. A railroad bridge
Where freight trains slowly crawl;
These lines mean that the goods trains move slowly on a railway bridge.
6. A wooden bridge,
A cement bridge,
Whether big or small;
These lines mean that the poet likes not only a wooden bridge but also a cement bridge
whether they are big or small.

7. Yes, I like a bridge__

Just any kind of bridge at all.
These lines mean that the poet says that he really likes all kind of bridges.
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The Arrow and the Song

1. I shot an arrow into the air___

It fell to earth, I knew not where;
These lines mean that the poet shot an arrow into the air and it fell on the ground, but he
did not know the exact place where it fell.

2. For, so swiftly it flew, the sight

Could not follow it in its flight.
These lines mean that the arrow shot by the poet moved so quickly in the air but he was not
able to see the flight of the arrow.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

3. I breathed a song into the air.

It fell to earth, I knew not where;
These lines mean that the poet sang a song swiftly and it disappeared in the air.

4. For who has sight so keen and strong

That it could follow the flight of song?
These lines mean that the poet says no one has eyesight active and strong enough to see the
flight of the song.

5. Long, long afterward, in an oak

I found the arrow, still unbroken;
These lines mean that the poet found the arrow pierced an oak tree but it was still unbroken
at a later time.

6. And the song, from beginning to end,

I found again in the heart of a friend.
These lines mean that the poet heard again the whole song he sang from his friend.
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The Heart of the Tree

1. What does he plant who plants a tree?

He plants the friend of sun and sky;
He plants the flag of breezes free;
These lines mean that the person who plants a tree plants the trees and the tree he plants
grows so high as to be a friend of the sun and the sky, and the tree’s branches and leaves
move or away freely like a flag in the breezes.

2. The shaft of beauty, towering high;

He plants a home to heaven a-nigh
These lines mean that the stem of the tree a person planted is lovely and very tall and so it is
like a home or nest for birds, it seems very near to heaven.

3. For song and mother-croon of bird

In hushed and happy twilight heard_
These lines mean that in the happy and silent time of twilight, the song of mother-bird could
be heard.

4. The treble of heaven’s harmony __

These things he plants who plants a tree.
These lines mean that the song of the mother-bird is like the musical sounds of heaven, and
all these things are the consequences of the tree planted by a person.
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

The Quiet Life

1. Happy the man, whose wish and care
A few paternal acres bound.
These lines mean that the poet is a happy person whose wants and worries are limited to
a few acres of land received from his forefathers.

2. Content to breathe his native air

In his own ground.
These lines mean that the happy man is content to live on his own land and he is not
willing to go anywhere.

3. Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread,

Whose flocks supply him with attire;
These lines mean that the man can get milk from his cows, bread from his fields, and
clothes from his sheep.

4. Whose tress in summer yield him shade,

In winter, fire.
These lines mean that his trees give him shade in summer and firewood for fire in the

5. Blest, who can unconcern’dly find

Hours, days and years, slide soft away
These lines mean that the happy man is not worrying about anything and he finds times
pass away quietly.

6. In health of body, peace of mind,

Quiet by day.
These lines mean that the man is in good health, his mind is peaceful and his days go by
quietly without any anxiety.

7. Sound sleep by night; study and ease

Together mix’d; sweet recreation,
These lines mean that the man sleeps very well at night and he works and relaxes in a
balanced mixture for a happy life.

8. And innocence, which most does please

With meditation.
These lines mean that the man is very proud of his honesty and purity with serious

9. Thus let me live, unseen, unknown;

Thus unlamented let me die;
These lines mean that the poets wants to live alone and unknown, and he also wants to die
without anyone feeling sad for him.

10. Steal from the world, and not a stone

Tell where I lie.
These lines mean that the poet wants to expire quietly without being noticed and he does
not need even a tombstones to mark his grave.
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book


1. What is this life if full of care, __

We have no time to stand and stare?
These lines mean that the poet asks what the meaning of life is if we have no time to stand
and stare for leisure because we are full of worries and things to do.

2. No time to stand beneath the boughs

And stare as long as sheep or cows:
These lines mean that we have no time to stand under the branches of trees and enjoy
watching the nature just as sheep and cows stand and stare.

3. No time to see when woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass:
These lines mean that we have no time to watch the squirrels hiding their nuts in the grass
when we pass a forest.

4. No time to see, in broad daylight,

Streams full of stars, like skies at night:
These lines mean that we have no time to see the streams sparkling with sunlight and the
flashes of light seem like stars in the sky at night.

5. No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,

And watch her feet, how they can dance:
These lines mean that we have no time to turn at the glance of a beautiful lady at her
dancing feet.

6. No time to wait till her mouth can

Enrich that smile her eyes began?
These lines mean that we have no time to wait until her mouth shapes out a smile that starts
from her eyes.

7. A poor life this if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.
These lines mean that the poet says the life which is so full of worries and things to do
indeed a miserable life.
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Cloud Zoo

1. I thought I saw a cloud whale

Sail through a sea of blue;
These lines mean that the poetess thought that she saw a cloud which looked like a whale
moving in the blue sky.

2. It changed into an elephant

Of most unusual hue,
These lines mean that the cloud whale changed into a form of an elephant with the most
unusual colour.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

3. And even as I marvelled,

It split itself in two.
These lines mean that the cloud in the form of an elephant split into two parts while the
poetess was watching it in surprisingly.

4. I watched a long white serpent

Winding its cloudy way,
These lines mean that the poetess watched the clouds that look like a long white snake
twisting from side to side.

5. To pounce upon a cloudy way,

That unsuspecting lay.
These lines mean that the cloud snake was about to pounce upon a cloud frog that took a
rest without any suspicion of the danger.

6. The little frog became a bird

And slowly flew away.
These lines mean that the cloud frog changed into a form of a bird and flew away slowly.

7. All afternoon I watched them, __

Such magic as they knew!
These lines mean that the poetess watched the changes of clouds all afternoon and she
wondered how clouds knew to change themselves into many forms.

8. I saw a white rhinoceros.

And white flamingos, too,
These lines mean that the poetess saw the clouds in the form of a white rhinoceros as well as
the forms of white flamingoes in the sky.

9. Till evening shut her deep blue tent

Over my private zoo.
These lines mean that the poetess watched all the forms of clouds in the sky till darkness
began to fall over her private zoo in the evening.
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The Months
1. January cold desolate;
February dripping wet;
These lines mean that it is very snowy and cold in January and so people are lonely and
unhappy, and February are a very wet month.

2. March wind ranges;

April changes;
These lines mean that the wind blows in different directions in March and everything
changes in April.

3. Birds sing in tune

To flowers of May,
These lines mean that the birds sing in perfect harmony as if to praise flowers that bloom in

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

4. And sunny June

Brings longest day;
These lines mean that it is sunny un June and the days are long.

5. In scorched July
The storm-clouds fly,
These lines mean that it is so hot in July that the storm-clouds move very quickly in the sky
and the peace of the nature is destroyed by lightning.

6. August bears corn,

September fruit;
These lines mean that the corn is in season in August and fruits are plentiful in September.

7. In rough October
Earth must disrobe her;
These lines mean that the weather is so rough in October that leaves fall from trees.

8. Stars fall and shoot

In keen November;
These lines mean that stars fall or shoots across the sky during the month of very cold

9. And night is long

And cold is strong
In bleak December.
These lines mean that nothing grows in December and everything is bare, moreover the
night is long and it is very cold in this month.
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book


Q: Choose the appropriate word(s) to complete the sentences. (5 marks)

1. Police are still investigation the --------------- causes of the death of the unknown man.
A. exact B. exactly C. exactness
2. Meter is the basic unit for measuring --------------- in the metric system.
A. degree B. length C. level
3. Happiness is more --------------- than money.
A. importance B. important C. unimportant
4. Su Su --------------- to go to Ngapali for her summer holidays.
A. has decided B. has been decided C. have decided
5. I was amazed at the number of trees in the garden as I --------------- 100.
A. count B. counted C. counts
6. “No,” she said, turning --------------- to look at me.
A. around B. back C. on
7. The little boy smiled widely at me, --------------- his decayed teeth.
A. show B. showed C. showing
8. The new government believes in investing in --------------- research.
A. science B. scientific C. scientist
9. Salaries are paid at the end of the --------------- month.
A. agenda B. calendar C. diary
10. The only way you could --------------- what they were saying was through an interpreter.
A. be aware B. identify C. understand
11. In a remote control, infrared light --------------- to control TV.
A. are used B. is used C. was used
12. The little girl will not go to sleep --------------- her mother tells her a story.
A. if B. unless C. when
13. My mother --------------- breakfast for us every morning.
A. eats B. has C. makes
14. I am not satisfied --------------- the way the barber cut my hair.
A. at B. to C. with
15. Factory workers were disappointed -------------- the court’s decision.
A. at B. on C. to
16. It is painful, but we have to face --------------.
A. real B. realist C. reality
17. Although he is younger than me, he is the --------------- height as I am.
A. equal B. same C. similar
18. I --------------- I heard something when I came in.
A. think B. thinks C. thought
19. In the morning rush hour, the buses are --------------- of people going to work.
A. empty B. filled C. full
20. The whole family was sitting --------------- the dinner table when I came in.
A. around B. in C. on
21. Boys livings at the hostel come from a --------------- of different background.
A. variety B. various C. variously

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

22. He has become --------------- as a best-selling author in Myanmar.

A. fame B. famed C. famously
23. He is over 60, but he still looks --------------- for his age.
A. young B. younger C. youths
24. The shop specializes --------------- handmade souvenirs of Bagan.
A. at B. in C. on
25. Parents were relieved that Pauk Pauk was --------------- dressed for her sister’s wedding party.
A. suitable B. suitably C. unsuitably
26. These plants can grow --------------- in poor soils.
A. nature B. natural C. naturally
27. Daw May Thi is the --------------- of English at Dagon University.
A. profession B. professional C. professor
28. Ma Ma --------------- a diploma in teaching at Yangon University of Education now.
A. is studying B. studied C. was studying
29. You should get educational --------------- before you apply to a foreign university.
A. advice B. idea C. warning
30. Even some adult are --------------- of going to the dentist’s.
A. frighten B. frightening C. frightened
31. The sun --------------- down and it will soon be dark.
A. is going B. was going C. went
32. A survey of local businesses is now being carried --------------- nationwide.
A. off B. on C. out
33. Dark clouds ------------- of the approaching storm.
A. alerted B. cautioned C. warned
34. They ran --------------- of money and had to abandon the project.
A. on B. out C. over
35. Aristotle is a Greek -------------- who has had influence on Western thought.
A. philosopher B. philosophical C. philosophy
36. Let’s look --------------- the shops at the night market.
A. after B. ahead C. around
37. Some people believe that an -------------- can tell them about their future.
A. astrologer B. astrological C. astrology
38. He began his -------------- career when he graduated from Art College last year.
A. music B. musical C. musician
39. Musician is another name for a professional ---------------, singer or actor.
A. dance B. dancer C. dancing
40. The kitchen floor ---------------- with broken glass.
A. strews B. strewed C. was strewn
41. The arid land is almost -------------- of vegetation.
A. devoid B. lack C. not have
42. Witness ---------------- in detail what happened.
A. describe B. described C. were described
43. It cannot move fast enough to escape the pull of the earth’s --------------- field.
A. describe B. described C. exactness

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

44. The river overflowed its banks and ------------- flooding.

A. makes B. make C. made
45. These pictures sent back to earth are telling an important --------------- story.
A. environment B. environmental C. environmentally
46. The stars come out when the sun goes -------------.
A. by B. down C. in
47. The idea has been in ------------- for countries.
A. existence B. existent C. existing
48. According to the scientists at present, there is no life -------------- other planets.
A. at B. in C. on
49. Due to a small fire, the shop will be closed --------------.
A. temporarily B. the short time C. permanently
50. Water boils at a ---------- of 100 degrees Celsius.
A. heat B. hotness C. temperature
51. Do you know how does --------------- energy produce electricity?
A. lunar B. solar C. sun
52. Through a telescope, we could see millions of stars that were --------------- to the naked eye.
A. invisibility B. invisible C. invisibly
53. The forces of --------------- are balanced by forces of contraction.
A. expand B. expanding C. expansion
54. Blood carries -------------- from the lungs and distributes it to all the cells in the body.
A. carbon dioxide B. nutrients C. oxygen
55. They had a hard life because their father’s salary was --------------- for the family’s needs.
A. enough B. insufficient C. sufficient
56. A --------------- is designed to fly to distant planets, carrying people in it.
A. aircraft B. missile C. spaceship
57. With an interest in archaeology, he has become a frequent --------------- to Bagan.
A. visit B. visiting C. visitor
58. A shark can smell blood at a --------------- of half a kilometre.
A. area B. distance C. space
59. Water is still dripping from the --------------- faucet.
A. leak B. leakage C. leaky
60. Air travellers were left stranded because of --------------- weather conditions.
A. adverse B. pleasant C. favourable
61. He has not yet passed the --------------- test.
A. drive B. driver C. driving
62. The charity organization has the image as a --------------- of the environment.
A. protectionist B. protective C. protector
63. Make sure all the lights are off whenever you go ---------------.
A. inside B. indoors C. outside
64. Please deal “111” to get to the machine ---------------.
A. operation B. operative C. operator
65. Pablo Picasso --------------- as one of the greatest and most original artists of the 20th century.
A. is still regarded B. still regarded C. was still regarded

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

66. It was a business meeting of the world’s major --------------- nations.

A. agricultural B. educational C. industrial
67. As time went ---------------- we saw less and less of each other.
A. by B. on C. out
68. The previous --------------- of the house painted the walls light blue.
A. own B. owner C. ownership
69. Make sure all the lights are off whenever you ----------------- outside.
A. go B. went C. come
70. Children decorated their classroom --------------- pictures they drew themselves.
A. by B. to C. with
71. Modern and traditional teaching methods --------------- at the school.
A. are combined B. are connected C. are joined
72. The telephone --------------- by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.
A. was discovered B. was invented C. was made up
73. All my friends have --------------- the campaign to reduce plastic use.
A. joined B. participated C. took part
74. Britain became the most --------------- country in the world at the end of the 19th century.
A. industrialist B. industrialized C. industrious
75. Do you remember who your first-grade --------------- was?
A. classroom B. school C. teacher
76. Computers first came --------------- use in the early 1950s.
A. in B. into C. on
77. The latest model of Toyota is --------------- and more luxurious than the old ones.
A. fast B. faster C. slower
78. I was getting a lot of crank calls, so I started --------------- my phone at right.
A. unplug B. unplugged C. unplugging
79. This sentence is grammatically ---------------, but does not sound natural.
A. correct B. corrective C. incorrect
80. The pool area -------------- by the low guardrails.
A. enclose B. is enclosed C. is attached
81. My -------------- view is that parents should be made personally responsible for their children’s
A. person B. personal C. personality
82. It is required to store --------------- fruits and vegetables in a cool place.
A. fragile B. imperishable C. perishable
83. I --------------- talking to each other to using Facebook alone.
A. favour B. like C. prefer
84. The government had the --------------- task of rebuilding the town in the wake of the cyclone
A. big B. enormous C. large
85. The handle of the luggage is --------------, so you can pull it towards you.
A. adjustable B. adjusted C. adjustment
86. She was also given an --------------- offer of employment from another company.
A. attraction B. attractive C. attractively

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

87. My mother prefers fresh to --------------- fish.

A. freezing B. frosty C. frozen
88. It is such a plant which cannot survive when --------------- are so high.
A. heat B. temperatures C. warmth
89. The ---------------- of trade between the two countries has increased in recent year.
A. pressure B. temperature C. volume
90. Prize-winning photographs were first on --------------- in Mandalay.
A. display B. displayed C. displaying
91. For this job vacancy, please apply in writing --------------- the address below.
A. for B. on C. to
92. The first -------------- in instalments for the new apartment is due at the end of each year.
A. pay B. payer C. payment
93. A good degree is not an essential -------------- for a job in sales and marketing.
A. condition B. requirement C. situation
94. The baby’s birth needs -------------- at a nearest hospital or community health centre.
A. registers B. to register C. to be register
95. A nutritious diet and good personal -------------- are necessary for ensuring a healthy lifestyle.
A. hygiene B. hygienic C. hygienically
96. The length of the day depends on the --------------- of the earth on its axis.
A. rotate B. rotating C. rotation
97. Bees pollinate the -------------- by carrying the pollen from one flower to another.
A. animals B. plants C. trees
98. A ------------- basket is used for putting things we have bought at a supermarket.
A. shop B. shopper C. shopping
99. Small cars are on demand increasingly as they are more --------------- on fuel.
A. economic B. economical C. economically
100. If you have a fever, you should drink --------------- of water.
A. many B. much C. plenty
########## S. M. S ##########

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

Question No. V (Unseen Read the passage.)

1. Read the passage.
Sunlight gives us heat. Some of the heat warms the atmosphere and some of the heat escapes
back into space. During the last 100 years, we have produced a huge amount of carbon dioxide. The
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere works like the glass in a greenhouse. It allows heat to get in, but it
doesn't allow much heat to get out. So, the atmosphere becomes warmer because less heat can
Where does the carbon dioxide come from? People and animals breathe in oxygen, and
breathe out carbon dioxide. Trees take carbon dioxide from the air, and produce oxygen. We produce
carbon dioxide when we burn coal, oil, petrol, gas....means there are fewer trees and, of course, more
carbon dioxide!
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. What does some of the heat do to atmosphere?
2. Why does the atmosphere become warmer?
3. What do trees take from the air?
4. What do trees generate into the air?
5. Why do we get more carbon dioxide?

2. Read the passage.

Long ago, people did not use money. When a hunter wanted fish, he would exchange an
animal that he had hunted with a fisherman for a fish. This clumsy way of buying and selling is
called 'barter'. Later, shells, tusks, and teeth of animals were used as money as there were more
people who wanted these things. There were, however, rather difficult to carry around. The Chinese
and the Greeks were among the first people to cut up little bits of gold and silver and used them as
money. Buying and selling became easier because there were always people who accepted these
precious metals as payments. But, a man would have to carry a chest of metals if he wanted to buy a
lot of things. When the Chinese learned how to print, they printed paper money. This practice
quickly spread to many parts of the world. Using it was more convenient than silver and gold.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. What is 'barter'?
2. Whom did the hunter look for if he wanted fish?
3. Why was earliest money difficult to curry out?
4. When did they print paper money?
5. Why is the use of paper money more convenient than all other types of money?

3. Read the passage.

Once upon a time, there was a little pond in the forest. Insects, frogs, turtles, fish, birds and
beavers lived there. They had been living together happily for a long time. The frogs made their
homes by the lily pads and the beavers built dams with the logs they found nearby. The sun gave
energy to the plants and animals at the pond. It was a very happy environment. One day, some
business people had built a factory next to the pond. Chemicals from the factory emptied into the
pond. The plants got sick from the chemicals. The insects couldn't eat the plants or drink the water or
they would get sick, too. All the animals at the pond were very sad. This was their hazard and now
they had to leave. Life at the pond was quiet and sad.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)

1. Where did the frogs live?
2. What did the sun give to the plants and animals at the pond?
3. Where was the factory built?
4. What emptied into the pond?
5. Why did the animals have to leave the pond?

4. Read the passage.

The women came to the king and stood before him. Then one woman said, "Oh, my Lord,
this woman and I dwell in the same house; and I gave birth to a child while she was in the house.
Then on the third day, this woman also gave birth; and we were alone; there was no one with us in
the house. And this woman's son died in the night, because she lay on it. And she arose at midnight,
and took my son from beside me, while your maidservant slept, and laid her dead son in my bosom.
When I rose in the morning, to nurse my child, behold, it was dead; but when I looked at it closely in
the morning, behold, it was not the child that I had borne." But, the other woman said, "No, the
living child is mine, and the dead child is yours." The first said, "No, the dead child is yours and the
living child is mine."
Then the king said, "The one says, "This is my son that is alive, and your son is dead," and
the other says, "No, but your son is dead, and my son is the living one." And the king said, "Bring
me a sword." So a sword was brought before the king. And the king said, "Divide the living child in
two, and give half to the one and half to the other." Then the woman whose son was alive said to the
king because her heart yearned for her son, "Oh, my Lord, give her the living child and by no means
slay it," But the other said, "It shall be neither mine nor yours; divide it."
Then the king answered and said, "Give the living child to the first woman, and by no means
slay it, she is its mother."
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. Why were the two children exchanged?
2. Was it an easy case to decide? Why?
3. What did the king propose to do? Did he really mean to do it?
4. Who was the rightful mother? What did her answer show?
5. Give a suitable title to the story telling why you have chosen it?

5. Read the passage.

In olden days, people used candles or oil-lamps at night. One could easily knock over them
and start a fire. Today we have a wonderful thing called electricity. It lights up electric bulbs so that
we can see in the dark. An electric light is much brighter and safer than a candle or oil-lamp.
Electricity is useful in the home. It can be used to work electric stoves for cooking, irons for ironing
clothes and refrigerators for keeping food fresh. In offices and factories, electricity is used to work
electrical machines. Although electricity is useful, it is dangerous if we are not careful. You can get
an electric shock if you meddle with electric wires. It is better to get an electrician to mend any
electrical part that is damaged. A short circuit can cause a fire.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. What did people use at night?
2. What may happen if one knows over a candle?
3. What can light up electric bulbs?

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

4. Why is it dangerous to meddle with electric wires?

5. What can cause a fire?

6. Read the passage.

Aryl Goldberger is a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School near Boston,
Massachusetts. He studies the human heart. He says every beat of a person's heart is different. He
says a normal heart-beat is not the same all the time. It changes. Dr. Goldberger's 19-year-old son
Zach studied music at college. He changed these heart-beat sounds into musical notes. He called
them "Heart songs."
Dr. Goldberger thinks a heart-beat that changes is healthy, and one that beats the same way
each time is not. The changes in heart-beats follow what is called a fractal pattern. Fractal patterns
repeat one shape over and over. A good example is a tree. Large branches have smaller branches that
are similar to the larger ones. Human blood vessels and nerves also form such fractal systems.
Researchers working with Dr. Goldberger noted that heart fractals and music fractals are
similar. So, Dr. Goldberger's son, Zach, set the heart-beats to music. He took the recorded heart-
beats of 15 people and measured the time between the beats. Then, he used a computer to map the
beats, changing them into musical notes. Dr. Goldberger says it is the first effort to use the beats of
the heart as the basis for music.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. What is Aryl Goldberger?
2. What does Aryl Goldberger study?
3. Is a normal heart-beat the same all the time?
4. What does Zach do?
5. Why did Zach use a computer?

7. Read the passage.

Today we have aircraft that can travel faster than sound. We also have spaceships that can go
to the moon. Birds, however, knew the secrets of flight long before man. Flying comes naturally to
birds, man has to build aircraft to keep him moving in space. Now we have a large variety of aircraft
at our disposal. But the birds are still better than we are in flying.
The difference between birds and aeroplanes is in the way they move. The birds move by
flapping their wings. It is very difficult to make the wings of an aeroplane like the wings of birds.
Another difference is that birds don't have to depend on fuel. They get their power from their food.
Unlike the birds, aeroplanes cannot take off unless they have a special type of fuel. They will come
crashing down if they run out of fuel while in flight. Lastly birds can land whenever they like. But
special airports have to be built for most types of aircraft to land.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. Where can the spaceship go?
2. What is the difference between birds and aeroplanes?
3. How do the birds move?
4. What did the aeroplanes use to fly?
5. Where do the planes land?

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

8. Read the passage.

Florence Nightingale went to Scutari in Turkey over a hundred years ago to nurse the English
soldiers in the hospital there. Until then nobody had looked after them properly. People had said that
this was work for men, not women, before she showed that women could be more useful than men
for looking after the sick and wounded. The soldiers lying in their beds called her " The Lady of the
Lamp" because they often saw her at night with a lamp in her hand going round with water for the
thirsty men to drink. Since those days women have always worked like Florence Nightingale as
nurses in hospitals for wounded soldiers.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. How long ago did Florence Nightingale go to Scutari?
2. Why did she go there?
3. What work did Florence Nightingale do?
4. Why did the soldiers call her "The Lady of the Lamp"?
5. Why did Florence Nightingale go round the hospital at night?
9. Read the passage.
The Queen Elizabeth II is usually called the QE2. It is a large, modern passenger ship. There
are not many ships like the QE2 now. Most people prefer to travel by air and not by sea. The QE2 is
very slow and expensive compared with a modern jet plane. But some people do not like to travel by
plane. They like QE2. The ship is really an enormous floating hotel, almost a small floating town.
The five-day voyage from Southampton to New York is a real holiday.
The QE2 can carry 2,000 passengers, and it has a staff of 950 running the ship and looking
after the passengers. The ship has three restaurants, eight bars, a ladies' hairdresser's and a men's
barber's shop. In addition, there are four swimming pools, two cinemas, two libraries, a hospital, a
bank and a gymnasium. There are also some shops. It is like a small city. But there are no cars, buses
or trucks, and there is no smog. Thus the air is clean and there is peace and quiet.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. What is the original name of QE2?
2. What kind of ship is QE2?
3. Which is more expensive, travelling by jet plane or travelling by QE2?
4. How many passengers can QE2 carry?
5. Why can it be called a small city?

10. Read the passage.

"Science" also means "a way of thinking --- of working out answers to problems". This
means that scientists have a special way of searching for facts or finding solutions to problems. This
special ways is known as the "scientific method." To understand it well, let us see how a scientist
First, a scientist observes closely the thing about which he wants to find out. In other words,
he watches it carefully and makes a note of all he discovers. Then, from his observations, he forms a
hypothesis, an idea from which he will begin his explanation about the thing he has observed. Next,
he experiments, that is, he makes careful tests to find out whether his hypothesis is true or not.
Hence, we may say that the scientific method has three very important steps: observing, forming a
hypothesis, and experimenting.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)

1. What is a meaning of science?
2. What is the "scientific method"?
3. How does a scientist carry out his observation?
4. Why does a scientist make experiments?
5. What are the three important steps of the scientific method?

11. Read the passage.

Almost all newspapers get their news from three sources. They get it from their own
reporters who bring in the local news about events that take place in their own country. They also get
it from their foreign correspondents who sent in the foreign news. Finally, they get it from news
agencies which are organizations that collect news and sell it to newspapers.
Besides news about important happenings, a newspaper also carries other kinds of news such
as sports news, business news and weather reports. It may also carry advertisements which are
placed in the paper by people who wish to buy or sell something. And very often, a newspaper
carries announcements of births, deaths and marriages. In addition to all these, a newspaper contains
an editorial which is an article, or a kind of easy, written by the editor or editors of the paper. A
newspaper may sometimes contain feature articles, or special essay, written by columnist who writes
essays regularly for a newspaper. Many newspapers also have a section called the correspondence
columns where letters to the editor are printed. Sometimes, some newspapers print on additional
sections on Sundays or on certain historically important days. This is called a supplement and it
carries stories and articles not usually carried on other days.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. From where do newspapers get the foreign news?
2. What do news agencies do?
3. Who place advertisements in the newspaper?
4. What is an editorial?
5. Where are the letters to the editors printed?
6. When do newspapers print a supplement?

12. Read the passage.

In many parts of the world, there are mountains with holes at their tops and quite often,
smoke and fire and streams of very hot liquid rock called lava come out of those holes. Such
mountains are called volcanoes and the holes at their tops are called craters. The word "Vulcan" is
the god of the fire of the ancient Romans.
When a volcano is pouring out smoke, fire and lava, we say that it is erupting. Before a
volcano erupts, there is usually a rumble which is deep, heavy, continuous sound. Gradually, the
rumble gets louder and louder. Smoke and fire soon began to come out of the crater. All then, with a
very loud noise, the mountain top explodes, or bursts open, and lava flows down its sides. At the
same time, bits of hot rocks are thrown high into the sky.
Volcanoes which keep erupting almost all the time are called active volcanoes and there are
about five hundreds of them in the world. Those that have ceased to erupt are called extinct
volcanoes and Mount Popa is one of them.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)

1. What is lava?
2. What is the name of the Roman god of fire?
3. When do we say a volcano is erupting?
4. What happens when a volcano erupts?
5. What is an extinct volcano? Give an example.

13. Read the passage.

To grow rice, farmers first plough the fields which break up the big pieces of earth. Then
they sow seeds in nurseries, which are small fields for young plants. When the young plants, or
seedlings, are about a month old, farmers transplant them, taking them out of their nurseries and
planting them again in bigger fields. After about five months, when the grains have begun to ripen,
the stalks are cut. This process is the reaping of the crops. After the crops have been reaped, the rice
grains and the brown husks enclosing them, which together are known as paddy, are removed from
the stalks by threshing. Finally, the paddy is milled, which removes the husks and polishes the
grains. From the mills comes the white rice which we cook and eat every day.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. What do farmers do first to grow rice?
2. What are nurseries?
3. When do farmers transplant the seedlings?
4. What does transplanting mean?
5. How do farmers remove paddy from the stalks?
6. When have the grains begun to ripen?
7. Why is the paddy milled?

14. Read the passage.

Many thousands of years ago, there were no houses such as people live in today. In those
ancient times, men sometimes made their homes in trees, using the leaves to keep off rain and sun.
Their objective in living in tree was to be safe from their enemies and from wild beasts. Such tree-
dwellers can still be seen in some parts of New Guinea, which is a large island north of Australia.
The pygmies of Central Africa shelter themselves by building on the ground little houses made of
branches of trees. These are instances of homes used by men in hot countries long ago. In colder
countries, where living in trees was too cold and unprotected from storms, the people of long ago
used to dwell in caves. Sometimes, across the mouth of the cave they made a wall of stones, in order
to keep out of wild beast.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. How did men live in ancient times?
2. Why did they live in trees?
3. Can you find people living in trees nowadays? If so where?
4. Why couldn't people in cold countries live in trees?
5. How did they live in colder countries?
6. How did they protect themselves from wild animals?
7. What is the other word for 'live' used in the passage?

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15. Read the passage.

The United Nations Organization was formed in 1945 and since then many countries have
joined the UN. Today it has a membership of more than 180 nations including Myanmar which
joined on April 19, 1948. As agreed, Myanmar, like every other member nation; has to pay its share
towards the cost of keeping up the organization and in return gets help from the UN in various forms
such as books, materials, equipment, medicine, expert advice and services.
The United Nations is a large organization and it has many tasks to carry out. Therefore, it is
divided into several smaller organizations each of which has its own special tasks to perform.
Among these, the General Assembly and the Security Council are the most famous. The main task of
the General Assembly is to find solutions to problems that are brought to it by various member
nations. That of the Security Council is to prevent wars from breaking out. In the same way, the
other smaller organizations, namely, the Trusteeship Council, the Secretariat, the International Court
of Justice, the Economic and Social Council, each has its special duties to carry out. In addition to all
these, the United Nations Organization has many other important functions, or special activities, all
of which must be carried out properly for peace in the whole world.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. When was the United Nations founded and how many member countries does it have today?
2. When did Myanmar join the UN and what does it get from the UN?
3. What are the two main organizations of the United Nations? Describe their tasks.
4. Name some of the smaller organizations of the UN?
5. What is the main task of the United Nations?

16. Read the passage.

The Chinese everywhere in the world celebrate the Moon Cake Festival on the 15th day of
the eighth month. There is a story behind the celebration. This story goes back to the time when the
Mongols ruled China. The Chinese hated the Mongolian rulers and planned to attack them. The date
and the time of the attack were written on slips of paper and hidden into round cakes which were
baked and sent to all the Chinese. On the 15th day of the eighth month, the Chinese carrying sticks
and long poles drove the Mongols out of China. From then onwards, the Chinese celebrate the Moon
Cake Festival on the 15th day of eighth month every year to remember the successful revolt.
Every year, during the Moon Cake Festival, we can see all sorts of moon cakes on sale. We
can see different types of colourful lanterns, too. Parents often buy the moon cakes and lanterns for
their children. On that day, the Chinese eat the moon cakes. In the evening, the children light their
lanterns and carry them for a walk outside their houses. The adults go out with the children and
watch them carry the lanterns. Many people, especially youngsters, like this festival very much
because they can send moon cakes and carry beautiful lanterns. It is one of the happiest festivals for
all the Chinese.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. When is the Moon Cake Festival celebrated?
2. What people celebrate the Moon Cake Festival?
3. Whom the Chinese hated?
4. Why do the Chinese want to celebrate the Moon Cake Festival?
5. For whom do the parents buy the moon cake and lanterns?

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

17. Read the passage.

The world is divided into two main parts. The difference is that one part is rich and the other
is poor. In the poor part, a lot of people never get enough to eat. In the rich part, a lot of people eat
too much. The poorer countries are called "the developing countries". They have special problems.
Sometimes the land is too poor to grow anything on. The land can be improved but a lot of things
must be done first. New farming methods must be introduced. The people must be educated. Water
must be found. Many of these problems are too big for one country to solve alone. Help should be
given by the richer countries to the poor countries to become developed
But rich countries have problems, too. They are not always very pleasant places to live in.
Sometimes the air is too impure to breathe and the rivers are too dirty to swim in or to take water
from. The roads are too crowded to drive along and the accidents increasing. And sometimes, in
these countries, large numbers of people do not have decent houses to live in. Something will have
to be done about these problems, too. The air and water will have to be cleaned, and more houses
will have to be built.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. How is the world divided in what way?
2. What is the difference between rich and poor countries?
3. Give an example of the problems poor countries have.
4. What must be done to improve farming in poor countries?
5. Are rich countries always good places to live? Why?
6. Give examples of the problems the richer countries face.
7. What thing should be done to improve situation in these rich countries?

18. Read the passage.

The first group of people to settle down in Myanmar were the Mon-Khmers. They entered
from the east and built their settlements mostly in the southern regions of the country. The next to
come were the Tibeto-Burmans and they came in several groups. Some of them entered from the
north and some entered from the northeast. The last to migrate to Myanmar were the Tai-Shans.
Most of them entered from northeast and east. At first, these settlers lived mostly by themselves in
settlements of their own. As time passed, a few of them living close to one another must have been
merged into a little kingdom by an able ruler. However, the first and proper Myanmar kingdom was
not founded until the thirteenth century. It was founded by King Anawrahta who had Bagan as his
capital. Myanmar remained an independent kingdom for nearly eight and a half centuries. Then after
three wars with the British it lost its independence and became a British colony. However, with the
unity of national races, Myanmar regained independence in 1948.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. Who were the first to enter Myanmar and where did they live?
2. How many props of people came to settle in Myanmar? Who are they?
3. Who founded the first Myanmar Kingdom? Where and at what time?
4. What happened after three wars with the British?
5. How did Myanmar regain its independence?

19. Read the passage.

When we wish to send a message to someone far away we either write a letter and send it by
post or send a telegram to that person. Or we may telephone him or her. In other words, we make use

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

of one of the communications services, the postal service, the telegraph service, the telephone
service, available to us. Of the three, the postal service was the first to be introduced in the world. It
is also the cheapest and most widely used of the three. Every day, millions of people all over the
world send letters, post cards, parcels, books, magazines and even money to relatives and friends far
and near.
The telegraph was introduced in 1837 in the United States of America. The telegraph is an
apparatus which consists of sending and receiving instruments, and it uses electricity to send
messages at an amazing speed. Although sending telegram is much more expensive than posting,
messages reach their destination much quicker. So telegraph is used when we have important and
urgent message to send. The last of the three was the telephone invented in 1876 by Alexander
Graham Bell. It is better than the other two because it carries human voice. It is good indeed because
the sender of the message knows at once whether his or her message has been received or not. The
telephone is also the most convenient of the three.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. How do we send message to other persons?
2. When do we use the postal service?
3. In what way the telegraph is better than the post?
4. What is the advantage of the telephone and why is it the better way of communication than the
other two?
5. When do we use the telegraph service?

20. Read the passage.

According to the World Bank, the kingdom of Bhutan is the second poorest country in the
world, but there is no unemployment, no begging and almost no crime.
Jugme Singye Wangchuck, the 'Dragon King', is the world's youngest hereditary ruler, but he
says that the country is more peaceful than any other in the region. He travels round Bhutan,
showing himself to the people and listening to their opinions. Although this is a very old country the
monarchy is quite new; until this century it was a theocracy run by Buddhist priests. There is still a
very strong religious feeling and there are 1,300 monasteries in a nation of only 1 million people.
Bhutan allows only 2,000 tourists a year, but no multinational companies even though it is
very short of capital. It takes no help from U.S.A. or Russia. Students who go abroad to study must
spend 6 months when they return in remote villages to rediscover their roots before going back into
Bhutanese society.
Although the people are poor they are content. The atmosphere is relaxed and traditions have
hardly changed since the Middle Ages. Archery is the country's major sport and folk dances are the
main forms of entertainment.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. What kind of country is Bhutan?
2. Who is called the 'Dragon King'?
3. Why does Jigme Singye Wangchuck travel round his country?
4. How many monasteries are there in Bhutan?
5. Does Bhutan take help from the U.S.A.?

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21. Read the passage.

There was a salt-lick in the jungle. All the animals went to have some salt. One day, an old
tiger found out that, if he waited near the salt-lick, he could easily catch animals for food. When the
other animals saw the tiger near the salt-lick, they did not dare to go near it.
At last, the animals went to see the mousedeer for advice. The mousedeer thought of a plan
to get rid of the tiger. He went up to the tiger and said, “I’ll bring you an animal every day, so that
you don't have to hunt for food.” The mousedeer went off and did not appear for three days. On the
fourth day, the mousedeer brought a squirrel with him to see the tiger.
“I couldn't bring you any animal,” the mousedeer said, "because the way was blocked by a
fat old tiger with a squirrel on his head." When the tiger heard this, he was very angry.
"I must see that beast. I'll teach him a lesson," the tiger said.
The three set out with the mousedeer on the tiger's back and the squirrel on his head. When
they reached the river, the mousedeer pointed out the tiger's reflection in the water and said, "Look!
That's the fat old tiger."
The tiger was so angry and hungry at that moment that he immediately jumped into the river
and was drowned.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. Where did all the animals go to have some salt?
2. Why did the other animals not dare to go near the salt-lick?
3. Who thought of a plan to kill the tiger?
4. What did the mousedeer bring with him to see the tiger?
5. Why did the tiger jump into the river and was drowned?

22. Read the passage.

Bruce Lee was born on November 27, 1940, in San Francisco. It was during the Chinese
Year of the Dragon. He often got into street fights, but he lost many of them because he was so
small. To improve his ability to defend himself, he began to learn karate. Over the next few years, a
remarkable thing happened. Bruce Lee studied karate and it gave him the discipline he needed to
focus his life in a positive way. The energy he once devoted in fighting on the streets he now
devoted to improving his karate moves. As he become stronger, his confidence grew. He no longer
had to prove he was better than the others. His goal now was to become a karate expert. Bruce Lee
gained worldwide fame for his skill in the material arts. He became an actor and starred in television
shows about karate. He also directed and acted in a number of karate movies.
After a while he opened a school of karate. The type of karate he invented and taught is
called Jeet Kune Do. Only the most dedicated students were allowed to enter Bruce Lee's school. He
loved teaching and always told his students to work hard, but to love the work they were doing. He
wanted them to experience the joy of learning. This is the message that the "King of Karate" gave to
the world.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. Where was Bruce Lee born?
2. Why did he learn karate?
3. Why did his confidence grow?
4. What was Bruce Lee's goal?
5. What is called Jeet Kune Do?

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23. Read the passage.

Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, summed up the four chief qualities of money some 2,000
years ago. It must be lasting and easy to recognize, to divide, and to carry about. In other words, it
must be durable, distinct, divisible and portable. When we think of money today, we picture it either
as round, flat pieces of metal which we called coins, or as printed notes. But there are still parts of
the world today where coins and notes are of no use. In remote areas where outside traders cannot
reach commerce is carried out by barter system; that is a direct exchange of goods. For example, fish
is exchanged for vegetables, meat for grain, or various kinds of food in exchange for pots, baskets,
or other manufactured goods
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. Who is Aristotle? What did he mention about money?
2. What are the four chief qualities of money?
3. What kind of money do we use today?
4. What is barter trade?
5. Where can we see barter trade system?

24. Read the passage.

In ancient China, there was a man named Wang Xiong. He treasured food very much. He
never wasted any food and did not like to see people wasting food.
One day, he had a guest. He gave him a big pie. The guest left many tiny bits in the plate.
"Do you know how you got this pie?" asked Wang Xiong.
"No, I don't." replied the guest.
"Do you know how many men made such a pie?," Wang Xiong asked again.
"No, I really can't tell," said the guest.
"The pie you're eating was prepared by many men," Wang Xiong said. "If you're not hungry,
you'd better leave it. Don't waste the thing."
On another occasion, Wang Xiong asked his servant to bring him a piece of watermelon. The
servant cut a watermelon and threw away its skin which still had some flesh on it. When Wang
Xiong saw this, he quietly picked up the skin, washed it, and bit off the fleshy parts. The servant felt
rather uneasy about this. Although Wang Xiong did not say anything, his servant never wasted any
food again. Boys and girls, you eat an apple or a pear, do you eat all its flesh? Waste, no food! It is a
bad habit.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. Who did not like to see people wasting food?
2. Did the guest know how to get the pie?
3. What did the servant do when Wang Xiong asked him to bring a piece of watermelon to him?
4. Did Wang Xiong scold the servant?
5. Why didn't Wang Xiong's servant waste any food again?

25. Read the passage.

Natural disasters caused by earthquakes can be as terrifying as volcanic eruptions.
Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in certain parts of the Pacific regions such as Japan and
On 1st September 1923, at 11:58 a.m., a severe earthquake shook Tokyo and Yokohama.
Many buildings in these two Japanese cities collapsed and only the most modern ones remained
standing. Great fires spread out the area, destroying two-thirds of Tokyo and almost all of
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Yokohama. About 100,000 people lost their lives as a result of the earthquake and the fires. In 1906,
an earthquake took place in San Francisco.
The earthquake caused many buildings in American city to collapse. This disaster was caused
by the ground which shifted along 250 miles (about 400 kilometres) of the San Andreas faults. These
are fractures in the rocks. A great loss of life occurs when buildings collapse during earthquakes,
crushing those people inside the buildings. Engineers in the United States and Japan have tried to use
the best building materials and designs to withstand both earthquakes and fires.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. Where do earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur?
2. When did a severe earthquake shake Tokyo and Yokohama?
3. How many people were dead as a result of the earthquakes and fires?
4. When did an earthquake take place in San Francisco?
5. Who tried to use the best building materials and designs to withstand both earthquakes and fires?

26. Read the passage.

The first aeroplane was made by two brothers called Wright. It does not look like a modern
aeroplane. The Wright brothers were skilful young men. They first used their skill to make a glider.
A glider is an aeroplane without an engine. A glider floats on the air like a kite. A man can sit
in a glider and steer it, but it cannot stay in the air very long.
In those days motor cars had petrol engines but they were heavy. The Wright brothers made a
very small and light engine. They put it in their glider. Then one of them sat in the aeroplane and
started the engine. Some men held the wings until the engine was going very fast. Then they let go.
The aeroplane ran quickly along the ground. Then, at last, it rose a few feet into the air. A man had
really flown for the first time. This happened on the 17th December, 1903.
Soon the whole world heard the Wright brother's success. They became famous. Other
people made aeroplanes. They became bigger and better. Today great aeroplanes carrying hundreds
of people fly at great speed all over the world. But it all started with the brave and skilful brothers!
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. Who invented the first aeroplane?
2. Which was invented first gliders or aeroplanes?
3. What is a glider?
4. When had a man flown for the first time?
5. How many passengers can the modern aeroplane carry?

27. Read the passage.

Italy defeated England yesterday for the first time in 40 years, scoring a 2-0 victory in an
exhibition game which earned a lot of pride to Italian soccer. A crowd of 70,000, filling the Milan
Municipal Stadium, saw Italy's first victory over England in nine games. The eight previous games
ended in four victories for England and four draws.
Centre-forward Baggio put Italy' ahead at the 38th minute. Left-winger Capello scored Italy's
second goal at the 52nd minute. Both Baggio and Capello play for Italian champions Juventus. The
game celebrated the 75th anniversary of the founding of Italian Soccer Federation in this city. It was
also the 107th game with the English national team for its captain Bobby Moore.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. Who won the football match?
2. How many goals did England score?
3. Where was the game played?
4. How many people watched the game?

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5. When did Italy get the first goal? Who score it?
6. When was the Italian Soccer Federation founded?
7. Who was Bobby Moore?

28. Read the passage.

The seamen were excited. They stopped grumbling. They thought they would find the
treasure at once. They got into two small boats to go to ashore. Jim slipped over the side and got into
one of the boats. The boats raced to the shore. Jim's boat got in first.
He did not wait for the men to get out. He jumped out and ran and ran. He heard Long John
Silver shouting: 'Jim! Jim!' but he did not look back. After a while he slowed down and looked about
him. He was out of breath.
After a while he heard angry voices, then screams. He crept forward through the bushes and
saw Long John Silver talking to Tom.
'No, Silver,' said Tom, 'I will not join your party. I will not mutiny. I will obey Captain Smollett'.
Silver struck Tom with his crutch and he fell to the ground dead.
Jim's heart was thumping with fear. He ran off again. He saw something hiding behind a tree. Was it
a man- or a bear- or a monkey? Jim turned and fled.
The thing ran after him. Jim was terrified. Then he remembered he had a pistol in his belt. He
turned and faced the thing. It ran behind a tree. It was afraid of him. Jim looked and looked. He saw
it was a very strange man.
The man went down on his knees, clasped his hands, and looked up at Jim.
"Who are you?" Jim asked.
"I am poor Ben Gunn. I have been on this island all alone, for three years.
Jim looked at him. He had on a leather belt with a brass buckle. The rest of his clothes were
just bits of canvas fasten together with bits of stick.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. Why were the seamen excited?
2. What did Jim do when his boat reached the shore?
3. Why did Silver kill Tom?
4. What did Ben Gunn do when he saw Jim's pistol?
5. How long had Ben Gunn been on the island?

29. Read the passage.

Long, long ago, there was a cruel king in India. Everyone was afraid of him. The people were
very poor, because the King took all their money. One day the King's soldiers brought a poor man to
the palace. The man didn't have any money and so he couldn't pay his taxes. "If you don't pay
immediately, I'll kill you," said the King. "l can't pay," said the poor man, "because I haven't got any
money." Then you must die!," said the King.
The man fell to the floor. "Please let me go, Your Majesty," he said, "If you don't kill me, I'll
teach your horse to talk." The King had a wonderful white horse and he was very proud of it. He
smiled. "All right," he said, "you can have one year. If you teach the horse to talk, I'll give you gold
and silver. But if you don't, I'll kill you."
Two soldiers took the man to the horse's stable. "You're stupid," said one of the soldiers.
"You can't teach a horse to talk. It's impossible. At the end of the year, the King will kill you." "Ah,"
said the man, "I'm not stupid. Before the end of the year, four things might happen. The King might
die. I might die. The horse might die....or the horse might talk.

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Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)

1. Why was everyone afraid of the King?
2. Why did the soldiers bring a poor man to the palace?
3. Could the poor man pay his taxes? Why?
4. Why was the king proud of his horse?
5. Why was the poor man not stupid?

30. Read the passage.

There was once a farmer who had a buffalo. The animal worked hard under the hot sun in the
rice fields. It never complained. One day, the farmer looked at his buffalo and said, "You are slow
and ugly. Look at the tiger. Its fur shines in the sunlight. It is strong and it runs fast." The buffalo
said nothing. It was too hot and tire to argue with the farmer.
The next day a tiger attacked the farmer. When the buffalo heard his master's cries for help, it
hurried to the rescue. One seeing the buffalo, the tiger left the farmer and pounced on the buffalo.
The angry buffalo threw the tiger into the air and butted it. The farmer was surprised at the buffalo's
strength. After that day, he was very kind to his buffalo.
Answer these questions. Give complete answers. (10 marks)
1. Why did the farmer prefer the tiger to the buffalo?
2. How did the buffalo feel during the fight?
3. What did the farmer grow in his field?
4. What made the farmer change his mind about the buffalo?
5. How did the buffalo show his strength?
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VI. Punctuate the following.

1. her aunt asked youre coming along with us marlar arent you
2 he said well i dont know that whats the next question
3. teacher asked thura you havent finished your homework have you
4. mother said to thuzar why dont you bring your umbrella
5. my sister said yes im sure ive got bananas to eat if im hungry
6. su she said ive made lots of mistakes
7. stop sandar said thats mine
8. carrot i dont buy that stuff mom said
9. no said he i cant do it alone
10. i said she has manners but she doesnt have language

1. mr wells said i cant figure out how to assemble my daughters tricycle
2. i went to a self service store last sunday but i didnt buy anything said ohnmar
3. mr rice said im going to go to chicago
4. she said ive been using sign language since i was a baby
5. i dont want to tell you but i think i ought to mother said isabel
6. my teacher said well i know you have tried your best havent you
7. whats wrong with you youve been silent all day i told my friend
8. tom said ive been digging the garden and thats why im so dirty

1. thida said weve been living in yangon since we left bago
2. mother said i dont think hell come back before may
3. id like to go to ngapali beach in rakhine state said my brother
4. thida why didnt you come yesterday said nila
5. ko swe asked me have you ever been to the silver pagoda in cambodia
6. the manager said ill go to nay pyi taw on sunday
7. mother asked ko lay why dont you go to school today
8.daw mya said to ma thuzar my daughter has been on diet since last october

I. kaythi said im going to mandalay in april
2. the docotr said to thura dont eat too much chocolate
3. i havent seen sandar since last may said ohnmar
4. the headlines should be about football the beautiful sport not about fifa said prince ali
5. when im older want to be a photographer he said
6. i think youd better not come to work a few days cathy advised the doctor

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1. the teacher told her dont bring a dictionary
2. nyi nyi said to his friend did you enjoy your vacation in ngapali
3. i went to a supermarket last sunday but i didnt buy anything said my aunt
4. have you ever been to nay pyi taw our capital said thura
5. ill send you an email before christmas said susan to me
6. well u see said if you want to see me come to my office
7. daughter you shouldnt wear indecent dresses said daw yin mya
8. the teacher said thiha if you dont do your homework youll be punished
9. the doctor said to thuzar you cant eat solid food but you can drink milk
10. thida said i dont think i can attend the meeting which will be held on monday
11. father said to nilar dont waste your time
12. dont you think its rude to stare at someone thida said sandar
13. my father is going to japan on business said aung tun
14. we visited the musical fountain in sentosa when we were in singapore last year said
ohnmar tun
15. thiha said to tayza will you go to mandalay to enjoy thingyan festival
16. hurry up son said mother youll miss your ferry to school
17. ko ko said i'll try my best
18. no other story i have ever read is as touching as dreams do come true
19. if you dont like this ill take it said thuzar
20. ohnmar said id like to go to singapore to visit the jurong bird park
21. the mountaineers said dont worry about us well be all right
22. nilar said to sithu dont worry about me ill be all right
23. im very satisfied with what youve done john said the manager
24. they said well meet you again at 8 oclock on monday
25. the author said thus if you visit the moon deciding what to wear could be a problem
26. i always watch both mrtv and myawadi in the evening
27. my brother ko gyi got a bsc degree last year
28. ill see what i can do dont worry said the doctor to the old patient
29. thu thu said mother can i go to mandalay for a fewdays
30. shall we go to the canteen after class htwe htwe said to her friends
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လ လ

Old young clean dirty

Clever stupid hot cold
Well ill/unwell lucky unlucky
Strong weak heavy light
Short tall/long safe dangerous
Easy difficult polite wild/rude
Interesting boring thin fat/thick
Small big/large happy sad/sorry
Narrow wide/broad careful careless
Poor rich slow/slowly quick/fast
Simple complex/difficult bad/badly good/well
Cheap expensive low high
Seriously lightly beautiful ugly
Near far modern ancient
Brave afraid noisy quiet

Verb forms လ

(1) arise arose arisen arising

(2) awake awoke awoken awaking
(3) is/am/are was/were been being
(4) bear bore born bearing
(5) beat beat beaten beating
(6) begin began begun beginning
(7) bend bent bent bending
(8) bite ` bit bitten bitting
(9) bleed bled bled bleeding
(10) blow blew blown blowing
(11) break broke broken breaking
(12) bring brought brought bringing လ
(13) build built built building
(14) burn burnt burnt burning လ
(15) buy bought bought buying ၀
(16) catch caught caught catching
(17) choose chose chosen closing
(18) come came come coming လ
(19) cost cost cost costing
(20) cut cut cut cutting
(21) dig dug dug digging
(22) do did done doing လ
(23) draw drew drawn drawing
(24) dream dreamt dreamt dreaming
(25) drink drank drunk drinking
(26) drive drove driven driving
(27) dwell dwelt dwelt dwelling
(28) eat ate eaten eating
(29) fall fell fallen falling လ
(30) feed fed fed feeding

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(31) feel felt felt feeling

(32) fight fought fought fighting
(33) find found found finding
(34) flee fled fled fleeing
(35) fly flew flown flying
(36) forget forgot forgotten forgetting လ
(37) freeze froze frozen fleezing
(38) get got got getting
(39) give gave given giving
(40) go went gone going
(41) grind ground ground grinding
(42) grow grew grown growing
(43) hang hung hung hanging လ
(44) have had had having
(45) hear heard heard hearing
(46) hide hid hidden hiding ၀
(47) hit hit hit hitting
(48) hold held held holding
(49) hurt hurt hurt hurting
(50) keep kept kept keeping
(51) kneel knelt knelt kneeling
(52) know knew known knowing
(53) lay laid laid laying လ လ
(54) lead led led leading
(55) lean leant leant leaning
(56) leap leapt leapt leaping
(57) learn learnt learnt learnning
(58) leave left left leaving
(59) lend lent lent lending
(60) lie lay lain lying လ လ
(61) lose lost lost losing
(62) make made made making လ
(63) mean meant meant meaning လ
(64) meet met met meeting
(65) pay paid paid paying
(66) put put put putting
(67) read read read reading
(68) ride rode ridden riding
(69) ring rang rung ringing
(70) rise rose risen rising
(71) run ran run running
(72) say said said saying
(73) see saw seen seeing
(74) seek sought sought seeking
(75) sell sold sold selling
(76) send sent sent sending
(77) shine shone shone shining
(78) shoot shot shot shooting

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(79) show showed shown showing

(80) shrive shrove shriven striving
(81) sing sang sung singing
(82) sink sank sunk sinking
(83) sit sat sat sitting
(84) sleep slept slept sleeping
(85) smell smelt smelt smelling .
(86) speak spoke spoken speaking
(87) speed sped sped speeding
(88) spend spent spent spending
(89) spoil spoilt spoit spoiling
(90) spring sprang sprung springing
(91) stand stood stood standing
(92) steal stole stolen stealing
(93) sting stung stung stinging
(94) strike struck struck striking
(95) string strung strung stringing
(96) swear swore sworn swearing
(97) sweep swept swept sleeping
(98) swim swam swum swiming
(99) take took taken taking
(100) teach taught taught teaching
(101) tear tore torn tearing
(102) tell told told telling
(103) think thought thought thinking
(104) throw threw thrown throwing
(105) wake woke woken waking
(106) wear wore worn wearing ၀
(107) weep wept wept weeping
(108) win won won wining
(109) write wrote written writing

VII. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence that is

(1) Although she is busy, she always finds time to help others.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) They planted coconut trees along the coast.
Coconut trees ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) The Omar Ali Saifuddin mosque is one of the most attractive mosques in Asia.
There are very few ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) The gold ring is so small that I cannot wear it.
It is such ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Chaungtha is a beautiful beach. Ngwe Saung is a beautiful beach.
Both ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(6) I have read all the books on my bookshelf.

There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Hla Hla will not come if you do not invite her.
Without ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) He revised all the lessons and then went to school.
After ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) As soon as he got the solution to the problem, he ran to tell his teacher.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) “Did anyone inform the fire station about the fire?” the man said.
The man wanted to know ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) If you do not study hard, you will not pass the examination.
Unless ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) Ko Tu went out for a walk. He did not tell anyone at home.
Without ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Nyi Nyi was allowed to play when he had finished his work.
After Nyi Nyi ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Einstein was one of the most famous scientists in the world.
Very few scientists ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) As soon as he saved up enough money, he bought a flat for his family.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Did someone use my computer in my absence?
Was ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) U Mg Mg is not a good husband. U Mg Mg is not a good father.
U Mg Mg is neither ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) We donated food and clothes to the fire victims.
Food and clothes ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) The bag of rice is too heavy for the boy to carry.
The bag of rice is so ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) Mother said to me, “Where have you been the whole evening?”
Mother asked ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) Unless you follow the instructions, you will not know how to operate this machine.
If you ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) Ko Soe is very lazy. He always spends the whole day lying in bed.
Ko Soe is so ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Thandar said to me, “Can I talk to you about this problem?”
Thandar asked me ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) An unhappy home environment can affect a child's behaviour.
A child's behaviour ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) As she thought more about her health, she became more depressed.
The more ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) When she was offered a good salary, she accepted the job.
Being ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Girls are better at learning foreign languages than boys.
Boys ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(8) Although Kyi Pyar finds Physics boring, she is good at it.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) The day was so foggy that we could not see the road.
It was such ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) The motor can be fed by an electric current. The motor can be fed by a battery.
The motor can be fed either ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) The child is not tall enough to reach the bottle on the shelf.
The child is too ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) The teacher is so kind and patient that every student loves her.
She is such ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Yangon is one of the most densely populated city in Myanmar.
Very few ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) “I’ll see you in the office, Mg Mg,” said the headmistress.
The headmistress told ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Pyin Oo Lwin is famous for flowers. It is a pleasant town.
Pyin Oo Lwin, ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) A new engine is being replaced in my car by the mechanic.
The mechanic ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Ko Ko studied his lessons for three hours and then went to bed.
After Ko Ko ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) As soon as the teacher left the class, the children began to play.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Unless we have passports, we can't go abroad.
If ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) Both my sister and I do not like watching TV.
Neither ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) As soon as their father arrived home, they had their dinner.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) Myo Aung watered the plants and then went out to play with his friends.
After Myo Aung ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Although he was very tired, he went on working.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) All houses in this quarter have vegetable gardens.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) My elder sister sent me a birthday present.
I ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) The doctor said to Ko Ko, “Give up smoking or you will not get well.”
The doctor warned Ko Ko ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) We could not stop our car. We could not slow down our car.
We could neither ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Mya Mya cooks better than her sister.
Mya Mya is a ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) If you tease the dog more, it will get angrier.
The more ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(10) U Min Thwin has gone to Japan. He is the managing director of our company.
U Min Thwin, ..........

(1) It is better for you if you don't know much about this matter.
The less you ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) Both Kyaw Zin and Min Min did not finish their homework.
Neither ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Zarni is one of the smartest students in the class.
Very few students ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Although U Mya works very hard, his business is not thriving.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) The headmistress was too busy to meet the guests.
The headmistress was so ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) As soon as the teacher entered the classroom, the students became silent.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) 7. Nyi Nyi said “|What have you done with my computer, Ko Ko?”
Nyi Nyi asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Humans can control many things about nature.
It is humans ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Sandar did not feel well enough to go to the School Family Day Celebration.
Sandar felt too ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) When Khin Khin heard that she passed the matriculation examination with five distinctions,
she was delighted.
Hearing ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) Unless you get up early, you will miss the first train.
If ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) When the light went out, we had just finished the work.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Ma Khin Lay is so beautiful that everybody can't help gazing at her.
Ma Khin Lay is such ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Both Ko Kyaw Swar and Ko Thaw Tar are not good at swimming.
Neither ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) The arteries allow the blood to flow away from the heart.
It is ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Nobody has known the reasons of this problem yet.
The reasons ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Father said, “I'm very tired and I need a rest.”
Father said ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) My uncle exercises in the morning and then leaves for work.
After ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) He had seen me in a photograph. So he recognized me at once.
Having ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) The movie wasn't very good. We watched it last night.
The movie which ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(1) “How long does it take to get to the city centre?” I asked her.
I asked her ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) As soon as I shut the door, I realized that I had left my keys inside.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Because of the storm, all flights are cancelled until Monday.
Because of the storm, there is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) The resort offers many facilities for young and old alike.
Many facilities ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) If you tease the dog more, it will get angrier.
The more ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Thuzar got to the airport so late that she did not catch her plane home.
Thuzar got to the airport too ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Watching television at home is not as interesting as going to the cinema.
Going to the cinema ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) When I looked out across the ocean, I saw a beautiful island.
Looking ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Mother cooks something special for us at weekends. If not, she takes us to a restaurant.
Mother either ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) The surgeon operated on the patient. He did not use any kind of anaesthetic.
Without ----------------------------------------------------.

/ /

(1) As soon as I saved up enough money, I bought a new computer.

No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) The unusual high tide completely washed away several buildings.
Several buildings ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) The man said to me, “Bring this ticket with you tomorrow.”
The man asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) All the computers in our department are currently in use.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) U Ba lost all his money. He also found himself in debt.
U Ba not only ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) The earthquake was so strong that it caused a lot of damage near its epicentre.
It was such ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Although he fell from a great height, he did not break any bones.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) As the day of her wedding drew near, she became more nervous.
The nearer ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) If the earth did not have a moon, there wouldn't be any tides.
Unless ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) The music band is more concerned with making money than with making music.
The music band is not ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) My brother rushed into the kitchen when he arrived home from school.
Arriving ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(2) The man was so rich that he made a generous donation to the charity.
He was such ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) The Shwedagon is the greatest pagoda in Myanmar.
No other ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) It was very hot last night. I could not get to sleep.
It was so ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Both the girls are not to be blamed.
Neither of ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Although he fell from a great height, he did not break any bones.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Cyclone Giri hit the coastal regions in Rakhine State. It was a very destructive storm.
Cyclone Giri, ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) All the computers in our department are currently in use.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) His father beat him for not attending classes regularly.
He ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) The tourist said to the guide, “Can I buy some silverware from Bogyoke Market?”
The tourist asked ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) Unless we have spare wheels, we cannot begin our journey.

If ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) All the teachers in our department wear glasses.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Neither Ni Ni nor Mi Mi knows how to use a computer.
Both ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Moe Moe said to her brother, “Where do you keep my watch?”
Moe Moe asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Although she is a good actress, she has never received the Academy Award.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) The elders should teach children how to behave well.
Children ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) The puzzle is too difficult for us to solve.
The puzzle is not ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) As soon as the trees had been felled, the branches were cut off.
No sooner----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Don't expect to get high marks if you don't study your lessons regularly.
Without ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) We had our lunch at a restaurant and then we set out.
After ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) Although Yupar is beautiful, she is not friendly.

In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) Mya Thet did all the housework, then she went to the movie with her friends.
After ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) He went to bed. He did not eat anything last night.
Without ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(4) If you leave your home soon, you will arrive the station early.
The sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) If you don't sit quietly, you will have to leave the room.
Unless ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) The road is too narrow for the truck to go through.
The road is not ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) A computer is a useful device. It is an essential device, too.
A computer is both ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) They received more information than we did.
We ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Junction Mortin is one of the most attractive shopping centers in Yangon.
Very few ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) When father had trimmed the fence, he watered the plants.
Having ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) The weather was too cold for them to go for a swim.
The weather was so ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) He ran faster than his brother.
His brother ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) When she had drawn the curtains, she switched on the light.
Having ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) All the students in this class obey the rules.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Sedona is one of the most expensive hotels in Yangon.
Very few ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) The flood has destroyed many acres of paddy fields.
Many acres of paddy fields ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Mango is liked by almost all people in Myanmar. It is a tropical fruit.
Mango, ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Nilar said, “Ko Ko, where can I get some stationery?”
Nilar asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Although she is very rich, she is stingy.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) The dogs have been fed by my aunt.
My aunt ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) Myanmar Pyay Thein Tan is an amazing singer. He could sing many songs without taking a
break throughout the night.
Myanmar Pyay Thein Tan, ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) Unless we keep our environment always clean and green, there might be problems for all
living things.
If ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Learning English is very hard.
It is ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Sue said, “Johnsy, don't move and promise me not to look out of the window.”
Sue told ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(5) My brother is too simple to understand the joke.

My brother is not ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) All countries all over the world have their national flags.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) The flood destroyed many cars in Thailand.
Many cars ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) A student took a reference book away from the library. No one saw him.
Without ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Mona Lisa is one of the most valuable paintings in the world.
Very few ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) When people grow old, they become more irritated.
The older ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) The old man said to me, “What's your name and who are your parents?”
The old man asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) Students are not allowed to take reference books away from the library.
No student ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Thura bought a watch from Ga Mone Pwint Store. It is for his only sister.
The watch which ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Nanda took about an hour to learn a few English sentences by heart.
It took ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) They didn't tell me anything about it.
I ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Although the sea was rough, the fishermen went fishing.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) The laser is used in surgical operations. If not, the knife is used in surgical operations.
Either ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) English is one of the most useful languages in the world.
Very few ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) The letters are sorted and then delivered.
After ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) All the staff in our department are well-disciplined.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) Western foods are damaging health in the industrialized country of Japan.
Health ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) “Will you not sit down, Zaw Zaw?” said the teacher.
The teacher asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) A student entered the headmaster's room. He did not knock on the door.
Without ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Ko Ko does not eat beef. Nyi Nyi does not eat beef, too.
Neither ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) AIDS is one of the most harmful diseases in the world.
Very few ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Every young boy loves to watch football matches.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(7) Kyi Pyar is too short to be a model.

Kyi Pyar is not ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) MRTV 4 broadcasts the latest and breaking news to the public.
It is ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Indonesia is one of the ASEAN countries. It is the host country for the 26th SEA Games.
Indonesia, ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) When the examination comes near, the students will become excited.
The nearer ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) Although they work very hard, their business is not thriving.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) She is such a skinny girl that her parents are worried about her health.
She is so ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) The Shan State is the largest state in Myanmar.
No other state ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) U Thint Swe is our family doctor. U Thint Swe is very kind to his patients.
U Thint Swe, ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) You can't defeat her at tennis if you don't practise regularly.
Unless ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) A group of scientists are carrying out an experiment systematically.
An experiment ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) 7. As soon as I had taken the medicine, I felt better.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) The teacher said to the students, “Do all the exercises in this chapter.”
The teacher told ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) He is a journal publisher. He is a famous writer.
He is not only ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) He finished his assignment and submitted it to his teacher.
After ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) I had eaten too much for dinner. I could not sleep well.
Having ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) All the children brought their parents to the picnic.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Although the actor acted wonderfully, he could not hold our attention.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Tobacco contains nicotine. Nicotine is a substance that stimulates the heart.
Tobacco contains nicotine, ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Organic farmers use crop rotations to improve the fertility of their soil.
Crop rotations ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Zaw Zaw plays soccer better than Tun Tun.
Tun Tun ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) “You can come and live with me in Yangon,” said Daw Lay.
Daw Lay said that ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) They spoke very loudly. We all heard what they were talking about.
They spoke so ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(9) It took the ship a few minutes to reach the shore.

The ship ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) Capillaries carry pure blood from the arteries to all the tissues and organs of the body.
It is ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) “Why were you absent yesterday?” said the teacher to Myo Min.
The teacher asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) The question was so difficult that no student in the class could answer it.
The question was too ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) This is the most interesting book I have ever read.
I have never ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) When the athlete knew that he had broken the record, he was delighted.
Knowing ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) It is hotter today than it was yesterday.
It was not ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Nothing is known about the past.
No one ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Follow your doctor's advice or you won't get better.
Unless ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) However rich U Thein is, he is not happy.
Although ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Both my parents dislikes telling lies.
Neither of ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) Her daughter was injured in a car accident. She is now in hospital.
Her daughter who ----------------------------------------------------.

/ /

(1) He folded the letter and then put it into the envelope.
After he ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) When glass was invented, the hourglass came into use.
When people ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) When the athlete knew that he had broken the record, he was delighted.
Knowing ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Yangon is the most populated city in Myanmar.
Yangon is more ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) The headmistress said, “Ko Ko, I'll see you in the office.”
The headmistress told ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) If you don't take my advice, you will get into trouble.
Unless ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Last night, as soon as I lay down, I fell asleep.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) I have read all the books on my bookshelf.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) She went on working although she was feeling unwell.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) The box is quite heavy. I cannot carry it.
The box is too ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(1) Cars and factories are putting more and more gases into the earth's atmosphere.
More and more ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) The teacher said to me, “Why were you absent yesterday?”
The teacher asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) She introduced her name by herself first, and then she presented her paper interestingly.
After ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Daw Thuzar is the most patient woman I have ever met.
No other ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) All ASEAN countries have something unique to offer.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) KBZ is a reliable bank in Myanmar. AGD is also a reliable bank in Myanmar.
Both ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Phyu Phyu is so inquisitive that no one wants to speak to her.
Phyu Phyu is such ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Myanmar Rowing team won many prizes at the 26th SEA Games.
It was ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Bagan is a famous ancient capital in Myanmar. It is regarded as one of the archaeological
treasure houses inAsia.
Bagan, ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) If that dacoit died soon, it would be good
The sooner ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) I met Thida and Nilar in the market. Thida is my neighbour. Nilar is my cousin.
I met ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) The girl looked for the key and then opened the door.
After ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Sai Sai is a good singer as well as a clever song composer.
Sai Sai is not only ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Every school has a library.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) As soon as her father arrived home, they had their dinner.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Dipa looks very elegant and so does Nanda.
Dipa looks ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) If you do not attend the class regularly, you will be punished.
Unless ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) “Where did you place my purse?” said Ma Ma.
Ma Ma asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) He played football so well that he was awarded a gold medal.
He was such ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) When the examination is near, the students become excited.
The nearer ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(1) Just as the boys started playing football, their mother asked them to help her.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) The storm was so destructive that many people became homeless.
It was such ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Was the windowpane broken by the children?
Did the children ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) She left. She did not say goodbye.
Without ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Both my brother and my sister are doctors.
Not only ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Mandalay is one of the biggest towns in Myanmar.
Very few ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) We visited Bagan last year. It is one of the tourist attractions in Myanmar.
We visited Bagan, ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) My father gave up smoking when he realized that it was harmful to his health.
Realizing ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Try your best for your future or you will regret.
Unless ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) “Can you tell me where 'May Shopping Centre' is, Ko Ko?” said Mee Mee.
Mee Mee asked ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) The elders should teach children how to behave well.

Children ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) Don't expect to get high marks if you don't study your lessons regularly.
Without ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) As soon as I shut the door, I realized that I had left my keys inside.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Watching television at home is not as interesting as going to the cinema.
Going to the cinema ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) The doctor said to Ko Ko, “Give up smoking or you will not get well.”
The doctor warned Ko Ko ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Pyin Oo Lwin is famous for flowers. It is a pleasant town.
Pyin Oo Lwin, ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Unless we have passports, we can't go abroad.
If ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Mon Mon did not feel well enough to go to the School Family Day Celebration.
Mon Mon felt too ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) We donated food and clothes to the storm victims.
Food and clothes ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) As her wedding day drew near, she became more nervous.
The nearer ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) Every teacher in this school has a mobile phone.

There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(2) Father said to me, “Why didn't you go to school yesterday?”

Father asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Mother went shopping. She didn't take her shopping list.
Without ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) As soon as I got back home, I watered the plants in the garden.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) My notebook is more expensive than yours.
Your notebook is ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Neither human beings nor animals can live on the moon.
Not only ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) In spite of being very rich, he never looks after his relatives.
Although ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Not only U Ba Chit but also his daughter is a vocalist.
Both ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Don't drink strong coffee; it will keep you awake the whole night.
If ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) Aye Thidar will go abroad next month. Aye Thidar is a famous designer.
Aye Thidar, ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) The steam roller is making a lot of noise.

A lot of noise ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) She took Decolgen for her cold and then she felt better.
After ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Singapore is one of the most developed countries in South East Asia. Most people like to
work in Singapore.
Most people ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) “Who has been using my computer?” said my brother.
My brother asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Physics is a science subject. Chemistry is a science subject.
Both ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) I am not interested in painting and my sister isn't, either.
Neither ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) All the students in our school have laptops.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) The announcer spoke too fast for us to understand what she said.
The announcer spoke so ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) If the alarm clock doesn't go off, I won't wake up.
Unless ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) As soon as the teacher left the classroom, the students started talking to each other.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) The principal is too busy to listen to you.

The principal is so ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) Ko Lay suggested that we should go to Bagan first.
It was ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Whales are the biggest mammals on earth.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(4) If you don't know much about him, it is better.

The less ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Computers and internet cafes replace type-writers and libraries.
Type-writers ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Unless you study it thoroughly, you won't understand it well.
If ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) She went out in the rain. She did not wear the raincoat.
Without ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Both the two girls are not attractive.
Neither ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) All teachers in this department have their own abilities.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) If you work hard, you will be successful.
The harder ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) She is so young that she can't stand on her own.

She is too ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) He drives so skillfully that the passengers feel safe and secure.
He is such ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) If you speak more English, you'll become more fluent.
The more English ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) When she had taken some medicine, she felt better.
Having ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) All the tourists visit Mandalay. It is the most well-known place in Myanmar.
All the tourists ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Identity cards must be brought by all candidates to the examination hall.
All the candidates ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Kyaw Kyaw studied his lessons and then he went out.
After Kyaw Kyaw ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) More fuel is used by old cars than new cars.
Old cars ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Although the questions were easy, few candidates did well in the exam.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) Cho Cho may have come here or also Nyo Nyo may have come here.
Either ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) Our teacher divided us into small groups to discuss the question.
We ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) The suitcase was very small to get all her clothes in.
The suitcase was not ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) When the weather is hotter, the demand of ice-cream is greater.
The hotter ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) When we arrived at the party, we saw Kyaw Kyaw standing alone.
Arriving ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Although Ko Ko ate an enormous breakfast, he managed to eat a big lunch.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(6) Caged birds live longer than birds in the wild.

Birds in the wild ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) The study of human white blood cells led to the discoveries of treatment in fighting AIDS.
It is ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Latin is still taught in many schools. It is a dead language.
Latin, ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) The day was so foggy that we could not see the road.
It was such ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) The motor can be fed by electric current. The motor can be fed by a battery.
The motor can be fed either ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) Ko Gyi said, “Ko Nge, why didn't you get up early this morning?”
Ko Gyi asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) Aung Aung was not intelligent enough to be able to solve this problem.
Aung Aung was too ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Our teacher was correcting the essays when we entered the room.
The essays ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Stop arguing with your sister or you'll be beaten by your mother.
Unless ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Su Su did her homework. Then, she said her prayers and went to bed.
Having ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Tun Tun has computer knowledge. Mg Mg has computer knowledge.
Both ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Yesterday, as soon as the school bell rang, I hurried home to see my father off at the airport.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Mona Lisa is one of the most valuable paintings in the world.
There are very few ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) He was such a clever student that everyone in the classroom envied him.
He was so ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) Mya Mya cooks better than her sister.
Mya Mya is ----------------------------------------------------.

/ /

(1) Mount Popa lies 50 kilometers southeast of Bagan. Mount Popa is an extinct volcano.
Mount Popa, ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) Mee Mee said to me, “What time do you get up in the morning?”
Mee Mee asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) If you don't come in time, we will leave without you.
Unless ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Autumn is the most pleasant time of the year.
No other ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Although there were danger signs, the children were swimming in the lake.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Why didn't you wash the clothes thoroughly?
Why weren't ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) As soon as she sat down at the table to study, the light went out.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(8) His parents do not allow him to smoke.

He ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) The speech was so boring that everybody fell asleep.
It was such ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) My dog could do some tricks. Nobody trained him.
Without ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) He did his homework and then watched TV.

Having ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) An essay type test is more difficult than an objective test.
An objective test is not ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) When you talk more, you make more mistakes.
The more ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) The tourist said to the boy, “Can you show me the way to the railway station?”
The tourist asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) No one locked the door yesterday.
The door ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) All mothers want their children to be successful in life.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Grandfather is too old to take care of himself.
Grandfather is so ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) As soon as I boarded the train, it left.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) You can sit here or you can wait outside.
You can either ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) Ko Ko enjoys horseback riding. Ko Lay enjoys horseback riding.
Both ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) The film was so exciting that they liked it very much.
It was such ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) As soon as she stepped out of the car, it began to rain.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) He does not know what happened. He does not care what happened.
He neither ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Japan makes good motor cars.
Good ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) All the teachers in our school are kind and patient.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) “Open your mouth wider so that I can see your teeth,” said the dentist to the patient.
The dentist told ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Bagan is visited by almost all the tourists who come to our country. Bagan is the most
famous ancient city in Myanmar.
Bagan, ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) No one can work as fast as computers.
Computers ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) If the hotel is expensive, the service is good.
The more ----------------------------------------------------.
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(10) She put on make-up and then she went into the studio.
After she ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) I have read all the books on my bookshelf.

There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) Mar Mar said to me, “When will you go abroad?”
Mar Mar asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) The weather was too hot for the children to go for a swim.
The weather was so ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) He did his homework and then watched TV.
Having ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Unless you study hard, you will fail in the examination.
If ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) As soon as he heard the news, he shouted with joy.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Hla Maung took my book but he didn't ask for my permission.
Without ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Have you ever been to Pyin Oo Lwin? It is a famous summer resort.
Have you ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) When the fire brigade arrived, the building had almost burnt down.
By the time ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) Many beautiful old buildings are being replaced by modern buildings.
Modern buildings ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) Asians eat more rice than Europeans.

Europeans ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) His parents do not allow him to smoke.
He ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) The boys could swim. Nobody taught them.
Without ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) “Why were you absent yesterday, Wunna?” said the teacher.
The teacher asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) We had just arrived home when it began to rain.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Both my sister and I were not hungry.
Neither of ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) I have read all the books on this book-shelf.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) The sum is so easy that even a child can do it.
It is such ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Although the wind was strong, our plane landed safely.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) Ngapali is an attractive beach resort. We will visit there next summer.
We will visit ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(1) She spoke very softly. I could hardly hear her.

She spoke so ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) The manager of the hotel said to me, “My staff will do their best to make sure you enjoy your
The manager of the hotel told me that ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) The drowning man was shouting. He waved his arms frightfully.
Waving ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) The money is kept in reserve for their retirement.
They ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Although they have different views, they get on well with each other.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Unless you finish your homework, you cannot go out with your friends.
If ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) He worked long hours in the cold and his hands were sore and cracked.
After ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) If you work harder, you will get better results.
Unless ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Harvey learned and taught anatomy not from books but from dissections.
It ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) As soon as WHO adopted a new policy of using traditional medicine, it became popular
especially in developing countries.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) The teacher said to the class, “Stand up.”

The teacher told ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) Cho Cho may have come here or Nyo Nyo may have come here.
Either ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) The woman is not strong enough to stand up.
The woman is too ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Every flower in the National Park looks beautiful.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) If you work harder, you will succeed more.
The ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) I cleaned the house and so did May.
Both ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) My friend speaks English much better than I do.
I do not ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Bagan is an ancient city. We will visit Bagan this summer.
We ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) The receptionist is ill. She works at the lawyer's office.
The receptionist who ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) Though the weather was hot, the students continued playing football.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(1) This pen is not mine. It is not hers.

This pen is neither ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) When mother had finished the washing, she started knitting.
Having ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) The manager came into the office. Nobody saw him.
Without ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Pyin Oo Lwin is a beautiful hill resort. We will visit there next summer.
We will visit ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) The question was so difficult that no one could answer it.
It was such ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) My sister has washed and ironed all the shirts in this basket.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) We had just arrived home when it began to rain.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Although the rain was heavy, we didn't get wet.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) “How long have you been waiting for me?” said Moe Moe to her friend.
Moe Moe asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) I have not returned the book to the library yet.
The book ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) The flight was delayed as the weather was bad.

Due to ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) The dog rushed towards the gate as soon as the boy let it out of the kennel.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) It is better for you if you don't know much about the problem.
The less ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Jimmy said to Mary, “May I know your phone number?”
Jimmy asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Identity cards must be brought by all candidates to the examination hall.
All candidates ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Thura plays golf better than Thiha.
Thiha ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Both Myo Myo and Soe Soe were present at the party yesterday.
Neither ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) If you don't follow the teacher's advice, you won't get the correct answer.
Unless ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) You cannot pass the matriculation examination unless you work really hard.
Without ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) The room is so large that it can be used as a reception room.
The room is large ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) My grandmother taught me how to cook curries.

I ----------------------------------------------------.
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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(2) You are too young to understand what I mean.

You are not ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) If we travel more quickly, we will reach our destination faster.
The more ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) When the athlete knew that he had broken the record, he was delighted very much.
Knowing ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Although she took regular exercises, she did not lose weight.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Ma Ma speaks English more fluently than her friends.
Her friends ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) The Myanmar Traditional Chinlone Teams won many gold medals in the 27th SEA Games.
It ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Inlay Lake is visited by most tourists. It is one of the tourist attractions in Myanmar.
Inlay Lake, ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) The journey was so exciting that I could not forget it.
It was such ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) We will go to Ngapali in summer. We will go to Chaungtha in summer.
We will go either ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) When we reached the village, it was already dark.

By the time ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) I said to my brother, “What happened to your computer?”
I asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Diamond is the most precious stone in the world.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) When the boys had done their homework, they went to bed.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) The maid swept the floor and then polished it.
After ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Myanmar is an agricultural country. Thailand is an agricultural country.
Both ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) The meeting was so important that all officials had to attend it.
It was such ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Unless you behave well, you'll not be allowed to attend the party.
If you ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Myanmar is a beautiful country. It is rich in natural resources.
Myanmar is not only ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) The book is not interesting enough for me to continue to read it.
The book is too ----------------------------------------------------.

/ /

(1) English is one of the most useful languages.

Very few ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) When I entered the room, I found that the window was open.
Entering ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) The winning goal was scored by Aung Aung.
Aung Aung ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(4) Mg Khin is clever enough to answer the question to the teacher's satisfaction.
Mg Khin is so ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) The tourist said to the boy, “Can you show me the way to the railway station?”
The tourist asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) He drives so skillfully that the passengers feel safe and secure.
He is such ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Although she has a very good job, she isn't well-paid.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Unless you heed your parent's words, you'll get into trouble.
If ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Daylight is better than electric light.
Electric ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) The philosopher came back empty-handed. So did the medico.
Both ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) The headmistress gave us a speech in the hall yesterday.

We ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) The book is too boring for me to read to the end.
The book is not ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) When you ride your bike faster, the danger is greater.
The faster ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) When he had done his homework, he read the newspaper.
Having ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) These potted plants look more beautiful than the flowers in my garden.
The flowers in my garden ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Although he fell from a great height, he did not break any bones.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) My eldest sister sent me a lovely doll as a present.
It ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Inlay is very famous among tourists. It is a huge freshwater lake in Shan State.
Inlay, ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) The suit was so expensive that I could not afford it.
It was such ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) She may have gone to the pagoda. She may have gone to the monastery.
She may have gone either ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) Although he worked the whole night, he couldn't finish the task.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) I was taught by experience that life is meaningful.
Experience ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) As soon as Mya Mya realized that the house was on fire, she rang the fire station.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Every student in our school obeys the rules and regulations.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) U Hla Maung is a very strict person. He is the managing director of our company.
U Hla Maung, ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(6) Robots can work more precisely than human workers.

Human workers ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Mother said to Ko Ko, “Did you go to the cinema with your friends yesterday?”
Mother ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) The students left the classroom. They did not shut all the windows.
Without ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) The day was so wet and cold that we stayed indoors.
It was such ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) My sister and I cannot answer this question.
Neither ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) You can find lots of good restaurants around here.

Lots of ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) Nyi Nyi's mother said to him, “What did you do at school today?”
Nyi Nyi's mother asked him ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) I told my mother about my problem. Then I felt as if a weight had been lifted from my
After ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Crowds line the road. They cheered the victorious footballers.
Lining ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Although I had had a big lunch, I was very hungry.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) If the football team does not train hard, it will not qualify for the World Cup.
Unless ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) I had become very bored with running on my own. I decided to join a running club.
I had become so ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Walking cuts out pollution. It also has the advantage of slowing down your lifestyle.
Walking not only ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) A number of important vitamins are found naturally in dark green vegetables like spinach.
It ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) My headache was so bad that I could not think straight.
I had such ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) The police have issued a description of the wanted man.

A description ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) Capillaries carry pure blood from the arteries to all the tissues and organs of the body.
It ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) If the hotel does not have an internet connection, I will not send you an e-mail.
Unless ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) As soon as the ship left port, a violent storm developed.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) “Don't forget to give me a ring tomorrow, Peter,” said Michael.
Michael told ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Manila is the capital of the Philippines. Manila comes alive with discos and the rhythms of
Filipino band and pop groups at night.
Manila, ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(7) All tigers eat flesh.

There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Mg Mg's motor cycle was stolen last night. Nobody saw it.
Without ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) When people become wealthy, they will be proud.
The wealthier ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) Computer is one of the greatest inventions.
Very few ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) A crowded bus hit the lamp post near our house.
The lamp post ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) If she does not take exercises, she will gain weight.
Unless ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Although my sister is thin, she is healthy.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Everyone needs good health.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Nilar said, “Did you go to Ngapali with your friends last year, Tun Tun?”
Nilar asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) The maid sang a song. She washed the clothes under the tree.
Singing ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) The main aim to use a certain language is to communicate with each other.
It is ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) A wise man controls his anger. He knows that it causes mistakes.
A wise man ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Sittway is a coastal town in Rakhine State. Sittway is clean and beautiful.
Sittway, ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) Daw Nu was very satisfied with her son's marks in the test. She gave him a new watch.
Daw Nu was so ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) After Ma Ma had tidied her room, she took a rest.

Having ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) “Can't you draw in your room?” Ko Ko said to Mi Mi.
Ko Ko asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) I had just sat at the table when the lights went out.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) The fishermen threw out their nets and waited patiently.
After ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Although he had good qualities, he was quite stubborn.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) The organizers must display a great number of goods in a minimum space.
A great number ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) He was so rich that he did not care about the high cost of living.
He was too ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Neither Ko Ko nor Nyi Nyi eats beef.
Not only ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(9) You can save your money in the bank. If not, you can buy gold bars with it.
You can either ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) Greenland is the biggest island in the world.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) The teacher said to the students, “Why weren't you listening to me?”
The teacher asked ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) Kate showed me all the things she bought.
I ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) Bill Gates is so rich that he is rated as one of the richest men in the world.
Bill Gates is such ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) As soon as Kyi Kyi saw the fire, she telephoned the fire department.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Every student has to bring his identity card to the examination hall.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Although Helen was a difficult child, her parents loved her.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) I had a cup of tea before I left for work this morning.
After I ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Football is the most popular game in the world. We all like to play football.
We all like ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Both of the restaurants we went to were expensive.
Neither of ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) Jurong Bird Park is larger than any other bird park in Southeast Asia.
No ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) The novel was very interesting and I read it twice.

It was such ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) I didn't know her phone number, so I was not able to ring her.
Not ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) This computer holds less information than that one.
This computer does ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) My father didn't earn much money, so life wasn't easy for us.
If my father had ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) It's difficult to find work these days but Joe has just given up his job.
Even though ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) I arrived at the cinema early not to miss the beginning of the film.
I arrived at the cinema early in order that ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) I asked my mother, “Did you book a room with a balcony?”
I asked my mother ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) Archaeologists have discovered a new tomb in Egypt.
A new tomb ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Ngapali is an attractive beach. Most people like to visit there.
Most people ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) I bought a watch from Cherry Oo. It is a birthday present for my sister.
The watch which ----------------------------------------------------.

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SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

(1) Nowadays, respect for money has replaced respect for wisdom and knowledge.
Nowadays, respect for wisdom ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) The climb was so difficult that we stopped to rest several times.
It was such ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) She said, “I'd love to help you, but I'm going on holiday with my friends tomorrow.”
She said that ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) Computers were developed at the same time as TV and radio. Computers were put into
public service in 1944.
Computers, ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Although there were warnings about the approaching storm, the fishermen went ahead as
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) Mosquitoes are the most highly developed insect bloodsuckers.
No other insect bloodsucker ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) University students in many countries do part-time jobs. They earn some money.
By ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) The number of wi-fi networks is growing rapidly. They are easy and inexpensive to set up.
Being ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) The population explosion has pushed people towards towns and cities.
It is the population explosion ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) The four young men paid their respects to their professor. They set forth on their journey
Before ----------------------------------------------------.

(1) The audience needs to be more disciplined or they will be asked to leave this stadium.
Unless ----------------------------------------------------.
(2) The scientists are paying close attention to how mosquitoes cause infectious diseases.
Close attention ----------------------------------------------------.
(3) The problem was so difficult that he could not solve it in a short time.
The problem was not ----------------------------------------------------.
(4) The poodle is one of the most intelligent breeds of dogs.
Very few ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) You will be treated by others as you treat them.
Others ----------------------------------------------------.
(6) As soon as I closed my eyes, I fell asleep.
No sooner ----------------------------------------------------.
(7) Although the price was high, we decided to buy the house.
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------.
(8) As I worked more, I spend less time with my family.
The more ----------------------------------------------------.
(9) Learning can help us experience the beauty of the world.
It is ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) All students deserve equal opportunities to learn and succeed in life.
There is no ----------------------------------------------------.
########## S. M. S ##########

125 Page
လ - ၀၉၄၂၁၇၄၇၃၉၆ ၀၉၉၅၆၁၉၂၁၉၄
SUN MOON STAR Academic Centre Matriculation English Work Book

126 Page
လ - ၀၉၄၂၁၇၄၇၃၉၆ ၀၉၉၅၆၁၉၂၁၉၄

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