Manahan, Jolina

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When I went to Collage, I really Wanted to be a teacher, but I don't have Confidence in myself to pass
the education board exam, so i chose BSIT Because my mom told me to Tock that course i have no
Choice that time, and the time goes by, Year 2022 I graduate in college on time, ill make my parents
proud, and I decide to work in private company, when i was at work, I still regret why i didn't try to take
an Education Course, and something seemed to be missing, I have something else to prove myself. And
one day I dreamed that I passed the Education board exam, I wonder how come I cant take the LET
because im not educational graduated, and i have no idea about this, So I serched what to do, then I
found I can just take 18 units only that's equivalent to 1 Semester, And i decide to stay at my work to
earn money to save and Study again. and I realized that i am still young and don't have a family of my
own yet, I will studying for as long as I can, if I can Graduate and Pass the Board exam soon, I will Fulfill
my dream of becoming a Teacher. I will use what i will learn here in this school to teach young people,
And I will also share my experience with the youth l encouraging them to keep fighting despite their
young Age. I believe that my Decision to study in this School Will help me in the upcoming Broad Exam. I
will do my best to finish and graduate from this school. And I will Strive to pass the Board Exam to make
my family proud, maybe even this school.

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