De Ocampo Essay

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Republic of the Philippines

North Eastern Mindanao State University

Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

Name: DE OCAMPO MICO G. Date: May 28, 2023

Year and Section: BSCRIM – 3D

Reflective Essay

I learned that Investigative writing reports and presentations are aimed at presenting in-
depth research and analysis on a particular topic or issue. These types of seminars typically focus
on teaching participants how to conduct investigative research, gather evidence, analyze data,
and present their findings effectively. Seminars on investigative writing emphasize the
importance of research and teach participants various techniques for gathering information. This
includes conducting interviews, reviewing documents, analyzing data, and utilizing online
resources.As a student I learned about different investigative techniques used such as fact-
checking, and verifying information. I also learn how to identify reliable sources and how to
detect bias or misinformation. I learned also from the speaker point of view is all about
effectiveness of investigative reports and have a clear and logical structure. Seminars often cover
techniques for organizing information, and outlining the main points of the report. Student's who
are present their also learn how to create an engaging introduction, body paragraphs that present
evidence and analysis, and a conclusion that summarizes the findings.That seminar with the help
of speaker PEMS Gerafel Manalangit Ulvida teach participants how to evaluate and interpret
evidence, analyze data, and draw meaningful conclusions. They may also cover statistical
analysis techniques and methods for presenting complex information in a clear and
understandable manner.That certain Seminars focus on developing a clear and concise writing
style appropriate for investigative reports without any flowering word. Participants learn how to
use language effectively to convey their findings and engage the audience. The speaker
mentioned also in conducting Investigative writing and reporting require adherence to ethical
guidelines. He discuss the importance of integrity, accuracy, and fairness in investigative work. I
learn about ethical challenges they may encounter and how to navigate them professionally.

As a law enforcement officer someday it help me in assisting and enable to communicate

crucial information efficiently, maintain accurate records, and contribute to successful
investigations and legal proceedings. I discovered that the report, if lapse within a weeks the
report will be called belated reports and also I learned that the investigator on case may need to
present case updates or briefings to superiors, colleagues, or other relevant parties. Effective
presentation skills are crucial in conveying information clearly and persuasively, helping the
audience understand the facts, analysis, and conclusions of your investigation. I discovered that
reports are used to document any incidents you respond to, such as accidents, assaults, or thefts.
Your writing should be concise, objective, and include relevant details about the event. I learn
that we will need to write detailed and accurate reports documenting the facts, evidence, and
statements related to a particular case. This includes recording witness interviews, crime scene
observations, and any other relevant information. The speaker also mentioned about Search
Warrants and Affidavits. When applying for search warrants, you'll need to draft affidavits that
provide a clear and persuasive narrative, outlining the probable cause and necessity for the
search. SMS was also mentioned by the speaker which the acronym means short message.
Before it is very difficult to undergo investigative report due to many factors that be consider but
until the rise of mobile communication in tha late 1980's and early 1920's the investigative report
evolved. Because of data restrictions, today it easy to use SMS Which popular to used to
defferentiate a message saint by email, phone, or an instant message provider. And lastly I
descovered that making an SMS in the department like Police or CID for the investigation and
analysis of a crime, one should follow the 5W and 1 H . There is a process to be followed while
investigating a case or crime. I learn so much during the interaction differently because every
time there's questions in relation to the investigative report given from the 3rd year criminology
student the speaker literally answered and emphasized.through the interaction differently it
broaden my capacity specially Strategies for collecting relevant data, including interviews,
surveys, public records, and online research. Further, I understand how the Fact-Check properly,
the methods for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of information before including it in a
report.Tips for writing clear, concise, and engaging investigative reports and must not involve
any flowering words only is direct and concise. As a criminology student, there are several
crucial elements that should be present in an investigative report and presentation seminar.It is
crucial to attend in this kind of seminar because in times we will become a law enforcement
officer, so it easy to us to handle any case and making such investigative report/spot report. We
can also obtain ethical considerations. Address any ethical issues that emerged during the
investigation, such as maintaining confidentiality, protecting the privacy of individuals involved,
or ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the information presented.It is crucial because we can
obtain and gain knowledge in interpreting the findings and providing a detailed analysis of the
evidence. Identify patterns, trends, and relationships that may help understand the nature of the
crime or incident. Use criminological theories, concepts, and empirical research to support the
analysis. We can also practice our skill in presenting the factual information and evidence
gathered during the investigation. Organizing the findings logically and clearly, supporting them
with relevant data, witness statements, forensic reports, or other sources. Attending a seminar on
investigative reporting can provide me as a criminology student with several new implications
knowledge and benefits. It will enhanced my skills , Investigative reporting seminars with the
help of speaker PEMS Gerafel Manalangit Ulvida he often focus on teaching students advanced
research techniques, including how to gather and analyze information effectively. These skills
can be valuable in other academic disciplines or professional settings that require in-depth
research.It also broad my critical Thinking and Analysis when it comes from Investigative
reporting which requires critical thinking and the ability to analyze complex issues. By attending
the seminar, It can develop my skills in evaluating evidence, identifying biases, and drawing
logical conclusions. These critical thinking skills are transferable and can benefit you in various
academic and professional context Investigative journalism often deals with sensitive and
controversial topics. Seminars on investigative reporting typically emphasize ethical
considerations, such as protecting sources, ensuring accuracy, and maintaining journalistic
integrity. Learning about these ethical principles can help me in navigating moral dilemmas in
my future career and academic pursuits. Investigative reporting seminars often provide insights
into the current media landscape and its challenges. This knowledge can help me critically
evaluate news sources and media content in your daily life. Attending such events allows you to
expand your network and connect with like-minded individuals, potential mentors, and future
collaborators. Networking can open doors to internships, job opportunities, and collaborations in
the field of investigation or related areas. And I'm Be actively engaged, participate in
discussions, and make the most of the opportunity to learn and grow me as student interested in
investigative reporting. As a criminology student, understanding and effectively utilizing spot
reports is crucial for your future career in law enforcement or criminal justice. Spot reports play
a significant role in documenting and reporting criminal incidents or suspicious activities. The
concepts from the session stood out to me as being the most crucial was all about the context of a
spot report, it contains SMS stands for Short Messaging Service. It is crucial topic because it
needs to the student to know what form of communication that allows the exchange of short text
messages between mobile devices. In the context of spot reporting, SMS can be used as a means
of quickly transmitting information, updates, or alerts to relevant parties involved in the spot
reporting process. Spot reports are typically used in law enforcement scenarios to provide timely
and concise information about a specific event or situation. They are intended to quickly convey
essential details such as the location, description, and current status of an incident. SMS can be
an effective way to disseminate spot reports as they can be sent and received rapidly, allowing
for efficient communication between different individuals or teams involved in the response or
coordination efforts. Spot reports is very crucial need to discuss because it serve as official
records of incidents. They provide a detailed account of the event, including relevant information
such as the date, time, location, involved parties, descriptions, witness statements, and actions
taken by the reporting officer. This documentation is vital for investigations, court proceedings,
and statistical analysis. Also Spot reports serve as admissible evidence in court proceedings. The
accurate and detailed documentation provided in spot reports can be used to support criminal
charges, provide testimony, or corroborate witness statements. These reports help establish the
credibility of the reporting officer and strengthen the overall case. In summary, spot reports are
vital tools for law enforcement and criminal justice professionals. They provide a comprehensive
and timely record of incidents, support investigations, facilitate information sharing, assist in
resource allocation, and serve as critical evidence in legal proceedings. As a criminology student,
understanding the significance of spot reports and how to effectively write them will enhance
your skills and readiness for a career in law enforcement. As a criminology student, attending a
seminar on spot reports can have several impacts to me. I will grab the opportunity to attend of
this kind of seminar because it literally enhanced my Knowledge. Spot reports play a crucial role
in law enforcement as they provide timely and concise information about incidents. Attending
the seminar will provide me with a deeper understanding of the significance, components, and
processes involved in creating spot reports. This knowledge will be valuable for my future career
in criminology, as you'll be equipped with a specific skillset relevant to law enforcement.
Seminars attract professionals from various fields related to criminology, including law
enforcement officers, criminal justice experts, and fellow students. Attending the seminar will
provide me with an opportunity to network with these individuals, potentially leading to valuable
connections for my future career. That I might meet potential mentors, colleagues, or even future
employers who can provide guidance and support in my professional journey. If you're pursuing
a degree in criminology, attending seminars and workshops related to your field of study
demonstrates your dedication and interest in continuous learning. It can also enhance your
academic profile by showcasing your active participation in extracurricular activities. This
involvement can be valuable when applying for scholarships, internships, or graduate
programs.speaker PEMS Gerafel Manalangit Ulvida or panel discuss his experts and share their
experiences and insights. By attending the spot report seminar, you'll be exposed to different
perspectives and real-world examples of how spot reports impact investigations and criminal
justice outcomes. This exposure can broaden my understanding of the field and provide valuable
context for your studies. Overall, attending a seminar on spot reports as a criminology student
can have a positive impact on my knowledge, practical skills, networking opportunities,
academic profile, perspective, and overall professional development. It is an opportunity to gain
valuable insights and experiences that will benefit me in my future career in criminology or law
enforcement. As a criminology student participating in a seminar on about spot reports, I
experience a range of emotions. I felt more interesting because I may feel curious and engaged in
the topic being discussed. Spot reports often involve real-life crime scenarios, investigations, and
analysis, which can captivate your interest as a criminology student. And also I feel excitement
discovering new insights and learning about different aspects of criminal incidents can be
exciting, especially if you have a passion for understanding crime and its dynamics.I feel eager
to actively participate in the seminar by asking questions, sharing your opinions, or contributing
your own experiences or knowledge related to spot reports. Spot reports may involve the
presentation of detailed and critical information, which requires you to be attentive and mentally
focused to grasp the essential elements and learn from the discussion. In some instances, spot
reports might reveal flaws or shortcomings in the criminal justice system or investigative
procedures. This realization may lead to feelings of frustration about the challenges faced in
combating crime effectively. And lastly I feel Determination. Spot reports can inspire a sense of
determination to contribute to the field of criminology and work towards improving law
enforcement practices, crime prevention strategies, or victim support services.

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