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Name: Rohayani
Class: A
NPM: 192122089

WHAT ? (150 WORDS) About six months ago, I re-enrolled in the

phonetics and phonology class after facing
challenges and failing last year. The initial days
were tough, walking into class without knowing
anyone felt super uneasy. But as the weeks went
by, things improved. Getting to know some
classmates made a big difference.

When assignments piled up, and when our

lecturer had us work in groups, it initially felt
uncertain, but it turned out to be a great
experience. Working with a group not only
made understanding class material easier but
also helped me connect with classmates.

Now, if I don't understand something, I can ask

my group for help. The learning experience
shifted from lacking confidence to excitement
about group participation. Looking back,
making friends in class made learning less
complicated. I feel relieved when I finally
understand how to fix something I hadn't
understood in the course.

SO WHAT? (150 WORDS) Thinking about my phonetics and phonology

class, working with others really helped me
understand hard materials like the production of
the English lateral and approximants. There are
also clusters, dipthongs and the english affricate,
these are the hard materials but I am interested
in learning it outside the class.

But sometimes when we had to work together

on projects, there were also things that didn’t
work. For example, we decided on things for a
project about PRAAT, but then those things
changed near the deadline. It was hard to agree
on everything, especially when you have done it
weeks before.

My friends and the teacher really helped me

understand things better, but we also had some
issues with how we managed our projects. It
showed me that I just need to set boundaries and
talk about things that bother me, not just stay
silent and agree on everything.

I think learning more about how to manage

projects could make our teamwork even better.
For me working together was good for learning,
but we need to get better at planning our
projects and it should be fair

NOW WHAT? (200 WORDS) Now that the semester has finished, I've taken
some time to look back on what I've understood
and what still confuses me. I've become really
interested in figuring out how PRAAT works,
especially since there are so many tools that I'm
not familiar with. To tackle this, I've decided to
read some academic stuff and check out videos
that explain how people use it.

When it comes to dealing with tricky topics like

English laterals, approximants, clusters,
diphthongs, and the English affricate, I found
this cool channel on YouTube called Crash
Course. It uses fun animations to explain things,
and I'm planning to learn a lot from there.

I also realized my pronunciation needs some

work. I've noticed that the Cambridge US accent
works well for me and is easier to copy. So, I'm
making a plan to practice every day.

Looking ahead, if I find myself in a situation

where plans change after an agreement during a
group project, I've decided to speak up and
share my honest opinion if I think that's the right
thing to do. This way, I can be more active and
clear in group work.
Summing it up, after looking back at the
semester, I'm making a plan to understand
PRAAT better, use fun videos for learning,
improve my pronunciation through daily
practice, and be more active in group projects.

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