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Chemistry homework

6.a) i) the outer most orbit of germanium has 4 electrons

* each valence electron of an atom is shared with the neighboring atom and
each valence electron of neighboring atom is shared with this atom. Hence,
the bond is covalent
* each electron atom is bonded to 4 neighboring atoms at the corner of
regular tetrahedron, so germanium is giant, three-dimensional molecule.
ii) GeO2(s) + 2NaOH(aq) ------- Na2GeO3(aq) + H2O(l)
iii) going down the group 14 the elements go less acidic and more basic.
Germanium oxide is amphoteric but slightly acidic. Because of that, it is
only slightly soluble in acid (HCL)
GeO2 + 4HCL ------ GeCL4 + 2H2O
So, most of germanium oxide will remain unchanged
b) i) K2O(s) + H2O(l) ----- 2KOH(aq)
ii) K2O(s) + 2HNO3(aq) ------ 2KNO3(aq) + H2O(L)
iii) Potassium (K) is a metal
Oxygen (O) is a non-metal
Potassium has 1 valence electron, and oxygen has 6. Potassium transfers
1 valence electron to oxygen. Oxygen needs to gain 2 valence electrons to
form full outer shell. Therefore, the chemical bonding is ionic.
The potassium ion coordinates to 4 oxides ions, and oxide ions coordinate
to 8 potassium. Hence, potassium oxide has a giant ionic structure
7. a) i) element X belong to group 15 because chlorides of elements from
group 13-16 react with water, giving off white fumes of hydrogen chloride
ii) since the chloride of an element X reacts with water ( and produce acid
solution) , the reaction that takes places is hydrolysis
iii) the white fumes given off when X reacts with water is hydrogen chloride
b) element Y belongs to group 1 because the chlorides of elements from
group 1 and 2 do not react with water, but dissolves to give a neutral

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