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Qualification Title : Agricultural crops production NCIII
Unit of Competency : Prepare land for agricultural crop production
Module Title : Preparing land for Agricultural Crop Production
Learning Outcomes:
LO1: Prepare for cutivation
LO 2: Prepare the cultivating equipment
LO 3: Cultivate soil

A. INTRODUCTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to prepare equipment, cultivate
the site, apply any pre-planting treatments, and care for the vehicles and equipment on completing the activity. Equipment
and machinery may be anim al- powered. It includes the completion of documentation and logbooks for the operation.

B. LEARNING ACTIVITIES:In this module you are required to go through a series of learning activities in order to complete each
learning outcome. In each learning outcome are Information Sheets, Self Checks, Task Sheets and Job Sheets.

LO 1: Prepare for cultivation

Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time

OHS hazard are mod Slides, visual Answer self Compare your 2
identified, aids check 1.1-1 answer with Reference books, sessions
assessed answer key1.1-1 online materials, (4 hours)
and suitable Performance Paper, pen,
controls are Answer job
objectives, planting
implemente sheet 1.1-1
written test calendar Immediately CBLM
d feedback from
Suitable personal Written test, Videos, Answer self Compare your 2
protective group interactive check 1.1-2 answer with CBLM sessions
equipment is discussions simulations answer key 1.1-2 (3 hours)
selected, used and
Use of personal equipment demonstrations, Simulated Immediate Toolkits, equipment 4
protective demonstration visual aids exercises, feedback from manuals, CBLM
equipment s, written test real-world instructors,
(8 hours)
Compare your
Answer self
answers with
check 1.1-3,
answer key 1.1-3
Environmental Discuss, Presentations, Answer self- Compare your CBLM, Learning 2
implications written test read check 1.1-4 answers with module sessions
information answers 1.1-4 (4 hours)
sheet 1.1-4,

LO 2: Prepare the cultivating equipment

Learning Practice Feedback Time

Methods Presentation Resources
Tools for Group Read Answer Self- Compare your  CBLM 1 hour
cultivation discussion Information check 1.2-1 answers with  Laptop
with power Sheet 1.2-1 Answer key 1.2-1  Projector
point “tools for
presentation cultivation”

Vehicles and Lecture Read Answer Self- Compare your  CBLM 1 hour
implements for Information check 1.2-2 answer with  Laptop
cultivation Sheet 1.2-2 on “ Answer key 1.2-2  Manuals
vehicles and
implements for
Maintenance and Lecture, Read Answer Self- Compare your  CBLM 1 hour
servicing written test information check 1.2-3 answers with  Laptop
sheet 1.2-3 Answer key 1.2-3
and servicing”

Proper disposal of Group Read Answer Self- Compare your  CBLM 2 hours
waste related to discussion, Information check 1.2-4 answers with  Laptop
maintenance and written test Sheet 1.2-4 on Answer key 1.2-4
servicing “Proper disposal
of waste related
to maintenance
and servicing”

LO 3: Cultivate soil

Learning Practice Feedback

Methods Presentation Resources
Content Time
Cultivation Discussion, Read Answer Compare your  LM 2 hours
Performance- information answers with  Laptop
based, written sheet 1.1-1 Self-check Answer key 1.1-1  Manuals
exam 1.1-1

Vehicles and Individualized Answer Self- Compare your  CBLM 2 hours

equipment and self-learning check 1.3-2 answers with  Laptop
operation Answer key 1.3-2  Internet

 Written Test
 Demonstration with oral questioning
After performing or demonstrating all the required tasks or competencies of this module, the trainees were able to prepare
land for agricultural crop production and monitor its performance.
The objectives of the session plan were achieved.
All my trainees passed the institutional assessment.

Prepared by:
Glaissa Mae D. Aresta

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