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Biotechnology Letters, Vol 20, No 8, August 1998, pp.


Bacteriorhodopsin production by cell

recycle culture of Halobacterium
Sang Yup Lee*, Ho Nam Chang, Young Soon Um, and Soon Ho Hong
Department of Chemical Engineering and BioProcess Engineering Research Center, Korea Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology (KAIST), 373–1 Kusong-dong, Yusong-gu, Taejon 305–701, Korea. Fax: 82–42–869–3910.

When Halobacterium halobium R1 was cultured with cell recycle in a bioreactor equipped with an external hollow fiber
membrane unit, the cell and bacteriorhodopsin concentrations reached in 10 days were 30.3 g cell dry weight/l and
282 mg/l, respectively. The productivity of bacteriorhodopsin (1.15 mg/l▪h) was much higher than that (0.16 mg/l▪h)
obtained by typical batch fermentation.

Introduction rhodopsin production. The results obtained from batch and

Halobacterium is a halophilic archaebacterium which cell recycle culture of H. halobium R1 are reported.
employs its membrane-bound proton pumping protein
bacteriorhodopsin to synthesize ATP under anaerobic con- Materials and methods
dition in the presence of light (Gochnauer and Kushner, Bacterial strain and culture condition
1969; Oesterhelt et al., 1991). Bacteriorhodopsin has Halobacterium halobium R1 (ATCC 29341) was grown at
recently been suggested to have several applications in the 37 °C in Hb medium (Um et al., 1997a; pH 7.0), which
design of molecular electron devices and optical computers contains per liter: NaCl, 250 g; MgCl2 6H2O, 20 g; KCl,
since it possesses desirable photophysical/chemical proper- 2 g; CaCl2 2H2O, 0.2 g; yeast extract (Difco Laboratories,
ties (Birge, 1990). For examples, Birge (1990) developed a Detroit, MI). Batch culture was carried out in a 2.5 l jar
prototype of high speed optical random access memory fermenter (Korea Fermenter Co., Incheon, Korea) contain-
using bacteriorhodopsin Langmuir-Blodgett film, while ing 1.3 l of Hb medium. Seed culture (2%, v/v) was also
Miyaska et al. (1992) developed a bacteriorhodopsin based prepared in Hb medium. Sterilized air was supplied at
artifical photorecepter. A large quantity of bacteriorhodopsin 1.3 vvm. A halogen lamp, which does not generate heat,
is in demand for research and development, but only a was used as a light source. Cell recycle culture was carried
small amount is available due to the difficulty of culti- out in the same fermenter equipped with an external
vating halobacterium. Halobacterium halobium has most membrane filter module. The polysulfone hollow fiber
frequently been employed for the production of bacterio- filter module (MWCO of 500,000, effective surface area
rhodopsin. To date, H. halobium has been cultured only in of 650 cm2) was purchased from A/G Technology Co.
batch mode, and cell density typically obtained was optical (Needham, MA). The operating volume of the system was
density at 660nm (OD660) of 1–2 (corresponding to cell 1.5 l, consisting of 1.4 l in the fermenter and 0.1 l in the
concentration of 0.9–1.8 g cell dry weight (CDW) /l) in recycling loop. Cell broth was circulated at 1.2 l/min by
3–5 days (Kushiner, 1966; Oesterhelt and Stoceckenius, diaphragm pump. The cell-free filtrate stream was drawn
1974). Little work has been done on the development of from the filter unit by a peristaltic pump. Fresh medium
better cultivation system, and bacteriorhodopsin is still was supplied at the same rate as the filtrate flow by a
produced mainly, if not in every case, by batch culture. In peristaltic pump. The dilution rate was set at 0.1 h21.
order to develop better cultivation condition, we recently Cells were first grown in a batch mode, and cell re-
examined the effect of various complex carbon/nitrogen cycling was started when cell concentration reached 1.78 g
sources and amino acids for the growth of H. halobium R1 CDW/l. The dissolved oxygen concentration was main-
(Um et al., 1997a). Yeast extract as the carbon and nitrogen tained above 20% of air saturation by increasing the
source supported best cell growth and bacteriorhodopsin agitation speed up to 500 rpm and by supplying pure
production among the tested. In this study, we attempted oxygen when required. Our previous study showed that the
to grow H. halobium to a high density with good bacterio- pH increased to 8.0 during cell growth when the initial

© 1998 Chapman & Hall Biotechnology Letters ⋅ Vol 20 ⋅ No 8 ⋅ 1998 763

S.Y. Lee et al.

pH was between 5 and 8 (Um et al., 1997b). Attempt to continued even after cells entered the stationary phase. The
control the pH at the desired value of 7.0 required cell and bacteriorhodopsin concentrations obtained in 85 h
addition of much acid, resulting in cell lysis (Um et al., were 1.87 g CDW/l and 12 mg/l, respectively. The
1997b). Therefore, pH was not controlled in this study, maximum bacteriorhodopsin productivity was 0.16 mg/l▪h
and was left to increase from the initial pH of 7.0 to at 69 h. To see the possibility of growing cells to a higher
ca. 8.0. density by fed-batch culture, varying amounts of fresh
medium were added at the end of exponential growth.
Analytical methods However, cells did not grow further (results not shown). To
Cell growth was monitored by measuring the OD660. The examine if there is growth-inhibitory product produced
OD660 of 1.0 corresponds to cell concentration of 0.89 g during cell growth, newly prepared actively growing cells
CDW/l. The concentration of bacteriorhodopsin was meas- were transferred into the supernatant of culture broth
ured as described by Shand and Betlach (1991). Cells from obtained at the end of batch culture supplemented with
2 ml culture broth were harvested by centrifugation, and varying amounts of salts and yeast extract. Again, cells did
were lysed by resuspending in 1 ml of diH2O containing not grow. These results suggested that cells produced
DNase (0.01 mg). The lysate was well mixed until it growth-inhibitory product(s) during growth, and there-
became homogeneous and no longer viscous. The lysate fore, fed-batch culture seems to be difficult to carry out
was mixed with 4 M NaOH and 4 M NH4OH in the ratio until this compound is identified and eliminated. One
of 9:0.5:0.5 (lysate:NaOH:NH4OH) in the dark. The possible inhibitory product was thought to be acetic acid
absorbance at 568nm (A568) was first measured in the dark
since its concentration at the end of batch culture was
(A5680). The mixture was exposed to light for 24 h to
0.6 g/l. However, the addition of acetic acid at the
remove retinal from purple membrane, and again the A568
concentration of 0.5–2.0 g/l in the initial medium did not
was measured (A56824). As the molecular weight of
inhibit cell growth, which suggested that acetic acid is not
bacteriorhodopsin is 26 kDa and the molar extinction
the one inhibiting cell growth.
coefficient is 63,000 M21cm21, the concentration of bac-
teriorhodopsin was determined by the following equation:
bacteriorhodopsin (g/l) 5 26,000 3 (A5680 2 A56824) / Cell recycle culture
63,000. Acetic acid concentration was measured by Since cells could not be grown to a higher density by
enzyme assay kit purchased from Bohringer (Mannheim, feeding more nutrient due to the presence of unknown
Germany). growth-inhibitory product, cell recycle culture with con-
tinuous supply of fresh medium (and continuous removal
Results and discussion of filtered broth) was considered as an alternative (Chang
Batch culture and Furusaki, 1991). The time profiles of cell growth and
Cells were first cultured in a batch mode to examine bacteriorhodopsin production during the cell recycle culti-
the growth characteristics (Fig. 1). Cell growth reached vation of H. halobium R1 are shown in Fig. 2. Cell growth
stationary phase in 60 h. Bacteriorhodopsin production was much improved compared with batch culture, and the

Figure 1 Time profiles of cell and bacteriorhodopsin Figure 2 Time profiles of cell and bacteriorhodopsin
concentrations during the batch culture of H. halobium concentrations during the cell recycle culture of H.
R1. halobium R1.

764 Biotechnology Letters ⋅ Vol 20 ⋅ No 8 ⋅ 1998

Bacteriorhodopsin production

cell concentration reached in 224 h was as high as 30.3 g density as well as higher bacteriorhodopsin concentration
CDW/l. By simply removing the unidentified growth and productivity.
inhibitor(s) from the culture broth with continuous supply
of fresh medium, H. halobium could be grown to a high Acknowledgement
density. The final bacteriorhodopsin concentration obtained This work was carried out as a part of Samsung Multi-
in 245 h was 282 mg/l, which was 23.5 times higher than media Frontier Project.
that obtained in batch culture. The bacteriorhodopsin References
productivity was 1.15 mg/l▪h. Birge, RR (1990). Annu Rev Phys Chem 41: 683–733
Chang, HN and Furusaki, S (1991). Adv Biochem Eng Bio-
In this paper, we showed for the first time that H. halobium technol 44: 27–64
Gochnauer, MB and Kushner, D J (1969). Can J Microbiol 15:
could be grown to a relatively high density by cell recycle
culture, resulting in the production of bacteriorhodopsin Kushner, DJ (1966). Biotechnol Bioeng 8: 237–245
with high productivity. To date, it has been difficult to Miyasaka, T, Koyama, K and Itoh, I (1992). Science 255:
grow H. halobium to a density greater than 1.5 g CDW/l 342–344
even though there has been much interest on this bac- Oesterhelt, D and Stoceckenius, W (1974). Methods Enzymol 31:
terium as a source of bacteriorhodopsin. H. halobium does 667–678
not utilize typical carbon sources such as glucose and Oesterhelt, D, Brachle, C and Hampp, N (1991). Quaterly Rev
sucrose, and its growth relies on the complex carbon/ Biophys 24: 425–478
Shand, RS and Betlach, MC (1991). J Bacteriol 173:
nitrogen source such as peptone and yeast extract. The
strategy described in this paper is just the beginning of Um, YS, Park, JT, Lee, SY and Chang, HN (1997a). Kor J
the effort towards the efficient production of bacterio- Biotechnol Bioeng 12: 304–308
rhodopsin. Optimization of the medium composition and Um, YS, Park, JT, Lee, SY and Chang, HN (1997b). Kor J
operation condition will allow us to achieve higher cell Biotechnol Bioeng 12: 309–313

Received: 24 April 1998

Revisions requested: 27 May 1998
Revisions received: 22 June 1998
Accepted: 23 June 1998

Biotechnology Letters ⋅ Vol 20 ⋅ No 8 ⋅ 1998 765

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